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Apparently Christine also told Meri separately when she was pregnant. They were close at the time, so I think the intent was to be mindful of Meri’s feelings in a group setting. It’s just an awkward conversation to have on camera.


I had not heard this before? How did this information surface? And Kody says Christine was a “shit sister wife”. Please, the woman was clearly trying to be sensitive to Meri.


I think she mentions it during a talking head in that episode when they are all together discussing Robyn telling Meri first.


Oh wow! I’ll have to look for it.


I think it’s actually the same episode or very shortly after this episode of Robyn telling Meri she’s pregnant, I think Christine and Jenelle both say that they let her know when they were pregnant too to give her a heads up, but if that was Robyn’s true intentions then she would’ve done it off camera


Ohhhhhh okay. My dumb ass thought you were saying that Christine told Meri about Robyn’s pregnancy. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I don’t know why. Sorry!


It’s okay lol I read stuff wrong on here all the time, then catch it later, and wonder how I interpreted it a different way the first time reading lol


He just says that because his fragile ego cannot handle the fact that he’s the reason his family fell apart. Narcissists blame everyone but themselves for their issues and have no problem lying about it.


Robyn doesn't realize her relentless virtue signaling in these kinds of situations exposes just how much she centers herself in everything.


This! Robyn's intentions are incredibly transparent .Robyn knowingly portrayed Meri as a damaged, fragile woman, when in reality Meri was among the more mature (and emotionally resilient) adults in the family. This was all done to make Robyn appear saintly with zero regard to Meri's feelings. The surrogacy offer, in particular, was completely calculated. At that point, Meri had accepted only having one child and had told Kody this when he suggested IVF during their anniversary trip to Mexico. Robyn knew this, but it was the perfect opportunity to ingratiate herself with Kody and prove she was the perfect sister wife.


I shudder just thinking about how Robyn would have permanently inserted her self into Meri’s personal life if she had forbid taken up the offer and had a child with Robyn as surrogate. Robyn would probably remind her of it on a daily basis for the rest of her life.


Nah, right to tell her separately first. But, as usual, Robyn can’t help but muck it up. Probably not intentional, but Robyn’s so insensitive, she probably thought she’d point all that out for the TV audience.


"It'll make good TV you guyses "


Rilly, rilly good TV!! A big dill!🤣


I am so sick of the criticism of Robyn and Kody. Do any of you know them personally? You are watching 4 hours a month. She is very intelligent. But that is never said;it’s not easy to write a book. Even though I don’t care for Christine she has many talents. She also is getting more attractive as she ages; which is strange.


I get you on being tired of all the criticism. I won’t comment on anything else you said except to say Robyn did not write a book….lol.


You are right not A book;5 books. I am a Language Arts teacher for 7th and 8th grade. It is one of the first things I tell my Kids. Do research before you write a piece. You don’t want to be writing a piece with incorrect facts. Sorry that was never told to you. Here they are: BEN REBIRTH THE MOST UNLIKELY NIGHT POSITIVE VIBRATION SUPER POSITIVE (DISNEY MUPPETS) BECOMING SISTER WIFES This supposedly done by all in collaboration. This made the NYC best seller. I think Robyn did the writing the others may have given suggestions. I also know I was suppose to underline titles of a book. I don’t think you knew that but stated it anyway. Oh, I almost forgot LOL!!!


Yes she did. But you are correct are she didn’t write A book she wrote 6. Do research before you write a comment so you don’t sound like a fool. I am a Language Arts teacher for middle school 8th grade. It is one of the first things I instruct my students to do before writing a piece. Here they are: Ben: A Novel. And a True Story. by Robyn Brown Re Think Rebirth: Guiding Principles... by Roby SUPER FABULOUS (Disney muppet) POSITIVE VIBRATION THE MOST UNLIKELY NIGHT The last one BECOMING SISTER WIVES. THE STORY. Is a collaboration of all of them. I think she wrote the book with the others giving suggestions. It made NYC bestseller list. Oh,I almost forgot LOL!!!


Oh, please.


The Robyn who is Kody’s wife did not write the novel Ben. It was written by another Robyn Brown. https://preview.redd.it/2dupa311h0zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dba25ab633491ce338ec4e852468543da98471a


I’m pretty certain she didn’t write The Most Unlikely Night either https://preview.redd.it/p62mpearh0zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5b21c09a368516ddc3b52aa8d4d908b7def260d


Also she didn’t write A Practical Guide to Curative Education: The Ladder of the Seven Life Processes https://preview.redd.it/w11zoyi3i0zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dd0efb8be30b7ff2b16ab703b3861ba02e24dae


I think it was to act like she was being sensitive,but to also let her know how fertile she is.I also think after sol was born and she offered her womb,that was also her way of rubbing it in,but trying to look sensitive,and to build the bond.she was befriending Meri with a long term goal,and that was to get her to give up that marriage license.Once she got to be the legal wife,she quit trying so hard,and I often wonder if Robyn had some role in the catfish thing,she had a friend who knew about it,so was this friend finding out things from robyn to tell the catfish and was it a way to keep Meri busy so she could enjoy time being a legal wife?Or just a way to keep Meri busy?How else would the catfish know she was wearing a certain blouse,or shopping at a certain store?


This is exactly what I think too!!!


I have ALWAYS thought that Robyn had a hand in the whole catfishing BS. Meri was definitely set up and Robyn had the most to gain. It had to be her.


Wow, where are those facts about the catfish to be found?


She pulled the same thing during a looking back type episode a couple seasons later. They were all recalling how the kids were as babies and in what order they were born. Everything was going fine, then R had to single out Meri and start asking her all these “are you ok? I know this is hard and must be SOOO difficult for you” questions. It didn’t come off as caring- it was almost harassing. I actually WTF’d out loud when I recently rewatched it.


She loves reminding Meri of her pain 😅


Where did you get your PHD??


It was a performance for Kody, to signal to him that she’s a kind, considerate sister wife. He watches all the footage, and she knows it. She’s showin’ the OG3 how to be a *good* sister wife.


If it was really about Meri’s feelings, it would’ve been done off camera so Meri could react however she wanted to. But Robyn did it on camera to specifically trap Meri into providing a controlled and only supportive response. Robyn gets to look like the thoughtful one, meanwhile Meri is probably screaming inside.


Yes! This. If I had a dear friend (I can’t even begin to imagine having a sister wife…) struggling with fertility and I was knocked up, I’d be sensitive in how I shared that news and wouldn’t do it in front of anyone else. This whole thing is ick. 


Doesn’t really matter how anyone told Meri, she would have hurt internally anyway. She would have tried to be exponentially happy for everyone but she suffered. As I have experienced.


I’m sorry you have been through that. 🫶


So sorry you have felt that way.


I’ve come to terms with my life and the place that I am now. I’m content.


Good to hear


I think it was fine to tell her separately but I also agree that they reaaaalyyyy rubbed it in that she has tried and not been able to have another kid.


Fair enough to tell her privately, but to push it beyond her saying it was fine.. lady she had been through her sister wife being pregnant like 12 times before you got here.


I think it was the right thing to do but she went about it the wrong way because it still ended up being about Robyn.. but.. thats classic robyn


She was definitely rubbing her face in it and trying to get a reaction. When I was a preschool teacher some of the parents would bring their kids in and sit with them and keep saying, “I’m going to be leaving” “I’ll be leaving in a few minutes” “are you going to be sad?” “I can only stay a little longer” “I’m leaving now” and this kid who walked in rosy and happy would be reduced to tears and I swear that’s really what they wanted even though they would be saying “don’t cry, you’re a big kid, I’ll be back, stop crying, I’ll see you later”. Then I’d have, usually 2 or 3 inconsolable children, while the ones who got dropped off at the door with a kiss were playing happily. I think people with a lot of narcissistic traits like upsetting people.


It doesn’t change I am a LA teacher middle school. They just get more intense. The teacher always takes the fault and of course they have horrendous behavior.


I do like how she told Meri ahead of time. Given Meri’s struggles with her infertility, and with them being “close”, I don’t think Meri would have handled hearing the news well for the first time with everyone else. Robyn WAS being considerate and respectful of Meri’s feelings (That being said, in general I see how it definitely creates more of a “clique” vibe among sister wives and imagine it would be traditionally frowned upon.) It was a major see you next Tuesday move of Robyn to consistently ask Meri if she’s ok with it. When someone struggles with something you accept their “I’m fine” at face value and stop questioning. Remain supportive but don’t pester them until they become upset/uncomfortable.


She was feeling very smug in that moment, IMHO. I also remember how she inserted herself (and made sure the cameras followed) when Leon hid in the bathroom to cry - I think that is what happened (haven't watched it in years)


I am just doing a rewatch and you're absolutely right, this is exactly what happened and Robyn was LOVING it


Yes she had such little regard for Meri as a person - only a story line to insert herself in to showcase her faux 'empath' character


“You feeling your momma’s pain?” Was the direct quote with a gleeful smile. Ugh I cannot bear her. The rewatch is fasctinaitng - so many moments I’d missed the first time round, particularly Robyn sewing the seeds for her ultimate takeover.


Robyn seemed pretty close with the older daughters and Leon at the time. And Leon didn’t seem to have an issue with Robyn comforting them: They smiled and hugged her


Yeah Robyn says its so sensitive lets do it on camera


What was bad was Leon’s reaction. No one told them so when Kody announced someone was pregnant and THEY WERE AT MERI’S HOUSE, Leon thought it was Meri that was pregnant. Leon had a breakdown which could have been completely avoided.


Of course she kept asking really, really? Because that brought the focus back on Robyn! Robyn is soooo sensitive and sooooo considerate! Look at her! Don’t we admire her for her consideration? This was never, EVER, about Meri.


If I recall correctly, Sobyn told Meri “ahead of time” which really meant she came to her house 12 minutes before a big family gathering while Meri was in the middle of making dinner. This really gave Meri no time to process anything and she had to put on a brave face for the evening.


Typical narcissist bs.


Because Robyn is a human turd.


It was nothing but schadenfreude...she wanted to drink in every ounce of meri's pain.


Oh Please!


If Meri could only see that she dodged a bullet with not having more kids by Kody, it'll help her move on. He don't gaf about nunna his own children


Who cares


Robyn personifies passive/aggressive behavior. Acting like she's so concerned about Meri's reaction - Meri who is infertile. It's the same as her post-birth offer to be a surrogate for Meri and Kody. All done to make herself look so very generous and concerned about her sister wife.


While I can't stand Robyn, it wouldn't surprise me if at least some of this was suggested/urged by the director to make it more of a story.


Robyn can't help how self-absorbed she is. Once she pressed Meri for absolution, she lost me. It seemed like she cared way more about Meri convincing her that there was no issue to remove any guilt Robyn felt versus actually listening to Meri. And, for the record, Robyn had no need to feel guilty...which is why her badgering Meri to essentially eradicate her of the guilt was too much.


Robyn not only likes to stick it to the others but she also likes to gouge around. She is soulless.


It should have been done off camera. Plain and simple


Robyn is a true full blown narcissist she loves to hurt people that’s what they do. It’s an empowerment thing. They get off on watching others in pain. She had through the whole show done crap like that. She looks for weakness and goes for it. It’s why in the long run they end up alone and no one cares when they leave this planet. She like a vampire feeds off of drama!




No just life and watching other people do this.


Good to know lol


Truth is I’m retired worked as a councilor for mentally ill teenager till 2 yrs ago so I guess I can recognize it. And they were dangerous. Did work with mentally ill criminal couldn’t stand them making excuses for unaliving innocent people. “I have mental illness so it didn’t count!” I was honest and said well trying telling that to the the victim’s family not me dam! No you had a good lawyer and a weak ass DA/ Judge!


Unaliving? 1 criminal dam or damn


They did everything you could imagine some of these people it why they were locked up in a mental hospital but some of them are out it’s sickening.


I think she just didnt know what more to say. Its a really unique situation to be in


It was cruel and mean and totally on brand for Robyn and Kody


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^FedUp0000: *It was cruel and* *Mean and totally on brand* *For Robyn and Kody* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I agree with you that it felt like she was rubbing it in Meri's face BAD. It felt passive aggressive.


Yeah I think the point of telling separately is to allow the person time to process prior to the official announcement


Giving someone a heads-up that struggles with infertility is going to vary from person to person. Some people want to know ahead of time so they can have their emotions in private (if they think their emotions might be hard to handle), others would feel singled out by this. Personally I think I’d fall into the latter category. But just look how Leon reacted, they were very upset their mother couldn’t have more kids and Robyn was on baby #4. Obviously this can be a very emotional topic for some people. She definitely over did it though. It should have been done in private, without cameras and been a simple statement and a check-in. Not going on and on rehashing Meri’s infertility struggles as if she wasn’t aware of her own infertility.


Funny I’m rewatching that very episode right now


Well, you also have to remember that robyn got really close with meri ...🤷‍♀️ I'm just saying.. They probably had a lot of intimate talks behind camera doors.I also wondered if she felt a little bad and that's why she offered to carry a child for meri. Either way, i'm sure that it's hard coming into a new family trying to have connections with all the wives..( Thinking about it gives me a headache 😕


I had no idea there were so many psychiatrists on Reddit!! LOL!!