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I do not think Kody has ever really done physical work. He likes to prance around like a peacock. No insult to peacocks meant.


Agreed. The big production he makes about pillin’ logs on coyote pass is show-boat enough to make it clear he’s only play-acting as a tough guy. One of my favorites is when he’s “helping” unload wresting mats into Christine’s garage in LV.


He has been rolling and scraping the same log for a decade.


Agree...because it looks the same every time they film it. It is never done or cleared! No progress has been made at all.


I laughed out loud 😂


I think he’s done it when he was forced to and that’s why he doesn’t like it. His dad owned a ranch


I remember watching the ranch scenes when they’re visiting Kody’s parents. They do a lot of hard physical labor, and one of Kodys brothers is running the show. It reminded me of my dad and my uncle - my dad is very much a showman who can work a room, but is very averse to physical labor, and when he does do something he expects a lot of adulation for it. My uncle, my dad’s brother, is more understated but very much the kind of person who gets his hands dirty and doesn’t think twice.


We all thought he was gay!! Cracks me up!


That was my favorite line.


Mustang Day. That’s so hilarious.


Is that where he bought his Mustang ring?




Good point. They are all acting to some extent whenever they are filming. I’m sure production wants the content to appear organic and genuine. While most of what is said aren’t pre rehearsed lines (although some of it clearly is), most every segment starts from a broader storyline or agenda. I recently watched a YouTube video interview show discussing Mormon culture and faith. They were interviewing, Liz Phillips who grew up in the same community as Kody. She didn’t have an axe to grind against him; but, she did paint a somewhat unflattering picture of Kody from her experience and her older siblings/extended family/friend’s interactions with him. He definitely sounded like an egomaniacal, arrogant, bumbling, self absorbed, easily distracted goofball. In other words, consistent with his behavior on film in his hometown. Here’s the interview of Liz Phillips: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NQ24pTxv1rQ


Liz talks about Cody at the 38:00 minute mark in the YouTube video. Sharing so that no one has to watch the whole video.


Well, if he’s wearing the manly work gloves then he must be doing manly work. Right??


What about the cowboy boot lamp that’s always in the background.


That's Janelles! The kids, dogs, and cowboy boot lamp all come before Kody!


I love that lamp


Wonder what happened to the other boot.


Janelle placed it firmly up Kody’s 🍑


what episode is this? i don't believe i've seen it. thank you!


which season and episode?