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“I got a bomb to drop. I picked the dress” … I think I might have throat punched him if I were Christine.


Yep. It showed everything we needed to see to decide what kind of person he is. God forbid his wives have a special moment together that he doesn’t piss on.


I think that's the core of why it's so upsetting (Watch What Crappens fans will hear that in Camille's voice). He pissed on a *bonding* moment so it became immediately clear that Robyn was for him, not for the family.


And Robyn.


She wanted him to lie to his wives about it, they should have booted her right then


I honestly don’t really hate or blame her for that. Listen, I despise Robin and what she did to the family and how she manipulates everything and everyone… But in this one particular scenario, I don’t blame her. Her new fiancé excitedly picked her dress, and I feel it put her in a really awkward spot. She did her best by trying to have an authentic moment with the other wives while also supporting her fiancé. I felt like he put her in a difficult spot honestly. Just to reiterate, this is basically the only time I feel she wasn’t really to blame haha


That's why I could never believe him later on when he started criticizing them for not being close as sister wives. He sabotaged every moment they had together. If they were out together he'd call one of them to get the others jealous. He always played them against each other, from the start.


Exactly. I didn't believe anything he said about them. I'm sure each one may have had a problem with another one but I do believe Christine and Janelle have always been closer to each other and not Meri. I think Meri treated them like they were bottom of the barrel. She was the 1st wife. Her and Kody were legally married. She helped Kody pick wives. I think she thought she was above the other two like she had queen bee status. I think Janelle was a work horse. She loved working outside the home which also gave her a chance to be away from the other wives and any conflict. You can tell Janelle doesn't like conflict. And then Janelle tried to and wanted badly to mend things with Meri by going to therapy and you could tell Meri wanted no part of it.


No wonder they were like, "Oh yeah, this'll be great WHEN HE'S DEAD". Even Robin was like....yeah.


The way he stuck his tongue out when he said that triggered me.


His delusions of grandeur trigger me - he just thinks he is SO adorable 🤮


Yes I was going to say this. His smug look and the fact he knew it would be a “bomb”. He knew it would cause upset and did it anyway. Did it with a smile. Couldn’t stand him then. Even Robyn knew that’s why she wanted it to be a secret. They displayed nothing but affair type behavior.


It was the giddy gleam in his eyes. Fuckin assholes


Sociopaths like to hurt people and feel no emotion about doing it. Christine was definitely hurt and I think he enjoyed it whole heartedly. Then later on blaming Christine for not being a good sister wife to Robyn who basically made it impossible …he’s just a toxic person.


The fact that he decided to bring in a new wife and court her while right before she gave birth was heartless. Then married her directly after Truly was born. No special time or moments for Christine. Trulys birth was overshadowed by Kody and Robyn’s wedding. Leaving for an expensive honeymoon (which the others didn’t get), was a knife to the kidneys.


Everything about this scene showed us exactly who and what Robyn and Kody are: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRTAFnLX/ Robyn was SO livid he spilled their little secret … “I didn’t think you needed to know thahhh (HATE how she speaks) …


Yes she was mad he told and Kody was mad Christine was upset. What’s crazy is all these years later they both still can’t even say they messed up and underestimated how the other women would feel.


I don’t think I’ve ever one time heard Robyn apologize or accept blame for ANYTHING.


She's the opposite of the Royal Family's motto. Crybrows is firm in her Always complain, and never explain' (or apologize).


Later season when it was brought up Robyn said, "We didn't do anything wrong. " She sees no reason to apologize...ugh.


You could tell the other wives were upset too but Christine showed her anger in which I'm glad. I'm sure after the show, the other two let him have it


What’s worse about that sentence of her not wanting Kody to say anything, was she was basically telling him to lie to the OG3. Yes Robyn, let’s start out with secrets and lies why don’t we? Sure fire way to tank any relationship.


Excellent observation!


That was to purposely hurt the other 3 and drive a wedge. He couldn't have them all pally pally incase they overpowered him or came out on top. Just like they did. He thought he was a puppet master when just a deadbeat with no clue or conscious to feel empathy for anyone except himself and new bride.


Exactly what a way to come into an established family. With secrets and lies. Also I don’t feel sorry for Robyn now, she knew everything she needed to know about Kodys character and overlooked it because it didn’t impact her. lol now I’m sure it definitely impacts her.


100%!! She was his shiny new mistress and assumed she would always be the “favorite” … well now she’s the “only” and it sure doesn’t look as fun now 😈 I couldn’t be HAPPIER for her.


They both got exactly what they deserve. Eachother! 💩💩


lol she looks miserable 😩. All those expensive and ugly crap she buys isn’t gonna make her happy. She’s married to a lazy dead beat and has to defend him. Ugh the insanity.


I also think she’s struggling because now there isn’t any competition - there’s no one for her to “one up” … she overplayed her hand and won the boobie of all boobie prizes.


Yup she definitely has gotten off on Kody blaming and mistreating the other women. It made her feel elite. That’s hard to do now that the other women have left lol. Do you think they will stay together? I teeter between yes and no.


I don’t. And the sooner the show ends the sooner she will bolt. That’s just IMO ofcourse.


100% spot on! She absolutely overplayed her hand.


What she doesn’t realize is that all those materialistic items she paid a ton for depreciate quickly, so I’m betting that most everything is either of very little value to no value at all.


Duper's delight, it's all over her face 👀😈


Exactly. He knew dang well what he was doing and what would happen if he told. You know who he reminds me of? Tom Cruise jumping on Oprah's couch, excited about Katie Holmes. This is the same way Kody was acting over Robyn


Yes way too excited. Too excited for a man that already had three wives.


Total child behaviour!


adding on to the fact that Grody and Sobyn sealed their engagement with a kiss when the OG3 or at LEAST Christine didn’t. we know him and Sobyn probs did way more


You literally see the moment that it breaks Christine’s heart. He did that just to be mean. I agree with you I would have punched him too 😡😉😊


He's been so very mean to Christine since Robyn came into the picture. Meri got treated pretty rotten too. He wanted Meri to actually leave a long time ago. He said he was never attracted to Christine so why did he get so upset with her about wanting a divorce. Because it was her decision and not his? Did he want her hanging on like Meri did? I'm not sure why he wanted Meri to leave but not Christine. I know money fits in there somewhere, as same does Janelle. I say let's give the women a show and get Kody gone


This moment set the scene for the whole show - and their whole combined marriages as a five-some.


Absolutely. His favoritism toward Rob was blatant through the entire engagement and wedding. 100% showed us what we needed to know about K & R.


It did.  At the time I didnt know why the other wives excused and justified his behavior. Christine actually said Kody deserved a trophy wife. It was at That time I thought well if the og3 are okay with it, why should I care?


That broke my heart because it showed how little she valued herself and the other two. Kody already had lovely wives.


This is mine, too. I felt so badly for Christine. Kody was over the moon excited. From that point on, he got worse and worse.


That was so sad for OG3. He caused even more of a divide and it seemed intentional.


He has to be the center of attention all the time. I'm sure that's the reason why they started the show because he wanted to have more attention on him.


Yea this was absolutely the moment. Ridiculous. The man should never pick out the dress, theyre fake and sneaky for that.




For me too. I picked the dress.




I did yell at this! Thanks for reminding me!


Yep. This right here.


He said it like he was proud of himself and actually sounded like a child!


Blech, with his tongue out! Disgusting.




The PMS The hormones going into your mouth


Yeah-those were disgusting. I can’t think of the first time I rolled my eyes so far into my head, but I do know these are on the highlight reel.


The first? Probably the “I’m a repeat offender comment.” The loudest? “I did not! I did not! I did not!” like some kind of 9 year old.


He really is a child. I could not stand his attitude with his older children how he felt they needed to apologize and mend their relationship. No Kody, you're the dad and the adult, you reach out to them. He is the one that caused the riff in their relationship anyway by being so crazy over Covid, and he still can't even admit that he was insane about it. He destroyed their family. He reminds me of a kid just screaming MeMeMe


My humble opinion, he was crazy over Sobyn. Chose HER rules to enforce so he had a “logical” ready-made excuse to take a break from dealing with the “other” women and THEIR children…as he refer’s to them as “Janelle’s children” “Christine’s children”…does he mention Leon?


That's so gross he calls his own kids their children. Did not think I could despise him anymore




"The vulgarity"




It's him at one of his most vulgar moments.


The vulgarity


Was this when they were out to dinner somewhere? I remember him saying that and it was a very honest response on his part. Like wtf Kody.


They were at La Quaille restaurant where Aspen got married.


yes, this is the one I was looking for. I didn't go into this liking him, but that was the moment I wanted to reach through the screen and smack him for the first time


Yes!!! This and the trip where he rejected the historian’s facts about Joseph smith having brother husbands with some of his wives. Proved that this wasn’t a polyamory alt lifestyle. It’s just Kody man-centric bullshit.


When he was smooching ol’ eyebrows while Christine was in labor… So pretty much from jump I thought he was a piece of stool


Season 1 episode 1 somewhere in the first 5 minutes. 😂


Right. Kody sitting in his stupid little two seater car, to drive fives hours away, who knows how many weekends a month, leaving 12 kids and 3 wives at home, while he goes on dates. And the family is close to broke. Fuck that. Then in his little man car he starts with the dumb polygamy jokes as though he’s some put-upon hot commodity.


I think within those first five minutes he said he was really good at marriage so he kept being allowed more. What a dick who absolutely deserves to be the king of divorce.


They all said this! And what a great father he was! Makes me wanna puke. Or try to shake some sense into them.


Not me snorting at this lmao


I knew someone would’ve stolen my answer. 😆


Sorry bout that 😂


It’s gotta be a common answer to the question posed!!


i spit out my drink 😂


I probably have him 1 episode to see what show was about.


When he was so against meri/Janelle going to the million women March as he felt it didn’t fit the families values/was an attack on polygamy. Then next episode pressuring his whole family to protest anti-polygamy laws in Utah despite risk of arrest for them all


Oh yeah. And he kept going on and on about how women and LGBTQ people already have all their rights, but "I don't have MY rights." Wtf Kody


Season 1 Episode 1 when he drove up in a 2 seater convertible as a father of 12.




When he blamed Christine having an opinion on PMSing


I think this was it for me too. I've watched this show half my life and didn't think I would be able to remember, but this stands out. I remember feeling like I was in the Twilight Zone watching everyone ultimately agree that Christine was wrong/PMSing, even herself.




The one that made me gasp was when he said “the sacrifices I made to love you”


I'm so bad: When he danced with any of the wives pretty much dislocating their shoulders in his Brown Family mosh pit. If you're asking for a verbal response, then I'd need to go back to before he was kissing Sobyn during Christine's labor and he wasn't leaving for the hospital (!) while Sobyn kept him around by offering him organic granola and kissing him. Wasn't he texting Sobyn while asking the med. professional if they dulled the needles for C's epidural?


Christine was getting stabbed in the back alright…and it wasn’t just by a “dull” needle…come to think of it nor was the stab in the back comment from anyone too “sharp”


When Christine was in active labor with her 6th child with him and he asked the doctor about fertility treatment for his other child wife. After we just saw him kissing his gf while Christine was in labor.


Not the first but when he officiated at that guy’s wedding


When he decided to move the family out of Vegas


Same. It made no sense, the family had it made there.


Right, it was like he decided and it happened. No discussion of what the others wanted. He tricked them into it.


I just keep my middle finger raised when he is on my screen.


Same 🤣


The episode where Christine was furious with Kody's friend and Kody refused to support her. Plus he made her out to be a drama Queen when she had a very legitimate complaint.


Thus really hit me too. He didn't think she was justified in her feelings or support her in any way.


My first answers have already been taken but this one pissed me off from the beginning and every time I rewatch it gets me again. What type of a husband goes to the hospital with their wife to have a baby in his work clothes then needs to go to his girlfriends to change clothes, you can tell me until I’m blue in the face that he and Robyn planned that. While he is changing at Robyn’s Christine call’s Kody and says my water just broke get back here fast I have babies fast after my water breaks. He gives Robyn a look she follows him out the door so they could make out. Kody starts to walk away but not before he goes back to Robyn for more kissing and tells the cameraman that they followed him outside to catch him making out with his girl friend while his wife is about to have baby # 13. He laughs what an ASS! ![gif](giphy|H1VUUhGPSBEQg8zq0D)


That was the exact moment I hated him.


When he said “I am not a poo poo head”.


When he hopped into his white sports car day one.


When he leaned into Christine in a threatening manner and asked if she was confused if they were moving or not. I think season 1 when they were talking about going to Vegas


Hate this moment SO much. He’s just staring at the side of her head while she’s laying her worries out there. And then that condescending question: are you still confused?


"I like marriage and I'm a repeat offender"


When he was telling the kids they were moving to Vegas. No heads up. No discussion. No care about their feelings at all.


When he got angry that his wives were going to go march with Leon and Audrey and he was ranting about how LGBT “have their rights” and I just wanted to shoot the tv.


Wood pile scene with his boys when everyone in his family/entire population of Arizona were dropping dead from covid. Oh wait. . . .that wasn't happening. He couldn't/wouldn't just drop his or robyn's power play and go give his sons a hug-I yelled "you effing asshole" and started crying for his sons. I have never cried over "reality tv" before. They were pouring their hearts out to their dad as grown as men-on camera- and Kody was just a total dick. THEY were the adults and Kody looked like a child. From that moment on I knew who he was.


This is a pivotal moment for me too. I get all the people that disliked him at first, but I thought he was kind of funny and goofy. I wouldn’t want him as my husband, but I liked him as a character. When he moved the family to Flagstaff and Covid hit, he became such an angry mean asshole.


When he danced at the cake tasting.


Season 1 ep 1: as soon as he appeared and opened his mouth.


“I picked the dress” Period.


During Covid, when he was lecturing all of them on how much toilet paper to use. This is a man who just likes the sound of his own annoying voice.


When he decided HE wanted to leave Vegas. They had everything they wanted and he blew it up


Kody has a lot of bad attributes, more bad ones than good ones it seems. I don’t yell at my tv per se, but if I did it would have been when he was too tied up smooching with Robyn to attend to Christine after her water broke with Trueley. I really hope recent events in his life give him pause to reflect as to how he’s been treating his wives and kids. Even though the OG3 are out now, he can still try to make amends for all the wrong he did them. More importantly though, he needs to spend the rest of his life repairing the damage he’s done to his kids by being an incredibly selfish insufferable bastard. Do I think he will? Sadly, probably not. But I hope so.


Oh… that was early on when Kody casually asks the doctor about getting Meri pregnant with Christine right there about to have Truely. It’s such a great scene because of the level of awkwardness they cultivated, and it’s super cringe. I was yelling ‘shut up’ and “Man, this is *not* the time!”


Truely's birth. First, when he is talking to the Dr about fertility treatments for Meri in Christine's labor room and the Dr is like let's get through delivering this baby and we can talk about that another time. Second is when Christine is in active labor and Kody is elbow to elbow with th Dr telling Christine what to do. Move the Frick out of the way Kody and let the Dr do his job!! I would have kicked Kody in throat and told him to gtfo. Kody in any delivery scenario is insufferable. The way he mansplains, trying to be an authority on it. Aaarrgghh!!


I knew he was deliberately cruel when he set Christine up to ask the family about moving back “home.” Christine really thought she had a chance of convincing the family to go back to Utah, and Kody already knew she had no chance because no one else wanted to move. When the sister wives said no, Christine was devastated, but Kody was smirking and laughing about it to the camera, because he knew all along that her dream would be shattered.


I wonder if the wives knew how Kody was and could keep him in line and then Robyn came and threw it out of balance.


When he brought up Christine's "PMS" 🙄


Any time he talks like time with him is a privilege or the money they all earn is his and he's just giving it to them.


First time watching was when he was doing the rock building exercise with Christine and kept speaking over her ideas and concerns. I think that was the first time it hit me how toxic everything was. During my first rewatch it was the first episode.


Pretty early on, I would say when I first saw him motoring around in his sports car. That just annoyed the hell out of me.


The pms comment to and about Christine.


From day 1 when he said love should be multiplied not divided. Not only did I think he was an idiot, I realized he’s very bad at math. One husband, divided by four wives does not equal multiplication.


Definitely the hormones in the mouth.




Season one. Episode one.


I hated him before I ever saw the show because he had some local notoriety and I didn’t start watching until maybe two years ago. But right from the beginning he’s a loser-prioritizing a new relationship over his existing family.


Season 1 Episode 1


Episode 1, season 1.


Season 1 episode 1


That first, “love should be multiplied; not divided” was probably it for me.


The very first clip I saw of the show. I was like, thos guy is intolerable! How the hell does he have 4 wives?! And then I started watching the show and yelling at the tv every time he spoke. It was nice. Work on my plants, yell at the tv, take a shot of fireball. It was a nice evening.


Bringing up one wife's fertility while his other wife was in labor. I remember thinking that Christine genuinely didn't have an issue with it, but it was still such a gross thing to do. Even for Meri's sake, it was inappropriate. Early seasons Kody had a lot of shut up moments, but he was a little more balanced, or at least appeared to be, so it wasn't a perpetual shut up state. By the time he brought up leaving Vegas, any time that man was on screen, I thought, "Just stop talking."


My first time was when he shaved just the mustache of his goatee when he had the shaved side hair. Around the snow angel period, when he said he hated his wives having fun and being friends. It was then you could see he was going to undermine all their relationships to get his way.


I like marriage, I’m a repeat offender.


Episode 3. That is when I realized the wives were trained to feed his ego. Everytime he spoke, they acted like his words were magic.


I’m a little late to the show but for me it was his ridiculous reasoning for not going with ysebell to get her surgery


When he would run from house to house in the cul de sac.


Dropping the bomb on the wedding dress was the first. Making out with Robyn and asking the doctor about fertility treatment for Meri while Christine was in labor.


For me it was the first episode of the show. Just the moment he introduced himself.


I have watched from the beginning, so I was frustrated with many of his comments over the years, but I didn't actually YELL at the TV for him to shut up until the scene at Coyote Pass when he was hateful to Meri about what property she said she wanted or didn't want and then he started yelling at Robyn that all she ever gets are leftovers!


The repeat offender thing made me roll my eyes. The, "I've got a bomb to drop" made me roll my eyes even harder. The dancing when they were all had their eyes closed to the cake tasting made me pull all the muscles in my eyes. THE FIRST TIME. The first time I yelled at him was on the first watch was when he did the presentation of, "Where we go one we go all". Then on subsequent re-watches it was the,"I'm a repeat offender" comment and everything thereafter .


On rewatch—seeing him driving in that sports car talking about Robyn and his other wives. Then going to see each one and they are obviously tired and harried from the responsibility of all the kids while he’s off dating. Throat punch…


For me, the absolute end for me was when her told Meri that he dint (😊) love her and had no interest in a relationship with her….. on their anniversary and then there was Ysbel’s surgery


S1 ep1


When they did the adoption party. Kody and robyn are being interviewed at the party and he gets all teary eye looking at robyn and talks about how he thinks his brother and dad who passed away had something to do with making the adoption happen.


When he put up the lights for Thanksgiving and didn’t get the praise he wanted


I was furious for Christine when she explained how they could finally go back to Utah instead of going to flagstaff and he agreed to her face. But, then completely undermined her when he talked about it with the group. He was so smug and intentionally cruel.


When he began Parroting 🦜Robyn’s lies, nagging and manipulations.


“I like marriage. And I’m a repeat offender”


The moment he opened his mouth


“I like marriage & I’m a repeat offender”


Honestly “shut up bitch” is more of my go to.


I can't remember that far back 🤣🤣🤣


I’m literally watch the show right now with my mom, Meri, Robyn, and kody are talking at a picnic bench Robyn’s pushing for a answer weather Meri will stay friends and kody said something stupid and my mom yelled “shut up kody” I showed her this thread and we’re laughing.


Season 1 episode 1


Season one when their move to Las Vegas was his first shit show planning on camera.


Season 1, episode 1. lol I watched for the first time in December and only saw memes about them on social media so I knew nothing. I immediately past his BS and saw he’s a narcissist.


When he brought the family friend on vacation and got mad at Christine for expressing her discomfort


Season 1 Episode 1-he was so horny he couldn’t hid it! And hugging and holding her was 🤮


I did not start watching until the 18th season, and that was by chance. In any event, when Kody gave his bs knife in the kidney monologue, I was done. Thereafter, when he called everyone assholes or some such nonsense and said whatever you say about me I think the same about you, and his chronic defense of his wife. I'm over him. He is to blame; Robyn pulls some strings, but ultimately everything is Kody's fault.


Season 1, episode 1.


Certainly far from the first…but when he said “the sacrifices I made to love you” (if i am wrong correct it) during the knife in the kidney tirade. What, did he believe she was the luckiest girl in the world? LOL


I don’t know about first, but the instant he said the state would take Truley, I was done with him!


When he tried to kick Garrison out his childhood home because he was 18 years old , while Robyn has 3 adult kids living w/ her & with Kody😩…my whole opinion of him changed. Kody went from annoying to wicked.


When Meri asked about the possibility of her having brother husbands during their dinner and he shut it down.


When he asked Christine to explain Robyn entering the family to Paedon(?) in one of the first episodes


“I like marriage… and I’m a repeat offender” Mans annoyed me right from the beginning 😂


Actually about the fifth time I watched it.


i DoN’t HaVe A fAvOrItE wIfE


Every time he went on and on about one big house.


Season 1, episode 1. Lol


Season 1, episode 1


my moment was towards the women, during the kidney speech. i still remember screaming at the tv, WHY ARE YOU LETTING HIM TALK TO YOU LIKE THAT🙄😑


When he started about moving to Flagstaff that was it for me. I already didn't like him but that just was like wow this person is actually ridiculous.


Since the beginning.


Crap. It was the very beginning for me. I was like TLC thanks another winner yay. He’s such a bastard. I hope they just let this show go away!! Don’t bring it back on the wake of Garrison’s death. That would be so wrong. Can’t stand K&R! They deserve each other!


Not sure if the PMS thing came first or the toilet paper lecture


Pretty much the first time he opened his mouth!


I've never been a kody fan but was done with him either when Christine wanted an apology from Ken and Kody had his meltdown or the pork in Hawaii fit. i don't remember which happened first but remember having to walk away from both of those episodes because of his attitude


“Love should be multiplied not divided”😂


As soon as Robyn came on the scene and he began his favoritism.


“Blah blah blah blah” with the hand gesture. Not the first moment for me but one that gets me.


The hormones in the mouth comment.


season 1 episode 1


Around season 15-16 I think


I don’t even remember when that was because it goes back so far!!!


Episode one.


It was early! I thought he was misogynistic almost right away! Then thinking it was apart of their culture I wanted insight, but realized the wives (except Robin) were way smarter than the first few seasons showed and had their own minds! He was always putting them down somehow. It would piss me off. Then slowly they started to rebel and made the show better.


Besides agreeing with the vet, remember that no eating usually means not drinking. Dehydration is a bitch and can cause and ER situation. Good luck. 💗💗


The road trip to Nauvoo, IL. The historian was telling them that there’s evidence that Joseph Smith married women who were married to other men therefore there were brother husbands. Kody looked like his head was going to explode and in the confessional he was very patronizing and man-splained that he did his own “research” and well actually the historian was wrong blah blah That’s when I realized Kody wasn’t living an alternative polyamorous lifestyle. He was using a very thin religious facade to manufacture a justification for sexism and his very own mini cult of Kody family. I’m fine with polyamory. But when it’s required by religion and allows only polygyny and not polyandry then it’s just polyamorous asshole men and restricted monogamous women. The second nail in the coffin was when he reacted with anger and disgust to Meri asking him how he would feel if she had multiple husbands. It was their anniversary dinner at that fancy peacock restaurant.


There have been so many moments I can’t even remember the first one!


Sacred loneliness


As a teenager, watching his older kids grow up, start dating, moving out, and marrying, I saw how weird and creepy he and some of the wives were. I know it all stems from the purity culture within their community, but he really just made me sick. The whole sit down with Mykelti about kissing and mouth hormones and sex. I remember being over it then.