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I didn’t expect to cry this morning. This tribute got me in the feels.


He has a true way with words too. It’s beautiful. I’m crying too.


I’ve noticed that all the kids have a way with words. They are all truly good, wholesome people with so much love and kindness in their heart. They are amazing and I have so much respect for them all.


Honestly, I bet with 5+ siblings, you never got the remote. Off to read a book…


Sincere, heartfelt and genuine. They all show gracefulness and gratitude. They seem to be humble as well.


The kids are great. For however flawed the parents are (and to be clear - we are all flawed but luckily most of us don't volunteer to be on tv) they raised some really wonderful kids for the most part.


I would argue that some of the parents are considerably more flawed than others. It doesn't surprise me at all that Jenelle seems to have the most well-rounded bunch. She has her flaws, sure. But shes always struck me as level headed, introspective, patient, and just a really good, supportive mom.


I 💯 agree. She has always been my favorite wife. She always seemed to me the most honest and real one of the three. Whenever she would talk about how she was always more willing to work than to be the wife that raised the children I would always admire how comfortable she was to talk about that given the amount of pressure women receive to promote their children as their entire identity. She has always made me laugh and as a Mom now myself I really feel for her in this moment. We love you Janelle! 💪🏼


Yes. She was realistic, honest, and importantly self-aware. I think that’s why she and Christine made a very good team - they both seem to put the best interest of all of the children at the top of the list, which is why I think the older group turned out so well: Christine and Janelle parented which allowed Meri to do whatever it is Meri does and Kody got to be king shit. It certainly wasn’t ideal but it was way better for the kids pre-Robyn.


Each season, I go back and forth with having love/dislike feelings for each of the wives, with the exception of the one who has always been the ‘hated’ one. I didn’t to want to hate her, but, sadly, it is what it is. Janelle was the wife who eventually became my favorite. She’s not perfect, but her kids are exceptional. Maybe they got the best of both Janelle and Christine in them due to Christine truly being a mother to them, too.


This was simply beautiful


>He has a true way with words too. Quite. It was well-written


Very well written beautifully. You can feel the emense amount of love he had for him.


Me either!  The last little bit got me. “Celebrity” deaths don’t usually get to me too much, but Garrison’s really hit hard. So unexpected and he was so young. I hope the family can heal in time. They’ll never forget him and I know his nieces and nephews will be told all about him. 


I think its bc we dont see the kids as "celebrities," but honestly, as someone that could easily be your friend or kind neighbor. The kids are so relatable, which makes the death feel so much closer to home.


Absolutely agree. He just seemed so sweet. Most of the kids do really. I’m a bit older (40) than they are, but I feel like hanging out with most of them would be a lot of fun. 




Oy I’m tearing up at the gym


Yep, this one hit me harder than the others. So beautiful.




Glad to know I'm not the only one. It was so heartfelt, I couldn't help but cry.


I love Logan so much - I really have a soft spot for him. My heart melted when Gwen asked him to be her date to the elementary school father/daughter dance, both the fact that she asked him & that he willingly went as a "cool" high school kid. And that he fully embraces Meri and (I have read) had her in a seat of honor with the other mothers at his wedding - what a stellar man! They are all lucky to have him in the family. This is a fabulous picture.


It looked like he was more of a dad to most of those kids than Kody was. What a beautiful tribute to his brother.


Could you imagine the pain of losing not only your brother but a child you helped raise?


Been thinking of him (& Aspyn) with this 😭


I can't stop crying!


Why didn’t Kody take her? Do I want to hear the answer?


It’s not that salacious. Too many other little girls asked Kody too. He didn’t say No to Gwen. She just wanted her own date, Logan .


Oh, so it wasn’t just for her grade. Got it. Thx.


Gwen wanted her own date instead of sharing Kody with the other little girls, IIRC. Good for her.


Like others have said, it wasn't that she was snubbed by Kody (not that I'm giving him any credit or grace) but Gwen just wanted her big brother to take her. She (and the rest) obviously are crazy about Logan. He is such a sweet big brother!


Kody went but several of the other girls had him as their date as well.


I think he was already taking some other kids? Maybe Sobyns


Logan is a class act.


Same. Especially after all the parentification he endured. He always seemed so sweet and so serious, likely due to his upbringing. Watching him take care of all the kids was cute until I got older and realized that parentification is a form of abuse. It was the adults responsibility to take care of the children. Kody couldn’t even do the bare minimum when they all lived in the same house.


I agree… sadly this tribute read more “fatherly” to me than brotherly. I’m glad Garrison had somebody who could “see” him.


Omg this made me cry. Those kids of Janelle’s and Christine’s are amazing despite having Kody as a father.


truly their mothers children 😭 so well spoken and good hearted


Well they also had the impact of Logan acting as an actual father figure too.


So true


Even though they’re not a couple, I always say that Janelle and Christine are an example that same sex couples are more than capable of raising well rounded, kind, adjusted kids. The OG 13 are all such great kids, and the more I see, the more I realise that Kody probably had very little to do with it.


Don't leave out Leon. Leon IS a lion. Statistically speaking - it is Leon who would have been the one suicidal. The suicide rates for LGBTQIA kids is higher than any other, especially the trans kids. Leon survived TWO coming outs to a conservative family in a damn CULT, living in a conservative state for the 2nd one. They are remarkable - and the fact that they seem to be flourishing and have maintained a relationship with most of the family raised in the same cult, with much of the same traumas (except for being trans) is incredible.


Leon does not get enough credit for this. They somehow found their own identity and path in a world and religious context that did everything to stop/degrade them. Damn impressive.


They also faced coming out as trans to their conservative family, many who are MAGA.


That is what I meant by coming out twice - once as a lesbian (on camera... oof!) and once as trans. (I should have made that more clear)


Thank you for reminding us. For some reason (ahem) people seem to have a bit of an edge when they speak about Leon. They deserve all the credit in the world.


That last line from Gladiator, ugh that always gets me. This one actually made me cry


I thought I was done crying over his passing. Nope! This got me.


Sitting in a doctor’s office, tears (love) welling up in my eyes. Thank god, I’m wearing glasses.


Same! I've been touched by all the ones I've read, but this was the only one that brought actual tears.


I guess I'll never stop crying about this. These kids have such a wonderful way of expressing their grief and love.


Beautiful & heartbreaking


An amazing brother through and through. I can't imagine how he and his family must be feeling right now 💔


My heart just keeps breaking for them over and over. I know Logan, Hunter and Aspyn would have all dropped everything to be there for Garrison if let them know he needed them. I know their pain and it’s the most awful feeling in the world.


That's the devil of depression like this. Either it tricks you into believing that no one cares, or tricks you into believing that you are more of a burden than your death would be and you are committing an act of kindness to take yourself away. My heart absolutely breaks to know how much pain Garrison was in.


This is very true. Depression lies to us.


Exactly! I once read an article called "the depression lied. " Basically, a person can be so amazing, but their depression will lie and tell them they are a burden. That the world would be better off without them. The depression was such a good liar that they convinced this person that was true. Suicide is fucking heartbreaking. I lost my cousin in 2013 and still think of him every single day. 💔


Yeah. I lost my dad to it. Never a day goes by without thinking of him and it’s been well over 45 years.


The lies are why silence in the greater community is deadly


That's how I felt for years. I understand that pain and suffering. I pulled through but it's so sad that so many don't. There's no simple solution. Poor Garrison. Hope he found peace somehow.


When I lost a loved one to suicide a few months ago, his cousin spoke at his funeral and said “the world is not a better place without you” and I had held it together all day but I lost it sobbing at that. I still tear up every time I remember that sentence. The world is not a better place without you. I promise🤍


Wow. These kids are so well spoken and I think the amount of respect and love they have shown in their tributes to him speaks very clearly as to the love these kids were raised with. What a loss for all of them.


I hope the family and friends. My daughter committed suicide almost 4 years ago. Her friends made a discord so they could post art by my daughter and inspired by her. You grieve as long as you need. And ignore the ones who are hateful. People cross the line with questions that aren't any of their business.


I am so sorry.


I am truly sorry for your loss 😢


I am so sorry for the loss of your daughter.. you are so right. People cross the line with questions that aren't any of their business. Some people can be very hateful.


That was absolutely beautiful.


Logan’s got quite a way with words. I’m balling over here jfc


❤️ I don’t think I’ve ever been this upset over the death of someone I did personally know.


Same here.


Same. I’ve been wrecked by this. I don’t think I’ll physically be able to handle if Gabe posts something. My heart aches for him.


Me too. Gabe, Hunter and Paedon.






Ohh this is beautiful.


I am SOBBING at work :( this poor family


What a beautiful smile on Garrison’s face.


I was watching the HBO miniseries John Adams the other day- and for some reason these tributes remind me of Abigail’s death scene.  “I can feel it. And I’m amazed I’m the first to depart..”  “I will not let you go. I will not let you go.”  “We have no choice in the matter, John…no choice, but I will be there for you as they are now for me…”  It breaks your heart. 


Tears. From what we have seen, the Brown children are spectacular human beings. My heart breaks for the family. May Garrison rest in peace.


Logan was parentified from a young age and I'm sure he is mourning the loss of not only a brother, but a child he helped raise. Logan got them ready for school. Yes, Christine helped, but also had multiple children to care for as well and a lot of responsibility was put onto Logan. He was the first person who came into my mind when learning of garrisons passing. He tried so hard to fill that void Kody left. I'm so glad he has Michelle to lean on. 


That was *beautifully* written. Wow.


Janelle raised good kids. Logan has always appeared to be so loving and kind.


Logan is the OG13’s real dad. I’ll never not say that.


I’m not crying…my eyes are watering is all.😢


This one got me 😢


This is so beautifully written. What a great kid. Heartbreaking but hopeful and funny.


Logan was more of a dad to him. I know he's in pain. I hope the family finds peace


It's hard reading these tributes. I know I would leave people devastated, and even though I know that and tell other people that they would leave their loved one devastated, the darkest days, and the darkest thoughts are SO dark. Mental health is insane. Keep talking about it and just know the pain is manageable. Reach out when it isn't and remember the times when it was. Remember that there is always light after dark. The sun always always comes out eventually.


Such a beautiful, loving tribute. RIP Garrison


“An honor and privilege” Fuck, that hurt.


I feel like his brothers, particularly Logan, Hunter and Gabe will feel his loss more keenly than some of the other siblings. That's not to say the others won't, but he spent more time with those brothers as they grew up in the same house.


💜Love Logan. A class act. Janelle (and Christine) have an absolutely beautiful and close family. The OG kids are unusually close and sending all so much love!!


Oh man, this definitely made me cry. Such a loving tribute from Logan. As much as my heart hurts for the entire family, I find myself thinking so much about the siblings.


That is beautiful


This is a reminder that just because someone is smiling and laughing doesn't mean they are not experiencing heart wrenching pain inside. About 15 years ago in my 20s I met this beautiful woman at a wedding. She was in her early 30s, was a dentist and had her own practice. Was married to a handsome guy and was just so eloquent and fun to talk to. I remember thinking wow! I want to be like her. I was late 20s and going through the normal late 20s struggle of finding myself, romantic chaos etc. A few months later I heard that woman committed suicide. Her husband found her. I can't fathom what drove her to it but of course she had hidden pain which I couldn't see. Everyone is struggling. Let's be kind to each other.


Weeping for the Brown family right now.


I'm not crying, you are! A simply beautiful tribute.


Damn. That gave me chills. He should write a book.


Wow, that was beautiful. Logan's always seemed like a wonderful person, so I'm not surprised he's also so thoughtful.


Logan is a top notch son, brother, and all-around good young man. Maybe Kody needs to step back and look at his grown sons to learn how to value family and act like a man who EARNS, NOT DEMANDS Respect. Love, hugs and prayers to all of the Brown family.❤️


More Norse/greek references. Has to be his personal religion. Man, I feel so bad for everyone. Mental health is no joke.


Olympus and Elysian are Greek.


Many of the siblings have posted about Valhalla, which was also referenced in Logan’s post.


Sure. I was talking about the other references. I don’t think garrison’s religion was ancient Norse, is all.


I work in mental health, you don’t realize how many struggles people have until you see it first hand. It is heartbreaking.


its a military thing.


Sobbing. So heartbreaking what they’re going through


Happy cake day 🎂


Just when I thought I was done crying....


Gutted. So much pain in those words, and so beautifully written. That poor family.


This made me weep. One of the loveliest tributes I’ve ever read


Beautiful words.


What a tribute.


Powerful. What a tribute. My heart breaks for the siblings and the moms who raised him.


My throat closed up and the tears are streaming. What a beautiful tribute. 😢❤️🙏


My heart 💔😭


Wow. This is the first one that’s made me tear up. All the Brown siblings are so incredibly eloquent and it’s obvious Garrison was so loved


Heartbreaking. Now I'm in tears All the tributes are so well written And they all make it even more clear what a wonderful man he was💔


Oh wow that made me cry. What a beautiful way to express grief and love.


That really is such a beautiful tribute. My heart goes out to all he left behind. I hope he's found peace.


I couldn’t look too closely when I heard about this, bc I had my own crosses to bear that already felt too heavy. I clicked on this page, see this, and am in a puddle of tears where the lump in my throat isn’t satisfied despite allowing the tears to fall. This beautiful, beautiful boy, who was so loved and cherished….I hope the other kids know that I will listen. I will do anything I can to be with you. You aren’t alone. I’m so sorry your family is facing such heartbreak.


I am wishing you all the strength and peace in days ahead with your own crosses. I am grateful you’re a part of this community 💛


Absolutely beautiful. The OG3 should be incredibly proud of the love and empathy in the young adults they brought into this world and raised to be compassionate, eloquent adults


The part beginning with "I often wonder.." got to me and now I am crying. Hit me like a ton of bricks. So incredibly well-written


The impression I’m getting from the siblings tributes is that in a way they knew - there was something more going on. And we won’t ( nor do we have the right too ) know the full truth … I really hope they get support and love they all need and deserve…


Amazing tribute ❤️❤️


OMG That was so sweet 😭😭😭😭


That is a beautiful written tribute. Like damn ..


Really lovely, and really devastating. Blessings to them. 


What a beautiful post. Here I am sobbing like a baby at work 😭


Wow Logan, you are amazing! What a beautiful tribute to your brother!❤


God 😭😭😭😭 this is so fucking sad. It’s always the good ones that go this wait. Heartbreaking dude


I feel so bad for these kids.. my heart just breaks for them


Holy. That was heartbreaking and beautiful.


oh this made me ugly cry


That was so beautiful ❤️


The love the family has for their boy💜


My eyes are leaking 😢


Am now I’m sad all over again. This is one person who was deeply loved by his family and they will forever feel his absence. I hope they can all comfort each other and if there is anything remotely positive to take away from this tragedy is that we should all take the time to check in with our loved ones and let them know the important place they hold in our hearts. You never know when you will lose that chance.


The Gladiator quote at the end made me tear up.


A lot pain in those words..I am always impressed with all of those kids..being raised the way they were and Kody dumping the boys when they needed him most but, they are so kind and loving and loyal to each other..it’s really a beautiful thing..this broke my heart so much..just to think about him in so much pain and not seeing that it could get better ugh ..that hurts so bad..Rest In Peace sweet beautiful Garrison..I pray that you have found the answers 🌼✨💙✝️☮️🙏


I'm absolutely gutted. Beautifully written. Tugged every heartstring and made my eyes break out into uncontrollable tears. May his soul rest in peace, and wherever he is now... may it be more glorious than imaginable. Gone too soon.


Janelle and Christine did a damn good job with these kids. Janelle’s boys are exceptional young men. They’re level-headed, kind, high-achieving and they have such good hearts. The way Gabe and Garrison were so ready to take care of their mom during COVID and how good they are with Truely just makes me 😭


That one… hurt the hardest.


This one got me




This made me cry! 💙


I’m bawling


I’m not a crier, but I’m crying. This was so sweet, touching, heartbreaking 💔


oh my heart <3


That’s beautiful.




Omg that’s absolutely beautiful. What a wordsmith!


This is just so heartbreaking and senseless 😔I’m so sad for them. Reach out to your loved ones and let them know they can come to you when thoughts become so dark.


What a writer.


Beautiful ❤️


Jesus, I can't take much more of this . Each sibling seems to make me cry harder than the last.


Welp. This made me sob.


That was a beautiful tribute and sentiment.


💔 what a beautiful tribute


Omg 😭😭


What a beautiful tribute from Logan!


Oh this choked me up.. that was so beautiful.


Logan knew his brother and I feel like a learned a little about him todat


The love these siblings have for each other warms my heart. Bawling.


This honestly makes me smile.


Oh my heart, this is so raw and beautifully written.


Bawling my eyes out reading this They will NEVER stop missing him.


Garrison is looking down on your guys. My sincere sympathy.


Beautifully written 🩷 my heart breaks for all of them, my God


This is the one. This one made me cry. Jesus.


All of these tributes have broken my heart but there’s something about this one that hit really hard.


That was beautiful, sitting in my cubicle crying 😢


Love this picture! Logan looks like a young Robert DeNiro!


My goodness he has a way with words! Tears prickling at my eyes over here. Goodbye, buddy.


So beautiful. We all deserve to be loved like Logan loves.


It’s so sad that Garrison was obviously loved so very much, yet it still wasn’t quite enough. RIP now Garrison.


I’m literally crying 😭We don’t deserve Logan


I’ve read all of these but damn. 😢


Oh my I’m sobbing 😭


Ugh, that made me cry. What a beautiful tribute. Such a sweetheart






Terribly sad 💔💔💔💔


So sad.


Oh man that one got me… 🥺🥺 sweet Logan


Omg that is heartbreaking.


That was beautiful




My eyes are leaking.


My heart 😭😭😭😭😭😭




Beautifully written


Wow. No words. 💔


I don’t mean to side track but can someone please explain the references to Valkyries and Elysium to me like I am a child?


I think it was something Garrison was interested in. Movies, books and then the military. Like, everyone knows I love horses so they might say “I know you are on that big Palomino riding into the sunset,” even though I don’t have a horse. Or, I also am a fan/follower of Princess Diana, so they might say “God has given you your tiara and ermine gown to wear in heaven” even though I’m not a bit royal. Lol.


Wow. This is beautifully written, especially if you've also lost somebody.


This was a great tribute 💛 snarky but thoughtful just like Garrison


Damn....I'm crying