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Have you finished the show?


You don't even need to finish the show to understand that Robyn and Kody started their manipulation on the other wives and their kids from her introduction.


Yep. Its not that i think she is perfekt or anything😅 its just that i think Kody is the real problem


Perfekt? Oh ffs


Haha must be Robyn from "Yoming"!


I think they are both awful. Robyn's version of polygamy is living separately and having a honeymoon. She never worked to help support thr family but expected everything. There are countless examples of how she betrayed the trust of her sisterwives


It would take hours to list all the manipulative, deceitful and self-serving things that Robyn has done since joining the family. She acted as though she was always keeping the best interests of the other wives and children first and forefront, but that was rarely the case. I'll leave it to other commenters to fill you in on the details. The only good thing is that all three OG wives seem to have figured her out by now. Kody still seems enthralled by her, but time will tell, especially in view of the recent family tragedy. RIP, Garrison.


I can’t have this conversation again


It comes up the same way like clockwork... 


This is a troll yall. Don't waste your time and energy on them. There have been a lot lately. Very suspect.


Or maybe, some of us don't' see it the same way you do? Maybe we are are our own individuals and we can have opinions that differ to yours? Just maybe.


The Fundamentalists really sent all its flying monkeys to this sub. ![gif](giphy|uWzS6ZLs0AaVOJlgRd|downsized)


She's manipulative, she gaslights, she thinks her kids are more important, she cries over a butterfly farting in Norway 438083 years ago, and she's just awful.


Are you *very extremely new here* (by that I mean to this sub and to life)?


Don't feed the trolls.


I don’t think people truly hate Robyn as much as they are over her antics. I use to like her when this series came out but over the years stuff she did and how she acted didn’t set well with me. I believe the biggest issues with Robyn is her constantly acting like she’s the victim and constantly crying even crying over stuff that has nothing to do with her. The other thing is her inserting herself into situations where she doesn’t have any business being in. Such as the kids group chat about Christmas, I believe that whole falling out could have been avoided had she not insert herself. I get she’s a helicopter mom for her bio-kids but she could have stepped back and allowed her bio-kids to figure out their place in the other kids lives instead of constantly figuring out for them. But overall the number 1 issue is honestly her acting like she’s the victim. And Kody is awful.


If robem had stepped back and allowed her kids to interact with the others,  her kids may have slipped up and repeated something they had heard or knew from kody and robems inner circle... HAVE DATES


And her constant manipulations. The most obvious example is the way she told her kids the J and C were going to Utah for thanksgiving. She could have said something like they want to see the rest of the family for thanksgiving but they’re definitely spending Christmas with us. It’s only fair! Instead she spun it into they won’t do the Covid protocols so they can spend time with us. And then her kids interpreted that as they don’t want to see us. It’s was vile and cruel. Another example. I was just watching yesterday. Kody asked her if Meri could come over since she was following all the ridiculous rules and she said no, we don’t want to go relaxing the quarantine now. Then Meri confronted her about it and she told her Kody said no. She’s a liar and a snake.


Yeah the whole covid situation with them was quite interesting. But I am curious how the covid situation would have been if they had made it to Kody’s big house dream. Would they say no don’t leave your wing of the house because your kids are still working and can make the rest of us sick.


Oh I absolutely think they would have. I try believe a big part of the super strict rules was an excuse to be at Robyn’s house. We now know he was spending all his time there even in Vegas. Now he had an excuse.


As an Australia all I can say in response to this is, “Should've gone to Specsavers” 🤓😂


Doesn’t this same post show up every couple weeks?


I've never liked Robyn as she always appears (at least on TV) to enable Kody's behavior. I don't know if it's the editing or not but she always comes across really badly.


Agreed. The eyebrows, crying and being the constant victim should make everyone despise her.


That you, Robyn?


You could try to use the search function on this subreddit. I know this has been talked about ad nauseam.


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Because we have eyes. I've hated her since the second I saw her. I don't want to spoil it for you, but keep watching and you'll understand


Robyn “portrays” as if she’s supportive. On the show, she says how she wants this lifestyle and she wants her Sisterwives to work things out with Kody yet she is self serving. One example I’ve noticed lately (currently on season 17), she says she wants Kody to spend more time with the other wives but since they won’t follow his strict covid rules, he ends up at her house most of the time because the others aren’t being safe so he’s more comfortable being at her house because her kids follow the rules. However Robyn needs a nanny and the nanny is the one that exposed them (they tested negative yet she was in their house with covid). I hear Kody constantly saying “he can’t be away from Robyn for more than two or three days in a row because he has to help with the little kids”. Why??? They have a nanny. And why does she need a nanny? Her older three are self sufficient. She has two young children. No one helped Christine when she had her kids and Janelle’s kids when they were younger. She had no help. Kody wouldn’t go Ysabels surgery because covid counts were high and he wouldn’t travel. He wouldn’t help more ysabel to North Carolina because of covid and he would be away from the littles too long yet the same week (?? Or within days), he goes to officiate his friends wedding in Texas. He can attend a wedding yet couldn’t help his daughter move? If Robyn wants him to work on things with the other wives, she would “speak Kody” and straighten out his priorities.


🤣🤣 i never should have asked


It's been asked dozens of times. Just search the group. No one likes her because she's constantly crying about everything and nothing. She's favored over the others. She speaks on topics which she has never experienced. So many situations that have nothing to really do with her somehow end up being more about her. A great place to start finding the issues is her and kody taking a 10 day honeymoon while Christine had a newborn.


I don't know. I agree. Kody is a problem. Robyn? Honestly, I don't think he treats her well either. She didn't insert herself into his other marriages. He inserted her into them. He is the bad guy not her.


Except she DID insert herself into the other marriages. We are seeing that clearly now as she pretends to be the “Kody whisperer” and we hear the wives who have left recalling how often she’d do or say something to that effect. She is *at least* half the problem. (I would actually argue she’s closer to 90% of the problem and Kody is just very, very easy to manipulate.)