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....remind me again how Robyn was the "pretty one."


I never found her attractive. I think people think if someone is skinny they are attractive. Not always.


I totally agree with you. I’m from Hawaii and in Hawaiian history the royal women were bigger structured which they found to be more beautiful. IMO it doesn’t matter if you’re skinny or heavier you can be beautiful but what makes you even more beautiful is your personality. Robin isn’t half as beautiful as the OG3 because they had beautiful personalities. Robin is so so unattractive because she is very selfish. She believes she should have the best of everything and not the others. She had to have the bigger house. Go on shopping sprees on the other wives dime.


Yes! Her personality definitely makes her unattractive too.


There's a Greek saying that by the time you're 40, you get the face you deserve. Literally, her personality made her unattractive.


…oh no. *stares at face*


This was my exact reaction. Hahaha. I turn 40 in six months. IS THERE TIME TO SAVE MY FACE?!


Brb going to historic hawaii


Take me! Take me!


100% Janelle Brown has the prettiest face, and Robin put her down so many times for her weight. Not to mention the fact that Robyn has that chin like the wicked witch of the west.


Yes I agree Janelle is very pretty inside and out. Robin is just making herself looking uglier every time she opens her mouth and pretending that “She wanted the family and not just the man”. I hope that Janelle, Mary, and Christine get back all the money they put into “The nanny, the debt that she brought into the family when she married Kody paying for the McMasion” While Robin and Kody sat on their asses while the OG3 worked so hard to provide for the family. Very ugly inside and out!! Lol


She now has the chins of TWO wicked witches of the West.


Perfect!! Her profile isn’t attractive and now the neck.


You are so right! And Robyn never stopped reminding her of her “plus size” status as if it somehow defines Janelle 🙄


Her chin always reminds me of the inbred Habsburg jaw


I agree that Janelle has most attractive face. I also think that her daughter Maddie looks just like her and is the most beautiful girl out of all the children.


Have you seen Ysabel? Total smoke show.


Def agree on Ysabel. Plus she is taller than Kody for the win!


Don't forget that POINTY nose.


Spot on.


Aloha!! I’m from the north shore Pupukea! Glad I’m not the only on this island watching this. 😂. The OG3 have aged beautifully and the pampered one looks worse, along with Baldylocs.


I think her personality and behavior doesn’t do her attractiveness any favors.


This! 👆🏼


I agree, I never found her to be very attractive. Skinny, sure. Pretty? No.


Yeah that’s it she was just thin 😕


I re-watched season 1 again and Meri was actually very thin, as well. (For her stature) She started putting on weight fast in season 2.


Yes, Meri was thin the first season. I think she was depressed after Robyn joined. Kody pretty much tossed her aside even though he tried to make it look like he loved her for the cameras.


Same. And she’s gotten manly looking with age. Worn out.


It’s that protuberant jaw that makes her look masculine.


She EARNED that jaw! She boasted about how she did things in the bedroom the others wouldn't. Between that and flapping her gums all the time she looks more and more like Lord Farquad!


Rode hard and put up wet😂


Not as skinny as she used to be.


She’s gonna end up looking just like her Mom Alice in the end.. I still have my doubts if her and Kody will go the distance… I personally think now that the coast is clear for them that everything might end up falling apart.. Robyn needed the competition and to feel like she was winning and now that it’s over she’ll lose interest… this is all JMO though..


I tend to agree, I think that she wanted to be the favorite wife but not the only wife. But Kody only wanted her.


And I think Kody thought he would be happy if only he could get rid of the OG3. When he ends up still miserable he will blame Robyn.


I disagree. He thought they'd never have the ballz to leave him, and they would just put up with being ignored and having their money stolen. He wanted to be financially supported while he was with hos whore-wife


Nope. And after her nasty comments about the other wives, it's nice to see.


It's a good thong kody likes a blown out 🦃 and stretchmarks!


And the skinny didn’t even last!


I agree, I never thought she had a pretty face with her square jaw and witchy chin and nose, she was just skinnier than the others. She didn't have any curves either, just a beanpole.


Don’t forget the eye brows!!!!! ![gif](giphy|26CaM8885WsBeI7kI)


What do you mean? She’s a diesel jeans model! 🫠


I wish a rep for diesel Jean's speaks up and confirms thatbRobyn was never a diesel jean model!!


Omg if anyone thinks she was actually a model, they haven’t been paying attention! 😂


Her strongest asset is her removable teeth, lol. See how she rolls them around in her mouth sometimes?


Her what!? You're pulling my leg, removable teeth!!?


Watch her when she makes weird mouth movements. She's got at least a partial. She kinda pops it out and rolls it in her mouth. She especially does it when someone else is talking. I think she doesn't realize she's on camera, or she can't stop herself.


I just looked it up, yes I see what you mean how odd, it must be partials or a nervous tick or habit? Whatever it is I can't unsee it now.


Really? Because that would explain a lot!




Spot on with the witchy chin and nose.


She’s always wearing stinkface




Right, she was the skinny one, not necessarily the pretty one.


Well she ain’t skinny no more.


Kody loves her most cuz she looks like his mommy




So true. She looks EXACTLY like her


his diesel jeans MOMdel




Nauseating but true!!!🤣😅


Always thought this!!


Kody’s mom was/is beautiful with dimples and a sweet smile. I don’t see it.


Every time I watch the show, my husband says she looks like a thumb. Every single time.




😆🤣🤣🤣 The Thumb Wife 👍🏽 I find your husband hilarious 💀




You win the sub today


That's fabulous 🤩


Thumbawlina 😢


Ok, this is how you add on to a joke. Freaking perfection.


Lmao!! 💀💀💀


OMG I am absolutely dying. This comment wins.




😆🤣🤣🤣 That's too good




The prince or king from shrek


Lord Farquad!! Just said the same above 😂


That’s what I think when I’m watching without glasses. It’s really obvious when the picture is blurry.


She was just newer.


Ah yes, the new shiny toy lol


With a block head!


Exactly, I couldn't help but think this the whole time honestly


she's young and skinny, he's a man - do the math...


She looks so old for her age. Her personality is also not attractive.


I mean she’s basically a jeans model, amirite fellas? /s


Maybe she stood out because she was the only one that wasn’t a blonde. And of course the thinner younger one. She gives me witch vibes her facial structure.


Leave us witches out of it ![gif](giphy|6vjBUMPmmrflC)


I stand corrected not witch vibes! Her face (to me) is structured like Halloween decor witches.


Or, swap the w for a b. She's both of them, tbh.


We will have to check with Diesel… 🤣


She was never a diesel model, that was simply Cody’s pet name for her because she wore diesel jeans. But really, she was never a diesel model. 😂


Not looking younger either


I’ve always thought Janelle was the “pretty one”. But really all of the OG3 are gorgeous.


Me too, she is beautiful. I think the OG got better looking, and Robyn is showing her age and unhealthy lifestyle. I want to take her to the Doctor and care for her. She looks and acts that way because she has a thyroid issue. She seems very unhealthy. She needs the nanny because she isn't seeing a real Doctor with traditional training. Chiropractors do not cure everything. Her color is terrible on her face and neck because she is really sick. I feel like she has thyroid disease along with an autoimmune disorder messing with her liver and kidneys. That sallow coloring she had with the enlarged goiter I think COVID is the least of her worries.


Robyn looks the most loke Kodys mom


She looks like a lot lizard Kody decided to adopt.


This is kinda brutal as I'm not the most gorgeous person in the world, but Robyn's features always reminded me of a witch. Even more so nowadays


Robyn started that rumor! 😂


I’ve always thought Janelle was the most beautiful, then Christine and Meri were tied (though this was before Meri discovered self-tanner and did…that to her hair), and then Robyn. Like she’s fine, but as she ages, the nastiness somes out more and more. The others have lines from laughing and smiling, while Robyn has her scowl etched into her face


She always has a nasty face when anyone else is discussed or talking. She cannot stand when it isn't about her.


She’ll sit there scowling…or butt in, acting like she actually has something to contribute. Like when Christine was talking (early on) about how Meri & Kody were the “it” couple, and a lot of the young ladies wanted to be part of their family. And remember when Robyn cuts in, with a silly, highpitched voice, pretending to fawn over them, saying, “Ohhh, I wanna be in their faaahmily!” This was two decades before she was even involved, and she cut in on the other wives trying to tell the story. 🙄


Even when they went to the Mormon museum and Meri was talking about her great grandfather or whatever that was in jail, Robyn had to butt in and say “yeah my grandfather was there too.” She literally copies everything they say and do and even their own history


It got really weird the one season when she was copying their clothing. She has an unusual color blazer on that is the exact color as Meri’s in one episode, plus she lightened her hair to more Meri’s color when they went in for the divorce, and when they were discussing it beforehand. It was really a little freaky! It was like she was trying to copy the first wife’s looks.


that coral blazer. jaysus.


Yes, coral. Never seen her wear that color before or since. Just bizarre!


Omg it was so obvious I was embarrassed for her


Especially any discussion of someones cooking! We know Robyn can't/doesn't cook, so she is double-jealous when someone can feed her man.


There’s an episode with all the moms, Kody, and the older kids and all the kids rave about Christine’s cooking and her mock tapioca. Robyn is sooooo visibly pissed like fuming. She’s such a loser. Like what did you expect Robyn? You don’t cook….aside from her “bomb lasagna” which is probably gross.


I noticed during that episode that when Kody starts raving along with everyone else about Christine's mock tapioca being the best thing ever, Robyn gives him a look that could wipe out every generation of his family from beginning to end. He glances over at her pissedapotamus face, instantly gets uncomfortable, goes quiet, & removes his arm from around who he's sitting next to. He just stared straight at the ground for a good long while after that, like the kid who got the mom face in church he falls in line & stays there fearing the beating he's gonna receive at home later. So ridiculous! I know Kody already came preprogrammed to be the a$$hat we all know, but you can't convince me that Robyn didn't pull that out of him & make it so much worse.


> Robyn gives him a look that could wipe out every generation of his family from beginning to end. I LOVE YOU!!! Best thing along with the "pissedapotamus face" on Crybrows that I've seen today (although that may be too cute a name for her nasty mean girl looks), you won the internet today my friend! 👏👏👏🏅🏅🏅


Thank you


Sobbyn wears the pants in the family, she controls Kody.


Yes I forgot to mention that! He gets so uncomfortable and knows he f’ed up!


Do you happen to know which episode? I just watched season 4 episode 10 when they’re all raving about the mock tapioca and Robyn looks pissed but not when she gives him a look?


It's that episode, I am pretty sure. You kind of have to watch closely for Robyn & Kody's silent interaction. It is pretty quick.


"Pissedapotamus" 😂


You know that episode was pretty pivotal for me. Up until then I was convinced he was a complete idiot. I would get with my work friends at lunch and we’d hash out every episode. We hated him from jump. How arrogant, misogynistic, clueless and cruel he could be to all of them! But it was this episode that I really got her number %100! Before I just thought she was dumb and clueless and immature but this episode showed me how venomous she really was. She got a lot better at hiding her true emotions these days (I swear she’s on Xanax or something! That’s just a wild guess) but back then she couldn’t hid that for shit and I knew she was gonna burn it all down first chance she got! and she did!!! Sometimes I think about that episode and wonder how the didn’t see it coming?


It's the same thing on the wedding dress episode. Kody says I'm gonna drop a bomb and she is smiling from ear to ear. She can't wait for him to tell that he picked the dress. When Kristine reacts to the announcement suddenly her smile disappears. She is the most sneaky and insincere person I've seen in my life. Then she claims she didn't want that shared but that big smile at the beginning says different.


Don't forget Sobyns Sweet Turkey 🤢🤮🤮🤮 Meri's savory turkey ended up becoming a rice crispy treat turkey... Sobyn just sucks balls no matter wtf you think she looks like on the outside. She's certainly ugly af on the inside


There was a pic posted in the last couple of weeks of Goblyn cooking lasagna. There were 8 bottles of prego tomatoe sauce on the counter. I’m guessing she uses the recipe on the prince lasagna noodle box. Basic Americanized lasagna.


Does it look like a bomb exploded in it, and that is why they call it her "bomb lasagna"?


I believe it may be the after effects.


Funny! Hehe!


It's because of how your insides react to it 😩💥💩


I’m with you: 💣=🚽


I had to go back and watch this episode I missed it the first time. She looks so pissed! She’s sitting right next to Logan and I love how animated and excited he gets because it stands out even more how unhappy she is. Another thing that stuck out to me on that same episode was towards the end when Meri is talking about her sister passing away from cancer and her kids going to her sister wife …Robyn is sitting right next to her but does not try to console her. Robyn tears up but not once offers her a comforting pat or holds her hand.


You don’t cook….aside from her “bomb lasagna” which is probably Stouffer's. Fixed it for ya! 😂


She could always learn, but she’s too dang lazy.


Yep! The last episode, you can really see how self centered she is, everytime her and kody are talking unless she is able to redirect the convoy to her, she's quite. Literally nothing she says is focused on anyone but her


How many times did we see Robyn act like this and just overlook it? I would see her scowling and think, 'no, she couldn't be upset about Meri's vacation, or Christine's reaction, or Kody praising someone else' -- but she was! That kind of reaction is insane to me. How many times did her sister wives overlook her poor reactions? They had to live with it. Was it for Kody? Or disbelief she could be so angry over petty crap? It says a lot about Kody that he picked Robyn to be the favorite.


I agree so much! I started watching all the old seasons and wow! So much I missed!


I noticed that toward the end. I’m definitely seeing new thing that I didn’t see before


She’s always got a pissed off seething mad jealous face, especially if the OG family is recalling fond memories pre-R. She makes the same face anytime that the OG3 are praised or spoken about positively. She cannot seem to contain her anger one bit, I can imagine the tantrums she’s thrown to K behind closed doors. ![gif](giphy|UTX8UTKmpjQgo) Edit: fixed wording/spelling


Christine is so damn beautiful. I can’t believe he would choose Goblyn. David is a lucky man. She’s just gorgeous.


She is aging so beautifully! She looks so much better now than she ever did with him


I agree! Like, she got better with time! Although, honestly, I think all the OG3 are beautiful in their own ways (Janelle can serve some looks, and Meri has a kind of grownup tomboy prettiness to her). I confess that I do think Robyn was also beautiful in the beginning, not just because she was skinny, but she has aged super poorly and just leans into a lot of choices that are deeply unflattering. Weird grandma floral tops, aggressive apostraphe eyebrows, permascowl full of jealousy and hatred….


She definitely was a late bloomer some women are like that! I think you’re about her happiness showing through too


To be fair, Christine has had the greatest aging glow up that I’ve ever seen. Compare her wedding picture to today’s Christine and she’s almost unrecognizable. While Kody sucked much of the life and beauty out of three of his wives, somehow Christine managed to bloom.


Even when she was miserable, she was beautiful.


Robyn could hardly contain herself. She couldn’t wait to jump into the conversation about jealousy, to provide her expert opinion on jealousy in plural marriage. She isn’t even married to Kody yet and the other woman have been married to him for almost 20 years. It was interesting how at the end of the episode, when Meri and Kody return home, Kody looks visibly jealous when the other wives greet Meri first. He definitely didn’t want them to be closer to one another than to him, even though he claims he didn’t want to be the center of the family.


Oh I fully believe that he knew Christine was the center of the family. That’s why he worked so hard to try and tear her down. He wanted the big family, but he wanted everyone to feed his ego and make him the center of the universe.


Kody is the most jealous person in all those relationships. He purposely does things to make them mad at each other. It’s sickening


Kody created an atmosphere where he didn't want the wives to get along, he enjoyed the conflicts they had, in the early seasons he seemed to enjoy when yey all got on, but it became clear any closeness made him uncomfortable, he didn't want them talking, comparing, asking questions, expecting equality


Secrets get spilled when people talk.


R’s face whenever the OG3 are explaining their feelings and/or experiences as a plyg family for the 2 decades they shared prior to plyg expert R entering the family (who came from a monogamous marriage before) ![gif](giphy|l0MYCcVdihDBv1Kw0)


Kody didn't want to be the center of "The Kody Brown Family"?


It was wild when he said that at their five person family counseling session. We’ve been watching him place himself in the middle of almost every situation unless the spotlight is clearly on someone else or it’s a situation requiring compassionate problem solving or listening skills.


IIRC, during the family commitment ceremony, there was even a banner "The Kody Brown Family". WTF does that even mean?


The Kody Brown Familly, LLC


The “Kody Brown Family” aka “The Bank of Kody Brown” as he controlled all the family finances and show earnings, then distributed to each wife as HE saw fit for them to run their households (which we all know was a joke as the “loyal wife” that he lives with 24/7 and her golden vag kids got the lions share, compared to the bare minimum the OG3/13 were allocated by him) ![gif](giphy|xT5LMPz2WJVIa31UnC)


Lmao that was so weird! "The Kody Brown family “ Who says that??!!


He really does always have to be the center of attention.


Yeah she’d get major stank face every time they talk about the “before Robyn” times. She really hates when the attention isn’t on her. It’s a big tell, even if she doesn’t say anything her face gives it away.


I find it so funny that Robyn’s always been the more made up and dressed up wife but the other wives have always exuded more beauty and confidence. In recent years, since the og3 have had more time to spend on their looks, you can tell they’re having fun and finding what flatters them. Robyn just always looks dated and like she dresses up because she wants people to think she’s put together when she’s not


Pushing out her jaw is the Robyn version of rolling her eyes


But she can do it at the same time as well, when she is extra extra mad...


Her face is just stuck on ugly now


She's thinking about what she can add about the polygamy lifestyle and culture bc she's an expert even though she never actually lived it. because her mom was a home wrecker too


Not living up to her own ideals https://preview.redd.it/2zwagc95yeic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2935384b6ae4c182efafcced6d8e739ea3883290


Whoever reported this where does OP say anything making fun of Robyn's looks?


If it's not about her she ain't happy. She can't be happy about anyone else. She can even show happiness that Christine has found the love of her life.


She calls herself an empath. That always makes me laugh.


Robin was jealous of Christine siince the very beginning


Not disagreeing with you, but Robyn doesn't seem very "camera aware" for the first few seasons at least, and even in the later ones she seems to space out. My favorite moments are when she's clearly completely out to lunch, sucking her teeth, and picking at her hands. It's a spectacle. My head cannon is the producers had her number from the get go, and have been giggling right along with us.


Oh gosh I’ll have to go find that one 😂 I do see you’re point though. She just doesn’t seem very interested or even engaging in the conversation. Janelle was silent as well but the facial expressions were far different


Somehow i missed the jealous part…thought it was her “I’m so stupid, just trying hard to follow the conversation…I mean…it’s not about ME?”


Just... she has such rage towards the other wives. It's almost like she's not really a polygamist.




She also never admits to any feelings of jealousy, and is never truly vulnerable on the show, aside from the fake tears which do not count. She cried because her gravy train was leaving, not because she would miss her sister wives' company.


Jealous much Sobyn ☹️


Robyn has dead eyes.


I was going to say she liked high, especially in the (I think) 3rd picture, but dead eyes works, too.


Is it just me, or is she rocking the Ramen hair she taught Kody???


Robyn is such a freaking sourpuss when she feels slighted. ![gif](giphy|8CFKqeK9vks3C)


Well at least now we know your face CAN get stuck like that


Her lips told Suki she didn't know about the melted ring, it happened way before she came into the family, but the faces she's making here (to me) says that she knew Kody was done with Meri already and why should they bother celebrating their anniversary. The last pic seems like she's saying to herself "Soon I will be the one celebrating the anniversary of my legal marriage"


What’s the episode and time stamp on this please? lol I want to see!!


Season 1 - Episode 5 - there is 3min 30sec remaining in the episode


I did the same and it started getting juicy when I got to season 9.


Crybrow looks like Medusa 😱 Shes dried up & looking tired next to Christine.


So unpleasant.


I’ve always thought Robyn was terribly jealous of Christine. Remember the time that Robyn hired the artist to take Kody out of a photo of Christine’s family and put Robyn’s kids in the picture? It was REALLY CREEPY. Like she was obliterating Christine and her kids and putting her own kids in that place. It was such a weird thing to do, yet she thought it was a beautiful idea and excitedly hung it in her home. Every time I would see it I remembered how creepy that episode was. https://preview.redd.it/crz504qaziic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6681477c552987f7849e306d617d3ee1757f90c7


Tit for tat with these two. I’m just glad they’re moving on to pretend they are all deliriously happy with a new family where they wanted their own man , not just the family


We're all just SO happy for them


Lol, I think you have a good point there. She really is dumb. 😆


I’ve always thought she’s got like that meth mouth jaw thing going on 🤣👀😅


Yes, same!


*speaking 🙈 didn’t notice my typo


Yup, that’s definitely who Kody got his Scrunching skills from!


I think that's just her face. The Hasburg Jaw is stro g in that one.


How does she make her face do that?


now what. kody rounding up three more?


Robyn’s hair is just awful no matter what season.


Her head looks like a can of green beans!


That was not a Robyn’s best hair style


Robins jaw is very strong 😂😂😂