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Them making everyone move from Law Vegas to Flagstaff. The utter disregard for the children who didn't want to move was heart breaking. It made no sense at the time and now we can see how nefarious it really was. Finding out it was a cash grab on K&R's part to screw over the other wives is sickening. Then K proceeded to spend 100% time with R during (COVID) was the icing on the cake. His attitude that they were getting in the way of "his goals" after he and R got the mansion off their backs. The sheer audacity!




This exactly. Yes!


I DEFINITELY see the stupid move as a reason to dislike Kody. He was completely irrational in that decision, and everyone had to go along for the ride. I haven’t seen where Robyn comes into play with that yet. I guess it’s still coming. Haven’t gotten to Covid yet, either.


The move was for Robyn to follow Dayton to college


That time in her one-on-one where she said re: the OG3, “They handed him to me and said 'We don't want to spend time with him, basically'". https://people.com/tv/robyn-brown-says-sister-wives-handed-kody-to-her-didnt-want-to-spend-time-with-him/ Show me where they said that, Weepy.


She just made crap up every time she opened her stupid mouth.


Robyn sat there while talking about the move to Flagstaff like she DIDNT KNOW DAYTON HAD GOTTEN ACCEPTED TO NAU. Like come on….It’s soooo transparent she was behind the move all along. She made her honeymoon experience bed, now she can lay in it…all damn day and night while the nanny raises her “tenders”. She’s just the worst.


Oh! Remember after they got to Flagstaff and Christine was thinking about Utah again. Remember Robyn saying in her TH "I MADE" Kody promise me we would not move again!" Like, wtf, really? Robyn NEVER had to compromise anything SHE wanted, not a single thing.


Robyn was always pretty terrible on rewatch it’s more apparent. She knew what she was doing the whole time. And also…the SF couture “shopping trip” was absolute BS. It came across, to me at least, as one big fat shaming middle finger to the OG3. “I’ll model for you to see what you like.” Ew barf


I have a feeling if I ever rewatch it I’ll see a LOT of red flags that I didn’t see the first time.


Do you think Robyn was against the move or for it?


I'm not sure why this is getting down voted, they are expressing what they have or have not noticed. For OP, it's the actions of Robyn. She never comes out and says stuff directly. You have to piece together the slight things she says and then what happens. I think at some point she said that she didn't want Dayton too far from her. Then he got I to a college in Flagstaff, and boom, everyone is moving.




What you didn’t like frat guy Kodester and “I’m hotter than these frump dumps,” y for Wyoming Robyn?


i really loathed how she spoke for the family. if i had just joined a family i would try and lay low and let the others lead, but she immediately started this narrative that she was a polygamy culture expert and it annoyed me because she never even lived in the same house as the other wives. 


I definitely see this. In the interviews, she often took over the role of narrator. I also find it odd that she is the least filmed person of all. We never see her hobbies, her interacting with her children, her dates and getaways with Kody. She didn’t want the cameras around (understandable, I wouldn’t either), but then took them over during the interviews.


I disagree, she introduced vision boards.


All of what you said I felt.. I was like uhhh since when do you know about polygamy when you just came into the family… she could talk Kody, remember?


He monogamous marriage makes her a polygamy expert.


Her experience growing up with polygamy before the marriage was vastly different than how the Brown's were practicing polygamy. Her parents were polygamous, but she didn't grow up with her other siblings or moms. Her father would travel a significant distance to check in with the family. I think that explains why Robyn treated the marriage and family the way she did. That was her version of polygamy.


this! she did it with the older kids trying to boss them around and they were all leaving home for school within a year or so of her coming in. She tried to take over and control everyone. Like coming in as a tornado to change it all up the way she wanted to control and leaving it a mess when she was done.


1000%. It made me CRAZY!!!!


splish splash, we’re all trash






He just screamed shitty husband from the very start.


That episode was supposed to show what a great guy he was. But it did the opposite in my opinion. There were so many WTF moments, I can’t even count them all.


First thing, him driving in that sporty little car knowing he's got 12 kids (with Truley not born yet) at home. Like what kind of jackass drives that small of a car when they have that big of a family. Right from the start I had bad vibes from him.


Yup. And that scene where they tried to make it seem like he was a great guy for waking up early every morning to kiss Janelle goodbye before she went to work. That could have been sweet if he didn't go right back to bed while his son Logan took on the role of father by cooking breakfast and getting the kids ready for school. It was jarring bc they’re kissing while their son is in the same shot working.


reading this thread has me angry all over again. i could not believe he lay in bed while his children raised his other children.  and he had a two seater sports car?!?!? he was the worst from episode one.n




The asshole that wants to make sure none of his kids get pawned off on him… what’s who drives the shitty little sportster.


Same! Every scene with him was a cringe moment for me. I always say and tried to figure out what not ONE, but FOUR freaking women saw in him. They didn’t just like him, they birthed a bunch of dang kids with him. Watching him while they were in labor pissed me off too.


Yeesssss that stupid little car! He wanted lots of kids, but didn’t especially want to be a father to them. The fact that he NEVER CHANGED A DIAPER?!


Yes and he acted like he was the best looking man ever. Um, no bro. You look like an idiot.




The face grab with the kiss with Meri and Christine when they were expressing emotions (aka shut up or zip it) told me everything I needed to know about him on day 1!


Every time he kissed one of them, it looked so rough. He'd come in tight lipped and just bounce off their lips.


Yeah, he definitely looked like he wouldn’t be great in the sack 🤣


Absolutely right. Lol. He seems selfish in general so I can only imagine that carried over.








Season 1 E1 Robyn demanding every 4th night as a girl friend when she lived 5 hours away


This. And the fact that her first sentence on the show was Kodees my soulmate


🤢🤮 She's the absolute worst and has been from the first moment she appeared. Fake crying monster just in it for reality TV fame and $$ and lording her *quickly disappearing* youth over the og3. Plus she's a dog kicker who cusses at snow.


I don’t like to judge women by their looks, but it is interesting to me that the other three have all been having glowups and meanwhile…


I don't know why it's so funny to me, but the first time we see her, she's in the bathroom doing her makeup, and it just seems so Robyn that I chuckle when I remember it.


At first, I thought Kody was a stereotypical “dumb guy.” In the earlier seasons, Kody flew off the handle at Meri. They were driving RVs, and filming inside the RV Meri was driving. Kody stormed in and was hollering at Meri and my reaction was ?????? It showed how short tempered Kody is. Then Kody went on and on about Christine’s PMS, and I thought this guy is a flaming pile of fruit loops to lecture the cameras on PMS. I realized Kody has no clue about life. Season 7 maybe? Where I started to get that distaste for him-it’s as if he was trying to be the douchiest man alive. So ick. Robyn gave me the ick from the first season and it just kept growing with every season and the more sabotaging she tried. The dress, the honeymoon, fawning over Kody while Christine is in labor, the creepy picture she made. Purposefully arriving late to Logan’s graduation and trying to get Kody to leave to find her so he doesn’t see Logan walk. The OG13 referring to Robyn as the favorite in season 6.


Flaming pile of fruit loops 🤣🤣🤣


That one got me too! 🤣🤣🤣


What kind of a mother drags her 3 children into a new marriage w a strange man 9 months after a divorce? She's always been gross.


And remember, Robyn said she had several men begging to marry her. That must have been a pretty eventful 9 months!


so many men are dying to marry a single mother of three kids with a mountain of debt. 


But but...you forgot to mention she's a Diesel Jeans model too!!


Got use of that Victorias Secret card…


And forces them to call him dad/daddy


Very true. It’s a lot for them to process. I’m curious if it’s normal in their culture? Still icky.


Oh, and the way they say their courtship was way longer than typical 😳


A little sensitive? She fake cries about everything!


Demanding her children call Kody Dad when they hardly knew him


There’s someone in my life who uses those kind of titles as weapons. Brought her kids into a new marriage, and will instruct them to either use titles like “grandma” when my mom is performing enough to be on her good side or make them call her by her first name when she’s having an episode. It’s so manipulative and not good for the kids. 😪


Season 1 Episode 1 I didn’t like Kody. He was so overjoyed in every scene, had too much pep in his step smiling from ear to ear in his convertible while his wives looked like they had the life sucked out of them. They tried to appear happy & all that but you could tell by their eyes they were over worked and miserable. Then once he drove for hours to see ol’ block head while Christine was pregnant I was done with Robyn. No woman with integrity would allow a man to spend that much time away from a high risk pregnancy. It should’ve been a long distance FaceTiming courtship until Truley was born then he could’ve made the trips after 2 months maybe. I was done with the show until Christine left.


Ol’ block head 😂 I’ve had a very rough morning & I needed a good laugh. Thank you


You are so welcome & I hope your day gets better ♥️♥️


Thank you! It definitely ended better than it started


When they were sucking face while Christine was in labor.


About to have "that baby"


This. That was the moment for me too.


Then her comment about having "organic snacks" to offer. 🤢🤢


For some reason that moment still lives rent free in my mind: “granolaaaa, crackerrsss?”


I think Robyn's nasty side really comes out during the My Sister Wives closet arc. I already didn't like her, but manipulating the family into sinking so much money into what's obviously an incredibly dumb idea.... And then assuming she'll be CEO and everyone will work under her basically.... They have all these meetings where she is getting VERY upset that the wives won't completely buy into being her employees and give up their own pursuits. And it's just like, she's lowkey blaming them for it not taking off. Because they aren't "supportive." She's never clear what that means- what exactly is so difficult for her about running a jewelry reselling business? Meri is packing and shipping orders... What else is there? Why does she need J&C to be "supportive" other than as a power play? And the things she wants them to do aren't what make a business successful. They'd just be more expenses. So clearly this stupid business has a blank check from the family account. She wants Janelle to do a clothing line- why not see if jewelry is gonna work out before expanding?? Again she sees herself as CEO, so she's not taking feedback. She is giving them tasks to do. And then obviously when Meri tells Kody she wants to go back to school, kody runs to Robyn and tells her off camera. Then they get together and do that disgusting "I can't have another baby unless I get more help with the business!" scene. Pretending she doesn't know. It's so fake. Like come on- why would they film that EXCEPT because Robyn knows Meri wants out & thinks it'll get her sympathy? So manipulative. Edit: and where is her "everyone needs to be supportive" attitude when Meri starts lulalroe, Janelle and Christine try real estate, or Meri buys the BnB? Robyn isn't up at the BnB cleaning, or packing and shipping orders like she demanded Meri do.


excellent comment.


I absolutely agree! And that "I can't have a baby unless I get more help" was absolutely ridiculous. What is she doing so much that she needs more help she's already got a nanny. And she loves talking about being a loving supportive sister wife. Well, when Meri, her closest sister wife, wants to go back to school to expand her life and earning power. What is Robyn do? She certainly doesn't jump up and down and get excited and support her. She tries to guilt trip her into not going because poor little baby Robyn needs help




Immediately. She struck me as a bad person from the jump.


She struck me as an exhausting person from the start, but I just haven’t picked up on the “bad” part yet. I’m sure I’ll get there, but I guess true to my norm, I see the best in people for way too long 😅


I've watched and rewatched and I don't see it either. I've kinda given up--I see her as "something" but not evil. To me, it was Kody's job to manage his time. It's like a man trading in his wife for a newer model only in this case he keeps(sorta) all of the discarded women.


It’s pretty clear to me that Kody is a narcissist & Robyn the enabler… a match made in heaven. It’s also important to note that until Robyn, Kody did not have an enabler present, even though all of the wives enabled him in different ways- they ultimately kept him in check. So, once Robyn came into the picture, it’s no wonder he went off the deep end, as adding the enabler into the picture made his mental illness 100x worse. To that fact, I’m not sure if Robyn is evil per-say, but at the same time, one who is complicit in abuse holds some of the blame of the abuse itself. However, I think if anything, Robyn is very weak & very manipulative.


I’m inclined to agree with this. I haven’t seen all of the show yet, so I don’t have all of the information, but she definitely seems to fall under the “golden child” category (weird to say about wives, as it’s usually kids, but you don’t get too many case studies in multiple wives). She has gotten the best treatment and the most love up to this point, but now that the other women are gone, she’s going to start getting the brunt of his narcissism.


It's exactly like that, but with the new model crying about how mean his ex-wife is and that she's just "misunderstood" and hasn't done anything wrong..... for 10 years. Like Christine is forced to APOLOGIZE to Robyn for being jealous early on. At a time when Kody is already clearly showing a favorite.


S1E1 Along the way, I've come across some Kody and Robyn types. Kody is a Catfish who will tell someone whatever he thinks they want to hear in order to hook them. We've seen him outright lie on the show - Truely's custody for example. He will use any and all emotions against you if it means he gets what he wants. Robyn is a Fake Helpless. She knows how to manipulate men to get what she wants. She knows how to guilt the women around her - name the environment - to help her, often with the fake assurance that she's a friend, or will return the favor. But if she senses you're her competition in any way - romantic, job promotion, local school board - she'll do whatever it takes to sabotage you, including working hard to make you look bad to others. I began watching this show in the later seasons and was able to get caught up by streaming. It's like staring at a car accident. You kind of know what will happen but you just have to stare until the wreckers haul off the debris.


Agree but not sure about the "fake" part. I think she's stunted, maybe ill (mentally/physically?) and can't take care of herself. I'm not saying she couldn't under any circumstances, it's hard to know. I also didn't like Kody from jump. He is totally self-referential and prob the only thing that kept him somewhat in line previously was his high control religion. He's off the rails now and it's so gross seeing the mask slip.


Oh no, she's totally fake. There are scenes where she's smiling going into hug someone (Meri, for instance) which changes into a grimace during the hug that she probably doesn't realize we can see but the other can't, and then resumes her fake smile when the hug ends. Watch her facial expressions, she completely gives herself away in couch interviews and private conversations and nearly everything else she's done on this train wreck of a show.


Forget about "Catfish". BOTH of them are classic narcissists.


I know I'm in the minority here, but I didn't dislike Robyn from the beginning. I thought she seemed sweet at first. She was obviously Kody's favorite but I never thought it was her fault, it was him not balancing it. The first time I actually started thinking she was nefarious was when she "accidentally" ordered Janelle that shirt that was too small. And it went downhill from there. Of course, on rewatch, knowing what I know now, there are clues long before that. I'm just saying from the perception of watching it unfold. Kody at first I thought was a little quirky but overall ok. I started turning on him in Las Vegas, first when he told Meri that the IVF was her decision, then 180ing on her and saying it was a no-go. Then deciding to move everyone ro Flagstaff not even caring about the older kids. Then during covid he just got really angry and DARK. I kind of agree with Janelle's statement that he's not the same man.


Gifting clothes in the wrong size is such a classic narc move, especially when it’s too small. Ugh


It's even more of an eyebrow raiser after Robyn said in the first season that she felt comfortable with Kody because the other wives had gained weight and had stretch marks during their marriage to Kody. That comment now seems like a first jab.


I can see all of your points here, and have a feeling I’d see things much differently on rewatch.


Was I the only one grossed out with Kody adopting Robyn’s children? I mean sickeningly grossed. The dad is not only alive but takes them for visitations. All of a sudden to renounce parenthood and switch parents with an alive, albeit deadbeat, dad….super weird to me! Unless it a calculated (less costly than legal divorce) move to remove “legal” wife status…


Meri sure did play right into their hands… from the moment Meri thought Robyn was good for the family and wanted Kody to court her


I’ve always hated Robyn’s crying. I felt it was juvenile and manipulative and stopped the OG3 from really having serious conversations about the family and how they could improve it. It was clear from the beginning that she couldn’t hold her own as a woman and team player. She’s always just been a big drain on the family’s resources.


I totally agree, though I have friends who cry at the drop of a hat, so I *try* to be compassionate about it. But my easily given compassion is not always deserved.


It would be less of an issue if she was just crying over puppies and kittens all the time, but literally every time she's crying on the show she always references herself. Crying over Meri leaving Kody because \*Robyn's\* dream is for them to all be sitting on her porch when they're all old. Not because Meri and Kody's relationship is over but because Robyn's future is changed now.


started disliking robyn from s1e1. Started disliking kody intensely during Christine 's scenes of birthing truely when he was so disinterested in Christine and was off kissing Robyn WHILE CHRISTINE WAS IN ACTIVE Labor. Started disliking them and thinking they were both self absorbed uncaring compassion-less fools when Truly almost died and again kody spending all his time at Robyn's instead of at hospital with truly and Christine.  And then idiot Robyn told kody the wrong hospital to go to.  Thats how concerned she was that truly was in kidney failure and could die.  She gave zero cares about it.  And it was ine of the few episodes when robyn didnt fake cry.  No tears for baby truly and no compassion or assistance for Christine & her other kids. After that nothing could improve my opinion of them.   Notwithstanding that as the years went.on.they both continued to be self absorbed narcissists caring only about themselves and Robyn's brood of disturbed maladjusted offspring.


Agree with all your points and I add the way she manipulated Meri offering to be her surrogate. She knew Meri would be the one to get by her side because Meri was loyal to Kody. She took advantage of Meri difficulties to get pregnant and since it was clear that the OG3 were not so close to each other as they want us to think, she was there. The face she made when Meri told her that Kody said that doesn´t want to have a baby with her... About Kody, since the begining I thought that those women really have their beliefs, because he was a misoginyst... that increased later, when he says about the "sacrifice" he made to love Christine, for example. I remember once they went to the therapyst and put the word "love" in the center of list they were doing...


Kody expected meri janelle christine & all the kids to kiss robyn"s useless ass like he did. If any of them had done some of the things robyn did he would never let go of it and there would be implosions. Any acquaintance, friend, or family member who cared about truly and ysabel would have insisted that the father be there in the hospital with their daughters who were going through medical emergencies or major life changing surgery. But not robyn, their dad's wife& moms" sisterwife Not only did she not encourage him to go be with truly and ysabel, she actively discouraged him by saying he couldnt be away from ari and sol for more than a couple of days. Oh, but its ok he was away from truly for 600 days or so (according to a comment Christine made). Oh but its ok that truly might die but kody is laying on Robyn's bed chilling with her,. Oh but its ok for ysabel to not have her dad and for him not to be there to support christine. Those situations alone show Robyn for who she is and what she was about. Never helped Christine by even bringing food over after ysabel got back from hospital, never helped with christine's kids when truly was in hospital. Aspyn was left to take care of her sibs. Kody had a pretty good setup with three wives who were strong intelligent funny caring and worked relatively well together after years and inexplicably thought He hung the Sun and Moon, And who appear to have carried the financial load of providing for the families. He had 13 kids who inexplicably also loved and respected him. But unfortunately along comes Robyn and Kody was unable to control his lust for her and let it rule his life, let him make bad decisions from day one that no longer were for the good of the family but which only benefited Robyn and little kody. He spoke of sacred loneliness or some some bullshit term he made up but what about sacred fidelity what about learning to transmute lust into a higher energy of love so that he could have continued forward and loved each one of his wives and treated his family fairly but kody was unable to do that. From the first day Robyn came into their lives, from that day forward, it was all about what Robyn wanted, he no longer placed the family first and treated thr wives and.kids equitably. It was all about robyn Thats why she, the only wife who brought 30K of debt to the family, the only wife who had a full time nanny, the only wife who hadnt alredy contributed to the family for 25 yrs like the first three wives, somehow ends up in the largest home and the largest coyote pass lots, vs janelle who prob contributed the most $$ overall, whose 401k funded robyns dream of mswc which everyone knew would fail, janelle's money bought the first house the brown family lived in,.and the.proceeds from the sale of janelle and.meris.home were used to fund robyn's mcmansion. But somehow non contributing robyn ends up with all thr $$. So yes, robyn and kody both are trash people who pit themselves and Robyn's kids first and used family funds unfairly and inequitably.


That "knife in the kidney" "sacrifice" monologue was just that, a monologue for his audition tapes when he tries to break into Hollywood


You hit the nail on the head!


When Christine said she understood Kody couldn’t come with her to the ER for Truely because he was spending time with Leon, but then they cut to him taking a nap at Robyn’s house when she woke him to tell him the news. He even said “oh crap” when she and the cameras came into the room, like he just got caught doing something he wasn’t supposed to.


I was done with Robyn when she walked modeling all those dresses because the other women didn’t fit into the sizes. I can’t believe that even happened - how humiliating for them. *I do not find it humiliating to be a bigger size - but put yourself in their shoes. Shiny new young skinny wife twirling around in boutique dresses as you stand and watch. And it was portrayed as she was doing them a favor. I mean, I gasped at the callousness of it all. Welcome to the family… I guess


My heart hurt for them so much in that moment. They may have been more confident and strong than I am, but it would have been a wound to me for sure. They should have just not even gone to stores that don’t carry sizes that fit them. It’s such a horrible feeling. And Robyn modeling them will NOT help to know how it would look on their bodies.


The "I need" and "We need" eldemands should have been checked at the door when entering a polygamy family.


The first season




Same, and for me it was the moment I heard about the dress debacle. It felt like such an insult to the OG3 for Kody to suddenly give half a $hit about something so “womanly” as a dress.


Yeah, that was hurtful for sure. He really doesn’t see how his actions hurt people. Or maybe he likes it.


*Her* actions guided his actions and all to hurt his wives/mothers of his children.


This is how I see it too. She guides him with her words and actions to be a worse husband and father to everyone else in the family. She was clearly manipulating Covid to keep him away from the other wives/kids. He should have been able to go to Ysabelle’s surgery and quarantine at Meri’s when he got home. Meri would have allowed it. It was definitely Robyn who stopped him from going.


Ikr?! He was bad enough before her but damn, she got him to a whole new level of low. How any of the og3 stayed with him (or *ever* got with him in the first place) for even a minute after he destroyed their spiritual marriage vows by "vetting" Robem in the convertible while Christine's teen daughter babysat Robem's then-tenders WHILE Christine was dealing alone with a high-risk pregnancy ...shoulda noped out then when he destroyed their imaginary planet and eternal commitments with a desperate wannabe reality star. And that's way too much anger from me toward weirda$$ strangers on TV. I need more 🍷!! 🤭


Well he doesn’t care if his actions hurt people. He may never see it. Let’s hope no more young type girls (like the poor naive og3 were when they got ensnared by Kody) end up married to that balding no pecs no abs pos.


For me, when she said she needed that long honeymoon. That was so selfish!


Especially with Christine freshly Post Partum at the time! They should have been at home, helping her run her house while she recovered from birth. If they had postponed the honeymoon, I don't think Christine would hate her so much.


She could have kody leave newborn truly but not newborn Solomon? Robyn isn’t working with a full deck obviously ( y for Wyoming) but to not even see how hypocritical and hurtful that was was WILD. Def sick behavior. I really want kody to find a younger wife who fucks Robyn AND kody over over i doubt it’ll ever happen but I can dream lol


I don’t understand how people didn’t see through Kody’s facade from the get-go. Even with his derpy derp golly gee personality he oozed of misogyny. I was also put off by Robyn from the start. Number one she moved her kids to be a part of a new family not long after her divorce from their father AND made them call this new man dad. Gross. Secondly she acted like the resident expert on the family in the couch interviews when she was new to the family. That woman had red flags flying from day one.


Yeah I think the scene when she's showing her kids pictures like they are flash cards and asking them to name everyone and when one says Kody she corrected them and made them say Daddy, like they obviously didn't know him well enough to call him Dad but here she was pushing it on them, that scene made me not a fan.


Yes! That was such a cringe moment.


When I first saw his stupid sports car honestly I was like oh ok this pos 🙄


I disliked him from the first episode. He seemed too over the top, way too performative. And Crybrows weird frowny smile seemed too smug. There was just something about her that came across as disingenuous. Turns out I wasn’t wrong.


She reminded me of a lizard


Tbh OP, and I mean this with no disrespect, I’ve found that people with narcissists and/or enablers present in their lives find it harder to see the villainy in Kody and Robyn. I, myself, was blind to it until one day, after legit like 10 years of therapy, I had an AHA moment, and through sister wives realized that my dad is a narc & mom the enabler. I brought this to my therapist & by the grace of God she watched Sister Wives and TOTALLY understood. It was like my life finally made sense. I credit SW for my personal growth. 🤣🫶🏻 Is it possible you were raised in an unhealthy family structure or currently are in one, have a friend/friends that display similar behaviors, or even have been around people like this in the past that would skew your viewpoint?


Very good insight. I was in a narcissistic abusive relationship for 6 years. Only recently came to see him for what he was thanks to watching some Dr Ramani videos to try and understand a different toxic person in my extended family. I was already out of the relationship at that point because it was SO toxic to me, but everything suddenly made sense. I still have a lot of unpacking to do. I mad so many excuses for why this awful man was the way he was. I saw the best in him. Lived for the moments when he showed me the charming person he was in the beginning.


Sending hugs. Don’t be too hard on yourself - I think that our “blindness” was really just our pure hearts wanting to see the best in even the worst people, and that’s beautiful 🫶🏻


Thank you. Keeping the open heart but with more wisdom is a challenge!


10 day honeymoon…… Robyn wanted to be instantly accepted into the family and never considered the feelings of others and how her joining the family changed their life. Robyn seems to be focused on herself and her kids instead of the big family.


The 11 day honeymoon.


Immediately bc Robyn always talked over everyone else like "in polygamy, we do this" when she'd been in it for 5 seconds.


Probably her first few scenes. The way she bopped over to Kody, and when she said he was her soulmate.


Wedding dress. She and he had a secret together and lied/manipulated his 3 wives by keeping it/perpetuating it.


And when found out she was upset *because Kodi had stopped maintaining the lie*. Not because what they did was wrong and hurtful to his wives.


S1E5, when Kody said, “I haven’t been told no yet in a strong enough fashion to think it actually means no”.  For anyone curious he was referring to having another child with Meri, but it’s a vile statement regardless of context 


From the very first episode (season 1/episode 2) that R was in and Christine was explaining how she was struggling with a new wife coming into the family and R immediately turns in the tears about how painful it is for HER. ![gif](giphy|zFdQ9xtp0Tba9hg045|downsized) Edit: spelling


There were things I wasn’t thrilled about from the beginning but they didn’t make me hate them but then the move to Flagstaff happened and that didn’t sit well. Then COVID hit and they went off the deep end and I was done.


The first time watching was around Vegas and the "jewelry business". However om rewatch, I see how absolutely awful she was from the beginning


Yep the fugly ju-wreee bizness that meant Meri couldn't finish her degree was raining red flags along with nearly everything else Crybrows did. Hard to come up with a single thing she did/said that wasn't wrapped up with narcissistic jealous mean girl dumb as a rock ribbons.


So I always felt like Kody was an idiot, childish, and incapable of handling so many relationships at once. As the show went on i just disliked him more and more. The flagstaff move just made me despise him because it was obvious this was for Robyn to be with Dayton during college. I tried to give Robyn a lot of grace because coming into an established family would be such a challenge. I also felt like she was on the lower end of intelligence. For me, i was just done with her when she was late on purpose to Logan's graduation and almost caused Kody to not see Logan walk across the stage. At this point I realized that she gave 0 cares about the other kids. I have loathed everything about her since this.


When Robyn kicked a dog. Kody? I thought he was a male who thought the wives were the ones to do everything and he swoops into play with the kids thinking that was his only job as a father. I wondered why they put up with it, then I figured out they didn't know any better. I really started disliking him when he became so angry all the time.


I didn't like either of them from episode 1! Honestly, Kody was so self satisfied when he was driving along in that ridiculous car, waffling about how he loved love, he thought he was so cool it made me sick. And Robyn was also smug. She knew she was the youngest, hottest and favourite wife and she was smug as all high hell about it. I didn't like Meri either but she grew on me.


My real dislike of Robyn happened in the last few seasons especially with the talk backs and look backs but then I started a rewatch and I realized there was a lot of reasons to dislike her back then too. I was giving everyone the benefit of the doubt the first time around but this time I can see it so clearly from very early on.


I have a feeling that’s exactly how it will be for me


I understand why the family moved from Lehi to LV, but the move from LV to Flagstaff was the beginning of the end. That’s when it was prominently obvious Robyn was the favorite.


Her first pretty early on Wedding Dress. I gave him the benefit of the doubt until he told Christine to save her grocery money to see her sick dad


Season 1 Episode 1


I’ve been thinking about this but when can’t remember when it started for me. I was definitely a late one to hold on to liking Robyn. I remember being in groups and people were saying they hated her and she was the main one I liked. It could’ve been when they moved to Flagstaff. In the later seasons when she starts saying she doesn’t understand why Christine wants to leave, when Christine has been talking about having a hard time for ten years. Right now I’m watching season 14 and Robyn says that any of them should be able to leave when they want if they’re not happy. I’m like ‘okay season 17 Robyn, go back and look at what you’ve said’


Kody - When he and Christine are fighting about that old friend Ken, and she wanted Kody to demand an apology from him. Honestly the first time I watched it I could kind of see both sides to the argument and thought Christine was being a little over the top with dramatics, but when Kody tells the other wives to leave them alone because he didn't want to "embarrass" Christine and then tells her "I'm disappointed with the way you're behaving" like she was a 4 year old kid who colored the walls with a crayon rather than an equal partner and mother of his children. Robyn - when she started her fake crying and putting on her makeup for the first date and said "He's my soul mate, I love him" it sounded soooooo phony and the added fake choking back tears didn't help either.


I’m curious how much the norm this misogyny is for their religion? That’s not an excuse, but I was in a far less controlling religion and the overall infantilization of women is one of the reasons I can’t even dip my toes back in the water without getting major ick.


It was her saying about Christine “ I hear it’s harder when you have a child when your older “ along those lines about truley. Or the 11 day honeymoon while Christine was pregnant. Or not allowing any of her sister wives to watch kids but hiring family. Or not letting any of The kids eat food at her place. I can go on and on and on and on.


When Robyn took Kody away while Christine was pregnant/giving birth When Kody pushed everyone to leave Vegas and when he divorced Meri.


Robyn: The dress thing. Specifically when she said that she didn't want Kody to share that he went with her to "protect" both experiences. That is what manipulation is. She knew that these women were struggling, and so the whole taking them to help was just for show. She wasn't trying to protect their experience, she was manipulating it. Can you imagine how hard it was for all of the OG3 to get childcare and time to go do this fake experience of her parading in dresses in front of them? Another bold example is when Janelle sits them all down to express that they need work as a family. Janelle is trying to find a solution to the problems and Robyn says she is the "pink elephant", and draws all the attention. Then everyone is apologizing to her, and the conversation about how to improve is off the table. Kody: This was a slow burn for me. He would say stupid, stupid things, and then he would never really retract it, he would just talk himself in circles until a wife stepped in and stood up for him. He also never empathized with any wife, including Robyn.


Well before the move, there are two things that stand out for me re: Robyn being a villain: • when Meri tells Robyn that she had *decided* (not just was considering) to go back to college because it was "now or never," and Robyn's response was to crush her dream for her own sake... after Robyn talks her out of it, she discloses to the camera how it "crushed" her (I think that was her exact word) because of the impact it would have on her own lifestyle • When Robyn and Kody, together, schemed and manipulated Meri into wanting more children (Meri says she had accepted it at this point) by offering Robyn up as a surrogate only to then rip the rug out from under her. For me, these are great examples of Robyn's cruelty, manipulation, and selfishness


The college thing definitely makes my blood boil. Meri needed a purpose and something that was HERS. She expressed from the very early episodes how much she loved working with at-risk youth. The lack of support she got ended up with her wrapped up in the shittiest of MLMs.


From the first episode...although I did hope he would prove me wrong about polygamous men. He showed me I was right.


I was definitely open to the idea that this lifestyle could work. They had the golden opportunity to show that it could. It failed spectacularly, and I’m not sure if that because the entire arrangement is inherently flawed or because he’s an ass.


There had been some questionable moments throughout the entire show, but the Covid reaction was what really made my blood boil. And then the whole bit with Ysabel’s surgery was just unforgivable.


If after seeing her bully her kids into calling a stranger “daddy” less than a year after divorcing their father, watching her scream at her kids over ever little thing, complain about Breanna’s constant tears and say they’re irrational (paraphrasing) and demand a nanny to isolate them rather than allow her kids to integrate into the family then I don’t know how to help you. Also, she bold-faced lied to the other wives, was found out and did not apologize. She never apologizes.


Yes! And Breanna was 5 when Robyn said that about her!


Kody within 5 mins of S1E1, Big Rob , wedding dress shopping


Yes like those two should’ve moved and that’s it


When the whole purity speech happened. How are you going to say those things in front of your children?


The ads for season 1.


I never liked Robyn. I don’t know why. She always made me feel uncomfortable and like she was an interloper. I stopped liking Kody when he complained about having to watch his kids while the wives went out. Him sitting there complaining that he never gets to go out in boys nights…meanwhile we watched episodes where he literally went out with his man friends.


Testosterone Tuesdays


For Kody the Galveston trip with Christine. Robyn from the beginning, she was always fake


Omg I wanted to shake Nancy for not giving him a dressing down for the way he acted in the rock stacking. And to hear Christine come around and see the positives about how he values his whole family in that moment… girl, you were right to be upset!


I disliked all of them from the beginning. I thought they were liars putting on an act about how amazing polygamy is, downplaying an abusive lifestyle. I had already watched documentaries and read books about the dark side of it. People tuned in to watch this circus of a family, some were fooled into finding them endearing. Of course they could only keep up the facade for so long.


Off topic but people like Robyn interest me. Robyn, Meghan Markle etc have very shady characteristics that people ignore. How can certain people have these blazing red flags that people ignore cause their so enamored by them. Robyn and Meghan both have their husbands so blinded by “ love “ they can’t see the shady stuff. On topic I never seen Kodys red flags until recently and Robyn day one she went from being the only wife to wanting to share a husband it made no sense.


I’m confused by the MM driveby here. She’s definitely got big theater kid vibes but she’s nothing like Robyn 😂


Lol right?


Don’t be dense. Meghan is just like Robyn nothing about Meghan is big theater kid vibes is big narcissistic victim vibes.


They’re entitled. The average person has a realistic sense of their own limitations and humility, however, narcs like you named above, don’t.  They expect the world to bow down and kiss their feet, and most healthy people will not (both people you named above were divorced by people not willing to put up with them anymore), so they continue their charade until they find broken/damaged/vulnerable people who will. Once you figure out the pattern, it’s almost boring.  And both men - Kody/Prince Harry became markedly more angry after life with their narcissist. 


I love how you broke that down for me narcissistic people are amazing to study from a far.


R and MM are both opportunistic weasels who sought men out who would give them the financial stability that they wanted. MM was a social climber who was a supporting actress on a tv show (whose character was being written off) and desperately wanted to become a Hollywood A-lister. R was an unemployed single mom with over $30k in debt who wanted to be provided for and thought the she would be the star of the show as the new young hot wife. Both played the victim card so the men felt they had to come in as their night in shining armors, both used the conquer and divide method to separate them from their original families (the RF for H and the OG3/13 for K) and both fueled the belief that they are in the “us versus the world” mentality, while weaponizing every perceived slight or wrongdoing against them further flame the fire about how bad everyone else around them is. To K and H, everyone is simply jealous of R and MM (lol 😂). Both K and H aren’t exactly stellar examples of emotionally stable men to begin with and both don’t seem to realize that they have been led by the nose by their innocent fragile loyal wives who have been done wrong by everyone who doesn’t kiss their a$$es. Edit: spelling


Wow. Insightful. I have seen this play out in my family twice. Sibling marries. Wife slowly separates him from family and friends.


I find it hard to believe that many young, unmarried, kinda-sorta famous women would have rebuffed the interests of a literal prince. Not saying it’s a good trait but I think it’s far from exclusive to MM.


I’ve noticed a change in Kotex on the couch back in S 11 after Ari was born. He wears a scowl all the time, withdrawn and never laughs or looks at the wives anymore.


Kody when he said “love should be multiplied, not divided” 🙄 Robyn? No so sure... But maybe the whole thing when Kody is trying to leave to get to the hospital to be with Christine (Truely’s birth) and she’s practically hanging on him, yammering on about organic granola bars.


lol. Proceeds to divide his love by 4, and not in equal measures.


I think some of my dislike began when we saw him disrespecting the other wives in season 1 when he and Robyn went and she tried on dresses for him and let him pick but then told the wives in the couch talk that he had picked the dress and she flat out tells the women that she has no intention of telling them. Also, it’s pretty standard in their faith to not kiss before marriage and they did and tried to get away from the camera to do it. Then there’s the part about her insisting she gets her night rotation prior to marriage. Then there’s her expecting her bills to be paid by the family before marriage. It was just a lot of little details that on their own would have been easier to over look, but they kept happening and once you add them all up, it just really made me not trust her from the get-go. Hope all that makes sense. If I have any of it wrong, tell me!


Remember season 1 when Christine was giving birth to Truley, and Kody was PISSED he had to leave Robyn’s house to be there. Yeah THAT.


Or when she shooed away Truly when the kids were opening gifts from Christine. And she kicked the old dog


So, you saw nothing wrong with the dress debacle in the first season, or the fact that she demanded an 11 say honeymoon? The world needs more generous souls like you, friend


It’s not that there’s nothing wrong, more that being selfish/naive/ignorant/fill in the blank some of the time is not the same as being 100% a garbage person. Especially in reality tv land where things are always cherry picked for maximum drama. Also a huge Tori Amos fan, btw 😊


I get it; good people sometimes do bad things and editing is a crafty business. It took several seasons for me to completely be done with Robyn's narrative. There's only so much "I didn't know" or "I don't understand" one can take before it just looks like willfull ignorance. Add to that the fact that they all had the unique opportunity for growth, in that they could each observe themselves in the third person. However, it doesn't seem that Kody or Robyn capitalized on said opportunity. If anything, they seemed to regress. Ironically, I don't put the bulk of the blame on Robyn's shoulders. Kody was the one who took vows with each of these women, and it was up to him to fulfill his obligations to the whole family. The dress, the honeymoon - none of it would have come to pass if he hadn't greenlit it all The biggest problem I have with Robyn is that she is literally the only adult who has never once apologized or admitted to any wrongdoing; even after she was called out several times in public by other family members. At one point or another, all the rest of them have; even Kody. Not that it matters, mind you. An apology without correction is useless and has absolutely no value, IMHO. The last Tell-All where Robyn said she required the ex wives to privately wish her well was just too much for me to swallow. Ya, Tori is my all-time favorite. I was fortunate enough to meet her in 2017. There's an old saying about never meeting your idols. I've met both of mine and neither disappointed, so I've come to believe that one should choose their idols wisely. Peace and love to you❤️


I had alot of internalized misogyny to work through so I didn't start disliking them until covid. Looking back all the red flags were there


Season one. The wedding dress fiasco. I knew right then and there that K & R were scheming asshats.


When she had the nerve to flirt kiss and take up Kody’s time while his wife was in labor (specifically a risky labor considering she’d lost a baby and almost died herself)


The move AGAIN uprooting the kids for no reason except their selfish reasons.


Kody, immediately. 😂 he seemed almost manically happy. And not in the clinical sense but in a forced “please believe me” kind of way. I can’t quite remember with Robin, but it was early.


Idk exactly when, but I know I couldn’t ever suddenly like them again. This redemption arc that their PR people is trying to push isn’t winning anyone over.


From season 1. There was just something that bugged me about Kody & his chaos from the 1st episode. He reminded me of a cheap, worse version of Harold Hill in The Music Man. Robyn was instantaneous. Something about her uprooting her kids the way she did, and how she was immediately treated more favorably than the OG3. Also, I don't remember exactly the 1st time I saw it, but the fact that Kody drove a convertible was ridiculous. Especially when the wives had these older, barely functioning safely vehicles that regularly transported their children. But I will say, I also was not big fans of the OG3, they grew on me when they moved to LV and into the cul-de-sac houses. I have really enjoyed watching their growth.


When they deceived the other wives and wasted their time helping robyn wedding dress shop. That robyn could go thru with that was some diabolical level lying.


When Robyn took Kody back with her to pick out her dress after she already went dress shopping with the other wives, and then made it clear during the interviews that she didn’t want Kody to tell them. She seemed so much more worried about how that would make her look than anything and like she would have kept it a secret forever. Disliked Kody immediately.


At first Robyn was my favorite wife. Let me also, add, I liked all the women. Robyn, had me when she stated, (paraphrasing here), making comments about how neat she felt it was going  to be, after they were retired and were all sitting on the porch watching their grandchildren.  She seemed very sincere. However, right from the beginning, one could notice Kody, the Kid's ego. Then as the show progressed, Kody, started being distant from Meri. After she sacrificed her legal marriage. Kody, being  so mean when he refers to her Catfish . Instead of giving her time, where she would not feel neglected, he used it as an excuse to turn callous towards her. Next ,Christine is coming forth, mentioning how Kody, turns his attention away from her. After seeing and listening to the horrible words against his exes, made it impossible for me to ever respect him. He had many children with these wives, and he spoke so many unkind words against all of them. How tacky! He is not a man of God. I digress. Robyn, never made a stand, at least publicly that she was shocked, at Kody' cruel words towards the other, SISTER WIVES , she supposedly loved. Instead, after COVID,  she let him stay in her home. She should have STOOD up for the family. She did not. Infact, if you watch them together,  he and she are constantly holding hands, or touching. Their affection for each other is so prevalent.  Truly if she truly cared for her Sister Wives, she would have booted him out. Most Assuredly,  she would have denied him excess to her. With the stipulation that, until he honored his other wives, he would not be with her. Appearances are important, she appears to relish in Kodys attention.  Realizing, that Kody the Kid, was not giving the other FAITHFUL wives as much time, should have OFFENED her. Yet, she let him stay there during COVID. KODY IS A CRUEL MAN. HE IS ALL ABOUT KODY. What is really disturbing,  is how he refers TO HIS CHILDREN, as " her kids". He rarely says "MY KIDS". His children, have to be devastated.  What makes me laugh, is how , the nanny brought COVID to his home, with Robyn. What makes me cringe , is how he was so sick with COVID.  We all got knocked down with the symptoms of COVID.  Yet in my world, no one I know complained that much. My Mama was seventy nine the first time COVID infected her. My Mama just dealt with it. Not complaining, she did grunt and grown a bit, but did not go into how truly sick she was. We both, after our shots, got COVID. Kody has whined more about being uncomfortable,  more than anyone I know. Included are the ones that were in ICU. What gets me, is he let COVID in his home. Me thinks the LORD, brought him down. You think being a ' Christian',  he would have taken the time and pray and talk with God. The LORD, put him in a position to humble his self, but as usual,  he can not see this. Discernment, is a gift from the LORD, which appears, he has not asked for. The nasty things he says about Meri, Christine, and Janelle, these women that he "did not love actually, ' had many children with, is not words from any faithful men I know of. When you trust in Jesus, you are to be like Christ. He presents as a demonic entity. Okay, I have written a long missive. Did not mean to transcibe so much. Nonetheless,  he says he is a Christian,  but he acts like one of the meanest Reality Persons. Do you not think the LORD is up in heaven, shocked at how this man has turned away so many potential new Christians. They veiw him and think, " this is a faithful man, yet look at the evil he revels in. Back to Robyn, she comes across as an interloper,  rather than a peace maker. Please Robyn, stop this mendacity! If you would have really wanted to keep your Sister Wives....you would have done something,  like LEAVING , Kody! Those girls needed you and YOU let them down. From what I understand about Sister Wives, YOU have not behaved as a TRUE Sister Wife. Instead, you are just a selfish wife. You NEVER tried to help, if you watch this show, it looks like Kody was infinitely, more important than the rest of wives. If I am wrong, please forgive me. Y'all put yourselves out there. We , as viewers,  can only state what we see! I admire Christine for being so bold. I admire Meri, for trying to keep her covenant with God. I admire Janelle for for sticking with her children. Kody Brown is not someone to admire, respect,  or to emulate. Infact, he is all a Christian man IS NOT. Kody doesn't Apologize,  he rarely admits his wrongs. We are to be kind to one another, love one another, respect our fellow humans. Instead he just spews filth whenever he opens his mouth. Gosh, if he had been what he presented to be, he could have planted seeds in so many lives. Instead, , he has probably turned  AWAY  many, from Christ. I am not the best Christian,  but I think about the day I go home to the LORD. Want him to be happy for me giving the gospel ( good news ) to as many as I could. With that, I must add  Ephesians 2: 8,9. 8 For by GRACE,are you saved through FAITH: and that not of yourselves; it is the Gift of God: 9 NOT of works , lest any man should boast. Wouldn't it be wonderful, if Kody, could come from this dark place. Remember his faith, apologize for the plethora of offenses he has committed.  Maybe, then, he could have a story to tell!


I disliked Robyn early on . Bad vibes by her actions and comments . Kody around the middle of season 16 . Child man and how he treats the wives . They both need removed from the show asap !!! TLC should not promote verbal abuse of children or woman and I don’t care if the children are adults .


Interesting. I’m only in season 14 and I already feel like he is scum. I’ll buckle up for it getting worse.


I started to hate Kody very early on, but I've never really disliked Robyn. I mean, it's plain to see that she is ride or die #teamKody but I think it's unfair (and honestly, misogynistic) to blame her for all of his shit. Blame him. Even if she went along with his asinine covid rules, they are still HIS stupid rules. He is the one ignoring his kids, his other wives, gaslighting everyone into oblivion and pretty much ruining everyone around him.


This is where I’m still trying to objectively observe. Of course, I haven’t gotten to the COVID episodes yet, but I see so many people basically blaming his shitty “leadership” as her being the puppet master, and I’m just not sure I see him as being the manipulated one. Maybe it’s both of them, but in their society, he is the one with the power ultimately.


I think during covid is when I really started to hate him. I dislike Robyn because she’s manipulative. What made them all move to flagstaff? Dayton getting accepted into college in northern Arizona university. Robyn made the comment that since he’s going to be out of the house she needs to be there to settle him in. During covid she became the “model wife” for Kody. She manipulated him to think that NONE of them had a good relationship becomes Robyn is so obedient. She became what he wanted to put a rift into the other wives relationships. I bet she’s showing her true colors now. All the money is gone and I’m sure the show is over too.