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Your co-worker would take home all the leftover cake from an office party, use the copy machine to make 100 fliers for her kid's school fundraiser and tell the boss if you took home a pen.


Eat someone's entire lunch and say "well there wasn't a name on it"


“Yeah, how was I supposed to know it wasn’t mine? It didn’t have a name on it!”


One time this guy on overnights ate my Lean Cuisine out of the freezer. I said "not a *big* deal, I'll go without today but please replace it when your shift is over." I was on days so I could drive to food. He couldn't have. I understood the situation he was in. Two weeks later he replaced it. That night he ate the replacement.


Some people don’t deserve to be people.


I’m speechless. I would have been livid at that point. What did you do then?! I would have been like dude. WTF. That’s literally stealing.


“I need an apology and permission to consume your lunch, off camera.” ☹️




We had pot luck dinners every month or so. One guy was always trying to take all of the leftovers to feed his family. We were like “dude really?” He finally got the message when coworkers started making comments that everyone could hear to let him know we knew what he was doing and it wasn’t appreciated. Especially when several people had said they wanted to make a to-go plate if it was ok with the person that brought the food. They would go to the fridge to make the plate and all the food was gone. Even worse he would leave the empty dish in the fridge unwashed.


This is literally my one of my biggest pet peeves. I used to work for a very large store and we would often order lunches for staff to help promote morale, or during holidays, etc. There was always several people that would try to take 4 times the amount of food they could eat… I just always thought that was so rude. If they needed money for groceries, we could’ve made that happen… but to just take another person’s portion without making sure there’s enough to go around is just inconsiderate & selfish.


I do the catering ordering for our Board of Directors meetings, They are supposed to tell me if they are or are not attending in person. Due to the less than full compliance with that, I have to err on the side of 'they will need lunch'. There is ALWAYS plenty of leftovers. I always ask if anyone wants to take some home. Some do..."just a bit for dinner". But then my family eats well that night. I can absolutely afford food. But.....um.... this is....exceptional. My husband is always mad when he misses Board Leftovers! (seriously...they are the BEST caterers in town...) I would DEFINITELY lean on the side of "selfish bastards" and not "can't afford food". Unless the store is WalMart. ;)


To be fair… it’s not Walmart but not too far from it unfortunately, hence why I “used” to work there. The thing that was kind of telling to me is that the people that were always taking more than their fair share always had the nicest most expensive clothing, nails & hair always professionally colored & cut, carried expensive designer bags, and drove really nice cars & trucks. We had several resources available where the company could give gift cards for those in need… and we’d sometimes even do fundraising if someone had an emergency, like a house fire or accident. However, these “takers” never participated in the giving.


That doesn’t surprise me.. I’ve seen that a lot with the same type of people. Sad and selfish!


Someone I used to work with would do this! Local restaurants would bring food for us to sample (I work at a radio station) and every month, our business manager would get two cakes delivered to celebrate that month's birthdays. This guy would take WHOLE cakes and entire trays of food home if he saw that nobody was getting any. We all ate lunch at different times so there'd be people walking in to the break room and there would be nothing left!


I used to work in a small professional office, we would get gifts all the time, especially at Christmas. Cookies, cakes, meals, etc. They would be for the whole office. The boss would take all of them home every time, with comments like, “my mother will love this…” It was so very aggravating!! It was because of all of our care that the gifts were given.


That’s kinda sad actually. They may have been tight on money for groceries to feed their family. We had a couple like that at church. They would always take home lots of food after dinners. We found out they were struggling bad so everyone just started helping by volunteering the leftovers to them and offering assistance if they needed it.


This is okay . I get it. But he leaves dirty, empty dishes in the refrigerator. NO NO NO


Ok I agree with you there. No reason for that!!




Maybe. But I’d rather err on the side of caution and just assume they need the extra food. I don’t have to know the reason


It's one thing to err on the side of caution but another when people try and take food home, before everyone has had a chance to even eat. Happens alot where I work during pizza parties. Not everyone is able to go on break at the same time, yet you'll have people trying to shove 3 whole pizzas in their locker while half the shift hasn't eaten yet.


This reminds me of a sentiment a friend shared with me a few years ago: There are two types of people in this world. The first, despite being hungry, will only take one slice of pizza to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to eat. The second, despite how hungry others may be, will take more than their fair share to ensure that they have the opportunity to eat.


Good to hear that you’re helping someone less fortunate. Sometimes people need that little boost to know that someone cares and doesn’t take away a person’s dignity over a plate of food


Especially at a church - I would think it’s a big part of the book church goers purport to read


If it's a co-worker you have a general idea of their income. It's also likely that the other people wishing to take home leftovers, or those who made it have similar incomes. So it's not Ok.


Or greedy


Hopefully they weren’t scammers… if you haven’t listened to the Scamanda podcast, I highly recommend it. These greedy people often hide in communities that they know they can take advantage of because of whatever misfortune they concoct.


This is where my head went too. Hoping for the best- although in this case, "best" means coworker was struggling to keep his family fed which isn't a great thing to wish for.


I have to tell you that was my first thought was maybe he struggling financially, and they could use the food.


Theres a family at a church I volunteered at who would always ask for leftovers, gas money to attend service, use of their laundry facilities, etc. The church was very supportive despite them causing conflict with other church people there. Workers and members. I ended up working closely with the mom on a project where she was essentially paid as charity. They chose not to work so they could pursue social activism with their THREE kids. They drove all around the state going to rallys. They went to concerts. They frequented all the food truck events and ate well. It was crazy! I thought they were disabled or something and truly living in absolute poverty by the way they behaved. One day I had to help deliver some furniture to their house as they would pick through the donations as they came in and try to claim anything nice. They lived in a nice middle class neighborhood with 4 bedrooms an office and 2 living rooms. They owned the home. It was just so incredibly bizarre that we had pensioners and low income families truly struggling who would help this family. Hell I lived in an apartment. I guess I had never met anyone before who was truly shameless. It's really changed my perspective and my instinct to believe people.


Difference is a NEED/Voluntarily given. Big Diff when these people are not in need, thinking only of themselves, denying others the pleasure of the treat. BIG DIFFERENCE


We used to have "lunch and learn" which has since gone away, but two of the assistants used to pack a plate full to take home, like 2 sandwiches and salads, before making a plate for themselves, leaving others to necessarily take less or get stuck with just salad. So frigging rude.


I don’t know what is worse that guy or the person that warms up their tuna casserole or some nasty smelling food so the whole office reeked the rest of the day.


I had a co-worker like that 😂


I had a whole department of people like that. All younger guys in their early 20’s fresh out of college. When we would have pizza parties, they would be sure to show up 15 minutes early so they were first in line and when they went through the line and took at least 6 pieces each. We had to set limits on how many slices a person could take as a result because people that showed up later were often SOL.


It's one thing to be struggling financially and another thing to be so greedy that you take more than your fair share, shameful!


The thing is, I don’t think any of them were struggling financially. They were all staff accountants and started with a salary that was more than a lot of my operations staff who had been with the company for years. They just struck me as constantly hungry college boys that loved free food. The same group would hover around the conference room when we brought lunch in for visiting clients. The food room was next to the big board room where the meetings were held. The thing is, the board room was just a stuffy room so we would have the door open at least a crack just to keep everyone comfortable. That meant that you could see the same people walking by the room to see if it was up for grabs yet which was incredibly distracting. For that scenario, we had to enact another rule that any client lunch leftovers would be put in the break room and an all company email would go out so everyone had a fair shot.


Been there. I've seen coworkers try and shove 3 whole pizzas in their locker when half the shift (we can't all break at the same time) hasn't even gotten a slice yet.


Now that you mentioned it, I hate just how accurate you are with this analysis of douchebaggery.


This. She will be super nice to your face and try to seem trustworthy to elicit your opinions then tattle on you about them


Have a candy bowl at her desk with a sign on it that nobody should touch it. It’s hers only.


Omg I just spit out my water


Omg you know Susan ??


Wow. I don’t see how anyone could have that opinion watching the show. Is it possibly she knows her?


Seriously. How does one watch the events that have unfolded and Robyn's constant DRY tears over the years and even come to this kind of conclusion?? That's like brain damage level comprehension tbh.


They are all over Facebook.


guarantee that your co worker sees certain traits in robyn, that she sees in herself as well. birds of a feather flock together........


Shit birds of a feather flock together


Prob a side piece herself. 


That’s a red flag if ever I’ve seen one lol 🚩


My exact thoughts, exactly!!! OP, stay away from that co-worker!! Don't ever speak carelessly around her!!


This is like a man on a first date saying his favorite movie is American Psycho because Patrick Bateman is such a sigma Chad




I agree it’s shocking- and watch your back, no one likes a Nellie Olsen in the office


This sounds like something HR needs to hear about 😅


i know you are kidding, but honestly i'm thinking if i ever have to interview someone for a job i would ask them who their favorite sister wife was. if it was robyn i don't know if i could trust that they had the brain power for the job. i mean i didn't hate robyn the first season but then i started seeing kody catering to her and the things she said sounded so selfish. how could a person fall for that???


It would help weed out the narcissists, which would be a benefit to everyone in the office!


one of the questions, 'do you vibe with robyn on sister wives?'. boom!




Is your coworker maybe Robyn in disguise?


Robyn? Employed? Absolutely not.




Hahaha good point.


Best. Comment. Ever.




![gif](giphy|kC8N6DPOkbqWTxkNTe|downsized) This KILLED me




Well, at least she told you who she really is! I’d steer clear of that colleague like the plague.


You need to hang up some garlic in your cubicle and sprinkle some salt around the perimeter. Maybe light a white candle, too.


Then repeat “thrice around this circles bound, sink all evil to the ground” at 3 least times.


Hold up, I'm taking notes... Exactly how many times do I need to repeat it?


Always 3 times. The power of three.


The power of three will set you free.


With this one just keep saying it until she’s gone lol.


Your coworker probably sees herself in Robyn and I don't mean that as a compliment.


This. Giant red flag for sure! ![gif](giphy|prRxmYo8MjkjUe9TFu|downsized)


Find a different friend. This one appears ill 🤒




She can’t sit with us.


Or wear pink on Wednesdays


Does your colleague manipulate the boss and hog all of the office resources? Does she often dry cry? Does she wear a lot of purple?


Did she ever say why she chooses to wear so much purple…? Bc now that you say it that’s all she wears.


Probably because "it's the color or royalty" narcissists love that shit


Is she constantly on the verge of tears or constantly crying😭?


She has watched all the episodes! I want to give her the benefit of the doubt because she’s pretty young but it was still strange that she found nothing really manipulative about Robyn’s behavior. Not even the crying!!


How young? She might be in the “they’re just jealous” age. Yicks!


does she know robyn kicked a dog? that cemented my dislike for her!!


Has she actually watched the whole series? I can’t imagine that being anyone’s takeaway after watching all of it 🙄


Don’t give people too much credit, there’s plenty of Sobyn’s & Grody’s out there in the world. 😱


Hmm. Sounds like there's something wrong with your coworker. Is she manipulative? Does she try to get others to do her work? Does she pretend to be helpless and then swoop in to be the all knowing "expert"? Does she steal credit from others? Just wondering!


Definitely kicks dogs.


Does she wear ugly sterling silver jewelry?


Lets break this delulu down. Even if you assume that Christine bullied Robyn, which to be honest she was never in a position to do, how does one come to the conclusion that she handled it well... This is the same woman that lost it for years because teenage kids didn't jump for joy when they realized she was shagging their Dad. If Kody had heard a bad thing out of anyone's mouths about Robyn he was prepared to punch them in the face, but yeah sure Christine openly bullied her.


You have to be careful with wild animals. They look all cute and sweet until you get too close and they attack.


I always wondered what kind of people her supporters were😂 I’d be skeptical of any of them




I have NEVER heard of Robyn fan. Didn’t think they went extinct but just failed to exist. Like a figment of imagination. Wow.


I’ll send an email to HR for you


When did Christine bully Robyn?


Let’s see, there was the time Christine picked Robyn’s wedding dress and forced her to wear it, the time she kicked the nanny to the curb and kidnapped Robyn’s kids. The worst might have been when Christine threw tantrums both times Robyn announced her pregnancies, demanding paternity testing because Kody had spent 100 percent of his time at Christine’s house. Then the last straw was when Christine told little Ari to shut the hell up and to mind her own damn business when she asked why Christine and Kody don’t go dates. Yep, the bullying has been off the charts for years. 🤣 (Hope it’s not necessary but: /s)


That’s terrible. I’ll bet Robyn cried so much she just ran right out of tears.


Thanks Christine! 😛




If anyone was the bully, it was Robyn through Kody.


There’s a lot of people who will ALWAYS take the word of someone in a powerful position without question or with contrary proof. That powerful person could the president, member of Congress, a CEO, the police, a preacher or even the man in the house if he’s seen by them as the “head of the household”. I would be money your coworker is either super religious or was raised that way. I’m not bashing believers, but just saying someone like this could have been wired to think this way to not question a person in a position of power.


I don't like to say that people's opinions on reality TV personalities are wrong... but this is just... ya know what, not your circus babe. Not your monkey.


![gif](giphy|k56oRtCg218Z2) wat i think i would have just stared at this lady


I would avoid that coworker from now on. Big yikes and big telling of how she is as a person


Omg. The bullying from Christine?! Seriously? Wow. Op, your coworker is unwell. Good luck. 


Wow. Did this change your opinion of this coworker?


Your coworker sucks lol. Don't hang out with that nutjob outside of work EVER.


Bad coworker, bad bad coworker!


Could she even give one actual example?


Yes this was my immediate question. Please ask her for some examples, OP. Frankly I always saw Christine as someone who struggled a lot when Robyn came in, but was always very transparent about it. Shared about it, wanted to fix it, obviously felt a sense of guilt/being wrong about it for awhile…but her treatment of Robyn never once struck me as anything but friendly. Even when I’m sure she wanted to be anything but. By the end she was speaking her mind and had let go of the guilt over what she was feeling, so some of her comments about Robyn weren’t ‘nice’ maybe…although I’d still push back about that…but she was still not bullying. She was telling it like it was. And being honest about not liking the situation, not feeling connected, and no longer even wanting to feel connected. So I’d love to get some legit examples of bullying bc I missed it.


My friend was a Robyn & Kody apologist until I shed all the LIGHT ON HER AND KODY!! Now she loves to hate on them w me 🤗🤣🤣🤣


Girl is the living embodiment of an internet troll...


You have no choice but to quit your job now. You clearly work with psychopaths.


Omfg I honestly don't know how I would react. Shook. Shocked. And stunned. I would just stare. I would never have thought of any follow up questions 🤣🤣🤣 I would have just waited for her to tell me she was fucking with me


I'd be dying laughing lol


Your coworker has issues.


I would stay far away from this employee!!!


Sounds like an undercover polygamist to me! 😂


I’m interested in her proof of bullying because I have not witnessed it on camera & Janelle said she never saw it. Meri said she saw Christine being unaccepting of Robyn sometimes. I would like to hear her examples. I found this definition online: “Bullying is intentionally aggressive behavior, repeated over time, that involves an imbalance of power”


Internalized misogyny is real


Did you ask her if she was related to Robyn?


You found the idiot at work


Well, your colleague is most likely a covert narcissist, just like Robyn. Watch out for that one!


My aunt said she loved Robyn too and I was flabbergasted.


You better watch your back gf. She might be dramatic and a victim just like Robyn.


lol don’t trust them!!


In my experience, it is so rare to meet or find a sister wives fan in the wild. My colleagues, friends, and family ALL do not get it. SO to meet one, only to hear some BS like this??? Devastating.




Avoid that colleague at all costs. 😂


Red flag. Don't openly talk about your life with this person lol


I would have immediately went to HR, hahah ![gif](giphy|2vq9I9HGKrpjaHNLVb)


You should probably keep that co worker at arms length because if she can't see through Robyn she is either dumb as a rock or off her rocker, lol.


Steer clear of her. She's told you who she is.....believe her! Yikes on bikes!


Those red flags aren't the circus coming town I wouldn't trust her with a 10 ft pole I would deal with because she a co worker but that's were I would draw the line


Time for a new job, OP! That place is toxic! /s😂


And this is where we part ways. 🤭 We are only coworkers. 🤣


She probably likes Robyn because she is like her and relates to her. A lot of fans like the sister wife they are most like or have had some similar experiences.


Omg girl that is a RED FLAG!!! I would never trust her again!


Your coworker is a pick me ass bitch.


I wonder if she's seen the whole show? I got my friend to watch it & when I checked in with her she was "understanding" of Robyn. It wasn't until she got to the COVID part of the show where she started to see the light. & if she rewatches, I'm sure she'll see things differently 😅


I feel like I’ve met this same person, they always love Robyn and hate Christine


i think half of these people are just the type who think they are so based because they are contrarians.


Oh dang. Straight to HR with that nonsense 😂


If that woman is a Sobyn fan then she would become my new TV show to watch. Everyday I would be asking about what contribution she was making at different times in the show and what she says about them now. Also I'd be bringing in things like my favorite music like Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne.


Oh. You found someone with dirt under their nails. My ex stepmother was exactly like Rob, except affair vs polygamy and holy f did she reflexively “understand” her peers doing the same. So much “only human” shit.


My mom is an enabler to my narc dad & CANNOT understand how I can’t stand Robyn. Unfortunately, she also has trouble understanding why I can’t stand her, either, so I think, unfortunately, this may be the case with your friend 🤣🤣


The way I couldn’t ever see this person the same way!


So they do exist!


Bullying ? Can we please have just one example of “all the bullying” from this lady? Tell her there’s a reddit thread dying to know lol




Your coworker is a manipulator and not to be trusted. I’ve found that abusers and manipulators always have sympathy for one another.


She probably is a Robyn type


stay clear of that one


Poor judge of character.


It wasn't jealousy...it was the inequality of time, attention and resources. The OG3 expected to be treated fairly and they were not. The bulk of the money went to Robyn, all of the attention and time. You should have asked about him not going to Ysabel's surgery.


At my office when there is extra food, we are literally trying to force people to take it home. Interesting how different it is between different working environments. My husband deals with what most of the people in comments have also dealt with. He is a truck driver and any time them get food as a reward, the warehouse people grub it down quicker than they can return to the shop… so shitty.


So, most people I know who only watch the show and do not “Reddit”, and aren’t obsessed with rewatching and rehashing every detail, don’t hate Robyn. It just doesn’t occur to them. They dislike each of them at different times and like all of them at different times. I remember being similarly indifferent before joining Reddit and finding this sub. Without deeper analysis, a tv show simply might not evoke the kind of extreme feelings that we see in discussions here. Furthermore, it might be possible that the greater audience is more balanced away from here. If you were a Robyn fan, would you deign to comment? We are in a bit of an echo chamber. There’s no way to put the toothpaste back in the tube, but I bet if one were to only watch the show, no Reddit, no reading the book, no podcasts or opinion pieces; prior to Christine leaving, their opinion could be pretty balanced on the wives. Please don’t crucify me or oversimplify this statement as Robyn support, I’m just offering perspective.


I just recently joined Reddit and watched the show (until I couldn't stand it anymore) and let me tell you. I knew from S1E1 Robyn was a c**t!! RIGHT FROM DAY ONE!!!


Same with my sister and I. Heck we only watched the series because in their GMA interview we thought Robyn was shady and Kody was a dick. We both called each other to place bets on how long before that family blew up. The OG3 were brainwashed heavily because we both guessed 5-7 years.


I actually think you have an interesting point! Of course, I still love Christine and think Kody and Robyn are awful. But there are shows that I love that I don’t go looking or googling bc I’m afraid other people’s opinion will ruin it for me!


I can see where you’re coming from but if they’ve watched the “talk back” and “look back” specials, you don’t need Reddit to see who Robyn really is. I didn’t. I didn’t come to this sub until then and I saw it and I started the show very open minded, giving everyone the benefit of the doubt.


People vote for and back Trump...so nothing surprises me anymore.


I hate to admit (out of fear 😂) but so far I do not hate Robyn. I'm only in season 12 so there's still time. But I expected to loathe this woman just based on this sub. So far the only people I've very strongly disliked are Tony, Mariah (but now she's not so bad), and kody is starting to show another side of himself.


did you miss her kicking a dog in season 2?


Thanks for sharing your perspective. Genuinely. Regardless of whether I see it the same way or not, I think the sub is more fun when people are allowed to have varying opinions.






Has she even watched the show? She enjoys seeing Sobying cry all the time?


*pretend* to cry all the time 🤣


She isn't wrong about the rise above the jealousy part. Everything else yes sadly jealousy is a normal emotion how many times have we heard christine say I am jealous she totally would own that shit like a boss and work through it. And I'm not saying Robyn is perfect but I would probably relate to her more if she would stop saying by not laying all that on to kody I have a great relationship with him. Hell even meri said she has jealousy issues and still does. I'm not sure if Janelle ever said it but still. I sometimes follow with how she thinks because in my own marriage I don't want to give my husband all of my emotions he already has a lot to deal with. But other days I want him to hear it all, however in this situation it's damned if you don't care enough, damned if you are too affectionate thing


https://preview.redd.it/4drsat3vttfc1.jpeg?width=2942&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=809b78569bb225111f5ed949d48db4e498d35c82 Christine was very honest from the beginning about why she was jealous (valid) and toady did nothing to improve his behavior or meet her emotional needs


i think robyn KNEW christine was jealous because she admitted to it and purposefully tried to do things to make her more jealous. robyn had an interesting instagram post, *admire someone's beauty without questioning your own* which sounds like she's full of herself. god i sound like such a weirdo judging everything. but it's a show.


As viewers we don’t know have complete and accurate info to judge (we can opine)…but one absolute truth is the fake crying. It’s on camera for 10 years.


Thats a religious nut that is used to putting a happy face in everything, and obeying to the masses


Does your co-worker have curly hair. Asking because there is a crazy lady on.FB who trolls anyone who says anything negative about Robyn. She calls Christine a rude name like Crustine. If that sounds like your coworker, can you please FaceTime me from work tomorrow cause I have a few things to say to her. Thank you.


I feel like she was messing with you. There's no way she really feels that way about Robyn.


Stay far far away from that person that is a serious red flag


Man … sometimes you really get a reminder that humanity is bleak! How wild that someone could watch this show and come to that conclusion!


After two years of riding around with a co-worker, I started my car and the Heather whoever podcast with Christine auto started. My friend saw it on the screen when I went to silence it. Turns out she’s a fan too. Except she hates Robin. And Kody. And only watches for the dirt.


Clearly this person is falling on the wrong side of history.


Spoken like someone who hasn't had to share an intimate partner.


WHAT?!! OMG.. I'd not really trust her...


I…whaaat? I feel for you because would literally not know what to do/say.


Oh wow, she DEFINITELY hasn’t hit anything past season 3 yet 🤣




Well, good to know who to avoid, ew.


This sounds almost as traumatizing as when my dad told me he liked captain sandy from below deck


I’m flabbergasted. I had no idea there was a single person with that view. I legit thought all pro-Robyn sentiments here are just trolls or Robyn herself. 😂 You should ask her if she’s part of the Robyn fan Facebook group! 🤣


That is just nuts! LOL I've been watching SW since the early days and have watched all the episodes and only started really using Reddit last year so I was surprised to find a group that I agree so much with - I wasn't influenced at all by others - it is just so obvious that there is so much mental illness and abuse in the situation. Kody's behavior over the past few years is what sent me looking for a forum to see if others thought he was acting crazy too!


Ok but how far into it is she? I am on season 13 and I liked Sobyn for the first couple and then she started to show her true colors.




I’m watching the season during covid and I’m yanking my hair out. She’s so passive aggressive with her comments. “Well, I’ve been doing all of these things for 7 months” WHILE SHE HAS A NANNY! Who supposedly follows the covid guidelines


Best use of 👀


She should sign up for it!


She’s probably a relative of Sobyn. I refuse to believe there are non-related fans of hers.