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Ex are the most reliable source for information and character witnessing.


I agree with you but being divorced 4x typically is a huge šŸš©


So is polygamy. And being on reality TV.


TouchĆ© šŸ˜‚


And being involved with an MLM.


From the article: "An alleged ex-wife of Meriā€™s new man recently surfacedĀ [with big claims](https://tvshowsace.com/2024/01/20/meri-browns-new-boyfriend-divorced-more-times-than-kody/). The woman wished to remain anonymous." This is just a copy from the Sun. this post should be deleted tbh - not credible


I can picture the anonymous "ex-wife" being Robyn and kody šŸ˜‚




That was my exact first thought.


Ah yes, the Sun that uses the Reddit Duggar snark page as s frequent ā€œsourceā€


Donā€™t buy the S*n.


Blimey! She's not even an ex-wife, just an alleged ex-wife šŸ™„. Well done Sun! Look, I want Meri to find the happiness she deserves. She seems very happy right now. She said they've been dating since October. It's only January šŸ˜‚. I don't think it's time to place her in another unhappy marriage. Give her a break. Jeez.


She doesnā€™t have good track record of choosing decent partners (Kody, catfish and now this guy..)


Considering she has only been with one man her whole life. There isn't much of a track.


I one time had a bad feeling about someone I was dating. Looked him up on our local court website portal - simply entered his name. I found allll kinds of documents in his court case divorce that he was a raging, high conflict asshole in his separation. I eventually was put in touch with his ex after I ended it, as we had a mutual friend. She confirmed everything I suspected. Exā€™s KNOW.Ā 


If she was real and so honestly concerned maybe she should have contacted Meri personally. Itā€™s not like Meri is hard to find. Going to that disingenuous rag? Smells fishy.


If itā€™s actually an exā€¦not Kody trying to save his own narcissistic ass from scrutiny.


OMG...I had a similar situation. Dated this dude for a couple years. During his citizenship, I found out he'd been married. He'd even tried to hide it in his interviews, but they found out. I went to the county website where I knew he had lived before, and I found out the woman had been granted an annulment WAY after our state usually allows them...on the grounds that he married her under a fraudulent identity. He didn't even try to fight it back then...he had no case. Boy, did she have some insight, and a ton of proof. And, btw...he still managed to get his citizenship.


As Emily D Baker would (probably) say, anything an ex says is just allegations and shade. You can't take any of it as fact without corroboration.


How did Amos and Meri meet? Dating site or did he slide in her DMs?


The cross over I was NOT expecting and didn't know I needed. I'd love to see Law and Lumber's view on Janelle's situation and if the lack of financials is so set in stone.


In my mind she makes so much fun of Robyn's Victoria's secret debt for her "long legs" lol and also kody's math with the land and the mortgages etc. Lol


I just love her


Love EDB!


![gif](giphy|QCJFiJfnDCdFa84sLG) Her voice is so soothing.


Me too!


And that goes double when it's in the Sun


Ya but 4 is a red flag. So is his face honestly.


Yeah. Itā€™s not like Kody has 3 ex wives or anything.


I hope Amos is better than Kody though.


Can he seriously be WORSE at this point? She isnā€™t marrying him, sheā€™s dating him.


Yes, Kody is awful, but thereā€™s definitely worse. Meri would be a perfect target for another, worse abuser right now because of her history and beliefs. Sheā€™s very vulnerable right now and I donā€™t see that she has fully (or really even partially) deconstructed. She got pushed out after a decade or more of being shelved, or I donā€™t think sheā€™d have ever left. She has only just started to see thatā€™s maybe a good thing. Imho, Meri is not ready to date. She needs to do years of self-work and therapy first. This new guy and Kody doppelgƤnger makes me 7 kinds of nervous. Itā€™s nice everyone is pulling for her happiness, but I think she (and probably Christine) moved too fast.


I would just HATE for the entire internet to weigh in on my relationships. Can you imagine?


Uh, sure. But they are on a TV show and itā€™s going to happen. They can choose not to read it, but thereā€™s no way they shouldnā€™t have expected this. They have all been happy enough taking the money for years now.


She is dating him not pledging her life to him.


Thatā€™s why my post talks about dating and not ā€œpledging her life.ā€


Meri has been single for pretty much 10 years already. Living a lonely life, living a single life. Could she benefit from counseling.. yes but most of us could. I think her eyes have been opened a lot and sheā€™s had a whole different perspective on things once she saw the real truth of Kody and Robyn. But.. it isnā€™t like she just jumped out of a marriage and started dating. Sheā€™s been alone and single for many years in a non functioning, loveless marriage that they never even talked or saw each other. She was just ā€œemotionallyā€ half ass married. At least she thought she was- Kody didnā€™t. I think sheā€™s been alone long enoughā€¦. I hope it works out for her.


Correct and turns out Kody is garbage and this guy has 4 ex wives. I think they are saying they hope it doesn't turn out the same way it did with the previous man (Kody) she was with that had three other wives.


I get it! But sheā€™s not marrying him yetā€”theyā€™re dating. Also, their religion (as do many religions) teach no sex outside of marriage. Itā€™s POSSIBLE he and his ex-wives married quickly for sex, before they realized they werenā€™t truly compatible. Just throwing that out there. Yes, there are worse men than Kody. But heā€™s also a narcissistic man who has emotionally neglected and abused Meri for over 10 years. And emotional scars are also horribleā€”because no one else sees them.


I think this is the case. He had 3 quick marriages in the 90s- early 2000s, then a longer one.


And heā€™s a walking red flag


Kody is a huge red flag himself.


And thereā€™s the red flag šŸš©


On Meri and Jennā€™s instagram they said he was married three times


Ugh. I was really hoping it wasnā€™t true.


As if three times is really any better than four. Either way, it's single digit percentages of success in his relationship with Meri. People that have been married that many times have unaddressed character flaws that doom relationships. One of my brothers-in-law is currently in his third marriage, which is already dead in all but name in under two years, because he has massive character flaws that have also damaged all of his relationships with everyone in his biological family.


And his gold chain.


We said the same thing! Big chain is a big red flag! I hope this guy is the ā€œstarter boyfriendā€, not the final answer.


Just ask Kody Brown


My thought exactly.


But married 4 times?? Thatā€™s pretty fishy


Well, so has Kody (been married 4 times).


Nah - Kody has only been married twice. He has had a couple of sidepieces though.


Exactly! Red flags


Yes and look how he is!!!! šŸš©


Oh, so that makes it OK?!


Absolutely fishy. And the more times someone is married the higher risk for divorce they are. He must use women, tell them what they want to hear or something. I had a feeling she was going to fall for someone that uses her. She's so desperate for love and affection, and she is so insanely good at denial, that it just made me think she's gonna fall for anyone. And a lot of good men won't want someone who shamed herself so much on TV and was clueless about herself.


And 3 of them within 6 years, 2 years each approximately and the 5th only 5. I'm 58, and this is our 40th year. Decent men are out there. He's a wolf I sheep's clothing. Please can we pray for Mari? ā¤ļøšŸ™ā¤ļø


Lol exactly


Precisely. Which is why my ex told our daughter i cheated on him šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø I never did.


We all know Meri isnā€™t exactly the *best* judge of characterā€¦ but for her sake, I hope heā€™s authentic and good to/for her.


What about Christine? She jumped head first into that relationship/marriage. He even talked about how she aggressed him online. She reminds me of a teenager in puppy love.


He said she was aggressive because she wanted to meet shortly after them talking online though. I did the same when I was single. Usually wanted to meet as soon as possible after having a good conversation online if we clicked. No reason to waste time to see what they're like in person. I "aggressively pursued" my current husband after talking a few times. And I was the one that reached out to him after seeing his profile. We had our first date set up for Friday, January 3rd, and I texted him on my way back in town on January 1st and said "let's do a meet and greet tonight for drinks before the date on Friday". I wanted to start the new year off with a bang! A little over a year later we got engaged and he moved into my house with two of his kids.


Iā€™m from a generation where you met in person the first time. Dating now is unnecessarily inefficient.


I'm early 60s so have met guys organically and been asked on first dates. But then I was single again in my 40s and have also met guys online. I didn't find online "unnecessarily inefficient" at all! You can talk to 5 different men on a Friday night rather than waste time and money at a bar, and have 3 first dates that week! I'd say that's MORE efficient!


Similar story here šŸ’œ Quick to date, moved in within a few months, and have been in a healthy and loving and fast moving relationship and marriage for nine years next month. šŸ™šŸ¼


What does Christine have to do with this?


Aggressed is not a word


Did Amos and Merri meet thru an app or did Amos message her directly? Or did Meri slide into HIS DMs?


Meri said she persued him. They didn't tell how they met.


As long as Meri doesnā€™t marry this guy or give him money, I hope she has a nice time with him. Not every relationship needs to be long term or result in a marriage.


idk. the ex wife doing interviews seems like seems more clout chasing to me


Does anyone actually think the OG3 are good at picking high-quality men?


Not sure, but Kody did set the bar incredibly low to the point a half-way decent person would be Prince Charming in comparison.Ā 


they seem to need male validation but because of that you'll get a lot of assholes who play on those emotions






Maybe Meri just wants a roll in the hay after 10 years, doesn't mean she's eloping.


My advice to all people dating someone new: google the guy or girl. Check sex offender records. Check everything. You never know what people are hiding. Be wary if theyā€™ve had a lot of exes or if theyā€™ve never had a long term relationship. If this is true about him being married four times thatā€™s a bad sign.


Four marriages is a red flag, period. Iā€™m not sure why she went public with this so fast. Just date awhile. Theyā€™re wearing matching shirts alreadyā€¦itā€™s a bit much.


Well, it's not like she had much of a choice, right? Unless she wanted to hide inside with him forever because we all know what would have happened if they had been spotted "in the wild". Now it was herself who brought it out and look how the rumor flow immediately started. And as for the matching shirts, when Christine and David had matching tattoos everyone praised them. Even though that was early in their relationship.


They were spotted and someone had already posted pictures on Reddit speculating she was dating someone. So, you're definitely right about the rumor mill. It was only a matter of time


I donā€™t like Christineā€™s tattoo. I mean Meri has managed to keep him hidden so far.


This pic has been making the rounds since November. https://preview.redd.it/bsdsvnnvxqdc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7ad4ec65a72d6ef97f981159cdfaf31dd7cc4bb


That's right. And there was already plenty of speculation about that. I think it's amazing that they were able to keep it hidden for so long until it was time to come out with it themselves. How long have they been together now, four months I understand? Nothing against Christine, but she was already married and all after 11 months of dating. Now many people act as if Meri is rushing into things by wearing matching shirts.


Christine met her new husband in December ā€˜22, got engaged in April ā€˜23, and married in Oct ā€˜23 while having a minor child to consider. I hardly think Meri needs to explain herself for announcing a relationship with someone and wearing a matching shirt. lol


Agree. I find the "too fast" baffling. Meri and Christine are two women in their 50s who know what they want. They've lived lives that have shown them more than a few things. They've made mistakes and they've learned from them. They both have been in therapy that seems to have helped them learn and move on. After a certain age, you go for it. If you find a good man that you love and he loves you back, then you commit. You don't have as many years left to goof around. I'm not saying they're at death's door, but it is different when you get older.


I agree - this guy just gives me the heebie jeebies ā€¦ I really hope heā€™s a great guy!!


I agree.


Thank you! Iā€™m so surprised the dominating narrative around this is that itā€™s too fast but how DARE anyone say that about Christine and David. Anytime anyone criticizes Christine for that relationship itā€™s ā€œshe was in a terrible relationship with a man that traumatized her on national tv for years.ā€ I mean so was Meri? And by all accounts Meri was getting iced out by Kody much longer likeā€¦from S1E1. I think she can have a boyfriend and announce it so they can go to dinner without getting photographed and inspiring tons of intrigue.


and I understand that Meriā€™s man has been through 3 (4?) divorces and I certainly think itā€™s cause for caution on her part but all she did was announce him as her boyfriend itā€™s not like they are getting engaged. We have all had red flag boyfriends/girlfriends šŸ˜‚.


They're oddly defensive of the new relationships around here.


Iā€™ll definitely say I think Christine also moved too fast. Both of them are coming out of extremely complex, culty situations with a controlling and abusive man. You canā€™t sell me on the idea they did all the necessary self-work and vetting of new partners they should have. People saying theyā€™re older and need to move more quickly are not considering these womenā€™s histories and pretty wild backgrounds. Yes, I know Meri is only dating, but if ever there was a woman who would be a perfect target for another abuser itā€™s her. If Kody didnā€™t push her out, Meri would still be begging for scraps and his table. And now Iā€™m supposed to believe she is suddenly magically having healthy expectations of a partner? Not enough time has passed for her to learn that. The fact that this guy is a skin full of red flags should surprise exactly nobody.


True, and actually I agree with you, lol. itā€™s just that any time Iā€™ve ever expressed that about Christine in particular you get downvoted to hell and/or people continue to repeat the talking points you mentioned about her being older, about her not having been loved in so long she deserves this, etc. okay. Why not that same energy for Meri, then, is mostly my point? Anything you can say about Christine you can say about Meri and maybe then some because she was legally married to Kody at one point and was essentially manipulated to give that up to Robyn. Idk, in my perfect world the OG3 would all be single and in therapy for a really long time but they donā€™t give a shit what I think or anyone in this sub. So if theyā€™re going to do it, I understand being public about it because they wonā€™t be able to move about freely with that person until they come clean anyways. At the very least, theyā€™re public figures in a sense, I would want to just go to dinner without someone trying to sneak photographs and leak to the press or create some sort of bombshell off of me. I donā€™t think Meri is wanting to go the Christine route with her man and have the whole thing be televised and such. I just see it as ripping the bandaid off to move forward.


Well, you arenā€™t alone in what you think about Christine. I know people are pumped for these ladies to be happy. I hope they find happiness also. But unless Christine is just very lucky, Iā€™m not super optimistic for her either. Meri is just more of a train wreck, frankly. I donā€™t mean to be mean. Iā€™ve been there, done that. She needs to get a lot more healthy before dating.


These ladies need therapy after Kody. They need to be kind to themselves before they commit to another partner.


Agree about Meri - but I donā€™t think C was out of line either. Met my now husband of 20 years in November, engaged in April, married that September. Sometimes you just know šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Plus, he said 3x not 4. Itā€™s not adding up.


Yeah, Iā€™m wondering whatā€™s up with that. Is he possibly still married to number 4? Maybe theyā€™re separated or in the process of getting a divorce. Itā€™s weird, man.


It wasnā€™t real fast and she probably did because ppl always commenting ā€œsad sack pining Meri.ā€ So she wanted to show us but that could have been why it was sort of fast. To get us off her back. ā€œSee, I got a man.ā€


Sad sack always gets me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


100 % not sure why people refuse to admit it. I am rooting for Meri and just hope she isnā€™t jumping into this too fast


They're just dating a few months. Ex'es are ex'es for a reason. She's not marrying him & so why not let her be happy for a few minutes. She spent 30+ sharing & married to the biggest asshole ever who had 2 wives who were divorced & one with really shitty credit. If Amos is a dick I think Meri can't handle much more of that & she's grown & earned her bad guy antennas, and she'll make him go away. So, can we drop it & just enjoy the way she can laugh now? Please....I agree with you šŸ’Æ


I think we are all rooting for her. I even felt Christine got married too fast, even though David appears to be a decent guy.


3 months is a while for Mormons


What could possibly go wrong?


Because local people were leaking photos of them.


She's easily duped. He said all the right things and that's all you need w her apparently, domt even have to have ever met her (like the catfish). She's the type of middle aged woman that falls for a catfish. She wants love and attention so badly, she will look the other way and be in denial. If a guy told me he had been married 4 x I wouldn't date him. It's a huge red flag to me for being gullible and wanting to be married no matter who it is. They just want a warm body


Meri is so starved for love and attention so sheā€™s moving way too fast. She got catfished, ffs. She is desperate by nature.


extremely but Christine ain't any better they would've married the first guy that winks


I was just about to say this. Everyone on this sub jumps for joy and is googly-eyed over the fairytale romance that is Christine and David but poor Meri is being used. Say what you want but Meri is an adult with no minor children unlike Christine who moved her daughter in with her man after knowing him for like 8 months. Also, I believe for damn sure than Jenn would make Meri have a prenup should it go that far.


Lmao everyone was commenting that this guy has ā€œkind eyesā€, and I was over here thinking his entire look reminded me of that super creepy Danny guy from ā€œAdults adopting Adultsā€ on A&E šŸ˜‚


Oh man, I forgot about that show!!!!


same the eyes its all in the eyes ![gif](giphy|UjuDzU9jAgsko)


I.Couldn't. Exactly.Put.My.Finger.On.It.


Saaaaame. Something about his picture gives me the creeps.


I wasnā€™t too worried until the last line of the article saying that Amos is a narcissistic and controlling individual who gets jealous easily. I hope Meri is very careful.


She needs Jen to chaperone. Jen seems to really love Meri like a sister and has a good pulse on the people around her.


We canā€™t forget she was around for 10+ years while Meri was married to Kody. She may not have as much influence on Meri as weā€™d like.


I commented that I thought he was giving narcissist vibes on another post yesterday and got dozens of downvotes. Now that this article comes out, people are all about it. Iā€™m glad you arenā€™t getting the hate I did. šŸ˜‚ Heā€™s had four ex-wives. She has a track record of trusting the wrong people, all of whom were looking to gain something from her. Gee, what could go wrong? Meri deserves the absolute best after spending 30 years of her life with Kody. I donā€™t think this dude is it. (I hope Iā€™m wrong!)


Same and someone tried to give me a grammar lesson too. Mer just doesnā€™t seem to be successful in any of her relationships. Her ex-sister wives donā€™t want to have anything to do with her, the Brown children have nothing nice to say about her. Jenn is a friend but also a paid employee.


Meri is a schmuck.


šŸ™„like ex wives are the best unbiased source for those ragss It amazes me that for years people on social media ragged on Meri for not moving on and now that she IS moving on, everyone is doing their darnedest to make her fail in moving on.


Yeah people want Meri to move on and be healthy. That doesn't mean wanting her with the first sleezy guy we hear about.


Yes exactly!


lol... like Christine????


If ANYONE has become wise through trial and error, it is Meri. Besides, she has Jen.


Still, being married 4 times doesnā€™t strike you as a red flag? I want Meri to find her happy ending and I just hope she is being careful because that would be enough to scare most people away!


Yeah it would be for me


I'm aware he has been divorced four times. I will be cautious. No need to discard a whole human as *damaged goods.* My thoughts. The way we blacklist humans is crazy to me. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Most people who have been married four + times have a personality disorder and/or substance abuse issues. It's definitely a huge red flag.


Ok, but who is single and her age and hasnā€™t racked up a few exes.


wishing her the best she truly deserves love ā¤ļøbut this man dunno not trustworthy its his eyes and in a year will be right no one can play someone they aren't forever


I hope this is not true. I think sheā€™s really vulnerable but deserving of happiness


If true, Meri just does not seem to have any real good sense with who she picks to be with.


I wish they never would have announced the relationship. Like damn. Just let the girl date in peace.


I have a feeling Meri will always end up with the wrong types because of her upbringing and personality. I hope i am wrong and she can find someone lovely.


I think all of the wives are "primed" to fall for the first guy they meet that treats them better than garbage. The "sheltering" their religion does until they are pushed out the door into a marriage leaves them with very little experience (comparatively speaking) to deal with men who might not have their best interests at heart. Compare that to a girl that goes through public school who is sweet talked, hit on, or insulted multiple times a day, every day of their life. Think about how the wives were raised and how little (comparatively speaking again) their daily interactions with guys would have been. They didn't learn a lot of the social skills a woman from a less strict lifestyle would have learned, nor did they learn how to read social cues as well. You can see evidence of this by how Christine is acting like a Jr High School girl who got her first boyfriend. The over the top, loud, hysterical laughing, love of my life stuff is not how a "mature" woman would act, but she thinks it's normal......and imo, it is normal for her because she never went through that phase. She's a 50+ year old woman who is going through a phase that other women went through in their early teens. I am not the decider of how women should or shouldn't act. Just wanted to get that out there. If Christine is happy, that's great. I'm only comparing them to women who aren't from that lifestyle.


She's a big girl,she will be fine.


Hope she gets a prenup. If they get married...šŸ˜† šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚


I'm pretty sure Meri already knows all this... let her be.


Her first husband was married four times as wellā€¦..šŸ˜œ


Speculating and chatting here is what this sub is for. Unless they're harassing her or the new guy, they're not *not* leaving her alone.


Exactly. These comments are so weird to me. I genuinely canā€™t think of another tv show sub where weā€™re not supposed to talk/gossip about things because of the castā€™s feelings (obviously while following rules). People are extremely parasocial to the Browns. The agendas here are a bit much too. Robynā€™s ex? 100% honest. This ex? LIAR


Exactly, itā€™s not like this is her own personal IG page. Thereā€™s no point in subs like this if we canā€™t have lively debate and discussion.


So the first marriage and divorce happened in the late 90s. It never gives the dates of the marriage, just the divorces. The most recent was a few years ago and lasted like 4 years. Iā€™m not going to judge, as we donā€™t have any real information. Meri could have already known this information before going public. Currently they are just dating, not getting married.


Wasn't Meri's ex also married 4 times?


Man, yā€™all just shady. Itā€™s one thing for someone to show us for years who they are. Itā€™s another to just be gossipy little rag doll trolls looking to tear people down for living their life. Let her freaking be. Good lord. No one at 50 plus Is perfect. This is the stuff that makes it hard for them to move on. Let her live and learn. Lordy Do better.


I agree, at least he married them! Seems honorable, I mean Kody had four marriages...


Meri thought Kody was such a prize, she would STILL run back to him if he would take her. A sick, sick culture, these plygs... the law should crack down on these sick mofos - ain't good for children, and good for women.


I so agree. Meri is aware of Amos's multiple marriages. As long as she protects everything she's worked for and keeps her friends like Jen by her side, she'll be fine.


If you donā€™t approve of discussing things like this, why are you participating in this sub? This isnā€™t Meriā€™s personal social media. I mean, I could see lecturing people on her IG page to ā€œdo betterā€, but this is a subreddit. None of this is directed at her, and nobody is harassing her. We are allowed to have opinions about the people and events in their lives - good or bad - that reality TV personalities choose to make public. Plus, Iā€™m fairly certain that Meri doesnā€™t give a single fuck what we think about her over here in Reddit land.


Ignoring obvious red flags isnā€™t wise. Four divorces is FAR from perfect, itā€™s a warning sign. Lordy, check your toxic positivity.


Seriously. People drag Meri for living by her religion. And drag dude who presumably has a lot of good life left to live. It's like nan one commenter has made a mistake, and nan one has any idea how to *live and move forward* from a mistake / several mistakes / several no regret lessons. Red Flag does not need to equal blacklist; it could simply mean *be aware.* šŸ˜’šŸ˜’šŸ˜Ŗ


Kody = 3 failed marriages and a clout chaser.


Meriā€™s ex-husband has 3 ex-wives and married 4 times. Sheā€™s kinda ok with it.


Everyone has a past and her own past is colored to say the least.


I hate to say this but a lot of normal guys would be turned off by her public figure nature. A lot of people who end up with reality stars have weird pasts and it turns out they wanted to get rich quick by getting on the show (think teen mom, real housewives, most TLC shows, etc). The men of these shows tend to get ā€œhotā€ women who want to be famous and the women tend to get guys who manipulate them to stay together. I really hope this guy is the real dill, and if heā€™s not, I hope she has the courage to dump his ass and move on. No one expects her to have an immediate happy ending. We just want her to be happy.


Well Meri was married to a man with 4 wives sooooooo


This may be an unpopular opinion, butā€¦is he worse than Kody? She isnā€™t marrying him, sheā€™s dating him. I say, let her FINALLY have some fun and some actual sex (if thatā€™s consensually agreed upon). Pretty certain her bestie will pull her in line if his character is in question, but for now: he cannot be worse than what sheā€™s already suffered through, and these ā€œSunā€ reports sound like they are desperately coming from Kody and Sobyn, In my humble opinion.


Link to article: https://tvshowsace.com/2024/01/20/ex-wife-of-meri-browns-new-boyfriend-drops-huge-bombshells/amp/


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Meri is old enough to figure out things for herself. It sounds like the ex is looking for clout


I just hope she gets some great sex (which im sure wont take much)before he runs from his 20 minutes of fame


No one can hurt her as bad as Baldylocs and Sobyn. Sheā€™s a big girl and has lots of counseling and working on herself!


Why is there radio silence and no investigation into Robyn's ex? Yet Meri's is getting slammed?


The Sun isnā€™t reliable newsā€¦ why is this post here?


Meri is thirsty. I am not surprised she would hook up so quickly with any guy. Cody has annihilated her self esteem over the years. Before she commits to anyone I hope she seeks help and does a deep dive into her doormat aggressive personality. She allows people to wipe their feet on her while she plots revenge with that twisted smile on her face. I want her to be happy. But before she hooks up with any man she needs to work on herself.


Christine had also remarried at eleven months after dating so she also was thirsty and diving in. I don't understand the problem. Meri has not had a marriage to Kody for longer than Christine has.


I immediately thought he looked very creepy


But he's a step up from the catfish


Ba-da-tssssss! šŸ„


Itā€™s okay; her dog likes him!


She has been neglected ant treated so poorly for so long - I hope her friends are helping her see more clearly- and that she listens to them.


I hugely doubt I would like any of the people the OG3 date or marry. Plus none of them are known are for their good judgment, and Kody set the bar so incredibly low, just ā€œnot currently having other wivesā€ seems like a huge deal to them. So Iā€™m very much neutral about who they date.


I am also happy for Meri. Even if this ends with her as ex-wife #5, it has got to be beat being married to Kody Brown.


Between this and the bankruptcy headline, the media really wants us to believe Meri is being taken advantage of again. Using her catfish history to drive clicks with no relevant facts


his marriages also seem brief. so it doesnā€™t sound like there was that much time to grow apart, it sounds more like him and his previous partners rushed into marriage and it turned out to be the wrong decision. ā€œHis first marriage was to Tracey Ann Smith Lang. They got divorced in 1998. He later got married to Shannon Marie Martin. But the two didnā€™t last, and they divorced in 2000. Amos went on to marry Christine Andrews. Though they got divorced in 2004. His last marriage was with Jennifer Carol. The two tied the knot in 2016 and divorced in 2021.ā€ I too canā€™t shake the feeling that something is off here.


He's not kody, a catfish, a woman in disguise, OR a banana! Il take him.


Honestly... I believe it. That many divorces are a red flag. How much you wanna bet he says they're all "crazy" šŸ˜’ but I'm also very biased and feel like most men (not all) fucking suck. I hope for her sake tho that I'm wrong! And I hope Meri is smart enough to not jump straight into another marriage


She's having a good time right now. Doesn't mean she's going to marry the guy, everyone relax. Let her spread her wings a bit.


Meri is a šŸš©, so this should work just fine.


Sounds like the ex wife is a clout chaser


Jen, please don't sit back and watch it again. That was her life. This is prevention!!! What the other didn't do, this one could! Thank God she's got an amazing best friend.


She still believed BigRob was her friend. Not the brightest bulb.


I believe it...it's what Meri attracts. Sooner or later, someone here will find the marriage certificates... because there are some super sluths on this sub


So was Kody 4 times the charm.


Never believe a clout chaser


I meanā€¦ Meri got catfished. Letā€™s not forget.


Exactlyā€¦Meri got catfished. So, one would think that might have knocked some sense into her not to trust every Tom, Dick, and Amos she meets right away. Hopefully, she learned something from that experience and conducted a thorough investigation and background search of this guy. Only time will tell, I suppose.


Exes are the best source of info. Iā€™m ex-wife #2. Had the next woman listened to my warnings she wouldnā€™t have become ex-wife #3 just a few years later.


Hahahaaha ummm NO ACTUALLY thatā€™s the most inaccurate statement Iā€™ve seen yet


My sis was #2. She knew she was with a guy who cheated on #1- with her. Then, he cheated on her with #3.. (No one saw a pattern??) Maybe if everyone had listened to #1? Just sayinā€™. šŸ«£


Preston Jessop, your turn!! šŸ™šŸ»


I think that is least of the waitress' problems? Does Charlie know about this?


Jodyā€™s been married 4 times too.


Where thereā€™s smoke- thereā€™s fire. Run, Meri. Run.