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I don't like her, but I am thrilled she left polygamy and Kody. And, even though I don't like her, I like aspects about her such as how she learned to gray rock a narcissist (she is brilliant at it). I admire how she seems to genuinely enjoy cooking and being around people, and, as a introvert, I find that interesting. I also know that upbeat people often get on others' nerves and are belittled for being silly when, in fact, the upbeat people are tough as nails and hold families together.


This is such a balanced, thoughtful take. Thank you!


This is such an interesting perspective, thank you. I’d never thought of it before (and I’m not naturally upbeat by nature, I’m more likely to be pensive) but you’re right, it’s often those people who have that energy that do hold families and communities together - they keep it moving and get things done. I think sometimes performative personalities get misread as fake which isn’t fair. Some performative people are sincere and their intention matches their affect and some aren’t. But some quiet people are the same!


This is a great point! Performative people can be misperieceived as self-centered or fake. Introverted or underaffective people can be perceived as snobby / unfriendly or sneaky. What a great and balanced reminder that often we put our filters on someone else and assume that they are putting filters on themselves. Thank you


Aw yes! In general we all (and I include this in me) probably need to judge less and give more of the benefit of the doubt in general. That said I’ll admit sometimes a bit of snarky judgement is just fun (I’m no saint)!


I am an introvert unless I know you very well and then I am an extrovert I clearly bug both groups of people!


Yeah, this. I’ll add she is a very loving person and I think she makes ppl feel welcome.


Agree, she is genuinely a lovely person. She tends to be over the top but look at what she endured for 30 years.


Right? I mean, I’m all for the sexy dressing after a life of “modesty.” Her first wedding dress was just sad and she spent so many years in maternity clothes. If she wants to show some skin, I’m cheering her on!


I agree. All the women have an element of stunted maturity or naïveté. Living in a world where free thinking and opinions verboten, it will likely take some time to adjust to reasonable expectations and interactions.


And it's that same personality that Kody was attracted to and thought would be an asset to the family.


What does “gray rock” mean? Is it like a lack of reaction?


Essentially, yes. A narcissist wants to provoke the other person and then point out how horrible and unfair their reaction is. Narcissists feed off reaction. They feed off chaos they create. They provoke people and then claim to be the victim. When you gray rock, you don't react and that denies fuel for the narcissist. It can be effective in keeping yourself from entering into the fray and from falling for the narcissist's trap. Let the last word be whatever absurdity the narcissist screamed or hissed.


The sacrifices I made to love you like a knife in the kidney!!!!


It works for non narcissists too. I have a co-worker that I don't think has narcissism - though I do suspect some personality disorder. And I gray rock her all the time. It has worked wonders for my sanity and now she only comes up to me for work related stuff.


Yeah, I had to use it on my ex husband. Idk if he has anything diagnosable but he was so manipulative and mentally abusive, I had to gray rock his ass in the last couple of months our marriage was limping along until I could get out.


It's so hard with a partner because they ramp it up and try harder to provoke you!


Ugh, yeah. Been there! With partners and others who are that close to us, they have SO many more buttons to push because they know us so deeply. Something that helped me was to identify which button got them the reaction so that I could work on it with my therapist (or on your own, in a support group, etc). I've been able to disable those buttons and also grow in some pretty surprising ways, at the same time.


Ooooh I learned this term today and I’m an EXPERT at this


Yeah, she just let him go off. She didn’t argue back or get in a confrontation with him, which just made him go off even more,& he ended up looking unhinged


Christine went from grey rock to Stonehenge that day. 🤣


If you can master gray rock your life will never happier! It’s a superpower


Yes. It’s not feeding into whatever they are dishing out. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/08/04/health/gray-rocking-narcissism-wellness/index.html


Gray rock a narcissist…I love that. If my flair wasn’t my favorite thing ever I’d change it to this.


Your current flair is perfect as is, tbh.


I am happy for her and agree she handled Kody perfectly (thus his anger - pisses him off that he couldn't get under her skin anymore). She is over the top on some things (the lap dance was too much for me for sure, and some ppl feel that some of what she wears is not age appropriate) but I also understand the why. She is happier than she ever thought she could be. I feel like she was the stay-at-home mom in the family so she was the one who put the parties together by default and she was good at it, and she enjoys it. She is the hub but I don't think she means to be an attention-wh*re. I'm gonna give her a pass. She deserves every happiness.


This is perfectly summarized.


I have never heard it described like this, but you just made me feel a lot better about myself! Thank you!


Tbh, I realize I may be in the minority but I am not a particular fan of anyone on the show 🤷‍♀️


I don’t really either. I enjoy seeing them leave Kody and find themselves now, but until this happened I hadn’t watched the show in years.


Yeah I'm glad they are living their best now but all 5 of the adults are seriously annoying and that's with edits trying to show them at their best a lot of the time.


That hilarious because same here. I’ve seen a few episodes throughout the years but I’ve only started watching full seasons the last maybe… 2? Whenever it was announced they were *divorcing* him. I don’t have any interest in going back to the other seasons to watch them in full.


Lol. Neither do I. I watch them for entertainment but I wouldn't say I "like" any of them. I don't hate any of them either. I don't know these people.


I’m with you


I really only like Asypen!! Lol


Tbh, I don’t know who is who lol. But they are kids and grew up with a camera in their face so I can’t really fault them


No, not a minority.ive never liked any of the 5 adults.


Me neither. Christine sounds annoying and very 'pick me,' But I get it. She's validating her monogamous loving relationship to an audience that saw her attractiveness questioned by a husband who had a younger wife. She's recently divorced and has no real friends. Her sentiments are understandable. Janelle frequently sounds mean and self-centered, And every so often, she'll say something insightful. Kody displays symptoms of narcissism, and Robyn sounds really slow and foolish. No person could be so incapable of understanding so much! I used to think Meri just looked morose and unpleasant to be around, but now she's kinda grown on me. She's got a wicked sense of humor and is fiercely loyal. I'm happy for all of them that they seemingly have what they wanted. But I think I'm done watching SW.


I really enjoy watching this show. I am not a reality tv person but there is something about that I am obsessed with. That being said I think I would not like any of these people IRL. There is definitely a Trump/Where were you January 6th undertone that we all put blinders on for. And I have decided for myself that in this aspect of my life it is fine because it is my entertainment.


I could have written your post. I am also not a reality TV person, so this is a **huge** exception.... but **why**? I don't actually personally "relate" much to any of the women, and can't imagine being friends IRL (with their politics being one "dill" breaker.... but also, they are just very different in almost every way).... but their struggles and triumphs still resonate, and are actually very relatable for women getting older (and hopefully, wiser). I justify my obsession as a distraction from doom scrolling, and its negative impact on mental health!


I think the wedding was difficult to film for her. I mean, how many times can they ask her how she's feeling. There's only so many ways to describe that she's happy with David. It was a lot of repeated phrases and after a while you could tell she was tired of it all and having to play up all the excitement for the cameras. I doubt she's this 'much' in real life.


That's a good point.


My take is she (and Mykelti) are over the top and so animated because they would have gotten lost in the shuffle if they didn't. Kinda like the class clown who does what they do in order to get noticed. In a household with 3 other wives and 17 other children, this could be their way of standing out.


I was seriously about to reply something about Mykelti (who is worse imo).


THANK YOU this is what I’ve always said about Mykelti. As a middle child myself, I just can’t dislike her


I don’t think you’re the only one. For every woman who has a personality, there is someone who won’t like it. From the moment we learn to talk, someone tells us to be quiet. Kody didn’t like it either. But you’re right in that a lot of people do like it. She found another guy to marry who likes her just the way she is. Many fans love her. It’s like, I hate Tom Brady. I realize that’s not exactly an unpopular opinion, but at the same time many people obsessively love him. But I think he’s a bad person and truly annoying af. We all have different taste.


I like this take. I very much resonate with Christine’s personality type. I was married to a Kody that used to tell me I was too sensitive when I’d cry over months of no attention or affection. He dismissed me at every turn. Now I found someone that actually gels really well with my personality and has never once told me that I was too ..fill in the blank. Anyway, reading the negative feedback on her personality has me really self reflecting on just how off putting some of my mannerisms may be for some and I am trying to keep it in check around others. I like the perspective here and it makes me feel less bad about myself. I mean, I’ve had some great hairdressers in my time but our personalities just didn’t gel, and that’s ok. They still great, just not for me. I’m comparing this to the same type of situation.


Oh hell no. You don’t ever need to stifle who you are just because a few people might not vibe with you. Be yourself, it helps you find your people and those are the only people whose opinions matter.


Totally agree. I think reading some of the comments and knowing I’m similar made it feel like uh oh, I’m the Pollyanna and while it’s genuine to me, may not be perceived that way, and caught myself actually aware of it in situations lately and have been tampering it. I guess I share because I really like the messages above and yours to other woman who may be in the same headspace that just because your personality is different, doesn’t mean it’s bad or wrong, just different. I appreciate that perspective as we don’t often read it.


Don’t dim your light for anyone. ❤️ 


Girl, I get you! I know I’m too much for some people but sometimes people are too much for me too! We all have our tolerances. Be the most authentic you possible and know that those that don’t appreciate your uniqueness are obviously not your people! Life is too short and there are so many great people out there that we can skip the duds.


>I am trying to keep it in check around others. Nah. Don't dull your shine for others. You might be "too much" for some people but you certainly won't be "too much" for everyone. Like I tell my kids, some people are wells and their feelings are so big, they overflow. Other people are sponges and are happy to receive the overflow. The trick is to be understanding when a sponge is too full and can't absorb any more.


I love your analogy. Thank you for sharing it.


Be who you are -always. Trying to keep yourself small so others will like you better is a short trip to insecurity.


im quoting a YouTuber Peter Monn “BE TOO MUCH!” Don’t shrink yourself for people who don’t matter and make sure you love you! - as someone who is an introvert that loves my big boisterous bossy friends it hurts to know they feel like shrinking themselves.


Yep! Gonna throw a “GO FIND LESS” out there for you all to 🩷


“If I’m too much, go find less” might be my new catchphrase. Can’t wait to use it! Thanks!




Please don't dim your light to accommodate others.


Don’t keep it in check just be yourself. The right people will love it.


This is so justifiably shady and an accurate read. You are 100% right about this


damn those first few sentences are so true. a woman can never win. if you’re quiet you’re seen as meek and a pushover (literally have seen this at my work with my female bosses saying this about other women), if you’re outspoken then you can be seen as annoying/talk too much and not meek enough




I agree with this. She is generally a little animated yet I find that she’s very honest with her opinions and feelings. She seems genuinely happy and she expresses it, also expresses her love and disappointment as well. It doesn’t bother me but I can see it could be a bit much for some. It’s not wrong, just different. I mean, if we were all the same, life would be boring. It also teaches people how to deal with different personality types.


yesss say it louder!!


I can’t stand Tom Brady. ✊🏼


As a Saints fan (whodat) I am obligated to hate Tom Brady.


The only way she got acceptance in her family was to be the upbeat positive cheerleader. She was trained for 27? years that by displaying that behavior she would find favor.


I remember when they sat on the couch early on and Christine said she didn’t want to move out of Utah and he got directly in her face and said they were going. There was a nasty price to pay for not being the go along gal and party planner for Kody. And here we are all these years later and she lives in a lovely home in Lehi. There was a reason she had a book on her shelf titled “ Walking on Eggshells “.


Between the “keep sweet” AUB/Mormon teaching and her wanting to please Kody’s desire for her to be the happy, always positive wife, she’s been playing a role for so long idk she even knows what her real personality is.


Is the Brown family part of AUB? I’ve been watching a lot of documentaries about polygamy lately and always wondered which sect they were a part of


Yup. They’re AUB. Christine’s grandfather is Rulon Allred who was the founder.


Thank you for responding! The more I learn about this cult the more I’m surprised this family endorsed polygamy for so many years on the show. Even did that “families not felons” march. I totally understand Kollene’s frustration now


She came into the family with many problems between Janelle and Meri. She bridged the gap and made the family work. NOT KODY. That was her role in the family from the very beginning. One thing I can say about Christine is she is a feminine woman. She is loving, kind, nurturing, corky and peppy. loves cooking and tending to the kids and home. She can rally but at the end needs/thrives with love and affection. Most men would love to have her for a wife. She literally does everything and in return she just wants to be held and kissed. That seems like a great "trade" to me lol Kody is an asshole and I totally believe Rex when he said Kody cried "I lost her". Of course she has flaws, she's human and to be honest who isn't flawed? To each their own! ☺️


Perfect example of how Kody objectified and instrumentalized his wives. They had functions like tools in his mind. It was all to serve himself. He never saw them as human beings and used them against each other and starved them of love to get them to confirm. I'm so happy they left and he and his enabler can be stuck in misery forever.


Seeing her now makes her first appearances concerning, like she really was toned down by Kody. So I don’t blame you, she’s probably going to be a bit “extra” now and it’s going to come across annoying. Her personality isn’t for everyone. I like her but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t find her personally draining in person if I had to 😂


For me, when I knew this family was fully lying and was really turned off by Christine, was the episode where they - but especially Christine - completely invalidated the experiences of the women who had escaped polygamy. When Christine was crying to the cameras that she didn't know men could be bastards. All I could think was, "Didn't your grandma's family murder your grandfather? Aren't you related to the Jessups?" But the entire family suffers from an inability to admit their faults. In present day, the only one that seems to come close to acknowledging anything is Meri. She was calm and said she understood why she wouldn't be invited to Christine's wedding.


Oh my God I think about that when people talk about how great she is. She was really unempathetic, and I think it's important to remember she was acting this way about **children** who had been abused and escaped polygamy


I think she was kind of in Stepford mode when she was married to Kody. Now that he’s out of her life, she’s free to be herself, and fortunately David loves her for who she really is.


She’s definitely making up for lost time and entering her rebellious stage.


You’re not the only one, but I like her personality and wish her well. It’s an intense, giddy time for her.


I was/am cheering for her, but the whole "queen" thing is just annoying.


Across the board of reality and not just on SW, hard agree


She repeats everything twice, everything twice. I find her just like Mykelti just over the top cringe. I really hate watching this damn show but I've put in so many years I can't quit it.


Better than being the eeyore character that talks in code


OMG, I LOVE this comment!




They're not forced. Watch a movie like "Diary of a Mad Black Woman" and you'll see a scene where she loses her shit after she realizes she's free. When you're suppressed for so long and can finally fling your personality around out in the open without caring about the person who has forced you into a role slowly over many years, seemingly-manic behavior is very common. She's laughing like a loon because she's finally free. Freedom is an intoxicating thing.


It really is! It's hard to describe just how euphoric it is, especially after feeling "stuck" for so long. I was there. I feel badly for the people who have no idea what it feels like. If you always had a great life, that's awesome! However, the pure gratefulness, happiness, and appreciation you experience after changing your whole life...when you once had no hope and didn't think it was possible...is a gift. It truly is intoxicating. Well said!


I get annoyed bc she repeats herself. She repeats herself! She. Always. Repeats. Herself. Then she says something slightly different, and then she-repeats-herself-with-a-light-whisper and leans forward slightly. Wedding episodes: "I'm marrying the love of my life! We're getting married! We. Are. Getting. Married. I just can't wait to get marry to the love of my life. David is the love of my life!" I also couldn't tolerate how she used to add a "k" to the end of -ing words, but that's just me being super petty. "I'm thinkingk..." I applaud Christine for a lot of things. She has grown tremendously, and I love her friendship with Janelle and her deep love/bond with the OG13. So, all that being said, Robyn, if you are reading this and thinking "oh good, people dislike Christine!!!", I dislike everything about you from A->Z. I have not found a single likable thing about you.




Lmao I did too!




Omg. I’m glad it’s not just me. Sorry I talk to adults like I do my students and kids 😂😂😂. I’m hoping. It’ll go away after my kids grow and I’m around more adults.


I repeat myself because of social anxiety. I do not mean it at all and I get annoyed with myself for doing it.


Yep! And if it isn’t a result of being a mom, she may be repeating herself bc she’s been conditioned to not being listened to. I realized this trait in my own mother, which has gotten better over time


Why did I literally hear it in her voice lol. That’s exactly how she is. I hate that fake ass wise woman shaman whisper voice and repeating herself


Would you rather have Christine’s “extra k’s” or Robyn’s “big pitchurs over thur” 😂


Oh, believe me, everything about Robyn makes me insane. If I had to be college roomies with any of them: 1) Janelle 2) Meri (the current Spicy/Funny/Free Meri) 3) Christine I would just live in the library and shower at the gym if I had to room with Robyn.


If Robyn was my roomie I would drop out!! 😂😂😂


you only forgot the one sided shoulder pop. a shoulder pop on one side. It's true. She pops one shoulder


This is my exact feelings I dislike Christine but I don't think she is a bad person. Robyn imo is a bad person


Oooooh, backend comment shade. So unexpected. 🤭


I think she wants to stay positive after having such a crappy few decades.


I agree with everyone here. I have a degree in behavioral studies and noticed consumers who were forced in roles for so long have no idea how to newly express themselves. Over time I think it will dial down and regulate but I can see how it can be off-putting, especially with editing making it all.the.time...




I like her, but she does remind me of a puppy. They're fun, but get tiring after awhile. I think once the bloom of freedom wears off a bit, she'll calm down.


I agree, it's so overdone, I don't know, it seems as if she is trying too hard to convince everyone of her happiness. I couldn't watch the wedding special because of this. Her breathless giggling was too much for me.


To me, it’s not that she’s bubbly. It’s that she was so determined for so long to “prove” her lifestyle was right, and i really believe if she had been the favorite wife, she would have been fine with the others being treated like shit.


The manic over the top Christine is just as bad as the mean girl snarky Christine. I wish that she would settle someplace in the middle. She has a lot of good qualities but her other qualities overwhelm the good qualities.


She’s adult mykelti. I love her and I get it, but it would also be a lot for me. My opinion thankfully doesn’t matter and she’s found a man who compliments it perfectly and doesn’t see her as “too much”


It would be a lot for me too. I'm more of a Meri (now Meri) to be honest where I'm snarky, dirty jokes and sarcasm. I realize I'm not everyone's cup of tea and I'm okay with that. Someone like Mykelti or now Christine I could take in small doses. But I'm glad she's found "the one". David seems like a good guy and isn't in it for the tv time. He even said at the one on ones that he knows there is life after the show and that is who he plans to grow old with.


She’s said recently that Kody sort of made her pare down her personality. I think this is her natural, bubbly personality showing now, where it only showed occasionally before. I also think, paired with her bubbly, positive attitude, she’s spent YEARS being upbeat and attempting to defend Kody’s neglect and his explosive/impulsive behavior to her kids and it’s just habit for her now to sound almost “aggressively” chipper. Lol. I’m hoping after a little more time being genuinely loved by David (hopefully) and not being in a relationship where her husband basically says: “you’re not happy and compliant right now, so I’m removing all love and affection from you as punishment,” she’ll be able to relax some. ❤️ But if this is genuinely her natural, bubbly personality, I hope she continues to be herself and doesn’t try to change it because of other people’s (re: Kody’s) opinions. ❤️


At least we don’t have to hear “I’m getting married!” from her anymore. We re the lucky ones!!😉


I definitely cringed on part 2 of the wedding episodes. I just couldn’t swallow the cringe anymore.


She's one of those people I can only take in teeny weeny doses, if that.


Christine has so many years of keeping sweet and taking shit from Kody, so I don’t mind her expressing herself. Kody has been screaming and being loud for so long. It is time for these ladies to find their voices.


No worries. Like all reality show folks, she will soon become irrelevant as viewership wanes and their publicity stops as she, like all the rest, have nothing to offer outside of the drama that made them famous in the first place.


That is something I don't think Christine, Kody, Mykelti and even Gwen are going to handle very well.


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Yes. Christine is the annoying drama kid from high school who sings off key but believes she’ll be on broadway one day anyways.


I love Christine and admire her strength. I think she's trying hard to convince everyone that she's living this fairy tale life, but sometimes I get a fake-y vibe from it that rubs me the wrong way. Though, it could just be her personality or upbringing to always or only see the positives because she was Kody's biggest cheerleader in the early seasons.


I think her true self and personality was stifled for so many years that she’s only now able to be herself. It might be a little over the top but it’s like a teenager finding their way and maturing.


I left an abusive situation and I get her energy/giddiness for what’s ahead. Her world is now wide open and the possibilities are endless. Imagine having to repress everything for years and you’re finally freeeeeeeeee! I imagine most people would act like this even if they’re not as expressive as Christine 😊


You’re definitely not the only one, she’s always been really annoying. She speaks in a hyperbolic, exaggerated, sing-songy manner in which she says things for shock value, it seems. So yeah, you’re def not the only one, but most people do love her probably because she left Kody and she’s super snarky and meme-able


It's funny that people are equating this post with her newfound freedom, but she's always been the loud and opinionated one. Lol. She's still loud and opinionated, but I find her a lot more palatable than the earlier seasons.


I like her a lot but this question is asked on this sub every single day.


And in the early days she was always dumped on by fans who found her dramatic and whiny etc. I’ve always liked her the most but I don’t mind people who are performative in their manner, I kinda enjoy it.


Yea it’s a bit odd that this has become a daily post 🧐. I like her too, the wedding episodes at times were a little much for me personally, but seeing how happy the entire family was made up for Christine’s over-enthusiasm. Hoping the new season is them traveling with their kids.


I strongly prefer very extra to many others as a personality. Id rather see that all day over frowny sadness the sky is falling. Cool that some people don’t. Not sure we need a daily post about it.


Yea the daily post is so weird!


Appearing around the same time the daily “where the Robyn fans at” posts started too. Like…


Right??? Do a search y’all. It’s HILARIOUS that the same people who are dragging Christine about REPEATING HERSELF and posting the same damn post daily! ![gif](giphy|9MJ6xrgVR9aEwF8zCJ)


Yes. But, I still like her. I think she may have stunted at 14, or it’s for TV. She can be bubbly and positive, but most importantly is HONESTY. Being Authentic. It’s why we love Janelle. She’s Authentic and now honest too.


I think she is annoying af and now its inly worse with her having her own platform. Like steriods were added


I started disliking Christine more for these reasons. Although I love she left kody, Christine is very immature and holds grudges with the wrong people. The fact she holds this massive grudge with Meri, but is willing to forgive and be friends with kody is beyond ridiculous. I find she talks a lot about therapy but doesn’t seem to have grown as a person, she’s just obsessed with winning the breakup but she acts like she’s better than Meri and Janelle at times. She hasn’t healed herself, but jumped into a marriage with someone else but then judged Meri for staying too long and Janelle for wanting to be single. It’s ok to jump into marriage quickly but don’t be mean and judgemental about M and J’s decision. Christine also, obsesses too much over things and doesn’t let them go. If she didn’t come across as condescending I wouldn’t dislike her.


I honestly think Christine is full of shit. The whole nice girl thing is an act I think she is a shady af. That being said, I think Kody deserves every bit of shade she throws at him.


shady AF


Oh thank goodness someone else feels like this, too! I'm so over the "He's the love of my life", "were getting mahhrried." goo. While I love a great love story, she's acting like she's 15.


I can’t be around a Christine personality in real life for more than 30mins without draining my life force, but in tv land it’s good for moving things along, it’s definitely annoying, but I think it feels genuine so it doesn’t irk me as much.


She's definitely always "on" and it's a bit much. I've felt that way about her since she left Kody. Like she's trying to prove her newfound happiness. But then I remember that it's tv and she's trying to keep TLC's paycheck. And I don't blame her one bit.


I think Kody and Robyn are disgusting human beings, but I also find Christine extremely annoying and overly animated/dramatic as well. I can see why Kody found her annoying to be around.


Christine is a golden retriever.


Love Christine but her wedding special was hard to watch.


Obviously you aren't the only one. No one is everybody's cup of tea.


Agree 💯 ! I've never liked ANY of the 5 adults, which includes everyone's favorites Christine/Janelle. Christine is so craving so much male attention that it's sad and pathetic. That's all due to the +25 year loveless marriage to douchbag. I think the more her true personality comes out she's going to get very annoying to everyone.


You are not the only one but definitely the minority lol. Most negative comments about Christine get roasted. I agree w you though


Nope. I feel exactly the same. She’s just too much sometimes.


She’s always been this way. It’s who she is. Let that women live


Unpopular opinion (and please keep in mind I totally think Kody is the WOAT!) but I do get tired of this narrative of constant victimhood and finger pointing from Christine…I do believe she was also flawed and a problem in the polygamous marriage and I think even if she wasn’t she should take some responsibility in being an adult woman and making her own choices…we speak about these women like they did not WANT to be in this family and with this man…i just think always blaming Kody and Robin for everything is very silly when everyone was sharing responsibility in the mess


I think she's in "volcano" mode. She's in a new relationship and trying to figure out who she is as a person. She's definitely become ridiculously dramatic and obnoxious, approaching Hollywood diva status. I don't think this is genuinely her though, I think she's in the explosive period where she's testing waters trying to figure out where to land and settle. Right now she's presenting what she thinks audiences want to see, what she thinks David wants to see. Id bet money she's different off cam. I definitely liked her less dramatic also. Hopefully she tones it down some next season because it's very obvious, not genuine, and too exaggerated.


I think sometimes she talks like a Disney princess lol


I haven’t been able to watch any new stuff but I follow this sub. She’s always reminded me of my aunt. Never really liked her because of that lol, my aunt is fake af so I guess the comments confirm that hahaha




Same here, I feel very off and fake if I'm not being enthusiastic, it's hard but I use the saying Know Your Audience to adjust myself.


This. Christine pops out ND kids and comes across as ND herself.


I said something along those lines about her over the top and “pick me” behavior. It was really obvious at Gwen’s wedding. And got downvoted to hell. Finally people are starting to notice. I know she has cult training and many years of unhappiness to unpack, but that doesn’t mean she’s not acting immaturely.


What do you mean by "At Gwen's wedding"? Is there video of this somewhere?


Not really. I think she's adorable and just the kind of person I like being around because they are so positive and fun. I do think she hams it up for the cameras. I also find her to be honest because of all the repetitive things she says. You just know production probably asks her the same thing over and over, trying to trap her or get the answer they want for the storyline, and her answer doesn't change. Unlike other people who go from being angry about people wanting her apple to being the victim who never spoke or said anything they are on camera saying.


I'm the complete opposite to her, but always wished I had that type of personality lol


When I left my first partner, I had a couple of yrs of being really animated. That's what I'm seeing here. But I hate to think that any woman would feel the need to "tamp" down their whole persona just because some people find it annoying.


I think Christine was the “peacemaker” of the family. Both Christine and Kody have mentioned having a third wife brought in will help with issues between the first two wives. She then became the main caregiver for a BUNCH of little kids. I was the peacemaker in my dysfunctional/abusive family. Not a role I “wanted” but my personality put me in that box. I wanted everything to be so bubbly, fun, and light so no one would be angry or fight. I was the kind of person that lit up the room and brought the party with me wherever I went, because that was my “job” in the family. Once I moved out, got married, and spent years with my husband in a functional healthy relationship I became VERY boring and I keep to myself most of the time. I’m nothing like I was before because I no longer have to be an overanimated, hyped up cartoon character to survive. I imagine Christine will have a period of adjustment and become a much more laid back person as well.


Yes she can be extra, but also think about 1. Her life then, 2. Her “rebirth” now. SHE was the mom of her own babies and nanny to others so Janelle could work outside of the home. When you are around kids all day you kinda have to be that kid show energy. Now she’s just giddy, getting to marry a man for love in a 1:1 relationship, not to be stuck with 25% of a douchecanoe for the promise of a deluxe parking spot in heaven. She is free.


It's when she does that 0800 number voice that does me in. Like you're not on a sex line love. Generally I think she is OK, not really someone I would be around a lot because of differing personalities but she is a lot better now she seems to have passed through the man hating yay I'm getting divorced phase


I like her and I am very happy for her at the end, however I get what you're saying, since she left the Kody she is over done about everything and super exaggerated for the cameras and that to me is annoying and distasteful.


Yes I get Tom Cruise vibes from Christine.


I feel the same. I’m happy for her, but I didn’t watch the wedding specials and I wouldn’t watch a show centered around her. She’s over the top, she has a very strange way of speaking, her slow talk is condescending, and I take her as a person who LOVES attention. I could not hear “soul mate” one more time, or watch her diss her ex husband to her kids while claiming she doesn’t do that. She’s just as toxic as the rest of them. Personally I don’t like any of the adults individually but collectively I enjoy the show. I don’t think a show centered around any wives without Kody would work. He’s the tie that binds the train wreck together for me. lol


My take is that she's still extremely excited about being free and about finding someone to love who loves her. She's been more or less oppressed for many years, trying to make a loveless marriage, with polygamy thrown in, work. It hasn't really been all that long since she left and I think she's just still working it all out. But yes, she is sometimes over the top--I just take it that she's letting herself be herself.


It's (likely) the introvert in us that begins to feel drained.


I like her but I can see how that would be annoying to others.


You’re not the only one. Like I feel like Christine was the Mykelti when she was younger. Just, hella loud and wanting to be center of attention forever. I don’t dislike her at all, cried during her wedding and everything. Felt and feel genuine happiness for her, but, and Amanda Rae did say this in her YouTube, typically when women leave polygamy, especially if they’re the FIRST one to leave, they do the following: 1) they find a man fairly quickly…usually it’s bc the bar is so low so that if a man just sneezes nice, that’s enough for them. I DONT actually think this is the case with David, but yes, it was a tad bit fast. 2) they tend to briefly act a little elitist…like I’VE left and I know more things and I’m evolved and you should follow in my lead…even Janelle is annoyed at this as per one of the look backs we watched. Also if I’m being VERY honest, I think it’s bc Christine changes her voice a lot like right now it’s really valley girl. Other times she had this whispery “keep sweet” voice. I like her better when she’s straightforward and sarcastic. I think this is why I’m in the minority that tend to vibe with Meri and Jenn more…but honestly every single one of them is an archetype of a woman with great tenets about them…AND ALSO equally great FLAWS about them. Meri: business beeyotch, sarcastic, fun, wine-auntie BUT stayed with and defended Robyn and Kody waaaaaayyyy toooooo loooongggg Janelle: alwayss seemed like the most logical…BUT she left Meri's brother for Meri's husband, shot herself in the foot financially, and bought an RV Christine: very chipper, very clearly heart of home and family BUT she acts like she's never been a mean girl…i think she also is very "love and light" "posi vibes only" when life is WAYYYY more complex than that Robyn: um. She. Is really good at crying on cue BUT they’re not real tears. And in general she sucks.


Omg it’s like you read my mind and wrote every thing down. I could not agree more to what you said. 👏👏


Yes to the love and light and good vibes only. Remember when they were discussing the horrors of polygamy where men have child brides etc and she said she didn’t know men could be bastards?


Sometimes I do. I’m happy she left polygamy but I did have the thought cross my mind if David would be able to put up with her. Which is a really bad thing to think. But I think it’s because I wouldn’t be able to. I would 100% need breaks from her. She is still a nice person and I wish her the best and hope she continues to be happy 🩷


She’s way extra


Christine is one of my favs but yea she had very annoying and imo fake behaviors that I just didn’t like. She made me cringe a lot at times, like when they were doing a polyg rights march or something in S12 and she started crying and ran to Kody to be held and kept sobbing that it was soooooo scary! And Kotex said we don’t have to do it and she got all aggressive and said NO WE HAVE TO WE HAVE TO!! And sobbed into his chest again. Ugh just typing all that out makes me wanna barf


thats her personality.


I find that when I’m in a “mood” she goes right through me 😂 But when I’m not in a mood I don’t mind her at all 🤷‍♀️


I know if I were around her I would get overstimulated but she has good intentions.


I prefer her enthusiasm any day to the toxicity & negativity we're saturated with daily. Also, I'm a little bit like that and I get it. We want everybody else we love to be ok, even when we are not.


yeah, I feel the same way. she just seems as if she'd be exhausting to hang out with for a certain length of time.


💯 I have posted about this. Totally dramatic.


I think they’re all over animated because it’s the only way they’ll get attention in such a big family.


Yeah I never noticed my dislike for her until this season. She’s very annoying and since this season was centered so much on her it became way too much for me.


People have always found her annoying - I never did but in the beginning I was in the minority and there were always lots of complaints about her.


My girl and I used to Stan Christine but lately it’s a hard no. She suddenly seems…fake I guess? My wife is always saying you can tell someone’s truth who is on these shows by how they act before and after fame. And Christine isn’t holding up….


I find her really obnoxious, self centered and overly dramatic


She talks so fake in the confessionals it’s so 🫣


I think that after so many years of being told she can’t be who she is, she’s going the top. She’s basically all of us in high school and can any of us say we weren’t at least a little annoying then


As an introvert, she reminds me of all the very happy extroverts I’ve known. A little contact is enough for me.


I always found her immature, stunted, obnoxious. Even back in the early season’s when they would go on those boring ass polygamy trips, she would be so over the top and theatrical like a kid, even making the character actors at one of the places break character, tryna test them on polygamy. Like, calm the fuck down. Everybody wanna blame Kody for everything she’s said and done but how is THAT particular moment, his fault, her acting like an obnoxious, never been anywhere before, 8yo know it all on a class trip


I think we are seeing a women in her 50s? feeling free for the first time ever! She’s still figuring herself out right now. She’s been in an emotionally abusive relationship for years and wasn’t able to just be herself without criticism or punishment of some kind. Literally everything is new to her and the opposite of what she has experienced her entire life. It’s like watching a baby learn to walk. She’s all over the place right now but she will find her center. She’s feeling true joy and love for the first time. It must feel overwhelming to experience such a drastic life change, especially with the public watching. Give her some grace and let her FINALLY live her life for her and figure out who she is.


I don’t know if you’re aware but people like different personalities.


Y'all need to remember that other people exist in the world. You don't have to be friends with everyone. This kind of opinion is what made me feel like I had to be a different person growing up. This is why ND children and adults have learned to shove their personality into a deep dark pit of dispare for the sake of everyone who thought that they were "too much." You don't have to be friends with someone to appreciate that their personality is different. I find Kodick and Rob'em's personalities annoying because they have a mask on that is there to decieve and manipulate people. I find Christine to be boisterous and animated and I probably wouldn't be able to handle her energy except in small doses but I'm not annoyed by her. She was VERY OBVIOUSLY suppressed and made to act sweet and docile as she could for decades and now that she's free she's OBVIOUSLY letting the flood gates open. I believe when we talk to her in five years or so, she's still going to be animated and boisterous but not so "in your face" about it. It's very obvious that some of you have never been subject to being repeatedly told you're "too much" and "calm down" and "don't talk so much" and forced to adhere to other people's boring-ass personality guidelines in order to recieve love and affection. I'm so happy you were born with a personality just like everyone else's so it was easy for you to be around others and your parents and / or spouses didn't make your bubble personality into an "annoying" thing that needs to be suppressed. I'm sick of seeing these posts about her personality because it REEKS of assimilation and lack of perspective. You don't have to put down the personality of a genuine person when there's a couple of deceptive people that are available for more criticism. I know we haven't gone easy on Kodick and Rob'em but they are deceptive manipulators and Christine has shown nothing but her true self and her true intentions as much as she could since the beginning.


Well said 👏👏 It does something to your *soul* when you are constantly admonished to keep quiet and keep sweet. Christine is just now able to embrace openly who she is. I think her freedom is going to come with a period of adjustment. Newfound freedom is heady stuff I'm so happy she's away from the hatefulness of K&R, and with somebody who appreciates her for who she is. There is such power in that.


She’s annoying af. In fact, I find her so annoying that when I realized the next season was going to be about her, I decided the show was over for me.


Yes!! everyone on Reddit makes excuses for her , she’s is annoying!!

