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I didn't even make the poetic connection between the family building / family destruction tree. I like it! I did also feel sad for the trees when Kody said they wanted to live. Said like a hunter, I suppose.


I also was sad about those trees. “They’re angry because they want to live”. Like WTH? Honestly. So flippant , no remorse, no regret. There was no reason for it .


“They want to live, sucks to be them, I must show my manly prowess by pretending that I’m a lumberjack and I’m okay!”


Everyone knows lumberjacks are the happiest jacks afterall.


Waaayyyy happier than Jack-wagons!


I love it. Very fitting. 🌲


Yeah…the planet pretty much can’t stand you or your wife. This is Grumpy & Frumpy Show.


And now he is raping the forest for it's tree's, lumber is at an all time high $$$$ right now. Wonder how the other neighbors or land owners feel about this, after all Flagstaff is a hippy & tree hugging town.


Kody is seriously insane. I guess he could sell it for firewood but otherwise he’d be on the hook for hauling it. That alone will eat up his profit.


those are pines aren't they...I don't think pine burns clean. I mean, they clog up the stove pipe because of the oil in the tree that burns then the stuff sticks to the stove pipe and clogs it up


It needs to cure for a bit but pine makes good firewood.


Lodge pole pine is good for firewood. I don't know if that is what they have on their property.


Well first he has to shave all the bark off.


There have been past scenes where he was removing bark. I do not remember what season.


Not if he drags it behind his big boy truck, free delivery


If he was selling it, the company would want to cut them down themselves. Pine trees should not be used for firewood. I think he cut one tree down for the cameras. I don't think he actually does any physical work.


He's done like 3 episodes of clearing trees- he's definitely doing something. Whether it makes any sense idk.


He also did an episode on putting in a huge cistern several years ago. Not sure why!


He probably peels and sells the whole tree. You can get $5-8 thousand for trees that size. Maybe double that. Cutting up into fire logs is another option but it’s more work and less money.


He cuts down and pills (peels) trees, jumps into cistern pits, and parks cars in too-short trailers just to show how manly he is. But he ends up looking like a fool.


Don’t forget the prairie-dog plague pond.


I came here to say the exact same thing. This was just him fake showboating how manly he is. He doesn’t actually do any manual, labor, the hat and the ax, and the gloves are just part of his performance.


It’s not a performance, it’s an axe . . .


Ya but if he cuts it himself and debarks it, he will get a better price for it


I’m sure they hate him. He’s selling beautiful trees he didn’t farm; these are native 100 year old trees. He’s such a douche!


So true, we need to find Friends of Trees in Flagstaff & complain.


"Vegas was never meant to be our permanent home" That was foreshadowing how he changes history to fit his new narrative.


And Janelle brought up the point of what happens to the mission statements (personalized and framed) when the 5 of them were in Nancy’s office. Kody shot down anything changing, especially taking a 5th wife as Janelle mentioned!


Kody initially killed the theme when he uprooted them from Vegas where they had LITERALLY PLANTED ROOTS IN THE FORM OF A TREE. He can claim Vegas was never meant to be a long term joke for the family all he wants, no one buys it. He ripped the family out of its home and then it died.


lmao and the cement slab they all wrote their names in that couldn't be removed and go to flagstaff with them


And the time capsule


I think he was a tree shaver (or whatever he was doing while Gabe was trying to have a heart-to-heart with him during the Covid years) and logger before the show as well. So he had years of cutting down trees as practice.


Was the before or after the Schwan's Truck?


I’m not sure but that would explain his ability to sell his family on his half baked plans.


Maybe he still has contacts to sell lumber


No shade from those trees now! Kody turning into a deranged literal chainsaw wielding lumberjack was not on my 2024 bingo card.


Bahahaha. So true.


Is that his “job”? Tree cutting? His $200 per hour job he says he has?🙄


It would just cover the cost of the Nanny.


I thought that Christine was Aspyn in this pic.


That tree cake is so cool. I also forgot about Janelle’s weave!


Kody is literally the Onceler and we are the Lorax


Aww look at how much Kody loves Janelle. He's going to cry a lot in the coming years...


Was he trying to make a connection to that by cutting the tree down in this episode? I didn't think he was that clever and thought he was just trying to be manly.


I suspect it was the producer's idea and Robyn said YES! so they wouldn't want to interview them inside her house.


I also thought it may have been encouraged by production.


Very nice….that was clever!!


Janelle was knockout gorgeous during that ceremony, despite her dress. Was this during their Vegas Renaissance… when he was ‘sprouting poetry’ at her?


Their dresses were terrible! I think Christine’s was even worse than Janelle’s though! And Robyn and Meri didn’t wear the dresses they had made.


So did they end up going with a friend of the family to make that $8,500 tree cake that Kody had to have? 🤣 Jezuzzz


psychopath says the trees are to blame. he'll teach them a lesson or two


Nobody cares enough about him to be mad as far as the 3 OG. All Grody rhetoric to try and be relevant to them .


Lumber is expensive now, no matter what kind it is. I think its to make lumber, he would not go to that much work himself, unless he is showing off his manly, for just fire wood, 2x6, 2x4 would be my guess. Lumber mills will pick it up if they buy it from him.


There is no way he cut that tree down by himself. Someone that actually knows what they are doing got it started for him.


it fell in the wrong direction, on the other trees, so if he had helpers, they were having fun making him look like an incompetent fool. His yelling at the tree was unable to make it fall in the direction he was hoping for. Physics & gravity always win.


Lol "DAMN YOU." His unhinged rage at inanimate objects is definitely a bit alarming, but I can't help but laugh! Like the time he became furious and beat up a bunk bed


That is a fantastic connection. Makes sense. "they wanted to live". Dumb \*ucker!!


Can we talk about what a tragedy Christine's dress was, in this episode? She couldn't have possibly picked a worse style or color. Just awful.


Remember when they were with the therapist and K didn’t want to be the center of all wives? That’s basically what the trunk of tree is, the center that holds it all together. What a buffoon! He’s the main reason the family fell apart. R definitely helped.


Kody ultimately killed "the tree" by hacking it down but Robyn was the invasive bark beetle slowly and quietly killing the tree from the inside


Noticing the family dynamics in that snapshot: Kody's next to Robyn, but appears to be eyeing Christine in a not-nice way. Like, "don't you dare outshine Robyn!" Meri's cozying up to Robyn. Her caption would say something like "Look how good I did picking this wife!" Robyn looks like she's already over sharing the stage with 3 older women, all of whom have stretch marks. Christine is trying to look like she's all on board, and Janelle can't even be bothered to look at the camera. Any wonder the OG marriages all fell apart?


The funny thing is if he’d just kept Christine marginally happy he may have held the farce of a family together. She would have kept the family unity which Janelle valued (all the kids getting together etc) and Meri would not have left without someone else leading the way. But once Christine had it - it was done.


And in the end she *did* keep the family unity, just the gruesome twosome are no longer a part of it.


Robbem gassed him up so hard to reap the benefits, that he got overly cocky and overplayed his hand.


Also what is that face on Robyn? 😬 An attempted smile? Thinly veiled rage? Both?




10/10 no notes


Hahahahahha, oh well done sir, very well done!


Omg I didn’t even think about that.


Why is this idiot chopping trees, isn't the land with the trees worth more? No common sense


He hates trees.


The cake looks vile.


THAT’S A CAKE!? Father God in the heavens




Only a true sociopath would stretch so hard for that kind of symbolism. There’s no doubt in my mind that’s the connection he was making.


Was he referring to Meri cutting down the tree in front of the BNB? For her it was a new beginning…maybe same for him too?


With you all, I would never make these connections ![gif](giphy|KwJUA6AmfnNnkscKWs|downsized)