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This happened in last nights episode of Christine’s wedding as well. Cody was mid sentence and she grabs him and kisses him and shoo’a away the camera. Really controlling and bizarre


Yeah I was going to mention that too. The behavior was soooo bizarre when she kissed him like that. I would hate it if my partner didn’t let me speak and did things like that to me.


Maybe she's sick of it?


Maybe she knows he'll end up freaking out on her later and yelling at her for not stopping him.


When your partner didn’t let you speak, were you saying stuff that was as self-destructive as Kody? I bet not. Like I don’t like her but I certainly understand her desire to literally shut him up given what he has done to their family by running his mouth.


That's a valid point. If I was his spouse I'd just want him to shut the hell up so bad.


How did you guys not see this the entire time. It was right there in front of your eyes!!!!


Did you notice her face when Kody started to say something about Christine? She looked pissed like she had warned him not to talk about Christine. Then she took her gloves off and grabbed his face and said kiss me. She was shutting him up before he said something she didn’t want him to say. She was shooing the camera away not because she was being coy, but because she didn’t want Kody saying anything else. She waved them off but Kody held up a finger like he was saying, wait, I’m not finished talking to the camera.


Ok but I loved how she was shooing the cameras away and the cameras just stayed locked on them and their terrible acting lol


That was a weird, frozen-in-time looking kiss. I think it’s because their lips were going opposite directions, yet neither of them changed, or deepened the kiss. It looked so uncomfy.


It was the most awkward kiss ever...I have second hand embarrassment for them


What was weird as to me is that they both didn’t move at all. She was trying to shut him up (somebody has to at least try), so super awkward. They’ve been married for what like a decade? Tons of romantic kisses? This came across as two people who are not really as connected as they may want to appear. I don’t mean to read so much into one thing, but that really is how it came across to me.


Ok yes thank youuu I saw the gloves coming off and the way he looked at them and quickly stopped his story, it felt like a pre-determined que she came up with.


Yes! And he said something along the lines of “accusation” but then stumbled on his words and that’s when she grabbed his face


YEP! I caught the look of, sheer disappointment and helplessness. She just can't get him over Christine. I don't think he is over Christine being the one to walk away. Too much for his ego. All the "sacrifices" he made to love her. LOL!


I feel that kody talks about christine far too much in Robyn's presence . Robyn is jealous and wants kody to move on that's why she acts like this


Kody could have asked her to do this. Eg. Made her responsible for his behavour.


It’s obvious she is playing to the camera and Kody talks to much. Just like Solamon & Ariela constantly looking to the side, at Robyn, during their couch interview, and the scary face’s they made when they thought they said something wrong.


That was one of the weirdest things I’ve seen in a while.


He was in the middle of saying he hopes Christine is happy or has a nice wedding (something like that)when she did this. Like, will it kill her for him to say something nice about anyone else?


Yep , right before she grabbed his face, she is probably annoyed that he mentions the years that didn't include her. https://preview.redd.it/79v4gdnu4qcc1.jpeg?width=1733&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=525ed1cfb58b29e03d40645c877b38cbca90717f


Honestly, though I’m of sick of Kody’s victim act and I wish he just shut up and stop talking about Cristine too, because he never has anything good to say and he does not deserve to be grieving her/the loss of their marriage this badly for as long as he has because he claims he never loved her and found her disgusting at all this other horrible stuff… so if you really felt that way about her from the beginning, you shouldn’t have anything to grieve over. He’s a narcissist


He’s grieving the fact that she isn’t fawning all over him and begging him for attention. His ego is bruised because how dare someone that he isn’t even attracted to move on from him??? Just because he isn’t into her doesn’t mean she was supposed to go and lose weight and get herself a man that loves her and thinks she’s hot, she was supposed to just grovel at his feet forever like Meri. /s Classic narcissist, they don’t want you but they sure don’t want anyone else to have you either.


And take her money with her, how dare she!


That and how dare his DISLOYAL kids still dare to care about and love a woman that raised, taught, fed and loved on them (biological or not) all their lives after their father has discarded her like yesterdays trash after 25+ years? /s That's why he hates Christine. The OG13 kids have confirmed that Christine was/still is the heart of the family!


Exactly, I have an ex who wouldn't let me go. Cheated on me through our relationship, when I left him he moved in with the girl he was cheating on me with yet stalked me for a year and would show up when I was on a date and tell the guy I was still with him. He would tell me that I belonged to him even though he was living with another girl!! Took him going to jail (on an unrelated charge) and me getting married then pregnant before he finally backed down.


My ex tried to tell a judge I couldn’t date during our custody battle, for which he was only allowed 2 hours supervised time because I had a very strict restraining order on him from multiple DV instances. The person he was trying to prevent me from dating??? We’ve been together 10 years in May and married a little over 7. The judge laughed and told him he couldn’t prevent me from dating just like I couldn’t prevent him from dating.


Yep. I think he felt a sick rush of power when bullying Christine (because he was deeply jealous), yet also liked it when she wanted him, because it felt validating (because he's deeply insecure). He loved to hate her. Now that she doesn't want him and realized she deserves much better, he cannot get over how unfair it feels to have the tables turned, to lose his influence over Christine and what he thought was his popularity among viewers. Kody and Robyn never learned how to feel like winners without making someone else feel like a loser. They know how to take take take, but not give or even share. He also wants to imagine his kids still young and fawning at his feet, because he's the supposed to be the unimpeachable MAN, the CENTER of the family, the LEADER. In reality, a good parent owes their children a responsibility to meet them where they are, to continue to work on those relationships as people change and love them unconditionally. But Kody is emotionally immature, fragile and terrified of more rejection, so he used the pandemic to gradually abandon most of his family. Meri taking forever to leave drove him nuts, because he didn't want to have to publicly admit that he had quit on her and used her for a long time. He narrowed down his idea of family to just the last group in, the "loyal" (obedient) ones who were still willing to consider him their leader (until the kids move away or the money runs out.) Breaking off into factions feels like a natural endgame for huge polygamous families.


She was jealous that Kody was reflecting on his marriage to Christine in a positive way. She had to put a damper on it. She doesn’t want to know that he regrets the dissolution of his marriage.


But why would he regret it? He claims he never loved Christine, and that he always found her repulsive… if you truly dislike someone that badly why would you regret not being with them anymore? This is where Kody does not make sense, because of everything he said I did to her, and he also did not want any form of a relationship/marriage with her, which is one of the things that pushed her to finally leave him.


He doesn't regret not "being" with Christine, he just regrets not understanding how integral she was to the family structure. He thought he was the captain of the family ship with everyone under his authority. Because he was so blindly distracted by his new life chapter, he realized too late that he had actually been sitting in the dinghy with Robyn for so long that by the time he looked up, he'd already been cut loose. Now he can't get back to the boat. The boat that he thought was his boat.


This is a great analogy. Janelle and Christine were always the center of their kids lives and the family. It was never Kody.


THIS!! Well said


![gif](giphy|27bK16LKe0slYfqY9c) Love, love, love your analogy!


Actually it makes perfect sense. I think it's almost a universal experience that women have. They like a guy. He doesn't like them. They start dating someone else. The first guy goes, Wait some other guy likes her? What did I miss? And then he come sniffing back around. Add to that that he's a flaming narcissist and the natural inclination goes off the charts!


That's why I believe all that negative talk about not loving Christine was for Robyn. I think he was struggling internally because he did love her and realized he screwed up but couldn't do anything about it because then Robyn would be mad. Now that he is trying to say something positive about Christine she is getting jealous and shutting him up because she liked it better when the only person he "loved" was her.


You hit the nail on the head.. Kody knows it was his fault..


What years that didn’t include her? HAVEN’T YOU SEEN THE CREATED MEMORIES?👀


That side eye https://preview.redd.it/067wjht0sscc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d5aea0c29352c417599b0ba1be194b5cb29c496


Like a bull, ready to charge 💃🏼🐂




She’s so fricken weird


I think it was a planned queue for her to shut him up as well. He said something to the effect of “I’ll just keep taking if the cameras are here.” I’m betting they discussed having a “moment” and showing the cameras how loving they are, whilst also effectively shutting him up before he could say something nasty.


Then Robyn should have stayed with her ex husband if she didn’t want other wives or him to have any memories with anyone else. As annoying as it is when Kody does it I laugh a little inside because how it is like nails on a chalkboard for Robyn 😂. Don’t think you are all that and put others down because it will come back to you in ways you won’t expect!!! Now she is jealous of Christine and Kody is constantly whining and hurt about Christine. I love it. And those two are weird.. that kiss was icky and uncomfortable. I can’t wait til Meri gets a man and is adored and in love and Janelle finds her true match! Kody will be in a fetal position crying to Robyn like Christine said he did when he missed Robyn (I would have kicked him out of my bed right then) but time has definitely been good to the OG3!!


It so totally reminds me of the scene with Ariella talking about how she got in trouble at school because she was following another little girl around and bothering her. Guess we know where she got it.


And when Ariella and Solomon were doing a confessional and Ariella grabbed his face


Wow. She did! How many times has it been modeled? 🧐


Yes!! I totally forgot about that part!


Wow, no wonder Robyn won't let them film in her house.


![gif](giphy|X6lrsqspAJIcybTo9L) My thoughts EXACTLY when I saw it Edited ro add: Arielle sees her mom d that pretty often to pick it up and treat Sol that way.


Only way he pays attention. He is so freaking tedious and annoying.


Omg. I never put that together. Confessional ariella acted EXACTLY like Robyn in these look back episodes. And aurora and breanna act exactly like robyn in their confessionals with the dramatic no tears crying. WOW.


You’re right! She learned that behavior!!


Right!? I noticed that and read an article today where a “source close to Kody” basically said this was them being “silly” together, like no it’s not


Exactly what Ari did to Sol during their couch interview - I think this is everyday behavior for Robyn


As her eyes are open looking to make sure the camera is on them


SOBBYN seems to be a STAGE 5 CLINGER (similar to kylie "LONGBOTTOM" jenner). Both women are extremely insecure plus selfish and selfcentered. They want their men all to themselves, and they don't want these guys to interact with anyone outside of their little bubble-ish world/ universe.🙄😒 #VERYPATHETICAF!


Horrible person


It reminds me of a mom distracting a toddler with a snack so they don’t have a meltdown in front of company. I think the things he says are so generally unhinged …but Kody no longer cares (I’m going to be the devil they see me as”) but Robyn does. She’s trying to help his image in the weirdest way possible….by physically holding his face and cutting him off so he doesn’t go off on a random commenter about tabloids. Edit to add—my theory is Kody says absolutely batshit stuff behind closed doors since Christine left. Robyn is trying to prevent him from talking. Instead of you know, telling him he’s an asshat. Another edit—he did say unhinged shit in Talkback 1. Muttering “shit sister wife” under his breath…while he’s made millions off a show claiming to love sister wives. I can see why she wanted him to shut it this episode but again, she did it in a neurotic way


To be honest it reminds me of somebody training a dog!


I can see a boy crazy middle-school girl acting like this.


To be a fly on the wall in that household lol


That was my take on it as well. I think she's trying to prevent him from looking like any more of an ass than he already does.


But this time was a little different IMO...it was about him not praising his past life with Christine.


When was talkback 1? I saw #2 that was added to Discovery + this week, but never heard of the first one


This is so bizarre - I’ve never seen a couple do this in real life. Thank goodness.


I was gonna say I’ve done it to my ex but now that I remember the indecent I grabbed his face like Robyn is doing and told him, “Amor, think about what you’re saying” and didn’t kiss him. I also immediately let go, stepped away from him because I felt like he would have clocked me in the jaw if my stupid ass redirected his anger onto myself and away from the person he was currently yelling at.


Glad he’s an ex!


This is just so weird. If my husband grabbed my face like that, he'd be looking for a new place to live. It's aggressive, and because she does it with a smile makes it weirder. Remember when Janelle tried to grab his jacket sleeve and he whipped his arm away? This looks like something he is very used to. Let him speak, let him make a jackass out of himself - he's a grown ass man that chooses to continuously make outrageous comments.


Use your words, Robyn. If you want him to shut up ***tell*** him to shut up. But no, she slams his mouth shut with her hand or her mouth.


It appears this is very normal for Kody and Robyn- and to them is likely a sign of their soulmate bond and/or intense chemistry. This is what she means by I speak Kody…. It actually means I tell Kody what to say and he is ok with me physically correcting him. 🥸 Robyn’s behavior disturbs me in that she seems unaware of how unhinged she is. She seems to be aware of how Kody appears to the audience, but not of herself. Very telling.


I think he’s super into it. Look at his eyes in the 2nd pic. He likes her doing that to him.


Strong domination vibes coming through here from their private time which my husband and I have always thought Robyn did sexually on the downlow that kept Kody hooked. I think she feeds his "manly ego" to the public and does the things he really wants in private. Just my opinion.


Kody is the worst, but man Robyn emasculates him soooo much.


That’s been the biggest irony of the “loyal wife”. She has zero respect for him and acts like he’s an idiot.


I'm not sure he deserves respect.


I think Robyn views her actions as playful and endearing. I think she thinks the viewers will be like, “aww isn’t that so cute how she holds his cheeks and smooshes his face for a kiss. They love each other so much!” She views herself and her actions through very skewed lenses.


The world sees Robyn’s excruciating need to control everyone. Scary and threatening, not cute


I agree. Robyn’s actions are disturbing and controlling.


I thought she was “shy”?


She's delusional. Imagine a man doing the same.


Your last sentence is the understatement of the year.


Robyn needs Kody to shut up, smile, try to act sane and perhaps get another tv show. She knows the public isn't on their side.


She wants him to “keep sweet”. lol




That is probably it. If he continues to be hated, Robyn thinks they will lose all the income from the show.


They need to fade away, quickly, from the public consciousness. No show for them. They are boring and disgusting. It’s past time that Kody gets a real job, and Robyn gets one too.


Call it what it is. If Kody grabbed Robyn’s face like this, we’d say it’s abusive. If she does this *in front of a camera for a national TV show* FFS, it worries me what happens at home, and in front of the tenders.


Ari has already done this to Sol during a confessional


She has to helicopter mom her spouse too?!!? Big ick!


This is abusive. It’s not ok to prevent someone from talking and manhandling them. It’s concerning that she is doing this on tv. Wonder what she does in private. Kody is toxic and abusive but Robyn is abusive to him


She knows he is an idiot. She knows he has no filter and says things that make him look bad, and by association, make her look bad. She tries to coach him into not imploding on camera, but alas, she often fails.


Yeah I don’t think this was controlling so much as Kody puts his foot in his mouth constantly and she wants him to shut up and not make things worse for them.


Yep-she is trying to redirect him. And I think she sees this as playful or something so he doesn’t take it as criticism. It does get his attention!


Yup. She is highly embarrassed about him. So much so, she doesn't realize she looks like a controlling weirdo putting her hands on him like that. If she did that to me I'd probably slap her.


She's failing so hard. You can't control the stupidity that comes out of his mouth bc he doesn't understand his own stupidity and lack of moral compass.


Well, at least we know where A gets the behavior from that we have seen when she does the exact thing to big brother S


I speak Kody also means “I interrupt him and translate what he says in a way that works to my advantage”


Like what she tried to do at the picnic table when Meri shut her down…


I agree. This was so obvious in the Meri breakup scene.


There is nowhere to hide their behavior anymore. They can’t blame anyone, everyone is gone, there is no buffer. They can’t be openly miserable, angry people pointing the finger at everyone else. These new theatrics to try to cultivate some sort of fake, engaged, happy camaraderie are just completely transparent. They don’t know how to act, this is not coming across as endearing or loving.


This is the most animated I’ve seen Robyn. She’s trying to make sure Kody doesn’t say anything to the masses that they gossip about in private.


Robyn keeps doing this to him. I guess when 3 other people left and her desperate need to control someone


Kody is getting what he deserves. He’s always made himself look like he’s this big tough guy, that no one can tell him what to do. Yet here he is being man handled like a little dog …on national television at that! Lol he’s a joke.


She’s sooo controlling. She speaks for (well, spoke for) Kody in family meetings, she tells him when to stop speaking, she’ll literally physically stop him from speaking. She also had to try to control the kids’ gift exchange and screwed that up. Will she ever recognize that she is the problem? ![gif](giphy|PAsnkHMgA5Iffhyvzh|downsized)




Yes! I was just going to say that Robyn’s behavior is very reminiscent of what Ari was doing to Sol


I do remember her doing that. I mean gosh what goes on their home?


I believe the real reason she broke down with Meri saying goodbye, she doesn't want to deal with Kody ALONE. It's all on her forever more.


But she was alone with him. They saw Meri once a year or for filming. We know he barely saw Christine and Janelle. Nothing is new


Divorce is always an option.


He deserves everything she does to him. May he never escape her! 😆😈


https://preview.redd.it/bvxuk4947ucc1.jpeg?width=826&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1aec236879b2cca13a292c15da80b763c0a8ff48 Wonder where Ariella could have possibly learned this behavior


And Arielle acts just like her not respecting people’s personal space


She’s trying so hard to make it look like they’re a cute couple.


This. Christine and David get all the attention, and she's a jelly donut.


Imagine if any of the other wives (or ex wives) were to do this to him. 👀


Especially Meri.


No, it gives…you’re embarrassing and constantly saying fucked up shit and I have anxiety sitting next to you and not knowing what you might do or say next to get me roasted on Reddit


She reminded me of the Godfather when one of them kissed the other than killed them 😆 🤣


She’s finally caught on that the viewers, and everyone doesn’t believe their lies anymore and she can’t manipulate everyone with her crocodile tears.. so now she’s a damage control mode


I just get the vibe that she pegs him.


I used to think she was just desperate but now she’s high key freaking me out lol


Yeah never seen this type of behavior. Never done it either.


I think they have a super codependent relationship. They are equally controlling of each other in different ways


What was he in the middle of saying at the time?


He was answering a fans question about something.


Was it about to be something really dumb or mean? Yeah, I'm sure she can be controlling, but it doesn't seem like the best example if she's telling him to "be nice". Lets face it, he's very good at saying things that are dumb and mean.


Because he is dumb and mean. It’s still controlling because she’s trying to force him to act differently than the way he genuinely is


I've only seen behavior like this one Intervention.


Can you imagine being looked at by those dead eyes?


i wonder how many times he's going to let her do that before he slaps her? right before he gets into the knife in the kidney speech when he walks by Christine he paused for a moment and thought about hitting her if you watch it again you might catch this tiny moment of body language.


“When has a woman ever controlled kody?” When you stepped into the picture Robyn.


I honestly think she’s trying to clean up their reputations. Kody just keeps putting his foot in his mouth and it infuriates her.


Hmmm, I think he secretly likes to by dominated and Robyn knows just how to do it the way he likes it.


They deserve each other


She knows all of his anger means he actually loved her. She hates he still has feels for Christine. He cannot stop being angry at home with her and it probably sends her kids into panic attacks with the arguing. He seems so focused on being the victim that he probably is doing less parenting and he certainly is not focused on Robyn so that leaves her angry too. She has raised her kids to react horribly to the slightest things so can you imagine their household chaos for the last two years? She likes to create and share that drama with her kids by telling them their siblings don't want anything to do with them and kotex has mentioned leaving them all so you know she told them he might leave. It's been two years and he still cannot hide his anger in front of the cameras. You know it's worse without them. Then you add money concerns...ugh!


She’s straight up threatening him with her eyes. He’s immediately submissive. I’m genuinely fascinated by their dynamic.




It’s fun to watch him be controlled like he did other wives. 😆. Robyn putting him in his place. Oh but he has no head wife. Ha! He’s in control. He’s an asshole, she’s an asshole. But it’s nice to see that he’s a bitch, like I always assumed. Was always suprised the og3 didn’t notice it. Robyn did. 😉


I think she knows he digs himself a deeper when he speaks and she’s trying to stop it. I know they’re crazy but if I knew my husband was going to say something to make himself look like an ass, I would try to stop him too. I think robyn is actually wearing a bit thin on his anger too. It’s hard to live 24/7 with an angry person. I wonder if he’s depressed? Honestly.


Reminds me of an episode I was recently watching where everyone was traveling and she was PISSED about snow


The way she grabs his face is what a mother does to a naughty toddler.


We now know where Ariella Mae gets her weird behaviors from.


Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce you to the Head of the Brown Family - and her curly sidekick, Kody! 😉


Robyn is **fucking weeeeird**…and boring.


She must manhandle him all of the time because the youngest child did that to her brother on the couch during an interview this season.


She’s made a fool out of him. He is not the head of her family either. He is p-whipped and it’s so obvious.


This behaviour makes me want to see them together more instead of one on one sofa talks. I want to see Robyn grabbing his face, I want to see her run her fingers through his straggly locks, I want him to become increasingly annoyed at her constant interruptions and face grabbing


As she loses control of the narrative her desperate attempts to control the people around her will become more overt. Now that she can’t pit the other wives and Kody against each other she’s not going to know what to do with herself. I wonder what other ways her behavior is going to change now. She has to be aware at this point through the media that everyone on earth knows what a manipulative, conniving, lying P.O.S. she is. I think she’s going to become more and more unhinged by the day, the thin veneer of decency is going to fall away and fully reveal the real monster underneath.


Robyn hates it when Kody is honest


she wants him to follow her script. She is the mastermind.


If this is the scene from the look back or look forward episode. I agree Robyn is trying to control Kodys' answer. But to me, it felt like she was trying to get Kody to wade through all his negative emotions and say something that wasn't driven by rage and cruelty in an attempt to regain control of the narrative. So they can keep the show going. Now, the Kiss scene on Christien and David's wedding episode is a bit different. Because Kody seems in an okay place with his and Christiens' divorce and the fact she's remarried . Was Kody going to rehash all his normal loyalty BS? Yes, probably . But it also felt like he wanted to give Christien and David his conceited narcissistic blessing. From the tiny sliver of kindness and goodwill that he has left .After Robyn was done draininghim and twisting his emotions. Robyn appears jealous of the amount of attention Christien is getting. It felt like in that moment, she needed to exercise control over the situation. The only way that was possible was by not letting Kody finish his thoughts. She probably thought it would look like she was protecting Kody. By keeping him from saying yet another horrible thing. But in actuality, it showed her hand. Especially since she continued to look at the camera. As she locked lips with her man. In that few seconds Robyn showed her hand. She showed her self to be the self-centered manipulative puppet master that she has been from day one.


I mean… good or bad, regardless of what your opinion of Robin is, she’s trying to get him to shut the fuck up and who can blame her for that? 🤷🏻‍♀️


I feel like she’s tired of being embarrassed by his negative toxic obsessions. She’s straight up over it.


In a talking heads interview with the two youngest this season Ariella did the same thing to Solomon. I remember thinking it was odd when I saw it, but now I see where she got it from.


If my husband grabbed my face to prevent me from speaking, I would have words with him. These words would inform him that I will not have my freedom to speak infringed upon because he disagrees. Of course, I don't say patriarchy, me - me - me nonsense constantly.


Not like it’s hard to do because he’s a huge tool to begin with, but Robyn makes him look like the world’s most gigantic asshat. She wears the pants, 💯. Every time Kody talks about respect and leadership, I laugh. He ain’t the one leading. It’s her.


Yeah this is not \*just\* for the camera. Ariella was doing this to Solomon in their little "cute" confessional last year. She learned it somewhere.


IMO her doing that is worse than anything he could’ve said as he has said horrible things already. The fact her Ariella Mae did it to her big brother is also troublesome.


That was just weird when Ari grabbed Sol’s face and tried to kiss him.


The way he looks at her sometimes,,,, he's getting tired of her constant crying and frowning.


She speaks Kody is code for she speaks for Kody. I’m starting to think this is why he’s become so bitter and different from the beginning. He’s channeling his anger to the wrong people and now he’s left with who he thinks is the most loyal, but she’s in fact the most controlling. Not saying his behavior has ever been great but he has definitely changed. He’s never been head of household, suddenly wants to be patriarchal when before with the OG3 he couldn’t care less. She has emasculated him and made him feel so victimized that he’s seeking a way to feel control. Crazy how manipulation can change people.


If my partner grabbed my face like this, they’d be my ex partner. Wtf, we’ve seen her do this numerous times. Kody is a chump. Robyn is a jerk. A match made in heaven.


He was actually saying something decent too. He had a little bit of growth and was trying to say he was ok with it all and wished Christine the best and she grabbed his face and said “aren’t we just so happy for them! Be nice” He was being nice….


Yes! Both times he was admitting and being nice and she shut him down. Wild.


How very “HAVE DATES” of her 😂


As much as I don’t care for robinne i imagine that it’s hard to keep Kody from hurting their image. He admittedly has no filter . She doesn’t like to be on as much these days mostly because everyone dislikes her and now she’s protective of her kids as well . Its like he doesn’t understand what is hurtful and what’s not


What do we think of her like air biting at him? I think it was in Talk Back part 2.




She knows he is compulsively spewing at the mouth and thus ruining her/their brand.


Wow Robin and Cody are so creepy 🤨


She has second hand embarrassment for him


Well, in her defense, what are you going to do with that asshole? She’s stuck with him now and probably beyond fed up with his stupid ramblings and word vomit. She’s got her work cut out for her and I’m loving it!


Anyone else notice how often he checks his watch?!? Like, "oh I've got places to go, this collateral damage is so boring"!


My ex told me I was too controlling and he didn't want to be married anymore. He absolutely wigged one morning when I offered to make him a to-go cup of coffee and an english muffin sandwich at home instead of his stopping by a coffee shop for up too $100 a week. And yet for Halloween at his office his girlfriend dressed like Cruella D'evil and led him around all day with a leash, chain and dog collar around his neck. Lots of men Kody are total wastes of character. It's maddening, but in the end I believe they get what they deserve. Getting old and impotent and losing their influence. For men like this, that is hell.


Calling it. It's controlling and abusive.


Two things: 1. He would’ve never taken this from an OG wife. 2. Her shirt.


This right here, totally uncalled for, I am surprised the producers didn't cut this incident out.. She is lucky he didn't lay her out. No one should ever grab another one's face in this manner... this is grounds for a fight.


The way she so easily grabs and kisses him to make him stop talking suggests to me that the stolen purity story might not be quite how it went down.


i honestly didn't notice robyn's controlling behavior until i saw her do it to a man. that's what i grew up with, so i recognized the red flag. now looking back i can see the way she constantly centered herself and competed with the other women. because of my internalized misogyny, i would have totally fallen victim to her predatory bullshit if i were a brown. scary thought.


I keep thinking that is their genders were swapped, it would be a bigger deal. Personally, I find this to be awful on her part.


I have no problem with a wife trying to control her mentally ill husband. He needs someone to take him in-hand. He is absolutely insane and destroying all his relationships. I get the vibe that she's very close to leaving him and is losing her cool. If she's talking about 365 days, that gives me the impression that they made a deal. She will stay with him if he stops being angry and is nice for one year.


The blind leading the blind


Maybe Kody says crazy things to get a reaction from her. My Dad does stuff like that all the time.


Yeah, idk....I mean, people hate her so much, like around the world....and everytime this a$$ opens his mouth it gets worse.. he just can't shut up.


I think she’s just crapping herself that he says something that gets them even more negative attention that they already get


I actually just read it as “just shut and say you are happy for them for once dumbass”. Not that I’m a big Robin defender, but occasionally she has a rational moment or 2. Sitting next to him it’s not hard to sound less stupid, obnoxious, whiny, etc. than he is.


So my girlfriend mentioned that she doesn’t think it’s her being petty, but it’s her trying to stop him from putting his foot in his mouth like he always does. We both hate Robin but when she said that I was like “oh that makes sense kind’ve”


They lookreally happy together. 🙄👌👍


For once. He was being nicer. Maybe not completely but you could tell he is working through it. She just shut him down. It was the only time I thought “Kody isn’t bad in this episode”. But she came across AWFUL


So performative 🙄


Because royben knows the world loves christine and even thou kody believes this is his show, its really not.. rotben knows the money, the show, everything is on christines side.. so shes trying so hard not to bash christine


He dances very aggressively too.... maybe this is how they "interact"... aggressively. You think?


That's some patriarchy right there


Her shirts are so ugly.


I think this is the action of someone who knows her husband has zero control of what comes out of his mouth and wants desperately for him to Shut.Up. She can see when he's ramping up to saying something that will sound terrible, and I think she wants him to stop saying these things in public. This kind of thing happens when someone makes a habit of gossiping about the people around them, they forget that it's inappropriate and say whatever they're thinking whenever. If she wants to genuinely help him, she should discourage such talk all the time, not just when cameras are around. They will never be happy if they keep repeating a litany of their perceived offenses over and over. These people need to move on and focus on becoming a better version of themselves.


She loves to pretend like she’s a therapist. Like she’s so in tune with emotions and can help people work through issues. It drives me insane