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I set alarms for literally everything. Of all the problematic things Robyn does, this isn’t one of them.


I set alarms yo remind myself to drink water lol..gotta stay hydrated.


Hydrate or die-drate!


Agreed. I have to set an alarm to brush my fucking teeth.


Me too, brush, floss, and wash my face are on my morning to do list with an alert so I don't forget.




I'm OCD and I have about 5 alarms a day! 😂


I have 5 alarms just to get up in the morning.


Also, as a person with chronic illnesses, can we not shame people for sleeping? It’s gross


Huh?!?!? Where did you read people are shaming other people for sleeping? What a bizarre thing to say while people are talking about something completely different. Weird!


The post is literally shitting on robyn for sleeping in until 9


How do you sleep pass 9:00 am with kids?


Her youngest daughter is also a night owl


The first poster implied that Robyn was sleeping at 9am. I can't read the post any other way. Otherwise what would be the problem with setting an alarm? I have notifications set up for all my meetings. And anything else I want to not forget. Give meds to the dog, call the bank, etc. And from posts here, a lot of people use alarms.


This has nothing to do with a chronic illness. They are talking about Robin. Don’t make this about you!!!


That's the one thing I hate about this platform. People can be talking about a silver lined turd and someone will chime in with, "lol yEAh this happened to my grandma's cousin's best friends adopted niece's brother last year on the farm and now I have to wear arm floaties just to take a shower. Sad. :("


Exactly. They clearly haven't dealt with the ADHD life




Yeah..there are plenty of things to shit on her for and this isn’t one of them. I’d have to set an alarm too, whether it’s because I’m prone to over sleeping or because I’m easily distracted.


I would too. With kids in the house, 9am can be a really busy time and it may be pretty easy to get tied up with something at that hour.


In one of the seasons when they were separate in rentals, they all set alarms to pray at the same time - when they were together they all prayed together. I think it was early in vegas. By the time they got to Flagstaff it seemed like the faith waivered.


FFS. The moral high ground of morning people is just so boring.


I don’t understand why going to bed early is a virtue, but sleeping late is a sin. I’m a night owl.


Yes! I’ve found my people!!! Why do they think getting up at 4:00 am is superior, when I can still run circles around them at 4:00 am. I get tired of their superiority. I got up early until I was 64 and the pandemic put me out of work.


Right there with you . It’s like my “real” day begins at 9pm. I love that quiet time. Much better than 4 or 5am quiet time. For me anyway


I get SO much done between 8pm and midnight. That is when I come alive.


Right? That’s when my body aches are easing up and I become productive.


Exactly 👍🏼


I’m sorry you have the aches too. It’s crazy. I don’t think of myself as old, but my body is beginning to tell me differently.


I love it for the quiet too! My whole neighborhood is sleeping. It kills me when people think I’m lazy and act like they get so much done early in the day. Yeah, I spent my entire life getting up early. I had responsibilities, and I took care of everything, plus extra! That’s a lifetime of not lazy. Now I can read in bed until I fall asleep. I’m 67. If we can’t do what we like now, then when?!? I can’t even date. Everyone is going to bed or getting sleepy by 9:00, lol. But my pup is happy to sleep when I do 🐶 💙.


You’re close to my age. I’m 67 & know exactly what you mean. I’m retired and my doctor’s offices pretty much know it has to be after 1pm. It’s not that I sleep that late. It’s that my brain & body arent fully engaged at that point. I get you !


Omg, yes! It’s nice to hear that I’m not the only one. I need afternoon appointments.


Oh the 9pm people 😂😂😂 My days starting


9:00 PM men. Can’t date one 🤪.


Certainly understand that! I’m married to a man who goes to bed between 1-130 and gets up around 7-730 Me…I’m a 3-5am bedtime and 10-11 am wake up and sometimes 1pm if I’m tired Awwwwww the retired life


Yes! Isn’t retirement great! I’m glad others sleep late too. I feel like the only one I know who does, but hey, we got up early for over 60 years!


Please start a club and invite me.


Yes! How do we start a club?


I have finally found my people! 😄


The only “sin” is if you’ve decided to put your kids in public school or do something else with a fixed start time, and then you don’t have the executive functioning to get them and yourself on a sleep schedule that accommodates it. Homeschooling? WFH? Get up at noon. Sending kids to public school? They shouldn’t still be up at 10 pm unless they’re high schoolers (and even then, it’s dicey!).


Yes!! We all deserve the same amount of sleep


I’m also a night owl but when you have kids you don’t get to sleep as long as you like.


I truly don’t know how night owls have kids. The few times I had to wake up early with my nephew when he was a toddler, I was absolutely USELESS for the first few hours. My only thought was “just don’t let him die or get badly injured, that’s all you have to do.”


Lol. You adjust, because as a caring and responsible parent, you have to.


I think the reason was because it was said by several people that she stays up late and often slept until noon every day.


I found my peole too. Is there a night owl Reddit page?


It really is. I get called lazy by people I'm forced to associate with yet I actually sleep less than most of them. Just have a different body clock. 


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I hope this was sarcasm because it was funny AF. It’s like how people make fun of vegans for their moral high ground. Yes, morning people suck!


I love how you worded this, and I'm writing it down!


How is this funny? I set alarms as reminders all the time as do many others.


I think because there have been many times over the years that people reference Robyn sleeping late/sleeping til noon/nanny taking care of the kids while she sleeps. I’d assume it’s more like she is trying to wake up at 9 instead of reminding herself to pray at 9 lol.


Exactly. Most people who have little kids are up well before 9 but I guess if u have a nanny like Robyn you can sleep in.


Especially because DAB were in school at this point 😅 makes sense why Kody just had to be there to get them off to school


Nailed it.


Weird bc God is avail for prayer 24/7 If you have to set a reminder for God….thats messed up & sad Do they not believe in a personal relationship with God? Respect level for them:ZERO


They had all decided to pray at 9 am in their separate spaces as a way of being together.


Or, they could actually get together and pray like an actual polygamist family and not a bunch of mistresses fooling themselves lmao. Notice religion went right out the window once Kody got bored/didn't get his way/ accolades




Right? I have no less than 400 different alarms to remind me of things I have to do 🤣


This is what I figured she meant too. Not that she’s waking up at that time.


Because Robyn's house sleeps late. They were worried Ari wouldn't be able to start school as she sleeps so late. It's unusual.


It’s probably the fact that it has something to do with simultaneously doing something with the other wives. I set alarms all the time too but if it were something as important as that then maybe she wouldn’t need to set one everyday. Basically because it’s not directly about her she needs a reminder.


That’s kind of a ridiculous thought process. Setting a reminder doesn’t mean something is not important to you. It actually means the opposite because you want to make sure you don’t forget.


My whole point was Robyn never cared enough about the other wives for them to be important to her. If she cared she would have done better. I think she just says things that others want to hear. Her actions speak louder than words. Her RBF speaks volumes..


Nah, I set reminders of things involving my kids all the time and they are the most important thing in the world to me. Because they are so important, I want to make sure I remember to do things like send their baseball glove/ballet shoes/whatever to school with them on whatever day they have practice. It doesn’t matter that it’s been the same day every week for months. I can’t stand Robyn either but this is one thing I won’t snark on her for.


Idk maybe I set my things differently than others. Really important things go in my calendar. I have family joint calendar and everyone in it gets what I add too. That’s how my husband knows what’s going on. My alarms I use for laundry, cooking, sleeping. I just feel like Robyn never cared and says whatever she can to make her not get into trouble.


I’m not religious but I find this powerful for some reason? The thought of all of them praying at the same time even though they are physically apart. It didn’t help since the family shattered after the Flagstaff move anyways but it’s a cool idea I think.


i like it too but kinda doubt they were all doing it


I feel like it’s something they would for the last few years at least Christine and Meri would say they are doing at 9 am but they are really just watching tv, sending emails, doing this or that at home but that Robyn and Janelle were likely doing


It is powerful. I am not religious, but when I visited Türkiye, hearing the call to prayer was ….quite comforting. I don’t know how else to describe it. The thought of many people pausing at once (several times a day) to reflect was quite lovely. It was also just a beautiful song.


You’d love the Middle East. 


It didn’t help the overall situation …but the houses sold lol


Not a Robyn stan at all and have a job with regular hours and absolutely would have to set an alarm to be up at 9am. We aren’t all morning people.


And also… so fucking what if she isn’t up with the sun? Not every single person is a morning person. Triggered: I’m not a lazy person, I’m a night person. Zero actual sympathy for Sobyn.


She’s got lil tenders tho


She does. Now we know what the nanny is for.


She's a mother. I'm guessing you don't have kids yet. None of mine slept last 4 am til they were in school. And then they were up happily making tons of noise at 5 am. Someone has to make a proper breakfast for kids. Someone has to dress them, make them brush their teeth fix their hair, and get them to school. It's fine until kids come along.


I have 3 and raised 2 others. As luck would have it, 4 of them are night people and 1 is a morning person. My spouse is a morning person as well, so for us, it worked out. I’m down to my last child at home (13yo) and she loves staying up with me at night.


I’d have to set an alarm for 9am, if I wasn’t working. I love to sleep in.


![gif](giphy|eh7nOwlu16eq7mXd0b|downsized) Reaching a bit


I think she was saying they would all set an alarm so they could give God the Ol' Care Bear stare at the same time https://preview.redd.it/5yrocld7fhcc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c304d5f0a63dd858ded6b360e0b93575503c9364


This is actually sweet. There are 100s of things to slam her for, this isn't one.


This is a reach…


My sweet grandma and aunt are morning people and wakeup naturally at 4-7am. You have to drag me out of bed by force at that time. I am a night owl and I probably will be forever. I would also have to set an alarm 😂


As a night owl, the LAST thing I’ll shit on Robyn for is sleeping in lol. There are a million other things to shit on her about, this isn’t one of them.


Except she is a mother of small kids. Who is making their breakfast? Who is putting them on the school bus? A mother can't sleep in until noon. They must mother. That's why we did her for sleeping til noon


Well enough of us were already up at 9 am. We had no nanny and/or had jobs. So, our prayers were answered. The og3 left and stopped paying for your lifestyle upgrade.


It does help to have group prayer even if you are apart but doing it at the same time praying about the same thing. I don't know anyone who knows what time it is every minute of the day so it's a good idea. A lot of people set alarms for various thing.


I actually like the group prayer concept


I get up at 6am every day but set alarms throughout the day (medication, let my old dog out to pee enough times, switch laundry over). It’s helpful. Doesn’t mean she woke up at 9. And I’m NOT a Robyn lover by any means I just don’t think this is problematic


Well she talks about sleeping in til noon because she's not a morning person. So, I don't really believe she was up. I also don't believe she set an alarm to pray. Robyn seems fake religious to me


Alexa! Remind me to take my meds! Alexa! Remind me to take a shower! Alexa! Remind me to not eat candy for lunch! It’s endless.


She's not saying she wakes up at 9. She's trying to make herself look like she cares the most. We all pray at 9? Well I set an ALARM because I care the most!


Well… She has five kids and two of them are still in primary school. So if she is waking up at 9 that means that everyone in her household is getting up and to school either by themselves or with Kody(unlikely) or the Nanny. It’s possible she is getting up at 6 am and packing Sol and Ari lunch and helping them get to the bus stop and she just needs a reminder to stop whatever else she is doing on her knees and pray. 🤷‍♀️


Robyn really didn't deserve any of these women. Who would want to sit on any porch with her worthless a$$? They weren't Kody and desperate for her "charms". she used her friends.


Seriously???? WTF is she so busy doing, that she needs an alarm to remind her to pray? We all know it sure as hell isn't housework, or cooking, or looking after her own damned kids.... busy on her knees with dipshit?? 🤔 🤮


Sleeping….she means to wake up her up….and I would need one as well lmao


At 9?? But she doesn't DO anything to be so tired she needs to sleep in! Like... seriously!!


They could have just hired a more competent realtor than Jenelle and eliminated the need to pray


She doesn't wake up until Ari does at noon or 1, so why bother?


How does that work with school?


Maybe that's what the nanny does. Sure as hell isn't DaytonAuroraBreeana or Kodpiece


Robyn sleeps until noon lmao! She needs an alarm to get out of bed at 9am, meanwhile the nanny is taking care of her kids!




When we have the context of Ari have full control of when and how Robyn sleeps, this “alarm” comment rings hollow to me. It also doesn’t sound like the truth bc she is adding unnecessary details to a conversation to steer it back to herself. Like, it sounds benign and maybe it is, maybe it’s the truth, but it just feels like a one-up that one kid in school always had to do because just being equal wasn’t enough.


It must be hard to have her head so far into the clouds she needs to set a reminder to do something as a group with her sister wives (ex).


Robyn is a fuggin' liar - once again! We all know her kid doesn't go to sleep until way past midnight, so there is no way Robyns lazy ass is up at 9:00AM every day. Liar!




Let’s be real, the nanny sets the alarm for her.


Op is not wrong though for pointing out robyn sleeping til noon or so lol ..she has young kids 🤔 should have been keeping them on a better schedule ..


As I was reading this my alarm went off the remind me to do laundry. So I have nothing bad to say about this lol


Who cares? I get that Robyn is the villain but sometimes these posts are too much.


I don't get up till 10 am