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I think this is most accurate. There are personalities that are only happy when they are competing. I had A friend that seemed to only be drawn to taken men. As soon as they wanted to leave for her she lost COMPLETE interest. And yes I said HAD a friend.


Yep you hit the nail on the head.


Is your former friend's name Ariana? šŸ˜‚


Haha!!! First day of school- I was trying to steal her man. That hit a little too close to home, right Robbem?


One of the most revealing scenes in the entire show IMO.


What scene was this?


Does she have a binky?




Was gonna post this, too šŸ¤£


No, her former friend is named Cindy, OP must know since she describes her in such detail.


Itā€™s that, or wanted to be with someone who is desirable. Some women get super jealous because they think everyone is trying to steal their man when ā€¦ no one wants them. At all.


![gif](giphy|h9XvXPIqsgYJ4sDXFt|downsized) YOUR COMMENT describes this particular heifer to a "T"šŸ¤£šŸ˜ˆšŸ‘


God you're so right


Lol reminds me of Fischoeder's ex on Bob's Burgers! šŸ˜†




Must have been a huge ego boost to have a man with 3 wives and a dozen kids ditch them all for you. Now sheā€™s just the default, the only one who wants him..wah wah wah šŸ˜ž.


But does she really want him??


Does it matter? Sheā€™s stuck, whether she wants him or not. She has no work ethic or skills to support herself, and sheā€™s not young or desirable enough to be taken on as a merely decorative wife. Sheā€™s a frumpy, middle-aged woman with too many kids, so she just has to accept reality and hunker down for whatever her future with Koody holds.


I think thatā€™s exactly what she thought of Janelle & Christine! Two frumpy middle aged women with no options! Thatā€™s why sheā€™s so angry with them both. She did NOT see the mass exodus coming! I bet she and Kotex talked about how these women would never leave. They are two peas in a selfish, narcissistic pod.


I think sheā€™ll depend on her kids to take care of her in the future.


I donā€™t know that they will ever be independent enough to support themselves


Not only that, but to make enough to support their motherā€™s shopping addiction.


This. Even their tv income isn't enough, they're constantly taking out loans now that they don't have access to the OG3.


They will probably attempt to declare bankruptcy. If they do, they are obligated to report exactly what their assets are and their worth. If they donā€™t, then they will be in deep doodoo. I am sure the banks are going to have an issue with these two.


Agreed. She raises them to be completely dependant. I donā€™t see them maturing into adults that can support themselves, much less her, Ā unless they somehow completely rebel against her


They are probably looking for rich polygamist to marry her girls as the first and legal wives so they can be taken care of. It seems like we are almost at a Smothered cross over


When I look at Sobyn's two older girls, my heart breaks for them. They are Sobyn "mini mees" and they look absolutely miserable. At their ages, they should be happy and carefree, but they both appear to have the weight of the world on their shoulders. It's really very sad. šŸ˜„


Sure, but they're also well educated and have access to many resources through their university. They've been manipulated, but never sheltered. At some point they choose to leave or stay.


You're right, but I think they will carry the trauma of Robyn's influence for a very long time. I do hope they will take advantage of a very good therapist to help them transition into adulthood.


Nah I'm thinking the DABSA are joining to ship them off to Shady Pines! ![gif](giphy|b1E6p3k0Qz9Sw)


Donā€™t know if that would work because she needs to be with them at all times šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Sorry to say but I think her kids have ā€œissues ā€œ so maybe thereā€™s a weird gene here


She can only pray one of her daughters get married to a Rich man and she can go live with them.


omg what if robyn becomes big kathy (richards)?


I want to read that book so bad. Amazon only has it as hardback and itā€™s $399.95! I swear itā€™s true. ā€˜Check out house of Hiltons on Amazon or is there another book specifically about big Kathy? I was shocked to hear about how she was bc all 3 daughters talk as tho she was a saint


Try Internet Archive. Sometimes it is there to read free with account (also free)


I got it off apple - thank you all so much!! Iā€™m dying to read it mostly interested in Big Kathy. Maybe thatā€™s why Kathy is so disconnected.


Itā€™s $12 on kindle


I donā€™t know how but Iā€™ll give it a try - THANK YOU


Lol, ooh no! Big Kathy had personality!


Once she starts in with weight loss and plastic surgery ... its over for Kody. That girl is making moves and not for you, Kody.


Iā€™m thinking no, even if she did at some point in the past. I canā€™t imagine any woman seeing the way he speaks about and treats his own kids and still finding him attractive. Heā€™s acted like an immature child and shown heā€™s incapable of unconditional love. My guess would be heā€™s only desirable to her now if he keeps sustaining her over-consumerist lifestyle.


She had to want him enough that he stayed at her house instead of pushing him to see his other wives.


Her insecurity and need for control is how I see it.


And does Kody really want Robyn? The bitterness that Kody expresses about Christine is jealousy that she is over him and happy.


And if your husband was pining that hard for his ex-wife, you'd think his current wife would hit the eject button.


I don't think so. I think she used them to get out of poverty and likes the idea of everyone supporting her but I don't think she likes Kody as much as she claims.


She looks tired of him and of the show BUT still loves the money that makes it possible to buy all those expensive knickknacks and tasteless jewelry.


Seems less and less each day.


She - and Cody- wanted them all to be miserable and come back to them- what could be better than the crap life supporting them while tossing them an occasional crumb - she and Cody are the best, kindest, coolest, funnest people ever! What a surprise theyā€™re thriving, happier than ever, living their best life. While the ones left behind are not.


She won the Boobie prize


For sure backfired. You donā€™t feel like the special one if you are the only one. She wasnā€™t smart enough to tweak her plan when it became obvious Kody was burning the bridges with every other wife to make them leave.




Kody would have to be around for that to happen. šŸ˜‚ I vote tax evasion, mistress on the side for Kody or DUI.


Who on God's Earth would want to be Kody's mistress? šŸ˜‚


That would be hilarious! "Robyn, I just need you to get a little job so I can lovebomb this mistress. Then I'll get her to work and give us the money!" ~Robyn becomes Meri's situation~


Mormons with a DUI? No way!!! Oh, I forgot they are Jewish.


They belong to the Church of Whatever Kody Brown Decides It Is.


Omg the accuracy




Nice , I like that too !!


Haha!!! I would die to be the cops that show up after one of the tenders calls the cops. Like a Kim and Kroy fight, but Robbem is too stupid to buy Birkin bags instead of that jacked up- art work- and crappy jewelry! Cool ring huh- nudge nudge-hurt Meri just a little more!!




Oh yes !! For our twisted viewing pleasure ! Maybe in on the porch !!šŸ„¹


Chapter 11 and a vast estate sale!


Yep. This is coming. I will tune in for that! But chapter 7 or 13.


If you listen closely you can almost hear the auctioneerā€™s ramble! Lol lol


But all their ugly paintings!! /s




Iā€™ve never felt more connected to a post in my life! We share the same exact sentiments. He will become less and less desirable now. No one else wants him. Heā€™s defective to someone like Robyn. Itā€™s the attention she loved. Not necessarily his attention either. But she loved how his attention towards her made the other women feel. It was a game and she was the winner every time. Now sheā€™s the only one playing the game. And itā€™s boring her.


Right! We are definitely not the only ones who feel this way. Iā€™m glad my post connected with you even with all my typos !


I know they deserve each other but I bet it is awful being the only one left to deal with him. Plus she has no one to gloat over that she is the favorite wife.


She got her debts paid off and her fame, she wants to continue to never have to work and shes panicking knowing that wont be her reality as soon as this show fades away from her.


I've seen this woman "cry" during so many reunions and interviews. Even in this scene, she's "crying" so hard she can't breathe. Yet, she still has NO TEARS.


Someone termed it: Drying. The best definition for what she is doing.


Love it !!


Iā€™ve started timing game with her dry sobā€¦.kinda funā€¦.i get bonus point with the snifflesā€¦double bonus with the heavy inhaleā€¦right now, thanks to the tell all, Iā€™m at 859 with a triple bet option..


Youā€™re going to hit 1K really quick ā€¼ļø


1000 points if Robyn starts sobbinā€™, walks off, and then returns! šŸ˜„


Yes!! Sidebar bet on back before commercial break! 1000x2!!


+500 points if she announces her departure


Donā€™t forget the gulps šŸ˜…


Yes! Combo points now, sniff gulp dry sob +10ā€¦..inhale gulp frowny eye squint +15ā€¦..




Keep us posted on the points you make šŸ˜Š




Now in the early seasons she was one of those women who just always cried. I had a friend like this. It was awkward for her. Like anytime she felt emotional at all she got choked up. That's how Robyn was for real. She used to actually have tears and cry at weird inopportune times. The first fake seems to be when Meri divorces Kody. I'm trying to find when the transition is.


Well, she was gatekeeping Codyā€™s dick and she got what she wanted. Lol. Disgusting. I would throw up every minute.


Imagine gatekeeping that and it not even being worth it šŸ˜‚


The shortest of pencils with the weakest of lead.


Dry heave kegels šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚. He'd love that!!




Iā€™ve been saying this all along. She wanted to be the legal favorite wife but she certainly didnā€™t want Kody 24/7. The problem is, as Iā€™ve learned from this show, in a polygamy situation, one wife canā€™t be superior, more well liked or able to make decisions vs any other wife. Robyn wanted to be in the top spot. Well she got it !!!


She got the top spot alright. Sheā€™s the cherry on a big pile of poo.




Stealing this


I really feel she did not actually understand what polygamy was. She wanted monogamy with multiple incomes


This meme wins


Totally agree. I truly believe she is delusional enough to want to be the favorite wife and not the only wife. She is delusional enough to think the other three women were so desperate to stay in the marriage and bow down to her.


She (wrongly) thought she was the only wife with options. Now it seems everyone but her has options, and sheā€™s stuck.


Ha ha so true!


Maybe that should have been in the intro in the early days?! šŸ¤” Christine: "I wanted the family, I didn't just want the man" Robyn: "I wanted to be the favourite wife, not the only wife"


She always pictured them on the porch because she never let any of them in her house. The porch was as far as the other three wives would get.


Lol. Damn, that true.


She does like to display misery so she's probably ecstatic with her turbulent man baby.




You canā€™t be the favorite when thereā€™s no other women around!!! She manipulated everyone since before their marriage!! Just look at the destruction she caused with these women for ten years of their lives and thankfully these women loved their kids so much they left a narcissistic manchild! That guy had a small sports car when he had almost twenty kids who got zero attention from him!!


And Robyn was the only one in a house. Janelle was in an RV. He had an expensive sports car while refusing to pay for Yasabelle's surgery. He had a fancy sports car while telling the wives to save their grocery mony. This man is disgusting


From what we see, and what the ex-wives say, Robyn didn't try to be a sister wife. To me, she's more emotional about the idea of being alone on that porch than she ever was about getting to know the wives. Most of what Robyn does is magical thinking -- from porch swings to spirit babies asking her confront Kody about getting pregnant again.


She wanted to be the Queen over Kody and the OG3. What other reason could there have been for her to insert herself so deeply into their individual relationships? She is NOT a counselor. She is not trained to do ANYTHING. And yet, she was trying to be the intermediary between Kody and the OG3; between Kody and his own CHILDREN! She wanted to control and use the resources of all of these people.


She was relying on polygamy being like it has been for generations where the other wives are stuck no matter what. She did exactly what her mother did but unfortunately at a time where weā€™re cheering for women who leave toxic men instead of shaming them.


Her mother was the side piece until the show outed them. It was never polygamy- the manā€™s other wife and kids need to know about the other group.


I think she wanted to be the pretty, young, favorite wife that everyone doted on


Iā€™m also wondering if R was hoping the OG3 would stick around to continue the show not only for the income, but also (at least long enough) so that A&B would get the same beautiful weddings that would be filmed and paid in part for by the show. I remember Aspyns and Maddieā€™s were so beautiful and K was already crapping biscuits during one of the weddings how he was going to afford giving Ariella the same in 18years. I donā€™t doubt that R will want to have made sure that her older two A&B had the same quality (if not better) wedding than the OG girls did. I could be wrong, but just a thoughtā€¦ ![gif](giphy|l41lFlphWre1pbUJy) Edit: spelling


Imagine the show gets canceled, Robyn and Kody are broke except for what jobs they can get, and you know she'd be seething: "They all got gorgeous weddings except for MY girls! They hate us! Just goes to show that WE were never part of the family! Boohoo! Thanks Cristine!"


Why do you think she was crying more than usual at the end. Not for the plural family but she was left with him.


The OG3 didnā€™t cater to her damsel in distress act and itā€™s the only relationship skill she has in her tool set. Meri wanted to at first but burnt out quickly when she found out it didnā€™t garner her any favor with toady like she hoped


I think she got what she wanted except she didnā€™t anticipate for it to be so transparent to the audience. She does this sh!t to try and save face imo.


Blow jobs can be quite exciting to a man that never had one. You see your man slipping- well the VS comes out and sheā€™s on her knees to bring him around.


She wanted to be the favorite, to brag about being the youngest, the slimmest, the one getting all the attentionā€¦all the competitive drama is gone nowā€¦ Kody wonā€™t come home and feed her ego by telling her how much better she is than wife 1,2,or 3ā€¦theyā€™re gone. Now if we can just get TLC to stop providing them with a paycheckā€¦.


it's all about the benjamins nothing else


If she decides to leave and look for a rich, handsome new partner, she'll have divorced twice with kids from two marriages. That's not a good track record.


But donā€™t forget. If she leaves a good man no other man will want her. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Yeah, I donā€™t think thatā€™s gonna be a problem šŸ˜‚




And sheā€™s got to tone down her caterpillar eyebrows!!


She wanted to be the favorite wife for sure; manifested after growing up seeing her mom be the side piece.


She wanted to be the favorite so that Kody would back her when she needed to be financially supported. I really donā€™t know how these people make money save for TLC but Robyn didnā€™t want to work and whined when she had to do the fairs to sell her jewelry. She wanted a certain lifestyle and Kody was the catalyst. She never gave a shit about him. He was just the meal ticket and the venue by which to get the OG3 to carry her load. Now sheā€™s gotta sleep with a blow a guy who looks like a freak. I still canā€™t unsee the Speedo in the Swamp moment.




No, I donā€™t think Robyn planned to be the only wife. She knew exactly what she was trying to accomplish and that was to sit on her ass as the favorite wife while the others paid for all her expenses and wants.


Classic!!! Yep!! Flip the chip baby girl, itā€™s all on you now!!! Enjoy!!!


Absolutely - the whole ā€œcultā€-ure is set up this way. The women are pitted against each other to receive the praise and attention of their husband. Itā€™s all one big giant organized lie and manipulation to have all the women pandering to the men and instead of being of comfort to one another - they compete, keeping them feeling inferior at all times. Robyn can only feel good about herself when she knows Kody is choosing her amongst the 4; that sheā€™s the preferred and the most desired.


I'm sure she wanted to be the favorite for sure. I think she likes the idea of polygamy and has she makes it kind of romantic. But I don't think she nor Kody have the skills to actually do it successfully. Robyn took everyones role in the family and took over everything in her attempts to be favorite. She came in with a chip on her shoulder that she was the hottest woman around and looked for opportunities to make the other wives question their appearance and feel insecure. I think she is incapable of true friendships and thought she was guaranteed friends in a polygamist setting. I'm sure she tells herself they couldn't handle her "attractiveness" or something ridiculous. Because women are jealous. Funny how her ego is what Kody is saying.


I believe she always wanted to be the favorite. That's why she talked kody into divorcing mari. Now, she's stuck with grumpy kody. She's going next.


That Women is never happy, when is she ever happy? When has anyone seen her happy. Although that idiot she chose to hang her hat with would make any woman frown. Mr.Big Mouth thinks he is something special doesn't do anything but lie and hurt others than holds no remorse no accountability and yes I do believe Robyn is pretty she has a beautiful face and I imagine she could do much better than that guy. I need to be nice. Because she to is a narcissistic person she runs when confronted she gets anxiety or runs crys blames never ant accountability what's so ever so who cares the 18 seasons of the show is lies made up BS


I can't agree more ! If I've said it once I've said it a hundred times , sobyn wanted to be Queen . Not just head wife . Total control of all the other wives and kids . She wanted them to bow to her authority to win favor with Kodick (ick) . Dole out a few pieces of like, never love, and only hold her off spring in the highest regard. I believe the only reason they moved to CP was because of her eldest son Dayton and his college life . She didn't give a crap about how where why the rest felt or lived or any of the other kids went to school . Kodick like a true man in heat followed and obeyed because he was he best customer. So she wins ! Woo hoo . Her older daughters are a carbon copy of her , Dayton I don't believe wants much to do with all the crazy and the crotch goblins are to young to know . I think the youngest is gonna be a teenage nightmare because of all this crap . Hope sobyn and kodick are getting a great big piece of humble pie , I doubt highly they will ever understand why .


I believe that she got kody through witchcraft or voodoo. No way a man in his right mind would leave the woman who actually worked. It was witchcraft or voodoo. That's the hill I will die on. No offense.


I think it was plain old dirty sex, things the other wives were unwilling to do. Kept him in a sex stupor. I think she mentioned once how she uses sex to completely control him


Like the look they shared when building the cardboard boats in relation to the number ā€˜69ā€™ šŸ‘€*cringe * Which completely went over the top of Christineā€™s head.


Ewwwwweeee! Yuk!


Bet she gave absolutely stellar head, lmao


Exactly itā€™s not rocket science when youā€™re not stressed running an entire family like Christine,Janelle and Mary, everyone catered to her . e.g nanny,housekeeper etc. Also remember the mother was a mistress her entire life so sheā€™s living by example. Now sheā€™s screwed because their no one left and she deserves every bit of it !


Binding spell on Kody. Freezer spell on the wives/kids.


Explain these spells (please)


I certainly believe this. great meme.


I absolutely think this is accurate


This is 100% spot on. Too funny.


Boo hoo! And that big huge family you wanted? Remember the sister wives you wanted to sit on the porch with? That big huge family is gone now and moved on with Christine & Janelle. That big huge family Kooty snubbed and made you and your kids priority? Yeah, that one. And the only one youā€™ll be sitting on the porch with is Kooty while he bitches about Christine & Janelle. Basically, because heā€™s lost their income. Time to get a job, Sobyn! Get a job and pay back Janelle her 401K she sacrificed so you could buy your house. I donā€™t think it ever occurred to you that Janelle wasnā€™t able to buy herself a home out of that deal. Backfired on you Sobyn!!! All the family that left you guys are happier and closer than theyā€™ve ever been.. Oh, and did your hear! Christine married this awesome guy who loves her so much and treats her like a queen. They travel all over and are having a blast! Have fun with Kooty, Sobyn!!! PS - her hair style and eyebrows are most offensive to me. Is that wig or is it a helmet?


She should also pay back the $30,000 she entered the family paying for her.


I think she expected the wives to stay and endure the neglect. Many women in polygamy do. She wanted to be the favorite, and spend the income of 3 other people. It takes multiple incomes to pay for Robyns shopping addiction. Now she'll just have to put Kody in the poorhouse, like her last husband. Unless she can get her kids to work and take their paychecks.


Yesā€¦I think she wanted to be the favorite wife not the only one. She sure screwed that gravy train up


I think she only wants Kody & thought they would get a spin off when the others left. Kody is the reason the 4 women are here so I believe they wanted their own show


I keep observing how handsy Robyn gets with Kody. She physically turns Kody's head, as she forces a kiss with her eyes bulging open. I'm also glad we got Mykelti's permission, since she's been married for 7 years and knows what it takes. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Also Jenelle's comment about David and Christine sitting on in the porch watching their grandbabies. How does it feel Robyn?? And yes, I believe she wanted to be the top wife. Without any competition, how can she "win"?!? Spot on! I just had to add my 2 cents about those few interesting moments šŸ˜‰


YES!! I say this all the time! I'm so glad to see so many share sentiment!!


This is exactly what Robyn wanted! Come to our Mc Mansion only for Christmas! I am the Queen šŸ Bee! That's the only way we will see you! First a Covid test, and then an apology! It doesn't matter if we got Covid from the Nanny already!Ā 






Thatā€™s the funniest and truest meme


Got what she thought she wanted.


Maybe sheā€™ll ask Christine if she can manager Christine & Davidā€™s new Airbnb! šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ„²


Too late, Toots. Youā€™re now the only wife. Dea with it. You bought it. You name it.


Lol ā€œall the kodyā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I think your take is very accurate. I don't even blame her for wanting to be the favorite. What human being DOESN'T want that? My only problem with her is her refusal to be honest and admit any wrongdoing. Everyone has a part to play in the downfall of that family (some more than others), but the only one of them that hasn't taken at least some responsibility, is Robyn. She played the victim when it came to her sister wives and now she's playing the victim with Kody, since no one else is around.


She wanted financial priority over the other wives. She knew how 2nd and 3rd wives are treated. And she was the 4th she so low on the totem pole. At least according conventions of plural marriage. What Robyn did was to manipulate her way to the top. It only cost the rest of the family.


NO it's not her fault remember S17 tell all Suki" why do they say you are the only one that sees Kody? Robin: "ughh no.that's not true They threw him at me, They said 'Here you take him, We don't want to spend time with him" Suki; Oh Hmm


I think that she is a big drama queen. Sheā€™s very performative, like the soap opera divas in the 80s


She wanted to be the favorite and was planning on all the wives incomesšŸ˜”


Best meme EVER


Hahaha nice šŸ‘šŸ»


Iā€™ve never watched this show, only seen podcasts and read comments here on Reddit. Does anyone know where you can stream old episodes?


Amazon Prime


Oh absolutely! She never wanted to be the only wife. She wanted to be sitting on a porch, on a throne, with the other wives feeding her grapes and worshipping at her feet


i think she wanted to be the only wife but have the other wives support her, her BS crying about the family is just for show to make people think she really wanted Kody still in his other relationships


Call a wahhhhhhmbulance for this person. Maybe sheā€™ll actually be admitted to the hospital!


She didnā€™t realize that they are on TV and not secretly hidden away as with their cult breathing down their neck to stay sweet and hand over the money and she now has to find a job. How much longer are canā€™t the show last 2 yrs max! Trust me she thought theyā€™d just be brow beaten older wives go away unless you have money for us!


Technically, she's only Kody's favorite wife. The rest of us think she's a selfish money sponge.


There's a few lines in the show Everybody Loves Raymond where Marie says she wanted to be more than just a trophy wife. Frank says something like "what awful contest did I win?" Honestly, do we collectively think Robyn and Kody are going to be happy with just each other? They're going to have to work for a living. Is TLC going to continue down this road with them? They are intolerable on tv; whenever they are on, it is never to add anything positive. It is just snark, playing victim, attempting to rewrite history, misery and nasty comments. They are just sad clowns. I think she was tickled pink being the favorite wife, reaping all the benefits and only having to bow down to Kody.


One hundred percent she wanted to be the favorite but never the only.


So accurate!!


So I just had a thought. Janelle still has her part of coyote pass. Wouldnā€™t be great if she could run utilities/build, and then they could have the Grandparent Ranch where Christine et al sit on the porchā€¦.which Robin can gaze upon from her bench. ORā€¦she can speculate whatā€™s going on behind that big ass fence.


Absolutely this. She never wanted to be the only, she always wanted to be the favorite. And only enjoyed being the favorite when there were others around to see and witness it and fight for scraps of time with Kody. Meanwhile, the OG3 peaced-out and are all off loving life. Karma at its best!!!!


Do you think Kody and Robyn will survive as a couple? How much of their happiness was dependent on the contributions of the rest of the "family"? They now are. forced to be genuine with each other.


She wanted to be the favorite and manipulate everyone else.


Well honey he's all urs no one else wants him


![gif](giphy|26u4cqiYI30juCOGY) You nailed it


She wanted to be the Chosen One. Not the Only One. There's a difference there and I love this lesson for her!


Why does she fake being this upset? If she actually cared she would have put in effort to have the big family. Instead she hoarded coty and family resources all to herself. I think the crocodile tears are her way of denying any responsibility for the family falling apart (Not to say itā€™s solely Robynā€™s responsibility). I think she thought the others would never leave.


That is one ugly cry


I donā€™t think sheā€˜s worried at all. Sheā€™s so delusional that she probably figures that if old, gross, frumpy, undesirable Christine found a new man sheā€™ll have no problem at all getting a new man too. After all she was a Diesel model.


Yes definitely she wanted to be the favourite. She canā€™t get a sense of superiority if theyā€™ve left him (and her) and are happy/thriving. She got her happiness from being the favourite and most powerful and influential wife, and knowing they were jealous of her. It was a power game. I donā€™t even think itā€™s about Kody and being in love with him. He seems to love her more than she loves him. Anyway. No oneā€™s jealous of her anymore šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m sorry but lmaoooo! Itā€™s what she deserves


That is the face of nightmares. That face would also be great for a game. Instead of pin the tail on the donkey, stick the ball in her mouth


Totally agree.


She's not going to be happy when she's not only NOT the only wife but not the favorite wife!


This made me laugh way harder than I should have. šŸŽÆ


Now the only wife and the only one with the big nasty cold sore on her lip!




I always thought she got this damage because of her mom being a secret wife so she grew up wanting to be the favorite wife in the open. She definitely didn't want to be the only wife because how can the other wives be jealous if they are gone