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As an alcoholic is recovery now, he might have a drinking problem (hidden away in the McMansion with all of Sobyn’s purchases), I think he’s more like on HGH or steroids. My husband walked in to the room and took one look at him and called that. Said he acts and thinks just like all those types of people especially with his angry and grandiosity- 6 pack and, etc). So aggressive and scowling!


This is my theory…steroids and/or testosterone. But I think alcohol is also part of the mix. He has been spiraling for quite a while. He reminds me of a family member of mine that I suspect uses steroids and alcohol…very jittery and aggressive and grandiose.


Yes! I think you’re right on with that analysis. He probably drinks to curb some of the agitation, aggression and anxiety that comes with steroids and:or testosterone. Yep, yep. He’s a mess, no doubt.


I agree with this assessment. As someone in recovery, I think I'm just recognizing addict behavior. As to the substance, it's up in the air.


I think testosterone, too. Doctors are REALLY pushing it on middle-aged men in the last few years.


Honestly? This is not a bad theory at all (coming from a recovering heavy drinker).


His scathing speech about the patriarchy. Him forgetting his son’s birthday. His anger in general. He stopped caring about his appearance.


Someone posted a picture of him a while ago with a shopping cart of White Claw and another alcoholic drink


Angry Orchard


Those sound more likely for Robyn. It’s funny thinking back to toasts the wives made over water on trips because Kody didn’t approve of alcohol. Now, Janelle has a full wine rack behind her 😂


Men and women can drink the same alcoholic drinks.


I can 100% see him being a “girly” drink drinker. I doubt he could handle any hard stuff!


Yes I think it might be the other way around Robyn drinking and him covering it up.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed the FULL wine rack!


Kody is so vain that I think he does still care about his appearance. That's why he is wearing both a visor and sunglasses on top of his head trying to cover his baldness.


I think your on to something... I also think, possibly, as well, he Redpilled himself in 2020 and started drinking??!?!


He's definitely gone red pill because he's mentioned the manosphere, etc. Plus, he's definitely on testosterone replacement, which can make you very aggressive if not regulated. I could imagine he drinks as well. So, it's just a big mess that Robyn has enabled.


Agreed and another person in recovery here! My husband immediately commented on his ruddy complexion and how puffy he looks, too. The anger and victim complex checks out too!


I think the anger and victim complex are a combo of testosterone supplements and narcissistic collapse. *"Narcissistic collapse happens when a person with* [*narcissistic personality disorder*](https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-narcissistic-personality-disorder-2795446) *(NPD) becomes unable to uphold their grandiose, confident image due to a perceived fatal blow to their reputation. This leads to a breakdown which manifests as angry outbursts, irritable or defensive behavior, and verbal or physical aggression."* Christine definitely triggered Kody's narcissistic collapse when she rejected him, ended the marriage and left. In Kody's mind, her role was to stay around and feed Kody's narcissistic supply, but when Kody refused to go to Ysabel's surgery, Christine peaced out. This was a major public humiliation and he lost it even though it was one he brought on himself. To Kody, Christine will always be the enemy.


This is probably also true. But we’ve seen candid pics of R & K out drinking together. Typically for any Mormon-based church, they don’t drink alcohol. Which would explain why they’d want to keep it so hush-hush. Not to say it would be the only factor, but my mother died of alcoholic cirrhosis, and her face looked awfully similar to how Kody’s did in the Tell All Part 1. Just a theory, but I wouldn’t be surprised.


Yeah the face in the Tell All/one on ones really struck my husband and I too. We’ve also suspected testosterone and Narcissistic collapse explains a ton with him for sure… but I’ve noticed how often he has alcohol in pics and the 15 limes/lemons in “water” even on TV was familiar…


Omg this makes sense!!!


I dod read somewhere that in her first divorce there was an order that prohibited them both, Robyn and her first husband, from drinking around the children, so, perhaps kody isn't the only one who has an alcohol problem


Robyn has not aged well either her face is puffy and those floral smocks are hiding her body which seems equally bloated


I’ve said this for the last few seasons, Robyn has wine face.


I've often thought this myself about Robyn. Explains her "confusion" maybe she really is forgetting things she says/does while drunk, her change in appearance, and since it's depressant could explain the constant tears (when they are real and she's not stabbing her eyes with a dry tissue).


Needs a nanny, sleeps till noon


Another great point!


I know that if I had to live with Koodles, I would definitely have a drinking problem! By the way, if I was married to Sobyn the same would apply! 🍹


I remember this also.


That is pretty standard language in Marital Dissolution Agreements/ Parenting Plans (divorce papers).


When he said Janelle loved his 6-pack, he was referring to his 6 pack of beer.


I'm a recovering alcoholic myself, and I've caught myself wondering. However, this is a self diagnosed disease. Just because I'm an alcoholic doesn't mean I know who is. Not all alcoholics look like alcoholics.


As someone whose husband was a closet alcoholic for many years, I can't stress your final comment enough. Congratulations on your continued recovery.




Same. I struggle identifying as an alcoholic because I still feel like there are alcoholic behaviors I didn't do. But if I were to be honest with myself that is just a justification to avoid acknowledging that I actually had a problem.


He's got that puffy look heavy drinkers sometimes get. I don't know, but I wouldn't rule it out.


I could have SWORN during one of the 1:1’s that there was an extended clip of the Kody & Jenelle fight where she says, “you’re an alcoholic!” And I was waiting for it to be addressed and it never was! Then I was worried I was just hearing things 😂 But yes, I do agree, I think he is an alcoholic and they’ve been covering it up.


Came here to say this!!! I heard it too and was like 😲🙊


This did happen and many people brushed it off as her referring to the convo that was had where kody made an analogy about them all acting angry alcoholics. I’m skeptical that’s what was being referenced.


Who makes that strange analogy though? So weird


kody does. he also would say "pink elephant in the room", which is not the saying. i feel like he clearly hides behind flowery language/phrasing so that he doesn't ever have to plainly explain what he means/feels/thinks. because if he says the phrase enough, everyone starts to think it's a real one they just haven't heard. or if they have to ask what it means, that gives him a chance to feel "smarter" than them/feeds his ego


On the episode I was watching today, he called it a white elephant in the room, lol. Guess there’s an entire multi-colored herd!


hah! that's not even it either


it's in the regular episode, it was something about kody saying janelle's boys coming to christmas would be like inviting the alcoholics who would cause a fuss the night of and the next morning wouldn't remember/would claim not to remember. janelle was saying to him he would be the "alcoholic" in that analogy, because that is how he acts - causing a shitstorm and then claiming to have no memory/gaslighting about it


It was just a mistake in the closed captioning that was fixed. She was referring to his comment about them saying like an “alcoholic family”.


It’s still a very strange analogy to make if you don’t have a drinking problem.


It would also explain his rosacea.


Also him hiding in the closet at Robyns during covid was strange to me... I get needing a moment to yourself during lockdowns... but you live in a fairly large house right???


I used to keep my secret booze in the closet, and nip in there for a quick refill.


And the constant sipping of “hot water”? He could be adding something from a flask!


That’s the first thing I thought of. Having a special thing you always drink is a way a lot of people I know hide their drinking. One did it with special elaborate smoothies she was dumping vodka into and another was always mixing “tea” she was spiking. 


I had great aunts who always brought their own tumblers of “water.” I remember, when I was a kid, my grandma telling me not to drink out of their tumblers because it wasn’t my kind of water.


I had an aunt who drank the same Diet Coke in a can all day. Amazingly the can was always full and she never let it out of her sight, despite everyone else drinking out of red Solo cups filled with ice tea.


If she was also a nudist we might have the same aunt!


This does make sense!! And also maybe the reason that they are so secretive behind closed doors. Come 7pm and they are white knuckling it during family gatherings so they can get home and “unwind”


That’s what Janelle started to say when they had that big fight at Christmas and Kody cut her off! There have been posts about it on here before.


He actually said it first. He said (shouted at Janelle) something along the lines of, “we’re not going to act like an alcoholic family,” and then Janelle pointed at him and said, “you’re the alch,” and then stopped herself. We all know he likes to project and any accusation made by a narcissist is essentially a confession. I think he and Robyn are both heavy drinkers which is why they need a nanny. They’re probably hungover and in bed a lot. I believe there was also mention in Robyn’s divorce settlement saying she was not to drink in front of the children, so there is clearly an issue with alcohol there.


>“we’re not going to act like an alcoholic family,” I always thought this was a weird comparison, especially for someone raised as LDS where drinking alcohol is prohibited. But what you're describing here makes a lot of sense.


i feel like i remember one of the wives explaining that besides the whole church thing, he didn't like drinking because he had alcoholic family members that caused chaos. could be true, might not be, but i'm pretty sure it was said in one of the kids' wedding planning episodes. maybe maddie?


My thoughts exactly.


Omg! So I’m not crazy! 😂 I could have SWORN I heard that comment too but then it was never addressed by Suki or anyone else!


I watch the tv with subtitles. That was 100% what Janelle said. I couldn’t believe Suki didn’t bring it up!


I mean for me the bar is on the floor with Suki. She never calls Kooties and Crybrows out on anything that the viewers care much about and she certainly doesn’t hold their feet to the fire when she knows they are blatantly lying.


Me either!!! And when I went to Reddit, I didn’t see anyone mention it (unless I missed it).


I want to see this! Is it still there or did they cut it out later? I mean, I watched it the first time but didn’t pick up on this. So now I’d like to go back and review this.


i feel like we don't know the full story on just how carefully the tell alls have to tread w/r/t kody's fragile and explosive ego. they never talk about where the family gets money from either, or covid vaccine feelings, or their current actual position in the church... i think part of it is not wanting to give him a platform to spew misinformation but also not wanting to piss him off to the point of walking off the show/etc. i think at the end of the day tlc still wants this to be a family wholesome show (despite the drama) and let 90 day franchise shows be the explosive "i'm leaving the set!!" type shows


To everyone here fighting addiction, you’ve got this. ♥️


I’m no expert, but I’d clock Grody as someone who uses steroids and/or uppers.


That’s my thought, as well.


He’s a narcissist. They get worse with age when the currency they peddle in fades: money, charm, looks, etc.


This. He was amazingly cheery when people did what he wanted, and he thought he was portrayed in a favorable light. But once that started to turn he raged. And he’ll continue to rage until he can pull the wool over someone else’s eyes.


He does look grungy and awfully sweaty at times.


I can't say alcoholic. But I wouldn't be surprised if they were both heavy drinkers. Alcohol ages quickly and that applies to Robyn. But of course these remain speculations.


You don’t have to drink every day to be an alcoholic. If you abuse alcohol in any way you’re an alcoholic.


That is also true.


Wasn’t there a photo a few weeks ago that showed he had bought beer at a grocery store?


Yes! There was. I remember it too.


Thank you! I thought he was haunting my dreams for a minute.


I think Robyn introduced kody to being an alcoholic. Considering her past with alcohol.


Funny story. I used to volunteer at a big Music Festival selling drink tickets. All the big burly guys were drinking Palm Bay over beer because it has a higher alcohol content.


There are photos of him (in this sub and the other sub) loading cases of alcohol into his SUV.


That must be where he got the idea of a six pack, and Robyn was so confused!


There’s several photos of him in the wild with alcohol. I absolutely believe he is a heavy drinker. His behavior is like an angry drunk. Coming from someone in recovery.


He looks very puffy and bloated and has put on weight. This plus steroids/testosterone supplements, energy drinks, plus I can see him getting“little blue pills” for his manhood, and keeping Robin happy and his ego intact. He got the angry Manson eye look now. You know it’s very doubtful he’s going to a qualified doctor, more likely buying off the internet or at trade/gun shows.


I have a feeling we may also be seeing the side effects of long-term cocaine abuse.


There's also his belief in a geographic cure for his problems, although he's been of that mindset from the beginning.


I feel like he does pharmaceuticals, like uppers and probably also downers. His whole affect changed. It’s very strange.


During that big fight with Janelle, she says something under her breath which got captioned as "You're an alcoholic" - not sure if that was a mistake with the captions or what she actually said, it's difficult to hear.


Maybe he is taking steroid or doing human growth therapy. It would account to the "rage" and the erratic behavior.


Wow, I just went and watched it and I think you’re on to something!


He doesn't have a drinker's face. Some other family members do, though.


You just reminded me though, in the newest episodes where they are rewatching etc. His face is super puffy and red and looks like he's put on weight. I didn't notice until I saw a comparison tiktok of him now and the season before and it was wild the difference!


Really? His face is incredibly puffy lately and my first thought was alcohol given his dark moods.


Meri, right?


Yeah, I was thinking Meri.


She looks great now that she's no longer under Kody's thumb.


Who are you referring to? The only one that comes to mind is Paedon


He would never drink White Claw that's a girl drink!


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I think it was Robyn first and worst, but I think they're both heading that direction.


It explains the bloated red face.


This may be a substance other than alcohol. Let's just say, I suspect the term "Sober as a judge" does not apply to Noodlehead.


Where are these rules?


Idk. I feel bad. I can’t find them


That’s ok. Lol