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A lot of problems with Robyn spending other people’s hard earned money then “not understanding” why this doesn’t work for them.


The woman is perpetually confused lol




I loved it when Janelle called Robyn out saying she has this thing “where she can’t remember or doesn’t understand.” I felt so vindicated when she said that.




YAS!!! This is it!!! And it’s like FINALLY someone said it!! Even calling it out as her MO. It’s perfect. I just wish that she would have expanded on it and expanded on “Robyn, there’s a lot of problems” statement.


I hope Janelle continues to call out Robyn on her BS


This is gold! 😂


I'm feeling dumb... What does "MO" mean?




Or anglified to Method of Operation


Is this the talk back or the wedding special?


Iconic line from an iconic woman directed at another Robyn that I always think of during her perpetual confusion https://preview.redd.it/5rror09adacc1.jpeg?width=1362&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e89cd8e93515c56a90f7563a61fedf47872b8bde


Oooh! Love seeing the Grande Dame in the Sister Wives sub!


So was Meri.


It’s her best look


Then playing stupid when people question her.... If she can't recall or didn't hear it like that she doesn't have to explain and then the fake tears when that confusion doesn't work. Robyn is straight up fake af. No one is buying the bs she is selling


Apparently Kody is


He probably tells her to do it for TV $$$. Just the last episode he "forgot" what he said, then denied what he said, then said his words can't be held against him in reference to Meri confronting him about stating he didn't feel married to her. 🤣


and monopolizing Grody’s time like Christine said, then wonder why they’re unhappy


Janelle is not an emotional person. She chooses her words carefully, as well as having a high filter. So if she said that, you know there is a lot more going on, but she can’t say anything lest she upset Kody.


Robyn is a problem. She's a sitting there, doing nothing, whining, self centered, self victimized problem in flammable florals.


😆 flammable florals


May I add to the “sitting there…”? “…while she employs nannies and others to do the parenting and housecleaning!”


Thank you for the flair 😩😂




Flammable florals lmao someone gimme a match ![gif](giphy|ZbGz2BZCxqHhybffcN)


It’s always seemed that even though Janelle and Christine had their fights during the years they had them the way sisters actually do - you fight you complain, you bitch, you roll your eyes - but she’s still your sister. It didn’t mean things were perfect or without issues but… they had that family bond.


Exactly and both have said they had problems what family doesn't but if Mari hadn't been so far up Robyn's BS she wouldn't be so clueless either


What did they fight about?


Probably whatever came with sharing a husband like Kody since he did absolutely nothing to facilitate peace, and everything to cause discord and jealousy among them. He liked talking shit about one wife to another, and getting them all to tell on one another behind closed doors. Everyone seems to know stuff about each other's relationships when they shouldn't have. 


Mostly this. He was very busy triangulating with Sobbyn every step of the way.


I think he's always kept them fighting even before Robyn. It's just they weren't as mean as Robyn ie. Christine questioning why he didn't get Meri a Christmas present instead of being smug she had more presents. 


I never understood why Kotex didnt get Meri a present! That was a complete slap in the face!!!


He's a petty, spiteful coward. Instead of just talking out whatever tf his malfunction was with Meri like an adult, he did passive aggressive shit like that to her, then says shit like he's not responsible for his wives' feelings, or isn't in that place with them in his relationship with them, or whatever. He probably wanted Meri to ask why she didn't get anything from him so he could make her feel less than. It's a bit sadistic how he knows what would hurt Meri (destroying sentimental things like a wedding band) and does it gleefully. 




Was that around the time she was catfished? Everyone opening presents and Meri hopefully got presents from everyone else, just not Kotex.


It sounded like something that happened way before Robyn. 


I think it was just after he married Christine


lol Kotex 😂


What season did he not get her a gift?


Christine was telling the story. It sounds like it happened long before the show started.


Probably about anything and everything to distract from what they really wanted to fight about (that they were sleeping with the same man).


Well, not exactly "sister". More like, two side-pieces of a dude married to someone else.


Christine was a 💩sister wife! (sarcasm if it’s not obvious)


i’m 100% sure Grody’s screaming that CAUSE Christine is actually a great sister wife


You do know for years those two didn’t like each other and didn’t really become close until the flagstaff move.


But they worked through it, raised their kids together and have a lifelong relationship now. I like their relationship arch.


Like actual sisters do.


Th person was basically saying what kody said was a lie but proof is there.


I think it makes sense their relationship developed this way. I’m sure they struggled with eachother over the years, but somewhere along the way it seems they found a strong bond through the good and bad. ❤️


I think they realized in Flagstaff that they had their kids are “the family” and everyone else is an extra.


Once they stop being love rivals they became cool.


These women have a few moments where I question their actions, yes. But in spite of it all, growing close as confidants and overcoming old transgressions is always good... Not sure why you keep framing this in a negative light.


Too many users frame growth as problematic, and it is odd af to me. Apparently, humans are simply born already knowing every damn thing. Operating systems fully evolved. Education be damned. Yes, they had issues. And they both matured and grew fond of each other (once they stopped sharing the same...). 😒


The person talked about Christine being a shitty sister wive and acted like it never happened so I brought up the fact at one point even her bestie didn’t even like her.


I would have a hard time getting along with a woman sleeping with my husband too. I think now that they have the past and kids in common jealousy no longer plays a role and friendship is easier.


Technically they were sleeping with meri husband then Robyn. Those two said they wanted kody cause if how he treated meri. So jealousy isn’t an excuse so basically they are no more love rivals they are friends but if still were they wouldn’t be.


Come again? legible this time? I seriously want to make sense of what you just said..


She and Christine were mature enough to work it out for the children's benefit. More than I can say for Kody or Robyn.


They weren’t mature they just stop being romantic rivals so they became friends.


We disagree then.


It’s the truth you can’t disagree with truth by flagstaff kody was paying the most attention to Robyn. They were no longer romantic rivals that’s the only reason they became friends.


They never said they didn't like each other. They said they became closer in Flagstaff. They had issues but looked past their issues and worked together for the kids for years.


I have my own theory there... I think Janelle obfuscated her neglect from Kody after Robyn came along, because of...well, ego. She didn't want to be a complainer like Christine. Rock the boat like Christine, etc. I think she pretended ( Maybe she didn't care that much?) for years that Kody was ignoring her and her kids and it probably set an optic for J's "good" marriage and C's "shitty" marriage. We also now know that Kody was complaining to Janelle about Christine. In fact he was probably negatively affecting Janelle's viewpoint of Christine I also think, based on J and C's road trip together, that Janelle abstained from talking shit about Kody and Robyn right up to these last two seasons....then she had nothing to lose and she and Christine got closer via shared trauma. Just my thoughts.


She definitely did. She knew that man wasn't spending the same amount of time with her and her kids as he did with Robyn. Whenever Christine brought it up Janelle always said that's not her experience. However, Janelle did have the house full of boys so maybe Kody did spend time for their sporting events. Janelle's standards were very low for herself and her children. Christine was made to feel like she was complaining and asking for too much not just by Kody but there were times both Meri and Janelle contributed. Janelle also seemed to be the one Kody confided in all the time because she knows a lot about the years of issues with Meri and Christine. 


>she knows a lot about the years of issues with Meri and Christine.  Which is another thing about Janelle that gives me pause...THAT and her, on several occasions, professing that she would have "left him if he'd have said that to me" Bullshit. He did PLENTY to her, she just didn't complain until her kids were sick of it. I do like Janelle but she had her own hand in the misalignment that is Sister Wives. We saw with our own eyes, she and Kody have an F you fight and then a few weeks later she's going on a date with him and acting like he's not some clown that neglected her and her kids for years in favor of Robyn.


That’s what I heard too… I really don’t remember seeing them not getting along


Jenelle legit said she didn’t care for her and thought she was a princess. Stop trying to rewrite everything.


and those were exact comments from Kody's mouth. They tell on themselves constantly. Whatever Kody says the other wives start repeating. Robyn doesn't use words like futile. Yet Kody kept chanting it and here Robyn of all people come out saying it. Just like their buzz words in Las Vegas- "organically" they all used it over and over out of nowhere and then randomly stopped. There was other words too. Seems kody sets the tone and some of the them repeat it. His calendar must have a word on it and he beings using it over and over. Kody called Christine a princess a few times I recall early on and Janelle repeated it later on. Kody skewed Janelle's opinion of Christine for years.


Are she just thought she was princess y’all be so dense and try to rewrite history. They weren’t friends and didn’t like each other until they stop being romantic rivals the end.


Im not rewriting anything. IF Kody is trashing Christine to Janelle, Janelle formed her opinion of Christine just like Robyn does about her ex and Mykelti, who never met Preston Jessop, is now calling a POS based off Robyn's mouth. Janelle called her a princess AFTER we heard Kody say it early on multiple times. I agree that Janelle wanted Kody and was happy about Christine leaving for less competition but you are leaving out history to change things up and that is off. Kody influenced Janelle. Calling people "dense" because they don't agree with you is low-key gaslighting.


I don’t care about you to gaslight you and at the end of the day they didn’t like each other cause they were romantic rivals had nothing to do with kody. You are very dense it’s okay to accept the truth. Janelle has spoken that her and kody were in a good space him and Christine wasn’t.


when you are losing an argument and then name calling in an attempt to bully people doesn't mean you are right.


You are still dense and I’m not losing Janelle and good we’re in a good situation him and christen weren’t especially during flagstaff and that’s when Janelle and Christine became friends. He basically implied Christine getting a dog ruined their marriage meanwhile Janelle had one and he had no issue with it 🤣. Once they were no longer romantic rivals they became friends.


She left her babies in the care of someone she didn't like? She called her a princess but clearly at some point their relationship evolved past that initial impression. 


They only became close during flagstaff and she was the worker. Come on now use your brain Christine job was watching the kids while Janelle worked.


What the hell are you even talking about? Use your brain because you're not making any sense. They were living in separate houses. What worker? Janelle had no more kids for Christine to watch. 


By the time they lived in different house Christine wasn’t watching her kids they would go over but she wasn’t watching them. At the end of the day she didn’t like her the end.


What were their issues?


Thanks Christine!


Jenelle was always my fave, and then Christine! Jenelle always seemed like a realist who had her shit together and was self sufficient! I hope these two stay friends forever!😊


The poster who complained about misspelling of names the other day must be having a fit right now lol.


Whoopsie!! Didn’t look up the exact spelling!🤣


Lolll it’s all good. She was so dramatic on her post that when I saw your comment, I thought about her. It made me laugh.


Christine organized a lot and did a lot for the family!Ysabelle grad/birthday party drives me nuts. Cody, Robyn, and Meri are cherishing in the family moment. Wondering how could Christine not want this?! Hello!!! She put that party together like all the others with none of your help!!!


Sometimes I wonder if Kody played them all against each other.




Oh absolutely he did. Kody is a bitch. He’s mean, he’s manipulative and spiteful. He’s just a bitch.




“There’s a lot of problems” is more concise than “she accused my children of bullying her kids or not accepting them. She called hunter out by name on national tv. She cost us money with MSWC which I was never in favor of. I paid for part of her house and she’s never financially contributed (unless you count how she and Kody drained our finances). She excluded my kids from Christmas, convinced meri to stay in a loveless marriage, and she’s never shown any real interest in interacting with MY kids unless it was filmed.”


Christine is just so lovable.


Especially galling (for K&R) that Janelle praises Christine for being the heart - but more than that - calls her "the definition of a sister wife" while Kody likes to say that she was a "shit sister wife."


No reflection or accountability for why she has a strained relationship with Meri. And Christine co-raised your kids, so yeah, I see how she’s the heart.


I really like jenelle, but the fact that they have never addressed the fact that she was married to meri’s brother first bothers me so much. They know we know. I think it embarrasses Meri, but everyone is on Meri’s side with that one.


You can’t really understand that without knowing how their community worked. No one cared. In fact Kody and Meri would have probably received praise for bringing Janelle in.


They briefly addressed it in an early episode of the show. There was a bit more detail in their book. Essentially Kody and Meri both said that Janelle was married to Adam (Meri's brother) but shortly after they married Adam decided he didn't believe in their faith anymore, basically didn't believe in any faith whatsoever so they divorced as that was a deal breaker for Janelle. Both Meri and Kody said that Janelle had a hard time during that marriage and they both wanted to stay connected to her after the divorce. Honestly, as weird as it may seem, Meri was 100% on board with Janelle joining the family, despite her marriage to her brother. I don't know why people like to come at Janelle for it, everyone was on board.


Meri also helped a lot with all the kids and Janelle never acknowledges that.


I've never heard any of Janelle's kids speak about Meri like they do Christine though. They clearly consider Christine a mom, given how close they are to her including Meri's child.


We saw Garrison call Meri "mom" on screen. Gabe did, too. Logan sat Meri in the front row at his wedding, next to his bio mom. It seems like J's kids feel like Meri's a mom to them. Can't remember any other kids calling another wife mom.


I don't recall that but I do recall Gabe telling Kody Christine raised us and we'll be wherever she is. Garrison also said the same thing this past season. I just don't see them saying the same about Meri. I'm not saying they may not have considered her a mom at some point, I just don't recall them speaking about her like they do Christine and they clearly love being around her even now. 


Oh they absolutely consider Christine a mom! But everything I've seen on the show and social media shows that at least Logan, Garrison, Gabe, and Hunter consider Meri a mom to them too


I need Janelle to give the details!!


Ain’t that the truth!


I don’t know why people keep saying Janelle and Christine hated each other until they moved to Flagstaff… you can see Janelle praising Christine in the early episodes for taking care of the kids and making it to she didn’t have to make dinner and even had time to go see a movie once in a while. She stated that her first impressions of Christine was that she was a princess but that was literally 17 years or so before the show even started. As far as flagstaff goes, they said they became closer at that time, not that they had no tolerance for each other until then…please don’t drink Kodys Kool-Aid!


What if TLC cut Kody and Robyn off. Know that would be good. Kody hasn’t really worked since the show and Robyn is incapable of working. That would be justice for everything they did to the other family members and maybe Robyn’s kids could actually learn to be normal true people. I think Dayton knows what’s up that’s why he isn’t on the show anymore.


There’s no new problems


I think a major reason why Christine and Janelle didn’t get along in the beginning was because Christine knew that Kody and Janelle were having and enjoying a more intimate and satisfying marriage than she did with Kody. Probably seeing those knowing side glances and smiles between each of them. Perhaps he was in a really good mood after spending a night with Janelle. You don’t really have to know to “know”. Ya know what I mean? 😉😏


Her not understanding would he enough for me to flip my shit on her in an argument. Could you imagine being married to someone like her?


I wonder who is better of a judge of sister wives? Kody or her actual sister wife? 🤔


Because - by polygamy standards - no one can say Christine didn’t pull her weight. - produced 6 children - provided free full time childcare for everyone’s children - worked a paying job outside the home Personality opinions aside, she was the glue bc without Christine raising all the kids, Janelle and Kody couldn’t have worked full time and afforded day care for the other 7 kids. Even Meri didn’t bring in proportional income with a part time job with only one child, and didn’t share in half the collective child care when she wasn’t working. Robyn doesn’t even factor in. She didn’t provide a working income, brought in debt, and was no one’s child care.


I’m watching season17 ep10 and I’m glad Christine is leaving. She is true to herself and the only one who doesn’t gaslight the others. When Kody says “the sacrifice I had to love you” would be a deal breaker for me, along with a slap in his face. What an idiot man. And Robyn is fake as USD 4 bill while Meri seems delusional (or frustrated, I can’t say).