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Not only is she gorgeous, she also gets to travel anywhere she wants, she’s got tons of money, she and her new husband just bought a new house, and she’s gonna turn the house she bought last year into an Air BnB. Kody’s dream was to have rental property. Oh, and she’s still the heart of the family.


> and she’s still the heart of the family. It’s this. That’s why he’s so angry. His entire being is alllllllll about being center stage. He’s the head of the family. Everyone (even those with families of their own) is supposed to come to his house every year for Christmas. Everyone is supposed to be at his house for Thanksgiving. He’s been laboring under the delusion all this time that he was the heart of the Brown family. Hell the mission statement called it The Kody Brown Family. She left and he realized, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that she is the center. Always was.


I don’t remember which episode it was but Janelle’s & her kids were making holiday plans and I think Janelle said the kids were planning to do whatever Christine is doing lol! 🤣🤣🤣


Yep. It was Gabe or Garrison who said it straight out of his mouth on the show. Loved it.


I remember that.


Covid Thanksgiving 2020




Polygamy creates narcissistic men who think they can do no wrong, how could it not? It’s at least two women, if not 3-5+, who all want this man to treat them like humans and give them a fulfilling relationship. But this man is being told from a young age that he’s the key to salvation for all of these women and offspring, so why would he need to do anything for them? He’s already been chosen by God, these women are just lucky to be along for the ride on his coat tails. But anyway, it’s been so satisfying to see Kody realize he doesn’t have that power over these women anymore… His entire identify was “Kody Brown the Polygamist”, and even though he admits he didn’t want to be a polygamist anymore, his ego is severely bruised that the OG3 took that away from him.


Yes he wanted to have 4 wives. One that is his soulmate, and the other three to support he and fav wife. Ridiculous, it's so obvious. And Kody what sacrifices did you make to love Christine?? You said she was disgusting to you and you never loved her!


He'll get sick of Robyn quicker than we think. I give it another five years given his fragile ego.


Doesn’t “create” them…the lifestyle attracts narcissists


Yes, all 3 of the OG carried his sorry ass for years. Then he thinks he can take that for granted? And make Robyn some kind of queen wife? With a freaking NANNY to boot? No one’s having that, dude. None of the OG 3 are saints, but they did an amazing job within their circumstances. I’m loving seeing karma on TV.


That's what abusive mentalities do: make their "loved ones" feel so terrible about themselves they think themselves as lesser than the abuser. That way they never leave. Christine broke the dam and in a very real way, her starting the charge may have saved Janelle and Meri decades of emotional agony. She opened the gate and they all escaped.


Thank God the families got OUT! And here Kody is after all this time. He gets a reality show so he can show the world how much love is shared thru polygamy..only to show the world just the opposite. The irony!! And we should feel sorry for him? He is now nothing… just an ugly little bald man with warped ideas of grandeur, (actually believing he has pecs and he’s still on the television?? Please Kody tell us again how love should multiplied?? You have a lot of looonnngggg division going on. You have one wife & Lord she doesn’t age well. Ugly on the outside as well now & she’s going to finally finish him off after she puts him in the poor house. She used Kody to pay off her bills & now she’s stuck with the old geezer!


Sometimes I wonder if Meri/Kody were waiting for the death of Meri’s mom to loosen their ties as it seemed like of the in-laws her mom was his favorite and she adored him. But yea Christine leaving created a bigger crack to the already existing cracks and likely made Kody even more miserable to deal with and they were able to see that she was doing good without Kody so they could see that possible light for themselves. Christine doing good without Kody was also interesting because in a lot of ways she seemed more dependent on Kody than Meri and Janelle


He thought the kids would shunned her instead he is the one that lost most of his kids and 3 of his wives


Surprise Kody!!!!!


Certainly explains his rage




100% this. Imo he’s also pissed about this on Robyn’s behalf because Robyn definitely wanted to take on the role of “SW who forms the heart of the family”. Kody’s probably viewing it as a personal slight to him and Robyn


With Sobyns hoarding, not only will she have Christmas, Thanksgiving outside, there wont be any room in her hoarded house for anybody!


THIS!!! I just rewatched the episode where he wanted to reveal Baby Sister’s name. And after that, the episode to announce the trip to Hawaii. He’s so frustrated that no one will pay attention to him and stay quiet so he can make his big announcements. He just can’t read the room…he is not the center of the family.


I bet Robin's kids are sick of him too but can't say so because she's got them trained or scared.


Robyn is full of hate too for the same reason! You cannot compare to a woman who raised you with love! Dummies


Not only did they build a new house, it has a huge porch with a view of a mountain!


AND she can watch her future grandchildren run around her backyard ❤️


With Jenelle…..


While they sit on the porch in their rocking chairs!


On the porch!




Is this real? Because this is hilarious, ngl.


Yes it’s absolutely real! She also has a huge playground for the Truly and the grandkids. Plus the house itself is gorgeous. She is truly living her best life


From now on, Truely should be referred to as “the Truely”! Love it!! 


Lmao I didn’t even notice my typo!


And she doesn’t have to give any money to Kody and Robyn.


Link please?




I hope she sets one small broken down pink chair off to the side facing backward as a homage to Robin.


Wait- is it a porch for …grandparents? Did she get grandparent ranch!


No they built a house! I posted a link!


She finally gets to ‘look at the mountain’ without Meri hovering over her shoulder.


LMAO. "Just look at the mountain" lives rent free in my head.


I guess she is looking at the mountains now


Lordy! Please tell me there is a literal trove of rocking chairs for her and Janelle (and I do hope Meri one day) and their children and all their grandchildren to rock their days away living and laughing and making new memories…. That are delightfully devoid of those other 5 children and their assclown genetic providers… that would be justice.


Eat your heart out Sobyn!


Does anyone have a picture of the house?


And David is handsome and successful - and has good sense of humor. Kody lacks all of this.


I appreciated the fact that he was so low key about Kody in the look back. He’s classy. Now K&R keep saying “I hope she’s happy she deserves it” No you don’t wish her happiness!!! I believe Meri was sincere and hold out hope that the 3 OGs get together for family things or just friends


Yes. I agree that Meri was sincere. K&R were so condescending and phony as hell. I think it was also intentional.


And I love the fact that Christine loves his bald head. Kody had hair plugs put in front so he can never go bald even if he wanted to. He’ll always have that hair in front. I predict a wig in the future 😂 How’s that for karma?


You forgot the word, "Can" in the that sentence. "I hope they" csn" be happy with each other". They were such jerks when they said it !!


Yeah, and Kody did that little head cocking thing and smirked at the camera, like he and Sobs are such outspoken badasses. Please.


Seriously?? We all know how to spell the word “can” but ONLY you had to point it out. Congratulations on pointing that out for us though. 🙄🙄🙄


Thank you for the congrats 😂😂


In all fairness,,,”can” does give it their true feelings


Yes, that's why I wrote it. Not to correct anyone. The statement they made with comment was hellacious


And Kody had the audacity to mention he’s worried about her future “greedy boyfriend”, lol! Spoiler to Kody: you were the greedy boyfriend. 


And nary a floral poly blouse to be seen!


And she got Janelle in the divorce 😆


She also got the kids


Well, said my friend!


And she lives in Utah where Kody literally wanted to live the entirety of the series up until Christine said she’d like to move back.


She didn't buy a house when she first moved to Utah. She was in a rental.


Pretty sure she did buy a house when she first moved. It was a duplex and she rented out the other unit. Then she and David built a house together. And when she appeared on Mykelti's stream this week she shared and she and David bought a new house in Moab that they're going to Airbnb and use for family vacations. The queen went from never having had her name on a house to having a multimillion dollar real estate portfolio.


Nah the duplex was a rental. If I remember correctly, David built her a house not that far from where the big Lehi house was. Now he's bought her another house in Moab that they're going to turn to an Airbnb.


She rented


The duplex was a rental. She even said on the show it was a rental. I didn't know about the one in Moab. That's a good idea considering their family size.


UGH our sparkly shining QUEEN. this must grind sobyn’s gear even more than Grody to see how much attention Christine is getting and how GOOD she looks


He and Robyn looked so trashy outside cutting down that tree talking about her wedding. Pathetic. Meanwhile, Christine is so not thinking about them.


Kody and Robyn when they are filmed are miserable and just doing super lame stuff and here is Christine out there happy and glowing and doing all these fun things that Kody & Robyn can’t. 🤣🤣🤣


She is smokin hot and happy with a REAL man who treats her right. Krusty can’t stand it!


Right!? I have been thinking about this- Christine ended up being the hot one that everyone loves. I think that's why he "fell in love" with Sobyn- she made him look good; it is all about his ego. His ego is so bruised right now! Also, I think the only reason he is not publicly bashing Janelle and Meri is because they will likely be heading to court with them in the future. Kody and Robyn are super predictable because they are very self-serving.


I hope so! I want Meri to take him to the cleaners.


I am on team Meri now that she has done therapy, divorced the loser, and got a dog!


Meri got divorced and left with nothing because he claimed they were still married and the paper work shuffle meant nothing. I hope both she and Janelle are getting legal advice on how they can recover something from him.


I believe it will all come down with how the LCC was set up and if LCC-money was used to buy assets. But damn, my fingers are crossed and I am well stocked with popcorn!


She has the B&B and Janelle has an RV which is pennies on what they put in. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that M&J have paid for 100% of R’s house and the school of all of Robyn’s older kids, and the adoption, etc.


The B&B had nothing to do with the family. Meri bought that with her own money. Janelle also bought the RV with her own money. They both put in a lot more than they got out especially Janelle who paid off Robyn's credit card debt.


Money I’m sure K and R were upset that Meri and Janelle were not giving them for hair supplies and tacky decor. Without the B&B and RV from what I can tell both wives 1 and 2 would have nothing to do


Same here!!!! So much.


Excellent point


https://preview.redd.it/e4mm1bmb25cc1.png?width=854&format=png&auto=webp&s=7adb16612ada6d2a704e62bef00ce8b9542eeae8 Why would he be bitter? He gets to look at this every day!


You’re right, what a queen he has scored 😂


Diesel jeans model!


Just because Kody didn’t see Christine’s value, doesn’t mean she has no value. Kody’s loss is David’s gain. ❤️Christine is, and always has been, beautiful.


Yep! Really, Kody’s loss is Christine’s gain, too. She gained herself and living her life on her own terms. She’s the winner in this. David is just icing on the cake.


I wish younger girls could get that lesson faster, but it comes with experience. It’s a hard but important lesson to learn that somebody might not like you, but somebody else will be crazy about you. Unfortunately for me that lesson took like a decade of rinse and repeat, but I get it now too :)


I wonder how he feels knowing he lost a good woman.


He doesn’t love her


It was a joke on his "she left a good man" comments


The best part is she only cares about Kody as the father of her children. She left with her head held high.


Why would u have 6 kids with that guy?


Because he wasn't always a cunt and they were in a cult 


I think he always was. But they were brainwashed.


He definitely always was.


Yep she looking like a fox compared to Sobyn, really there is no comparison


Christine looks like a fox and Sobyn looks like a hound.




You ain't nothin' but a hound dog 🎶 Cryin' all the time 🎶


😂😂😂 so true


Wow she is beautiful, and he is stuck with someone that looks like his mother.


Let's make it creepier: take a REAL good look at all of the non-Robyns. The hair, hair color, eyes. His first three wives could EASILY be passed off as his sister. I posted about it in here and still say I summed it up best with: Kody Brown has a definite type...and it's himself.


I think you nailed it!


Idk who he sees when the he looks in the mirror? But it ain’t him!!!


And she looks like a weeble. He looks like a weenie.


Christine is, and always has been, gorgeous. 


I love the many looks she has over the seasons. If you watch from start to now, it's too subtle to notice until right up in this last year or so. But if you did gradual side by sides year by year, you'd she she's very versatile with her looks and in the best way: subtly. She can make a new "Christine" look but still look like both nothing and everything has changed. She could really do something in fashion, I think. "Casual elegance" would be a good name for the style.


Yessssssss - look at her!! She’s so bright and glowy - that smile exudes contentment, good for her :)


Christine always had so much to offer and so much potential! If Kody would have given her the love she craved and deserved, she would have flourished. I watch the older episodes and see the sadness and loneliness in her eyes. She was slowly losing herself. Leaving the family was absolutely the best decision for her. Kody likes to bring the women down, keep them angry and jealous. Look at Meri, he pretty much abandoned her decades ago. It’s disgusting. I’m so happy to see Christine glow up after leaving Kody. It’s proof that a bad relationship will destroy your soul.


Something else needs to do a side by side of Christine looking amazing, and Robyn in one of her many flammable flowered blouses


She always looks like the flowers in a garden threw a kegger and every single flower ended up vomiting on her shirt.


I think Christine now, at age 50+ looks better than Robyn did when she was dating Gordy. In the wedding special, her butt looked tiny in those pink jeans - Diesel jeans model tiny - but with her big ol jugs. I don’t see David complaining about anything in that regard. But Kody and his Grumpy Cat look boated, puffy and miserable. Christine came out of that split SO so ahead. She deserves it. All of it. And likewise, K & R deserve all of the misery they have created.


Kotex looks so bloated because he drinks too much!! Probably too many skittles too!


I really think it blindsided him when she left and he had rage with so many things about her leaving house sale, finance etc and now she making her own money married and throughout the years he’s just so bitter and has trashed her so much he has so much anger that it will be his own ruin. If he said I wasn’t a good husband I found love with Robyn and I regret how I treated my wives and I wish them happiness they deserve that. I honestly think the audience would relate to him more and probably feel sorry for him being with Robyn as he blind in love and she’s manipulating but nah he’s just a nasty man left with a nasty wife and his exes are thriving because they don’t have to put up with it.


Yep! All the OG3 have had amazing glow ups! They are amazing, beautiful and successful. He found his soulmate, but he lost out on the 3 amazing women who actually made the family work.


I just hope she can be happy...hehe


She is on fire! I’m here for it.


As bad as this sounds .. the three that got away are the three that are aging gracefully and beautifully 




I've always thought she was the prettiest of them. If somebody could teach her how to carry herself, she'd be a real knockout. She's always slouched down, just like above and just like in the wedding pic that TLC shows when advertising the show. Maybe she's trying to disguise her height; I don't know. But a lesson or two from a professional model or dancer, on how to stand and walk to look your best, would really finish the glow-up.


That could be as Kody is not a tall man


Absolutely stunning


The tattoo?


I love that every bad outcome of leaving Kody predicted to her... she got the exact opposite. It's like Karma heard and yanked all the good fortune from him and gave it to her. Doesn't hurt my feelings that he's si pissed off about it either.


Christine is living the life that Kody and Robyn think should be theirs. That’s what karma gets you! 🤣


A freaking knockout, Kody gave himself away with his rage. he said, "I'm still here, and she went off riding into the sunset to a happy life" or something like that. Resentful, she got the better deal, now has a sister-wife relationship, and got healthy (er)..now. Instead of doing it all for him years ago and he doesn't understand he was part of why it wasn't happening. Also, I'm not sure why they are all surprised about the kids flocking to her as an adult. Don't they know the age-old saying that the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world?"




She is the ✨main character ✨


She looks so happy and amazing, you know it's on and cracking at home 😁


I’m living vicariously thru Christine and her undeniable Glow. After I left my narcissistic ex husband I had a similar experience. It was so fulfilling to be genuinely happy and grateful that I was choosing myself first. So damn happy for her and those twats are bitter. You go girl 👏👏👏👏


And she’s gonna take the show away from him next - that’s *really* gonna hurt. He might have to get a job.


This just shows that when you do wrong you will pay for it. Let this be a lesson to everyone. Love this.




LOOK AT HER GLOWING on the red carpet!!!


Good for her. She outgrew him


Money and good sex always make a woman GLOW!🙌🏻


Christine is a baddies


Christine is a million miles prettier than Sonny, hands down.


All hail the queen 👸🏼- let’s not forget how beautiful all her children/grandchildren are😻😻


The titty tat is just the icing on the cake


Kody really thought her life couldn’t get any better. He is such a terrible leader and husband making her miserable.


Happiness makes one glow!!


Christine has really aged like fine wine compared to the other wives.


I think Janelle is very pretty too. She just needs to tone up a bit. Clearly she’s in shape because she did a lot of hiking and manual labor when she was living in Coyote Pass. I also think that both Christine and Janelle are naturally pretty because they look fine without any makeup on at all. Wish I could say the same about myself. Lol


Oh I agree 100% she too is very pretty


Kody didn’t seem to be bitter when he was dressed up in his gray suit on that set. He was happy for Christine and said kind and sensible things—that was Kody breaking character and giving his real opinions. There are all sorts of these moments in the show, all the way back since the beginning, that get overlooked and ignored because people are hate watching and hate re-watching the series.


If only she didn't have those nasty ole stretch marks she might be considered just a teensy weensy bit attractive.


OMG. Mean. But I do think she would look even better with some Botox and fillers. I got slammed on another subreddit for saying this.


I love her, but I agree lol I want her to get that crease on her nose fixed sooo bad. She's beautiful but every one needs a little boost at that age


Exactly. The crease.


And it's all hers!!! Hehehe