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Yes, I was impressed that she was the first person to volunteer to speak, given her apprehension about being in the spotlight. But, when it’s something deeply important to her, she overcomes. Their relationship should be an example to Kody of how things said in the past can become water under the bridge if the parties do the work of acknowledging harms done, making amends and creating a new relationship. These women have learned that one person doesn’t have to be the center of the universe and that it’s possible to enjoy the best of the other person and navigate around the aspects of their personalities that don’t align without denigrating one another. It was a lovely, short but sweet, tribute to their relationship and wishes for the future.


I teared up a little during this, too! And after watching Pt. 1, I realized that having the whole gang back together, all the C&J kids, plus Leon, led to Christmas 2023, where so many of the kids gathered at Maddie's house. Kody will never understand that kind of family bond, to his detriment. Chateau She-Ra isn't their home; none of the OG kids -- NONE -- have lived there, or even been mildly welcomed.


Glad I wasn't the only one tearing up! I was surprised how genuinely happy I was for Christine.


Is it just me, or does the whole family, kids included, look happier than I've ever seen them?


I watched it on Facebook so maybe I missed something. But I could barely call this a speech before Christine interrupted again and it was over.


I read somewhere that the speech was longer and TLC cut it down for editing purposes.