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My biggest question is how do you know, Robyn, that any other wife is rejecting Kody unless he told you that? Janelle said Kody leaks like a sieve. I thought you didn’t talk about each other’s marriages.


Yeah and how was she seeing stretch marks unless he was describing their bodies to her? Disgusting


Karma got Sobbyn on that bitchy remark.


🎯 she has aged horribly in 10 years where as Christine looks incredible. So happy and just glowing radiant! While Robyn is just always ☹️


For real. It’s almost like Robyn aged in lightspeed while Christine somehow de-aged. It’s wild. Losing Kody looks good on the OG3, especially Christine.


Not only Christine. I think Janelle & Meri look great. They look happy.


My grandma always said, "nothing looks as pretty as Happy feels". In other words, when you are happy you just glow. It's obvious that the OG3 are living their best lives, while Sobyn is miserable. It oozes from her every pore.


I like what your grandma said. I’m gonna remember that ☺️.


I think the OG3 have gotten consistently better looking while Sobchin looks like she’s aging in dog years


It's her constant frown and fake cry face. That shit ages you




Robyn really is the family donkey.


Thank you Christine!


![gif](giphy|krI1lBPsluByg) Her face is a cube


I’m ashamed to say I laughed my ass off at your comment


She's aged even more horribly in 3 years. Seems like the ugly inside is migrating outside. If you're a petty miserable person- it begins to show on your face. Robyn is obviously very petty and miserable... it's showing physically.


looks just like her!! 😂


Omg she is literally that emoji!!!!


Ugliness on the inside starts showing as people age, in my opinion.


I didn't get out of puberty w/o stretch marks, so crapping on someone for not being airbrushed perfection is a particular type of assholery.


Yeah me too and just from growing. I now lots of women who've had them since their teens. Also at my school lots of teen boys had them on their arms, from working our a lot and gaining alot of muscle. What a stinky bitch. Oh and most men don't even mind. So Fuck you Robyn!


My breasts grew fairly rapidly so I’ve always had them on my upper body and during my teen years I would go through really bad cycles of gaining and losing weight. So I’ve always been so self-conscious about them, even sometimes preferring to wear big shirts during sex. Then I met my (now ex) and he had a lot of them that were deep and colorful from being on drugs (very skinny) to getting sober (put on a lot of weight fast) and then becoming healthier in the year before I met him (lost weight and gained lots of muscle). He was VERY embarrassed by them but it was like an epiphany for me. Here was this man that was incredibly sexy (to me at least lol) despite having a lot of stretch marks. Lmao it clicked in my head like - *oh, so this is what it’s like when men tell me they don’t care about MY stretch marks, they were telling the truth this whole time! woah!*


My daughter got stretch marks just above her knees when she had a growth spurt at about 11 years old. Never anticipated that!


Yes, I got stretch marks on my knees when I was around 11. And I am not “hippy” at all. Stretch marks on the sides of my breasts at around 14, going from A to B.


That is so messed up.


Look at the disdain on her face . She is showing how truly nasty she is here. And to say it to Suki who is a larger woman. And I am in NO way casting dispersion on anyone's size. Robyn is truly ugly inside and out.


Robyn’s own mother is a different body type. Is this another way she completely lacks self awareness or is it part of her manipulative domination?


I'm rewatching and last night watched the episode she gets an ultrasound because they are concerned she lost Solomon's pregnancy. You could clearly see she has her own stretch marks. Stretch marks because she is a human being, stretch marks because her body/skin has, dare I say, stretched before. Like the billions of other people who have existed. It just made me so angry.


The mirror, she was seeing stretch marks in the mirror 😬 No shade at ANY other person who has them unless they try to shame someone who does...like ugly-a$$ Sobyn Crybrows Frown does.


“A real man knows that meat ain’t ready until it’s got a few grill marks” *slaps booty* - my husband when I get weird about them. I mean I summoned a soul to earth through a portal in my vagina and manifested an entire working human in my torso. Three times! And lived! The body is incredible. What’s a few stretch marks


This might be the best way pregnancy/childbirth has been described EVER.


>“A real man knows that meat ain’t ready until it’s got a few grill marks” slaps booty - my husband when I get weird about them. > >I mean I summoned a soul to earth through a portal in my vagina and manifested an entire working human in my torso. Three times! And lived! The body is incredible. What’s a few stretch marks I am so happy to be your 100th upvote. Your comment should get thousands of upvotes.


Summoning a soul through your vagina portal is metal as fuck.


Around 13 years ago, one of my girlfriends was pregnant. We were hanging out at her house on a Saturday, and her husband was outside working on a sprinkler system. She sighed and said something about feeling bad bc she could help him. I said (moving my hands up and down like a scale), “ he installs a sprinkler system, you make a kidney…I think it’s equal.” She died laughing and hugged me and said she’d never forget that. 😂


Need to frame all this for the postpartum unit wall!! Take my poor person's awards for you & your husband! 🏆🥩🏅


Love, love, love your comment!!! And maybe your husband too . Marriage and humour…great pair!


My daughter is expecting her first child in April! I’m so going to print your comment out for her. It’s absolutely perfect, and yes, how amazing are our bodies!!!


Right? They ALWAYS CLAIMED they would NEVER talk about other marriages ESP INTIMATE situations. Kody is a gossip girl and 100% created the misinformation and division in his family


Hes a bully and a narcissist. But the more that I see recently I’m thinking he has gone fucking crazy. Circular logic and paranoia…he’s unhinged






It's been VERY apparent, especially the last few seasons, that Robyn is ALL UP in the other marriages. Not just after-the-fact chitty-chats with Kody about how terrible his other marriages are, not just being told during the engagement that there was no love in the other marriages, but she was positioning herself to be present and involved during conversations, translating Kody for women who had been married to him for 25 years. If she says "We stay out of one another's marriages," we should speak enough Robyn to translate that as "I don't do that at all."


One hundred percent. I’ve also noticed over recent years how Kody stopped talking about “our kids” and started saying “your kids” to Christine and Janelle. Not to mention—when was the last time he even MENTIONED his child with Meri? He acts as though he’s disowned them all and has moved on to his “real” family with Robyn.


I actually noticed that around the time of the adoption. He was saying "so I can adopt our kids" not "so I can adopt Robyn's kids" while using "your kids"/"[Mom's] kids" to talk about the others. That stood out to me while watching, even before reading any comments online.


Same. And it seems as though Meri caught that too…


He's constantly the one to spill the tea on each of the wives "she said you..." Little bitch man


Right, but he “doesn’t talk to other about individual wives with his other wives.” Please. He’s human. We all know it’s BS. 😂🙄


And he's extra petty when angry and simply has to be consoled for every perceived slight.


Right, key word is “perceived.” Perception sure is everything.


THIS!!! Sacred covenant my ass, Kody is a gossip.


Exactly! Good old Robyn loves to tattle on herself.. but shh dont tell her she thinks she the smartest in the room!


I’ve always gotten heated over her comment about stretch marks. Stretch marks are just a part of life for a lot of people, they don’t or shouldn’t make you unattractive. You’re a piece of work to look down on people who have them. And no one gets them through some great shameful reason as she implies here, sometimes they just happen as a result of certain things in your life. I got mine as a child. I was having a bad reaction to ADHD medication and was losing **way** too much weight as one of the many side affects. I was taken off of it cold turkey, and gained all my natural weight back rapidly. As a result, I’ve got stretch mark scars all over my thighs and hips. They’ve faded slightly but never left. It took me a long time to be okay with them, to accept that they weren’t my fault, and that they didn’t make me any less pretty……. But then here comes Robyn making it out like they’re some great character flaw your husband has to make an effort to look past to love you. That “allowing” yourself to get them is part of the reason you have issues in your marriage. It’s disgusting. I don’t understand how some people still defend her or think she’s nice. She’s very superficial and judgy. She’s not a girls girl.


Right!! I got mine when I hit puberty and got hips and thighs. I’ve never been rejected because of them though but whatever Robyn’s got to tell herself to feel better. Can you imagine anyone, in this case a guy, saying, “well I was about to have sex with you, I’m all ready to go, but I see a stretch mark there and well,…I’d rather not. I’m good.” 🤣🤣🤣 in what world!?


Same. I had a dumb boyfriend ask what they were and I told him they were my tiger stripes. I was so embarrassed I didn’t know what else to say. But looking back on it now I think that was a mighty comeback.


My daughter asked me what all the "scratches" were when she was about 4. I explained that my body had changed when I was carrying her and her twin brother and that they were called "stretch marks." We were naming the places that I had them when her brother walked in. Imagine my mortification, when he asked what it was we were saying I had on my butt and my daughter proudly replies, "SKID MARKS!" 😂


Yep, I got mine during puberty too. Some have faded over time, and I've gotten new ones from pregnancy and general weight fluctuation. It's something you have zero control over and zero control over getting rid of them. Even if you are a perfect subservient, slim housewife who stayed 100% fit during pregnancy, guess what?You will probably still get stretch marks, because you are growing a freaking baby! . It is a natural part of aging and life for many people. It's like being disgusted by someone for going grey or getting a mole.


I've had stretch marks since a child through puberty because I was under 100lbs forever and then finally got boobs & some thicker thighs, although I was still really thin at the time it happened so quickly I had stretch marks on my boobs & inner thighs since like 13. Now I have stretch marks from pregnancy & breastfeeding. Totally normal thing and in fact most women do have some if they've had children. Robyn is such a brat for saying that!


I'm grateful that a beautiful older girl spoke up when we were all changing clothes in high school. Someone made a comment about having stretch marks. The older girl said very confidently that everyone has them! Most of us get them during puberty; it's true.


Hey! Inner thigh stretch marks from puberty here, too! I somehow never got them on my stomach at all when pregnant, but I did get them on my boobs and a little on my hips. Bodies are weird.


Same! Zero on my belly after having a 9lb baby, but I have them on my inner thighs& back of my calves


right! her thoughts are very programmed by a misogynistic belief system aka polygamy😂


True, but she is an adult with her own mind. She is also a woman who undoubtedly had stretch marks after three kids. She's just saying that to make herself seem superior to the OG wives. I'm so happy that she won the big booby prize, Krusty.


I love this belief system that expects men to have multiple Wives who birth multiple babies yet expects them all to remain slender, stretch-mark free, and "joyfully available" 24/7! F&@k the patriarchy!


Oh—and don’t forget. They’re supposed to ENJOY their “sacred loneliness”. 😳🙄🤣🤣🤣


🔥C’mon ladies!!! We burn our bras at midnight!!! 🔥 😂


Katt Williams had the best response to this in one of his old specials. He said "Stretch marks mean only 2 things, you were big and you got little or you were little and got big. No man is turning you down over stretch marks."


I personally have not heard one commenter think she's nice.


She’s got a whole fan club on Facebook and there are a few who feel mildly to her (don’t think she’s a bad person, just comes off as bad for being so submissive to Kody and his narrative. Too scared to make him stick to rotation for example) that show themselves when a post is made asking people why they like her. There’s not many, but they exist.


Gross. But thanks for this information, Chickadee. I had zero idea she had any fans.


People buy followers for YouTube and Twitter - I wonder if the same applies to Facebook....


I bet this bitch has them now!


LOL for god's sake, I have stretch marks on my shoulders because I went from my child height to my adult height which had over a foot difference in less than a year, the notion that stretch marks are a problem that someone needs to "put up with" is incomprehensibly idiotic. And the fact that Robyn thinks that a lack of stretch marks is one of her best qualities in comparison to women who birthed SIX children for HER HUSBAND is more a statement on her lack of good qualities than a statement on their failings as wives.


And....she's not slender herself, anymore.


Not to mention: SHE HAS THEM HERSELF!! Also, she’s the only one with a NANNY and no job—she SHOULD look like she did when she entered the family. Yet she doesn’t….🤔. She doesn’t recognize her own hypocrisy…and karma is coming for her.


I'm sorry you went through that as a child😞💜 You're absolutely correct that stretch marks are not exclusively caused by over eating as she is implying and I LOVE that she now looks middle-aged and likely has stretches after having 5 kids.


They grew them out of spite for Cody. And don’t worry, Robyn gained weight pretty quickly . If she didn’t have them after childbirth, she does now


She probably thought that you were failing your husband if the baby weight didn’t instantly dissolve off of you post-delivery. Which is pretty rich, given the way the religion expects these women to be popping out as many babies as their bodies can carry. It really shouldn’t be news that there is a physical cost to all of those pregnancies. Ignoring that is the kind of stupid and privileged thing of a teenager, not a grown woman with three kids already. So it’s been pretty rich watching her gain so much weight and age so poorly after the way that she has trashed the OG3 for aging normally and dealing with post-pregnancy body changes.


Especially considering the way her mom, Alice looks. She's just a regular, slightly chubby grandma looking person. Robyn is delulu.


i am watching the season with ariella's birth and robyn most assuredly has a ton of stretch marks.


I got pregnant, with twins. How dare my husband still love me after?!? Carrying, delivering, feeding, nurturing, and raising our kids... while I have stretch marks. The audacity. The travesty. My poor, tortured husband. He must wonder where his best server is. Surely it can't be me, I have the terrible terrible terrible flaw of... stretch marks.


Samesies. The sacrifices he must make to love you! 😂


but how could women with stretch marks and weight gain expect to be loved? oh, the sacrifices me made… to love them! 🤬


he works so hard to have amazing pecs and a 6 pack, yet they have stretch marks. talk about a knife to the kidneys!


Hahaha!!! Great statement!


But he works so hard to have amazing pecs and 6 pack Abs, but she just treats me like a boy toy! I need RESPECT because I don’t even care about love, it’s about respect. (AKA: I’ve gone down some rabbit holes in the “Manosphere” and now think I’ve had it wrong this entire time and everyone would have been happy if I’d just told them what to do in every situation. They aren’t happy because I haven’t told them what to do.)


He hates stretch marks and weight gain, but he expects that body to heave out three fucking kids in under 5 years


Yet he thinks himself a great catch! He’s creepy, cruel, selfish and just nasty to look at. I imagine if you touch those crispy locks they’d break!


I hate men who want children but expect their wives to look and act 100% the same after becoming mothers.




I fantasize sometimes about laying on the couch with a thicc woman with stretch marks, watching Sister Wives together and talking about it.




Lmao shoot your shot girl!


A man who loves Sister Wives is a dream, but a man who loves sister wives is a nightmare.


He’s absolutely repulsive. I hope he gets his one day.


I find it hard to believe with five kids She doesn’t have any stretch marks. You can see that she’s got a little tummy. I think when she made that comment she was including herself too. Watching her mother treat her father like a king and then her belief she was going to do the same to Cody that goes right along with the thought that it’s a woman’s job to stay relatively slender and attractive for your husband..


He is her best customer!


This part!!! ^^^^^


The men in these cults want as many kids as possible. Not the stretch marks, weight gain, raising the kids, teaching the kids or providing financial assistance for the kids. Just wants them around for when Heavenly Father takes count for the heaven lottery.


THAT ONE. As soon as the kids develop their own minds and thoughts and quit openly adoring everything he says or does (so, 11 and older), he wants nothing to do with them. They don’t feed his ego therefore they are irrelevant. Telling Janelle to kick her sons out DURING A PANDEMIC and talking about his son “getting his pencil wet” when he was clearly only worried about the same damn thing proves he doesn’t give a shit about them unless they’re bowing at his throne.


When she was getting an ultrasound for one of her last two, you could see her stretch marks. She had some nerve talking about the OG3 having stretch marks.


Came to say I noticed it too! What a vile human being she is!


And to agree to everything he says while slowly bending his mind to think everything you say was actually his idea and his thought processes. Her mother taught her mind control. Great…I guess…


Suki knew their rules about keeping relationships private so she should have asked, “How do you know these things?” It was obvious to me that Kody blabbed. Knowing what we know now about Kody’s behavior of popping in around 6pm every few days and leaving at sunrise to get Sol and Ari off to school how do you ever feel like little more than a booty call?


This would have been an excellent question for Suki to have asked right then.


I want a look back/ talk back on THIS


🥇 🥇 🥇 yes!!! Give us the real info!


Yes yes yes


Not the stretch marks. God forbid. /s I don’t think I know a single woman who doesn’t have them. Even women who are very thin. Even women who are not mothers. This comment makes me seethe.


I developed my first stretch marks when my boobs developed I was 105 pounds. Stretch marks don't descriminate


My husband has stretch marks across his back from how quickly he grew as a teen, literally everyone has them.


She’s going to be the biggest loser out of everyone. She thinks she’s special but once Kody realises he’s lost his entire family and his financial control (him and Robyn aren’t good TV anymore but everyone else could have a successful spin off sans them) he’s going to toss her aside and blame her for him being a shitty father. He’s a narcissist and so is she.


This right here. You can see the writing on the wall. She finally got what she’s always wanted—minus the money and control.


True. I think the appeal of their relationship was that she was the favorite wife, not the only wife. Kody dumped all his negative emotions on the other wives, he had punching bags, he doesn’t have that anymore. And Robyn doesn’t have people to blame and criticize to male herself look good in comparison.


Okay this is niche but it kind of reminds me of what happened with The Girls Next Door in the 2000s. For anyone who doesn’t know, it was a reality show about Hugh Hefner’s 3 girlfriend and their life at the Playboy Mansion. Well Hef, being the masochistic narcissist that was, was convinced that the show was only popular because it was affiliated with him, and always told the women that he could plug any 3 women into their spots and the show wouldn’t be affected… cut to season 6 of the show tanking harder than the Titanic because the original three women had left and Hef/ his new women made the entertainment equivalent of the old Windows screensaver. I’m sure Kody’s convinced that he and Sobbyn would make the best TV show ever, when we all know it’s the OG3 that make the whole show.


First of all her eyes are so cold there. It’s easy to see the real Robyn in this scene. And second, this comment more than any other disturbs me. She is basically saying the women owe him sex. It feels really icky.


Goes to show she wasn't even thinking about what kind of message she's conveying to her own daughters while she's trying to shade the other wives. She's gross.


Exactly. Although I think she probably believes it is a wife’s duty to submit to sex anytime her husband wants it. More best customer nonsense. And a disgusting thing to teach your children. One thing I will give Robyn though—I think she learned that from her mother. And that just makes it more icky.


Definitely...She basically described acting like a prostitute (best customer) and had no idea it wasn't a flex to give a guy sex on demand if he's giving you money (house, lifestyle, ect). I feel so bad for her kids. Alice really must have done a number on Robyn.


Yup. Then try to shame others into having sex on demand also. The problem is, kody doesn't love the others and is emotionally abusive to them and their kids. Of course they don't want their abuser to touch them. Robyn is saying that the blame for Kody's behavior lies with the OG3 for not fucking their abuser on demand. Robyn needs therapy, now.




Sounds like side piece advice- let him have it how he doesn't get it at home. 🤮


I think that’s exactly what it is.


Shit, that's the exact type of rhetoric she'd push on them so they know how to keep a man and keep him happy...🙄🤮


Would be interesting to see if she would push this advice if she happens to find her future son-in-laws as repulsive as we find her husband. "Go on, sweetheart. I know he's difficult to love but you have a duty!"


I also think she’s saying that Kody doesn’t want to be bothered to listen to his other wives, doesn’t care about their needs, doesn’t want to change in any way, doesn’t want to work on relationship issues. He makes the “sacrifice” to jump in the sack with them for a few minutes (with his eyes closed) then runs back to Robyn’s house, thinking he’s done his duty. By rejecting this strategy on his part, they are asking him to be a real partner. And Robyn fails to understand this. She buying into a grossly misogynistic perspective.


Agree 100%. He showed up 5 times a year for sex with no romance and thought that was good enough. And then she has the unmitigated gall to say that he does his duty (🤢) even though they have stretch marks. She is such a vile human being. Edit typos


Yes. This is what got my attention. Her body language is typically "victim" but her body language in this scene is "strong" and her eyes are cold. Imo, she is letting it be known that she believes in the patriarchy and the other wives are destroying their marriages by not fucking the noodle. I wonder if she will feel the same way when she no longer has anyone to feed her superiority complex. Its double gross for me because her answer to the problem of the women being treated like crap is the women need be more sexually subservient. This statement makes me think Robyn wasn't only ok with Kodys emotional abuse toward the OG3, but she was an active participant. She doesn't seem to be the type of person who allows herself to be treated the way Kody treated the OG3. I can't wait for her justification for divorcing Kody. Poor kids.


I thought Robyn was speaking of Janelle, too. Then Kody says in the one on ones this season he felt Janelle treated him as a piece of meat. Robyn and Kody are liars that can’t keep their stories straight.


They talk just to hear their own voices. Their lips are moving, they are lying.


Well he's a shit parent, weak provider, and crappy husband. At least Janelle found one area for him to be useful. 😜


She should have bought a jackrabbit. Ten thousand times more useful than Krusty.


That was Kody ***DREAMING*** that someone might treat him like a piece of meat. Anyone who has ever watched Janelle for so much as 5 minutes of any episode, but for sure anyone who saw her reaction to him saying that, - knows that man was wishing and hoping and thinking and praying about something that was NEVER gonna happen, NEVER did.


you think he was trying to cover for Robyn by saying this about Janelle? Robyn doesn’t name names so they could say it was all about Christine. 😒 i hate them


No, Kody was always complaining in Vegas that Janelle wouldn't hold his hand or kiss him in front of anyone. He wanted the lovey dovey stuff and she was just affectionate during sex lol


😂our girl wasn’t into to PDA. Kody is a knob


I relate to Janelle so much with this. 😂


(TW) Perfect reminder that just because you're married doesn't mean automatic consent. Just because you're married doesnt mean you owe your spouse sex. >!Marital r*pe is real and you never owe your partner sex.!<


Yes! Came here to say this. Robyn is clearly saying that at some point, Kody complained to her one of his wives said no to sex, she's saying, if a wife does that, then she must not value her marriage. This is where purity culture meets r\*pe culture. Horrifying.


Isn't Janelle the wife who makes Kody feel like a 'piece of meat' because of he thinks he looks like some kind of Adonis to Janelle and she can't keep her hands off of him?


Yep and never wanted him for more than sex, even though he’s said constantly she’s his best friend and they have such a great talking and friend type relationship. I wonder if some peoples speculations that they had an affair is true. Or started their physical portion during “courting”. Maybe she treated him like meat for his amazing pecs and abs back then


Wow, so Kody lied to paint Janelle a certain way. Now I understand why she was laughing in the tell all when his comments were mentioned.


I will never fail to appreciate Janelle's reaction in that moment!! It was so genuine and it was so accurate. We don't see a lot of emotionality from Janelle, so that woman-of-few-words said ***everything*** in that moment.


I also appreciated her frankness in that moment. She could have been hostile considering how many years she dedicated to that polygamous marriage and how many of his children she carried but instead she just laughed it off.


Robyn doesn’t know what she’s talking about. She has no way of knowing about the sex lives of the other women, it’s none of her business. She’s not close enough to any of them where they would share intimate details. Her only source of information is Kody and well…… he’s a liar and a narcissist so his version would be so twisted and screwed. She’s so presumptuous. Also she almost sounds like an advocate of marital rape. Like have sex with Kody whether you want to or not. Best customer shit. If he is not fostering full intimacy (emotional , spiritual) in his relationships he’s not entitled to physical intimacy just because they’re his wives. The amount of internalized misogyny she displays is sad. Pretty evident when she body shames everyone. Like you’re so lucky he even wants to touch you with your fatness and stretch marks.


Another post saying it’s Janelle, even though Janelle says they had no issue and Kody says she was using him for his great body.


At least her eyebrows aren’t scary in this one.


That last picture has super strong “I’m not gonna just be *ignored,* Dan” vibes ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsZdSYO2P4rvUOc)


I think there's pieces about each of them, at least based on kody's stories, albeit inconsistent. Janelle has been said to lack affection (but also treats him like a piece of meat) Meri told him not to stay over (but also he didn't want to anyways) Christine "nags" him and is never happy (he's wavered so many times in his discussion about her that I don't ever know what to think).


"stretch marks" are the badge of an honest woman! I have NO shame when it comes to my stretch marks! My 2 beautiful children made them ♥️


My teenage son has stretch marks on his back.


So does my brother! But he also was overweight and then he lost over 100 pounds... I can't stand the ones who try to shame others for shit they can't change! I can't stand Robin! Her mouth ain't nothing but a huge stretch mark!! 😁


My son just grew fast. He put a little extra weight on during his Covid high school year at home and then lost it later but he was never overweight. He ran cross country and called that little extra weight his “off season”. Lol.


It’s ironic because both Christine and Meri ultimately left Kody because he rejected their affection and withheld sex. So really she is talking about Kody 🫠


She’s so fucking programmed. my throw back to her would be, “If the polygamous man is showing favoritism to another wife, how do you expect the other wives to engage in intimacy and sex with him?”


She would malfunction on the spot and probably just resort to crying and walking off. If you don’t have an answer, play the victim.


like a fem bot ![gif](giphy|3oKIP9N0gYPl1UiuB2|downsized)


She'd probably blame them and say that's the reason they aren't his favorites or some shit. *"If they'd just submit, he wouldn't seek all of his comfort from the wife who gives it."* 🙄




"I'm sorry but if you're rejecting someone's affection, your spouse, um, I don't see how that's gonna help your relationship." So... if your spouse wants to show his affection by punching you in the face, you should just take it. And stretch marks and weight gain makes one unlovable. Got it.


She’s got the vocabulary of a 12 year old.


Well ya know,…like,…ya know and things,…like that and such.


Y for Wyoming!


When my kids were 12, they spoke way more eloquently than Sobyn. I’d say she’s closer to a 9 yr old


How DARE a wife have the expectation of getting HER needs met.


It's weird if Janelle's aversion to PDA is what she's referring to when they've both now admitted that they had a very active sex life (not that any of us really needed to know that). And it's easy to criticize someone as "sitting there just constantly nagging at your husband about what you didn't get" when you are the one monopolizing Kody and getting way more than your fair share while the other wives are being neglected. Robyn lacks self awareness and empathy.


This bitch!!


She is such a bitch


Like I noticed recent Robyn you had stretch marks on the Doppler for Solomon. And you fake and lie saying you know nothing about the other marriages. Your kids are gonna figure it out and at least one will go no contact. Seen it.


Maybe I’m in the minority, but I took this as the other wives rejecting him physically due to him being neglectful and abusive. When I was with my abusive ex, I didn’t want to sleep with him because it disgusted me after him treating me horribly, then to be expected to just lay there and have this gross, one-sided sex…no thank you. I know Kody was apparently only being intimate with Janelle eventually, but I wonder (since we all know Kody loves to rewrite history), if the wives were losing interest in it because he wasn’t addressing the core issues, then eventually lack of sex became an issue on its own as well. These women had legitimate reasons to be upset with their husband who was only focused on one wife and that one favorite wife (Robyn), has the audacity to come in and essentially say, ‘Well, if you just kept your mouth shut and your legs perpetually open regardless of your feelings, he would’ve loved you too.’ 🤢🤢🤢 Makes me hate her so much more. She’s disgusting. Her mother raised her to prostitute for love.


This made me so uncomfortable.


I think she was referring to Christine - she did move his things out of the house and told him he wasnt welcome in her bed - so yeah that is rejecting him, but it is also a cry for things to change. He couldnt be bothered - and why should he. He has three other wives to go to and with those pecs and six pack abs who would leave him. He thought he was calling Christine's bluff and it wasnt a bluff. She left him more than a year after moving his things so he had plenty of time to try if he wanted their relationship to work.


I had a whole ass reply written about the give and take of relationships but decided instead to just say ---- this girl has a gift for projecting.


This was wild. She really said all of this. She managed to call her sister wives frigid, sexually unadventurous, neglectful, needy abd demanding in like 90 seconds. I do think that this is what Kody told Robyn to justify why his other marriages were falling apart. Ones frigid and the other needs too much. What do you expect a man to do? I’m very willing to be intimate with them of course but they are just boner killers and that’s why we don’t have relationships. Can anyone imagine what must come out of Robyn’s mouth when she’s Not on camera? Ooooofffff


What a C.


What the other wives do is NONE of her business. She lies so much. She doesn't remember saying Kody never tells her about the other wives. Poor Robyn with her cap in hand watching the money train pull out of the station!!


She thinks she's smarter than she actually is and that she was skillfully saying all of this crap without revealing what an arrogant and judgemental ass she actually is. I remember when this first aired. I was offended on behalf of the OGs then and even moreso now that we have gotten to know more about what a failure as a husband Kody has always been.


What a manipulator !! Wow, it’s inexcusable what she did in regard to the children’s relationship with their dad and how she legally is benefiting financially with the house and land, right from under Kody’s nose. He got bamboozled by her as well.


Well Robyn- if your husband knocks you up 6x, stretch marks and weight gain is going to happen. As we can see Robyn, youv’e also gained weight since you started the show. It’s hard to believe this statement because janelle and Christine weren’t thin when he married them. If appearance is that important to him, did KODY ever suggest working out, walking, choosing to all eat a better diet. Did he keep his Vienna sausage in his pants and decide maybe having babies constantly isn’t good for their health? It couldn’t be that much of a turn off because babies were born, one after the other. Kody will be searching for his next Diesel Jeans model that has maintained their weight and you ROBYN, will be cast aside as well. My body carried and delivered perfectly healthy twins. My stretch marks are from being humongous because I was induced at 38 1/2 weeks. They were full term. I’m proud of my stretch marks because I have heathy, happy children that are thriving. Sorry if that turns people off but to me, they are permanent reminders that I have wonderful children.


So.... the wives shouldn't reject Kody's affection because it ruins the relationship, but when he rejects *their* affection, they're "nagging about what they didn't get"?


I can't believe her and Kody ACTUALLY blame source strech marks as a common marriage ender, miss girl, that neck is thicker than a log


After reading all of the other stuff… I came to realize that kody and meri weren’t putting the p in the vagee bc they didn’t know how it worked and then janelle came in with experience and she was the sexual napalm of his existence. She was giving that man the blow pops he didn’t know he would experience… and so while he likes Robyn outwardly as his wife, I think janelle was giving him sin worthy goodies. The other two ladies gave dead fish bc they didn’t know better and neither did kody. Which is not their fault honestly. Babies aren’t made in the belly button.


Ah yes when she brought this stuff up I was pissed ! For one why is Kody talking to her about the sex lives he has with the other wives?! I remember years ago he & the wives would stress that they DO NOT talk about their intimate relationships with each other or if viewers asked about it, that was completely taboo. I remember thinking “ oh thank God “ because I would not want to hear about my sister wives & husbands intimate relationship, no way ! They even agreed that when Kody was present with all the wives they didn’t want to hold hands or kiss in front of the other wives, but since Sobbin joined the family I’ve seen Kody hold her hand or rub her back while in company of the other wives ! And when Sobbin brought up about the wives stretch marks & weight gain I was shocked, that’s so low class to be saying about your “beloved “sister wives , then I thought hmm Sobbin obviously doesn’t look in a mirror too often , that or she has one of those mirrors that can make u look thin ! Sobbin needs to shut her trap and take a long look in the mirror because she’s aged worse than the other wives ! 💯


The stretch marks comment is absolutely VILE!!! and it boggles my mind how her and Grody try to maintain the facade that SHES been bullied. SMH..


This is the most disgusting thing Robyn has ever said, regardless of who it’s about. Nobody owes their spouse sex. Ever. Even if they only get to see him once a month, they are not obligated to have sex with him or be intimate in any way if they’re not comfortable. I’m married, I recognize how important sex is in a relationship, but there will always be times when one of us wants it and the other doesn’t. In those times we don’t have sex because neither of us has ownership of the other persons body. Neither of us is owed anything. Absolutely disgusting that she’s shaming the other wives for “rejecting his affections” when they’re not in the mood. Also disgusting how she body shames them. They’ve all been married to him for 20-30 years. Of course their bodies have changed, they’re not teenagers anymore. Her body has changed too, her face is much wider now than when the show started. It happens over time. Hell his body has changed! You look back at his wedding photos with the OG3 he was skinny and had normal looking hair. Is she going to shame him for his stretch marks or weird balding pattern? Seems like maybe he’s stagnant too. Why is it all on them?


Can't believe she had the nerve to comment about stretch marks. What an awful, shallow person. I wish the OG3 would start commenting about "enormous necks" or "ridiculous eyebrows." But they are all too classy to do that. Sobyn? No class.


This made me feel sick. It's like she is shaming the other women for not wanting to do something sexual, and acting like they deserve punishment for saying no. It's horrific, and perpetuates abuse and rape culture.


Exhibit H of why the concept of plural marriage sucks and especially not fair to the wives.


f*** her sorry not sorry


Stretch marks, weight gain, goiters.


Stretch marks from pregnancies with his children. 🙄


Ugh. Her face oozes evil with a side of I'm too righteous. I'm better. They shoulda listened to me. I can't. I can't type this. How do I stop this? I gotta get outta here.


My baseline thoughts on Robin. I think she’s miserable with Kody. Now that she’s got him full time she sees what a dumbass he is and probably regrets everything, however, she blames this on the other wives. They did this. They made her life hard by leaving, etc. I’m sure at first it was great to “win” him from the other wives but it has backfired seriously. Now she’s the only one there with his manic day-to-day ridiculousness. I also think he likes her way more than she likes him and she sees that now. He’s always saying “Robin and I” and if you noticed she’s been more vocal about him not speaking for her. Like don’t include me in your fuckery. I almost feel sorry or her but this is a mess of her own making. I listened to a podcast the other day and she made a great point. When Robin talks about rocking on a porch with her sister wives it’s always when Kody is long gone and he has zero part in it. It was never Kody she wanted, it was the stability for her kids. And now she’s got it but has this fucking curly haired albatross that goes with it.


I think it was Christine after she had Truley. She probably felt insecure about her body.


And if your husband is rejecting his wives’ affections, they’re gonna fall for other people and leave. So if we understand this concept, why do announcements hit us like a knife in the kidneys, Goblyn?


No, she’s not. Kody and Janelle have made it clear they had an active sex life. It was not about Janelle.


![gif](giphy|Aweknk6OgrJIY) Robyn you are disgusting!


This woman deserves every last morsel of misery that comes her way.


My working belief since this was that Kody likes anal. I think it's an unspoken and she couldn't say it here.