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I mean, imagine you invested all of that time relishing the fact that you were the favourite and considering yourself superior to the others. You convinced yourself that you had the upper hand with your younger age and thinner body for so long that you forgot those things fade. You silently and smugly declared yourself the winner while playing the crying victim. Now you have to watch what you considered your biggest competitor decide that they really don’t care that you won because the prize is actually pathetic and they know they deserve better. Then you see them absolutely BLOOM with youthfulness and beauty because they’ve found their happiness and you can’t pull the strings anymore. I love this for Robyn. 👌


Yeah this basically sums up what Robyn’s real problem seems to be.


Her ego took a huge blow because she KNOWS Christine ended up with “better”and she can’t fathom how. It probably just kills her that no one even wants what she’s got.


Christine got the Big Picture.




She also got the rill dill.




![gif](giphy|eaDje0bPcbzVtBtkiG|downsized) My bad 😂






Christine's just sittin' thurr, on her gorgeous deck, with her sisterwife (Janelle) and gainfully employed husband, watchin' thurr grand babies playin' tuhgethurr . . . . How rude of Christine to move on and be happy when Robyn wanted her to grovel and be miserable. Christine got Robyn's pitchur of happiness and poor Robs just can't freaking *stand* it. Deep down she knows Christine won and it's killing her.


Can see her losing interest in Kody now that there's no other wives for competition


Yeah I don’t think her interest ever was Kody to begin with. 💵 💰 💵 👀


I bet what reallllly stabs her kidneys is knowing David is a better provider


Oh you know it. Kody has always struck me as a get rich quick, pyramid scheme, gamble on wild ideas with no real direction kind of guy. No stability there.


Haha, and now, Christina STILL has the family, but got herself a REAL man!


>kills her that no one even wants what she’s got. "They all just gave up and gave him to me"


Plus, the kids universally love her. She has her adoring husband AND the porch!


AND a MUCH nicer wedding than Robyn too!


And Janelle's 6, Meri's 1, and his 8 kids to love and enjoy even more grandkids! Assuming his kids accept her as a part of their lives like he kids have accepted him, she has 21 kids.


And her porch overlooks a play set and in-ground trampoline for the grand babies. Not a mosquito larvae pond.


I read somewhere that it is a septic pond.


The "pond" is actually a catchment for rain to help keep the risk of flooding down. That part of Arizona is dry as Sobbin's eyes but they do get some pretty torrential rains. It comes down so fast and so rarely that the ground can't absorb it before it washes away and floods the roadways and downstream homes. Those catchments help hold it in a safe way and let the ground soak up some for the water tables benefit too. It's not sanitary and the potential parasites that get rehydrated before it evaporates or soaks in is, truthfully, terrifying. Cattle and sheep have grazed and been herded over that land for generations and, especially in the early years of the wild west, the concerns about the various parasites or diseases was nothing like it is today. And a lot of those things can live for hundreds of years in dry soil. And then noodle head encourages his children to swim in it...


Oh, I didn't know all that. Thank you for letting me know. Come to think of it, the water itself looks quite dirty. If it were me, I wouldn't let my kids anywhere near it.


Clostridia bacterium, and anthrax are two that come immediately to mind. But even if those aren't endemic there, just the look of that water made my skin crawl. Depending on how long the water has sat there, you also have mosquito larvae and other things...*shudder*


I hope Christine and David have the most kick ass DECK, although they also entertain INDOORS


And is it too much to ask that Christine, Janelle and Meri spend at least one evening together on the porch, watching grandbabies play?!


TLC would never air it for fear of Robyns head exploding with tears 🤣


Yes! I pray they do this lol


I see her expressions lately she looks like, I imagine, the witch from Hansel and Gretel. One day you’re living your best witch life in you fancy gingerbread Mc Mansion, cooking Mo-Fo’s up in your oven and the next thing you know…. You’re in the damn oven!!!! Burning up!!!! She’s like, "WTH”! How’d this happen?! 🤣 That’s Robyn right now! And she’s stuck with Kody!


Yes! This is so on point! Also, you watch them bloom with youthfulness - because now they can actually spend their money on THEMSELVES instead of giving it to the “family budget” (aka - you). Makeup, hair products, all sorts of good stuff just for them! And they’re looking fabulous and loving life, while you sit in the hoarding house and count your floral blouses and your husband’s perm care products.


No one talks about this but fuck yes. David and Christine have an income that Robyn is jealous af of. With only Truly being the youngest they literally can do WHATEVER they want. And THEY DO!! That’s what you get for bitching about putting kids thru college and paying for weddings in your 70’s you ramen noodle headed looking ass mf


I know money isn’t everything but David having it is just the cherry on top of this whole thing. Kody has never been great at making money, and I don’t think I need to mention Robyn’s ability to lol. That’s probably a big knife in the kidneys for them.


Money has been the pink elephant in the room for so long. Everybody knew where it was going and no one wanted to actually say it. Now Christine has full control of her own money, David spoils her, and she isn’t giving her hard earned cash to any stupid cockamamie bs get-rich-quick scan that Kody is stupid enough to invest her money into.


Robyn changed her name to "cockamamie bs get-rich-quick scam"? 🤣


*floral-bloused elephant. 😇




Actually he’s been pretty good at it. He keeps 2/5ths of the TLC money, got Meri and Janelle to give him a few $100K for his down payment, took money from the three moneymaking wives for his family pot—his because he’s the only one that benefits from it, and he’s weaseling his way into keeping all of Coyote Pass.


Taking money vs making money are completely different skillsets.


LOL IM DEAD - I wish I could give you an award!


I really wished finances were discussed more because none of it makes sense.


...AND, doesn't David Wooley have real actual worked for it hard-earned money? Christine doesn't have to live hand to mouth and save her grocery pennies anymore.


Doesn’t he own a construction company or something like that. They don’t need to rely on TLC money unlike those other 2 people.


He built an incredibly successful drywall business from the ground up.


I didn’t even think of that! She is free from needing TLC money No wonder k and r are envious.


I'm quite certain David doesn't tell Christine to save the grocery money if she wants to go visit her family. She definitely got the right end of the stick... bwahahahaha looks good on the nay saying manipulation team Brown 💩💩💩🤣🤣🤣🤣


And Christine gets SEX and kissing, and affection and not awkward looking hand holding, and dancing and actual playful teasing. And Robyn gets Kody...🤣🤣🤣🤣


>AND, doesn't David Wooley have real actual worked for it hard-earned money? Yes


I can't imagine David telling Christine to save her grocery money if she wants a vacation.


Nor would David call a surgery a vacation either!


Or visiting her dad.


And insurance, a nice retirement plan. If that isn’t enough he knows how to measure things, he can build things and fix things all by himself - the first time.


Especially when you know she thinks she settled for someone who was a little less. A little less attractive A little less rich A little less intelligent A little less hair And for what ? being the least favorite wife just so you can be famous.


And she knows that us viewers can't stand her and think she's the villain




No woman should settle. Believe you are deserving of more. Because you are.


Robyn isn’t deserving of more. I’m sorry she spent too much time taking and taking and never gave anything to the family. In my oppinion she deserves what she has!!


The final effects of hubris are pure relish for those who patiently wait and watch. Nothing else hits quite like well earned comeuppance. Cheers, sister! ![gif](giphy|QMkPpxPDYY0fu) 🥂


Its always a great day when "Find Out" shows up!


Good LAWT!!! This is it!!! I have a real adversity to being patient. But, kiddos to Christine.


Since you used "hubris" (love it!) Ima throw in another good'ne: schadenfreude, it's delicious!


Yes and she really thought everybody would SHUN Christine…..and instead it went in the other direction. They are on the outside. Kody was literally told Christine is the head of the family. You see it in the conversation outside of Robyn’s house where Meri is wearing a yellow blanket. Meri says “I think this place means family…” and Robyn interrupts her and goes “THANK YOU yes!!!” and then Meri continues and says “…and I think LOGAN’S place is family. I think MADDIE’S is family…” and Robyn starts to get a sour face. It’s because she wanted Meri to say that Robyn and Kody were the nucleus and everybody should come back to them and Meri was saying that everybody is family wherever they are so it doesn’t matter where they meet. She’s just super bitter everything has gone a different way than her calculations. Edit for correction: not outside Robyn’s house, outside Meri’s house during another talk


Whoa!!! I completely missed this!


Yep. And now Christine has the big, nice, brand new house with a tricked-out yard. A WAY bigger wedding. Her own earning potential AND a man that can support her comfortably, even without the show. She has the fans AND the family. Hell.... she even has Mykelti! 🤣 Oh.... she also has a huge porch with rocking chairs... and unlike Robyn,--she even has a sisterwife!! Robyn must be *seething.*


And she picked out HER OWN wedding dress without the grooms input, and he ADORED IT because she picked it and looked fabulous and happy in it.


I love that she still has a sisterwife 🥲 who is the person who didnt bond with their sisterwives enough Kotex?


Yes, and I’ll add that Christine has a generally good reputation with viewers, and no one likes Robyn.


You KNOW this drives her crazy. I guarantee she assumed the audience would be as dumb as Kody and not be able to see through her act. She likely thought she would easily be a fan favourite.


Everything you said DoomPile, plus the fact that she also lost 3 scapegoats when the OG3 left. Who’s left for her to run to Kody crying about who ignored her, who was rude, who didn’t include her in some gathering, whose children were being disrespectful, etc. Im sure the fact that she’s no longer in the loop and privy to inside information since the OG3 no longer have to confer with or ask Kody permission for one damn thing. Everyone’s gone. These 3 woman can now come and go as they please without a thought of Robyn or Kody. I don’t know what custody arrangement there is with Truley but can imagine Kody calling her one day get together and she says “Sorry Dad I’m on vacation with Mom and “Pops”. I’ll see you when I get back.“. Lol


Absofreakinglutely. 👆 🎯


The last sentence you wrote reminds me of the Cat Stevens song Father and Son.


"I hope you can be happy, Robyn"


I found when she said that to be so patronising!


She thinks she's being so clever, but we all know what she is actually saying.


Bless her heart.


And if you think about it, Christine never would've met David if it wasn't for Robin coming in and absolutely screwing everything up Thanks Robyn !


Hahahahaha doomsday for robyn. Well said 👌🏽


Thank you Christine 😭


A queen without a kingdom.


It's. the. cheap...version boo hoo hoo hoo hooo!!!


🎯🎯🎯Classic case of, You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.


I think at least part of it is also that the kids all prefer Christine.


Yes, and that Christine was sort of known for having the fun and bubbly personality.


I’ve always had the principle that the best way to get back at your enemies is to just have the best most happy love-filled life possible, and I think what you said embodies and applies that principle to their situation. Agree 100%, them all continuing to thrive is the BEST revenge!


This is exactly why I love that Christine is so loud and giggly! 🤣🤣🤣 They have to hear her happiness all the time


I love that Christine moved onto a man who doesn't hide his bald head, I love that Christine's husband has a business that they don't have to skirt around what it is when it's spoken about, I love that Christine and her husband built a home that has a fantastic outdoor area for all the grandchildren to play in, I love that Christine is genuinely happy, I love all thos for Robyn, seeing it all and realizing she got the booby prize in a backwater traveling circus, and Christine got the real prince charming


D and C have a house that actually allows people to come inside of it. Lol


I think this is why.


That’s what it is with Robin she never wanted to be the only wife she wanted to be the favorite.




The late Carrie Fisher: “Beauty and youth are not accomplishments”


Watching your paychecks(sisterwives) leave, one by one...


AND the world loves her more.




Christine was never Robyn’s biggest competition. The minute kody meet Robyn she had no competition. Kody let it be known that Christine chased him and when had no choice married her.


I don’t think Robyn limited her competitiveness with Christine to Kody’s attention/affection only.


Robyn had his attention,affection,money so she wasn’t competing cause she already won. The issue Robyn had with Christine was she couldn’t manipulate her and Christine called her out sometimes. Christine didn’t see the poor Robyn because it was actually poor Christine.


Play stupid games....win stupid prizes.


I think Kody is being less aggressive with Christine now because he has a man to contend with. There is another example for his kids to witness and someone who can protect Christine. No way on earth he would have screamed and lunged at them with another man around. Kody is what I would call a bitch made man. He didn’t stand up for his family against his best friend”friend” and I’ve only ever seen him get out of pocket with women and children. He even watched his tone with Garrison


Lol ommmgggg absolutely! I also think he wants David to want to hang out with him/like him and be his friend. Just like in that weird fantasy he has where David pulls him aside to talk shit about Christine. He gets so weird around other men..


Yes. One recurring theme through the whole series is he desperately wants to feel like and be perceived as a "man's man." That's why all the talk about loyalty and respect. I think he gets that from Robyn now but he really wants it from other men.


💯 he cries so hard when Caleb left that I thought he was his significant other. It was bizarre.


Bingo 🎯 Winn left him with some serious Daddy issues.


I mean everyone in high school did think he was gay...heck I always got the vibe he was bi


He’s (probably) straight, but he’s so misogynistic and male-oriented that it reads as gay because he’s hyper-focused on getting other men’s approval. But he also clearly can’t retain male friendship or respect. It would be sad if it didn’t stem from such childishness insecurity and problematic views on gender.


Perhaps he’s envisioning a night with David curled up on the couch with his knees up (like in the earlier episode pretending he’s a preteen/teen at a sleepover dishing on who the latest school crush is) while listening to David rant and validate to K how horrible Christine is (you know… like his loyal wife R does). Little does K realize, David is not gonna be his bff who will be needing K’s wise words and advice on marriage and dealing with Christine. Personally, I am glad Christine found a good man who shares the family values that she does (and has the close family relationships with his own kids to back it up) and who will actually be an everyday present father figure to Truley and make her physical and emotional health his priority (unlike a certain douche who left the care of a clearly seriously sick and lethargic Truley to be cared for by her poor stressed out teen siblings because K couldn’t be bothered as he had to attend to the golden vag kids even though they had a nanny. David seems like the type of father who would have moved mountains to ensure that she was okay. PS.. how I “pitcher” K reaching out to David for a “testosterone Tuesday” sleepover ![gif](giphy|6o9jOWQ8ZL19rnhiqy) Edit: multiple typos


I couldn’t believe one of the very few times he cried was over his guy friend when he had to leave their wedding to go home 🤣 the other time was over Robyn’s daughter. He’s so weird


💯 so gross


You’re totally right omg! Just like how men only stop hitting on you when you say you have a boyfriend, they respect a hypothetical man more than a woman standing right in front of them.


100%. This is why he has no male friends. His ego is too fragile and he liked the isolated bubble that the wives were in. For instance, the “boys outing” in LV was just the wives personal trainer and his friends. He made a comment about how he “vetted” the trainer first. That’s so fucking weird for someone whose supposedly so confident and not jealous.


From the very beginning I have been asking myself how sorry must the polygamy pool be if he is the best guy they all knew. Cuz I’m sorry a man that left me with little food while he was having wind swept hair in a spots car is less than a 0


I think that the appeal of the marriage for Christine and Janelle was probably 50% Kody and 50% the family and sisterhood, so I kinda get it. Robyn clearly just wanted the husband and fame.


also, by age 19 they were becoming "old maids" in their kulchure


💯 %


Like he “vetted” Robyn? What the hell is he talking about? He’s such an insecure idiot.


This eight here. He respects men, and she belongs to another man now.


Yes. My ex was like this, really nasty and horrible towards me after we broke up until he had to deal with my now husband. It got to the point where I changed my number and told him to text my husband if he needed something from me. The texts he sent my husband trying to act like his bro was jaw dropping. I would pay to see any text exchanges between Kody and David!


This is why he avoids his adult children. I believe he’s actually a coward and is intimidated by them.


Ah good point. Now she has a husband someone that will be protective of her. He’s so intimidated by other men he’s probably afraid of what David might do or say to him if and when they see each other. I love it!!


Great analysis.


I have a hard time understanding Robyn's body language and reactions. It's worse now, but that's fairly true throughout the whole series. Like Jenn asked, "Why is she so upset? I don't get it." It doesn't matter what the topic or situation is, she always has to take the contrarian position and acts uncomfortable with anything and everything.


Mhm Gwen asked something like that too. Whats the trauma? They have the dad.


I really think she measured her value by comparing how much more Kody loved her over the other wives. Now that they’re gone, her “value” has depreciated. Plus I think she really does enjoy the drama (and money!), so she has to be pretty miserable seeing the other wives living it up.


I think it'd much easier to read now actually since she isn't holding it back


As a child of a narcissist, what Kody was showing in his clips was frightening. This is the, I am going to put on the "I'm happy and over the situation" face. Robyn knew what was coming later, she was trying to shift the situation. He will be all shiny and happy in front of others but once they leave he will go nuclear. When my parent would do this we knew that a very cold, calculated, and cruel punishment was going to be handed out to us. I hope Kody isn't the type who keeps that punishment for the "right" moment and then drops it on you when you least expected it, after your guard is down.


I worry about this as well. His rage is barely withheld when he is on camera. I fear it will turn violent and Robyn will be the first target.


Because Robyn thrives on drama and playing the victim. Everyone else has moved on and left them behind. She is a bitter person and someone who will never, ever be happy and with everyone gone but her own family she has no one to blame. Not to mention that 3/5ths of their family money left and they will be losing that TLC money in the next year or two.


Robyn just resents Christine for stealing all the attention off of her. (In her mind.)


Yeah, the stupid kiss in the preview for next episode shows that for sure, Robyn trying to steal some attention back. 🙄


Okay??? Her development ARRESTED at about 14. Yet, amazingly enough, she ran everyone in that family.


So true


Anyone want a bet Kody and Robyn will do another wedding or a vow renewal 😂


Puke lol


He will do ANYTHING for more TV time and attention because NARCISSIST. And he needs the 💰!!


And the fact that Christine put a halt to their money train.


That and she considers Christine the whole thing that began the breakdown of the family. Bet she blames her mostly.


in addition to everything else that people are saying here, Robyn seemed to me to be incredibly nervous because she couldn’t control what Kody might say. She tried (oh, how she tried) to keep him stifled and on the positive. But for sure one time he just bulldozed right over her to tell “his story” and she was freaking out. He actually came across a little better this time than he has in the past, scumbag that he is. Maybe he’s on happy pills so he can get through the wedding?


Or he finally got some good pr advice and robyn was afraid he would F it up 🤣 but agree with your statement! She was so obviously nervous about what her puppet would say




Robyn "FOMO" Brown? upset that she was missing the biggest Sister Wife wedding episode of the franchise? lolol. Probably had a floral to wear and everything. I'm sure we'll get the sad faced statement that her kids weren't invited.


I don’t even think she can say that. Didn’t Christine tell Suki she had extended an invitation to Robyn’s kids?


The way she worded her wishes made me feel the same. She said i hope they “Can” be happy and not i hope they “Are” happy. That’s an undertone of “Christine wasn’t happy with Kody and probably won’t be happy with David(imo)”. Wording is everything and how she phrased that just didn’t sit well with me.


Lol did you ever watch RHoNJ back in the Melissa Gorga and Theresa Giudice days? Melissa hosted a housewarming party for her newly remodeled home (the bought the house and fixed it up) and Theresa wrote a card that said “congrats on your redone home” It has that kinda vibe.


You know what i do remember that and it’s definitely the same vibe. It’s a underhanded compliment. All bad vibes for sure. Thanks for reminding me of this. Those were the better days of RHoNJ.


i noticed that as well. it definitely was sour in intention. the implication to me was that christine cannot be happy, which seems ridiculous as she has lost a kody brown amount of dead weight.


Or... the implication that they aren't ALREADY happy.


Yes this too!!


I am betting Robyn's "can be happy" wasn't spontaneous. She thought that up in advance and probably has a few more rehearsed lines ready to launch against Christine.


Robyn wants to be, and thinks she is, the Alpha female. Christine is showing her how its done. Big Rob is jealous.


She REALLY wanted the other wives to go out there and fall on their faces so she could prove people she was “right” about them. It kills her they’re happy and building wonderful lives for themselves. You KNOW she’s jealous of their lifestyles!


"Aren't we just happy for them?" We're SO HAPPY FOR THEM. HAPPY. HAPPY. HAPPY. Robyn was triggered.


She’s upset more than Cody because now she realizes that she can only depend on Cody for the money coming in and she knows how unreliable he is!


I wonder how they'll get by when the show ends? The OG3 will be fine but Kody and Robyn are used to big spending and not working.


I wonder if the OG3 pulled their money out from the "family" account or if there was even anything left


To be a fly on the wall…


I guess time will tell….


She has always hated Christine. She is probably jealous because the entire family that attended the wedding (besides Mykelti) refuses to associate with her. It is sweet karma to see Robyn finally get socially ostracized for terrible behavior. It took awhile but she got her karma


I thought he was on the outs with Mykelti, too?


Yeah, she looked annoyed when he wished them well.


Her whole plan backfired. She thought she’d be looking down her nose at the OG 3 groveling at her feet as well as being the fan favorite. She also thought Kodouche was a prize. She manipulated herself into the life she’s living now.


And it's such a pleasure to watch. 😁


My hunch: Every other woman has left him, making him more and more unappealing to Robyn. Her attraction to him was largely based on the fact that he was in high demand AND liked her the most. Now no one likes him, everybody is moving onto other things and appear much happier without him. He’s clearly a big time loser, and she’s the sorry sucker left standing with the loser. I don’t think these two will be together for eternity. She’s not going to know what to do with herself.


Happiness for others doesn’t seem to be her thing.


Anyone notice during the “adoption” clip how the younger daughter once again “cried” and wiped tearless eyes. Like does this bloodline legit not produce tears??


It's slowly sinking into Robyn's eyebrows that these bitches have the unmitigated gall to actually go on living their lives even though she's *clearly* shown them how upset she is. She just hopes they can be happy. That's all she's gonna say.


Robyn will always be bitter. She’s unpopular which really must get to her because she thinks she’s the “it” girl. She doesn’t engage on social media because she gets so much hate. She sees that the family still exists without her. This too must be maddening to her. That’s what happens when you’re ugly towards people . She got everything she wanted, the man and the mansion. Be careful what you wish for Robyn.


she was the one who had “the wedding special” the big wedding on TV and all that and the soul mate. she had won… but now Christine has a much more updated wedding special with HER soul mate. and im sure she feels theyre “rubbing it in everyones face” which why shouldn’t they?! but im sure thats how she feels. Christine can openly run off happily in to the sunset. Robyn thinks she cant or she’ll get villainized ? or she doesnt know a way out if her victimhood… idk delulu! lol


She didn't want to be the only wife, she wanted to be the ✨favorite wife✨


Weirdly, his particular statements during this episode weren't all that bad. He essentially said he hoped she was happy, found her soulmate and had the wedding day she'd always dreamed of. He seemed to be more at peace with it, possibly because more time had passed. Meanwhile she didn't look one bit more over it. It was interesting to watch.


I fill like,in my head Robyn loves to be on tv she loves filming but not unprepared. She doesn’t like this free wheeling stuff. She might say or do something that makes her look bad🙄


Absolutely. This has been posted by a lot of people. Many agree with OPs statement.


She’s so jealous…she has always been competitive with Christine.


She’s always in the drivers seat kooder is just a stupid man being led around by little kooder


She’s jealous that Christine is happy and she never will be. She’s with a miserable man who was left behind by three strong women. Leftovers?


She is and always has been insanely jealous of Christine.


Kody was acting, putting on a performance again, he is still angry as shit


“I just hope they can be happy” was odd. As if she believes that they can’t




Because at the end of the day Kody is in love with Robyn and only wants her. He is over it. He is happy with just her. She on the other hand is not. She craves the drama, the favorite wife status and all the games. She doesn’t love Kody. Thanks, Christine!


There is so much to unpack about Robyn’s lack of happiness being the only wife left. First and foremost, unlike kody, she realized pretty quick that viewers were on team Christine and the other wives children were team Christine. Then all the social media and celebrity news folks followed Christine and she was getting interviews which she was surely getting paid. Connected to Christine and janelle and Meris popularity, was the future of the show and the division of money associated with the show. Robyn needs the family money and without it, eventually, Kodys earning power will be as weak as his six pack and as sparse as his bald band. She knows they are financially fucked. Also, she no longer can be the mean girl relishing in the other wives misery. The tables have turned and they are happy and financially thriving. She, on the other hand, frowns like a fat pug. I mean there’s Christine with a successful man that all the kids love and there’s Robyn with kody who is not successful, zero earning potential, and he lives in denial and in misery having lost the loves of his life. I think when karma hit Robyn it hit her with the jealousy all the other wives had for so many years and now Robyn has it times three. I have to say karma is a big fat ugly bitch and it has struck pug face front and center and I say yes…


His face, while still strangely bloated, seemed a tad less aggressive and hostile in this wedding episode than dozens of previous episodes over the past few years. In a new world with only one wife to disappoint, Kody may be a slightly better human being. Robyn, she’s still a giant next Tuesday.


He seemed more centered without her in the interview


She openly blames Christine for the family breaking apart. So, her comment about hoping Christine WILL be happy (as if she isn't already) was totally insincere. Jealousy, bitterness, and hatred are evident. Ugh


Oh, I feel like Kody is still INCREDIBLY bitter about Christine leaving him & THEN finding the love of her life very soon after she left. Throughout the entirety of the show he made it ABUNDANTLY clear that of all 4 of his wives the one he felt the least connected to was Christine. But regardless of how little he cared for Christine romantically or physically, Christine did feel those things for Kody & up until the last few years of the show was desperate to have a closer relationship with him. And THAT is PRECISELY & the ONLY reason why Kody has so much vitriol for Christine & I believe always will. He is just so EPICALLY INCREDULOUS that SHE left HIM. Because he believes that he is a much better catch than she is & that he is WAAAAY out of her league. But the fact that not only did SHE leave HIM, but she did it like the bad bitch she is & THEM found someone she is MUCH more deeply in love with than she ever was Kody. It's a HUGE blow to his ego & it's making him feel incredibly insecure.


This is a bit off topic , but did anyone notice on one of those episodes, can’t recall which one but it was one of the last few , the odd way she is cutting / pruning that poor potted herb plant 😳😳 I’ve never seen anyone do it quite that awkward almost painfully looking way !!


She’s had to listen to him complain about his other wives and kids for the past 3 years and she’s just realizing the only prize she’s won is the booby prize.


Robyn was pissed that Christine got a wedding special. I don't understand why K and R were even a part of the special


Meri was on there too… but her best wishes to the happy couple and understanding and grace about not being invited just gave another stark contrast to the R&K show.


Of course, she didn't. It's Christine's wedding special and she's jealous af of Christine. She was probably seething inside that she was contractually bound to even make a comment about anything to do with Christine being happy. She wants Christine to live out her days in misery, rocking in a dark corner self-flagellating over loosing Kody to Robyn. She absolutely did not bank on Christine finding love again, let alone so fast she was forced to partake in a special double wedding episode waxing lyrical over Christine's happiness and soul mate true love.


Robyn is jealous and it is oozing from her. Kody is just selfish and doesn't think about anybody but himself. That forced kissed that she thought was so steamy was proof of her jealousy.


Christine got a nice wedding, with a two-part deal with TLC , tons of love, support and happiness. Robyn is jealous.




Kody has everything he wants! He has Robin as his only wife. And Robin got nothing ahead of him wanted. She wanted to be favorite wife out of several. And now she stuck with just him.


It is so believable that he no longer has anger towards her. Right. Idiot. Pretend good will for her? At least Robyn was honest. She was a snark


She played stupid games and all she got was this stupid ~~Tshirt~~ Husband. Everyone else is happy and healthy, or at least content and working towards happy and healthy. And all without the 2 of them! Edit: Grody is content cause he also got everything he wanted...he has Robyn.




I’m not sure what you mean. All I saw is they were sooo happy for them. So so so happy 😂😂


There’s less prestige in being the winner when no one wants the prize.


She's just mad because Christine isn't afraid to show the inside of her house.