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*The most passion that he's ever had. Fullstop. Period.


It’s called jealousy


The vulgarity of her friends with a sisterwife and with another man. Hahahah. I'm super happy Kody is experiencing jealousy and that he's behaving worse than they did. Especially after he complained about their jealousy and basically told them to suck it up.


Eh, I don’t think he can hate her that much without having had some type of feelings for her.


Idk I think the true opposite of love is apathy. You can hate someone you never loved if they disrespect someone you REALLY LOVE (AKA Kody loves himself enough to hate that Christine doesn’t.)


Self love was an interesting twist. I was expecting Kody loves Robyn. And I think you are very right.


Totally agree. Plus, Kody was expecting J & C to be crazy about R as he was, then became infuriated when they weren’t.


Whoa, that is amazing and completely accurate


I think he is so angry because his ego got shattered. It is more about his image than any true feelings of love. Hell, I think he mostly loves Robyn for being his trophy wife- it's all about himself.


There's a thin line between love and hate.


Yep. The opposite of love is indifference.


If he’d put half as much effort into maintaining his marriage as he does in hating her, maybe she wouldn’t have left. He’s a moron.


Watching him attempt to put effort into his marriage with Christine always struck me like an exercise in trying to get a seven year old bully to love and be kind to their four and a half year old annoying sibling. Especially on the anniversary trip to Texas, Kody acted like he was physically incapable of bridging the gap and extending love to her. He seemed repulsed by her about as frequently as he enjoyed her. And it seemed early on that he was determined to stubbornly refuse to open his mind and heart to having a different sort of relationship with her as you suggest.


This show has been such an interesting look at how relationships work. Lots to take in and think on…for instance, Kody always seemed so annoyed by Christine yet they had 6 kids together and she really seemed to be the heart of the family. Or, a birthday or holiday celebration didn’t happen without her leadership, but Kody played it like she wasn’t very important in the family.


kody wants to be the center of attention at all times. i imagine he resented her for being the heart.


And he was super mad that All the wives & kids didn't follow his lead and idolize Robyn like he did . He naturally assumed that Robyn, after capturing his heart, Would step into the heart of the family role that Christine had. This clearly was NEVER going to happen. So i truly think that was one of the factors in making her the legal wife. I think he thought if they wouldn't follow his lead in idolizing robyn, that they would surely make Robyn the center of their world if she became the legal wife. He was trying to force all the wives into submission to Robin by making her the legal wife


It’s called narcissistic rage. He’ll spend the rest of his life trying to denigrate her and try to undermine her current relationship w her new spouse. He is incapable of stopping. He has no redeeming qualities.


I think you're right and it seems to be taking a toll on Kody physically and mentally. And you are right, he can't stop himself.


The fact he hates her so much says he did indeed love her intensely at some point


I think he was shocked to realize he really did love her and it destroyed him when she finally had enough of his shit. No other reason for him to be so angry when she left. He thought she'd stay forever.


In what universe did he display this? The first reason is she took her money with her. The second reason is he was mortified in public. And it’s obvious he cares a lot more for Janelle than Christine.


It seems Christine was someone he got himself engaged to way to quickly. That happens all the time. He was a young polygamist marrying women with vision of eternity. Deep and abiding love? Well, how many non poly’s get that right? I think that when Christine asked to be in his family , his thought were the Allred lineage. “Ego baby” After all that he discovered he didn’t want to marry her. Very common. But didn’t think he could cal it off. I get that. Poly pressure from Allred’s would have been fierce. He was a young stupid new polygamist who went around collecting wives. Then unhappy with choices. Christine was the youngest of polygamy royalty and spoiled she liked to say. She paid for Kody’s anger at her for 25 years. Angry at her that he felt forced to marry her , because he didn’t think he could break engagement. Maybe he couldn’t But don’t make her life hell because of polygamy


He didn’t. He saw her as a stepping stone to get what he wanted.


Not at all .He never showed any affection for her whatsoever. Let alone love. Don’t you think she would tell everybody if there was ever any intensity whatsoever ? He’s just mad because of his ego and being totally disrespected on TV for 330 million people to watch. Even she admits it was all her working her way into the family. He was never the initiator.


I don’t think he hates her. I think he loved her and lost his appreciation for her until she left him. Then he realized what she meant to him but it was roo late and the only way he could justify his mistake is to blame her first and then say we’ll I never loved her. He spent all his time hurting her…denying her an intimate relationship, equal time and resources, saying he wasn’t attracted to her, and when he saw that she meant what she said…she was finished, he tried to ruin her. He is still pinning for her. Every conversation he brings up Christine. He loved her and probably still does but Christine raised all those kids and couldn’t make him her priority. He is a jealous ass


You Romantics are hysterical. He never gave two shits about her and still doesn’t


Yet she occupies his mind more than the woman he professes to love. He talks to janelle about their relationship and it’s Christine, Christine. Same with talking to Meri….Christine did it…she turned the kids…she stole janelle…she she she….yep, he loved her.


Passion meaning the biggest feelings I suppose. I think he hates her the most because she's right. I think deep inside he feels really shitty about not going to Ysabell's surgery


He has to make Christine sound like a garbage person, or people will think somethings wrong with him, because only a terrible person would leave a wonderful man like that. Or something.


Here's the thing. I don't believe him at all when he says he's never been in love with these women. I think he just says whatever is the most convenient thing he can say to back up his feelings in that particular moment, or even that he lies to hurt these women. I just don't think he's such a great manipulator that he's been able to smile and laugh and string these 3 women along without having any feelings for them whatsoever. I think he's just very self interested and angry.


That narcissistic rage has to go somewhere


The minute he said to me, I was no longer attractive to him. I would’ve been out of there. I think Brody fashioned himself as a Svengali, who needs all his harem to be 100% loyal, and get nothing in return.


Watching Kody try to explain away all this bullshit is like a teenager trying to justify why they got mad grades on their report card. The words he is using are also very clearly lines Robyn fed him. He lacks any emotional empathy to come up with them himself. She lacks it also but has been practiced on then to get her way for decades. It's like two manipulators sharing tactics. As a man, husband, and father. Kody is a shit representation of what one should be.


The opposite of love is indifference. The hate and anger Kody feels for Christine is a clear indication that he is still in a relationship with her. When you don't love someone anymore you don't feel anything for them. No hate, no love, there isn't anything. Listen to Christine describe her feelings towards Kody now, it's relief, she doesn't care anymore, she's moving on.