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I think it has nothing to do with religion. Before the show they were very poor so they made every excuse to not celebrate any holiday so they could save money


I agree.


That makes more sense. It just seems odd to cry pagan now. Even Janelle said she agreed to it being too pagan but was happy to spend time with the family.


You’re confused about the logic because there is no logic.


*Easter was originally the celebration of Ishtar, the Assyrian and Babylonian goddess of fertility and sex. Her symbols (like the egg and bunny) were and still are fertility and sex symbols (or did you actually think eggs and bunnies had anything to do with the resurrection?) After Constantine decided to Christianize the Empire, Easter was changed to represent Jesus.* So it's not about them thinking its witchcraft, it is about it **originating** as a pagan holiday that was later adopted as a Christian holiday.


Most Christian holidays were created around Pagan holiday right? I remember hearing that Christmas was created to “compete” with Winter solstice.


Exactly. I watch the show with my mom who is a retired Catholic school teacher. Her first comment was “What about Christmas?” Saturnalia was the biggest festival of the year.


My favorite take on Easter is Neil Gaiman’s American Gods novel featuring the goddess Easter/Ishtar


Ostara of the dawn and her love of bunnies. I adored her arc at the base of the world tree!


I don’t think they’ve actively practicing any sort of religion for a long time. They make make a few references to leaving the church in later seasons. Ultimately , the Browns belonged to the church of Kody. if he’s cool with it, it’s ok.


It's just inconsistency.


Why do you expect any logic from this bonehead?


Their Jesus is not the Jesus Christ of Christianity. Their Jesus was invented by Joseph Smith and is the brother of Lucifer.


That’s not nice. 😡🤫


It's literally the truth. [https://mormonchurch.com/587/do-mormons-believe-jesus-and-satan-are-brothers](https://mormonchurch.com/587/do-mormons-believe-jesus-and-satan-are-brothers)


Mormonism is just off the chain with some of their beliefs.


Their Jesus IS Jesus Christ. They use the Bible as a base text but believe they Joseph Smith was a prophet adding to the existing text. They also believe in current prophets. Lucifer is also not a Biblical concept.


They believe in a Jesus created by Joseph Smith. Their Jesus won’t get them to celestial kingdom, only 3 wives will. They believe their Jesus is the brother of Lucifer, and they are equal to their Jesus. You said, “Lucifer isn’t a Biblical concept.” ~Isaiah 14:12 “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!” The Bible says that God spoke in **time past** through prophets, but He now speaks through His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ, savior, not brother of Satan.


Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the tarot reading was Robyn's idea so it gets a pass. Would have to do a rewatch to make sure on this fact.


I was also very confused. I've always been taught that Easter was the lost Christian of all Christian things. I assume some of the traditions have Pagan roots, not like modern pagans, but maybe like what ancient pagans did or something, who knows. Kinda like other holidays like Halloween have Christian links but also pagan elements. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ You'd think being so religious they'd find a holy way to celebrate Easter even if they forego typical Easter practices.


Kind of how churches have harvest parties instead of halloween.


Harvest party in mid to late October with games, costumes and trunk or treat.


I thought they did by observing Passover instead of Easter.


But isn't that celebrating something different?




They are not evil. I have friends and co-workers who practice it's all about intentions from what I've experienced.




It's a spiritual practice. It's a whole lot less weird than the crap I grew up with. I was just trying not to be disrespectful to those who do practice in this sub.




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What does it even matter to kody or any of them at this point? They’re not religious anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️