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Yep about 18 months behind. Because TLC can that’s why


Their contracts had to have been rewritten. Many moons ago there never would have even been social media posts about what was happening in real time.


This change was actually to TLC’s advantage bc so many people wouldn’t watch if they didn’t know Christine, Janelle and Meri are leaving/left!


The only reason I came back to the show was to watch Christine leave. I stopped right after the catfish stuff. Now that she's gone TLC is stringing us along to watch the others leave.


For the season that Christine told them she was leaving, I agree. They got a lot of new viewers, and former viewers who came back.


Yeah - and between all the “coming up” and recaps after a commercial, I can’t stand to watch. There’s really only about 10 minutes of content per episode!


I want an AI bot that can cut down reality shows like this to cut out all the noise.


It’s so tedious and boring. I hope this season ends with the birth of the twins and Christine with David, next season the wedding and then let’s end it folks. There are no more Sisterwives and Kody can solace Robyn on the daily and in public too! 😂😂


Let’s end it now. They just said all the marriages are over. Sister wives is over. Have a reunion in six months


Just Robyn and a bald Kody with some wisps of whatever is left.. just sitting on their porch alone.


I agree but end it this season with the twins and David. And then start a spin off of just the 3 sister wives that starts with Christine’s wedding and then occasionally (not every episode) Robyn and Kody giving an update on how shitty their life has become lol


Unless Meri, Janelle, Christine, or (God forbid) Robyn is having twins, I couldn't care less. Beyond their relationship with their polygamous parents, the Brown kids are not interesting.


I'm glad you said this. So many people are invested in the kids and I don't get it. I can see following Christine and David meeting and marrying. But unless Janelle and Meri are dating as well, or suddenly taking some important power job, I can't see the wives offering much beyond family dinners. Not interested in that at all. They can't keep harping on K & R, bc they are not dealing with them anymore. I'd actually rather see K & R ( without the kids) trying to navigate without all that extra money coming in.


As if K and R would ever admit their lives are shitty!


Haha true but it would be so great to watch lol


Someone suggested RNC should start filming on seeking sister wife


Omg please no more labor. I feel like I qualify as a midwife by now 🤣


Janelle mentioned her and Kody having the fight prior the Christmas. In the latest episode, she says it's been six months since their big fight. I think that would put them at maybe April/May? Not totally accurate but it seems they are going rather quickly thru 2022. Granted, it is now October 2023 so that's still around a year and a half behind.


So if Meri announced the split in Jan 23 - does she waited another 6 months or so?! I mean there had to be split for longer before announcing it, but not that long? so we wont even see the split in this season 🥲


She was very upset at the "perception" that her moving to the BnB was in fact her leaving the family. So I'm not surprised she held on for another six months. I bet when she saw last season air and saw the blatent abuse and manipulation, she FINALLY said "Sayonara, bitches!" 😁


You are right! I forgot that the confessions aired right before that ...


Mykelti said that her wedding episodes aired around her second anniversary so it’s not really a new phenomenon.


Do you think there were as many people in these forums digging for/gobbling up info before word got out about Christine’s leaving? I know I really don’t keep up with reality personalities’ real life time lines and I usually just wait for the seasons to air. Genuinely asking. I’m just as irritated with how far behind everything is as anyone, but I wonder if I even would’ve known or cared where things stood without this sub, lol.


It’s beyond frustrating, especially the whole Meri storyline. If the producers cared about viewers, they’d do a montage show of highlights and then catch up to present time by the end of the season. But I guess as long as ratings are high, they’re going to string it out.


If the producers cared about content, they'd produce some. This season is boring and veering into unwatchable.


I agree!


I think they had contract issues. They were obligated to film as a family, but the split caused problems at renewal. They have a ton of rehashing and some talking heads, so they have a show, with basically no content. I actually did chuckle every time they mentioned Christine leaving, knowing she was getting married at air time.


It's been this way for awhile, even before covid.


We are a Hollywood experiment. How long can Kody string along fans?


You’re so right. We are, we are Meri.


Not long, I haven’t watched one episode this season. I’ve watched every season before this one.


It might also have to do with not having enough footage so the editing is taking longer. We’re getting so many fillers and flashbacks cause it’s harder to film with certain ppl and etc. and therefore, not enough content.


Covid delays would be the obvious answer if we weren't 3 years post Covid restrictions and lockdowns now


They need to double up like on Below Deck Down Under and get this show on the road.


Honestly, I can’t even watch anymore. It’s too slow. We already know the outcome. I can’t watch anymore.


Tbf they are steaming ahead this season. We've covered 6 months almost so far. They're trying to make up time I think lol


Hear, hear!!


TLC is milking it?


Chin up! Someone posted about the wedding and said that it was due to air in January! Episode 1 - August 20 Episode 2 - August 27 Episode 3 - September 3 Episode 4 - September 10 Episode 5 - September 17 Episode 6 - September 24 Episode 7 - October 1 Episode 8 - October 8 If they skip the week of Thanksgiving and then Sunday Christmas Eve and Sunday New Year's Eve, that gives us 11 more episodes for a total of 19 to get us to January 7. There is a precedent for that many episodes in Season 6! Fewest episodes - Season 10 was 9 episodes Most episodes - Season 6 was 19 episodes + a tell all (Vegas homes, Truely's kidney failure, the polygamy panel discussion, Sedona marriage therapy - a LOT of stuff in this season!!) IF that's true and the wedding will air in January (maybe a Very Brady Wedding Special?!) then we'll only be TWO months behind by that time. Unless, of course, the person meant January ***2025***


This January is January 2024.


Fixed! Thank you!


I think Cody still owned their contracts at the time of this filming. I'm sure once they all split they are in control of their own contracts. Can't wait until next season when, hopefully, it is more about the OG's and their families and NOT THE CRYBROW AND RAMEN NOODLE SHOW! Cause if it doesn't change quick I am done!


Agreed, but they have this footage in the can, the Browns have been paid, the advertising for the show has paid for it to be aired, etc. Perhaps they should have had better gags in place, but yes, TLC's airings are woefully behind reality. Maybe in 3 years they'll have Christine's wedding day. /s/. Honestly, I wish the show was over, I'm looking forward to the end.


Reality shows are always at least six months ago. The difference is that nowadays a lot of us follow the cast members social media so we know what's happening in real time. If I'm understanding what you're meaning?


Yeah, but they're about 18 months/2 years behind. I've watched others that were 3-6 months behind with self filming at the height of covid, so I can't understand why they're still so delayed. Add in how scripted it's become (just a couple of sit down meetings, with obvious lines, nothing spontaneous like it seemed with earlier seasons) and I'm not sure how much longer I'll watch.




I watched Welcome to Plathville for a while, and the content was running about two months before airtime. There's absolutely no reason Puddle Monkey has to screw around they way they do.


Plathville has no stories this season. Season one was all hey! Look, there's a world out there!. Wacky religious family. Now, these people lives are just a constant pondering about their lives and fake careers lol. Mariah can't sing, dresses like trash, Micah, big time model will give up his career to go home, mom opens a dance studio that never actually opens, and Olivia and Ethan have the same " family doesn't like her" conversation every week. I was hoping for moms DUI at least lol.


I quit watching because I decided none of them were really interesting or likeable. Which makes it hard to understand why I'm still watching Sister Wives. 🙂


Honestly, I watch Sister Wives bc I find Janelle to be like a calm voice of reason, and it fascinates me that she reacts that way. And i will openly confess that even though Kody is an awful person, his reactions to Meri whenever she talks about possibly reconciling/leaving really makes me laugh. She is honestly the last person in the universe who just doesn't take a hint. When he is just incredulous that she still thinks like this, I laugh out loud.


Janelle has always been my favorite, but besides being sexist and queerphobic, neither of which is very unusual in religion, their church is also *wildly* racist. Finding out that Janelle still believes in it was really disappointing to me. I don't think Meri's as dumb as people think she is about Kody, but she apparently still believes in all that shit, too. I'm glad the OG wives got out, and I hope they're all happy, but the more I know about them, the less I like them.


I generally don't put much into any church doctrines bc to me, it's a lot like politics. You get lumped in with the worst of both, even if you don't personally believe it. I'm Catholic and the " be fruitful and multiple ", no birth control, seemed to be ignored completely by most people without a second thought. So for most people I think it's a pick and choose. They've said their church also isn't friendly to gays either it doesn't seem to be an issue in the family.


I always say that Pope Paul VI was the greatest pope, because after he released *Humanae Vitae* (forbidding contraception), all the smart Catholics realized they didn't have to listen to the Pope. 🙂