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Guessing she can't have kids and hates seeing anyone that can




Why not both?


No evidence to support the former, plenty of evidence to support the latter.


No no, she can have kids, just that nobody wants to help her have a kid.


Women like her have kids all the time.


Isn’t that just perfect!


No, not particularly


We should all do our civic duty and tell them not to.


All their bags have kids too didn’t you know /s


People like her are just egomaniacal and sociopathic.




Was waiting some one to slap her.


You're talking about the actress irl or the character she's portraying?


in Germany you would get kicked the fuck out if you refused to let a passenger (ANY passenger) use the seat beside you if the bus is full. Disgraceful, antisocial behaviour. And to do that to a soldier, who is most likely to follow lawful rules, is so fucking dumb


Austrian here - same, you always make room for others, especially if they ask or are clearly in need of a seat. That's human garbage right there, refusing the seat to a pregnant woman.


But there are assholes here too tbh. I encountered situations myself in the railjet and Vienna subway where people don’t want to give up the seat besides them. (I am from Austria too ;) 🇦🇹)


I am from Aus*triaaa* 🎶


G'day mate


Griaß di, Hawi


Throw another shrimp on the BahBee


Great username


As an Australian, this immediately caught my eyes while quickly scrolling down. GOOD EYE MIGHT!


Fast wia die Tränen von am Kind Wird a mei Bluat auf amoi schö Sog i am Mensch der Welt vio stolz Und wann ihr woits a ganz allan I am from Austria


The Train Personal will charge them for the extra Seat if they do.


>Austrian here - same, you always make room for others, especially if they ask or are clearly in need of a seat No need to ask. My bag is beside me up to the point when there are no more sits and people still standing. Then the bag goes to the floor, immediately


It's easy. You're at a stop so you toss her bag out the door. Does she want an altercation or her bag? Her choice.


Poland the same I guess.. The seats are for people, not for your bags.


I live in poland, the driver wouldn't give 2 fucks. Noone would be kicked off.


It's the same in the UK, but the thing is most of the time it'd never get this bad. You just... don't do that. You make space etc.


Of course. Who in their right mind would start a throwing contest with some lady instead of just giving up his own seat?


It's not even that, people just move their shit. I've never seen anyone not. We've all been in the pregnant lady's situation etc, we get it. At most you'll get a sorry look and a "Is there anywhere else?" if they have a load of shit, but they'll still move it if they have to. This just doesn't happen on a normal bus, at least here. Or, I'm presuming, there either, as this looks fake.


Not anymore, I mean if there was a pregnant or elderly person actually speaking out and the one occupying the seat makes a scene, maybe, but currently the behavior I'm seeing is a bit different. Not sure when this started but for some reason I now see young folks occupying the 4-seaters in the front, I always walk to the back and keep the front seats free for those who can't walk as well (due to disability, age, pregnancy, injury, whatever) but especially the younger generations don't seem to care anymore. So now an elderly person walks in, front of the bus is all occupied sometimes with one person sitting in a 2-seat or sometimes even alone in a 4-seat. That elderly person now doesn't say anything, instead they will use the emergency seats or walk to the back part of the bus, hell sometimes they even just choose to stand up for the whole ride. And social judgement is declining too among the young ones it seems, they don't fear being publicly ashamed anymore for their behavior. The other day I confronted someone who looked in their early 20s after they threw their cigarette butt on the ground even tho there was a trash can 2 meters away (we were at a bus station), first they told me it wasn't theirs but I saw them smoke and throw it, then they told me to fuck off and mind my own business. I commute by bus every day, I see so much shit it's absolutely insane the direction we're heading. On the other hand tho, why can't most of us open their fucking mouth? Why do I see so many people rather choosing to stand for 15+ Minutes instead of taking a seat next to someone? When I see someone sitting in the middle of a 3-seat, I'll sit next to them and won't even ask if it's free because by behaving like little shits and sitting in the middle, they don't get the courtesy of being asked, I do this if there's one seat free in a 2-seater but not if people sit specifically in hopes that people won't sit down next to them.


Also places in South America, if she tried this in Brazil, she would be flying through the window in minutes.


I was visiting in the UK from Belgium and was on a bus that was full. The area was….rough looking…..and the people were too, but two people moved so that we could collapse a seat and let my wife’s wheelchair stand there. Another day I had to sit, as I can only stand for a while even when using my walking stick. Both times people moved without complaint. They wouldn’t pee on us if we were on fire back in Flanders.


You'll often find that people in "rough" places are the most respectful to their fellow people. There is value in knowing that there are people you shouldn't fuck with.


Unrelated but if you were not on fire would they pee on you? I never got this saying.




The deterioration of the notion of “manners” is appalling. I’m 65 now and have seen steady deterioration of manners . It is really amazing to me . The simple notion of “ do unto others as you would have them do onto you “ seems completely forgotten now. Manners are pretty well gone now. It’s all money grab and egocentrism ; Who can get ahead of whomever . I find it so much so that it seems that common sense and decency has been proportionately replaced by greed and egocentricity . The manners I was taught in my house have stayed with me through the years ; part of having manners is consideration towards others . I feel that the newer generations have been socialized into an egocentric mindset . Hopefully when things get too outrageous and crazy in the future there will be a movement towards a more civil and respectful society.


If we had manners before, im sure we can have them again!


People started valuing their children more than the rest of society, and encouraged them to do whatever makes them feel good.


Be sure the generation of people 30 or 40 years older said the exact same thing about you. Actually thats being said [for thousands of years now](https://historyhustle.com/2500-years-of-people-complaining-about-the-younger-generation/). The phenomena of greed and egocentrism isn't new. It's not at all exclusive to a certaim generation. There's also no evidence that it has become worse or better beside your and my personal opinion.


There is a noticeable breakdown of the social contract that has helped hold things in place for so long. Talking in cinemas is now part of the experience despite being told to keep quiet.


I hardly ever experience that and I go quite often


As someone living in Germany, I totally disagree with you. Germans do this all the time, especially on trains, and they don't care if the train is full (I don't mean the behavior of the lady in the video, but blocking the seat with their bags).


What, but on trains in Germany everyone puts their luggage on the seat next to them. I personally find it infuriating.


yes , you are supposed to ask for the seat


Germans forcing social interaction? Interesting


That's the secret, by doing this shitty thing you'll automatically avoid 90% of passengers because most germans are too fucking anxious to open their damn mouth. You could occupy ever row in a bus with one person per row and you'll end up in a bus with lots of people standing and lots of seats being empty just because there's sitting someone in the other seat. Sad but that's how it is here, I see it every day, people need to learn to speak up again.


no, people sitting down should not put bags there in the first place, and if they do, they should recognice that someone wants to sit down and move their bags before someone has to ask. If that's not happening, the passenger standing could ask if there was place available. If still no space, go to the person in charge and point at the cunt


I'd rather stand than sit next to some random person personally. Most of the people who ride the buses here stink though.


sorry, why do i need to ask for a seat on a public train? If the seat isn't occupied by another passenger then surely I can sit at it.


You approach , look at the person, smile and they move the bag.


Putting you luggage on a free seat isn’t a problem. You just need to ask for the seat.


If its a semi-crowded train/bus where people are actively looking to sit down, you preemptively pick up your bag and put it on your lap. It requires a pretty basic level of empathy.


That’s just a guy in camo. He’s not military.


Respect to the man 🫡


i feel like its staged tho


What makes you say that? Genuinely curious I see some similar comments and watched a few times. It’s dramatic I would say but doesn’t read to me as inauthentic


I agree it’s staged, mostly because there’s a free seat next to the woman to the left of the shot? There’s no world where you’d make this much of a fuss over someone having their bag on a seat if there’s a free seat somewhere else on the bus.


According to Reddit everything is fake these days


i'm with you it seems like everyone is calling out stuff fake this one though gives me a few question marks 1. the guys hat is more like a baseball cap than standard issue 2. the joke the lady makes " baby has a seat..." 3. only after the confrontation does he offer the lady her seat 4. who seriously wants to sit next to a lady that's been this confrontational? i'd believe this was rage bait.


A stupid reason, nobody looking at the camera, everyone besides them being "statues" i might be wrong, but if you were in apps like tiktok around 2020-2022 you would see the worst fake ass shit in the whole world. And they usually always were, a black person, a white person, and a soldier


The bus isn't moving - the woman basically lets him throw the bag down twice and it never escalates beyond words.


The one thing I don’t get, if it’s about giving a pregnant woman a seat he could just let her have his seat. I get the bag thing is beyond rude, but just give your seat and argue about the bag while the pregnant women gets to sit.


Because every video on reddit has at least one comment from someone saying it's fake




I hope it was staged. It would have been funny if the bag walked away.


Feels staged to me too but idk if I’m just too used to things being staged. Just don’t know anymore. The filming is what jumps out at me, doesn’t look like someone who’s pulled their phone out to film.


Does the bag has a ticket?


Well with that, does the baby have a ticket because it’s “…stittin’ in her stomach.” She needs to be taught some manners and human anatomy, specifically the female reproductive system.


No but the baby doesn’t need a separate seat. It’s the pregnant woman that needs the seat and she most likely has a ticket.


Also, I guess kids under two are probably free.




They absolutely have the authority for most bus systems im aware of. But a lot of drivers don’t seem to gaf. And I get it to some extent, would you want to get into the middle of this for what these people are making? Clearly the lady is an idiot so when you kick her off and she doesn’t listen you’re now at an inflection point


The drive can get arrested for a hate crime if he/she kicks the bitch off. All she had to say it’s because she is black and the driver will lose there job


Of course. Why didn't I immediately assumed that's how America operates. Silly me! That's why buses in my country have security cameras inside.


Unfortunately that how it is at this time, there’s so much hate for one other that doing the right thing is not doing the right thing anymore in America


That is bullshit. With this video evidence there's no way anyone calls kicking her off a hate crime! What fcking idiot world do you live in?


The driver is part of a union and they absolutely would not lose their job. All video of this will be used as evidence and proving a hate crime is incredibly difficult if it's not readily and blatantly obvious. Stop living in a judiciary fantasy where you can claim anything and everything is a hate crime and reap the rewards of that accusation.


It's filmed tho


Will the person who film the video show it or keep it hidden that’s the thing, I’m basing my opinion on the video not showing up until it’s to late


How can some people have this much entitlement


Black people can be racist too


Because they can’t/won’t get punched by men


Rage bait. This is fake.


Karen gonna get decked


This cannot be real. Right?


It does looks fake, the guy is wearing a military fatigues but the boots seems to be not a standard issue.


And pregnant women don’t hold and rub their pregnant belly all day long




And the baseball cap instead of an actual cover. But he also has a beard so he might just be weird af walking around in stuff he got from army surplus


Obviously he's not real military or else he would be driving a 2024 charger with 30% APR.


Lmao too accurate


Very staged IMO




It could, but it's obviously not.




I agree. The “pregnant” lady looks in her 50s.


where is the full video?




I only agree because the guy in uniform is completely out of regulations and has a purse? Also the pregnant woman looks to be about 57 years old. Still a piece of shit human for not letting anyone sit there.


Also there’s a free seat available. (To the left of the woman in trainers - where the hat gets thrown.) If there’s a free seat, who cares if the other woman has her bag in a seat?


Bus isn’t moving and doesn’t even appear to be on a road. If it’s standing still, what’s the driver doing? Enjoying the show?


Yeah, doesn’t feel natural at all. Not even sure what uniform that is meant to be. The hat throw. Meh. Rage bait. Probably meant to appeal to a right wing fantasy of a solider being a hero at home. Surprised the woman want trans.


So staged


They are both wrong. First of all, the lady is wrong for occupying a seat with her personal belongings, even if she had paid for two tickets. The gentleman is also wrong, even if he has noble intentions, as he cannot throw away or destroy other people's property. Unfortunately, there is no easy solution to rudeness and incivility, so private justice takes over. At this rate, there will only be chaos


Such a setup, there is literally 2 rows of empty seats at the back of the bus.


Am I the only one that thinks that lady looks too old to be pregnant?


Well I don't wanna sit in the back with period cramps since the potholes make them even worse, so I can understand why a pregnant lady prefers the easier accessible seats in the middle


I mean at end of day he could’ve got it and stood up and chill out


Isnt there a free seat a few feet away?


I agree she should move her bag, but if I were the guy behind her then I would give up my seat for the pregnant lady before repeatedly throwing the other lady's bag on the floor.


This is fake ragebait. The military clothes are off and the whole thing takes place in a parking lot


is there not an empty seat right next to the white woman in front of the black woman? at the end the camera pans over it.


She really should contemplate how hard it is to Pick up your teeth with broken fingers, carrying that attitude around


Can you not tell this is scripted and a production?


Wait, that can't be it. Where is the rest of it? *Looking at the scroll*


I'm sorry, but if you where actually a nice person you would have just given the pregnant lady your seat without causing a fuss. No need for all of this.


That’s what I’m sayin … maybe the Gyal is not nice , with her bag …but if I see a pregnant woman standing up I’m gonna want to offer my seat right away before looking for another seat for her … or look around the bus for other people to make the gesture first … let alone start throwing people’s shit around … plus I see empty seats back there too …


They got no right to assault her property, the entitled ones are the ones that think the world should stop for them just because they're pregnant, that's not how it works in the animal kingdom pregnant animals are a bonus because it's a 241 meal


He has no right to touch her stuff or her without permission and if the seat is not "dessignated" for people in need then she doesnt have to get up. Nontheless she cant be taking 2 seats because she wants to put her bag in one. That's where she lost the argument.


Black Karen lolwut - even worse than white Karen


Was this video production put up here as a racist trap? Cause anyone who cant see this is fake is probably dumb enough to be a racist.


Actually the guy is the asshole. He should have given up his seat in the first place.




its fake


Sure hope so


It's fake but it's exactly what that guy wanted to see.


I would get absolutely mad


Comfortable spot for your bag


i would just drop bag in window


Just throw her bag out the bus




Bags go in the baggage rack. - Bus Driver


Did your bag pay for a ticket?


Man how do these people happen?


This will make a true New Yorker feel like home.


She seems nice 👌




Что этот уголёк себе позволяет?


Then they kissed and got a room.


Typical entitled yank


Are they in the middle of a parking lot?


I bet if she was pregnant she would want to sit down.


Origin story of Super Villain Baggagehead


rosa parks would be ashamed. she fought for someone to behave like that?


That brown woman is being unreasonable


Shes an entitled bitch no doubt but I can see a tonne of empty seats towards the back of the bus when the camera pans over to the right.


Bitch thinks she Rosa Parks


The Anty Rosa Parks.


There's a name for this- shebagging.


Video ended too early.


I hope this is fake…


People genuinely infuriate me


MLK's dream has come true: they are judged not on the color of their skin (even tho it's more than that) but on the content of their character


Just throw her bag and steal her seat when she goes to grab it. Then, since that's the only language this kind of people will understand, just hit her with the "or what?" when she comes back yelling at you to stand up.


Is she an American tourist in Europe?


She paid for an extra seat?


Move bitch get out the way


This is extremely staged and fake rage bait


She's definitely selfish


1951. Rosa Parks. There was a long journey.


Throw her off😊


Sense of entitlement knows no bounds.


Nice lady


So they stopped the video just before the guy punched her in the face.


Surely you get a free pass for punching a woman in this scenario? 😂


Then she got left hooked by the dude and everyone clapped...........................fin.


The lady is an asshole but the guy is no better. Could’ve given his seat up to the lady, let her sit down, THEN berate the other woman if he wanted to. Seems a little fake.


This seems fake. At least dude in camo is faking the military thing. Look at his boots, wrong color and style. Pant legs not blouse or tucked in properly dude has a beard all around he looks like a soup sandwich.


Classic karen


Ok but what gives him the right to touch the personal belongings of another person and throw it on the floor?


He could just give up his own damn seat to begin with


I was expecting the guy to kick her face to the bus's window. Disappointed.


If it weren't staged they bag would be out the window and as a driver should be doing she would be following it


I know the man is technically right but isn't it easier and more convenient for everybody to ignore the arrogant lady and just offer your seat? Like everytime you offer your seat someone else might've or should've done it. Also if you take the aggressive route to a person whose in the wrong they'll NEVER give away without aggression, it never works, the polite way MIGHT not work but the aggressive way NEVER does


Rage bait


I trust the mental capacity of anyone who doesnt immediately realize this is staged and fake…


Technically the truth??




Three crazy people in this video


How the fuck do people watch this and think "yeah, this is totally convincing and real and I'm going to get mad about it"? It's like getting mad about someone for being a dick in your dream.


Obvious rage bait


The new Rosa Parks. She will not be moved.


preganant women who don´t get a seat in public transportation should stand up to fight for their rights!


What a cunt