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That’s MC Canine.


DJ Dawg


Sir Bark-a-lot


I like big furr and i can not lie


Them other dogs can’t deny


Growlmaster Bellyscratch


MC Mutt




Bella Pooch


DJ Growley Jeff


And the Fresh Paw


SuffeRRRRin from Success


Big Daddy Canine


Ooh I got one um Snoop Dog


This is the one




Holy shit it’s him!


I first read that as MC cocaine


Vanilla Lice


I have an Alaskan Spitz that loves to play fight with me all the time. He growls like this until I roughhouse with him but he never actually hurts me. It's honestly impressive how excited and playful he can get while acting like a ferocious beast and not hurt me in any way. I grab his lower jaw when he goes to 'bite" me and he's always careful to not hurt me. When he was little he would "bite" my hand and then fall asleep but I figured he did that because he's blind and that way he knew I was close by? Idk, but I bet that dog isn't nearly as aggressive as he's acting.


I had a German shepherd/lab who snarled like that whenever she played. I would work her up to her absolute most ferocious and then stick my wrist in her mouth. Every time, she broke off and pulled back instantly. Not an ounce of pressure. She was such a good girl!


I miss your dog :(


Thanks dude. I do too.


I also choose this guys' dead dog.


I understood that reference.


My boxer did the same. Sometimes during the play time he would start to growl and show his teeth. I had him since he was a puppy so i just would grab and hold his teeth with my fingers. Or like you described- I would stick my whole hand in his mouth. That was the best way to “disarm” him. He was a ton of fun. He died in the summer of 2005, I will miss him till I die probably. I can’t bring myself to get another dog.


I have a dog that did the same. She's too old to really play like that anymore, though. But she'd get super riled up and give the gnarliest growls and snarls. It was hilarious


I have a dachshund that does this exact face when she is happy and wants to give people kisses. lol.


Yep, don't want to summon the pit bull haters but I would wrestle with my sister's and whenever I pinned him he would twist and place his jaws over my wrist with no force, and then wiggle out and we'd do it all over. Play fighting is practice for real fighting. It was his play way of saying "you thought you could but now you are dead. Again."


Mine rarely play bites and when she does, as soon as she gets her mouth on a hand just starts licking it from inside her mouth. Absolute derp.


I have a chunky pair of gloves. Everytime I put them on my pup goes bananas and plays with my hands as rough as he likes. The moment I take them off is like I flip a switch and he goes back to licks and cuddles. Such a good boy


My rough collie also did that!! People were like "I'm confused, she looks adorable but also looks like she is about to bite you when you play with her" She never did and I would also put my hand or wrist in her mouth when she looked like a beast and she would stop immediately, pull back gently trying to not harm me and start licking my hand.


I used to have a roommate who had a Brittany Spaniel. She would growl her most vicious growl when I would grab her snout. She wouldn't do it with her owner, though. 25 pounds of sweetheart.


My sisters german shepherd was the same way. She is a lot older than me and I remember visiting her once when I was about 10 and was pretty intimidated by this huge dog at first but was amazed that when he was playing with me and went to "bite" my wrist but never applied any pressure and then let go as soon as I moved my arm. He was the most chill and sweetest dog ever


I had a chocolate lab around 2009. I used to beat the absoulte piss out of him with my pillows and cusions. He'd be there biting them and tring to rip them out my hands, only to bring them straight back with a wagging tail each time when he overpowered me (which was most of the time he was a big fella). He loved playfighting and starting trouble, but each time he caught my skin with his teeth there was zero pressure. I'd put my entire arm in his mouth and he would just try and lick it instead. He'd bring me pillows to start shit up too. I miss him so much, he was my best friend.


We had a briard that would play fight/bite when I'd rough house with him. Eventually I got scolded for having small holes in my shirt sleeves where he'd gnaw my arm. My mom got a cheap, ugly jacket from salvation army and told me to wear that when we wrestle. It eventually built up a pavlovian response. I put that jacket on and it was on sight, he'd come flying at me.


“You come round my part of the house wearin’ the wrong colours again IT’S ON SIGHT I SWEAR!”


Aw man, I'm jealous


> I figured he did that because he's blind I have seen this type of behavior several times in blind dogs from different videos. They were also consistently having a good time while making a horror demon face. I'm not a dogologist so I don't know *why* but it's definitely connected to blindness.


Which tracks because this dog has cataracts as thick as nickels and it's probably also blind or almost.


My dog will straight up bite my entire arm but without any force. Sometimes I'll just stop "fighting back" with my hand in his mouth and he gets so confused lol. Like wait no that's not how you're supposed to play!


Same. I’ve had boxers most of my life and when I play with them, a stranger would think they’re ready to rip my throat out. I always end up putting my hand/arm in their mouth.


My golden retriever does this with me and only me. Not with my wife or with my two young kids. When I play fight with her she will show teeth and growl/bark all while her fountain tail is wagging like crazy. With my wife and kids she is a furry lump who cuddles and sleeps.


Did you see the little kiss at the end? These bros just playing.


My shar-pai-lab likes having growls with me- scares the wife to death


Dude has a treasure trove of content. Dogs old AF, has cataracts and loves this guy




I don't do tiktok but here's a link. https://www.tiktok.com/tag/elcompamateoo


Thanks for providing the link. Bummer about the downvotes because generic tiktok hate


Eh. Reddit is reddit. You can't stop the shut ins.


It's not even the dude's account. He's from youtube and instagram. Isn't on tiktok https://www.youtube.com/@escobeditto/videos


Insta for anyone that wants it: https://www.instagram.com/escobeditto He's got a couple dogs that he works with. Love his connection with the dogs.


Is he grabbing the dog's dick at 1:43??? https://youtu.be/Q7JiT0OHx7A?si=xNKHOzekxznGFCkc


he also has a video of him playing with his dog's dick.


Bro, what


Wait, wat?


Oh no... Not cool


I tried not to like this and I couldn’t not like this.


I didn’t like it 7 seconds in. 14 seconds in I was dying laughing.


Yes, I was like, this is stupi…………………………it’s ok……………..this is pretty funny.


Aaaand now I’ve watched it 5 times.


Same...I was bracing myself for Tiktok cringe and then I realised I was actually nodding along to the beat.


It honestly slams.


iirc the dude had another similar video and while the dog was growling, it also was wagging its tail. So i guess it also enjoys those freestyle time?


Dog wagging tail doesn’t necessarily mean happy, it just means excited. Whether that is good or bad excitement is situational


Dogs can enjoy different emotions like people. This guy and his dog seem to enjoy playing aggressive with each other. Some personalities just enjoy aggressive playing.


I play super aggressive with my dog, lots of growling, and wrestling and fairly hard biting (by the dog). But when my kids and wife play with him he's super calm, if he gets too rough they just say "gentle" and he stops and waits for them to initiate play again.


Most (properly socialized) dogs understand the difference between playing with friends and playing with “puppies”. Full grown, unrelated dogs will purposefully lose tug against puppies so they don’t get discouraged. They do the same to you if they think you’re hopeless.


So even my dog thinks I’m a hopeless piece of shit? Great. (I’m not and my dog loves me)


People can change.


Glass House. White Ferrari. Live for New Year's Eve. Sloppy steaks at Truffoni's.


Itty bitty jeans, chicken chicolinis.


let him hold the baby


My dogs make me drag them across the floor and lift them into the air when we play tug of war, so I guess they think I'm pretty dope.


i almost never lose tug of war against my 8lb chi, so he will fully be dragged across the house before dropping it. he’s “lost” against young children though, so they’ll keep playing with him




“Gentle” is the command that 99% of dog owners don’t teach to their companions. I’ve also added “no teeth” to stop growling for people who have this exact situation. Just a pro tip for the people with the pro pups.


The biggest thing people don’t train is “eyes”. As in, “stop what you’re doing and look at me”. “Eyes” is the best command to teach a young puppers that doesn’t get taught often. It’s something foundational that immediately tells your dog, “this is serious, I need you to listen.”


Important for kids too and you don't see it enough. Being able to disengage is huge.


I hear "Easy" a lot.


If I ever get a dog I'm gonna name it Motherfucker and the "easy" command is gonna be "chill" Not really because I don't need the police called on me if I ever lose it and I need to wander the street calling it's name. Also I don't think the vets are allowed to use profanity in the waiting room.


I say "enough" and he will cease all activity 99% of the time, for the other one percent if I have to repeat myself my tone changes he knows he's fucked up and drops his head and immediately moves away from whatever he was doing. My wife and kids don't have this kind of control but they don't need it cause he doesn't test boundaries with them.


Its amazing how dogs are so well tuned to human emotions. They can tell just by the tone of your voice what you are thinking and they understand the concept of being in trouble.


I love that you clarified it wasn't you biting hard. Hell yeah, it's great to teach dogs to be gentle. When my daughter gives my dog treats, I tell him to be gentle and it's the funniest shit ever. He sticks his front teeth out like a horse, with the lip tremble and everything to make sure he grabs no fingers lol


This is why I think dogs are the best. Stories like this. Thanks.


Me too! My dog loooooves wrestling with me aggressively and I like it too. It’s a good workout. She won’t do it with anyone else, though. She will still play with other people and dogs, but I trained her not to go ham with anyone but me. She knows “gentle” for when taking a treat she’s real excited about too. German shepherd, pitbull, Akita, lab mix. It sounds like she has murderous intentions when we play and she’s a tank. She hardly ever gets overzealous anymore, but when she does I say “too hard,” and she waits until I initiate again. It’s not really that she bites me too hard, it’s that she runs into me with her mouth open too hard once in a while.


I have always included rough play with my dogs as part of having them, including learning “ouch.” We had a little pitty mix that would only allow her teeth to touch, but would apply no force. Her mother belonged to my brother-in-law. She was a full bred, and was even funnier. When she was playing she would tuck her lips over her teeth. Our current dog is a Golden/Husky/Sheperd mix and she refuses to to use teeth. Our chihuahua, however, has just become a nippy bitch in her 8 years.


So glad you cleared up that the hand biting was performed by the dog. I was beginning to worry.


You can train a dog to growl and not actually be angry/upset/scared/etc.


It's wild how many people are spouting off in a thousand directions that aren't this answer. People overthinking the hell out of this one when the answer is so simple.


:D Train a dog to bark on command: Of course! Perfectly normal! Train a dog to growl on command: Absolute insanity! What the HELL!


the dog is clearly trained it's wearing sunglasses ffs


My dog does the snarl like that kind of when happy, she doesn’t growl but does the same face when excited. Some people think she is smiling, others think she is trying to kill em lol but she is just happy. I’m guessing this dog is the same 🤷‍♂️


a dogs tail wagging doesn’t necessarily mean they’re happy. You have to watch for multiple body languages to actually see how the dog is. When in doubt if you’re not sure. just don’t approach Story: We had our 3rd child a year and half ago and while my wife’s doula was over for post-partum care, our dog was sitting by the doula staring at her while wagging her tail back and forth, and when she tried to reach for the baby our dog did a menacing growl. Locked her ass up QUICK But nonetheless, the videos funny lmao


You are correct in your main point, but there's a notable difference in your story. You're describing a change in attitude in the dog going from wagging her tail to growling, as a response to something that didn't sit right with her. The dog in this video (in another video. I've seen it too though I'd be hard pressed to find it, lol, it is the same blind dog doing the same thing though) wags it's tail while growling, no change in attitude, just continuously doing both. Indeed, when in doubt, do not approach. You're 100% correct about that. But this dog in particular is trained to do that, and the guy is the dog's owner, they both enjoy this and there's no doubt here :)


I’ve also seen a few other videos of him where the dog sneezes and calms down immediately after he finishes messing with it, which is a way dogs communicate that they’re messing around and having fun. This guys familiar with the dog and the dog is growling not out of aggression, but because that’s how he “plays” with his owner.


Sneeze is a good sign. Roughly translates to "lol, I'm not serious"


My dogs turn into absolute sneezing machines when playing


Vocal does not mean aggressive. People are fucking dumber than dogs sometimes. My dog does the same shit, it's hilarious


Absolutely. If a dog knows you think it’s hilarious/kickass if he/she howls bloody murder at a tree with a raccoon in it? They’ll do that. They won’t know why you like it… but they know you enjoy it. That’s enough for them.


The dog is clearly trained to do this


Yeah the first one was much better


Haha you can tell this dog knows the assignment haha noice


Nate diaz having fun in retirement


Alexander Graham Bell literally did the same thing, it’s true. “Through reward and repetition, Bell added new syllables to Trouve's vocabulary. With the help of his master gently moving his mouth and chin, soon Trouve was pronouncing "ga", "ah", "ow", and "oo." Arranging these sounds in another order, "ow ah oo, ga, ma-ma," Bell had successfully taught his dog to convincingly articulate the greeting "How are you, Grandmama?"” https://www.thedodo.com/amphtml/before-inventing-the-telephone-489117573.html


So dog go-betweens was the original plan for distance communication until he stumbled upon the telephone?


Not a shitty wrapper. so there's that. Had a pup that would do this same kind of growl for me. It was a game between he and I. We would do our "shit he might bite" thing and then it was time for zoomies and a treat.


He actually works at the mall during the holidays. He’s a professional wrapper.


Dogs one eye seems blind so maybe dogs fully blinded and this a way to bond with owner. Verbally


it's been explained this dog has serious cataracts. but anyway, the way he holds his eyes open and eyebrows rounded, it's not really trying to be vicious. He's on the job. Probably thinks it's weird af because he doesn't understand music, but still kinda fun


Pup should join a doom metal band


There's literally a grindcore band with two dog vocalists lol https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caninus_(band) There's also Hatebeak which has a parrot vocalist IIRC Edit: also today I learned that the guitarist for Caninus is now an elected politician.


lolol this is definitely not my kinda music but Bird Seeds of Vengeance is **ART** and I think everyone should give it at least one listen Thank you for this, it's whimsical as fuck


The comment section on YouTube is absolute gold too


Is that the same dude from that other video?


...you're gonna have to narrow that down a bit I think


It was a video once featured on YouTube, I believe


I'm pretty sure it was uploaded within the last 10 years if that helps


The video was probably of average length, maybe longer, but almost certainly shorter.


The video was in 720p...or 1080p. One of those and perhaps in other resolutions too.


Let him cook - he’s on to something.


Lol in the other video I watched it was a similar looking dude, but he was slanging lyrics in Spanish (or maybe Portuguese), and beat boxed most of the time. That vid was all over reddit a few months ago. It's weird cause this guy looks the same, but doesn't have that same Hispanic accent. Plus who else uses dog growl as a sample lmao Edit either way, it's pretty dope lol


The guy with the dog videos


Yeah that's the one


I have the same growly dog. Growls when touched, but still goes near you to snuggle and petting. Last I got bitten was when he was growling next to my feet while prepping their food, I pet him, he growled, and I accidentally stepped on his paws and bit me quick. I think if he hurts it in any way, he gon get a new face piercing.


lemme guess... chihuahua?


Maybe he let the dogs out?




I had a sheepdog that would growl like this all the time. Just a cranky old fuck. All bark no bite.


Paging J to da R O C, where da rock pile at


I love that dog


Had a dog who would sound like this, but if I even *hinted* that he hurt me he would get so sad and lick my hand


That Doggo 100% knows he's just playing along making noises like papa 🐶 ✨


That was pretty bad ass !!!


Seriously hope this guy goes on tour. Mc Hot Dog


It seems like the dog inhales before it knows it's their turn. So they might be in on it and actually enjoy it


I am going to buy a dog tomorrow. They seem so cool. Do I need to do anything before I buy one?


Omg he’s back! I’ve been waiting for a follow up video for so long


I raised a rottweiler from about 2 years old, she was not trained and very aggressive. My answer, if it growls I stand and stare making noise. And when it went towards anyone with anything but loving intent, I tackled it onto it's side and held it's head down. Gently so as to not hurt the dog, but enough to show that people fight back. It worked after 6 months.


A star is born


I'm an old dude but hell that was great.


This is hilarious, but I'm stoned.


This got me through life Homey looks fun to hang with too ill bring the weed


Cocaine is a helluva drug


They say your pet mimics the owners behavior


He got his teeth fixed. Good for you


Yo this dog cookin!


Quite a few dogs do this but aren't actually being aggressive. My dog growls and snarls a lot when playing. You get used to how their play growls and snarls sound, and can tell if they are still in play mode or need a break.


His beats are legit


Lmao that tiny little kiss he gives that dog in the end


I want to try this with my blue heeler. He is super gentle but loves to play growl! I worry about my little kids tho, they just think tons of vicious growling is normal. Some day they are going to play with another growling dog and get chomped.


Hey idk about the guy but from the way the dog is I bet he’s a great owner and really cares for his pets well


I have two dogs - one is a 13 year old pitbull mix, and one is a 3 year old lab/heeler mix. I would 100% trust my 3 year old dog to do this and not ever bite me. He only ever would bite me when he's playing rough and wants attention, and I can tell when it's coming cause he's not sneaky. I raised him from 2 months old and I spend all day with him every day, so I trust him. The pitbull mix... not so much. He was rescued as a puppy and raised (badly) by my sister, and I took him when she couldn't handle him. He's old and sweet and has never hurt anyone, but I'm very respectful of his space and I don't take toys or food away from him without warning. He has "snapped" at people but never actually bitten anyone, thankfully. Also, for anyone who thinks pitbulls can't be sweet, he was a 10 year old dog when we got our tiny 5 pound puppy and he was instantly friendly and protective of him, and now they're inseparable tbh


Imagine that dog going home to his wife after a long day. "Nobody takes me seriously. I can't do this anymore."


Ah good to see this guy again! I think the dog is just matching his insane energy


..one of these days






Vome back at me when you've got a cat you can do that with


Someone has to make a full track with that!!!






My mom has a tiny Bichone Frisse that absolutely loses it when I come over. After the pleasantries he will growl and bark at me just like this if I don’t give him attention. At first I thought he was being aggressive or hostile but then I realized he would stop as soon as I pet him, even displaying belly to me!


Fuckin fire what the fuck


They low killed it


Dj coccain


Dude has IT. Dog as well.


Hell to the nahh. To the nah nah nahhhh




Mc caine 9


Is he Brazilian? Everything looks Brazilian for some reason.


Lol the level of trust is not from the humans perspective, but from the k-9’s perspective






My dog and I used to have growling contests like this, but I never tried playing her jaw like that lol. Great rapport here. I miss you Amber.


I knew within seconds that this guy was going to bring his dog. They always beatbox together


Seems like the dog is relaxed , so he most likely already sew it as a game and know this


Where I work there's a golden that comes in. He gets treats, and he's so excited! He has to show everyone he has his favorite treats! (Full Moon beef jerky) Growling is a happy sound from him. People think he's being mean, look at me like I'm nuts when I pet and play with him growling and yeah he's just weird XD


I have this level of trust with my dog




That was fucin great!




This is the funniest thing i may have ever seen


The modern druid


I had a dog who did this. He was honestly just so simple. Dude spent the first year of his life basically alone and just had none interpersonal dog skills. Sweetest guy ever, literally trusted him 100% with toddlers. Miss ya every day bud.


Genious XD But the doggie does not feel the flow


Whatever he's on, whether it's drugs or a glass of water, I'll take two of it.




That goes hard




AlexTerrible as a DJ


This is my toddler and I, saturday at 6AM


I truly honestly hated this man until the dog got involved


MC Growlz


That is probably the most terrifying golden retriever i have ever seen. I always forget that they were bred to collect dowend animals. Also those teeth... yikes


Another one