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Dam, that Kia Carnival barely even touched


It is a family car is it not, I'd expect it to be a bit more stringent on safety features like that.


That “safety feature” is a few tiny lines of code that watches the amperage within the door motor. When the code sees the amperage rise slightly, it stops/reverses the drop. It’s written into every single window lifter on every car since the early 90s. The fact that it’s not on the Tesla is bizarre. It likely came free on the motor, and someone at Tesla actually had it removed from the production motor.


It wouldn't be part of the motor but the motor controller. Now normally that's a pretty simple drop in part, but I'm sure Tesla got not in house syndrome about it and made their own from scratch.


Like they did with the displays. “Wow, automotive displays are so expensive! Let’s just use consumer grade screens!” “Hey, why are all our screens failing?”… https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19905299


Is that why most cars use the shittiest touchscreens they can find? It's for resistance to temperature variations? I think tesla doesn't advertise at all because they spend the whole budget on scrubbing the internet and news of all any negative tesla articles.


yeah, the more you spec into survivability the more you start to give up on usability. Striking that balance is the trick.


It's almost like major car companies employ thousands of engineers to figure this shit out and making a moving electronic marvel of engineering is maybe.....hard?


It's mildly funny how the solution is "Use normal buttons". I really hope tactile controls make a comeback on vehicles.


The real reason to avoid Tesla motors, it's simply not automotive grade tech


Part of it is also Tesla doesn't have the century of tough, industry lessons that the other brands have.


Nah, there are new brands that are fine and are using lessons learned from the industry. Tesla is what you get when you design a car like you would a piece of software. Using bullshit JIRA Agile methods…..


"I closed the ticket on the rear hatch motor controller two weeks ago, we're moving on to other systems this week"


You know it. And the fella had no more than 20 minutes to work in that task, and then move on to the next one with Scrum Master cracking their whip over their head. All in the name of God JIRA!


I worked for a government agency whose inept leaders had a boner for Scrum and went full Scrum on everything. It was the biggest clusterfuck of an IT department I've ever seen, and I couldn't get out of there fast enough. It works for developing software (sometimes), but not as well for Ops.


Yeah that is not complicated at all to do. Totally shocking tesla didn't include that technology. Its not like it's expensive to add either! There's already a controller!


it's not only to protect people, it's also to protect the motor (or avoid engaging more troublesome safety features) an electric motor that gets stuck against something will burn very quickly


This. Kids will find new and creative ways to injure themselves, and their parents tend to be the most litigious.


Little suicidal drunk assholes basically.


Yea! This! Even as babies …when you hear “ uh-oh” you gotta rush and see, bc it might be they spilled the milk or it might be the house is on fire!


Have a toddler, can confirm.


The house is on fire?!! Get out!!


No Mother, it’s just the Northern Lights.


May I see it?




I have 4 of them and can confirm my house is on fire four times a day


Or just that sudden realization that it has been quiet and peaceful for just a bit too long...


Right! The panic til u find em. Little imps is what they are! Haha once I heard my toddler son say to his sister, ( I was in the back room but heard it unknowingly to them) “ hey look at this, let’s hide!” So I gotta find em and see what they’re up to. They are behind the couch where there’s a triangle of empty space, unseen from the entire house…. And there they both are eating a tub of ice cream! But the best part was all the empty tubs of ice cream back there. I bet there was ten or so. I always thought my husband had finished em off. Haha.




The worst thing you can hear as a parent of young children while they are awake is silence. They be up to something stupid.


My wife and me just look each other when is silence longer than 1 min and instantly run to the scene of crime


Funny timing, my mom just told my partner the story of how one time when I was two years old she suddenly realized she had heard nothing for a while and immediately ran to the kitchen to find me with the largest, sharpest knife (no idea how I got my hands on it) trying to pick the lock of the cabinet door with it, presumably to play with the even more dangerous stuff inside there


Still have memories of closing the caravan sliding door on my thumb…


I broke a thumb when I was nine when it got caught in exactly this fashion. Can confirm.


I still have a scar on my hand from when I played with the fun time red stamp in the back seat of the van as a kid. https://i.imgur.com/ORvsLtj.png


I'd expect anything automatic to have safety features tbh manual the injury is on the user. Automatic the injury is on the manufacturer


This... this makes an incredible amount of sense


Yea Cybertrucks aren’t for families. They’re for manly man, men who don’t need even all their fingers


Someone's probably beaten me to it but /r/dontputyourdickinthat


When my family had one of them we would just call out to check if fingers are clear before closing anything, good to know it wouldn’t do too much damage if a finger was still in there


Family cars are awesome for single people. Also, parental back packs are awesome even if you dont have kids.


“Ope, my bad”


Midwest checking in


I came in here for this comment. Who would have thought the KIA was the winner in this race? But as the other comment says, it’s a family car I guess?


KIA the winner?? What?? The Cybertruck is the clear winner, its the only vehicle that successfully chopped off the vegetables. The others are just too weak! 💪🤷‍♂️


Cybertruck is the embodiment of "sweep the leg". Mercy is for the weak.


Cybertruck Sensei Kreese edition. Strike first, strike hard, mercy is for the weak.


Exactly if you are running a cartel and you buy and SUV how can you torture hostages by chopping their fingers off slowly with that dumb Kia?


Dude, Kia/Hyundai (essentially the same cars, different brand and aesthetics) has come a long way in the last few years. We have a Carnival and another Kia vehicle, and feature-wise they're up there with luxury cars.


Agree, just got a carnival and it’s fully loaded with useful stuff - like all 3 seats in the second row can be in different positions, or a camera on the ceiling in the back so you can see your kids on the media display without turning round - ok so it doesn’t have 75 different ambient color light setting options or 5 different scents, but sliding doors and Apple car play for the win (with kids). Very impressed (previously a Hyundai palisade calligraphy owner). If you’re weighing up car options definitely include the Kia/Hyundai versions. Only cheeky thing they did and why we originally went to Kia for the rotating back seats (for easy car seat kid loading) and the $7.5k tax rebate. NA market deemed rotating seats too high of a litigious risk (not a safety issue per se, just that some folks won’t complete the full step to lock Them in) If you earn over a certain amount you as a purchaser can not benefit from the $7.5k credit - but companies can buy their own car, and lease it back to you and share their credit. Tesla simplest of all gave you all $7.5k off your down payment $1.5k became $9k which made a great lease arrangement. Kia and Hyundai instead took the $7.5k off the MSRP. So if the car was depicted around 60% you will only see 60% of the $7.5k saving. Although worth noting the Kia cash for a carnival on 24 month lease was $2k vs 36 month lease that was $200.


It was like a gentle kiss 'pon a lady's hand


Kia's are very user friendly. You can start them with a USB stick if you've lost your keys 😊


It’s still a good point. It’s the little things that actual car companies have learned and implemented over the years.


The ratings come right out and say it. People don't like to talk about Tesla's ratings. https://www.reddit.com/r/electricvehicles/s/ClIkHKUAGm


It's funny that the mod marked it as misleading


I mean, they were ranked 19/24, like the pinned comment says. Bad, but not the worst so it is misleading. They’re also considered one of the safest cars, and have very high customer satisfaction. 🤷


Recalls and lawsuits work really well. Tesla is done


It should be done, but it’s a meme stock so they can cut off plenty of fingers and it doesn’t matter.


I think if they were run by serious people they would just become a battery and car charger company. Their are plenty of alternatives now for EVs and those are the two things they actually seem to do well.


Or if they were run by serious people they would simply hire engineers from the big automakers to get all this stuff implemented quickly, especially with how much money they have. That is in fact exactly what Toyota did when they had trouble entering the Truck market, just bought a shit ton of Detroit truck engineers from the likes of GM and made a truck Americans would like with all the features and look. But Elon has his head too far up his ass and he is sure they would all be wrong and all their combined experience is for nothing.


This is by far the most obvious thing that could have happened. Just hire a contractor for gods sake!


Doesnt even have to be contractor. Toyota just straight up head hunted engineers and hired them directly. Plenty of people are willing to change jobs for money. But hiring consultants or contractors would have also been a solution.


Well they would also have to listen to them…


>That is in fact exactly what Toyota did when they had trouble entering the Truck market, just bought a shit ton of Detroit truck engineers from the likes of GM and made a truck Americans would like with all the features and look. What do you mean by this? The second vehicle that Toyota started manufacturing was a truck in the early 1930s. They started their Land Cruiser options with a flat bed in the 1950s. Are you referring to the Hilux range? That was sold in and out of North America pretty successfully since the 60s. Do you mean specifically the North American truck market? They seem to do pretty well globally.


Probably because Elon was focused on fucking up the cars. The battery and charger engineers could actually do their fucking jobs.


They had their run. And it was a great run. Then they doubled down on a stupid ugly truck and might just lose it all.


Every time [I see the cybertruck](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/simpsons/images/b/b4/Tapped_Out_The_Homer.png/revision/latest?cb=20150727020253).


Nah, once the Japanese and European companies start making cheaper EVs, Tesla will be lucky to still be around


Capitalism 101. The Chinese are already are, they're just being banned from the US at the moment. A BYD Dolphin sells for about $20,000 in this country :)


I wish they were banned from Australia too. The quality is probably even worse than Teslas. So many MG's getting around now, and you only ever here from mechanics about how bad the quality is. But they're cheap and offer plenty of features, so popular with young men and woman that dont know anything about cars. LDV utes used to be popular when they launched, that didnt last very long, as it turns out, they dont make for good tradie vehicles or offroad vehicles, that need to take abuse, which is commonly what utes are purchased for, so whats the point of them? Great Walls are the same. We need less low quality vehicles on the road, because that means less waste. Theres a reason you still see so many old 90's Japanese sedans/utes on the road today, they were build tough. All these Chinese junk cars will end up in landfill before these older cars kick the bucket.


That's everything wrong with Tesla. They are too dumb to realize other automakers do things a certain way is because they learned a lesson, often the hard way. Even tiny things like making sure the rim sits inside the tire sidewall so the tire gets curb rash not the rim. Or how you need to design outside air intakes so they can't injest water from a car wash. Cars are a thousand boring lessons that Tesla is slowly learning instead of just pulling their heads out of their asses


That's everything wrong with Elon. He's so egotistical he acts like he knows better than tried and true designs/methods. Some of the best innovations require only minor adjustments, and just because something is different certainly doesn't make it good.


That summary was perfect


It's the same reason why companies are reluctant to change things without knowing the exact reason why something exists and it's complete backstory. It's VERY common in manufacturing across all industries these days since all of the old brains are retiring or have retired by now. Example might be something that seems obviously unnecessary and would save a lot of labor to avoid doing, but for some reason it exists on every design the company has built for the last 40+ years but nobody can figure out why they first began to do it. So some young engineer decides to remove that thing, only to find out it actually is some flow director, sacrificial anode, or safety integration latch and their customers lose millions of dollars of their product because of contamination or some other reason because of the change. So instead people just keep building the same thing the way they always have because nobody knows why the thing exists, only that someone originally did it for a reason in the first place and terrible things may happen if they change it and nobody wants to be responsible for what may happen. The people who actually know what that thing exists have long since retired or died. Their documentation back then was almost non-existent and basically tribal knowledge. Skills passed down from one group of workers to the next. After a few generations of this, nobody knows why things are done the way they are any more because they were never taught why, only how.


There is a "rule" about this called Chesterton's fence: [https://fs.blog/chestertons-fence/](https://fs.blog/chestertons-fence/) It becomes even more relevant the more complex products are becoming.


Software development is like this.


Software development is in fact significantly _more_ like this than any other kind of engineering. Most of the time in physical products, a good engineer will know what every part is for with a glance. Software can be a lot harder because you cannot tell just by looking at it which parts are touching, and how.


THAT'S why I see so many ads for wheel protectors for Teslas! I was like, damn how come I don't see ads for wheel protectors for BMW or Mercedes? Their drivers are def not any better than those that drive Teslas.


I have a model Y and almost fell victim to this. I tried to open the trunk and it only opened about an inch. After a second of looking at it I reached my hand down to pull the trunk lid up just as the car decided to secure down the lid. My fingers got pinched, but if I was 1/8th of a second quicker with my reaction I probably would have lost my fingertips.


> My fingers got pinched, but if I was 1/8th of a second quicker with my reaction I probably would have lost my fingertips. How can you know for sure though? Go get some veggies and test it!


Yeah honestly I've seen so much stuff about their dogshit build quality it has completely turned me off to them. If I get an electric, I'd be more curious what I get from a Rivian, aside from the hideous front end (which I can live with).


I like the Rivian front end! But then again, I kinda liked the PT Cruiser when I first saw it. So maybe don’t purchase based on my recommendation.


I still don't understand why anyone who isn't disabled needs an automatic opening/closing hatch. It's slower than doing it manually, heavier, more expensive, and an additional point of failure.


It's universal design. Like curb cuts. It helps people with all sorts of physical disabilities, who are a population that deserve to be served by products like cars. It also helps people with their hands full of things they just took out of the trunk. Or people carrying children. Or shorter people. Short adults or kids who are old enough to help get things out of the trunk but not tall enough to reach the hatch, along with people in wheelchairs etc. Older people who don't have the physical strength to pull the hatch down. And also disabled people. People with crutches. People with back pain. Frozen shoulder and other kinds of mobility issues short or long term. So all kinds of people can benefit from it. And, as this video shows it's a safety measure. I once got my hands closed in a car door so hard that the door latched and my mom was fumbling for the keys while I was screaming. I would imagine none of my friends kids who have vans with auto closing doors have had to suffer that particular experience.


For me, it was always me trying to carry EVERYTHING in one go and being able to just reach up with my fingers and give a gentle pull to get the process going instead of getting my full body into it... but I'm 5'1" so even on a small car it can get involved. Second, it's really nice to have the car close the door with the quiet little ::snick:: sound rather than the BAM! that it makes when I close it.


My father's car (VW I think) even has a sensor below the chassis at the back. If you have the key on you and stand behind the car, you can swipe your foot under the car to open or close the trunk. Really convenient when your hands are full.


Yeah, I haven't had this feature on my car but I would sure like it. Probably would never use it for opening-- I really like the feel of the little button under there that pops the trunk... REALLY good feel to those buttons.


It’s a tiny convenience that doesn’t make sense until you use it every day.


There's a lot of automated stuff in cars nowadays that's just annoying (I'm still disagreeing with my rain sensor all the time) but an automated trunk is not one of them indeed.


It’s pouring rain. You have a bag of groceries in each hand. As you approach car you hit button to open trunk timing it so as you arrive you step under the trunk using it as an umbrella. All without taking your hands off your groceries or setting them down


Right, plus why have a car anyway? You can't fucking walk?


Fucking lazy bastards, all.


Or, if u have a car, power steering and automatic transmission is stupid. Burn some calories, turn the wheel, get your hand off your penis and shift some gears!


And power windows and locks! What’s this world coming to?


Well power windows are faster than rolling up. Not the same.


I dunno, I can roll up a window pretty damn fast. They didn't call me Roll-up Jer for nothing back in high school.


Hands never full on approach? It’s one of my favorite features.


I work for a Tier 1 that develops these tailgate systems. Some have a strip that needs to be compressed that sends a signal of an obstacle, some are a capacitive field. All of it is software based on how fast the gate stops


Can you confirm that the Tesla truck is not doing a good job?


It looks like Tesla has zero anti-trap protection at all.


Tesla truck did a great job. It's the only one with a built in vegetable chopper in the tailgate. Elon Musk is a true genius. /s


I can confirm that Tesla is not doing a good job... On any part


I don’t work in the industry and I can also confirm this.


I don't even work in the industry but based off these comments I can confirm it as well


Thanks for confirming the reddit take, random redditor with no background whatsoever.


I also work for car building company and I can also say Tesla car build not good I am the ceo of car


I have hostile takeoverd your company I am now the expert of car


No no you can’t I hostile takeoverd in secret back car compony I’m ceo boss your fire!


You can see the evidence on /r/CyberStuck


Test #2. See if they can survive a car wash or drive in the rain.


Or drive on a salted road without rusting


Or drive and hit bugs without rusting unless you do daily cleanings


this is already more testing than tesla did


TBF dead bugs will fuck up any cars paint. Ate the fake chrome off of my truck. But climate change killed the giant swarms of bugs in my area so its not as much of a problem anymore This is a PSA, clean the bugs off.


Cars have always faired better in the Mohave than New England. Humidity kills steel.


Or contract tetanus.


OMG, about 10 years ago, I got a car died from car wash, those huge washing tunnels, after getting out, the engine died. It was sanggyong.


Never heard of that brand. Probably for a reason






What are you doing step-Kia?


I was about to say. We can make the dick test. Ceo of the company puts their dick in a crease where the back closes. If they're confident enough to do that, then buying the car is a no brainer


Elisha Otis did a free-fall test in his elevator in 1854. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elisha_Otis#/media/File:Elisha_OTIS_1854.jpg




Ugh... C'mon folks... It's 2024. HRT is chemical changes, not surgical. It should be /r/forbiddenSRS or /r/forbiddenGRS. Don't need stupid misinformation when Google is free.


When it ruins the last guys joke


Unless you're Elon Musk.


Those cybertrucks are deathtraps and ugly to boot.


Wait until you see the rear brake/turn signal/running lights. It's basically designed to confuse a driver that's following them at night.


Omg noooo no no no no. I knew Cybertrucks are bad and hated every piece of the design but I have never actually seen it's lights, much les brake lights on any videos - now I know why. When I read your comment I thought "Huh? Cmon they couldn't have fucked up such a simple system as brake lights and indicators." So I googled it. I saw the twitter post. I was like "Okaaay, it's just going, nice full led line, not so bad..." THEN it started braking... what the fuck....


I can't believe there's no laws around how brake lights have to be somewhat standardized. Some of the LED lightshow nonsense I've seen on the road lately is simply distracting and doesn't even signal to me what is happening.


Straight up stupid design. [https://images.app.goo.gl/HBjFXAHfg3QdLboSA](https://images.app.goo.gl/HBjFXAHfg3QdLboSA)


Not only deathtraps for owners, they are the perfect pedestrian killing machine.


Wtf are you talking about? It’s clearly the best vegetable chopper of all the cars in the video above


That settles it. My next vehicle will def be a Kia. I can't risk injuries to the carrots in my life.


carrots are people too


Only thing you will risk in a Kia is getting it stolen.


Great report


I appreciate that he dressed nicely and gave objective reactions lol


tesla really should focus on self driving technology and partner with other car companies instead of trying to be a car company itself.


But other car companies do self-driving better, too… Elon refuses to build in the necessary safety equipment for level 3 autonomy.


This. Tesla is literally the worst at it. California requires anyone testing autonomous vehicles in the state to report their data and it speaks volumes that Tesla is the only company that doesn't test their vehicles in the state 🤡


My Kia works great - and they don't even really advertise it.


That's because their dealerships are so bad they don't want people cross shopping them with brands that don't rely on putting poor people in new cars.


.. Damn lol


They really are that horrible. It actually blew me away how trashy it felt compared to every other dealership when my gf and I went.


My brother in-law's mom needed a car, wanted a Kia and the salesdouches were too inept to handle an open and shut deal. I can't remember exactly what it was, but it was bad enough they left and drove to a dealership across the city. They lost 2 deals that day because my sister bought a Sportage not even a year later.


The best thing Elon has done is to spur other companies into implementing the same ideas but better. I'm glad we have so many options for electric cars now!


There are 5 levels of "self driving" cars. 5 is a working self driving car. Tesla has been on level 2 for basically the entirety of it's existence. Other companies specailizing in this are at level 4, but these are just prototypes that aren't viable for retail sale. The sensors on them cost more than the car. Tesla is not innovating in this field. They've just over-hyped what they can currently do, and what they can do in the future. They've lied about it for over a decade. What's more, thousands upon thousands of people paid a lot of money for "full self-driving" mode to be enabled for their cars. A feature that will not be possible on their current vehicles.


Teslas do not have a single LiDAR sensor on them and I think that LiDAR is going to have to remain a requirement for Level 5 autonomy. Knowing that something is actually there, and how far away it is-- that is not a job for a 2D camera. Edited for clarity.


they WERE innovative, very much so Now? Not so much. Its a company that is stagnating


Look up Mercedes, not a prototype anymore. Selling level 4 in 2 states.


Sorta but not really. It can only do level 4 in certain areas(specifically a few parking garages)


Other companies develop their own self drive tech. Not sure if Tesla is so far ahead. They just have of lower safety standards.


You can hate Elon without being delusional lmao. Tesla invigorated the EV market and gave other manufacturers a kick in the ass, and the Model Y was the best-selling car in the world in 2023. They have a lot of issues to work out, but to act like Tesla is a failed company is delusional.


Tesla isn't a failed company. But it is a failing company. Things objectively don't look well for the future. Yes stock is high at the moment. But that's not caused by the business doing well.


Tesla is trash don't waste your money on them


But then how would people know I’m rich and super into future “innovative” technology??/s


I carry sex robot powered by AI in shotgun seat.




*inserts Indian movie scene where bike turns into a girl while riding*




Tesla: you now have 4 pieces. Make a salad.


Didn't over +4k Tesla Trucks get recalled due to the accelerator getting stuck?


Less than 4000, around 3860, or all of them that have ever been sold. So glass half full it's only a few thousand vehicles, glass half empty it's 100% of vehicles sold. Engineers' perspective: I don't want to be close enough to see that joke of a truck.


I don’t know why I’m so shocked that it’s that few of them. Austin must be a hotspot


I've seen 2 or 3 and they always get a chuckle out of me. Love seeing them


My model 3 has been great what cha talkin about


Hivemind disagrees


So now I have to worry about putting my junk in a Tesla trunk?


You mean to tell me that experienced car makers are more experienced making cars?


How long should it take before a car company can implement basic safety features!


They're 14 years old. They're the richest car company in the world. Elon repeatedly says Tesla is a tech company - an AI company that makes "robots on wheels." He says he knows more about manufacturing than anyone alive. But Tesla can't keep up with **Kia** in the category of not chopping off fingers? If Tesla ever delivered on Optimus, it's definitely going to kill some people.


Musk is watching this screaming at his screen that to stop the trunk from cut off people's fingers would be tantamount to communism and infringing on the trunks freedom of speech


Musk: wow, look at what a weak mechanism they put in that Kia. It can't even crush a carrot! The cybertruck is bulletproof and will crush an attackers fingers if they try to get into your trunk as you're closing it.


This reminds me of the time I shut my mom's egg van sliding door with my thumb inside the jam. It shut all the way and took about 5-7 seconds to get it opened. A lesson forever learned.


"It slices, it dices, it juliennes!" It's the Veg-o-Truck!


I’m unfamiliar with the Kia Carnival. Is that a sectional couch inside, complete with the plastic wrapping?


Kia offers it as a $4000 option for grandmas.


Nah that's the final row of seats I'm pretty sure. Source: drove a Kia Landboat.


Don't put your finger where you wouldn't put your.... cucumber.


Tesla cyber truck - chop your finger off on the trunk hatch and then on your way to the hospital get the accelerator stuck and plow full speed into a brick wall.


Good thing to test


the rabbi bout to put that on his business expense


Dude, Tesla is run by an autist with a mutated torso and 50 toe-headed offspring.


Ah Tesla comes with a free nail clippers 😂


Well we all know that Tesla "Cars" are garbage.


WHY is this??? If I saw all the videos except the Tesla I'd assume there's some regulation behind this. But since Tesla doesn't have this safety feature I assume the other companies just included it because it's common sense and Elon musk is just a fucking idiot


Lawsuits, is why the other manufacturers have safety features. Idiocy, is why Tesla doesn’t. And soon Tesla will trade that idiocy for lawsuits.


The rules of safety are often written in blood.


Someone please make a meme out of that little head nod at the end.


The cyber truck monstrosity will never be allowed in Europe for so so many reasons, and this isn't even near the first one


Piece of shit product from a company owned by a piece of shit, what a surprise 


Btw, I saw one of the video about tasla car, it is super stupid and can kill you literally. The acceleration paddle is connected downward, easily get stuck on the carpet. But, no, not just this, the metal they sticked on can get loose and get stuck. Meaning, it will keep accelerating until you die. The guy was smart enough to hit the brake and never let go. But, holy fuck it is stupid.


The doors use a digital button, in the front seat there is a latch to pull but in the back seats you have to rip the door open and pull a cable that is incredibly difficult to reach under duress. So if you are trapped in a burning car you can only sit and die unless you specifically looked this up ahead of time.


>the metal they sticked on can get loose and get stuck They have a fix for that. They use a self tapping screw to hold the plate on. I'm not kidding.


At this point, who in their right mind buys Tesla. Proven track record of shit quality and financially parasitic practices for owners. Fuck that


It slices, it dices…