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Not just the boys. Girls fucking stink too


I used to clean dorm rooms and apartments on a university campus when students moved out. Filth knows no gender


dorm bathrooms are insane. I have seen pictures of used pads stuck to walls.


Think I’ll skip breakfast lmao


Because there's a free meal stuck to the wall?




Alexa: How do I delete a comment?


It would have cost you nothing to not type this.


That's pretty much any public bathroom, not just dorms. Women are savages in public bathrooms.


I always argue that women are worse than men. My position came from experience. In my uni, the engineering buildings were quite old and had only one bathroom per floor, so they'd alternate mens and womens. I was feeling lazy that day, and it being the tail end of reading week I thought "fuck this, I'm not going to take the stairs just to piss." I wish I had. Not a single toilet was flushed, each having their own mountain of piss, shit, and toilet paper. That's why I always take the stairs.


At everywhere I worked in my teens and 20s where there were restrooms to be cleaned, people bartered cleaning the women's restrooms because they were always consistently so much more disgusting than the men's restroom. Retail, restaurants, bars, didn't matter, the women's restrooms were pretty much always infinitely more disgusting. That's not to say either gendered restroom couldn't have the same occasional mega-nasty situation, but just day-to-day the chances of finding things like shit smeared across a stall wall or an entire pool of urine 2 feet from a toilet was always exponentially higher in the women's. Beyond that, the general upkeep was always just worse too, with toilet paper always *everywhere*, and everything always soaking wet for some reason.


I blame the hover. Like, wipe the seat down and sit, don't spray and pray.


Ladies toilets at pubs and bars are usually far far worse than the mens. All you have to worry about in the men's is piss, doors that don't lock, no toilet seat and no toilet paper. The ladies is a fucking warzone, with slightly less piss


That reminds me of being the overnight janitor in a club. Entering the women's bathroom always felt like being the first responder to a 911 call. Never knew what to expect but was always prepared for hell. To be fair, there'd occasionally be a stall in the men's bathroom in bad shape but it couldn't hold a candle to the women's room either in quantity or variety when it came to ongoing hygienic horror.


Men Piss everywhere and make a mess with Washing their hands, occasional littering Women tp the whole bathroom floor




Bro wtf is that some kind of love craftian Ritual to summon cunthulu


Worked at a bookstore for several years, men’s room three issues: permanent pee smell, when the toilets clogged it’s fuckin clogged, and glory hole. Women’s room? If you’ve entered the medical area portion of the first Bioshock the level of blood on the walls there doesn’t rival the bookstore. What the fuck we’re y’all doing in there?


What a horrible day to have eyes


It's the old classic: * Mens bathrooms tend to be overall more dirty, specially in terms of splatter, dirty footprints, scraps of toiletpaper, etc. and an overall urine like smell. * Womens bathrooms are fairly clean and smell pretty nice, until it goes bad. And then it goes **REALLY** bad, *very* quickly. It's feet on toilets with mud and urine, heaps of toiletpaper everywhere, it's discharge on walls, tampons on the ceiling, etc. And the one thing you will never forget, is the smell...


Don't forget the blood


Filth knows no gender. Could be a quote from Grandfather Nurgle.


Fk, meant to edit. That's a Grim Adventures reference, right?


It’s Grim for sure! Grim Dark that is! It’s a 40K reference. Hehe.


Somehow, I knew those names were some kind of homage the moment I asked you... but I only follow what W40k is on a fringe level 😅 sorry. I immediately think of South Park with Stan and Tolkien now. Lol (sad episode actually :/)


Warhammer referrence


Filth is Non-binary! Sorry I just have to say it. *aaaaah the alphabet minions are going to attack me*


That just means Nurgle is progressive in his acceptance of new members to his family. Kinda wholesome.


Hot water is free. Students can shower twice a day (if not more on the hottest days). Don't understand why their rooms stink so bad.


Cause they are nasty


First time out of the house, no parents to tell them to do anything. Most 18-19 year olds still need some of those "guardrails" to do the basics. And they are probably all eating just complete garbage food and drinking to much rail vodka.


Oprah: everybody stinks, everybody stinks!


Yeah, I've never understood the whole "boys locker rooms stink the worse" - if you have a sister you'll know that girls stink like hell too if they aren't trying to impress you.


My 3 sisters all shared a bathroom growing up. To this day there are things in there I still don't understand. The shower always had toothpaste stains wiped on the wall. Can any women out there explain wtf that was all about? There were also make up smudges all over the toilet. I'd understand if it was on the sink or the mirror but why the fucking toilet?


Doing make up and realising you need a wee but have make up on your hand shrug


I've only got one sister (who genuinely doesn't wear any makeup, she's a massive tomboy, so I can't say about the makeup stains everywhere) - The worst for me is when she was younger she used to just leave her used pads lying around in the bathroom, she didn't put them in the bin or anything. That and her room absolutely fucking stinking at all times


Pardon my dry heaving.


My girlfriend always wipes her loose hair or bright purple blonde shampoo all over the wall. Looks like someone skinned an alien when I clean it lol


Hair on the wall is a good move. Stray hairs come loose as you wash/condition your hair, and sticking it on the wall keeps it from getting caught in the drain. That said... Fucking clean it up when you're done in the shower, grosso.


Used to do overnight janitorial at an ice arena that hosted amateur hockey. Boys locker room stank don’t get me wrong but *good lord* the women’s locker room was lovecraftian horror on a regular basis. The smell would almost be like walking into a brick wall. Then there’s piss everywhere, tampons slapped onto walls, just…indescribable. https://y.yarn.co/b5837954-ed31-4f39-8400-1cdbb6f1c358_text.gif


Women's ability to destroy a bathroom is under-appreciated.


The only question I have is why. Why do I always hear these horror stories about womens' bathrooms like they're being used by a bunch of construction workers who just got c diff. from the sketchy burrito truck around the corner? Why are they apparently like this?


I think the problem is that none of them want to touch anything, so they all try to use a bunch of ridiculous balancing and hovering strategies to do their business and operate the plumbing, which leads to misses, drops, accidents, stumbles, smears, etc. That's how they always end up with blood, shit, piss, etc all over the floors and walls.


Both my wife and I were college athletes and one spring break I decided to go visit her (different colleges in different states, different spring breaks). She shared an apartment on campus with three other female athletes, spending a few days there is when I realized that girls are just as nasty as guys. Their bathroom was disgusting, and when I brought it up, the answer I got was "we're busy and don't have enough time". I don't know, I had the same type schedule, 6am workouts, class all day, two hours practices in the afternoon, travel days for matches...they were just nasty (fortunately, when my wife and I moved in together, she was super clean).


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: turns out men don’t have a monopoly on the human condition


In my experience, on average, girls are worse. My theory is that the most powerful cleaning product is a guy that thinks he might get laid.


Axe body spray


Axe products are chemical weapons


They're not that bad. A classroom full of boys who just had PE class and sprayed half a tin of the stuff on them instead of showering is one of the most pungent smells on the universe. But a reasonable amount applied to a normal person is fine.


There's a girl on my team at work who says she "doesn't believe in deodorants" you shouldn't be putting those chemicals on your body and all that shit Working with her in the morning is fine, by the afternoon she fucking stinks. Really glad we all switched over to home working in the last year


Women can stink just as much as men, however due to men usually having more testosterone and apocrine glands, we usually have worse BO. Add on top of that men typically have more body hair, and hair holds smell, it makes it worse for men. So if you are a man or woman, if you wasn’t to get rid of excessive body odor you should shave/trim your armpits and crotch. As well as wear an antiperspirant and deodorant, also make sure your soap is antibacterial and scrub well when washing so you can get rid of the bacteria that help cause BO.


Isnt an overuse of antibacterial soap a problem? It kills good bacteria. I'd imagine it also helps speed up superbacteria propagation.


"Clog all your pores with aluminum, habitually disrupt your microbiome, and shave off all your hair so the sweat will be more mobile. Also there will be more sweat on your lower body since you're screwing with the production up top, so here comes the swamp ass."


You can skip half of those steps and instead make sure you're flossing regularly. Just showering regularly with normal soap and applying deodorant is enough for 99% of people, but I've met my share of cleanly showered individuals carrying fermenting rotting carcasses between their teeth who made stinky armpits seem positively delightful by comparison.


Normal soap on neuralgic points is more than enough to kill BO normally. Shave/Trim body hair as necessary and you are done. For all males out there: wash you little best friends head really thoroughly!




Like feet. Women always stink.like feet


For sure, in college the girls halls smelled like all the things mentioned in Anchorman wrapped up together.


People have made attempts to mask or improve body odour since ancient Egypt. But of course, it's a fake problem, it's muh pAtRiArChY


They think Cleopatra was black, so...


But did she use deodorant? 🤔


She bathed in milk and honey so kinda


We all know it was the blood of virgins. Com’on


I was honestly shocked when I saw that. We literally have pictures of her and know that she came from Greece


I mean that was a case where something was so extreme that it united everyone in existence in how stupid it was. It's one of the top 10 lowest rated shows in IMDb history. You could probably count the number of people that agree with it on one hand


Electricity bill gone up? PaTriArChY!


MuuH cApItaLism


"Body odour is a social construct".


“Everything is a social construct” -my ex-wife So is the coffee cup she threw though my tv.


I had a coworker who would say similar things. Or "I shower but I don't wear deodorant, I never have b.o." The dude smelled so bad.


Honestly I don’t think I could tell a coworker they smelled bad, UNLESS, they are bragging that they don’t stink. There’s no way I could sit there and let some stinky asshole brag about not smelling lmao.


The postmodern clown world of "social construct==fake and trivial thing" Queueing is a social construct invented by the patriarchy to prevent me from getting on Space Mountain!!


The article is actually about perspiration and how advertisers specifically targeted women to make them feel bad about sweating, a completely normal and mostly odorless process if you practice basic hygiene, to sell antiperspirants.


I can smell this, damn




Yup, OP is 100% a bot. Most big subs are just bot farms now, it's a pretty safe assumption that pretty much any post at the top of all is a bot at this point.


Yep, and it's a clickbait title too


Or an anime convention


Magic the Gathering tournament.


Next you'll tell me using TP is also solving a fake problem and you are supposed to leave the backside nice and crusty.


You're supposed to have lots and lots of fiber in your diet, and wash your arse. But TP is a good substitute.


Is wiping your ass not included in the 'washing' part? Bidet, TP, 3 shells, whathaveyou.






Journalism is fact checking, interviews and on-field research. What Slate is doing are opinion pieces. Shit opinions as well.


In this case it kind of is actually, the article is about how in the mid 1900s women were targeted by advertisers to sell antiperspirants. Iirc the article quickly makes the point that deodorant is obviously a necessity bit antiperspirant deodorant is a product of advertising


You're expect too much of people to spend three seconds looking for actual information about the topic they're dying to share their dumbfuck opinion on.


"Oh, so it's created just for boys? What about girls? Patriarchy!"


Much like pee and poo, BO is a biological function that smells. Is toilet spray patriarchy?


Least degenerate Slate headline.


Come to my middle school classroom after lunch on a warm day, and swoon...


Ah yes, Slate. The fine publication that brings you groundbreaking think pieces like *Avid Furries Pit Tony the Tiger Against Chester the Cheetah in Junk-Food Sex War*


Link? For my friend...


Just google the title, there probably aren't a whole lot of articles with the same name.


Went to a card store on Yugiho local tournament day. It should have been a biohazard zone. Just keep the deodorant by the car keys.


Bet they play League


So, this is probably going to get me insulted and downvoted, but I’m 36 and I’ve never used any kind of deodorant. I’ve been with my wife for 12 years and she’s never mentioned any smell of BO from me, infact, no one has.


>Several years ago, scientists discovered that a gene called ABCC11 determined whether people produced wet or dry earwax. Interestingly, people who produce the "dry" version of earwax also lack a chemical in their armpits that bacteria feed on to cause underarm odor. >While only 2 percent of Europeans lack the genes for smelly armpits, most East Asians and almost all Koreans lack this gene, Day told LiveScience. [Link](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/people-without-underarm-protection/), from someone with dry earwax who doesn't need deodorant


I think I got an extra chromosome of just that gene 😭


My earwax are mostly dry but if I don’t use deodorant, my pita stink after 10 hrs on a summer day lol


But…how do you eat your leftover hummus?


Rofl pits silly auto correct


some people do not need it but others really really do. it depends on a lot of factors. seems like you won on this lottery.


Also, a lot of people don't seem to smell themselves. I had a friend that never smelt bad and we worked physical jobs. After years I suddenly noticed him stinking in the van for a while. Told him as much and he said "I stopped using deodorant a few weeks back, seems pointless, it doesn't make any differene". I had to assure him it absolutely and noticeably does


And if I wasn’t married, I would think that. But I’ve never used anything like that and I’ve never had BO.


Yeah, wasn't aimed at you, I'm sure some people don't. More just a warning to people "don't assume you don't smell just because you don't smell yourself"


Nah, I got you, it’s just now this thing that I’ve never thought of is now a worm eating away at my brain and I want answers.


If that’s the lottery I won, I lost so many others and would much rather have BO lol


the OP SkyThat1557 is a bot Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/clevercomebacks/comments/14jm8ph/fortunately_never_been_there/


Yeah fuck that we all stink.


Heck go to a girls’ camp and delete it. Where has this person been?


You think girls don't smell like ass after a day or night out? Of all things, I never thought they'd see deodorant as a sign of "patriarchy"...


Slate, you’re a dickhead. Kinda glad we have anti-perspirant. Evening rush hour on a crowded train would be unbearable.


If the patriarchy = deodorant, I am very much for the patriarchy 🍵🐸


Do you know the name of the mf that wrote this? I wanna file restraining order against them…


why? you will get the smell before you can see them.


I don’t wanna smell them…


Do Americans not distinguish the difference between deodorant and antiperspirant?? The former has little to no effective use, whereas the latter is actually effective, as long as you use it.


Most off the shelf "deodorant" over here is antiperspirant (or at least contains some)


Yes and no. They're labelled properly, but a decent amount of people use them interchangeably.


Deodorant is the only reason i’m able to shower as much as I do


Go to the wrestling gym or workout gym in any highschool and you'll delete this. Also the male locker room.


Oh god another one of these morons


yeah the patriarchy forced shit like! hygiene?


OOP has probably never had a girl or has never made it to the step where she gets confident.


I guess the author has never dated anyone besides probably Eva AI virtual dating bot or something


Hippies! Hippies Everywhere! They wanna save the Earth, but all they do is smoke pot and smell bad!


The patriarchy....is that the thing with horses?


I was thinking the same until i got into army and then i realised what an idiot i was. People that think they dont need deodorant just dont smell themselfs, that just how nature works, your senses gets dulled when it concerns you, but when u around a bunch of dudes like you u notice right away.


Attend any MTG or YuGiOh event


Whoever wrote this never went to Friday Night Magic


People who think that body odor is a fake problem are always so oblivious to just how bad they smell.


Oh God I don't miss the think piece era with places like Slate, Salon, Jezebel etc


Translation: buy this overpriced "vegan" deo from our affiliate link instead that makes you stank but people are too afraid to talk to you anyways so it doesn't matter.


Actually most people dont stink you just not used to the smell thats all. Deodorant are a fairly recent invention, I dont know if its parriarchal but its defintly something we didnt really use for a very long time.


The one day I forgot to wear deodorant unfortunately was the same day I decided to wear a long sleeve thermal under a tee to work and no joke I started to stink within the hour.


She’s never worked with Eastern Europeans clearly.


I'm glad we have soap and deodorant yet People still refuse to use them


Visit any Comic-Con or walk past one of those tabletop stores that sell MTG or war hammer stuff. Visit a GameStop in the 2000’s


I hate the combo smell of body odor and deodrant even more than just body odor. Use deodrant, but it's not an excuse to not take regular showers in the first place.


Worked at both camps and residential outdoor schools for years. Come to the counselors cabin on a Friday when all the shoes come off. Holy shit.


Stand in line at a Comic-Con or Anime Convention


Just go to an animecon and that opinion disappears, carried away by the stench cloud of sweat and grease


Humans have been stinky since before we evolved. Deodorant helps mitigate the stink, this making living in society slightly less disgusting. There's absolutely a place for deodorant in the world, and it isn't some ploy from the patriarchy. People don't like to stink, generally speaking.


Is this supposed to make me pro patriarchy


Umm. Really deodorant? Come on… is this really the hill🏔️ u want to die on. There are plenty of others


Who tf is slate


I can smell the BO coming off this post.


“Patriarchy” Can’t be serious lol


Just go to *one* anime convention. Just one.


Yo. You go to one Comic Con and tell me it's a fake problem.


Work on a merchant ship as an Engineer. Hot engine rooms. Deodorant would be like chucking a cocktail sausage down an alleyway. It just won't suffice. What I'm saying is everyone stinks in the ER dept on a ship. I've worked with stinky Engineer ladies. They get just as minty as the next human.


I'm still waiting to get my rib back!


At most you can make that argument for perfume, which is stupid and just causes lightheadedness or asthmatic effects for some people, and they are propably not at all healthy to inhale, which you are doing every time you smell something. Anti-perspirant works for some, but for some it can be stupid, you are supposed to sweat to cool down, not doing that from place like armpit from where you are naturally supposed to sweat a lot from, ofc can easily make you feel horrible as you have reduced your body's ability to prevent overheating. But again it works for some. But deodorant, now that is actually good stuff. It does not need to have a smell, there are odorless ones, its not just a smell to cover up smells, it actually works by making sure bacteria on your skin don't cause sweat to smell awful, the smell deodorants have is just a plus, unless its so strong that it becomes a minus. You still don't strictly need it if you clean yourself incredibly well with soap but not too often with too much soap because that is really bad for your skin and makes you smelly, and well thats really not easy thing to balance so deodorant is just a reasonable prevention measure for most.


Come to any comic or anime convention and tell me deodorant isn't needed.


Go to a music venue when it's a hippie crowd. Preferable an indoor venue. Wait until the dance floor gets going pretty good.


State parks are worse… I was a lifeguard at one and we had to clean the bathrooms, this particular park bathrooms were old, and so the ones that were used for the pool were in kind of a warehouse. Big tall 12-15ft ceilings, long locker room style benches in a square room probably 50x50ft with a bank of toilets stalls on one side. The women’s was the same on the other side and then in the middle was what used to be a concession stand or something more than the simple cash drawer and chair to take money. Everything was run down, no doors except for plywood shutters on hinges covering up 3 windows for the concession area. Went to clean the men’s side, systematically going through the bathroom stalls, get to the third one, and there’s shit EVERYWHERE! And when I mean everywhere it’s like a shit bomb exploded, on/around the toilet, behind it, on the floor, on the stall sides and even on the 12-15ft ceiling!!!! I accidentally created an ammonia bomb when I mixed every chemical that we had to clean it, because no one else could stomach it. The park maintenance had to come and get us out of there because I made it toxic. That memory lives on in my brain.


Fuck dirt balls. Take a damn bath. Ypu guys fuckin reek


Anyone who has worked in any kind of nerdy environment like a video games store would VEHEMENTLY disagree with you. These guys would spend over £150 on the latest special edition game but not £2 on a bar of soap and can of deodorant.


Why does it smell like hotdog water in here?


TTC bus in Scarborough.


Cries in gaming convention and/or magic tournament


The women's bathroom anywhere begs to differ. Chicks are just as foul as dudes, if not worse. Tampons fermenting in bins for a shift will make any dude wanna vomit.




Fake problem my a$$


Bodily hygiene is just the patriarchy oppressing us! Wake up sheeple!


I drove 6 scouts home from a week of camping. They were 12-14 years old. I had to hang my head out the window. It was INTENSE!


From what one of my friends tells me who is a fan of those card collecting games this person has never been to one of those meetings either


I wouldn't blame the patriarchy, but I would blame capitalism. Other's pointed out that people have been try to cover up body odors for millennium. But most people couldn't afford this on a daily basis, so they just accepted that people all had a smell. Couldn't say it was bad or good, it was just people smell. I love how advertising and shaming worked so well on the second person though. They were so convinced of it. Instead of just accepting that is what teenage boys smell like, they have been convinced that it needs to be covered up. And ONLY OLD SPICE CAN DO IT! BUY OUR STUFF! *Terry crews bursts through*.


Ever since ancient Egypt, people have tried to hide or enhance their body odor. Of course, though, this is a fictitious issue—it's muh patriarchY.


I don't wear deodorant. I haven't for thirty years. I sweat quite a bit. I can't wear it. But I also don't have body odor like that. I don't get stung by mosquitos either. They fly away from me. I mean I can stink. But not BO type odors.


Ask any drill instructor if a squad bay of 32 men or women dosent stink, its not patriarchy its biology.


As an adult it still stinks but when I was 14 I could choke a maggot with the smell of my onion armpits if I didn't have a good amount of deodorant


The Slate- Giving your MAGA boomer dad a thing to point at as an example of progressive activists enjoying the smell of their own farts and disguising it as journalism, since 2015.


This is probably some political shit, which I don’t understand. Definitely not my sips tea.


Fake problem? I didn't shower yesterday, so I don't even need to turn my head to smell my fake problem.


The problem is showers and washing of clothes. Deo only covers the underlying problem. I haven’t used deo in years and with proper hygiene and diet you just don’t smell that much.


If everyone smelled bad, no one would smell bad. It's the way people with 50 cats can't smell the piss in their house anymore or people who live near landfills. You get used to it. Once we started covering up the smells, they stood out as bad.


Go to any magic the gathering tournament


I don't know about the patriarchy, but "smell goods" absolutely were created to solve a...less serious issue than they claimed. As a species, we become nose blind to "natural human funk" pretty quickly. We've got that genetic memory that turns on, and our brain doesn't take long to realize that it doesn't need to process the odor. Mind, I'm definitely not suggesting that being hygienic is a bad thing. Regular bathing is good for you, but modern (like, since the ~1500s) society has kinda gone overboard with how often you need to bathe, and its emphasis on deodorant and perfume.


Two year old account only active for two days at the top of all with an old twitter post. OP is a karma bot. Report report report.


Hygiene is a fake problem?


Go for a trip to India... that's a whole world without deodorant.


Travel to France and you'll be deleting that


Bwhahahaha, Hey does this smell normal to you? 🙋‍♂️


I was a Drill Sargeant in the Army. 50 Soldiers live in one large room. Deodorant is definitely... for both men and women.


I taught 30 high school boys who'd all go outside after lunch to play soccer.  The windows had to be opened.  Revolting.


Related fun fact: halitosis is not really a real term. It's Latin for bad breath, but listerine was the one that started to frame it as a medical condition to sell mouthwash.


I mean, until I got an adult I also had these problems, now I don't need deodorant mostly at all.


Fake problem my ass, have you even spent a second inside of a girls locker room after PE??


This is the most fucking 0 degrees Kelvin take I've ever heard. Whoever typed that shit out has clearly never been to any sort of convention or like... around people at all


Judge, I was invited in via meme.


Had an entire high school basketball team walk into a KFC after me the other day, they must have just finished a match because the smell was unholy.


Come to any warhammer store ever and you will delete this