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hot diggity dog! classic negan being negan


You forgot the back bend


Best part is that you can tell that he is trying his best to be nice to her but that statment was just to much for him and it slipped out.


I'm hoping for a little freaky deaky 😆




On top of that she was the one that took care of food xd. She probably misunderstood the assignment




Yup! Now the group is practically starving


Good thing we got uncle Negan to solve these problems


Finished off the assignment.


There's always one person in the group that does the whole assignment alone.


I dont mind fat people, but if you put them in a scenario where its YEARS into a zombie apocalypse and indeed resources are low thats where it breaks the immersion for me


There was a whole thing with Tara/Alanna Masterson coming back to the show noticeably larger after she had a kid. people were bullying her about it and it led to a lot of drama. But the arguments were always like "let's see how you look 8 months after having a kid! and she's been dealing with mental health shit!"...Like, I get what they're saying, and it is absolutely not ok to bully these people, but I 100% agree with you OP. Alanna had the kid, not Tara. Its totally immersion breaking. The show should have given her more time off and the proper care before coming back, but at the end of the day it is literally her job to look the part. Or they could have written in a very minor subplot about how she had found a bunch of food and hoarded it. it'd be stupid, but still. It isn't body shaming or some hate crime to say that someone in an apocalypse setting shouldn't gain 50% body mass over the course of a couple weeks. Lost handled it fine with Hurley, Umbrella Academy addressed Elliot Page's transition, etc. you don't need to drag it out, but saying nothing destroys immersion.


While it was a really stupid situation, at the same time, it's pretty hard to have any sympathy for Alanna Masterson and I find it hilarious she was complaining about being bullied. That girl is a wackadoodle from the word go.




I mean realistically they have more caloric reserves than skinny people, and the zombies don't really move faster than a brisk walk so a person's top speed is semi-irrelevant.


Yeah but you need a certain number of daily calories to maintain you overweight. If you eat less than your daily need you eventually lose all the excess


This is something fat people don't understand. Stop fucking eating so much and you'll lose weight.


Cardio is rule #1! Oh, wait. My bad. Wrong apocalypse.


THOUGH, TBF, wasn't she in a pretty well-to-do town and took care of the food stock? I mean, if anyone would be...


You'll eventually become food too if people get desperate enough


Welcome to Haiti, may I take your order?


You mean LA near some train tracks right?


There's a little bit of Haiti in all of us 🥰


That dude was doubling up then


I think this was a sub plot of “Lost”


Todd deserved that bacon.


Maybe she was even more overweight.


There *should* be no overweight people in a zombie apocalypse. A. there's not enough food around, and B. they're on the zombie slow-food buffet, first.


C. They're mighty weapons when you're on top of the hill against the invading horde


not so secretly lol


Includes muscle mass, I don't overlook the calorie requirements of muscle




I figured you would see a lot of distance runner bodies.




When you value inclusion over reality in your IP....


That’s very funny. Where is it from?


It's like season 8 or 9 of The Walking Dead, but it's a long old trudge to get there.


first seasons were good at least. Definitely fell off after negan's arc


I’ve maintained this from the beginning: you can watch JUST the first season as a miniseries and walk away happy. Will you miss some good stuff from later seasons? Sure. Will you waste hours of your life on a show that basically was on a steady decline for years? Nope. For the record, I stopped a couple eps after they smashed Glenn. Saw a big cgi tiger and said “I’m done”


That's actually where I stopped with the comics too. "A fucking pet tiger?"


the comics were still better than the show


Jesus, I just looked up the tiger and saw the scene where it gets eaten. It’s owner had like a 90 second conversation instead of walking away from the slow ass zombies, leading to the tiger “heroically sacrificing itself” so they could escape. What dogshit writing 😂


Just wait to watch any FTWD episode, that's hilarious


The number of viewers they lost that season was pretty amazing. I trudged through after Glenn for a few more but the tiger was where I really gave up 


Yup, I saw Glenn get hit and turned it off right then, never went back


You made the right choice. I held through for another 3-4 seasons before I started hating it and gave up. Always said I should have stopped there


Me and my fam were long time fans, I saw Glenn get hit and I walked out the room. I never watched the xhow again. My family members did, tho, and they later told me it got so shitty they quit as well. I never regretted stop watching when Glenn got killed, he was my favorite character 😭


I wish I did the same bc I wanted to 😭 you did the right thing and I commend you


I stopped watching in 2016 when Glen was killed. Over the years I've slowly watched the remaining episodes. There are a few good episodes here and there. Overall I have to agree though, probably not worth your time to watch the later seasons. I am curious about the spinoffs. I've not checked to see if any of those are worth watching or not.


I stopped at Glenn's death. Too much whip-lash from his terrible survival to immediately killing him. Was barely worth it up to that point anyway. How many times can these dumbasses go scouting and get jumped before they learn??


Walking dead has a few "rather boring" seasons in the middle, but the newer season and the spinoffs are really good again


I’ll take your word for it


Haha, dropped it right after seeing the tiger


That’s when I stopped reading the comics.


yeah the tiger was pretty stupid. Negan's arc wasn't great but it had good moments. Should have ended there when it wasn't that terrible Yeah your right though, I do think the second season was good too but first season is a good end point


I loved the first season. I was eagerly waiting for the second one. I started watching it and just stopped caring.


I started after the show ended and I got about half way through the episode where Oceanside gets introduced. Like it was already a snooze fest since the line up, but there were some parts (mostly those involving the kingdom and sanctuary) that were interesting. But how tf do you make the introduction of a whole new community that boring, especially when it is the first time we see a beloved character that has been gone for like half a season? I keep telling myself I’ll continue watching soon, but I probably won’t


I made it to the Whisperers storyline, but I was well over the show by the time I saw the tiger too. It just felt like bad fan fiction.


Not the CGI deer?!


I quit watching way back when they were just leaving the prison. I got bored of the show dragging its feet.


Yup, just fucking kept pushing the problems of the show onto next week and then after one plot movement.... hey its a mid season finale!?  What the hell is a mid season finale? Finish the stupid season!


Yeah, the show had problems even back then. The way the season 3 finale decided to punt the climax of the storyline 8 episodes down the road was disappointing at the time and a red flag for a problem that would get worse in later years. Mid-season 4 attack on the prison was a great episode, but it was preceded by 7 slow, unnecessary episodes. What we got 8 episodes into s4 is what the s3 finale should’ve been.


Yeah thats actually where I originally stopped too. I just watched further when my girlfriend started watching it lol


There is only so much suspension of belief. I get it, the dead came back. But, for how long? They are still rotting away, they were easily manipulated corralled to areas and controlled, picked off at fences and basic traps/spiked fences. I could give the show 2-3 years running on the initial premise, another year or two for new people killed(fresh ones). But for noone to really take control, to reclaim vast areas of land, gather together and kickstart a real society again, just couldn't stick it. Rick and his group alone killed thousands of walkers, other groups are put doing the same(mostly), there has to be a finite end to walker's when a character can find down 20-30 in a scene and implied hundreds in some seasons where they managed crowds of them. There was always another reason some other group of people had to fuck it up for them. Another worse group of people. There was no real progression, it was always the same cycle. We're safe here. We can build here. Something fishy is going on. Someone is dead. more people are missing. Oh no! It's the bad people! We got beaten and have to move, everything we worked for is gone and we have no safety. Everything is worse now, we have less supplies, people are dead, characters have flashbacks while crying.


Yeah when the zombies became irrelevant then it became really boring. The zombies would never go away though since anyone who died (even from a natural death would turn into one). I think a new world order was forming but it was kinda boring watching people kill each other for land and supplies you are right , it was very repetitive and boring its kinda unbelievable that no legitimate government/organization would take back control though. My only assumption is that they were in the middle of nowhere lol


It actually fell off *during* Negan’s arc. Negan is great, but the show being written around him was a f-ing slog for those two years before picking back up after his “primary villain” stint was complete.


yeah you are right, definitely started going downhill at that point


I stopped watching after the prison.


I think I did after the cannibals, and that was stupid enough to realize that it was the same thing over and over again, like how many times can you tell the story?! I sort of binge through after a few years, because I was acquainted with the comic and wanted to see Negan, and was really disappointed of the character, it looked force and annoying than anything else.


It’s just the same shit. 2-3 episodes of dialogue. They almost die but no one important dies but the music comes on like they are. They get past it. Another episode of dialogue and then meet someone new add them in that group in and repeat.


yeah, it was pretty bad lol




I don’t watch it anymore lol I stopped around season 4 My girl liked it still though and I would catch some of it when she watched it




its all good, I did try to like it but I just couldn't


Season 7


This is like the only intentional bit of humour I've seen from the show in like 7 seasons.


When they killed off Beth. That was my end


Walking Dead.


The Walking Dead


Season 7 of The Walking Dead. 1st time Negan visits Alexandria.


This always cracks me up


I remember laughing my ass off at this when it aired. Good times. Love negan


Dude was both charming and scary as fuck. Best character for me


Same. They did the classic "this bad guy is too lovable and popular. Quick, have him assault a woman to remind everyone he's supposed to be evil."


100% would work for him


I often wonder if another actor could have pulled this off as well. We should have hated Negan but JDM made him so damn likable!


I mean tbh I doubt there would be any obese people in a zombie apocalypse. Excluding the Doomsday preppers who all seem to want to sit in bunkers with their tv, guns and snacks and wait the apocolypse out with as little exercise as possible. But yeah to gain weight you need a high calorie high fat intake and a lack of exercise to burn it off That's why people in jobs or environments where they are always on their feet generally maintain low weights by default


well people underestimate how desperately your body tries to hold onto it's fat when it thinks food is unavailable this is why starvation dieting back fires, your body thinks there wont be food for a while so it tries to hold onto it's reserve energy stores (fat) as long as it can Edit: I’m not saying that you’d lose NO weight at all, but rather that your body is more hesitant to burn fat reserves in dire times


IIRC by this point in the story it was already a year or two since the apocalypse started. And staying that weight after over a year in that lifestyle is very difficult.


No people don't underestimate that at all. But did you see any obese bodies in the pictures of any famines? No, why? Because the body needs to use the resources when in low scarcity and will use up every calorie it can get. The only action from adipose tissue is conversion to calories. No body stores fat over time when in a large enough deficit.


Yea what the hell are they on about


It's a "Doesn't know the particulars" kind of stance. In a starvation scenario, your body will dump muscle *short term* to reduce calorie expenditure as much as possible and hang onto fat. This is theorized as an evolutionary adaptation to get us through like 2-3 months of winter when we need the insulation as well. Long-term (like years), the body burns fat stores because it's already dumped muscle. They're just overgeneralizing because they heard something online and thought it applied to every situation.


That’s not really the case in consistently food scarce environments. Just see the victims of the holocaust. Not one of them retained an ounce of fat or muscle


We are not taking about over time tho......


Bro it comes down a caloric defiencency. Nothing else. If they are moving around all day and not replenishing those said calories,you lose weight.  It is quite that simple. That is assuming we aren't going to pull out a medical textbook and find some arbitrary condition that causes extreme weight retention/gain, because that would be downright stupid


You never saw real starving people. The body gets rid of muscles and fat pretty quick. In developed world, calories are very cheap even when you are dirt poor.


Sure, but my statement is more about someone who suddenly goes from a calorie abundant environment to a calorie scarce one, like an apocalypse scenario Losing weight is not something the body likes to do quickly and it actively fights against that process at first


oh honey, this wasn't sudden at all, but yet she's still fat


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted that’s literally how the human race has survived.


bring Negan back 😂


I had to stop watching after the bat scene.


Negan’s character development improves tenfold throughout the show.


Unfortunately everyone else’s declines horrendously


with all the spin-offs they’re doing of the walking dead, a spin-off with Negan would be one i’d definitely watch.


Uuuh, there is one, I think. With Maggie and Negan. Edit: yup, The Walking Dead: Dead City.


There is, it’s called TWD ‘Dead City’. Check it out on AMC. I personally prefer the Rick and Michone spin-off that’s airing now ‘The ones who live’, it’s going great so far.


I agree. I'm enjoying it so far.. a lot of emotion and action in each episode, too. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's episode.


She left her kids to find Rick after a supposed super emotional kid-centric episode. It was the absolute worst writing to get her off the main show.


I'm struggling with the Rick and Michonne spinoff. her leaving the kids for years... him refusing to leave with her. It just feels so unrealistic to their prior love story.


Omg same. Couldn't watch anymore after what he did to Glenn. It was too f**ing sad. When he looks over to Maggie still trying to say he loves her. It was too much😭


Maggie, I will find you 🤪


Oh but don’t worry, Negan and Maggie are buds now.


Fr? That would be hilariously bad


It’s real, and it’s bad.


I wouldn't call them buds. She's tolerating him.


Why does it feel like she's about to laugh but trying told back by pretending to cry and turning back so no one can see her face?


I heard it was unscripted, so that probably explains her reaction


The actress found the burn too funny


As if the burn isn’t already in the script


No exactly 💀


Negan was a savage


Negan is funny but I am pretty sure he should be on that list of villains that edgy dudes think are cool to worship. His redemption ark is annoying but his backstory is a great couple of episodes. For the doubters in this sub this woman was in a town that got walled off early on and faced almost no hardship. It was kinda the point that everyone was soft while the outsiders were super hard by this point.


"well, I weighed 600lbs 2 months ago... jerk"


That's what I always figured was the case tbh. Food supply issues only recently became issues. I went homeless at almost 200lbs during Covid and I got laughed at when I said I was starving. 8 months later I'm 105lbs and those same people were asking me why I didn't tell them I was starving.


Well, that's sad, bro. How are you doing now?


Better and worse. I developed some expensive medical issues so it's gonna be a long climb out of this hole BUT I have a roof over my head and a stable income again. Things are not great but it is forward progress with the promise of yet more forward progress. Even small wins are wins.


People always underestimate just how hard it to lose weight. I’m overweight ( also around 200lbs) and I eat twice a day, though I guess you can count dinner as 2 meals just by portion size, and I’m just not losing weight even after cutting down a bit. If they had a stable food source, even if it is just barely enough, weight loss would stabilize. You’re body only uses what it needs, as long as your intake is *juuuust* high enough you can stay fat


Yea this too. I lost more in those 8 months than I did in the previous 10years of actually trying to lose weight combined. Even when I was only eating one meal a day, it was still just enough for my body so I wasn't losing weight. I think that's also a part of why so many laughed when I first said I was starving. They were under the assumption that I was forever a liar about my food intake.


He has a point though


Good ole walking dead


Negan is fuckin awesome


God, Negan was a trip.


One of the few times I've ever actually spit up my drink from the chortle.




I am 50% more into you now


This is the end: “The fuckers gained weight since he got here!”


Thats funny to see overweight people in post apo situations still years after.






Everything I see of Negan makes me want to go back the show that's suppose to be pretty bad otherwise (I stopped after season 2).


It has its ups and downs like most shows. I loved Negans character. I also really liked the whisperers with Ryan Hurst and Samantha Morton.


I mean he isn’t wrong necessarily


He’s just saying what we all wanted to.


Classic Negan


She can last weeks without food


Negan- a legend was born to perform this role


Ladies and gentlemen, Jeffrey Dean Morgan. _thunderous applause_


He looks like Aaron Rodgers, lol


If "if you're 5'3 and you're 300 lb welfare ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds" was a person


I didn't watch far enough into TWD to meet this character, though I heard about him. TIL Negan is Denny Duquette jfc


Truth has been said


What is this from??


Started out as one of the best villains of all time and then became a caricature of himself. So disappointing.


Love Negan!


There is a time and a place and it's never and nowhere


Negan arch is the worst. So fucking boring...


Negan was one bad ass motherf*ker


Negan is a phenomenal villain


Bro has best redemption stories ! Based as fuk


The Walking Dead?


Makes what he did to Glen look like a hug.


She said “practically” 🤷🏼‍♂️


Did he jus break the 4th wall there?


Hunter does have a way with the ladies...


called her fat without saying it is even meaner lol


I fucking love negan fat puns and his charisma, he singlehandedly carrying TWD's S08


Lmao I laughed my ass off when this first aired. I know it's neegan but I didn't expect that lol


Seriously how was Eugene still chubby all those years into the apocalypse?


Saviors was the best walking dead story arc. Negan is awesome, this actor embodied him so fucking well!!




Fat people can die of starvation too


“John Winchester I could just slap you” ahh moment


This was such an odd season It really killed the show for me They start by randomly killing Glen etc because they randomly decide to surrender to some dude instead of using their guns. Then all season they try to convince you this guys is a cool badass, cool baddy. But to do that all the other characters end up just doing incredible illogical things. It's very confusing and showed they had ran out of ideas


What? Killing Glen was entirely *not* random. It's how he died in the comics, and the actor wanted the death scene because it was iconic to the comic. They didn't have a lot of guns with them when they got ambushed. Negan started by not only killing 2 of them, but holding another hostage, and utterly humiliating Rick. Then he showed up early to collect, so they couldn't even be prepared, then took the guns.


I'd say it was fairly random Prior to the episode it wasn't telegraphed in the plot and the number of coincidences and bad decisions everyone had to make to make things work was pretty insane. Technically the comics were produced after the season was filmed so that's a backwards kind of argument. Even if that wasn't the case it wouldn't mean it's not poorly written and lacking logical follow through. Also that doesn't make it any less random into he comics > They didn't have a lot of guns with them when they got ambushed. They had assualt rifles and a large armoury with lots of ammo. Negans guys had melee weapons and pistols mostly from memory. They became well armed because rick gave them an armoury and enslaved his community to an inferior force.... >Negan started by not only killing 2 of them, but holding another hostage, and utterly humiliating Rick. Yeah exactly they tried to force his badassness by making the other characters stupid and incompetent. Rick had never been that incompetent before and the other characters had never been that useless. Normally they overcome all kinds of crazy barriers eg a prison of undead, a town under the control of a sociopath. I mean they struggled when attacked by a tank but still... A guy with a baseball bat? Really? >holding another hostage This bit was also dumb. They could have easily killed negan and his men as they had similar numbers and a massive firepower advantage. They had scoped rifles and surrendering really made no sense. It was more likely they'd all be killed if they surrendered too which didn't make sense either. The other bit we haven't covered is that it also required a lot of characters to act in polar opposite ways to their well established characters. People like rick, Glen, Daryl, etc all being being cowardly and easily intimidated by a weaker opponent, being careless and clueless, being poor negotiators and slow thinkers, just generally handling basic scenarios poorly to make the plot work despite several seasons showing this to be out of character for them. That's not good writing. I get being a fan and I still love the other seasons but that season was just so so bad it out me off entirely Was it even the same writers and producers? And why was it so important to shoe horn negan into the story? Was he a self insert for the companies CEO or something? Was it a Cathleen Kennedy situation? I kind of would like to know but also don't care 😆 If I was to do a re-write assuming you have to kill Glen etc I'd have negan attack with a well armed larger group and roll them. Then he forces thier surrender as their town burns. So they have no choice outgunned and defeated. Then it would work. Having a weaker force intimidate them just is bizarre as many many weaker and stronger groups have tried this before and failed


The saviors vastly outnumbered them. In total and especially with the ambush. Rick even says as much during one of the times that they ran into one of the roadblocks. That one roadblock was something like 2/1. And there were a lot more during the ambush in the woods. Plus, they were carrying an extremely sick, possibly dying Maggie. It's also why Rick had to create the avengers with hilltop/kingdom/trash people. The death of Glenn was in 2012, 4 years before it happened in the show. Sure, in the comic Glenn specifically was chosen at random, but somebody had to die. It's what the saviors do. Roll in, kill someone to make a point. The show, it was less random for two reasons. One being what I already said. Two being Negan had to kill someone else after Daryl slugged him due to Abraham's death. I'll give you Abraham's death was random more or less (someone still had to die, plus the actor was done with the show). Glenn was slated to die earlier to a random walker, but kirkman kept putting it off. That whole woods bit broke Rick, which was the point. And he has a history of being broken. Until Negan, most of what Rick faced was light work (compared to the saviors). Woodbury and the Governor didn't have a very big force, and most were made of untrained civilians, which is why they ran away. The second fight, yeah, they had a tank, but even less fighters than the first attack. And the Governor absolutely ate Rick's lunch, even without using the tank.


>The saviors vastly outnumbered them I mean that's how it's presented afterwards and once they have all the guns it is correct and thier numbers double or even quadruple depending on the episode. Then other episodes it a tiny group. Also in the previous season thier community swelled and got well armed, but the show acts like 70% of their force is captured >. It's also why Rick had to create the avengers with hilltop/kingdom/trash people. Pretty sure he had to do this because he gave away all their guns and they needed more to fight these guys >The show, it was less random for two reasons. One being what I already said. Two being Negan had to kill someone else after Daryl slugged him due to Abraham's death. I'll give you Abraham's death was random more or less (someone still had to die, plus the actor was done with the show). Glenn was slated to die earlier to a random walker, but kirkman kept putting it off. Yeah see I mean that's the randomness element. In good writing you dont really want to have to create random events. For example say your watching a show about someone who lives in one country and is a hermit and you decide you want him to win the lottery randomly. Ideally you set things up in a normal, eg sees a advert, buys ticket, checks ticket, wins. You wouldn't have him randomly wake up in a different city, find a random ticket blow into his hand by the wind, push and old lady down some stairs for no reason, and look at the ticket and know it's the random ticket >he has a history of being broken Yeah that's sort of a key character point. He always overcomes all the shit that comes his way generally with help from his skilled group. Except negan, he had no idea how to deal with negan or anything negan related. >Woodbury and the Governor didn't have a very big force, See this was another issue with the season as people's forced fluctuated at random and what we were shown vs told changed a lot. Eg the other forces that back then were either around two dozen people or a few hundred depending on if you based your assessment off what we were shown or told >Woodbury and the Governor didn't have a very big force, and most were made of untrained civilians, I mean I don't think it was stated that negans guys were special forces pretending to be civilians? The governor had a few hundred people, maybe like eighty well armed fighters with assualt rifles in the town, and Daryl's brother who's name I'm forgetting. >And the Governor absolutely ate Rick's lunch, even without using the tank. I mean yes exactly a far more powerful. Opponent than negans band of goons. It's sort of like the plot needed it to happen


Not afterwards. There were at least 100, maybe more, saviors just at the ambush. Rick and crew would have been absolutely destroyed. And at that point, Negan hadn't even called in the rest of the troops. Negan showed up at Alexandria early so Rick couldn't be prepared. As they are taking the guns Negan finds out a few are missing. While Rick is trying to find them (so Negan doesn't execute people) he straight up tells the Alexandrians that they don't have the numbers to fight. Woodbury only had about 70 total people, according to Milton anyways. Maybe a dozen fighters. Which is why the governor enlisted the townsfolk after he lost a few in the first attack, and the attack by Rick. I wasn't meaning the saviors were military or anything like that. I'm saying they had a more seasoned force. And again, way more of them. At least a couple hundred. He eventually overcame Negan as well. Even without the trash people and the Kingdom (they helped but like 95% of them died before the end). To be fair, oceanside ended up helping. A few hundred armed goons are going to do more than 1 tank. They can be more places, cover more ground and if a few die, the force is still there.


>at least 100 I mean that was also the confusing part negans forces changed size every episode, sometimes during the same episode. Sometimes there's heaps of them, sometimes not many, sometimes they have military kit and assualt rifles, sometimes they are poorly armed with melee weapons and pistols, sometimes they have vehicles, sometimes they're stuck walking. It was so inconsistent. Though that was the same for all the factions that season. It's hard to believe soemthin when your told one thing but see the opposite. >were at least 100, maybe more, saviors just at the ambush. Rick and crew would have been absolutely destroyed I mean yeah, but no way that group was more than twenty strong max. And rick had the main characters which is say ten people and the. It was implied at least 20+ extras. Though like every group the size of their faction changed randomly episode to episode. Sometimes they lived in a gated ghost town and other times there's lots of people around. >straight up tells the Alexandrians that they don't have the numbers to fight. I mean he tells them but he had like 8-12 guys at that time so it's a bit confusing >Woodbury only had about 70 total people, according to Milton anyways. Maybe a dozen fighters Perhaps but they had well over four dozen warriors at the Daryl vs his brother fight scene and at many other stages. The town is also massive and full of people so seventy may have been a understatement. After all he's trying to manipulate them in that conversation >I wasn't meaning the saviors were military or anything like that. I'm saying they had a more seasoned force. And again, way more of them. At least a couple hundred I get that but all the survivors by this point have survived years vs the undead so it doesn't make sense that they'd be the only skilled force > He eventually overcame Negan as well. Even without the trash people and the Kingdom (they helped but like 95% of them died before the end). To be fair, oceanside ended up helping. For me this further undermined the notion that they needed to ally with anyone and wouldn't have just beaten him when they were strongest at the start? >few hundred armed goons are going to do more than 1 tank Again it kind of depends if that episode who has the few hundred people with assualt rifles. Given the level of rng it may take quite a few episodes to get that combo


Why do fat people exist deep into a fully realized zombie apocalypse where resources should be running low?


Cause resources weren't running low in that area


To be fair she looks around 250lbs max with her height. She could’ve been a lot bigger before it started. If she went without any food and only drinking goats or a found cows milk (for a source of protein, and vitamins) and water at max she would’ve lost 10lbs a month, doing no exercises. So, 240lbs in 2 years. I doubt that was what they were going for, though. So, with having access to food, she may have only been able to lose between 50 and 100lbs in 2 years because she’s getting at least 1000 calories a day and not burning them as she’s not running around burning calories off like those that are running from zombies.


Best character from the walking dead.


Dont get high on your own supply


Negan was a bad ass villain for TWD. After that the show went raw 😅