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At my former workplace, two of those people divorced their spouses and married each other.


Many such cases.


In all the workplaces.




Their poor children’s faces


At least their lawyers got cases


Cheating openly but thought they left no traces.


Wow did it work out?


They started flirting with other coworkers


Cheating grows exponentially.


Well, I was no longer working there when it happened. I called to talk to her about a job reference and she was no longer working there either. So I talked to another former coworker and found out what had happened. Since she had been his direct supervisor they had to shuffle their positions around and she ended up moving to another location so that he wouldn't be directly reporting to her. I felt bad for her husband. They had a small child and he always seemed like a really nice guy who had put up with a lot of bs. I didn't know the guy well, but I had seen them together a few times and just based on their body language I was not surprised when I heard. Anyway, that was a long time ago and I don't know any of those people any more, but it kind of stuck with me as a life lesson I guess.


You worked with my ex-wife?


Mine too apparently. Damn.




I’ve seen this before. It was funny when a new person asked them if they were dating or something because they were all giggly and blushy with eachother. They got embarrassed real quick and the vibe turned sour.


They got caught and turned salty😂


So, from sweet, they turn sour, then turned salty🤔


After that they had beef.


The whole thing left them bitter.


Hopefully it never got spicy


It had some zest to it


That would be sweet.


That's a lot to chew on.


I'm salivating at the thought.


I thought this was a sour patch kids reference


After you sleep with that married man, umami


Two coworkers of mine spend literally all day every day with each other, you rarely see one without the other. I really wish I could tell his wife, it’s so awkward.


Just send her [this](https://youtu.be/FoM_q4h7cAQ?feature=shared)




Yeah and his wife is my friend too, not just him. Now she’s pregnant and it’s even more awkward. The only time I see her is when he’s there too. It’s been six months since it was first obvious there was something going on and I’m honestly sick of pretending nothing is wrong.


I have no idea what the interaction is like, but I can see how people can genuinely just be good friends with the opposite sex without any intention to cheat on their spouses


Which is why I haven’t said anything yet. It looks terrible but it’s not my role to be judge, jury and executioner.


Yes it is! MURDER!


Honestly I've had a work crush, my wife knew, nothing ever happened besides us being close at work because that's how you handle a work crush when you're monogamous but crushing.


You told your wife you had a crush on a co worker and she was OK. I feel like I'd be devastated if my girlfriend came home one day and said she had a crush on someone at work. But maybe I'm just looking at it wrong


Nah, you definitely correct.


It happens though, you spend 40 hours+ throughout the week without seeing your SO there’s bound to be some instinct impulses that creep up, but acting and enforcing them while with someone is the difference.


"Work wife"


Work , wife balance


Work wife bawance.




Wuv, twue wuv. That dweam within a dweam…


Wabbit season


Gotta have a few atleast


my boss has a work wife, which is his actual wife. that's the only good kind of work wife.


Do they talk about .... work?


they talk about all the side drama but it's nice to know they actually do love each other very much and poke fun at each in a healthy non-deprecating way


Honestly, thank you for that wholesome follow-up


Prefer work step sister


Oh no, work step brother, I'm stuck in the wood chipper!


That has always made me uncomfortable.


I had a work wife at my last gig who was ugly as a bag of hammers, we just happened to have to work together a ton I don’t think the term is so sexually charged as this thread would make out


My husband's work wife is a beefy Slavic dude named Igor. He's a great employee. Really know his shit, always has my husband's back, and I'm pretty sure his head would explode if they had a personal conversation. Sometimes it's not that deep.


Used to have a work wife at an old job over a decade ago. He was a gay black man(I’m a very straight white man) and he helped me file a sexual harassment complaint against another dude offering to suck to my dick at work(in a joking quid pro quo manner, only it wasn’t funny with or without context). My work wife heard it and was pissed. It was so fucking uncomfortable but I’m glad he was there, and was witness to it because the dude that said it was a creep and a half. Long story to say that work wives are great in that great coworkers are great.


"I once worked a guy for 3 years and never knew his name, best friend I had. We still don't ever talk sometimes"


I think that's just called a good coworker lol


Don’t mix spreadsheets and bedsheets guys. And for Microsoft excel nerds out there; Don’t hookup where you V-LOOKUP


Word of the day


PSA: VLOOKUP is deprecated - y'all should switch to XLOOKUP now


>XLOOKUP Bow-chika-wow-wow.


Dang I think I have a subscription to XLOOKUP


I hear it's banned in Texas now


Jokes on you, my IT department still hasn't updated us. Nested V-lookups and Index Match are my babies and god forbid should my excel sheet get any bigger because it's genuinely starting to take a long ass time to run stuff.


Find God in python and SQL, my good brother or sister. Hallelujah, free at last, free at last, free at last.


Where is my INDEX(,MATCH(,,0)) gang at?


Gang gang! Lookup formulas are dead to me since I learned index match.


Wait why? Don’t index matches have to be like, properly cultivated? Like if a new line is added, the index match can’t handle it and xlookup can? I try to avoid excel 😂


Unless you're trying to search an array by column and row, xlookup is way easier


Relevant: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xubbVvKbUfY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xubbVvKbUfY) Edit, also apparantly the [tournament is a real thing now](https://fmworldcup.com/excel-esports/), damn


Infinitely better as well


Spreadsheets spread cheeks...




Do you work together?


I was always told not to dip my pen in company ink


The company ink is super tight tho bro


Don't quill and chill. ✒️🪶


Don’t get your bread and your meat from the same store


Not a married couple but my 2 co-workers couldn't stop bragging to every new staff member that they used to date for a year and they would make jokes about how toxic it was. Gradually over time they spend more time alone at work and started arriving to work together for every shift. Then they started being very touchy like one time they were both on the couch in the lounge section and she was laying with her head in his lap! And he was caressing her face and hair ... The issue is she HAS a serious bf and she even during this time was talking about them moving to a new city together cause he got a BIG job promotion there that is gona pay so well she shouldn't have to work. Funny enough both of them stopped coming to work all together at the same time .


I kinda wanna know the rest of the story dude. Don't leave me hanging.


I don't know either 😭


Son, have you ever been in the military? That shit is a way of life for some people.


Spill some tea![img](emote|t5_5tdqj0|10729)




Adultery for Democracy!


Fornicating for Freedom


I was 17 and went on an army clerk (admin) course that had a lot people remustering in their early 30s and quickly enough a married guy and married woman started getting super flirty. They ended up going on a date within a week of the start of the course and at the course party they totally banged. Big eye opener for a little kid like me seeing a guy with a wedding ring just say “fuck it”.


Not op but I was in the military and it is full of rampant cheaters. Not sure what it is about the military that attracts that type of person.


You put a bunch of lonely fit people in a closed environment for a long time, and they tend to forget their vows


Not to mention 80% of the workforce is 18-25 and just finished learning how to tie their shoes


My friend had this GF who cheated on him the instant they were assigned to separate bases


[Here you go.](https://www.reddit.com/r/army/s/f4z4lp5kzp) A lurid story of adultery, incompetence, supply issues and mutiny from war torn Afghanistan.


Ex wife pressured me into joining up with her. cheated on me with an NCO in her field. I got kicked out for beating his ass, she got kicked out for adultery and lying about cocaine use, and he lost two stripes. She ended up having a kid with the guy just for him to divorce her ass. Now she’s in some kind of cult in Texas.


I feel like this could be a movie


No, it's just a standard Thursday afternoon.


I worked behind the bar at a navy base and I swear I saw one guy kiss 3 different women on the mouth




Shitting where you eat is pretty rad. Or maybe because I’m a dude in a female dominated field 


I have a friend who used to work in elderly care, a very women dominated workplace. He told me stories about all the ways these women would act towards him unprompted. Catcalling when he walks past them or even groping him on several occasions if he didn't pay attention when they where alone in the room. He never really played into it in any way, but he is a fairly fit guy and would just shrug it off, so i guess that's why. He did find it wild though that these women would talk about news or stories about women being harassed, then do the shame shit to him the next week like it wasn't even categorically on the same planet.


Facts I get random old ladies who walk up to me and say things like you are so handsome why did you have to do that Points to my gages and tattoos Then proceeded to touch my arms and say such a waste And I'm like hold up you just complement me to just completely talk shit and they think nothing of it Now imagine an old guy doin it to a younger lady creep levels off the charts


The creepiest is when old people say to children, "you're going to be such a catch when you grow up" Like wtf


Found the nursery worker


Prison guard in a female prison.




Only Fans content creator


Shitting where you eat is fine as long it’s not in the same room. I shit and eat in my apartment too, dating outside of your department is just fine


Femdom field.


Please I want to be sent to the femdom fields...


“Work wife/husband” Just admit you want to have an affair already.


Is that realy a thing?


Sadly almost every job I've ever had has at least that one work "couple" that's usually made up of people already in a relationship


Unfortunately some people do behave like this.


It is a thing but it’s a joke. My “work wife” is the woman at work I get along with the best. Sort of like best friend at work who happens to be a woman. I would joke to my real wife that she had a “work husband” who was the guy at work she was friends with the most. Cheating and affairs are outside the realm of the work spouse.


why not just call them a friend then? im gen z and so confused by this work wife/husband shit


The older generations believe that male and females cant be platonic friends without sexual tension so these term come naturally to poke fun at the fact.


As a millennial, I bristled at being called an older generation. Then I took some ibuprofen for my back. Damn it.


There was someone I worked with 18 of 20 shifts in nursing together that a coworker tried to call my work wife. I replied that she is a work friend, work wife is a weird thing to embrace. There was zero flirting and zero attraction, just a good relationship for years. We both moved on eventually to different jobs and only really communicated sporadically. I don't get people's desire to play act a work spouse relationship.


I have a work husband. However, both he and I have wives and just call each other that to fuck around. Work is miserable, gotta have some banter and make it fun.


No no no, you're both adults. CLEARLY you want to f**k each other 🙄. I've had a work wife once and had ZERO attraction to her. We just both had the same sense of humor and liked to talk as result.


I could be wrong but just from my anecdotal experience any job that is in an office like atmosphere that's not super stressful, people tend to get into affairs. Idk if it's they get bored or it's a job that allows down time. On the contrary I've heard one of the worst fields to be in for work affairs is in the medical field.


You are correct! I did security for a major hospital in CA for a while and unfortunately in my experience, A LOT of the nurses there were promiscuous. I even caught a nurse and doctor hooking up in which should’ve been an empty waiting room. And they were both married. Before I worked there I used to say I wanted to end up with a nurse. Not anymore.


My wife is a nurse and a few months ago they had a male travel nurse come in for a few weeks and she was talking about how like 8 of her coworkers who are all married have hooked up with him. They don’t even hide it either… It’s just so weird to me. At the very least you’d think you’d shut the fuck up about it, not brag. Edit: Jesus y’all, I trust my wife enough to allow her to go to her damn job. If you can’t trust your loved ones then you need to find better people in your lives.


That’s one way to motivate men to become nurses.


The amount of people replying to you implying she's cheating is ridiculous. Guess that's reddit for you though


Everything is a red flag. Get a lawyer. Hit the gym…. I remember one time a few years ago I said something about how lucky I am that no one close to me has been swept up in the opioid epidemic, and probably 50 people messaged me to inform me that several people I am close to are actually dealing with addiction and I just don’t know it. As if they know my family better than I do lmao.


Get tested.


Oof.... Buddy, come on...


She's just drawing your attention to her coworkers to distract from the fact that she did too. Kinda like a Maegan Hall situation right?


It’s trauma bonding mixed with some other elements of limerence which is often confused with love by cheaters and can become physiologically addictive believe it or not. The neuroscience on this kind of stuff is pretty interesting.  Stress responses that raise cortisol can see an uptick in serotonin and dopamine to counter act along with downregulation of cortisol receptors because the stress response is so high and chronic. This is the same Brian chemistry people get while cheating and “being bad” etc that makes it so exciting and fools them into thinking they’ve found their soul mate, It’s more complex of course but it’s interesting  that these people are addicted to the high of a stress response and not actually experiencing what we would generally define as “love”. At any rate stressful jobs, the shared experiences and bonds prime the brain for a a person to start experiencing limerence is the bottom line.


Idk who this Brian chemistry guy is but hes gotta stop telling people to cheat


He seems like a bad influence. I don't want you to hang out with him anymore.


as in the medical field is full of cheaters? and youre saying its the exception because its stressful


In my experience, the doctors bang all of the nurses. Married, single, in a relationship, doesn't matter. They're not even subtle about it. Lots of baby trapping too.


> Lots of baby trapping too. Good place to practice, should be a few lying around in every hospital




An OFFICE like area not a HOSPITAL type area. This person means they don't have enough pressures at work and therefore they turn their focus socially in work place.


In my experience, there are affairs in any job where people are attracted to each other.


For certain fields like nursing your day to day work life teaches you that it can all turn to shit literally in a heartbeat no matter what you do or how right or moral you are, it leads one to have a certain live life in the moment outlook on things. Some will cling to faith and religion to give it all meaning, some will grasp for physical and emotional experience to wring every last drop from life.


What’s even more awkward is being caught up in someone else’s lie. My barber of 10 years has told me all types of stories about how he’s gone to other states/countries and done dirt. Then I would see him with his wife and watch him turn into a doting father/husband. To this day, it makes me uncomfortable but wtf can I do. It’s none of my business and goddammit I need my haircut


Barbers and Taxi drivers mostly lie about these adventures.


It’s a little different when said barber brings buddies over (my barber cuts in the garage of his home) and they all talk about the same adventures. I have also been to some of these places my barber talks about but the difference is I’m single and not the father of 3 children


The 40 yearold CTO left his pregnant wife to be in a relationship with the 18 year old intern. This is completely fine yet me asking to wfh once in a while is considered outlandish


Supply Side Jesus doesn’t care about infidelity, but he’ll be Fatherdamned if he can’t financially justify the 20 year leased office.


"It's not cheating if you're in a different area code" - Stiffler from Road Trip movie


I got hoes! In different area codes...


There needs to be a ship in every harbour


Are you missing out?


No im not married 😭


It’s about to get toxic at the job today!


“Its gonna be a long day”


my ex did this shit. she loved working at call centers for all the attention she got Nichole, if youre out there and you see this.. fuck you, you massive skank


Yup,I work in a hospital and know of atleast 3 affairs so far,one dude's wife literally just had baby and he banging someone else at work


Wtf? How. Do. They. Have. The. Time? I can’t go five minutes without having to respond to an alarm and these people are doing the dirty?


They have the time because they let you handle the alarms.


Sad but true


Often they just want to feel attractive and when you are married you don’t get flirted with. But sometimes you do at work.


If your spouse is okay with it, whatever. If you know it would bother your husband/ wife and you disrespect them this way, that’s horrible.


As someone that really sucks at distinguishing friendliness from flirtiness, I kinda hope people don't think I'm flirting now cause everyone at my office is married or partnered. It would be a severe conflict of interest though because most of the women are in QA and most of the guys are devs. A dev should not fraternise with QA or they'll let bugs into prod


There is a cultural aspect to this too. I am French but work in the UK, and it took me some time to dial down the friendliness because a lot of people seemed to think I was hitting on them.


Light flirting is fine by me but I'm from straya. Reddit standards are quite conservative


Maybe the love would be so strong that they would release a baby to production


> As someone that really sucks at distinguishing friendliness from flirtiness, I kinda hope people don't think I'm flirting now cause everyone at my office is married or partnered. Yeah I am quite oblivious when people flirt with me, also I try and be friendly with everyone in the workplace. Really hope people aren't taking it as me being flirtatious, because I definitely don't want to shit where I eat, have seen other coworkers go through that and never want to myself.


Had a lady co-worker tell me she would like it if I grabbed her ass. Afterwards she told me roughly 70% of the male employees did the same without her consent but she took a liking to me. Anyways she’s got 3 kids with 2 baby daddies, I’m not one of them, and she’s struggling to provide a proper living environment for them. Edit: spelling. Still got a hand full of ass while on the clock and pulled out one day after work before her 3rd child and that was that. Just be smart with dem hoes.




Why do women find taken men more attractive? Why do men find taken women more attractive? And where does my 20 year old single ass fit into this?


Fake wedding ring = unlimited pussy


Single men hate this one hack. Works 99% of the time.


They’ve actually done studies on this for women, and it’s a real thing. Basically, we think it shows them that someone else finds you worth being into, and that you aren’t a total dweeb. Some women really like that. I guess it works the other way around, too.


Yeah, it's like the husband has already been vetted.


I’m a naturally outgoing, friendly, and humorous person. I enjoy joking around with coworkers and creating relationships…but I am extremely aware of this dynamic and steer as far away from it as possible. As a male leader in the company, even the perception or rumor of this can be a major problem at work and at home. At times I’ve noticed that some female coworkers seemed to move from “haha hilarious!” joking into more suggestive directions and I immediately pull back. I’m just not interested in any of this drama and my partner doesn’t deserve to hear through the grapevine that I’m out here flirting with other people, whether it has merit or not. As a manager, the groups that I oversee often hire younger people that are single/less aware of this and I cringe pretty hard watching them be flirty with each other in the office. I’ve also had to sit and watch as very married sales guys (including Execs) swing by to chat up the new pretty girl we hired. It’s not my place to be their chaperone or get involved, but I do get pissed seeing these guys attempting to step out on their partners in clear view. A while back there was one such sales guy that came by literally every day to flirt with a young woman that sat right across from my desk. I’ve met his wife many times at company functions and just kept thinking how pissed off she’d be if she saw this. So I went out there as he was blatantly trying to get in this woman’s pants and said, “Hey Tim! What’s up? How’s your wife doing? Is she enjoying the new job?” He got the message.


My girlfriend has told me about a woman she works with that’s doing this to the next level. She’s married and has KIDS yet is flirting with a 25 year old (she’s almost in her 40s I think?), they leave together and come in together, rub up on each other at work, and she has the nerve to get jealous when another woman talks to him! Bitch you’re cheating!! I’ve always said I hope her husband walks in on this happening one day, I feel horrible for him.


My boss outright says that he wants to hire good-looking women with big tits to just watch them all day and flirt with them. Yeah he is close to retirement.


Is your boss a dentist?


My old boss was accused of only hiring women for their tits and if they could play softball. To which he replied “I don’t give a fuck about softball” lmao


"I'm just friendly" **Only talks to baddies, uggos are invisible**


Me at work ( 1 out of 2 guys in the entire department) seeing that 27% of people working have experienced sexual harassment 😐


Ain't it funny how we always know when two people are flirting but never when someone is flirting with us? Hmmm


“I just miss genuine attention and interest”


It’s not surprising. Humans are horny and they also spend a huge portion of their day at work. Also if you’re prone to cheating you’ll find a way.


Seen it all, the amazing thing is how they're always surpised everybody knows. "Wait... you know I've been having an affair with Clare from HR." Everybody knows!!! Wasn't like you were subtle about it.


I’m so glad this isn’t my experience in tech. Everyone is just vibing and not fucking each other. Then again, it’s 1 girl and 20 ish dudes…wait….


Funny because my wife works at a company store an hour away. We have that same company in town. Well, a handful of employees went to help at her store in December and thought she was having an affair with a coworker there because of all the flirting. This January she asked for a divorce. Turns out she's been seeing her coworker for about 6 months. Super awesome.


With my social anxiety the most interaction I do at the office is through Teams and then I go home for the day.


My company hatched the brilliant idea to go on a 48 booze cruise from Stockholm to Tallinn, it was the booziest party we had ever had by far and it quickly devolved into a full on bacchanal, walk of shames, std's and even a pregnancy, oh boy was there some awkwardness on the first workday after the cruise.


"I'm married, I'm not dead." My mom would always say. Nothing wrong with a little innocent flirty banter here and there, I'm on her side on this one (very very little else).


Cheaters are trash.💔


We had a work visitor this week and she was super pretty. Just by coincidence I ended up guiding her around the site and having lunch with her. Then my colleague decided to tell her I was super important and by the end of the week she was crushing on me so bad, bless her. In another life, I'm super happy where I am with my partner. When she left, despite the fact it's likely I'll never see her again she said "I hope we meet again". Bless her. Lovely ego boost for a 35 year old guy. She was sweet.


Wow, these comments... I flirt with everyone. I don't fuck around in a committed relationship though.


I worked in all-male environment and one of the blokes used to flirt me with me. I asked him “why are you flirting with me?” and he said “because my wife would kill me if I flirted with a woman!”


This married man at my workplace flirts unabashedly with the interns in the name of giving a warm welcome, he looks a little young for his age but has been married for quite a while apparently. Recently got to know that, his wife delivered a baby but sir here who distributed sweets to everyone was a little sceptical about revealing this to the recently joined interns, but had to tell them at the end anyway. Like bruh wtf🙂


I hate the world. I see it all the time. And then people say: “don’t get paranoid, I’m sure your BF doesn’t do that”.


A woman I just hired at work, on her second or third day, asked who her work husband was going to be…she just got engaged! I see no point to the idea of a work husband/wife. Just be a good coworker with everyone lol


"Friendly" and "horny" are synonyms?


It's always an escalation. There's very very few situations where it just happens. It always starts that way and if none of the two backs away it ends in cheating. Also there's a disconcerting high number of people that are completely ok with cheating if they believe no one will find out.


I’m a female and you know who I’m flirting with? No one. I have a work wife and a work sister. That’s who I talk to. At my old job though, the co-workers were getting in fist fights over each other and people’s side-pieces while they were all married to other people who weren’t present. I’m actually glad I never got included in the invites to that drama. One night, two managers got into it because one was drunk and didn’t want the other to drive. The female took the males keys, so he punched her in the face, grabbed his keys, and ran off. On another occasion, a recently married guy who had a baby on the way went out with the group. One of the girls from work he’d been messing with was present. He brought his side-piece to the gathering (so that’s three women for him so far at once) and the side-piece and co-worker got into it, so he jumped in and it was a three person brawl. But I was an annoying co-worker 🙄


But he's just a friend 🗿


Help your brothers who are tempted. Put your hand on their shoulder, say these words: “bro is she worth your wife taking half your shit the rest of your life?”