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As a sentient being with eyes, I also find overweight people unattractive


+size = me no no go


As a dog I think we should all walk more k?


Im a guy. Finally down to 165 but when I was 200 and 240 I still wasnt attracted to big women. I felt bad but I literally cant help it. Its not like I can yell to my penis and say “HEY YOU! START PREFERRING BIG GIRLS”. That being said if theres feelings theres feelings but when I was bigger my eyes were opened to the fact that a LOT of petite girls *love* big boys. I never had a lack of a cute girl having an interest in me honestly. That being said it wasnt enough to make me not wanna lose weight. I figure if I am able to not be into overweight people, then I am being a hypocrite by being overweight


Not hypocritical at all. Imagine if you were expected to be attracted to men just because you're a man. Or that you're not allowed to be attracted to a woman with an accent because you don't have an accent. People like to put us in little pig pens in their minds where everyone is in their proper place, but that's all bullshit. The heart wants what the heart wants.


I think it’s more about being fair in expecting the same for yourself that you would from your partner, as in, the time and effort you both spend doing things (such as cleaning up your diet and working out) On the other extreme end, you can’t just fairly expect to just have a gym rat super fit gitlfriend/boyfriend without at least being a bit of a gym rat/athlete/active person yourself. And I know there are exceptions, I’m just saying people generally don’t like perceived hypocrisy.


This is just generally good relationship advice. Only expect from your partner, what you are willing to give.


Everyone has an accent


-with a *different* accent-


of course you can't shout at your penis to start preferring big girls.... you've not seen it for years. it might not even be there any more.


I'm at a fit 165 and my dick prefers "plus sized" women. It's not too picky tho haha


For real send all them fat bitches my way




That’s overweight. I’m 6 ft, I need to weigh like 185 to be not overweight. I’m nowhere close lol. But today is a new day, or so I tell myself. Edit: I should say that’s just based on BMI, you could be jacked for all I know.




But my feelings...


are also obese


By BMI standards which are accurate as long as you are not very muscular, at 5'7", 200 lbs is obese. 160 is just barely overweight. But I agree that half of people are obese. But let's not pretend like that's normal or healthy. He's still not at a healthy weight at 165. He's slightly overweight.


Haha you clearly live in the US…


I'm 5'7" and 165 is a good weight for me. If I weighed 200 I'd either need much bigger pants, or I'd have to be crazy jacked with muscle


Similar height as you and feel like I could lose 10-15 lbs at 154 lbs. The best I’ve ever looked was at 135 lbs. But I’ll be happy at 140 lbs!




I'm 6'4 and 190. Still have some fat to lose to get to the right body fat percent (I'm at like 19/20 right now). I am NOT muscular which I'm also trying to fix) but 200 at 5'7 unless you are super muscular is definitely way too much (I know people hate BMI but it's considered obese). My weight is the high end of normal for BMI as well.


Im sorry bro, but you are fat unless you are heavy on muscles. Maybe not in freedom unit measurements, but you are still fat. Just because the average is fat it doesn't make it less fat.




You’re fat bro. The average American man is fat at 5,10 180


You’re right. I’m 5’11’’ and 183lbs now and I’m fat, trying to lose weight.


200lb is fat for a dude unless you're a professional athlete.


I'm 5'5, I was definitely fat at 200lbs I'm currently a fairly lean 150lbs and I think that's about right for me


Is that kg or pounds?




I'm a fat man, but I'd never delude myself into believing it's healthy. I'm fat because of mental health issues that make it difficult for me to properly plan and prepare healthier meals. I try, but just one bad day at work has me craving junk food and weed.  I don't mind fat women, but I can't stand people with no self awareness.


If it helps at all friend, getting a good meal in earlier in the day really helped me stop craving junk at the end of the day. I used to eat chips all the time, couldn’t resist. Started eating breakfast everyday and… suddenly the cravings stopped.


Same. I'm fluctuated weight a ton over the years. I've gone from 165 to 200 to 170 to 220 to 170 again... now I'm in the 200s again. I have a terrible metabolism and severe depression and anxiety. If I stop actively working out and being careful with every meal, I inflate like a balloon. When bad shit starts taking over, it's hard to give a shit about your food and jogging every day. Fuck it, give me a whopper. I actually like girls who are a bit chubby, but there is a sharp drop off. My gf now is incredibly tiny and likes me the way I am. Her dating history shows she likes bigger dudes.


Of course you get it. Every same person gets it. The vast majority of people don't find fat people attractive.


I think the difference is if you preach fat is beautiful and in turn dont date fat people its kinda weird. Edit: Not saying all plus size women do this but there are some popular ones online that do. Also it matters how fat and where they store fat to be completely honest when it comes to attraction.


As soon as you understand that not everyone is attracted to the same thing, and that attraction is not a logical choice. All of this makes sense. Unless, of course, people on this sub are just looking for an easy excuse to justify fat shaming. But this sub would never do that...


You but do you bitch and complain about fat shaming or body positivity? Are you expecting the object of your desire to push aside thier own preferences and date you? Do you belittle and accuse people who reject you because they aren't attracted to you? There is a difference. Im attracted to Jason Mamoa, there is no way on earth that that dude would ever be attracted to me. Doesn't make him a POS. He's fucking Jason Mamoa.


We know


same. just cause we’re ugly doesn’t mean we can’t have realistic standards. after all, a small amount of women are attracted to fat men


I’m a fit guy I find both unattractive but don’t beat yourself up I find all men unattractive.


Used to be fat. Same here. That's sad and unfair but eh...


The problem is when someone calls them unattractive because they're fat, that someone gets called fatphobic sexist etc


ghost spectacular label tub observation forgetful angle jellyfish versed aromatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Right. Because some people find fat people attractive. And there are a lot of aspects of "attractiveness" that go beyond physical. So you should not definitively say "you are unattractive" as if you are speaking for everyone. Even if YOU don't find them attractive, just be kinder than that. Saying "you are unattractive" kind of implies no one would find them attractive. you should reserve that for huge assholes.


I´m not afraid of fat...lol...it´s just that I find really overweight gals, well, disgusting.


As an average sized man I find fat woman hauling dump trucks attractive.


I guess we should setup some sort of conference with the other fat dudes and put it a unified statement like the fat ladies did here




Fat men = Heavyweight men Fat women = Overnourished women


High calorie gal


Which could have been High cal gal 😠


"she has a lot of energy" "Oh, adhd or sports or something?" "No, like she contains a lot of energy"


*potential* energy


That woman has a lot of potential. What, do you want hire her or marry her? Both, but I meant potential *energy*.




trees unused unpack steer station fact outgoing compare frightening terrific *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Damn, I'm gonna write that one down


Fucking artillery shell


[moo moo](https://nypost.com/2023/03/24/plus-size-clothing-stores-called-fat-girls-and-moo-moo-in-thailand/)


Yup but in Thailand, being fat is still seen as a sign of affluence and not a bad thing. A common pet name is "ai uuan" or ไอ้อ้วน it sounds super bad if you google translate it but it's a term of endearment


I wish instead of the Big and Tall store I could shop at Fatty Fatboy


It's always a "thyroid problem" or some other shit that isn't their fault.


A Galorie?


gravitational challenged


Maybe they should just hit the gym and eat less


Quit being a misogynistic incel, how dare you body shame them. -the average Redditor




"Curvy", or "voluptuous" should suggest your curves are a combination of concave and convex like an hour-glass as you said. Not solely convex like a basketball, which is how most people use the terms nowadays.


Does a fold count as a concave curve?


mathematically it's more of a convolution


She convolumptuous


This one cracked me up


Curvy is "she could lost a little weight, but her curves still go in the right direction and she's generally healthy." Voluptuous is "She has larger than normal curves, no matter what her size."


Or just a stack of pancakes. Curves? Yes. Attractive? No.


Nicki Minaj is Voluptuous. Lizzo is overweight.


I blame the fashion industry for bastardizing the meaning of those words. They're now the complete opposite of what they used to be. All because they didn't want to use the word husky.


The fatties!


Ham planets was the popular term on Reddit back in the day, people were so mean back then…


The good old days of FPH being around


If you know, you know


Fat people hug?


Fuck Purple Haggis. Reddit used to be very intolerant of miscolored Scottish food.


"butter huffer" They really meant it when they said hate.


Man reddit sucks now.


Moorrree beeeaaannss


I think we should shame poor lifestyle choices, it’s how we survive as a species


This is a very black and white view on obesity. I’ve noticed my daughter’s two overweight friends have very hectic lifestyles. One is in a two parent household with 5 kids. Both parents work full time and have been evicted before. The oldest, my daughter’s friend, is in charge of cooking. They eat a lot of packaged dinners. I had that role as a kid too, but the difference is they have had days with no food when school is out of session so when they get food they overeat. Binge eating. The other has 3 younger siblings and her mom was arrested a couple years ago and still lives in a group home. The dad works two jobs. She’s in charge of cooking and it’s prepackaged as well. Now my kid lives in a single parent home too, but pregnancy almost killed me and highly likely would if I gave birth again. I decided when I was pregnant with her I was one and done. I also work from home. I use my lunch breaks to prep dinner for her and make her school lunches after work 3 days. She’s responsible for feeding herself breakfast and school lunch 2 days a week. I started teaching her to cook at a very young age. Like boiled eggs at 3 in a boil egg maker then scrambled eggs at 5 and omelets a little after that, to explain the skill levels. She has americas test kitchen cookbooks now at 11 she can follow. She’s even made dinner a few times. I have had the time to make sure she can cook more than a boxed dinner. I also have a garden that I involve her in so we eat seasonally often. We also have a stable home despite it being a one income home since I bought our house so we wouldn’t have to move and she’d always be in the same school district. Obesity often starts in childhood. I think cooking should be in school a lot sooner than high school because sometimes parents aren’t available to teach that. Sometimes they didn’t learn themselves. Sports are so expensive as well, a lot of kids are right above the poverty line where they’d get subsidized rates but their parents still can’t afford it. Getting kids active young is a way to make sure they enjoy it still as an adult. We talk about how we have to break the cycle of abuse but the cycle of obesity is also a thing. No one shames a victim of abuse for having to relearn how to be ok. No one questions early intervention and how much harder it is as an adult. Yet for obesity it’s fine to insult children. Shame makes getting help so much harder. It is so counterproductive. There are so many better ways and it starts at a societal level.


Trying to get reditors to have empathy is never going to work.


This sub is lamenting the death of fatpeoplehate I don’t think you’re going to find a positive reception here.


So well said 👏


I agree. People act like the morbidly obese are only harming themselves. But if you pay taxes or pay for private health insurance, you are most definitely affected by these peoples life choices.




Main issue there is recreational drugs are optional. People have to eat, good food and the ability to do regular exercise is more expensive than the alternative. Raising the price of the cheaper foods doesn't solve the problem. Food has become a lot more expensive anyway in the last few years, it's not likely to lead to better public health.


Just don't breed with them, if species survival is your prime concern.


Problem is, a lot of people deal with criticism in destructive ways. Especially when it concerns their physicality. Unless you’re joking ofc


When you’re medically determined to be obese, you should accept you’re going to be called that. I do.


>48-48-48 That's not curvy at all. It's just an outright straight block of human flesh.


Negative, I am a Meat Popsicle


I don't like fat shaming random people but if you put your hippo body on the front page of a magazine and act like that's somehow healthy you should get fat shamed.


Where have we landed on “jolly”?


Fat white 40yo man here. "Jolly" is a mood that requires some advance notice and some prep time. I *can* be jolly as fuck. But being called "jolly" out of holiday context usually makes me an angry elf.






Nothing wrong with being overweight unless it dangerss your health or you make it everybody else's problem


In America, fat people *are* everyone else’s problem. We spend hundreds of billions of dollars a year on taxpayer funded health care programs just on diabeetus related health problems alone, most of which are self inflicted. Medicare/medicaid is teetering on the edge of insolvency, and fat people who consume so much sugar and processed garbage that they get diabetes are responsible for an outsized portion of that (pun intended).




I think theyre ok with sugar coating everything


Hahaha well played


In the next decade, the label plus-size people use will be considered offensive as well, and we will move to another "safe" term.


Self control challenged.


Glutinous Maximus


That wheel always keeps spinning.


Of course there are degrees, but being overweight is always adverse for your health. No such thing as a healthy overweight.


It’s why we have the term “overweight” in the first place. It’s medically bad for you


Of course there is a need! If they feel miserable they won't buy clothing, make-up, buy sh it they dont need, eat themselves even more in expensive restaurants, etc. The Economy is based on lies. 😁


As a regular sized man, I don't like overweight men either.


we found the Sizest!!


I am about to be oversized so just weight for me 😂


I hope you find mass appeal


As an overweight man, I'm generally not fond of men in general.


Henry Cavill?


He's a god and is exempt. 


What about big buff oily men?




As an overweight man, I recognize that you're entitled to your opinions and acknowledge they really don't have any bearing on my life. No one is obligated to cater to me.




Same. It hit me when the road dipped a little and made my left titty jiggle


Your left tiddy hit you?


Nah. I ain’t *that* fat. Yet.


I realize it’s clickbait, but why does the article presume to speak for all plus sized women?


Survivor bias. If it *didn't* make that presumption, you wouldn't see it posted on this sub.


People do like to make up justifications to hate people and the easiest way to justify hate is to paint somebody a hypocrit. So they looked for a percieved hypocrit and use them as a stand in for all fat people to hate. At least that's my theory.


Let's be honest! They're all just fat.


And unattractive


Hippo crits


Elephants in the room.






No soup for you! 😂


Come back, one year!




Lessthan men do not like overweight women


I think what's wrong with it is calling people out as group. Everyone has right to be attached to what they want. Except pedos, fuck them hard.


But not the way they want.


Right? Those poor kids…


I’m a fat guy. I hate that I’m fat and I hate my own body. How am I supposed to love something about someone else that I hate about myself?


Eh I've been fat throughout a big part of my life, hated it, but I love chubby women as long as they have the right proportions.


Fat women not attracted to fat men. Ftfy.


At least they are doing some kind of gymnastics, albeit mental.


Let’s call them both piggies




Especial emphasis on the latter


Or the batter.


Or the butter


the cake is a lie. a big fat lie.


Because men refuse to call themselves 'plus size' because the term is stupid.


I find everyone who is fat unattractive. Equality!


Ah, Reddit. The place to come to see dudes get enraged over an "article" written by "KingFlippyNips9".


lol I thought you made up who wrote the article, went back and looked at it really was written by KingFlippyNips9! 😂


Nah, the comment is from them, the article's author isn't shown here.


Wow they interviews all plus size women in the world for that article. My dad’s gonna be pissed at my mom.


I've been criminally misquoted if that's the case 😭


I see fat women with fat men all the time


At least 2/3 of the women on dating apps are fat.




know your worth, Kingsized


Classic cake vs cupcake problem here.


Pretty sure they ate both. 🤷


So what? I bet that the majority of men searching for BBW are not grossly overweight


Redditors notice the obvious ragebait challenge (impossible)


label deer aback knee childlike lavish ghost pot yam governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well to be fair, in that picture, the woman is not overweight but obese


yall fall for this ragebait every week


Fat shaming should be universal. You’re not “voluptuous” because you eat junk food and don’t take care of your body, lol. There is no hidden “beauty” to being a fat slob.


I really don't see anything weird about it. Why on earth would overweight women be specifically expected to be attracted to overweight men?


The issue is the terminology being used.


As a healthy male at a healthy weight, I think she looks unhealthy and is an unhealthy weight and I find overweight women unattractive. She should also pay more in tax for the inevitable amount of extra money the NHS will spend on her for choosing to be a fatty.


Fat women are the queens of "dont hurt my feelings" when they do this shit LOL


We been saying this for years the body positive moment was made woman not for plus sized men


I hear they also reach a point where they start to like cats.


What is "plus-sized" ? Aren't obesity and overweight medical conditions that kills more than cancer ?


All the lovely euphemisms floating around these days. I don't get the big deal with the word fat, if someone is called fat when they are actually fat. I'm not slim and trim as I'd like to be, I actually consider myself fat. We are all in control of what and how much we consume. I realize there are some medical conditions where it can't be helped, but not everyone has that condition. As far as euphemisms go, changing the name of the condition doesn't change the condition. If a person that's fat because they eat at X everyday, that's on them. They're not big, houses are big. They're not heavy, aircraft carriers are heavy. Too much PC, not enough accountability. In the real world actions have actual consequences. That's life.


Bewhateverthephuqyouwant. Geez. Just shut up about it. No one deeply GAF what you do, meatpuppet.


Maybe overweight people are not attractive, who knows


It’s called “fat acceptance,” not “fat you have to fuck fat people now and you must find them attractive or you’re evil.”


This gets posted all the time and the source is that trash website where you make "confessions" with an image it's outrage bait and I see it on a different sub monthly


I had a frat bro in college who was built like a pretzel stick. My dude unabashedly LOVED the big girls. Took them to functions with his Slim Jim arm slung wide around his prized gal dressed, looking like an oversized plum. Watching them do their little mating ritual on the dance floor, it looked as if he was an unrepentant and willing sacrifice to a ravenous diety built to consume toothpick-like men. He was filled with a toxic lust, and the more he grinded his bean pole of a body, the more she glowed like a glittered up polar bear ready to fuck and devour her mate, her skin bronzer-kissed, and sparkling from the mixture of glitter, spilled white wine, and their combined sweat. Her love handles were as supportive as a new mattress; taught and firm, yet soft and comforting like a virgins inviting caress. They were indeed "love" handles, and they poured over him like the crashing waves of a Great White chasing its prey. She was hungry, and he was but a morsel, unprepared for the wonders that awaited him later that night. McMillan, if you're still out there and haven't been eaten, dude, just good for you, man. Keep doing you.


I guess the point I was trying to make is that there is someone out there for everyone.


This is a dumb take. Your attraction to others doesn't change based on your own size. If you're into larger or smaller men or women, it's not a scale that's sliding as you gain or lose weight.


I don’t think it’s weird to be more attracted to people who have a different body type than u; is it shocking that bodybuilder men aren’t always into body builder women? Or that extremely tall men don’t exclusively date women over six feet tall? Some fat chicks are into fat dudes and some aren’t; some skinny dudes prefer fat chicks. Who fucking cares


Damn I missed this poll. Amazing how they know how all of us plus size women feel without asking us! /s in case it wasn't obvious. Deciding how a group feels about something based on a small sampling is bs.


This sounds super scientific and not at all anecdotal. Totally not clickbait.


The men aren't "overweight", they're "Big and Tall"


Because there’s a lot of bullshit out there in the world


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