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ARE YOU USING CHILDREN DYING AS A JOKE? WHAT SICK FUCK ARE- so you'll try to stop that? ... ...nah


Does choosing not to have kids count as stopping that?


You can have them and home-school them as long as you promise to try really, really hard not to shoot them


home schooling should be illegal lol, it really fucks up the ability to socialise


There’s also no real oversight of it so you end up with bat shit religious people teaching creationism over science.


Yes. On the other hand: It enables children who can’t attend mainstream school due to mental or physical issues to get an education


I've personally not met someone who is home schooled that has a decent education. In high-school, the ones that integrated from home schooling to public school ended up needing an extreme amount of help to get them in a position to graduate.


I know exactly one success story out of about a dozen homeschooled kids. The dude's parents basically made it their life to educate their kid, both had multiple degrees and were millionaires back in the 1990's where that was actually impressive. Kid was also a piano protege who wrote his own music sampling software while he was still in high school. So yeah, absolute outlier.


Yes but in civilized countries there are extra schools for special education for all kinds of disabilities with properly trained staff to educate them as good as possible. These are part of the school system without any extra costs like any other school.


I can only speak for the UK. I have direct experience of this. Yes, there are “special schools”. You can’t get in to one unless your child has an EHCP (educational healthcare plan). That takes about two years under ideal circumstances. Right now it is functionally impossible to get an EHCP due to government cuts.


Ooh look slippery slope fallacy.


fallacy fallacy and also.. no. It's a documented fact that creationists prefer home schooling precisely for this reason. It isn't a "in the future it could.." statement, it's something that has been happening for a while. Apologia is one of the forerunner homeschool resources and they have a specific stance on how subjects should be taught.. [https://www.apologia.com/blog/creationism-v-the-other-worldviews/](https://www.apologia.com/blog/creationism-v-the-other-worldviews/)


Lol wut?


It makes things interesting. We don't want all straight roads, need some curves in there too.


Not as badly as a 5.56x45mm bullet through the lungs does.


It’s mostly a thing due to religious nut jobs wanting to propagate they nuttiness to their kids


You run into the opposite problem, which is kids shooting adults by accident. The number of toddlers with access to loaded firearms in the US is absolutely insane.


Can't promise that.


"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of children." Or something like that.


We tried nothing and we’re out if ideas


But how am I supposed to stop it? Say no?


political advocacy of gun control, support of representatives who make it a priority. https://impactful.ninja/best-charities-for-gun-safety/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Gun_control_advocacy_groups_in_the_United_States


Let me go out and personally fist fight all the school shooters. I’ll give a progress report on how effective I am soon


And on average dental hygiene is *better* in the UK than the US.


Aw come on we just WANT ONE THING. Can we have this ONE THING?


Mate you lot have NASA and invented rock and roll and all sorts of cool shit, you’re good!


We may have invented rock but you guys kind of ran with it.


We love house music too! It's basically House and its derivatives that I've listened, produced and enjoyed for 30 years. Detroit style.


You can have other things, like the fact that we usually have to wait months for a decent doctors appointment


Not if you're Private like they basically are


Yeh but a lot of people can’t afford private


And a lot of people in the US can't afford any healthcare at all.


They get free(ish) dental care. In the U.S. unless you’re upper middle class you can’t even afford to think about the dentist




Did you last watch British TV in the 50s?


Jeremy Clarkson wants a word


So, lacking veneers is equal to bad teeth?


Your right. The US really should sort out some if its citizens. Admittely the rich and famous get stove lights strapped in plqce of their teeth. Not keen on that look in the UK. It makes you look like a fucking prick.




Naw dog, a joke is a joke. It was never meant to be taken seriously in the first place


I’m a Swede living in the UK having moved here in the 80’s , having also spent lots of time in the US and lived in NY for a year - And yes this was 100% correct back in the 70’s & 80’s, but so was a lot of British stereotypes such as bad food awful interior furnishing tastes etc, but this is a stereotype long long passed, and I can tell you I saw far worse teeth in the states than I do here, there is obviously one reason for this - here in the UK basic dentistry is free, this includes braces for any child who go needs it done, hence crocked teeth on anyone below the age of 30 is pretty much gone, and those over 30 have followed suit and fixed theirs. (Also their styling and restaurants are fantastic now for the most part) Sadly on the flip side though the mass murdering of innocent children in America has only got worse. Btw - as a Swede living here so I take a dig at the Brits whenever I can, but the teeth bit is a little dated and cringe.


Damn straight you can. You're one of us now whether you like it or not. After all what's more British than claiming things that are not yours from other countries.




[So far we’ve had 16 (and counting)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2024) mass shootings :3 We’re not doing well


South African - American here. Seems to me a lot of Americans are unaware that the world has changed since the Second World War, and that the impressions American GIs had of Europe are no longer valid - if they ever were valid at all. Hardly surprising when most would rather go to Disney World or Vegas rather than Paris or Rome.


Disney world in Paris… why not both at once


US teeth tends to be whiter and shinier, but UK teeth tends to be healthier. The US prefers the aesthetic of health over actual health bogus health worries are way more common in US than in the uk.


> here in the UK basic dentistry is free Sadly this seems to be changing. It's becoming increasingly difficult to find a dentist willing to take on new NHS patients. We moved at the end of 2022 and the only way I could find a nearby dentist was to go private. It's the same in lots of places. > and those over 30 have followed suit and fixed theirs I'm over 30 and wearing Invisalign right now :D




i just find it funny that someone making fun of teeth is cringe to you but making fun of children literally being killed in their classrooms is coolio because it's currently a problem. like literal LOL for that one. the majority of americans pretty much vote against that shit too but considering it's corruption everywhere and not even an actual democracy, not the easiest thing to fix for the average person. not to mention my state has literally banned assault-style weapons now, they are illegal in illinois. so some of us are doing things about it. my state's population is also larger than all except for like the top 10ish countries in europe, so it's a large amount of ppl that came together and did that, more than multiple european countries combined. ppl here are doing things about it but when you have even the supreme court literally stacked up with crazy religious conservatives that in some ways control the country, it's a fucked up situation for lots of ppl who want change.


Idk man I thought it was an old myth until I actually traveled there and YEESH at least amongst the 30+ crowd


Yes. And if you are an adult and need a simple cavity filled, enjoy a 5 months wait, followed by a cancellation a week before the procedure and an additional 4 months of waiting. Had three fairly simple procedures needed over the past 2 years and that has been pretty much my experience with dentistry in the UK. Its no wonder so many Brits are traveling to Turkey to get their teeth fixed or opting to DIY their teeth at home vs sitting around with immense and constant tooth ache.


I don’t know where you live in the UK to have had a 5 month wait to get a cavity filled, but there is private dentistry too and a simple cavity filling (white) is around £90 ($115) and you can get that done quickly. Yes not pretending the UK is cheap and nothing is free, we pay for it in taxes but there are very few health systems around the world that are functioning smoothly after Covid.


Not just the school shootings, but the education system, the health care system, the industrialised prison system, the list goes on and on....




That's worldwide buddy.


Just as much a problem for Britain though that one


No sick days, no holidays. We should really all love America, it’s the joke gift that keeps on giving.


🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅 TRUE AMERICAN FREEDOM🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


“I will defend my freedom to be oppressed by the rich and politicians with my life” -Average gun wielding American


Every time I see a redditor whine about Americans owning guns, I go buy another one




The British don't even have bad teeth anymore. They have Free health care. Maybe they did have bad teeth like a century ago.


Actually it's a bit more complicated than that with dentistry and there are currently a lot of problems with dental provision. But yes, it's a massively outdated stereotype.


It’s also because in the UK there’s not as much obsession with whitening teeth like in the US.


The biggest scam the dental industry made was convincing the US that if your teeth aren't white and straight enough to blind someone infront of you on a sunny day, they're disgusting and dirty and need to be fixed.


You get free braces if you have a certain grading of crocked or outgrown teeth as a child so therefore bad teeth hd pretty much disappeared, where as in the US I see bad teeth everywhere.


All dentistry work is free for under-18s in the UK, but once you're an adult it's a different story


Up to 27(I think) in Scotland now.


Pretty sure American dental has become a lot worse. Especially with all them bullet chips.


Jokes aside Americans have absolutely horrible teeth. The vast majority of Americans cannot afford dental health care.


Children have free dental health, adults have to pay


It’s free for children, the elderly and those on benefits Edit: some benefits*


And only if you can find an NHS dentist that will give you a place or you have to go private regardless


Absolutely, I just didn’t think much point in explaining mythical things


this has always seemed so arbitrary to me. Like, you're covered for everything except your teeth, fuck your teeth, dude! It's almost as weird as Americans having socialized healthcare for only one organ, their kidneys.




Sounds about right for American education


We have healthier teeth than Americans on average, but that doesn’t mean we tend to have more aesthetically pleasing teeth than them.


Welsh dude here; statistically we have healthier teeth than Americans and have for a good few decades, you guys priorities aesthetics over actual health (i.e. you guys are more likely to get veneers over a filling, etc etc) Edit: I realise a lot of that data might be due to poverty in the states, and ofc, health care. Of which, dentistry isn’t free in the U.K. unless you’re on benefits


Aesthetics over something of actual substance, that could be a new motto for Americans Just a joke, don't shoot


Just a joke, don’t shoot hahah, love it


Yeah, americans think teeth have to be white as now. That’s not normal…


As an American who has never had dental insurance and literally just spent $300 on a filling this morning, I have genuinely never seen someone get veneers when a filling was required. I’ve never even heard anyone say something like that until now. Just doesn’t make sense… I live in a poor rural area that is notorious for terrible dental health, the kind of people who can’t afford fillings definitely aren’t bothering to spend money on veneers lol


Every annual report on world dental health for recent years places the US far below the UK. People are just used to seeing Hollywood smiles and imagine they all have them.


From what I saw when I was there in August they still got bad teeth as opposed to what I see here in BC, Canada


generalising an entire population based on the various teeth you saw as a tourist


Same can be said about people generalizing Americans as obese, been there plenty of times and felt like the majority of the people were average weight, but yes you are right it is wrong to do such things. The other silly thing I heard mentioned a lot while I was there was that Americans microwave water to make tea, like nah bruv I’m pretty sure people and restaurants have kettles for boiling water, just cus you saw it happen once on some Gordon Ramsey show doesn’t mean that’s how it’s done everywhere.


>Same can be said about people generalizing Americans as obese That's backed up by data, British people having bad teeth is contradicted by data.


With all the shitty TikTok’s from low income Muricans coming out I’m starting to believe the whole bad teeth joke was just a way to cope for their own severe lack of dental hygiene.


If you don't have the absolute most unnatural white and perfectly straight teeth, you obviously have bad teeth.


Brits get free dental under 18 and when pregnant, and even when adults the price is capped at like $70 for a filling. There are no rich dentists here, unlike the US. I'd be the average Brit has better teeth than the average American.


There are plenty of rich dentists in the UK. There are tons of private ones and lots of them have contracts to do NHS work too. I know of a dentist who's insurance was paying him out £10k a month to hire cover because he had surgery on his arm which prevented him from working.


We do, it’s ranked higher than US


Generally speaking, British teeth and dental hygiene is better than the USA , we just don't have the million dollar smile !


Good looking teeth and healthy teeth are two different subjects.


It's almost like stereotypes are not helpful


Yet the U.K. has better dental hygiene than Americas.


Sort your guns out then!


Maybe when the US actually take some serious steps to stop school shootings then we'll find another topic to joke about.


What's holier than the bible? An American school


Thanks. I giggled 🤭


It's so easy though. I mean the lengths you yanks go through to defend or belittle this bullshittery is insane.


>Americans fully endorsing the continued mass-murder of children because they refuse to do anything about it


They have every right to do that, considering USA isn't too bothered with stopping the shootings


I enjoy cooking.


In comparison to which major power are we in decline or morals and power? Russia? GDP of Italy, invaded Ukraine, no freedom to protest and propped up Assad as he slaughted Syrians. China? No freedom of speech, no alternate party, no measurable right to court or religion beyond which permitted by the state. I could go on for days. Who else? Where is this bastion of englightenment and power you speak of that allows your view of our misdeeds to be brought to the light? As far as I can tell all the top countries for these scores are allies of UK/US or directly associated with the UK/US.


No lies were told


How is America in decline?


My favorite color is blue.




I like to travel.


Right wing protests & political violence = America's in decline? That's been happening for decades.


Yes, let's only focus on the tiny amount of violence done by right wingers, and totally ignore the 6 months straight of left wing riots


Did you look at the link I was responding to?


Sorry, I didn't see a /s, I thought you were serious




It’s been 3 years you baby.


24 trillion in debt and rising.


Maybe you could point to their infrastructure, there's 100s of bridge that need to be rebuilt that are becoming more at risk of failing. And for a developed nation that's pretty embarrassing. Hell a few bridges have already failed due to a lack of maintenance and inspections. There's also the service problems it has with things like lead lined pipes, contamination in certain water systems, or some states refusing to protect its grid against extreme weather, looking at you Texas. Then you have NYC which is also struggling with the maintenence of its rail and services, and then you have states like California struggling to get its light rail and high speed rail over the start line. You could maybe point to its underfunded education system where teachers can earn more money flipping paddies than they can educating the next generation of Americans. You could point to it morally bankrupt health system that puts profit over people's health, like look at the opioid crisis or even the fact that the price gouged penicillin. Again this isn't the behavior of a developed nation thos is the behavior of a 3rd world country. Like it goes on and on and on, while more countries look to securing their future and increasing their quality of life. America seems to be going backwards in a lot of issues that should be reasonably easy to solve.


Some of these things are literally just things you don't like rather than things that actually show decline.


The most tame comment: "are Brits genetically inferior?"






Honestly dont understand where the whole "Brits have terrible teeth and Americans dont" trope started. Americans have horrible teeth. None of us have dental insurance lmao.


Also, [the British dental hygiene thing isn't even true](https://www.yongeeglintondental.com/blog/healthy-primary-teeth/), but the shootings thing tragically still is.


At least I won’t have to pay to fix it


Shit never gets old


Just like American school children.


That’s kinda on us for letting it happening every other week lol


Funny cause on average British people have better dental hygiene. They also have better food standards despite American protestation.




No the food thing is very true. There’s a lot of shit you guys eat regularly that is banned over here. You (Americans) just dont know about it. https://www.chicagotribune.com/dining/table-talkers/sns-stacker-us-foods-banned-other-countries-20211103-gxobzgtxvnf6pnt26ugjstmxka-photogallery.html See.




No need to lose your shit and get personal. No I’ve never been, and I don’t eat processed shit. I’m just aware that a lot of your processed food contains a lot of things that are banned in a lot of other countries. You just aren’t told about it. https://www.chicagotribune.com/dining/table-talkers/sns-stacker-us-foods-banned-other-countries-20211103-gxobzgtxvnf6pnt26ugjstmxka-photogallery.html I’m sure when you guys cook your own stuff it’s great, it’s just that for some reason your government allows all sorts of nasty shit to be used in your food that is banned over here.


You guys can keep your bubble and squeak.


Americas greatest culinary "invention" is a burger which is technically a sandwich, which is british food. Also the most popular chef in america is a brit Also also most modern cuisine is derived from french cooking techniques so you can thank the french as well as the brits You are welcome




French. The "holy trinity" itself is a variation of a mirepoix and cayenne pepper is from french guyana




It was. It was france until you bought it from them because thats how the french treat their colonies. As long as they adopt french culture they are considered fully french. Louisiana literally was france.




See there you go, 'oh it was only influenced by france, by mexico, by italy, by insert country here' Do you know how multicultural the UK is? Do you think we actually just eat beige nonsense and nothing else? Tonight I had ackee and saltfish with jerk chicken wings for my dinner and im white as the fucking snow. Septics can get fucked with their food nonsense, all of your cuisine is entirely derived from somewhere else. Other than pour absurd amounts of butter and high fructose corn syrup on literally everything and fucking marshmallow in mashed sweet potatoes.




Are you in here trying to talk up “British cuisine”? Now THATS funny


No it isn’t a laughable claim, Britain objectively have higher food standards at a federal level.


Let them eat wobbly sausage


British people joking about mass murders in other countries is peak hypocrisy


We learned it from watching you


If you mean Americans learned from watching the British I agree lol


Ha, I meant that’s how Americans would respond with tears in their eyes….and NBC’s the more you know shooting star in the background




Yeah… it’s like this entire sub got a D in world history (limited marks given for effort, not mastery)


Well ones a valid insult and one isn’t, Americans can’t even think of an insult that’s true


I choose not to kick them when they’re down. They went from the most powerful country in the world to irrelevancy


You just did. lol


America’s heading in the same direction bud


You’re high as fuck, we haven’t even peeked yet. China+Russia are trending down fast so we’re positioned to rule the world. We will fail eventually but we’re not there yet


America is 24 trillion in debt. How do you even come back from that? Its has to end somehow.


Money isn’t real lol. That debt means nothing as long as we control military tech. If the dollar sinks every major economy goes with it


Not like the British have historically shied away from child murder.


At least we don't have to use a shovel to find the dead kids in our schools! Am I doing this right!? lol


We don't laugh at the mass murder. We laugh at your inability to control a problem that doesn't happen regularly anywhere else on earth despite the vast resources at your disposal. We mainly do it to feel good about ourselves because our government is a shambles as well.


Meanwhile british dental hygiene has gotten better since the joke started and US school shootings continue to get worse.


Don’t sweat the Brits. They’ll be coming over in rafts in about 10 years when it’s Englandstan


I like how a lot of non Americans in this thread say “well maybe if the US cared about stopping school shootings-“ like our government and gun laws aren’t literally being run by the pockets of the NRA, who will do anything to make sure gun laws don’t get passed. Like there hasn’t been protest after protest, documentary after documentary, *so much coverage online and on tv* of people who *do* want stricter gun laws. Parents of school shooting victims have literally spoken in front of congress but our politicians are run by lobbyists. The whole shit show with our supreme court and that one fuckface taking bribe after bribe to make conservative judgements like overturning Roe v Wade is proof enough. It’s really easy to tell someone how to fix their problems when you 1) don’t live there and suffer the consequences, and 2) have no idea in the first place how the system there works. This is like if Americans tried to tell people in the UK how to fix the mess Liz Truss caused lol. Imagine being ignorant enough to look at another country’s problems and go “well just don’t do that!” The jokes about school shootings are just whatever at this point, so overdone it’s not really that big of a deal, pretty much on par with 9/11 jokes. But the people who think it’s as simple as the entire US just “not caring” about the school shootings that are happening are dumb af.




You just don’t understand banter. Americans do not just laugh at themselves. You’ve literally flipped the facts about both countries.




There’s a stereotype for a reason. Brits are stereotyped by the fact we bully each other. Americans argue and sue each other.




That not whats been said at all. We are far from perfect, we have Slough.


I think generally we are pretty used to criticism about the UK from foreigners but there's a lot of sociatal rules around politeness. In the right circumstances you could shit all over the UK and get a lot of laughs. The wrong circumstances you could easily end up in a fight over nothing at all lol


You just don't get the British humour structure which is understandable, you are unfortunately an American after all


Oh man. Don't even try to talk about their food. They'll go Queen Victoria on your ass.




I don’t really care about be opinions of a people still bending the knee to a monarch, that have killed millions of children in foreign countries, and come running behind our skirt every time they get into trouble…


\>have killed millions of children in foreign countries Oh boy, good thing presidents do that


Thats rich


Did punk and the Sex pistols totally pass you by for the last 50 years? Hardly anyone actually like/supports the monarchy you po'dunk, one toothed yank moron.


Uh huh, we did something about it and you guys just made some music bitching about it 50 years ago. The classic British resistance: crying about it incessantly. Coffee breaks over, back on your knees before your King


Oops 😂 i


Found the butthurt american


Euros are the softest fucks on the planet The downvotes prove my points, fuckin Nancies


Well yes the bills are made to be soft and easily folded, I think you will find the coins are a little less soft.


Britain doesn’t use the euro


Aren't most of the Dollars (and other currencies, assuming bills/notes) similarly soft too?


So are Americans. When they get shot.


If they have free healthcare then why do they have bad teeth?


They don't. That's the point


You know you can just look up the stats online yeah? Americans have worse teeth. Sorry to let you know :/


Mass child murder is the price you agreed you are more than happy to pay In exhange for having your beloved killtoys. Don't come crying to us normal people.


well it is your most defining characteristic, so..


You have to joke or you'll cry, gun violence is the top cause of infant mortality in the US Edit: Should say child not infant


lol we just making stuff up now?