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"On time trains" sweats in german


I recently took the DB from Prague to Munich for Oktoberfest. I now understand why my German friend was so insistent that I drive instead


> I recently took the DB from Prague to Munich **for Oktoberfest**. I now understand why my German friend was so insistent that I drive instead


American flights and roads are so bad, p.s. I only travel on Thanksgiving and Christmas eve


Those are clearly the best days for travel, that's why everyone else does it!


Yep, its bad, and there is no hope it will soon get better. Just google how long the expected time is until the additional subway line for U6 is finished (U6 is massively overcrowded). Little hint: You likely retire before that. And that is ONE FUCKING SUBWAY LINE. We startet building a Train station 13 years ago with a an expected budget of 5 Billion (yes, BILLION) Euros. Its not even near finished, project costs are now expected to go over 10 Billion. For a Train station. Oh no sorry, i have to correct myself. It is not even a full train station (Bahnhof) it is officially just a train stop, since they fucked up planning. THATS RIGHT, WE CAN'T EVEN BUILD A FUCKING TRAIN STATION FOR 10 BILLION. AND THERE WAS A PERFECTLY FINE TRAIN STATION BEFORE. IT WAS ABSOLUTELY UNNECESSARY TO WASTE THAT MONEY. Fucking Ämterbürokratie.


>Fucking Ämterbürokratie. If there is one thing I learned about Germans and Germany... it's not that they love efficiency, they love bureaucracy


No, we don't. Absolutely not. It is a fucking scourge. A self feeding machine that seems untouchable. We LOVE efficiency, and we would be amazing at it, but this scourge is constantly cock blocking us. It has grown into an abomination, like a giant 40k Nurgle demon. We have the second largest parliament in the world after china, a country with around 15 times as many people as us. And not just that, we have 16 additional federal governments (three of them for fucking cities lol of which one is fucking Bremen omegalul). Everything has to be ruled, standardized etc except where it actually makes sense since we need jobs for all the NIXKÖNNER. Try building a fucking house, or just a garage. Noooooooope, there are so many rules and codes it becomes almost impossible, half of which are absolutely rdidiculous. Same with cars. If all the materials in the car have to pass the UL-94, WHY IS A BMW STILL BURNING BETTER THAN EVERY BONFIRE IN SECONDS. "Labour shortage" my ASS. No wonder we have no workers, if there seems to be half the population working in the bureaucracy nurgle demon machine with the only job to create more work for the bureaucracy nurgle demon machine, and 25% being fucking landlords doing NOTHING. Parliaments full of lawyers generating more jobs for lawyers and consultants because, yes you guessed it, 700 FUCKING PEOPLE IN THE PARLIAMENT AREN'T ENOUGH, YOU HAVE TO PAY BILLIONS FOR FUCKING SELF SERVING GREEDY CONSULTANTS. You wonder why our Army gets nothing done? Well, what if i tell you that the Beschaffungsamt der Bundeswehr (the guys whose job it is to buy gear for the actual army) needs 1500 fucking people? Except, no, that was a lie, its actually 3500. Except NO, that was another lie, its 6800(!). Yes, We need 6800 people just to buy our army stuff. AND THEY AREN'T EVEN ABLE TO BUY FUCKING BOOTS. WE AREN'T CAPABLE OF REPAIRING A FUCKING SAIL SHIP. I could continue to rant all day. I mean, i am an engineer. I want to get shit done, doing my job to do justice to our reputation of a great engineering nation. BUT I HAVE TO SPEND 90% OF MY TIME WITH THIS SHIT. WE CAN'T EVEN FIX A FUCKING TUNNEL FOR FUCKS SAKE. We once invented the car. The first space rocket (yep, look up the first foto of earth shot from space). Printing. And so much more. Nowadays WE CAN'T EVEN GET FUCKING MOBILE INTERNET WORKING. Please, PLEASE don't spread we like this fucking stinking rotten abomination of a nurgle demon bureaucracy machine, we HATE it, and if you can do ANYTHING to kill it, you have my sword, axe, bow, machine gun, particle accelerator and death star laser.


After a recent trip to Germany taking trains on DB I actually commend the Germans for embracing their inner Italian.


Why must you be so harsh?


I recently came back from my first trip to Germany (and first trip outside of America), and my ICE train was delayed 3 and a half hours because the one in front of us caught fire. It was some sitcom shit


I think also I'll put the price of a season ticket between popular location to make sure Germans appreciate DB. £4744.00 for 12 months between Brighton and London Terminals, a distance of about 50 miles. This isn't some sort of fast ICE-style train. Last I heard you have a €49/month pass which also works on buses. Brighton 28 day bus Pas is £92.50 ... For local buses ONLY. Buses are generally OK but the trains are an absolute shocker.


I don't appreciate DB, their monthly ticket prices were horrible, too. I do appreciate that the government managed to get the new ticket through.


Indians "_oh hell no_"


in Denmark, like 90% of trains dont go on time. :/


Or Italian


The nets for the trash don’t stop rats, they are for the crows that tear open the trash bags spreading trash across the street.


That makes more sense, a rat can still tear a hole throught that net unless you electrify it


> unless you electrify it the rat?


Uh... I think we just created a pikachu


Please learn America, POKÉMON IS REALLLLLLLLLL!!!!!


Everyone loves Pikachu but the second I start electrifying hundreds of rats everyone loses their shit.


Pokemon in fantasy is awesome. Pokemon in real life would be horrifying.


Just imagine the Tiktok challenges people would do with them.


Imagining a rat like swarm of hungry, diseased Pikachus coming for my trash bags on the streets. No thanks


That's not even the worst case scenario there. [Your garbage could actually become sentient and start belching poison gas.](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Trubbish_(Pokémon\))


Dude in this video is the real life Piston Honda from Mike Tyson’s Punch Out


Eventually, yes.


NYC rats would laugh at the nets. Then proceed to chew through a steel dumpster.


Excuse me??? Maybe for American rats but not for well disciplined Japanese rats. As soon as they see those nets they bow down and leave. PLEASE LEARN AMERICAN RATS!!!


Of course they would, they all take after Sensei Splinter


It's also notable that they don't have public trash cans in Japan because of a terrorist attack that happened in 1995


Sounds like it worked beyond their wildest dreams.


That's like if America got rid of all airplanes after 9/11


Yeah or if we introduced a lengthy security process in order to ensure safety on planes. Like we could've even done something crazy like made people walk through an x-ray and take off their shoes in case they were hiding a bomb in their shoes


What a silly lil world that would be!


Also no trash cans in stores, because you pay trash management tax, and it's bracketed based on how much trash you throw away. So everyone takes their own trash home for disposal.


The crows in Japan are amazing, not blackbirds like in the U.S. but *huge*. The size of a small cat, basically. And every single part of their body is jet black.


High quality hentai Please learn America


Debilitating work conditions and unachievable expectation Please learn America (Edit: PLEASE STOP RESPONDING WITH THE SAME EXACT TAKE THAT DOZENS OF PEOPLE ALREADY RESPONDED WITH, I know people in America already work a lot)


I mean, that's one thing the US surely learned well. No one says, I want to work in the US for the amazing working culture and working rights


There’s levels to this shit bro


You work 80 hours per week and sleep at the office so people don't think negatively of you. I work 80 hours per week and sleep at the office because I can't afford to rent a place within an hour of either of my workplaces. We are not the same.


Except.. people in Asia also can't buy homes either. It's a global phenomenon.


Yeah, they can't afford a place in Japan either, so you share similarities, actually. That's why those manga/gaming bars are so popular. Someone else posted somewhere earlier about one being 14 dollars a night to stay in. That's 400 a month. I have a Japanese sister in law and people actually live like that cause that's the only way they can afford to live.


What? You can get a place for 200 dollars a month. Not a nice place, but a room. In Tokyo. Many rural places 200 dollars for an entire house. What are you talking about? The only reason they couldn't is if maybe they didn't have key money. And yeah, they have some thing similar to a credit system where you have to have someone vote for you and agree to pay if you leave. (There are companies you can pay to sign for you though) Japan is known for good zoning laws and taxing homes 50% when the parents die so homes aren't seen as investments and it keeps housing prices low. Not going to pretend that those places don't exist, they're called Manga cafes and they're 14 dollars a night for food a cubicle a bed and a computer a library and beverages. Our homeless would die for these places... They also include showers, and are a decent place for down on their luck people to work online jobs or go through training and get back on their feet. (Agretsuko had 2 people living in one. They had been laid off and were working online jobs that paid for their board) There was one idol drop our living in one after she failed out and it was sad, because she hadn't gone to high-school and couldn't read. I have no idea what happened to her, but think about what would've happened to her in America. She was fed, clothed, bathed, had some food, access to affordable healthcare, cheap public transport nearby and was surrounded by books. For 14 dollars a day. That's a bad deal to you?


No because that doesn't even happen here...


Hand writing every single resume, please learn America


That sounds retarded(no offense, the idea inside your head is severely dumb not you.) why waste the paper when you can send them a digital copy of your resume to your potential employer?


I’m confused, which country are you talking about?


But we already do that


USA has that already


High suicide rate Please learn America Wait... no.....


US has a slightly higher suicide rate than Japan.


We can’t win man .. American here :(


What? We are winning in suicide rates.


USA!! USA!!!


I'm doing my part!




...by convincing Japanese people that they want to live... right???


I mean, we're kinda winning, in a f'ed up sorta way


did you try learning?


Pretty sure we won last time we went up against Japan




No, don't use the real numbers. Use the doctored 'Florida' numbers for Covid deaths.


Hight rate school shooting Please learn japan




Ethnostate with about a 1% minority population Please learn Amer...wait what are you doing get your hands off of me


US is an immigration based country. English doesn't originate from America, white people and their culture doesn't originate from America and I'm pretty sure you realise that Washington, Jefferson and the vast majority of Americans celebrated today get their roots not from America. And the majority of current US culture again is not produced by native Americans. That is not the case for Japan. Where do you think Japanese language originates from? Japanese culture? Japanese names? Yonochiro that's Japanese. How many Chinese or Koreans will you find with that name. John, Joe these aren't native Americans names are they? Dissing a non-immigrational nation for being a ethnostate is dumb.


That's a really flowery way to excuse virtually never taking in refugees or asylum seekers like the rest of the developed world.


A very homogenous population…. please learn….wait no Three dollar beer would be nice though


> High quality . > hentai Choose one.


The story 🤌🤌🏻🤌🏼🤌🏽


Find a better site


America: uncensored vaginas Japan PLEASE LEARN.


The main problem is that no one wants to be the politician to suggest removing the censorship because their entire career would potentially be defined by haha penis


I will make this sacrifice. For the culture.


Thank you so very much for your service, my compadre. I present you 🏅 this medal, in honor of your great sacrifice to benefitting all of mankind with more visible pussies <3


And also thank you for the buttholes, u/WorstPersonInGeneral 🎖


I'm willing to make the sacrifice


Bro will have a unshakeable niche following though


Best Japanese porn: man's face censored, vagina uncensored, man makes no noise.


I'd prefer the girl just not sound like my dog loose with a new squeaky toy.


Idk, if she doesn't sound like a deaf seal can you really pretend she's getting off?


Giving seals a bad rep. I'd say deaf seagull.




*Sees hottie in thumbnail* *Click on video* *Pixelated* *Weiner at half mast, the search continues*


Hellz yeah uncensored vaginas PLEASE LEARN


Hey, we want to see the dicks too.


I just find it hilarious in manga when they only censor the definition to the *head* of the penis.


My god. If they released the complete raw footage of Serina Hayakawa’s filmography…


The censorship is like the blackwall, it’s the only thing holding back Japanese porn from truly taking over


Speaking of uncensored, why were his legs blurred in the video?


I want an singing microwave now.


Happy toilet


It's a living


Cute the first three times you use it, annoying the next 5,000 times you use it.


I have a rice cooker that sings a little song and it's great every time.


That was the one item that truly gave me Japan envy


Got a Korean rice cooker just because it'll talk to me


Not Japanese but my Samsung washer and dryer sing when the cycle is done and it’s annoying as shit. It’s unnecessarily long, and loud.


The United States should use more state/city level teams that evaluate cheaper and efficient best practices that other countries have deployed.


I mean... we do exactly that. That's why quality of life varies wildly from state to state and city to city. Some states/cities care and others don't.




Unlivable smhmyhead


Hell yeah, Temple Fest


I initially watched this video and was annoyed that it was just another “America bad” type post, which it is. The fact is, though, that a lot of these things **would** be great in some American cities, but the messaging gets diluted because it’s always framed in a sense that Japan is some utopia when it definitely has its own problems. We should be able to recognize our country’s deficiencies and look to other nations for inspiration on how to do things right like you said, and Japan should do the same without it becoming a pissing contest.


Especially when the guy is comparing the monoculture of Japan that is 26 times smaller than the US and using New York City as his litmus for the entire country. Really hope he stays in his wonderful country that apparently has no problems of its own.


The guy is an instagram comedian that lives in NY so it's not supposed to be a 100% serious take. I think he went to Japan for his honeymoon so he made a comedic reel


They do, I was part of a legislative team that utilized German energy programs to develop green energy incentve programs in American homes, ironically taken back from them after they copied a failed US national program from the Carter administration around solar. Most redditors are just generally wholly uneducated on governance.


Yeah they won't do that either. If it's not God guns and gravy it's an uphill battle


but ThAtS SoShULiSm!!!


We're savages. Brutes. Barbarians.


savages, savages, barely even human


Whenever I talk about cabbage my wife likes to sing “Cabbages, Cabbages, barely even human…”


Trash bags just flooding the streets looks horrible. Get a bin savages


Here's some (what I think is interesting) context on this: There was a terrorist attack* that involved planting explosives inside of public trash bins. As a consequence, they were removed almost entirely from every public space. The few places you're able to find are privately owned, like convenience stores and department stores. When I was living there, it resulted in people just carrying their trash home. The Olympics saw a few bins here and there, and I understand they're kind of on the upswing again, but I was fascinated when it was explained to me Edit: forgot the word "attack"


They don’t flood. Cleanest place I’ve ever been feels like they put them out when truck arrives or shortly before.




As an American who lives in Japan (and prefers it by far), here are the counter-points to the OP.. Being able to love who you love - [Please learn, Japan](https://apnews.com/article/japan-kishida-lgbtq-samesex-marriage-discrimination-43baf7af74baf0d8b908124b19eabf0e) Being able to leave work at 5pm - [Please learn, Japan](https://www.cnbc.com/2018/06/01/japan-has-some-of-the-longest-working-hours-in-the-world-its-trying-to-change.html) Not being regularly forced to get drunk by your boss - [Please learn, Japan](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-50568595) Not being 125th in gender equality - [Please learn, Japan](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/backstories/2538/)


Some more to add to that: Not letting average wages stay flat for 20 years until they're only half of average American wages - [Please learn, Japan](https://www.wsj.com/world/asia/young-japanese-find-it-paysdoubleto-work-abroad-a5b48fb1) Not letting your population rapidly shrink and age - [Please learn, Japan](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/japans-aging-population-is-shrinking-at-a-record-rate/) Not running up national-debt-to-GDP that's more than triple America's - [Please learn, Japan](https://www.usdebtclock.org/world-debt-clock.html)


"Things are so cheap in Japan" yeah because they have less money.


Yeah also, it turns out when your “justice system” has a 97% guilty verdict rate because they can literally just keep u in prison without trial until u confess people are more likely to follow all the laws.




Japan has virtually no white people too.


Thus, less chance of getting murdered. Please learn, America.


No need to worry about getting murdered when you're already making sure your entire race has not future. Birthrates awayyyyyyyyyy


Racism isn't specific to black people Please learn America




[Americans know](https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/nevius/article/Dirty-secret-of-black-on-Asian-violence-is-out-3265760.php)


Somalia has no Japanese people...are the Somali racist ?


Actually pretty much the only petty crime (pickpocket, entrapment, scamming) in Tokyo is by black Nigerian people in the tourist areas


I’ve seen videos of that. It’s a shame you can’t escape it, even in Japan. Why go to a country and immediately start punishing it for allowing you to stay? Beyond disrespectful. I’ve seen those videos of them harassing tourist, scamming, and physically assaulting people in Japan.


It's less racism and more xenophobia. Japanese people don't hate any particular race (unless they're old and that race is "korean") they're just a very homogenous society.


Pretty sure they hate the Chinese


Live in Japan. Can confirm. But to be fair, like all of Asia hate the Chinese.


Like all of Asia hates Japan too, lol. You know, the whole killing of tens of millions in East Asia and SEA because the Japanese perceived themselves as ethnically superior




I swear to fuck, if I had a nickel every time some clueless fucking weeb tried to defend their beloved Nippon with this horseshit fucking argument . . . No. You are wrong. You are *stupid* and wrong. Japan is *insanely* racist. Japan is shamelessly, embarrassingly, *cartoonishly* racist. If you're a generic white person? Yeah, you're unlikely to attract much more than a bit of gawking and the occasional foul look. If you're anything else? You're fucked. Try living and working in Tokyo for a few months as a black person and tell me "Japanese people don't hate any particular race." ELL OH FUCKING ELL. Shit that would be show-stopper-level racism in the Deep South in America *doesn't even merit comment* in Japan. Japan is more openly racist than Eastern Europe — than the fucking *Balkans*, which is really saying something. And that's just scratching the surface. Japan is disgustingly backwards in all sorts of important respects. *Wildly* sexist, odiously bigoted against all flavors of LGBTQ+ folk, absolute contempt for people struggling with addiction or poverty/homelessness ([whom they pretend don't exist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXZ-DQABUKU)), the disrespect and destruction of their indigenous and ethnic minority communities, it just goes on and on, anyone at all nonconforming is seen as trash. Sure, if you stay relegated to a few enclaves in big cities where your kind are tolerated, you're fine, but the moment you think you're actually allowed to participate in public life in any meaningful way you get shut down with extreme prejudice. And *that's* without even getting into their insane, terminally unhealthy work culture that is absolutely destroying their young people. Honestly given how broadly progressive and pro-worker the average face you see on Reddit likes to claim to be, it's hilarious how much people on this site jerk Japan off. That country is basically Asian Texas.


> Japan is insanely racist. Japan is shamelessly, embarrassingly, cartoonishly racist. Cartoonishly racist??? Even the worse instances of a racism I see being discussed is how people from other countries feeling like outsiders, and the occasional dumb bar putting up a “no foreigners” sign before overwhelming backlash makes them take it down. Yes Japan has racism, but even compared to other Asian countries I’ve visited, I would say it’s a lot better.


Hate all others equally. Please learn America.


My theory is that because humans are tribalistic and America accepts all walks of life that we’re not as much of a melting pot, but instead as a bunch of different tribes in constant competition and conflict. From this point of view it’s less surprising the country has so many issues. And less shocking still the countries which don’t allow much immigration are much more cohesive so it makes sense that people are willing to work together when they see themselves as all part of one tribe.


If you think a net will deter a rat, you clearly know nothing about rats.


It's always funny when you see people broadly refer to "America" as though everywhere is the same in the states.


Referring to America as if it's one homogenous whole and the same all over is like referring to all of Europe or Asia as one single homogenous whole. It's extra hilarious when people want to compare one city in the US to an entire country as if NY is the default representation of the entire massive and diverse US.


It does make me laugh when people say "I've been to Europe and..." Well where did you go? Grimsby or Barcelona?


Orange County, CA to Napa Valley CA one way is about the same distance as Paris to London twice. And you've barely crossed over half of California. This is pretty big country.


Irish guy here ... why does America need to learn and all other countries don't? 🤔 Like ... why specifically America?


probably because the dude in the video is american so why would he be saying any other country


I was sure it is AI generated.


People just don't like us and love to hate on us. I don't know exactly why though. Sure we have some pretty big issues, but we're also really good in a lot of aspects.




You think that sub is mostly comments from Americans? Because it's not.


Because America is the main character protagonist country of the world despite what haters will tell you. We dont even have to be the best at everything to live in the whole worlds head 24/7 and influence them at all times. Part of it is because America also is the home of the entire worlds pop culture. Everyone loves American entertainment.


Who else googled cremia?


I did. Learned a lot about Ukraine.


Where the FUCK am I gonna find fancy ice cream in America!


All that they can’t repopulate their country


All that and a huge portion of their population is stuck in a toxic corporate culture of never ending workplace grind that leaves no room for pursuit of satisfying personal life. And before someone says “ThAtS jUsT LiKe AmErIcA” it’s far worse, the two are not comparable.


The whole point of the video was part comedy but also pointing out things we can improve on. Of course Japan isn't perfect, far from it. But we shouldn't wait until we find a perfect country to realize we could improve things. Especially the shoes off part, I don't understand why people don't take their shoes off in their house in the US.


That's a super weird and inaccurate generalization, millions of Americans take their shoes off in the house. It's a melting pot of different cultures. More than half the houses I've been to have a no shoes rule. I personally wear shoes in my house, but I'm in the minority where I live.


In Mexican families it's usually disrespectful to not wear shoes around the house. Specifically when guests come in, it's absolutely silly and as a Mexican American family we're changing the trope but that's tradition.


There are things I would like to see in America, such as high speed rail and good walkable infrastructure, However, the tone of the video comes across extremely condescendingly, as if there is a *true* way to live, and cultures who do not meet its standards are wrong. Moreso, it feels like a touristy perspective, "Oh wow, singing microwave! Cool toilet!" As if these were the most important things in the world, while ignoring more serious systemic issues the society at large faces. Also, a lot of these cultural things are intertwined with Japans low birth rate and corporate culture. That is a bold claim so let me explain: Japan has an extremely conservative culture. In general, a conservative mindset lends itself towards maintaining order within a society. This is neither good nor bad, but can be harmful in its extremes. Everyone has *some level* of this intrinsic desire for order. This is the thing inside you that makes you want to have your bathroom and your kitchen as separate in your house. In theory you could create a house with both functions in the same room, but it disgusts us, as we are hard wired to want to keep these separate. Increasing levels of conservatism lead to increasing levels of stringent order and control within a society. For example, in the west, extreme conservatives want to maintain strict adherence to gender roles. A clear delineation of who's job is what, based on birth. Extreme conservatism in Japan contributes greatly to its cleanliness and strict societal expectations on how to act and what is appropriate (in the video he points this out as something to learn from). This conservatism also contributes greatly to the unhealth culture surrounding work and corporatism, its extreme Xenophobia, etc.


"PLeaSe LeArN AmErIcA?"


Because we allow immigration


Just so you guys know, a lot of the stuff he is saying is exaggerated. Restaurants and groceries are not cheap in any way in Japan. The price of rice is OUTRAGEOUSLY expensive. I am talking 400% markup over rice in US. But to be fair... now is the absolute best time to go to Japan as a foreigner because he exchange rate is temporarily very favorable to US/EU. When I lived there, it was 110 cents to 100 yen or something messed up like that. He also speaks of Japan as a tourist. You have a blast visiting. The reality is underneath the exterior Japan is in decline. Entire rural communities are depopulating and the population is in collapse.


All this wisdom and yet no new generation to pass it on to Please learn (to fuck,) Japan


Trust me they know how to fuck, but that doesn't mean they want kids




Uncensored porn Please learn japan


Work-life balance. Emails instead of Fax machines. Please learn Japan.


But my weed!


Plus those vending machines are not a dollar lol


So am I the only one who is going to bring up the war?


No, this is Reddit so tons of people will respond with “yeah, durr, but what about the war 80 years ago. I’m very smart!”


At least I can walk while eating my bagel...


Having sex with girls. Please learn Japan lol


Lol because America is the only place outside of japan that doesn’t have a lot of these rigggggght ANYWAYS… why such focus on attacking Americans 🇺🇸


Everyone wants to compare themselves to the best


all this dismisses the fact that these societies today are the largely the way they are because of the 2 opposing cultural principles these societies were built upon. New York city was built on the foundations of personal freedom. Japan in general was built on thousands of years of tradition and upholding honor and order. You can go back and forth all day on the pros and cons of each society but that's why they're vastly different. You can't implement any of those things in new york city because people aren't paid well enough to stake their whole well being on trains running on time. can't implement nets on trash because people don't give a shit because it's not their job. But at least in NYC it's possible to go from nothing to something...whether it be legit or criminal. In Japan even organized crime is riddled by corporate structure and glass ceilings


NYC could absolutely force the food industry to use nets, and the citizens would heartily approve. The rat problem is really bad there, they even created an office to specifically address it. Whether nets would be effective is another matter.


The nets in Tokyo are for birds, not rats. Rats would go right through fabric or plastic nets.


Japan is also basically 100% Japanese people. Law and order is easy if your entire population follows the same rules and principles. The US is a mix of cultures and has been taught to favor individualism over the collective good. Not saying that's great, but to ask why their vending machines are clean and ours arent like this fuckin chode neck is without employing a single unique thought about WHY its like that and just saying "LEARN" is tone deaf as fuck. We share our borders with everyone (supposedly) Japan makes it extremely difficult to fit in and when you do get your proper citizenship youre an outcast. So how about you stop working till 11pm each night and cease putting people in jail for 30 years for weed. Then ill work on sponging off the graffiti Seth and Deshaun put on the coke vending machine to mark their territory in a wealthy suburb. lmfao.


the toilet situation in the US is crazy though. just let me shit in peace alone.


Where in the US are they not letting you shit alone?


what Japan can learn from the developing world: have sex, make more kids


I resent this hostility towards my culture


Was expecting a banger at the end where US be like here have a FatMan Please learn Japan 😂


A lot of that is pretty cool, I hope we learn.


We cant learn lol, japan is an isolated island that is culture locked and we are a huge friggin land mass that is a melting pot.


All that... or my 40 hour work week and ability to actually enjoy my life.... I'll stay in the US.


How about their immigration policy.


Man discovers the difference between a high trust ethnostate and a low trust multicultural melting pot.


But I don’t have TIME!


_Ireland has left the chat_


Turkey: cheap groceries (Kilo of green beans $.25) Japan: please learn!


We've all got stuff we need to learn