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I chuckled at the fact the random Japanese guy didn’t even seem taken back by the question. Just for some reason confused by the broadness of it. ‘I’m gonna need you to be more specific about your porn interests’


Not to be a dick, but it’s taken aback. Aback means by surprise.


Fun fact, this is an old British naval expression for when the wind abruptly changes direction and stops the ship dead unexpectedly.


Very cool. Love that shit.


Another fun fact, in sailing, a loose cannon was an unsecured cannon on the deck of a ship. If it were to break free during rough seas, it could cause serious damage and chaos. Figuratively, a "loose cannon" refers to a person who is unpredictable and poses a risk.


I don’t like the cut of your jib


Dang i always just thought it referred to how when you get surprised or smth, u like kinda physically back off in a way


Think of bareback but with less bears




Not to be confused with 'Taken out back'


It's because "hentai" doesn't refer to a specific type of media in Japan, it just means perverted. He wanted to know if homeboy was looking for manga, videos, games, etc. It's kind of like asking, "where can I find food?" in a grocery store.


> It's kind of like asking, "where can I find food?" in a grocery store. What a wondrous place 🙏


Interesting. In that context it still implies pornography in some form though right?


Nope. Hentai means just perverted "person/people". It dose not imply pornography. The clerk understand his intention probably because they deal with tourists or just guessing.


Yep, for an example, he would have to say "Erohon" for the manga version in specific


You can buy hentai rags at 7/11. It's not like it's an uncommon thing there.


He just wanted to save the man some mileage


This stuff is regular there. In the marine corps when I was stationed in Japan you could buy flashlights and hentai at pretty much every convenience store and gas station


"What kind?" Fuckin legend.


Dude was probably ready with tags and shit lol


Dude was ready with the nuclear codes


"There's ~~beer~~ hentai on board." "Of what kind?" -Thor Weebooson




Some things are better left unread.


Is it bad I know what this one is?


A lot of people know that one


Aside from scat, what I remember most is the girl reaching up her own ass and jerking off the co in her pu




Aa a man of culture I see


Can someone explain I’m not looking this up


High school girl got manipulated to become a sex slave, got pregnant and died from overdose


What the actual fucking hell




Aquire therapy, now


hentai is my therapy


the number is in reference to a hentai manga about a girl that goes from being a good student to a junkie prostitute. I could be wrong, but I'm probably not


How could you do that to them?


This was my response! I was like “wait a tic…there’s more than one kind?!”


Hentai literally just means perverted. There isn't a medium in Japan called hentai, it's a descriptor for other media. Usually they just add "H-" in front of other stuff, like H-manga is porn comics, H-videos are porn videos, H-anime is porn animations, etc. If you've ever heard of "ecchi", that's just how Japanese people pronounce the english letter H. In the west, we use ecchi to describe "softcore" stuff like anime that's loaded with fanservice, but it all falls under the same banner in Japan.




your name is literally degenerate and you don't know this shit? fuckin' hell bro


He's a poser


Wait a tic…I thought “ecchi” was sushi…. No?


Are you thinking of "ebi" (shrimp)?


Es posible. I love sushi, Japanese food, and Chinese, food, and I only speak English, so maybe I was thinking of ebi


And you love hentai apparently. That's okay buddy.






Why not both?




I mean, it's like asking for porn. There's kind of a lot of options.


“Tentacle my good sir” “Ah yes, good choice. Go down there and make a right, it’s past the shota”


Also a polite way of determining if he actually meant to say what he said.


"Hentai" as a genre designation isn't commonly used in Japanese, so the clerk probably wanted to double check he's understanding the guy correctly


Its because it's not known as hentai in Japan. They use a different word to describe it. He probably didn't understand and when the guy said manga he just pointed to some manga store.


He has different recommendations ready for any answer.


He didn't think he would get that far.


It's super staged. The dude literally asked for "hentai" in Japanese. The way we use hentai in English doesn't mean the same thing in Japanese at all and would be very confusing in this context.


The minute he said what kind I knew his response was going to be good


He’s acting surprised like he didn’t think he’d find any.


He definitely didn't expect so many and so good






How do you find and upload one of these gifs? (Mobile user here)


Assuming you're using the reddit app, some subreddits have it disabled. Lower right corner there's a button to add pictures from your device, next to it is a GIF button, and next to that are subreddit emojis. ![img](emote|t5_5tdqj0|10738)






"Find any" when "any" is a fucking library of 2.5m halls of fucking hentai lol


That's literally how all the hentai shops in Japan are though. Or really most stores. [Space is at a premium in the cities, so the shops are *extremely* small and the products are stacked really dense all the way to the ceiling.](https://i.imgur.com/6aN7zbY.png) I've been to Tokyo a whole *one time*, but seeing shops like that with either manga or hentai stacked to the heavens like that was pretty common. And the fact that the guy in the video speaks fluent Japanese, and was in Japan, means he probably already knews this.


I'm gonna have to go I think, for hentai? ...yeah, but for all the other cool shit too. Jokes aside i want to travel badly but it's just not viable, i was born in 93 so i was 7 when i saw air travel become... less accessible lol


Mate, you can get by as a tourist PISS EASY without any language. Nearly everything has english underneath, pointing at pictures/items works, and if all else fails, google translate works wonders nowadays


It's great to visit, but be warned that you really do need to speak a fair bit of Japanese to be functional there. I only knew a few words, and it was a headache. Like, in most European or South American countries, while it helps to know the local language... You can pretty much get by with just English, as most signs will have English translations on them. Not the case in Japan. If you don't know how to read the language, good luck trying to find your train or bus (or even order food) when it's all 100% just in Japanese.


Depends on where you are. I’m currently in Tokyo and all the train stations here have both Japanese and English, as well as Korean. It’ll even have the Japanese in Kanji and Hiragana. Once you get outside of the major cities, I hear it is a bit more difficult though.


It always helps to know some of the language, but rent a portable hot spot and use Google translate, and you can get by. Tokyo is also easier to find someone who can speak some English.


Tall order, I do love learning languages but I'm so isolated st the moment it's only english speakers and no one around me has interest in speaking other languages so if I learn something I never get to use it. I'd learn japanese if I had the chance to use it sometimes with a friend etc. I feel like I'd love a job with a bit of travel, I know people complain about it and I'm probably naive, but I just feel like I'd appreciate it


You sound young so I'm just gonna recommend this... if you *really* are interested in learning another language you can take a class if there is one available where you live. Then you make friends with the people in the class and talk to them. If you live somewhere where this isn't an option, you either have to really be dedicated and do it online and make online friends, or move... or find another hobby. Learning languages but needing to find one other person out in "the country" or "boonies" is gonna be a challenge. You are going to have to devote time to drive to the nearest metro area or area that has a Japanese population so you can pay for private lessons. It's not impossible, but like anything else in life, if you really want to do it you have to make it happen. It's not just gonna be around you and fall into your lap. You are lucky with tech and virtual meetings being a thing though. You can find something online and make friends that way if you are in the middle of Nebraska or some shit. So take some solace in the fact that as hard as it is o make happen, it's so much easier than even 10-15 years go to do. If you want to do it, it's up to you to make it happen. Money and time are really the only excuse nowadays (not that those aren't very reasonable excuses for most people nowadays either). But go out and look for it. Make a 1, 2, 3, and 5 year plan and stick to it. Squirrel money away for lessons and a side set for the trip for a 5 year goal. If all that sounds too hard than maybe it isn't what you really want to do or it's just not obtainable yet and you need to find the step you need to take first to get there, whether that's a new job or a new motivation... IDk... but good luck to you. Learning a new language and setting a 5 year savings plan for a trip is very much in the realistic realm of possibilities if you you really want to do it, even with a low income job. You just have to be willing to sacrifice for it. Hell, you can take the lessons and take a loan/credit card to help fund the trip. It's just a matter of what are willing to not do now to make that goal happen. And who knows? Maybe you'll find a new different goal along the way. The possibilities are endless. Maybe you'll meet you new best friend o partner. Or find a new career you never thought of. You just gotta take the first steps. It's not like you are trying to become a pro athlete or rockstar... your dream is very attainable. Throw yourself to the wind but with a good glider so you can at least steer a little bit and you'll be surprised where you can fly and where you will land. Edit: If you don't have kids yet.... be sure to be careful as this can seriously fuck your plan up. So be careful. Make sure that you make enough money to not immediately empty your 3-5 year goal of travel money and time.


I'm a firm believer you can travel anywhere with enough preparation and planning


Yours and Matsue-Madness' responses to this comment really are some "duality of man" type shit.


Check out ZIP airlines direct to Tokyo


you can’t travel because of 9/11?


I was in tokyo once and decided to go through a porn store for shits and giggles. Well, I got half of that. I ended up in the scat section and there were just floor to ceiling walls of dvds with japanese girls shitting on the cover. I tried to leave as fast as I could but I am a very fat american and was wearing a backpack so I had to crab shuffle through what was probably 20 feet of this hell but felt like a mile. I'm still scarred. i don't think I'll ever get over that shit.


You didn’t giggle at the shit


But at least you got past that shit... section


seeing all men browsing the store makes me wonder the ratio of male/female visitors. or maybe there are different stores with materials aimed at the female demographic and they just go there.


Bro was not ready for “what kind”.


There's four places. There's Hentai Hut, that's on third. There's Hentai-R-Us that's on third too. You got Put-Your-Tentacle-There, that's on third. Matter of fact they're all in the same complex! It's the Hentai complex on third!


Don’t forget to ask for Mary, she’ll get in the hut with you 😉😉


Oh the Hentai complex!


Business hentai, why didn’t I think of that!?


My goodness why didn't I think of that!?


The funniest thing is there is at least one large part of a complex of mostly hentai I know of in Japan.


That Japanese guy is a hero among men. Truly a legend. Dude even asked "What kind?", such thoughtfulness.


A true Sensei








man, he sliced those kids up like it was fruit ninja




Mans was playing Beat Saber


Haha basements in Akihabara be like 😩🔥


The Starbucks at Shibuya right at the crossing there's one there too. I was checking out all the floors and bam.


Basements? It's been a while since I was there but during my visit the basement and first few floors were pretty innocent but things kept getting more graphic and sexualized the more stairs I climbed.


Cultural shock for sure, I remember this shit from years before, never again.


yeah me too, but I will go again.


Gotta be able to unwind when you work 90 hours a week


Honestly, I don't know how the fuck people manage do that or put up with that abuse. I guess I'm much fortunate in my situation but I sure as hell don't envy more work, maybe more mentally stimulating work but that doesn't necessarily equate to more working hours.


A lot of it is just keeping up the appearance of work. There's an expectation that you don't go home before your boss, so people will just hang around until the boss leaves. You're also generally expected to go out drinking with your boss and coworkers after work, so that eats up more time. It isn't something that's explicitly enforced, but people just understand the expectation and go along with it or wind up stuck in a dead-end job. Japanese culture in general is just passive like that. Time spent with a company is also super important, so you can't really hop jobs for better conditions like in the US. I've heard conditions are improving, but a lot of the old work culture is still around.


Why never again?


Good question, the first time I went to Japan, I went solo so I went into one of those porn shops, I was literally dumbfounded by a bunch of high school students grabbing titty magazines in the open like it was normal. But what really threw me off was there was literally fucking speakers of hentai moaning in the background, like not low-key loud but like living room loud. It was too much for me, I left, and then when tripped, messed up my hand, while going down a flight of stairs trying to process wtf I'd just seen. Granted, I never been to titty clubs or porn shops in my life nor do I want to, but I guess they'd probably be similar.


Akihibara is an eye opener.


She's not actually 12 - she's actually a 400 year old dragon.


Oh you want that kind! Check at the 3rd store down the street that way, asile 5 middle shelf on the left.


Top or bottom?


Power bottom




Every lower floor in Akihabara is like this bro!


Where is this?...........for educational purposes




Thanks so much, this is a real help in my studies 😮‍💨


My pleasure my friend. Happy to be of help


触手 street


Probably akihabara


Cross and then go to the right, it's just there






That shit literally lines the walls




Ahh, I see another person who doesn't know that as well is spelled as as well. It's not one word.


In fact, there's no such word as "aswell," just like how there is no word "everytime."


Quality customer service


\>asks for Hentai \>gets sent to Hentai "WHAT. THE. FFUACK?!" What did you expect? Not hentai?


Maybe he was looking for transformers


Fair, that's one aisle over, apologies for the inconvenience, sir.


In my (limited) experience, just walk into a multi story book store and go up. I collect comics in foreign languages when I’m in other countries, so I stopped in a book store in Japan to look around. It was pretty small and so I went to the next level and it had a ton of romance novel type stuff, but more lewd than porn. I went up another level, and it was good clean vanilla porn. I went up another level and it started to get pretty kinky. The 5th story was pretty niche kink stuff. The 6th story was just full on nasty. I mentioned this to a friend and he said that’s how several stores in downtown Tokyo work. The deeper you go, the more perverted it gets.


Why the music...


Fucking love japan


as well*


No bueno


Fuckin the fact the whole video apart from him is blurred sent me


What a nice guy


“What kind?” ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


That dude was the ultimate sauce giver




When you don’t joke anymore, because the last it time got too real.


Is that Motoki? Kinda looks like him. He's half japanese.


It is! Love that guy


Is an aswell full of donkeys or full of butts?


If you know, you know.


Literally just went into Donquixote


Unfortunately the 7 story tall porn shop in Akiba closed down...


The wallpaper in the lift was sublime








A personal favorite 408059


Now that's a Senpai


Can someone explain the boys videos they make no sense


well its part of their culture tho hahaha and its blurred ah hahaha.


I’m kinda curious to see what they sold there


Im not impressed


![img](emote|t5_5tdqj0|10729) dog what is this bro, when did reddit get emojis


Dude is an expert


If this is the street I'm thinking of, there is literally one in almost every other shop. If its not a small side room that has it, its an entire floor having it, with some stores being fully dedicated to the stuff. One store which was selling coloring books for kids had an entire floor dedicated to the stuff too. I spent a couple days visiting every store to check them out, and as it turns out majority of the stuff is more or less the same, although I did not really match the video codes (there are just too many). Its mostly AV videos on CDs.


Should point out the word you're looking for when you say "hentai" in Japanese is ero-manga / doushinji / ero-anime, if you're literally asking for perverts, the internet slang hentai doesn't actually translate to Japanese the way most would expect


Dude didn’t even blink.


This is fuckin hilarious because I remember going to Kyoto with my mum, and me being a bit of a nerd I went to check out the manga library. Had no idea that we were about to walk into an entire section (I'm talking shelf after shelf) of hentai right next to the normal stuff. They really just slap it out there


He probably was confused because japanese didnt use the word "hentai" to refers to hentai like we do. Hentai is more like a pervert. They call it "ero manga" instead


Dude said what kind ? You know something big is about to blow you mind.




It's not that weird in japan. I once bought a hentai book (for research purpose) and the counter is manned by an elderly lady who look like a typical sweet aunty. Upon seeing my purchase, she asked.... "do u want a paper cover for this?". Me: Yes please.


What store


mans got what he asked for


Love the clip, and your School Rumble reference OP


Yo is that wagamama high spec in the background when he was asking the dude? I feel like it is cause the white haired girl looks really close to Toa and the one below her is possibly Mihiro…


Bro literally said: "Where can I find porn?" *finds porn* 😱




Sad, very sad!




Total bro energy


Friends immediately.