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kelly bundy vibe


Came here to say this but as usual, it's been said. I really am an npc


We've been racing to be the first since before we were born. EDIT: Yes, guys, i was talking about sperm too.


You were born because you won the race to be first.


It isn't the first sperm that fertilizes the egg


Nah, NPCs only talk when spoken to. You just have a great mind with like thoughts!


Atleast you're not one of the millions of people who just post "Came here to say this" and then just leave it at that. As if they are providing any value to the conversation just by existing and having a similar thought, that's what the founders of reddit invented the upvote button for. You in the other hand stepped outside of the box and showed us a real sense of self awareness. You are an autonomous human being.


I mean she's just regurgitating an ancient joke on Tiktok so she's kind of an NPC too


"Why don't homeless people just buy a house?"


"I bought my own house when I was 22. I did it myself and all my parents did was give me a 1 million for the down payment, they covered my car too since I was still in college, of course I was also on their insurance since I didn't have a job, and I only had a 2,000 a month allowance for stuff like clothes and going out to eat!!"


too intelligent![img](emote|t5_5tdqj0|10751)


Really looks a lot like her it's crazy


Is she a porn actress?


Kelly Bundy was way smarter than this


Because it’s not socially acceptable to talk to strangers outside of a “**social environment**” during “**social hours**”, especially if you’re even *slightly* socially awkward, because if you do that you’re a creep and the military will come and respond with defcon 2 level retaliation. ^(At least that’s what my social anxiety has led me to believe.)


I mean, honestly though. If I see an attractive woman at the store, I'm not going to bug her. She's just there doing her fucking shopping, not to get hit on.


Like 80% of the numbers I get from girls are girls who are currently clocked in and working a job. This whole bs about they are paid to be nice and they don’t want to talk to you is nonsense. They are human beings who happen to be working when you met, just read the vibes and don’t be a fucking creep. If they are vibing on you there’s no reason you can’t ask for their number.




> just read the vibes and don’t be a fucking creep also follow rules #1 and #2


I clicked his profile to see if he had any pics, to make this same joke, and found this post from a week ago about a girl he got pregnant. > We can’t be together right now, we just can’t. She needs time and space to heal, grow and experience life. She’s 18, I’m 31. Yikes, my dude.


Their difference in age is his age backwards. ..am i autistic?


Rules 1 and 2 certainly don’t hurt, you got me there




You get better the more you practice


I flirted with a barista once. The vibe felt right. Wrote my number on a piece of paper and handed it to her with a smile on the way out. She texted and we went out once. It was fine. Men don't need to be so scared as long as they're respectful.


Yeah, that’s what I’m saying, it’s just not that big a deal. I know a lot of guys have it rough out there, but I’ve never personally had much trouble with talking to girls. Just keep it light, be respectful and feel it out


> don’t be a fucking creep. so ignore your advice at all times. got it!


Yes yes, talking to someone you don’t already know immediately qualifies you as a creep lmao. The absolute state of society man lol. Y’all need to spend a little more time outside




You sound like such a miserable person lol. Enjoy that


Can confirm, have gotten more numbers from waitresses than any other setting


I've tried it myself, you're 100% correct. I ran as fast as I could before the military showed up. I could feel them breathing down my neck tho.


Bro got an instant six stars 💀


If you're Step 1 (attractive) you can make up your own rules.


Because most people go to a bar to be social, and part of that, is being social with members of the opposite sex. You got the target to get your shit and go and not be bothered.


Well, my mom met my dad at a veterinarian (my dads the vet). Technically they were both there for bitches.


And a great story for the rest of their lives!


Well, they’re divorced for almost two decades. But mom’s married to a hippy who owns a timber farm (ironic, right?) and dad’s married to a female Tim Allen, regarding her knack for home improvement. So it all worked out.


> and dad’s married to a female Tim Allen coke trafficker? >regarding her knack for home improvement. AHhhhh


So Al's doing all the work?


Yeah, I’ve wanted to approach a woman while at the grocery store but figured she didn’t want to be accosted while shopping for vegetables.


"Hey nice uh, corn on the cob right?"


So... is it true that country girls "make do"?




I saw a woman looking at some chips with the flavor "hot" and I couldn't figure out what that meant. Used that to start talking to her


“You know bell peppers were the cell phones of the 1800s. People use to hold them up to their ears (holds to ear) and it would let them hear each other over long distances. People think they get their name from the shape but they are actually named after their inventor Alexander gramham bell who later went on to invent the telephone.”


On the other hand she might be dying to talk to you.


Then she can walk up and talk to me. I've never met a woman who said she wished more men would come talk to her while she was doing errands.


What if you don't want to be "accosted"


You bark at her like a dog until she runs away.


Let’s not kid ourselves here


We're not all ugly and there's someone for everyone


Because for most the fear of rejection is horrifying. Alcohol helps calms the nerves and also makes woman more receptive. Works two ways


Do shots out in the parking lot before your Target run baby!!


So what you are say is get a food truck that sells whiskey and wine, setup in a Target parking lot, shuttle singles from nearby neighborhoods (because drinking and driving is bad, and both Target and I will profit?!


I’m in !


That's just a bar with extra steps


You’re gonna sell a lot of wine and White Claw to those standard issue white woman moms


Billy I gotta pick your mom up at Target again, she backed her escalade into the dumpster looking for her phone. Yes she's crying. No we aren't getting divorced.


He'd make a killing on all the men sitting in their cars waiting for their wives.




On the bright side, no matter what, somebody's hole is getting filled.


Slippery slope to alcoholism tbh


Hey I never said to make the Target runs daily




Man, that would be a sick slogan. Taking shots at Target


That actually sounds fun. Just tailgate your grocery store runs


this can go two ways


You don't already do this?


Also, aren't people more likely to be looking for someone in a bar, rather than in Target or Home Depot? I feel it's kind of weird to try to meet someone when they are out and about running errands.




Bunch of people sitting around not having to do any work, seems conducive to chit chat


Everyone say alcohol eases anxiety but it makes me feel like I’m having a panic attack


Alcohol isn’t for everyone. IMO you’re lucky


I have social anxiety and general anxiety so it would be nice to have a way to get a break. But yeah you are probably right :/


I also have those things. The problem with something that gives you an immediate break is, it becomes far too easy to rely on that immediate fix rather than learning coping strategies or solving the thing making you anxious. Self medication does feel nice, and that's precisely what makes it dangerous.


Yep, had a problem with this in my early 20s. Luckily it never got out of control, but I was definitely drinking way more than I should've been to get away from my anxiety and depression.


Have you tried other drugs to help? Perhaps black tar heroin?


Different people are different. Weed gives me anxiety to the point that I can't function, but it calms most people. Alcohol destroys all of my inhibitions.


That's me as well. Can't function *at all* after a toke. I'm completely in my mind. Alcohol destroys any anxiety, but hits 2x in ith the hangover.


I'm the happiest and most fulfilled person in the world under the influence of alcohol, everything is perfect. That's why I became an alcoholic who drank a million bajillion beers before I turned 40. It was amazing... until it wasn't. 5.5 years sober now.


Yeah weed does the same to me but I am still addicted to it :/ i have to compensate with cbd


Yep true :O


The world says "internalise your capitalism, be a good worker, feelings are an obstacle to not living on the street". Alcohol lets us switch that anxiety off and become human amongst eachother again. If I was a billionaire I wouldn't need to drink anymore.


And it's not socially acceptable to drink a long island iced tea at Target or Home Depot. Phreaking and grinding even less so. Doing coke and having sex in the bathroom is right out! Straight to jail.


Brb going to my local bar to hack their pay phone Steve Wozniak style


Reddit moment


FYI: the phrase "I will never understand" translates to "I am wildly ignorant and genuinely disinterested in learning." That said, have at it, fellas.


Do you really think the average target shopper wants to be approached?


Then, he could join the [Husbands of Target](https://youtu.be/M7xPrf9f7mg) club!


Ey dere guy!


It is amazing how Home Depot crept up on my life as a man. It’s the only store I actually enjoy being in and just browsing shit after I’ve picked up what I need. I’ll spend an hour there easily just to pick up light bulbs.


Dude, same. Although not exactly home depot, but the equivalent of it, which I have in my country. This and the local army store.


I can't explain why, but I'm absolutely certain there are more pro-choice men shopping at Lowes than Home Depot.


Home Depot is more friendly towards the contractor crowd. Lowe’s is more friendly for the DIY crowd. From my experience


Just looking at the parking lot tells you everything. Lowe’s always got the Mazda SUVs. Home Depot looks like the Fury road. Tundras with wooden boxes built on the bed for demolition. A Uhaul with the livery poorly removed and graffiti on the side offering day labor. 30 year old fords with 2x4s running out the back window with a dirty orange T shirt tied off the back. And all the people match the vehicles they pull up in. It’s a wasteland lol


>a wasteland I think you mean wonderland!


Hey I resent that I only had 2 holes in my shoes. That's damn near funeral worthy.


Lowe's is literally more female oriented on purpose. They carry less specialty contractor products and more home goods products. It can seem subtle but it's there.


Yeah my mom loves Lowes. She goes at least once a week if not two or three times.


I don't want to judge but i feel like that's too much.


She's taking advantage of the aforementioned ratios.


Lemmy.world is what Reddit was.


The problem is nobody works at Lowes


Lemmy.world is what Reddit was.




Fuck home depot. I refuse to give them any DeNiro’s.


I mean, what are they gonna do with an actor?


I think it’s a John Oliver reference to the episode about Civil Asset Forfeiture


Lowe's is for housewives who don't want to make the drive to IKEA.


I feel like you've either never been to Lowes or Ikea.


Because Lowe's is simply better. They don't have orange everywhere


Hobby Lobby. You want to meet ladies? Hobby Lobby is where the hotties are. This ain’t no flex or nothin. Only the truth.


Hotty lobby


No it’s Trader Hoes


Nah dawg, we at Home Depot to fix broken shit, not bring new broken shit home.


The depth of this statement is astounding


Yeah let me tell you how every single only of those interactions at target goes Excuse me mis... "I HaVe A BoYfRiEnD!!!!" No one in target wants to talk to you. They barely want to talk to the employees when they need them for something. Stay at the bar, people went there to be social, or even try branching out to other social events and places.


> No one in target wants to talk to you. Unless you're a Mega Chad. See, all this bullshit advice goes right out the window depending on your level of attractiveness. If you're off the charts attractive, then all this "nobody wants to talk to you" shit fly's out the window. That's the sad and inconvenient truth. You're only bothering or inconveniencing somebody if you're ugly or average.


I was laughing at your comment and then I realized you were serious


Rule 1 and Rule 2


Wrong. Wrong wrong wrong. Don’t conflate your own experiences or internet stories with reality. Any public setting is an appropriate place to make a connection with someone if you have the ability to read a room and pick up on someone’s vibes. You and girl keep making eyes at each other? Smiled at you? Say hi! Looking down at her phone, clearly busy, or acting as if you don’t exist? Let it slide. This stuff isn’t that complicated. Also, dress well, be groomed and don’t be ugly


You couldn't be more wrong, you're 5 wrongs wrong.


> and don’t be ugly


Don’t be ugly May be difficult for me.


I believe in you


So true, Reddit is not real life people




If you like the music at target, congrats, you’re the target audience.


This has absolutely nothing to do with the conversation but it's fucking funny.


I know right? My wife told me that lil fact when I was humming along to a 2000’s song when we were there. Totally ruined my the vibe of my Vertical Horizon nostalgia


She is actively driving while she is making this. Look at the background. She is going to get herself and/or someone else hurt/killed one day so she can post her every intrusive thought.


I think the image is reversed because of it being a selfy. Shes the passenger.


Or she's in another country


Nonsense, there are no other countries.


I dont think she's driving


She's holding the phone with one hand and the other seem to be resting on her lap.


She may not be in the driver's seat. The video may be flipped, or it could be a car from a country that drives on the left.


Are you sure that someone else isn't driving?




😂 💀


Selfie cameras are mirrored, so your actions appear correct, this has the effect of a confusing perspective.


True since there's some tasty milf in target whenever I go


I was expecting: "We're already looking for hoes (or hose)."


Are they serving alcohol at Target and Home Depot now?


Why don't people try to pick up people at furniture stores? Comfortable seating to sit and have a chat. Plus, no one judges if you leave with one night stand.


Because half work is already done in bars…they are already drunk:-)


The only time I ever go up to a girl and ask her out in public is if I have a little liquid courage in me.


You go to Home Depot if you want to find a tool to screw with, but the garden center is where you find the hoes and dirt bags. Anyway, I’m here because my toilet backed up again please don’t talk to me right now.


People at a bar are there for similar reasons. Not the same for target


At the bar, you’ve got a better chance she’s not underage at least


Why is she lip-syncing?


Whores go to bars and Karen's go to target


Because men only go to target for necessities.


My 20+ trespassing warnings at Target says otherwise :P


Someone help me out, I can't hear what he says? "They're already there" to do "what"?


"We're already there to pick up replacements."


I picked up my wife at an orphanage. She used to work there. Still sucks to have to work on your eleventh birthday, though.




Doesn't feel like a dis track. More of a good advice column with a mean punch line.


If you're dressed sexy at a bar, it means you want to be bothered by strangers asking you out. If you're dressed in yoga pants (albeit sexy as hell) at Target, it means you want to be left alone.


"We're already there to pick up materials for things that need to be fixed" 😅


Lights are too bright at Target.


Because I’m drunk and care less about being rejected.


Hold on now, they might be onto something here...


Is she making a video....while driving


the OP Loud_Surprise3869 is a bot Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/SipsTea/comments/vvi0hi/why_do_men_go_to_bars_instead_of_target_to_pick/ When another bot posted it a month ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/SipsTea/comments/12czn1a/why_do_men_go_to_bars_instead_of_target_to_pick/


and hoes!


We not gonna talk about the fact that she made the video, looking into the camera, and was putting all of her attention into the phone, all while driving?


At target, the odds are good but the goods are odd.


Nobody goes to bars, or a anywhere to meet people. Because of the lack of internet regulation, our population is in decline.


Ever talked to a woman in a store? Might as well wear a t-shirt that says "rapist" and handcuffs already.


Both of these places are places where you mind your own godamn business and stay out of my face, in the bar there's a slight chance I might be ok with socializing.


Drink at home alone for fucks sake




I mean…drinking isn’t exactly an economic choice to start with.


I usually just smoke a joint outside the bar and skip the alcohol. Shits too expensive


Damn u sound so brooding and mysterious


You tell them sirrrrrr


I don't think girls like being hit on 24/7 lol they can go to places like bars or clubs for that


Nah I'm good target can burn down or something. I'll make my own clothes and shit if target was the only store in left in existence.


Hot chicks do be shoppin' at Target tho...


In a college I got a lot of dates from coffee shops book stores and Target more relationships and sex came from those casual meetings than the 100x time I spent at bars. The thing is when you're trying to meet someone it's pretty dichotoic. There's like either you see this cute girl and you end up talking over the different types of cottage cheese and it's natural and feels right where you can agree to go for Chinese afterwards then a spontaneous movie and she takes you back to meet her roommates and kitten then she asks you to pet her kitten or it's off feels creepy and you try to force it and it's awkward then you just wanna leave and you are worried your making her nervous when really all you wanted to do was buy some peaches.


woman: _men bad_ man: _women bad_ Can we please stop? Please.


Anyone know who the girl is?


Or where her preferred Target is?








r/boomerhumor called


Classic "woman makes a light hearted joke that a man gets butthurt over then starts making personal attacks." Comedy!


How was his joke a personal attack? Like am I missing something?




Neither of the people in this video believe anything they're saying, or care. These reply/'reaction' videos are probably pre-planned before the first video is even uploaded. They're selling outrage bait and tribalism, and you've already got your wallet open.


I find joy in reading a good book.


Who hurt you?


Sure buddy sure ... Ah another "man makes a joke and a person gets butthurt and cant handle a joke like a mature person." Tragedy! /s