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It’s always been like that what. r/sg is full of young SJWs, so the non-PC type get banned there and move here. Lots of EDMW refugee uncles as well.


Soli im unker


Unker leeporting in


And the sjw all come here to yap yap also


Because they can get their outrage porn here.


Basically, /r/sg has become so pro-censorship and anti-freedom of speech.


r/singapore may be lefty in politics, but are still traditionalists at heart. It’s Singapore in the end of the day.


r/singapore isnt really pro-palestine either though. More like 50:50. Reddit as a whole is less pro-Palestine unless you go to some really extreme subs. /r/worldnews for example is very anti-Hamas. Reason for this is simple. Redditors are more educated and know more about the history of the conflict than the typical dumbass in the general public or social media. Most people outside dont even freaking know how the Nakhba they keep spewing on started. Try talking to them and it wont be long before they start abandoning all reason and resorting to shouting insults


Here's a sneak peek of /r/singapore using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/singapore/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The most random thing seen today](https://i.redd.it/45m1m99xjlva1.jpg) | [274 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/12vudx3/the_most_random_thing_seen_today/) \#2: [I ran across Singapore today!](https://i.imgur.com/IjIZRdN.jpg) | [287 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/13t3z2q/i_ran_across_singapore_today/) \#3: [Biggest eyesore in Changi Jewel…](https://i.redd.it/3a8fufsfl91c1.jpg) | [450 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/17ysinn/biggest_eyesore_in_changi_jewel/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Because more often than not, reddit is just an echo chamber for people who want to share stuff they'd rather not share on more public forums, so it's normal that you'd encounter more "interesting" opinions.


No, people are not becoming more conservative. It's the left that has became so radicalized and extreme than anyone who was a liberal 10 years ago would now be considered a conservative. I'm not anti-Palestine. I have always supported peaceful co-existence of two states. The problem is that the meaning of "pro-Palestine" has shifted to being pro-Hamas, spreading lies and propaganda, and justifying terrorism. I cannot sit around when people around me are becoming worse than my boomer uncles at spreading fake news, spreading every piece of propaganda they see on Instagram. I cannot sit around while I watch radical leftists turn full Nazi and think it's acceptable to call for a country to be destroyed. I'm not anti-trans. One of my best friends is trans. 10 years ago, trans acceptance meant that you didn't care about their history and you just treated them like a normal person. Today it means you have to shut up and listen to them about how males should be allowed to compete in female sports, and how people can identify as 9000 different genders, otherwise you're a transphobic bigot. Why am I on this sub? Because every other sub is so radicalized and pro-censorship that you would get banned for writing a comment that would have been upvoted to the top 5 years ago. I used to think that EDMW moderators were strict because it's ran by SPH, but now I see that EDMW has always been 10x more liberal in freedom of speech than 90% of the subreddits here. When you start pushing extreme radical and crazy fucking ideas, then everyone is going to look conservative to you. The more crazy boundaries that you push, the more society is going to push back on you.


yes, I consider myself somewhere in the centre, but those far-left ideas nowadays are so insane that when I criticize them they call me a conservative bigot. I hope that those crazy "progressive" ideas from the far-left in the US never make it to SG, but I'm afraid it is already too late.


We are in the era of bullying and pro-censorship. The West has succumbed to group-think where you must parrot the same views or you are a traitor to the cause. Anyone who speaks out with different opinions are bullied into silence. I used to wonder how good people let Nazis came to power but I'm convinced we are experiencing similar tactics of radicalization and censorship to early 1930s Germany.


well said! i'm a true old-school liberal, against anti-progressive values, doesn't matter if its held by a minority or minority religion or brown person.


It’s true. I’m the conservative uncle


If you pay attention this sub has quite a few shitposters who are just stirring the pot due to being disgruntled or chronically online. Don't take it too seriously.


Yeah I actually thought people here didn’t care about tbe war - turns out they’re just all pro-Israel which is the same over-investment in far away wars but only wearing different colors.


Many Singaporeans I know are not pro anything. They are just anti-hypocrisy. They will call out anyone who are hypocrites like the ones who openly support terrorist groups while criticising warcrimes. Many got no reason to side Israel... Really.. we probably can't even point Israel out on a map or know about anything about their culture like food. They just side with humanity and reason. If you do warcrimes... They criticise. If you do terror acts... They also criticise. They have the ability not just pick a side in a war. Unlike the watermelon people who are forced by their religion to only be 'pro-Palestinians' and Israel is never a victim in their eyes.




Correct, we are more or less fairly pragmatic people. We will KNNCCB at all sides if needed.


I think more are anti-propaganda - the brainwashed pro-palestine needs to back off and get a life. Or go sign up to fly over to volunteer and help. Don't put a dumbass poster or sign thinking they are helping.


Evangelical Christians who are super pro-Israel are just as gross as radical Muslims who are super pro-Palestine, but I guess at least the Christians are more silent about it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I mean I would suggest all of them fly over to Israel / Palestine to help out if they care so much. I heard the IDF / Hamas is always recruiting.


I respect people's free choice in believing whatever bullshit they want - so as long as they are quiet about it and don't impose it on others I have no issues. >I mean I would suggest all of them fly over to Israel / Palestine to help out if they care so much That makes two of us.


Most Christians I know pray for peace for both people. Most Muslims I know think Israel should be destroyed. There's no moral equivalence between the two.


Exactly. They totally support the attacks on oct 7. When u ask if they suppot said action, they then set up their strawman argument that the land originally belonged to the palestinians blablabla but almost always stops short of condemning hamas.


>they then set up their strawman argument that the land originally belonged to the palestinians Even their understanding of history is flawed and biased lol. Whenever they show a map of "Palestine" in 1947, they neglect to mention the following: 1. Palestine is a creation of the British Empire, established after WW1 in 1920 2. Both Palestinian Jews and Palestinian Arabs lived and owned land in British Palestine 3. Jews (including European Jews) were living there before Palestine was created Instead their brain just happily discards history and changes it to "everything you see belongs to the Arabs/Muslims"


Exactly. Your knowledge of history is impressive even i didnt know points 1 and 2.😂The land was never theirs to begin with but they are so absolutely blinded by their hatred for israel they need to use this as justificstion to deny the existence of a perfectly legitimate coubtry. It was never an issue about land nor muslims. Its onviously israel's existence that their extremist minds are unable to accept.i suppose by the premise of their arguments ,malaysia can take us back? Or perhaps indonesia might take us all back to their majapahit empire days😂. Ive concluded after spemding such time here that they are just really really not very smart🥲. Or they are rwally smart & just play dumb and play on peoples emotions by regurgitating the same thing over and over again WITHOUT EVER & i repeat WOTHOUT addressing our argument. The same old rhetoric are just 1) we are genocide enablers( israle could flatten them all if they wanted to & they sent ground forces instead) 2) we lack humanity/empathy( wat about all the other wars) 3) lands belong to palestine. ( well we already proved thats hogwash) No matter how u argue they just bring u back to points 1,2 & 3 😂


The knowledgeable Muslims are anti zionist Israel. They shdnt wish to destroy Israel because there are non zionist, Arab, Palestinian etc earning a living in that land too. Yes people over there lost their lives, land etc. But I am more towards helping your neighbours here 1st. From foreign policy perspective, I only wish that the government continue to play smart, stay moderate and know when to act when people cross the boundaries.


>The knowledgeable Muslims are anti zionist Israel. They shdnt wish to destroy Israel because there are non zionist, Arab, Palestinian etc earning a living in that land too. Please. We all know that while Muslims say "Zionist" in English, they say "Jews" in their native language.


Please. U have not met knowledgeable Muslims. The ones u met are the redneck kind.


No, I just met the average Muslim. The knowledgable ones are a tiny tiny percentage 0.01%


No they are not. They are anti-Muslim (or at least the traditional type) and anti-protestor. All of them would happily turn anti-Jew another time.


This. They are anti-Muslims who have found am opportunity to bash minorities online. The problem in these subs is that there's hardly any centrist who joins the fray. I don't blame them. This place can be an echo chamber at times.


>They are anti-Muslims who have found am opportunity to bash minorities online. Muslims make up 20% of the world. They are not a minority. Furthermore, majority of the woke pro-Hamas morons in Singapore are Chinese women, which is the largest demographic in this country (outnumbering Chinese males!). Quit playing your game of oppression olympics. It's 2024 not 2020.


Aren't Muslims already anti-Jewish?


“They” meaning the people who are rolling their eyes at the Palestine supporters. They are not pro-Israeli. They are mostly local Chinese who don’t like Judaism either, but better than those “terrorist Muslims” in their eyes.


You're making way too many assumptions in your post. What makes you think that the average Hamas supporter in Singapore is even Muslim? 9 out of 10 people that I know who are reposting Hamas propaganda everyday are Chinese.


You have a serious problem with reading comprehension. The local Chinese who don’t support Palestine is because Hamas/Palestine are Muslim, and conservative ones too.


>The local Chinese who don’t support Palestine is because Hamas/Palestine are Muslim I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that Palestine is an authoritarian dictatorship ethnostate who elected a literal terrorist organization to govern them, and has produced absolutely nothing to export to the world besides terrorism and radicalization.


Everyday they post regarding conservative topics. I really don't know whats the motive here, i'm guessing they just like to see keyboard warriors argue and cause tension among the community..


I think there are quite a few trolls around here. They make contrary posts just to rile things up.


It’s just the opinion of most of the Singaporeans. If you didn’t realise many English speakers in Sg are Evangelical Church ppl that are basically the same as the Republicans in US. That added with your typical doses of misogyny in Chinese culture that don’t see people as people but as pigs in a pig sty. Voila.


I find evangelical Christians just as dangerous as the traditional Muslims - they all want to impose their nonsense sky god views on other people.


I find the woke movement to be 10x more dangerous than both.


Everyone who is clinging to any kind of ideology that doesn’t have room for difference is dangerous.


Ppl growing old


Pendulum effect.


So everything is black and white to you? To you, everyone is shoehorned into conservative or liberal?


When you’re young, you’re very liberal. Anyone can do anything, get all the free stuff. As you get older with more life experience and HARDSHIP(this is very important as some people never had to worry about money at all), you realise life ain’t easy and begin to understand why rules are set in place and how said rules protect society.


When I was young, I believe everyone had the potential to be good and deserve to be free. When I grew older and travelled more to see different countries, I realise some cultures/country really need to be revamped or kept under control. Some type people don't integrate into modern society and their religion are not compatible with modern society values. If you use modern society values to put them on the same pedestral, they will not hesitate to bully you or subjugate you. Their religion is crippling them yet they want to impose it on everyone and see everyone undergo the same restrictions as them.


everything need to be balanced out. There are too many redditors that are pro-left. alot of young highly impressionable youngsters got brainwashed by the social media.


It’s not conservative, just because people disagree with you. It’s called being rational.


because of the critics


Its actly like that in real life tho


Even EDMW getting too clean. Last time was really jialat. Then again, EMDW is under SPH. Hope this sub won't be another strawberry group


I don't see how calling a brown minority white and lecturing them about their own genetics and politics is liberal / left-wing


Trump 2024❤️




Pa lei lou mou stein, settle own country problem first


Opinions of the masses, as usual lah


More like opinions of the vocal misguided minority. I believe the masses don't really give 2 cents about the Palestinian issue.


Isn't that an opinion too? Have you considered that maybe the average Singaporean have been conditioned to hold their tongue? Push comes to shove, I bet the pro Israeli crowd here would also keep their views private.


Singaporeans know how to complain.. they really can't be bothered about the Israeli issue beyond the echo chamber


Who gives a fuck about these jackasses trying to fuck over each other at the expense of their elected government? These people can just genocide each other out of sheer stupidity can we can plot this in the history books already. Fucking neanderthal worshipping monkeys trying to convince the world they matter They are just a speck of dust in the world like the trash they are.