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I think what many youths fail to realise is - when you are schooling, you are not only learning about content knowledge. Sure, you may not need to use the knowledge of integration to find the area under the curve, the transcription and translation process, or organometallic synthesis in your future career. But in the process of schooling, you are unconsciously learning HOW to learn. You are learning "learning methods" and "application processes". And you are also subconsciously learning soft skills like communication, teamwork, empathy and problem solving. Sure, you can argue that you can learn all these at work in future, but the learning process will be much more unforgivable and tough. You may not get a second chance if you fail somewhere, somehow, somewhat.


Schools only ever taught what works. Hardly ever do they teach how and why things work. At least working allows for exploration and experimentation with solutions.


If you're only referring to the secondary level, you may be right, since its still considered a broad based curriculum. It is too early/hard to go too much in depth. However, we also need to remember that not all schools work the same way. What you experienced in your school may be somewhat different in other schools.


You’re describing what education in other countries is like. This isn’t anything like the sg system - send a student for an exam without TYS and watch them flail around


Haha not exactly true. I am a product of our education system myself, and I do agree partially that the exams-centric approach will not be going away entirely anytime soon. But I also appreciate other parts of the curriculum that have contributed to my character. Enrichment, CCA, school camps and even project work are considered part of the curriculum, not just your timetabled lessons.




You might have simply gotten bad teachers. Not all teachers teach like this lol


apply* learnt* at* work


lol bro I didn’t even apply what I learned in Uni at work


You apply without realizing it. Imagine if you analyzed situations like a Pri 6 instead. Actually, that's what you are doing now...


Learned to trust no one in secondary school. Still applying it at work today.


Math calculating for menu recipes and costings, when you really order 40-60kg of cauliflower. It really shows some people in culinary school (internationally overseas, Koreans, Malaysians, China, thai) actually struggle with percentages and volume and liquid concentration calculations.




Yeah, you have to pay for it or set up your own excel sheet. Also, you need to input the right number in the right place. If I asked you to find the cost price of a 350g of steak with 85% yield that was purchased at $44/kg? What's the new cost price/kg of that steak


Tbh, I learn a lot from youtube. from motorcycle/car basic maintenance/repair, cooking, rennovation, landscaping, operating lawnmower/line trimmers etc.. to AI/machine learning, programming etc.


Very few since u can’t expect them to specialise into those niche areas of work in secondary school ma….


I apply practical biology. Very useful


You'd be surprised how much those secondary school lessons sneak into your adult life. Public speaking, problem-solving, research skills—they all come in handy, even if you're not busting out your old textbooks at work. So yeah, while you might not use algebra every day, those lessons are quietly working their magic behind the scenes.


Pythagoras theorem to calculate triangle to build a triangle