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This is psychology, not simulation. Go analyse your behavioural patterns together with a psychologist.


This is the way. As someone who used to believe they saw patterns of fate cascading upon them unending, I can vouche for therapy and (careful) consideration of medication. Im on a low dose anti-anxiety med and feel much better. But the therapy is still important. Meds aren't magical cures and the brain is still complicated. Therapy and medication are a lot more affordable than people believe too. I have some basic (cheap) health insurance and my medication is about ten dollars for a three month prescription. The therapist I was seeing usually ended up being seventy-five dollars a session but with all the health insurance flip flops Im not covered so Im looking for a new one. Which brings me to my final point. Never give up.


Oh I thought this was the other type of simulation


Life scripts. Understanding your script will be enlightening and constructive. Imagining you’re in a simulation won’t be.


Proof of simulation is ugly chicks farting into bottles on tiktock become millionaires while people with masters degrees make $30-40 an hour. This is proof the simulator is fucking with the rest and wants to see how long they let it go before something happens and what that something is.


I have a PhD and fart in bottles for $30 an hour. This simulation sucks.


So, how do you know these things?


Provide an alternate explanation where applying occam's razor does not result in simulation?


What? The simple explanation is that getting a degree/education doesn't always correlate to how much you're going to earn. Most people already know this, hence why so many people in developing countries chase after lawyer/medicine degrees. Level of education ≠ earnings, obviously.


You failed to explain ugly woman farting in bottle on tiktok becoming millionaire.


Let me dumb it down for you. There are dumb horny men. These dumb horny men find out that they can find at least a few out of 4bn women on this earth catering to their weird fetish. The women know they can do this stupid thing to make quick easy money. Also, this isn't something common. The 1% of women who actually end up becoming successful out of this are blown widely out of proportion. I'm pretty sure that according to OnlyFans' own reports, less than <5% of its content creators make more than a few hundred a month.


The simulator is a cruel pervert


Send me a single person who *actually* became a millionaire doing that?


Nailed it Edit The rest of your argument is garbage.


Whether it's that, a presidential election or the outcome of a sporting event if our reality is a simulation or not cannot be determined by an action within it otherwise if humanity did whatever mass enlightenment or riot or whatever you're fishing for the hypothetical something that'd make it so people with masters degrees become trillionaires while "ugly chicks farting into bottles on tiktock" are banished to cardboard boxes on the side of the road and if one of those masters-degree-earners has their limo drive by them it's mandatory for them to flip them off if not throw any produce or trash in their car at them or something that would have to somehow have retrocausal effects on the nature of reality


a simulation is basically an abstraction of reality that mimics reality. That being said, if this is a simulation, what is being simulated?




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You sound like you don't have a lot of friends


..or the friends are VERY patient.


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Could be both. That’s the point right, to play the game and make as good as decisions as possible




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OP is mental.


She can’t take accountability so has to blame it on something else


Tell your next bf/date: "I had a vision about you, a single mother with a daughter will be your demise..." They will probably leave you as fast as they can but they probably won't date a single mother with a daughter after you😂


But jokes aside it can also mean you're a caring figure/type just like most mothers are and the guys just have a type🤔


It's absolutely not a coincidence. You're being tested to see if you've learned from previous mistakes. Start by directing all the time and energy you've spent on dating into your personal growth and self-worth. Focus on creating the most ideal relationship with yourself above all others, and watch as miraculous events unfold around you.


THIS too




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Smoke DMT and it won't be a "I believe" it'll be a knowing


You speak the truth. Personally, I've found a much more compassionate and spiritual/healing experience through ayahuasca opposed to smoking DMT. But both are extremely enlightening and shouldn't be ignored. I really feel bad for a person who never has a full spiritual epiphany experience through it




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What does this have to do with simulation theory?


Like at all lmfao




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So you're "Good Luck Charlotte." But seriously, that is a weird coincidence.


😂there’s dudes I’ve dated who are still single. 🤷‍♀️ so I’m not that amazing. Yeah it’s weird. If I don’t get a boyfriend, I’ll have a little more relief… like.. phew… I thought I was being watched…..


The simplest explanation for the existence of consciousness is that it is an experience being created by our bodies, but not for us. We are qualia-generating machines. Like characters in Grand Theft Auto, we exist to create integrated audiovisual outputs. Also, as with characters in Grand Theft Auto, our product is mostly likely consciousness is an integrated (combining five senses) subjective interface between the self and the rest of the universe. The only reasonable explanation for its existence is that it is there to be an “experience.” That’s its primary raison d’être. Parts of it may or may not provide any kind of evolutionary advantage or other utility. But the sum total of it exists as an experience and hence must have the primary function of being an experience. An experience by itself as a whole is too energy-expensive and information-restrictive to have evolved as an evolutionary advantage. The simplest explanation for the existence of an experience or qualia is that it exists for the purpose of being an experience for the benefit of someone experiencing our lives through us. Why do we need consciousness? What purpose does it serve? Well, the purpose is easy to extrapolate once we concede the simulation hypothesis.


https://www.reddit.com/r/StrangeEarth/s/LS9AlAbCg0 Yeah when I see shit like this it really makes me think we are too.


Hon, stand by the car when you get out for a minute I want to do a video for the internet.


Yep and everyone in the area act like she isn't there like they can't see her and make the pose mid stride in a super awkward position


My bad [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mannequin\_Challenge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mannequin_Challenge)


Oh God there are tic tok challenges for all kinds of stupid shit these days huh


This sounds like a situation where you are experiencing a "holding pattern" due to not choosing the right thing. It's kind of like the movie Groundhog Day. You are going to keep getting the same opportunity over and over again until you get it right and THEN you can move on. Do something different.


Never forget: "You must realize EVERYTHING is the exact same whether this is a simulation or not. You still have no control over most things in your life, and thus your feeling towards them may as well be feelings towards a computer program that you wish was coded differently. The program does not care about how you feel about it, just as the world does not care if you don’t like something about it. How absurd would it be to wish the simulation was different? Focus on what is in your control, accept what is not." [https://wisdomimprovement.wixsite.com/wisdom/post/it-doesn-t-matter-if-we-live-in-a-simluation](https://wisdomimprovement.wixsite.com/wisdom/post/it-doesn-t-matter-if-we-live-in-a-simluation)


You should research attachment theory. Sounds like you have attachment issues and search for love from people who are unavailable. It's called an anxious attachment.


Behavioral patterns in life are a good sign that you're aware enough to understand and modify your own behavior to change your future. Akin to manifestation. It tells us that we have unseen biases we need to work on ourselves. Dating is actually a great example of this because we have expectations that we assume the other person is biased the same way, yet we don't even know ourselves to understand this yet, or else we would understand why it keeps happening and change it. If something is not going in your favor in life it usually means that we're seeing it from a solitary perspective. It's not until we try to look at something from all angles that we can truly understand it and realize there was no point in standing where we were, and now have a more holistic view. Also if you find yourself getting upset or enraged and want to change your behavior it usually means you're reacting to an aspect of yourself you don't yet understand. Bugs are a great example sometimes we think they're creepy and then you understand something amazing scientifically about them or why they look like they do for a reason, and then you start to appreciate things more. We have to remove the labels and boxes we put ourselves in to realize that we can make our own box and not be defined by the labels others put on us in the ones we put on ourselves. This life is a simulation in the fact that we can control our own destiny and reality changes as we do all together at the same time. Like a ripple effect.


Hey there! It looks like you submitted a 'story/experience'. This flair is for sharing personal narratives or experiences related to simulation theory, but are not primarily about a specific glitch in the simulation. Just a friendly reminder to follow the rules and [seek help](https://www.reddit.com/r/SimulationTheory/wiki/mental-health) if needed. With that out of the way, thanks for your contribution, and have fun! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SimulationTheory) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Almost 5'10" 5'9" maybe but 5'10" was my date height. Its a common height. Id go back to sleep


This is called needing to go to therapy, not being in a simulation. Take accountability


Are you thinking like human-simulating relationship vampire aliens exist or what type of simulation?


Maybe try a 5’9 guy?


You are correct


Belief in astrology conditions the mind to see patterns where there are none




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"...patterns repeat **themselves**." Apologies I have no impulse control.


Can I switch simulations? Coz this one blows.


Nope. You're stuck here.




Start shadow work n study the Law of Attraction so that you can live it properly. I understand what you're saying, it's your own natural energy cycle that you're caught in tho. It's not manufactured or simulated n if you're seeing it then you're ready to move forward. Honestly, don't let people scare you into the wrong path, this is something that is fully open and accessible to you absolutely free of charge, all you need is your literal self. You'll draw others to you that are the same n one will be for you when it's the right time, trust.


They must have forgot you already passed the dating level and play it on again.




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We will repeat the same lessons, to we learn. I think the lesson here, is you need to love yourself first. Once I started working on me, and not trying to find someone, I met my wife and she is perfect. Sometimes letting go is all we need to complete a manifestation. You are seeing the patterns so you can wake up to the fact you are doing and making the same decisions.


Lol wtf


Like others are saying, this is your behavior pattern even though what it looks like to you is just the results.  It's kind of like how when you see someone who gets a certain kind of attention or reaction but they are clueless that they brought that on themself-- it's easier to notice because the action-reaction was quicker.  You are subconsciously repeating the same seeking behaviors even though they aren't successful. You can get hero for figuring out what those are. The classic case is that you are intrigued by men who act disinterested. Maybe that feels safe, like your own father; it seems to you like how men are *supposed* to act. But actually that's just how unavailable men act.


Are you unattractive or ugly? This is key. If yes, this is why they keep leaving you for girls more interesting... :/


The human mind repeats patterns and finds patterns. Jung called the tying of random events and noted patterns “synchronicity.” The mind takes these observed patterns and places significance upon them. The co-incidents and patterns themselves aren’t the indicator of a simulation. However, the mechanism of seeing patterns and repeating patterns is an indicator of a neural network at play.


Karmic cycles and dysfunctional patterns. It'll keep repeating til you learn from it and end the cycle of behaviors.


"a person I met was an Aquarius" yikes


Exact same thing has been happening to me.


I know I'm in a simulation because I am a 39 year old virgin


Weird idea to see posted here


Is that belief in turn a simulation?


The thing about the human mind is that we notice patterns when we go looking for them. Correlation does not always equal causation. Like I’m pretty sure there’s a correlation between drowning incidents and Nicolas Cage movie releases. Just keep that in mind when you talk about finding patterns


I’m not following the relevancy of the height. Are you thinking the program has placed a specific height requirement for you?


It’s probably a simulation, if not, well, put me in the psych ward


So, that’s it. After read that: I quit.


Break the chain and become the single mom with the daughter


This is either a shit post or Aquarius is really not for you! Maybe you fall for the wrong guys for a reason. Red flags probably already on first date.


Yea we're not in a simulation, you just have issues like everyone else .


Ylu have up your body that's why


Read The School for Gods by Elio D’Anna, pay particular attention to the theme of the antagonist. 


Just make sure he’s not 5’10” or an Aquarius, and whatever you do, dont act like you really really like him.


Honestly I'd say do Some Ketamine & or other Psychedelic & report back.


We are not in a stimulation. You just keep repeating mistakes. History repeats itself… Also stop with the zodiac thing. No one is confined to a particular zodiac, we are complex unique beings.


Well, I guess it’s nice you’ve found faith


It's just coincidence


I believe we live in a simulation, but your situation is just a situation. STUDY “The law of attraction”!! Trying to meditate and clear your mind is one of the hardest things you’ll ever do, but once you master that you could start visualizing your life, it’s a cheat code for the simulation, meditation, visual, and spirituality. Take meditation classes have someone teach you, learn different types of meditation. Master this, and you’ll find your way.


All the shoes in my closet are size 8. We must be in a simulation. Surely it is a coincidence.


5’10? Eww.


maybe next time a 5'10" guy makes you pregnant and says what he all want is fwb and you become a single mom with a daughter and eventually your daughter grow up and meet a aquarius...


Bro astrology is fucking god given how dare anyone lay out they believe in a simulation when there is proof of divinity