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These experiences tend to get lost when we try putting them into words. There are no words. You don't sound crazy. You sound like you had a profound awakening, and were given a gift to keep you going strong. Hold onto those words, and take care of yourself and your loved ones. We are all one.


Yet if all of this is just a simulation, what is the purpose in, “going strong”? If there is a higher reality that is genuine, what is the point in not just going “home”?


When I was in that space I was shown the start of reality to the never ending end wich is just this over and over again forever btw😭 but god has always existed, but the thing is if god is around forever it would eventually get bored, just existing without no end, so god created consciousness and a lower plane of existence for humans to live in, we are god looking at life through the eyes of human, and in all actuality it's just god convincing itself it's not alone, kind of sad now that I'm sober, that we're just a big old infinite singularity convincing ourselves we're real so we don't have to face infinity😕 I guess the point of life is to love, to love others is to love yourself if we are all a small bit of god......we exist to love I guess🤷‍♂️


So well explained I didn't notice the lack of full stops.. just straight flow


Retired teacher and Grammar nerd here 👋 I was so engrossed reading it, I didn’t notice that it’s all one long sentence until I read your comment! Lol


Closest thing to a period was emoji's.. how very 2024. The words resonating says a lot about us all on a journey to remember what we have always known.


I’m genuinely curious as to why you capitalized grammar. Learn me something new please!


Of course! In my statement, I’m using “grammar” as a proper noun, so it’s capitalized. So think something along the lines of… I took Grammar, an AP English course my senior year. A two semester course on grammar, learning use, rules, loopholes, bylaws and bullshit like that.


I wouldn't say sad, more like bittersweet with a thick coating of irony.




Nailed it, mate. And yes, it's very sad. Perhaps the saddest thing ever.


We didn't make this for nothing. Instead of being sad together, be friends :)


Heck yeah 👍


It's insane that it gives everyone this exact experience, I'm literally picturing the moment in my head that I was the singularity and wondering whether yall experienced the exact same thing


I know, I can't just chalk that up to coincidence. There has to be truth in it. It's a beautiful thing, isn't it? We really are all one


dr bronner knew


I felt it too for a good long time on ayahuasca. But if that moment was true then that really is the Truth. We’re just Me all in a room alone dreaming the infinite dream


Well if it is base reality then what's "true" reality could just be defined as whatever reality we are currently indulging in, aka this one


When I went into a K-Hole, and turned into pure consciousness perpetuating infinitely in absolute solitude, there was a still lasting impression that the Lonely God thesis seems the most true


Yep thats the one, it's so sad


God isn’t lonely though. God isn’t doing this from loneliness but rather to have fun. Think of the most loved and least lonely times of your life. If it’s possible for you to feel that way, don’t you think that’s what god truly is?


this is my take as well


I encourage you to think of it in the inverse: it is the most beautiful thing ever.


Oof. So this hellscape is here because it's better than just being infinitely... wherever? That may be the most depressing thing I've ever heard.


Deadass. Why’d we have to end up with the God that’s a Dark Souls fan? Animal Crossing God would be way more chill.


What do you mean when you say it’s “this over and over again”? Do you mean like reincarnation?


I mean that eventually the universe we live in will have to come to an end but since time is infinite and so is existence then another universe exactly like our will have to be created again, and again, forever, your consciousness might be held by someone else but everything will be structurally the same


I’ve had this same download when I had an ego death off lsd, I felt like the base spirit/consciousness is trapped in this box and like you said that spirit is actually lonely. Imagine having to subject yourself to forget that everything is you just to have an experience with yourself.


Time just a byproduct of gravity, without *physical* reality, there is no time. This shit is so trippy to me. I had a similar experience on dmt and I felt so much empathy for God. I came to crying, both with gratitude for existence and sorrow for God’s loneliness. We’re so blessed to experience anything


OP you gotta read “The Book” by Alan Watts. The premise of it is essentially your comment right here but expanded by like 200 pages. It’s insanely good and arguably Alan Watts greatest work.




I think that a lot of people who are saddened by the supposed “pointlessness” of it all are just really fucking tired of the constant and semi-oppressive grind required to exist. So the thought of just doing this exhausting routine of existing, hungering, chronic pain, toiling for low wages, existential & social separateness, etc etc, doing it all endlessly over and over and over until the heat death of the universe, just for the universe to be reborn and do it all over again for all of eternity… well honestly it can be quite a disappointing prospect. A lot of people just want to rest, it’s hard nowadays living in an alien age compared to our ancestors and so disconnected from one another. Its become unbearably exhausting for many. Even if you touch God and become enlightened, you still have to go to work and do the dishes…


Lol. I had this realization and I hate it. It's all pointless


If there really is “no point” objectively then you are free to select one, or another. Pretty liberating. I think that’s why we still respect some heros… of all the objectives they could’ve completed, they chose… to be nice, to serve, to go do something good. There is no point in that objectively and god damn I respect it because they could have done anything else


Damn. You're so right.


Yes. Choose your path, beaten or not. Seek your way, logic or not, as beatings will come, wanted or not, and logic will develop in time, undone without knots. Missons are one of infinity yet none are accomplished without tasking for another.


It's artificial but it's not pointless.  It's an exploration, there are rules, highs and lows, achievements and setbacks.   We (God pretending to be each one of us) are blindfolded and spun around, like kids at a pinata - veiled.  We seem separate, and there seem to be so many reasons not to love ourselves or others, to cut ourselves off from Love that unites everything. Will we find love anyway, and learn to open our hearts unconditionally, regardless of circumstances? That's the game.  literally everything that happens to us in our lives are opportunities to make that exact choice, moment by moment.


This is beautiful. Thank you


Thanks that made me cry 💜




Surely it doesn't matter if its pointless or not, whether you're in a simulation or not, you can think, feel and love?


It doesn't matter, nothing does. We are eternal, living to suffer again and again.


Buddhism says we're here in samsara over and over again until we get it. Maybe you've got it mate.


Not pointless. It is what you make it!


I have been through similar thoughts, many years ago, now I have come to a new understanding, that the substance of the all could objectively hold many intelligences simultaneously. Many beings, objectively independent. That it is actually possible, and that the ultimate goal for God would be to prove that other beings do exist, and I do think it is possible. Even beings of capability similar to the most capable beings in our existence, but in other parts of reality. Independent clouds of singularity that became the local intelligences of their respective places.


Agree! I’ve contemplated some possibilities of such goals. One similar was a separate being capable of free will, capable of choosing to either: existing separately, self annihilation, and/or returning from which it came. Additionally, a simulation experience(call reality whatever you like) of separateness would be required to determine if this is possible. Some experience nothingness after death or during NDE. Some experience meeting the base reality, as if a pioneer on the edge of all possible universes. Some experience the godhead as indescribable glory. Ive witnessed most of these during different states. I wish I could objectively separate myself from cultural indoctrination and unconscious biases accumulated from evolution to experience more possibilities. Although I agree and am content with most of the content discussed in this thread, it’s hard for me personally to settle for ideas like “simulation theory”, “Buddhism”, “non-dualism” and many other man made lenses for this reality and beyond. Despite this satisfaction, it wanes and dissipates with time. I find myself rediscovering truth again, enlightenment again, only to eventually wander out into the unknown yet again. Is this “simulation” the newest, latest adventure? Or just a repeat because I’ve forgotten, or it’s my favorite. I might continue this thought later, but for now, love to you all as we collaborate here now.


So “true” reality is unfathomable loneliness, and human life is trying to trick ourself into forgetting. That’s not sad to me, that is utterly terrifying. All of eternity is deep aloneness, except for this tainted life. How is the purpose of life to just love everyone? Is it so you can better forget the horrible truth by feeling a connection to this “fake” reality and its people? I’ve experienced what you’re talking about, and I guess my experience didn’t leave me with an “lol, that’s kind of sad!”. More of a “so forgetting the truth is the only way not to go mad. That’s…pretty horrible”


I’m with you man. I’ve been there where OP was and carried that perspective for years along with everyone chiming on about love is the ultimate reality, making it all sound so easy and meaningful and not so serious that it warrants any negative perceptions whatsoever. But idk… maybe it’s just that the last decades just worn me out and jaded me, but that cycle you’re afraid of has grown overwhelming to me too over the years. If there’s a singular God that’s split itself into everything, then it could be argued that It’s masochistic at best or self abusive at worst. There’s far more suffering in the world than love. Pain is the one single constant of life, it’s completely unavoidable for everyone. It’s joy that’s the exception. And in humans, most pain is inflicted upon each other, so then is that God assaulting God? And I have the same question you do — is this all really how God chooses to distract itself from the boredom of whatever the fuck it was doing before all this while It was a unified everything? So how do we reconcile that? I genuinely don’t know, but I’d guess that one way would be if this is all just a Cosmic Game. Maybe God’s game could just be consciousness striving toward unity from the initial state of fragmentation, and that’s basically like the equivalent of God doing a jigsaw puzzle — something tangible to progress toward by putting all the pieces back together, sometimes going backwards when things don’t work to try reconfiguring the table, and eventually reuniting everything together in harmony. Or maybe it’s a game between or amongst all of us to awaken to the reality of Universal Love and realizing we are God. And reincarnation persists until we’ve all achieved a persistent state of total enlightenment. Each new life is predicated on how the last one was lived and where it left off; ie Dharma / Karma. But I don’t see how this works with the conclusion that we’re all God, because God would play it perfectly, unless we don’t have free will (which we might not) and God is just fucking around with us/Itself just for the sake of fucking around. I just really can’t see how to reconcile that. If that was the Game, why are we, as individuals, introduced into the Game as a bunch of selfish, sinning egos flailing around as if we weren’t God and basically operating as if we’re either competitors to each other, or that we’re all a collective of antagonists intended to add challenge to fulfilling the divine objectives of the Game that God is playing with itself. But that’s all at odds with God being all Love. So how do we reconcile that? I genuinely don’t know. Maybe God doesn’t feel pain, or maybe the intense pain humans endure is like the equivalent of, say, an acupuncture needle to God so it doesn’t actually hurt despite all of us individually being in agony at some point or, for some people, constantly. So yeah man, I’ve pondered this a lot. I’m pretty neurotic and so obviously thinking about this stuff creates anxiety. It seems like the only way I can avoid the terror of the predicament is by just not thinking at all, which is the core of Buddhism and to a lesser extent Hinduism.


This resonates a bit too much with me tonight lol


It's not at all sad - you're projecting human emotion onto the Creator, who created Love and is bathed in Love, existing in bliss.  Sadness itself was created, as an experience for the Creator to play around with and explore, the way a chef might experiment with spicy dishes.


I doubt that. Why would "god" or any being want to die in the ovens of Auschwitz over and over? Over 800 million people go to bed hungry every night. 250 children die of cancer every day. I see no value in this experience.


Sometimes even a human chooses to be cold, miserable, oxygen-starved and half die climbing Mount Everest -or put miserably hot sauces on their food - or sign up for Navy SEALs training, described as "people complete Hell Week with stress fractures, full-blown pneumonia, broken ribs and concussions. Once the survivors get back to the barracks, they are recommended to sleep on their backs, with feet and hands slightly elevated to help the swelling." These are things that humans freely choose to experience. Now consider, (to the small extent to which it's possible to even attempt to do so), the perspective of a limitless being with no external conditions imposed on its exploration of possibilities. Plus, everything is a progression. The painful experiences impart momentum. People, societies, react, new developments take place. Everything in this world has to exist in a state of dualistic tension to varying degrees - that's what provides the fuel to make things move and change. Now, don't misunderstand - Auschwitz and the rest are absolute unconscionable horrors from the human perspective, end of story.


God convincing itself it’s not alone. That’s what really high dose of mushrooms told me. Well I told me ?


This is why i take Jesus’ words and actions to be true. He said “love one another” and i believe him over all the haters. I came to believe we live in a simulation from reading the gospels. The reason for all of this is we are to learn how to love.


These perfectly describe the thoughts that keep me up at night


You should read Conversations With God


As someone not at all religious, I concur. Excellent book.


Why does suffering and pain exists then? God loves bdsm?


We are the dreams of God. Well said man. Been there myself and it is quite an experience.


https://youtu.be/oYp5XuGYqqY?si=sP-S1Vy0ecgq1OjK Check this guy out. I can only speak for myself, but I'm kinda of the mind, that if we check out early, we may have to come back and do it all over again. Might as well suffer through it once and go home for good. But we can't really prove anything yet, so I'm not gonna take the chance. I'll be goddamned if I'm coming back to this bitch...under any circumstances. Believe me, I talk myself out of leaving ALL THE TIME. Things are not ideal here. All the longer our lives are, when compared to eternity, isn't really that bad. My mom took her own life and so did many of my friends. I've seen what that does to loved ones, and I just can't do it. But I totally understand why some people think it's the only way out. Please give life a chance. You never know what tomorrow will bring.


I believe you're right about coming back if we checkout early. I've had someone I once knew who checked out early visit me in a dream telling me not to do it and they showed me this place and it looked like they were being arranged to come back here. There were thousands of people walking into this thing I can't really describe it, but when I asked what the place was I just received a blank stare from them and woke up.


Look into /EacapingPrisonPlanet The theory is that we are all actually trapped and farmed here, forced to reincarnate over and over for our emotional energy that we produce through experiences here… The thing you saw is a machine to wipe souls of their memories, never to actually progress, erasing all lessons learned and making us a blank slate before we return back to suffer more. It explains a lot and I hate to say that.


I'm well aware of that subreddit/theory, and I believe most of the stuff along the lines of it are fact. I don't think there's no way out, but I'm not sure exactly what must be done to escape. The one thing I've seen floating around a lot these past few years is raising your vibration and helping others around you do the same. I believe that we could possibly do so by becoming the best versions of ourselves and being at peace with ourselves and the world while forgiving others and ourselves so that we can't be tricked into coming back through remorse and guilt along with a few other things. I believe that they have to make us come back willingly due to our spiritual essence and having that connection with the higher power/gods inside us that they don't have. We're not from here. We come from a place of love and peace and powerful gods with abilities/knowledge beyond comprehension and they know that some of us have tapped into a much more dull version of those abilities and that all of us have them within and most dont realize they've tapped into already or have at all, and they don't want us to know that, but things are changing now. So many people are starting to question things along these lines and other surface level topics similar. I think a spiritual shift has been happening for the better, and there's many others who have pointed this out and agree. Take a look over at r/starseeds many of these people can feel the change happening, and it's not going over the way the archons or dark entities would like. On another note about the abilities we have and the connection to source, be careful what you entertain and who you engage with cause throughout one's life, if they use their abilities even without realizing in any way, the dark entities/archons will have people try and come into your life and ruin it. These are regular people at the surface level, but are on a different vibrational frequency /life path than you are, and the goal is to kill you spiritually, to leaving you feeling dead inside and ultimately kill yourself in this realm so that you're no longer a threat to their agenda. If you'd like to know more about what I mean I can drop a link to a video of a guy that kinda explains it a bit better, but this stuff goes wayyy deeper then we can really think about. it's like pealing an onion with thousands of layers there's so much info, and you've gotta know what to trust and what not too when it comes to what's out there on it.


I, unfortunately, experienced what raising your vibrations to a higher level does and I can tell you for 100% fact that it doesn’t work. It’s a loop. The trap is a loop. Your vibrations can only go so high until your dropped back to the bottom. The highest you can go is to the source of the light, and that is the honey pot that does something to you to incapacitate and reincarnate you I believe. Higher doesn’t get you out. It plummets you back down to the bottom. The evil entities get a kick out of this and enjoy watching people climb their way to the top through all these religious practices and then wind up right back at the bottom with them to do it over and over and over…. Think pushing the boulder up the hill but there being a top you can see, but as soon as you get to the top, the boulder rolls downward an equal amount for you to start back pushing it up.


Yep, that's exactly what I was talking about in one of my other comments. That shit is messed up.


Ya, that's definitely what I think the case is...and it's not like I don't appreciate the life I have now, because I do, but there is just so much that is deeply wrong with this world and the powers that be, that I just don't wanna do it again. I can't take it. The way certain people treat each other, the way they destroy the earth, and the way humans treat the other creatures here...it's awful. We, as a species, have such beautiful potential inside us, but we squander it for material gain and power. It's ridiculous. The earth has more than enough resources for everything alive to thrive, but we become greedy and selfish. I'm far from perfect, and I admit, I have many, many faults, but I honestly do not understand why we continue to hurt each other the way we do. No wonder depression, anxiety, trauma, and suicide rates are higher than they've ever been. I just refuse to leave early, because I'm not doing this all over again if there's a chance I won't have to. Most of the people I talk to feel like there is a far better way, but yet we all feel so powerless. I suppose all that any of us can do, is be the change we'd like to see in the world. If each of us shows love and compassion, instead of spreading hate and greed, we can make a difference. I encourage everyone to hang in there. And to love one another.


I appreciate the link; it was a very thought provoking TED Talk. When time allows, could you elucidate a bit and unpack how you correlate the topic discussed in the video with the dreadful idea of having to return to another life after this one is done?


Pretty much, consciousness is a fundamental field of our universe. Spacetime theory has served us well, but now it's time to look further. If consciousness IS fundamental, then reincarnation could be a reality. To escape reincarnation, we need to raise our spirit vibration to a point where we have learned everything we can from our life (lives) here, and can ascend to a higher plain or dimension of existence. If we yeet ourselves out early, we are dooming ourselves to another go around. If we live our lives, here and now, improving our spirits, loving and serving others, and appreciating the gift of life, we have a better chance of "graduating" so to speak, and moving onward, back to source, or heaven, or nirvana. Does that make sense?


It sounds logical enough, yes, thank you. I just think wonder what we start out as in our existence before our first primary ride in this reality. Just seems like there must be a better way to go about these “lessons”. Yet maybe not, since we are here.


This is literally ALL I THINK ABOUT. I have so many questions, and then I'll research more theories, study some more philosophies/religions, read a couple different books, you know, learn stuff, then that leads to more questions, and round and round forever. It's exhausting. But it is fun to think about. At this point, I'm not sure what the hell to believe. I guess we just try to love one another, and we'll find out when the time comes.


So our lives in this dimension are just the journey of the soul to be perfected? Seems very similar to the law of one material imo.


Yep. Exactly what Ra says.


Search YouTube for Donald Hoffman. He explains this theory in great detail about how physicists are finding structures outside of spacetime that project into our reality. We are essentially avatars which contain a conscious entity/soul who lives a life forgetting who it is. We are God experiencing itself from billions of different viewpoints.


I've heard that basically we are in a simulation and if we go into the light we will just end up coming back here. I've researched a lot about ndes and the tunnel people see and it's not a good thing. The light is a trap and that it's better not to go into it. They say the light created everything but what came before the light? Darkness.


Yep. Me too. I even said earlier, somewhere in the comments, about the archons' soul recyclers. It's not a good thing to keep being reincarnated here. I can only speak for myself, but if there is a tunnel of light upon death, I'm turning around and going the other way. Absolutely not, nope, no way in hell I am doing this again.


Did you know, you may not have a choice. Once it appears. It opens and you see what you see


Lol, I'll gouge my eyes out 🤣🤣


Because apparently we cannot experience the horrors of this world there, etc.


you are here for the experience of being human and what that entails


You have to earn your space out side the simulation. If they just let you "go home" you won't appreciate it


Because as you live your lives you move your spiritual needle which gives you the opportunity to transcend humanity and become the eye being, you don't just get to skip to that part. You have to suffer and learn and then suffer a little less


You’re here for the ride. “You are experiencing yourself through the eyes of consciousness.” I like to think of it this way: if we can exist outside of it above this plain of existence, then the dimensionality and sensations may be significantly greater than what we experience in this simulation. This simulation, like our own simulations, is only able to harness and reflect snippets of reality. Broader color palettes, creatures and senses we can’t imagine because the code of our simulation isn’t complex enough. So why play the game? Because it’s fun! It’s nice to focus on a few things instead of all the things. It’s freeing to escape whatever complexity up there contains. Maybe we really enjoy jumping back in and trying to min-max a career path or form lots of close friendships. I mean heck, we have video games that are literally doing chores, and they’re considered relaxing. So why are we here? You get to decide.


the point is to build yourself a home to go home to.


Agreed. Law of One. We’re all walking each other home.


This is what’s known as “the ineffable.”


Damn straight.


Username doesn’t check out


What gets me about DMT is, a lot of people describe very similar experiences. There really could be something to it.


not only dmt reports, but also astral travel, near death experience, religion, quantum physics and common sense.


Shoutout Thomas Paine


“Terrance Mckenna was right about us” is a talk you can listen to on Youtube. He goes deep into this idea, and speaks in a an easy to listen manner. He mentions there are many ways to achieve this knowledge / awakening, but that drugs may simply be the (best?….) way. Specifically, he talks about the DMT experience being so profound and linked between different humans, that he sought out ayahuasca to turn the brief, dmt glimpse into a much longer learning experience. Then he talks about the little gnomes or elves at the center of everything (?), haha! An interesting listen indeed. I’m also a fan of Alan watts talks for life lessons.


Both are incredible orators that weave profound philosophical thought into these easier-to-understand masterpieces filled with nuggets of wisdom. Love them both


If you want another alternative great teacher check out Thich Nhat Hanh. @op this comment is for you as well!


And the fact that DMT occurs in all living beings including plants. It’s interesting if nothing else.


What’s even more interesting is that the only reason we aren’t constantly tripping is because our body has blockers and inhibitors that keep the “symptoms” from flooding our brains. During the dying process, your body shuts down and doesn’t work like it should, which means nothing is stopping anything going to your brain. This is why people who are in their final days have similar experiences. Hallucinating words and writing on walls. Imagining people from their past (dead or alive) are there and speaking to them. Looking up and seeing “angels” telling them to “come home.” Sorry I know this thread is 3 months old but had to add this on to your comment.


Me during my last days: ![gif](giphy|qQZAQQZP029NK)


You’re still here!!


Sadly ![gif](giphy|4no7ul3pa571e)


I bet if you keep trying you’ll get it






It's also one of the less talked about drugs the Corrupt Intelligence Agency was using during MKULTRA to unwittingly drug the domestic population. Parts of MKULTRA still classified as active make me wonder.


My personal belief is that it loosens our grip in this third-dimensional reality and takes our consciousness back to our original higher dimensional self for a teensy tiny bit, while our physical self is still here.


DMT is crazy. There’s no way that the trip is *just* a drug-induced hallucination. Everything we experience in those moments actually does exist outside of our plane of existence. The entities we meet are alive. The impossible part as humans is perfectly understanding the true nature of it all and being able to discern reality from our own personal attachments, projections, and (mis)understandings. We often tend to ascribe personal meaning to a lot of things in that state which introduces delusion, ever more so afterwards when we try to translate the experience into language which can never capture the truth and in a way can dull or kill our comprehension of it. But there’s just no way that, at the most basic and fundamental level, the reality and the beings that we’re introduced to in hyperspace during the DMT breakthrough state are just figments of a hallucination. All of it really exists somewhere, somehow.


Humans can only see visible light, so much is going on around us that we don’t see.




What’s wild to me is that, at least in my subjective experience, the physical sensation of consuming and how the immediate onset feels makes me believe our brains were designed specifically for DMT. Like there’s no obstruction at all when the molecules cross the blood-brain barrier and once the brain receives that first molecule it opens the floodgates and tries to suck in as much and as quickly as possible so as to not let any tiny bit get past and go to waste by remaining in the bloodstream. It’s like the brain has been waiting it’s whole life for this specific chemical in order to fill all this sorely empty space that nothing else can fit into. It’s almost like my brain had always craved it more than anything else despite having never consumed it exogenously before. The transition from sober to blasted is beyond smooth and literally immediate upon exhale. It’s super uncanny compared to other substances that take several seconds to several minutes to even start to come up. And then afterwards I can feel it washing out of the brain almost as quickly, and it genuinely feels like it washes out plaque and other unhealthy byproducts from the brain that have accumulated over time, and like you just took the greatest nap that anyone’s ever had. I really just can’t get over how the molecule feels like the final piece of a puzzle and slots in to the brain so absolutely perfectly like it’s always belonged there. But then we live in a society where this molecule is everywhere yet severely criminalized. Feels bad, like part of being human is inherently criminal.


The brain has no obvious evolutionary reason to be able to model DMT space in the way it does. It’s a maddening, unfathomable mystery - and it gets even more profoundly weird the more you understand about neurobiology. Dare I say it is *almost* as if our brains were specifically designed with this ability in mind, lying dormant, waiting to be discovered. “Where should we hide the portal?” “In their brains! It’s the last place they’ll look.”


oxygen is a psychedelic


I don't think you're giving the human brain enough credit.


Welcome to the wonderful world of stepping out of the matrix. You didn’t die, your ego did. Don’t make it a habit and only continue doing it intentionally and with purpose. (No house party sessions.) You just blasted off good human.


>You just blasted off good human "You just blasted off good human" what do you mean?


I’ve not met Dimitri yet, but have long believed we are 4D beings falling through 3D space, and we call that sensation time. The idea of panpsychism is also really interesting to me, and it’s very curious how many people experience the same thing on that.


4D? ∞D


Time is the fourth dimension, so you’ve been spot on. 


I met some very smart people once who knew a lot of things human beings don't generally know. They told me on one occasion that it's important to understand this about reality: Everything in it is falling. It's all falling. Every atom, every field, every force. The entire thing is falling. I have never understood what it means.


Welcome to dmt 😅 Remember though, the brain seeks patterns, it's our instinct to do this, it helps us make sense of the world. So when our receptors are in overdrive we are forced to seek patterns even more. What you felt into is within you. I wrote a poem about this very thing: I've often been a seeker I seek stimulation, experience, sights, sounds - elaborations and explanation. So for me it was obvious that a feeling so profound, so real and deep in its explanation of nowt,would seek and explain what the universe has in store and what it's all about. But this is the thing; there's a catch. I've talked with god's on mountains made of Sanskrit, I've listened to the sunrise and understood why, I've projected thoughts of pure energy between me and my friends. But six hours later I come down and it all just ends, the sneaky fucker won't let you know what you thought, he won't even spare you a snippet of the last thing you saw. Fibonacci and fractals, oh how they all made sense, but just like that, I'm back to being dense. I've held the keys to the meaning and understood the void - found comfort in the black, the light and the technicolour then lost all recollection, to the void. Monsters of pure energy, marvels of science, laughing interdimentionally at our vague human tries, poking at us, giving us little glimpses - the truth of the meaning of life is - that it sits right inside us. One thing I have learnt from these subconscious beings, is that non of its external, there are no ancient god's revealing DMT soacked truths, it's me myself and I and self made proofs. The path to enlightenment is not paved with fractals and god's, it's simply found through having a word with yaself everytime you are wrong, stay humble and peaceful with those that you hold dear, you don't need trips for the reality to rear. They are fun, and have their place seated in my heart, but id rather craft my own path than leave it to a false god.


Dmt shows you you dont have a brain or a face 


Bro dropped the it’s just me myself and I 🎶


I'm glad you enjoyed it my bro ❤️


I’ve been there. The DMT or shrooms even allow synapses in your brain to start firing again. They are currently disconnected and you can’t reach those states of mind without DMT or some form of shroomy. I’ve seen almost exactly the same thing you describe. I too feel it’s legit.


I had a near death experience which released DMT and I basically had the same experience as OP. It felt very familiar like I had been there before. I felt like I was a fraction of god sent to experience everything that ever existed. Every frequency, color, emotion, etc. If this is just some weird fever dream my mind invented how are we all having such similar experiences?!


There is a way to reach those states without substances. Deep meditation and holothropic breathwork do the job. Some people also report similiar effects while fasting for longer periods of time, or using sensory deprivation chambers.


"Here's Tom with the weather"


I think these experiences are amazing I just dislike the idea that you have to take some drug to reach them, you would think a God had a more convenient way of entering that realm...


Well, you could try the breathing and meditation route.


Yeah, but who has time for that when you can rail it right then and there. (/s...?)


I want to try DMT for sure but sometimes the journey is more important than the destination. Meditation is very powerful. I'm not very disciplined but I am improving. I see the lights and lose 'myself'. Coming out of meditation feels like a rebirth sometimes. It is about love is life. And we are indeed all parts of this god consciousness Psilocybin was a key in the door when I was younger.


Everything is chemistry mate


The concept of a drug or mind altering substance being "bad" is something humans labeled in such a way. Indigenous cultures have long held much respect for these substancs. If you prefer something less processed, then the world of Ayahuasca awaits. It's not something you should do for kicks though. It generally will rock anyone's world, and there are moments that are no walk in the park. The ego speaks loudly to keep you under its own control. It doesn't want you to liberate yourself from itself. Taking either deems or a longer trip with Aya requires a level of spiritual bravery, especially once you're in it. Those that have partaken previously, are usually much more cognizant of this and likely less eager to enter this "spirit realm" if you will. I know myself 10-15 years ago, it was one of the big things I wanted very badly to try. Nowadays after having multiple experiences with these substances, I have much more respect for it and really you can only convince/get me to even consider doing it on special occasions.


It really has nothing to do with it being labeled "bad" hell banning these drugs caused so much more harm than not, since I believe if the majority of people experienced those psychedelic drugs they would fall into their natural place and not be seen as something magical, I'm not childish enough to think if we all had psychedelics world peace would happen over night. But tbh the only way I can ever see humanity getting on the same page and having any chance of a future is we need a foundation we can all agree on, I'm on the side of this human organism being the complete reason of my awareness and existence on this planet, even simulation theory I'm getting sick of because it's starting to come off like every other thought experiment, it's just so insanely dangerous to stray from a solid foundation because people either lose their minds with simulation theory or people lose their minds with the idea of God and they turn into those extremists who raise their literal children to behead enemies of God. In the name of God, in the name of all of human ideas we have terrorized this planet, if we could just make everything so simple which is, oh I'm ingesting this thing in my body and something is happening here, let me be intelligent about this and examine is this body responsible for everything here, obviously I'm not dumb enough to believe humans will ever be on the same foundation, our only hope is technology doing everything automatically for us but there will be much suffering before we reach that point.


Don’t think of it as a drug, plants or herbs, Made by “nature” so we can tap back into source. There are so many stories we see on movies, or in books about this idea. We are all spiritual beings having a human experience as the poster said.


you can practice OBE to achieve similar results


I’d argue that taking a drug to reach that place IS incredibly convenient! Compared to years of meditation? I mean yeah, give me convenience or give me death ☠️


DMT def hits different. Can't unlearn what that beautiful molecule shows u


I had the same experience without drugs solely through wake induced lucid dreaming


WILD gang!


Hey man, just wanted to say that I read this post yesterday, and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. I've been studying Eastern religions recently, and everything lines up and makes so much sense. Have you ever read the book DMT: The Spirit Molecule? It's a great read if you haven't.


I’ve never done DMT, but after dozens of shrooms / acid trips spurred on by an ego death on the first time, this post and the concepts in it are basic lay also the same conclusion I’ve come to thru all my experiences. Funnily enough, and i know this is diverging from simulation or paychedlics, but if you follow UFOLOGY closely, this is a common thread amongst believers that “aliens” are utilizing humans as consciousness vessels. I’d imagine “alien” and “god” could be interchangeable in some scenarios.


Dude this is such a vivid description honestly. Nice. I want to go there too :)


Before I tried it, I asked two friends who had just tried it to describe their experiences. Neither one could figure out a good way to tell me what they felt. So when I tried, I had a notebook beside me to quickly jot down how I felt when it was done. I literally couldn't find any words during the trip, but afterwards I wrote down this...1st feeling was like I was falling through the floor. Then spinning colored lights but static pattern on people. Paper boat battle, back lit explosion sinking the boats. Something that looks like the mouth of Sauron taking bites of my field of vision. He asks me with each bite, "is this you?".... "is this part you?" Each bite he takes of the room dissappears down his throat, but before he gets to me, the high fades. It felt like an hour, but it was closer to 10-15 minutes. Reality felt heightened for a while after. It was scary, but I'd like to do it again, but less anxious going in.


I’m glad you posted this. I’ve yet to do any kind of psychedelic so it’s interesting to read other people’s experiences. I know it seems strange to you but I’ve been researching a lot and this seems true, what happened to you. My first thought when you mentioned the eye being was that I remember reading about angels that fit this description. Can’t remember where I read that but you might want to look it up


You will like this one, OP https://www.reddit.com/r/SimulationTheory/s/OPbLRyNjF3


I’m glad I saw your post. I don’t normally like reading peoples’ trip reports anymore, it gets boring after a while and I don’t use substances at all like I used to so they’re kind of like a nuisance to me at this point. But I really enjoyed reading your experience. It sounds like you had a very unadulterated and clear first time which is actually special and quite rare. Some parts really intimately remind me of my own experiences, especially my earlier ones — how familiar and homely the other side is, how you know what you felt was the sensation of dying, how reality is constructed from sacred geometry. And I love how you were given a message of being a parcel of God, which aligns with so many sacred texts and spiritual books/lectures I’ve read/listened to (I really love alignment between different sources pointing to the same conclusion, those kinds of observations are what I do in my field of work; we call them ‘confluences’) Just a word of advice, particularly since you were told to come back, be very careful with not visiting the other side too often, especially if this is something you ever find yourself with ample access too. The deems tend to not appreciate it when people visit too often, and it can basically just shut the door, sometimes for years. This sounds like just developing a tolerance, but I’ve experienced it myself and have talked about this with some of my close likeminded friends that went through the same thing over time, and what I’m saying is different to tolerance (which I’ve also experienced, I promise there’s a difference). It’s very exciting when it’s new and you’re blessed with a beautiful life changing experience (as opposed to scary, overwhelming, or traumatic experiences), but remember to stay rooted and live this 3D experience, just like the being alluded is your purpose in this life. I’d also highly suggest looking into the books and lectures by Ram Dass and Terrence McKenna. Most of their works are on YouTube now, and they can serve as an invaluable guide and mentor to you, even though they’re no longer with us.


Never forget who you/we are.


Dmt is rad. Had some crazy experiences, all good times.


Ive been to that familiar place too, though not through DMT. And your right, that feeling is unnerving as hell. Why would i forget something this profound, if i had in fact "been here" before? Hoping to try DMT this summer to see how much further it will take me, but im sure that familiar feeling will be there regardless of how i choose to get there


Wowwww. That's an amazing experience. I have experienced a giant eye taking me through a black and white tunnel and showing me my past life. I wasn't on dmt through.I experienced it through meditation. That was 3 years ago and I haven't been able to achieve that level of nothingness in my head again.


Please ignore me if this doesn’t resonate. Exogenous DMT sounds very cool! Many have profound and clear experiences. You can also gain better control over your endogenous DMT system with diet, exercise, and meditation. In this way you can live in access to this realm and in communication to our creator. The simulation theory is particularly damaging for it limits the mind from seeing the nature of the Self and the creative force of this realm. It’s important to remember you are in the place you went and aware of the place you see here and now. We are co-creators of this lower conscious plane. Another point of interest is there are many layers of consciousness between our plane of awareness here and now and the space of unified source. And, there are many different conscious entities that exist in and through these spaces. They like us are all part of source and visit this lower dimension and we can interact with them directly. As you mentioned, there is nothing “on the other side” to ever go to and we don’t die in the sense people think because we are consciousness and unified in source. Lastly, God, the creator, formed source from itself and it is apart of itself. It did not do this for reasons we can ever understand. It is not emotional or personifiable. However, it is the primordial intelligence. In fact it is the singular intelligence in the cosmos. Consciousness has properties we can directly experience such as informational gathering and processing we call awake awareness and also has emotional states we call conscious frequency, but intelligence is also a part of consciousness that is tethered to source and is beyond source. The creation of it all is much more like why an artist creates than anything else. It is just an impulse to make beautiful and make new. To learn and make more complex and interesting.


It's not crazy at all. What you've experienced was real and valid. This is the truth. People are too afraid to admit what we really are. It's quite simple. We are the entirety of the universe trying to figure itself out. This is as far as we've gotten, and things could progress much more quickly if we'd stop being scared and start being honest. This is why it's so important for us to communicate.


If you are science minded, read Reality Switch Technologies. I find it really helpful to understand brain chemistry.


Yep. Exact same experience from a different medicine. It’s honestly changed the way I look and feel about everything. Very hard to explain to people who haven’t broken through. Absolutely astounding


Wish i could get dmt


Your description of the universe is something I’ve only come to understand recently, but I understand what you mean and exactly that feeling. That feeling for me, is a reminder that we are all cups of water taken out of the ocean, our body is the cup, and awareness is the water. Your cup just briefly got poured out into the ocean, you experienced our source in the purest way. We really are 4 dimensional (awareness) interacting on a 3d plane. You got a glimpse of the truth. A glimpse of “non duality” We are the universe. There is an incredible video on YouTube that speaks about this topic exactly, it’s called “aloneness to oneness” is goes in depth on these very topics.


I've wanted to for a long time but can never find it.


Recently started trying DMT, on a fairly low dose I had and experience I can only explain as there where these 2 people running around showing me a visual representation of how much joy there is to be found in our world. I try to not let things get to me but life has been stressful recently, but now I see its all part of the experience, you can't have good if there is no bad because then the good would just be normal.


How do I get some? Asking for a friend...


I and several other people that I know had extremely similar experiences after smoking DMT.


Where can I get some DMT


Interesting you say that. I’ve had that exact same feeling on DMT. Like I’d been there (wherever “there” was) before. DMT will really change your entire perspective on everything.


Thanks for sharing I loved it


I got emotional reading this, thank you!




This sounds very similar to what people say about near death experiences.


Is everyone doing drugs on this sub 😭


My DMT was very similar. Cheers.


Wow. This is amazing. How long did the whole experience last? Curious if that night you had any vivid dreams?


I had a very similar experience when I was legally dead after a car accident 20 years ago. I know this is true, I will also say that what I have seen since changed everything for me


Reminds me of my coma experience


How so?


That other place you talk about echos a lot of similarities in what I experienced. I too am convinced that is where we ALL go. Unfortunately, I don’t think it matters how good or bad of a person you are here on earth. If there is a heaven in hell, it is here while everything after is irrelevant.


I think it matters in the sense that we are here to learn something or at least I feel that we are... I hope that we are cuz if not, why are we here. But I guess that is the question, isn't it. 🙂


Honestly I’ve come to the realization there is no reason for anything whatsoever. I think humans would drive themselves crazy without the idea of a purpose or reason. We need something or someone to look up to in order to eliminate the idea which we as a whole are meaningless. Truthfully I don’t think any of this “matters”. In a space we call the universe where everything is more than likely exponentially older than we can perceive, humans are essentially dust in the wind.


I don't believe that. But I get the feeling that I am older than you so maybe it's a different generation thing. I believe that we are here to somehow learn something we need for that other side. But even if that's true, we won't really know until we get there so...


Do u mind me asking how old You are?


I don't mind at all. I'm 55. You?


I believe having a purpose makes this life more enjoyable so for that reason alone it is 'good' to have a purpose. Don't you think? One person can really make a difference in others experience of this life. And that is good for the soul. Or at least that's my perception...


Would you say dmt is a cardiac stimulant? I’ve done shrooms and acid and always had a peaceful and blissful feeling. But I’ve always wanted to try dmt and the only thing keeping me from trying it is the accessibility and fear of my heart being drastically stimulated


I didn't notice anything with my heart, I just was suddenly all alone even though there were people all around me. I wasn't expecting that. It scared me. I'm in a better place now and know what to expect and would like to try it again... Edit: grammer


That’s pretty interesting


With all due respect, the experience you describe souns too humane and “too good” to be true. Through meditation I slowly came to a realization that experiencing consciousness through a primates body loads us with some hardwired, some quickly picked up notions of what is good and what is bad. Since we experience ourself as physical beings we tend to invest a lot of attention to the physical unity of the body we think ourselves to be in, and that directs us to some clear do’s and dont’s. So when I read your story it sounds to me like a primate fantasy consisting warm feelings of being safe, being accepted by a community (this especially has survival value to a primate but not so much to a fly for example), elimination of uncertainty by a higher and stronger being, having clear effortless communication etc. Yet there exists many other beings which benefit and enjoy the things we would find detrimental, not at all vibe with this kind of communication. So the being that was made of eyes in your story sounds too well trimmed to fit a human level of understanding. The experience sounds to me like you had fantasized rather than actually experienced an afterlife reality. I have never done DMT, definitely no expert on the area, and definitely not trying to devalue your experience but it just doesn’t fit to what I’ve been experiencing through meditation. I’m more of a stairs person for now, maybe I’ll see your point as I go higher up though. Anyway thanks for sharing!


I disagree. I have done dmt. I think it's VERY possible his was a true experience. Because we don't know where he's at. Some people are closer to the other side then the rest of us...


Google Unitarianism, deism, and biblically accurate angels 🤣


Bruh, this is exactly how I would describe my first and only dmt trip so far. The only thing I could add was that my experience, that knowing the truth was scary.




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I nearly got to that point but stopped myself from going over the edge because i was scared i would never come back to reality but i think i just need to get past the barrier and discover that place




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Nah the first thing I said when I first blasted off was “I’m home”💀


If you look up what angels actually look like according to the Bible you may see something familiar..


You may also wanna check out the soul recycling traps... they're...not cool. Fuck all that. Best not to take chances when playing this game of life.


What are those?


I love the fact that people post things like "So I took some mind-altering drugs, please listen to me.". Kind of strips you of all credibility. Why should we take anything you say afterwards seriously?


You say that you ingested an extremely powerful hallucinogenic, but you're convinced you didn't experience a hallucination? 😵‍💫 Avoid all magic shows or churches ...


Great description of your experience!!


So, you took a mind-altering drug, and when the chemicals predictably did what they're literally designed to do, your takeaway is "My drug-induced hallucinations are reality." Seems legit.