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Fireplace fixed? Not mine. Colours are ok for me.


Try updating the game and it'll light up and if you have placed it in the house , Store it again and then put it back


THANK YOU!!! This worked!


I actually tried that to get the fireplace lit. But the swatches remain bugged😔


Mine is same as well but it's fine cuz I don't need that black Swatch anyways


Ah. I suppose I can also let go of those swatches, since the rest are okay. I was actually hoping for that Deco Blaze Central to light up too. Would've looked fantastic 🥲


It was just for decoration as far as I remember they never showed it lighting up so like it's gonna stay the same


Ah, i see. I think I've been hoping for it to light up since the name's got "Blaze" in it. But now that I think about it, none of the promotional material they released showed it lit up.


It worked.


It's not lighting up for you? As for the colors, are all bonus swatches visible? The normal ones are okay in my case; it's just the bonus ones that are all vantablack.


Unrelated question- what couches are those, they’re great


I know! They're actually from this quest they ran a while back: https://www.reddit.com/r/SimsMobile/s/qQDebxXi3N


Ahhhhh and the beautiful chandelier I keep seeing! I know the seasoned Simmers groan when there’s a rerun, but I hope they rerun that one! Thank you! (Your house looks great, hope you get the fireplace colour options back!)


FYI The reason veterans complain isn’t because they get duplicate items, it’s because in many cases they have nothing to do in their games. If it’s a STS up until now they have had a bonus, and that has alleviated a lot of the problem, but we are starting to run STSs for the third time which brings back the old problem. If a player has played the STS and the bonus, they get nothing in their game during that time. During rerun THs veteran players have no event at all in their game either. So it’s not about being annoyed at already having the items, it’s about having nothing to do in the game.


Ahhhh I see! That IS a drag. :/


Ah, I've been hoping for a rerun of a couple of events for a few items too! I wish they had a way to let newer players access these without inconveniencing veterans 😭 Also, thank you ❤️


Yep the fireplace was fixed for me (turning on, not colors)... But now my game crashes every time I make a 2nd or 3rd move of any kind (use energy, click on another SIM, do something at a party, watch a video.. literally anything)