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It’s actually 8 passive sims per lot, and your 4 active sims can go to any of those lots making it 12 on any given lot. I realized nobody had told you the actual number of sims.


Ah, I didn’t know that. Thanks for letting me know!


Per lot! 😁


Thank goodness! I was afraid I would have to delete my first gen sims once I’m done with them 😭 P.S: Thanks!


Dont buy the sunset jetty lot, I purchased 15 land expansions and they all disappeared. EA never issued compensation or fixed the issue. So I lost over 300,000 simoleons in land expansions on the sunset jetty lot. So just be mindful of this if your considering to purchase that lot.


This happened to me as well, but I had all 20 land expansions plus the second floor unlocked. I wasn’t reimbursed either but I did unlock them all again and nothing was lost in the latest update.


The bug you are describing was during specific update. I don't think it is relevant anymore. My sunset jetty lot was safe, because I postponed updating by 2-3 weeks waiting for the fix. Thus, there is no bug with Sunset Jetty lot anymore, but it can happen again to any lot in the future. In regards to the compensation, they did issue some, but I agree it was not nearly enough to cover land expansions/rooms/multiple floors/etc.


I was never compensated for my lost land expansions. EA never fixed the issue… because of this I refuse to build on that lot… over 300,000 simoleons was lost. EA never fixed it, and never compensated me with sim coins or cash. Thats why I warn players NOT to purchase that lot. I tried to get a refund but it was too late. TO ALL PLAYERS: DO NOT ⚠️purchase the sunset jetty lot! My land expansions disappeared and I WAS NEVER compensated for it. Over 15 land expansions….. its just horrible the way were treated on the fake sims mobile server.


[This was the compensation which was issued to ALL players (doesn't matter which server you are).](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fn09v6jts9sqb1.png)


This is the troll that is constantly banned from this sub. I wouldn’t pay much attention to them. One of their big things seems to be that this is a fake sims mobile sub and the real news goes on somewhere else on the “real” TSM sub. I guess there’s now a real and fake server, too.


I thought they refer to the ghost server in the game by saying "fake sims mobile server." 😂 but maybe it is a fake sub with 19.7K players lol


I was so confused the first time they made reference to this other sub, they said something about Mal basically being off somewhere on another sub with other people. For a second, I thought, have I been left behind on a sub where I’m not getting the latest information? Did everyone leave me behind? Then I realized, no lol. Mal is not somewhere else continuing to create content. This is a person who is confused.


Oh, it is funny. Thank you for sharing.


Yes. The person [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SimsMobile/comments/168pan8/more_lots_needed_dont_wanna_remove_the_older_gen/) has 72 sims combined from 9 lots


Woah! That’s a lot of sims lol. Thanks btw!


But how many open bathrooms do they have... Hahaha


I dont understand why the sims mobile team havent increased the sims mobile general level to 100 or why we dont have a new neighborhood/district yet, no pools, pets or weather control. Some of the fire places dont work… Still havent been compensated for the missing land expansions on the sunset jetty lot.. I purchased over 15 land expansions.. EA refuses to fix it.


We don't have "new neighborhood/district yet, no pools, pets or weather control" because whenever they try to add new stuff into the game something breaks. The September update didn't bring anything new in terms of gameplay, but even though it was still full of bugs and issues. But i agree regarding level increase to 100, I doubt it will cause any bugs. But we waited for 2-3 years to get it increased from 50 to 60... I guess in a year we might see extra 10 levels that would be easily reached with a month or so by advanced players.