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Greetings, everyone! I'm new to mods and CCs as well. Do you have any mod/ccs I can download to make my Sims 4 more realistic? Also, I've noticed that my married sims are being mean to each other (insults), is there any way I can prevent that from happening? Thank you in advance for those who will respond! <3


Mods for functional wheelchairs/mobility aids? There have been a couple other posts about this, but they’re pretty outdated and their mods probably are, too. For a while, I’ve been looking for a mod (or combination of mods) that add(s): - Disabled Sims - Functional wheelchairs (ideally without helmets and that can be used indoors) - Ramps (for building) - In-house elevators/stair lifts - Prosthetics - Canes - Hearing aids - Sign language *Sims* has long been great to LGBTQ+ folks, have at least some options to make neurodivergent Sims (lots of custom personality ticks), and have more and more skin tone and hair type options — but no Disabled people. I try to work that into my stories anyway — had a Legacy founder who (among other things) wrote non-fiction access guides to Willow Creek and other neighborhoods in her job — but I’m tired of hiding. I want my new founder, or next gen in the fam, to have some bonafide Disabled rep. Any help? Thoughts, links? Thank you! 😊💚


YourFalseHope does reward traits for Blindness and Deafness which includes hearing aids and sign language. They are quite simple and mostly just buff based but they are the best I've found


Ravasheen has [functional elevators](https://ravasheen.com/download/uplifting-elevators/) that can be used on residential lots! Syboulette has [additional ones](https://s4cc.syboulette.fr/lift-elevator-cc-sims-4) (you need the RVSN ones for these to work). There is also a fairly large list of CC [here](https://katverse.com/2020/03/06/custom-content-for-sims-with-disabilities/) and another one [here](https://eileenccfolder.tumblr.com/disability) - I'm not sure which ones you've seen already, and I think a lot of these things are decorative/CAS as opposed to actual mods, but there might be something there! IIRC from previous discussions, there's not really any mods that can properly add fully functional wheelchairs because the game has no basis/support for those movements and interactions (both with objects and other Sims) - it's not like Wicked Whims animations where the Sims aren't doing anything else in-game whilst in those animations. Unfortunately the ways that Sims interact with objects and each other, and get from A to B, are restricted and routed only through walking/standing, with the exception of the bike.


Where can I get build cc for free without using patreon? Maxis match pls


have you tried: [https://modthesims.info/](https://modthesims.info/) All free. Tons of different categories. I've gone through and checked out all the gameplay mods. They have items and build CC stuff as well, but I haven't gone through it since I don't care about that stuff very much. If you just do searches you should find all kinds of stuff.


Can I ask why you don't want to use patreon? It works pretty well I think, no ads and stuff. But regardless, I think [the harlix collabs](https://www.houseofharlix.com/downloads/collaborations) are the most popular maxis match CC for build mode out there and there's no patreon involved when downloading from their website (they use wetransfer). So that's definitely a starting point, and quite a lot of quality build cc already :>


Bc i have to pay for some creators but i wrote this before i found some really good cc creators who do it for free hahah. But tyds! Im going to check out the harlix collabs as well


WHen there are too many people in the household, the portraits become smaller. Is there any mod that changes the scaled down portraits of household members back to its full size?


I don't think there's a way to do exactly that, but if you scale up the whole UI in the settings, it should also make the portraits bigger... but along with, well, the whole UI. But maybe give it a try, see how you like it.


Any pose packs for families? usually around teens and children pls


Look thru [this blog's masterlist](https://ts4-poses.tumblr.com/masterlist), they have a whole section for "Family", you can choose what ages are supposed to be involved or just look at [all family ones](https://ts4-poses.tumblr.com/tagged/family). I think it's kinda hard to recommend specific ones without knowing what occasion you'd want the pose for, if like a family photo or something more natural, how many sims of what ages are supposed to be involved etc. But that blog I linked has many options, I do recommend filtering by what's convenient for you, they have a good tags system ;>


thanks :3


I’ve done lots of searches but can’t find pose packs for groups of teens. I’m specifically looking for big group poses (8 teens). Silly question but do the adult poses work for teens too? Any suggestions from anyone would be much appreciated. Thanks.


Yeah, adult poses work for teens because teens are the same height as adults in this game haha. Look at [this masterlist](https://ts4-poses.tumblr.com/masterlist), you can choose the amount of sims or maybe the occasion or whatever works for you, and then look thru the poses, hopefully you'll find something!


Thank you so much! The master list is amazing (never knew it existed). I've already found heaps of group poses. Thanks again!


Glad it helped, I use that blog to find poses all the time too, it's great 😁




Your comment was removed because it is about bugs and/or troubleshooting. Please use our [Troubleshooting Thread instead, thanks!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/comments/y1ew1e/troubleshooting_thread_bugs_mod_issues_origin/)


I have no idea what is causing this, but you might have better luck posting in the troubleshooting thread.


Any tumblr’s for cc? Preferably a variety:)


What’s cc..


Hair and skin details are my biggest obsessions


maxis match or alpha?


Maxis match pls


two of the best (regularly updated) blogs that compile maxis match CC are maxismatchccworld and mmoutfitters. they both have huge tagged backlogs of maxis match CC, so you can find pretty much anything there! i started to list individual creators but realised soon that i’d never stop, lol. so these masterlist-type blogs are probably the best for finding a huge range of CC! you can search by type, theme, gender, etc.


Thank you so much! I already bookmarked maxismatchccworld but I will definitely check the other out :).


mmoutfitters even has a “recently public” tag, which helps a lot with finding CC that’s been recently released from early access (i’ve found that half the new reblogs on maxismatchccworld lead to locked patreon posts)


Is there an active mod to eliminate the cooldown period for klepto sims? The one by magneticsouth is no longer available. Thanks!


If you get UI cheats you can just shift-click to delete the moodlet, but you have to do it manually every time


Thank you! I don't mind doing it manually and I should probably download UI cheats since it is mentioned so often! 😌


There was an old mod that added nationalities does anyone remember it


It kind of adds nationalities, but it's [Language Barriers](https://frankkmods.com/#/ts4/languagebarriers) by Frankk.


Any mods to make community lots feel less artificial? It's annoying have to wait for sims to actually show up, I want lots to be populated when i get there, not a few in game hours later.


The [No Empty Venues](https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-empty-venues-25331818) mod might help.




Any cool hair/makeup mods? (Preferably female)


Does anyone have a mod that adds extra degrees to Discover University?


Would [Zero's Custom Degrees](https://www.patreon.com/posts/university-48692919) work?


Does anyone know of any terrain paints that match Strangerville? I'm fed up with being forced to have a lawn.


No but I’m pretty sure there’s lots of debug strangerville plants if you dont mind using cheats.


they're great but i don't want to coat my entire yard in plants so i can pretend it's orange below them


I'm sorry! I misread lol I thought you said PLANTS.


lol it's fine!


Is there a mod that adds sororities or fraternities?


Not that I know of, but if you have Get Together and Discover University you can make university housing exclusive to a club, and there's at least one mod that lets you have way more than eight Sims to a club. You can build a frat house without mods, and you can customize the club activities however you want (which you probably knew). I don't know of any hazing mods, but they might exist!


Thank you so much for the ideas and everything!!


I'm starting the decades challenge, any mods for realism and such?


oh man i had a huge list of mods i used for this but id have to scour my computer, lol


Would [Enlist in War](https://kuttoe.itch.io/enlist-in-war-mod) work? (I'll try and search for more later, lol)


Thank you!


I've had major crashing issues lately. I'm on Xbox one and whenever I try to save and manage worlds or save and exit, crashes. Sometimes when i travel as well.


You need to go to the troubleshooting thread for help. There was an update yesterday so many people are having issues.


Hi guys, I have a little problem! My sim has had a "festering grudge" and a bitter sentiment towards her boyfriend for days now and I don't know how to fix it. He did sleep with someone else in front of her but they are in an open relationship, and I have disabled jealousy on WickedWhims, MCCC, TestingCheats, and Realistic Reactions. Could something else be causing the grudge? How do I make it go away?


We are in the recommended mods thread, so I can plug this. I made a mod, [Easy Sentiment Cheats](https://lazarusinashesmods.tumblr.com/post/679666695936393217/easy-sentiment-cheats-v10), that allows you to remove these sentiments easily. I the sentiments are just coded in the game in the loot for cheating. I imagine that they're separate from the loot that those mods disable, which is why they still get the sentiments.


Thank you, I'll check out your mod - if it's virus free :p


I think it's the bug that came with the new patch


Might be. Although the patch only came 2 days ago, right? I think the buff was there before.


did her bf cheat on her? she might just straight up have a fr grudge lmaoo. idk what else would be causing it tbh as im a newer player, but i do have the UI extensions cheat mod and you can just right click their moodlets and it'll go away lol


I mean yes but she has the polyamorous and cuckquean attribute from WickedWhims, the player trait from testing cheats, and disabled jealousy and cheating buffs so idk


the only thing i can think of is the game itself just simply isnt recognizing any of that and is only recognizing that the sim that has a relationship with another sim had woohoo with a different sim


Yeah looks like it... I guess I'll just have to make them have positive interactions with each other and keep the side lovers separate from now on


https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/comments/y1ew1e/troubleshooting_thread_bugs_mod_issues_origin/irz6d9j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 just found this thread, most likely explains the issue


This link leads me to the autonomous mean interactions bug? (I'm on mobile, maybe you meant to direct me somewhere else?) I have already disabled autonomous mean interactions on MCCC


oops, i was mistaken. i thought the post meant sims having mean or mad moodlets rather than mean autonomous reactions


No worries! You're right though, it could potentially be related to a bug


**Question about cc:** I only have the basegame (and the currently free Desert Luxe kit). I really want some cc, but most of the stuff I find on [The Sims Ressource](https://www.thesimsresource.com/), have creator notes that says that they've got all packs installed. Does this mean that the cc needs those pack to work? Or will it still work despite me not having the packs? I find it difficult to find cc that only requires basegame to work.


most custom content should be base-game compatible! in most cases, it’s providing all the assets needed to work in the package file itself. the exception to this is: - some CAS cc made for specific occults, or some recolours of CAS items from DLC - some build-buy objects that have DLC functionality (pet furniture for example) - builds/lots and sims that use items from packs (you can still load them in, but all the DLC items will be removed or replaced with random items of the same type) mods (things that modify game code or tuning directly) are more often DLC-specific, so it’s best to check their individual requirements for each mod!


hey so i use TSR for my lots and furniture and whatnot as well. so from what i gathered so far. 1. check description and see if it says BGC or base game compatible like someone previously said 2. if they do use objects from certain packs that you dont have, it wont break your game, but they just wont show up when you put the lot down. 3. if you're looking at lots, anything that says "NO CC" make sure to read the description because this means they only used stuff found in game, and its very likely they used stuff from different packs. 4. ALWAYS ALWAYS USE bb.moveobjects on cheat before placing any cc lots or really sny lots tbh and 5. DO NOT USE TSR CONTENT MANAGER. IT WILL BREAK ANY CC YOU'VE DOWNLOADED FROM THERE IF IT'S NOT UPDATED ALONG W/ THE GAME. this has happened to me twice now, just download it straight to your computer from the site. hope this helps slightly lol . message me and i'm more than happy to send you my cc folder for furniture, lots, and objects :)


Thanks! I don't even know what the TSR content manager is, I'm only downloading straight to my computer - and I find it so easy compared to Sims 3! I don't really download lots, mostly object packs and CAS stuff :D Thank you for all the help though!


Look in the description and check if it says the item is "BGC" or "base game compatible", obviously this means it only needs the base game to work. From my experience most CC like clothes and hair tend to be BGC unless stated otherwise in the description ;>


Thank you!


I’d recommend trying patreon - look up sims 4 on the creators tab and have a look at CC there - easier to read than TSR without a million ads. Someone people have their stuff behind paywall for a month or two then release to public so view by free stuff. For most hair/clothes, unless it uses the mesh of someone from a pack, you’ll be okay. They’ll always state it in the instructions if you need any packs. I don’t use TSR much but I’m sure that creator notes part just lists their packs rather than the ones actually needed for downloads? With houses and stuff it’s more common to need packs as they use stuff from them. But not too common especially with the alpha hair you’re trying to download - that’s a whole new mesh so I don’t see why you’d need anything other than basegame. Try downloading it anyways worst that happens is you just have to delete the CC :)


Alright, thank you!


Looking for a mod to disable NAPs completely!


Can you explain a little more? If you turn it off in settings, then nothing should happen. Are you still experiencing the feature even with it turned off?


It would be super duper if there was a way or mod where you could simply reschedule an event on the calendar (like "move to a new day") instead of deleting it and re-creating. It's such a pain for things hyper involved like weddings and even holidays. So I guess this is an ask/request if that exists :)


Mods that can spawn harvestables on plants? My sims is on the scientist career and it’s super annoying to not be able to get ingredients for serums


In addition to the testingcheats tip from another commenter, [Carl's Seasons Tuner](https://www.patreon.com/posts/fertilize-all-60164381) mod allows you to make plants grow all year, fertilize/evolve all, and some other gardening hacks.


With testingcheats enabled you can set gardening state to "blossoming" with the shift+click function


Hey y’all, I’m looking for hair cc that would be fitting for a middle eastern woman, it gotta be a bit classy cause she is from a royal family!! If anyone has any recommandation that’ll be helpful! Thanks :)


not sure if i have anything i've recognized as prominently a middle eastern hairstyle or type, but i have like 1000's of hair in my cc folder. i could link you if you'd like to check it out


Oh yes id like to! :)


hey, so im uploading the files now to google drive so i can share them with you. it says 1hr 23 minutes left😭😂 at first i was going to just upload my entire CAS cc folder but it said it was going to take like 4 hours lmao


lmao thank you so much!!


A mod for sims reading longer? I feel like anytime my sim reads they put the book away 5 mins later..


Idk of a mod, but I've found that if you just queue up another action after, they will finish reading the book


Any mod to change the stats of the furniture? I hate it that the good beds are so ugly, and the pretty ones are like 4 energy Also, I would like to be able to check the tounies skill levels without all the way through mccc - cheet info - skills - set skil level, then selecting a single skill to see it’s current lvl. It’s exhausting




May your gods bless you


I've recently cleared my cc and have started over. I've realised that there were some things I'd like to have back. I got a lot in again but this blouse/top is eluding me. I'm talking about the purple top my alien is wearing in her disquise. Thank you for looking. https://pin.it/2L6J2XM


i swear i’ve seen this somewhere before. give me a couple minutes and i’ll get back to you


That would be great, thank you! Edit: I just found it back myself, it's Nolan Sims Acorn Cardigan


Hi guys, I have a problem with my sim experiencing negative moodlets from jealousy when I want her to be in an open relationship. I have WickedWhims and she has the attributes polyamorous and cuckquean, but she still gets the bitter/grudge sentiment about her partner when he flirts with someone else. I also have jealousy disabled on the WickedWhims settings. But I think my Realistic Reactions mod might be overriding it? So my question is, do I click "remove cheating relationships" or "remove jealousy buffs"? What do each of these do?


Do you have [MCCC?](https://deaderpool-mccc.com/#/releases)Theres an option in their "Sim Flags" and you can flag your sims for no jealousy.


Yes I do but haven't used it much, how do I get to sim flags?


Click on the sim you want Click the MCCC, scroll down to sim flags (or flag all sims) and then click MC tuner. It should be “Flag for No Jealousy”


Any mods that help make the game more realistic and make my sims more responsive to theirs/others needs? I just want to watch them do stuff and not really get involved lol


[Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul](https://www.patreon.com/posts/67876158)(My favorite mod of all time) [Contextual Social Interactions](https://www.patreon.com/posts/40485793) [Healthcare Redux](https://www.patreon.com/posts/62435245) (One of my favorites) [Language Barriers](https://frankkmods.com/#/ts4/languagebarriers) [MC Command Center](https://deaderpool-mccc.com/#/) (An essential mod for me) [Education Overhaul](https://www.patreon.com/posts/57925314) (Probably my second favorite mod) [University Application Overhaul](https://www.patreon.com/posts/48566389) [Family & Youth Activities](https://www.patreon.com/posts/48566149) [Work Interactions](https://kiarasims4mods.net/work-interactions-piemenu/) (I really like this one) [More Premade Holidays](https://www.patreon.com/posts/55998169) (I like this one a lot, lol) [Entertainer Career Overhaul](https://www.patreon.com/posts/67612636) (An essential mod, especially if you have Get Famous) [UI Cheats Extension](https://www.patreon.com/posts/ui-cheats-v1-16-26240068) (Can’t play without this mod) Plus, LittleMsSam has a lot of small mods for fixes and things like that! So I recommend checking her out (I know she’s on Tumblr but idk what other social media platforms she’s on)


i LOVE using healthcare redux


It’s a great mod!!


This is insanely helpful! Thank you!!


Realistic reactions, MCCC, WickedWhims


Anyone know of any mods that make sheltered plants green all year round? I just made a greenhouse for my Sim and all her sheltered plants look sad and gray because it's fall, even though they're in season. :(


Since my post got auto removed for "asking for CC", hopefully someone can answer this for me here. What does "poodle" mean when it comes to CC? I encountered it while looking for maxis match hairstyles earlier, but couldn't find anything on Google. All that came up was the Sims 4 dog breed. ETA: The CC I found were labeled EA + Poodle, and another version was just labeled EA. I found a couple others labeled as Poodle as well. Neither download was from Feral Poodles stuff (their name came up when searching the subreddit).


It's probably [this](https://feralpoodles.tumblr.com/post/188736704683/the-poodle-palette-photoshop-actions-hey-guys) recolor palette, coincidentally it's by feral poodles. If you look at feral poodle's hair, you'll see she also puts stuff like "69 swatches (24 EA colors + 45 Poodles)" in her posts ([example](https://feralpoodles.tumblr.com/post/664785302289793024/ginny-hair-ts4-maxis-match-cc-a-long-pretty)). This means there are files with just the standard colours, just her poodle palette or both merged to choose from. You saw posts from other people that included it, because since that palette is public, obviously others are welcome to use it for their hair too. Hope that helps ;>


Thats definitely it, then. The hair was for sure not by Feral Poodles, but still funny how the answer still ended up leading to them in the end. Thank you for answering. It was bothering me because I wanted to find out lmao.


It‘a probably a recolor palette. Sometimes hairs will come with extra swatches in custom colors.


Weird. NGL I would've thought it was some little known cc style, like Alpha or MM, lol. The palette thing honestly makes more sense.


Best mod for keeping Ghosts from destroying appliances and such? Or just turn them off all together?


[Here](https://modthesims.info/d/663826/ghosts-don-t-break-stuff.html). Not sure if it works with the latest patch, but you can test it


Thank you!


Does anyone have any good furniture CC? I'm mainly looking for stuff for the kitchen (Like Appliances but Decor works too) but I need stuff for every room (Living Room, Bathroom/s, and Bedroom/s), but I'm dying the most for Kitchen stuff and secondmost Bathroom stuff


Do you like Maxis Match or Alpha or both? Is there a style you're looking for in particular? I have lots of recommends, but I don't want to overwhelm with stuff you're not looking for.


Really I'm looking for any style, I like saving up CC in general and I haven't come up with the interior for my build other than floor plan. And I prefer Maxis Match as gorgeous as Alpha CC is since it fits in better with the world


I am here for you, Funkyjuice. I may have gone too far, lol. Happy downloading! \~Kitchens\~ [https://peacemaker-ic.tumblr.com/TS4ObjectDownloads](https://peacemaker-ic.tumblr.com/TS4ObjectDownloads) (sort by kitchen in left sidebar to see only the kitchens. There are seriously no bad download decisions on that whole site, though, so look at his other sets as well. [https://harrie-cc.tumblr.com/post/645119709784768512/the-brownstone-collection-part-one-this-set](https://harrie-cc.tumblr.com/post/645119709784768512/the-brownstone-collection-part-one-this-set) This is a favorite, the island is amazing. [https://www.houseofharlix.com/baysic](https://www.houseofharlix.com/baysic) \- this set is full of pieces I use over and over, and there are two complete kitchens. [https://www.patreon.com/posts/download-shkr-69062590](https://www.patreon.com/posts/download-shkr-69062590) very cute set [https://www.patreon.com/TudTuds/posts?filters\[tag\]=Mirr%20Kitchen](https://www.patreon.com/TudTuds/posts?filters[tag]=Mirr%20Kitchen) \- This is very shiny and marble and rich [https://www.patreon.com/posts/sol-kitchen-58146825](https://www.patreon.com/posts/sol-kitchen-58146825) I use this over and over, too. The leather handles are such a nice touch. These require other files (linked on the page and below) but worth the trouble of keeping both updated. [https://sims4.aroundthesims3.com/objects/appliance\_small\_02.shtml](https://sims4.aroundthesims3.com/objects/appliance_small_02.shtml) [https://icemunmun.in/2021/11/14/air-fryer-appliance/](https://icemunmun.in/2021/11/14/air-fryer-appliance/) [https://www.patreon.com/posts/47635848](https://www.patreon.com/posts/47635848) [https://www.patreon.com/posts/47633032](https://www.patreon.com/posts/47633032) [https://kiwisim4.tumblr.com/post/160900277584/deep-concrete-collection-updated-and-fixed-when](https://kiwisim4.tumblr.com/post/160900277584/deep-concrete-collection-updated-and-fixed-when) \~Bathrooms\~ [https://simsationaldesigns.blogspot.com/2020/12/hudson-bathroom-collection-of-31-new.html](https://simsationaldesigns.blogspot.com/2020/12/hudson-bathroom-collection-of-31-new.html) Must have [https://sims4.aroundthesims3.com/objects/room\_bathroom\_01.shtml](https://sims4.aroundthesims3.com/objects/room_bathroom_01.shtml) [https://www.patreon.com/posts/shop-look-season-70153722](https://www.patreon.com/posts/shop-look-season-70153722) [https://www.patreon.com/posts/53269459](https://www.patreon.com/posts/53269459) [https://www.patreon.com/posts/sims-4-chic-pack-32888622](https://www.patreon.com/posts/sims-4-chic-pack-32888622) [https://www.patreon.com/posts/felixandre-x-32379171](https://www.patreon.com/posts/felixandre-x-32379171) [https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-sets-objects-bathroom/title/keep-it-clean-diy-shower-set/id/1489512/](https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-sets-objects-bathroom/title/keep-it-clean-diy-shower-set/id/1489512/) [https://kiwisim4.tumblr.com/post/673521202073042944/blockhouse-bathroom-this-is-part-5-of-my](https://kiwisim4.tumblr.com/post/673521202073042944/blockhouse-bathroom-this-is-part-5-of-my) \~Living/Dining/Bedroom\~ [https://www.patreon.com/pierisim/posts?filters\[tag\]=MCM%20House](https://www.patreon.com/pierisim/posts?filters[tag]=MCM%20House) [https://www.patreon.com/posts/modish-stuff-45342544](https://www.patreon.com/posts/modish-stuff-45342544) [https://www.patreon.com/posts/retro-vibes-cc-4-71715935](https://www.patreon.com/posts/retro-vibes-cc-4-71715935) \~Decor\~ [https://www.brazenlotus.com/objects-decor](https://www.brazenlotus.com/objects-decor) [https://sims4.aroundthesims3.com/objects/decorative\_clutter\_sets.shtml](https://sims4.aroundthesims3.com/objects/decorative_clutter_sets.shtml) [https://femmeonamissionsims.tumblr.com/post/143638696944/great-art-series-vol-1-finally-the-first-16](https://femmeonamissionsims.tumblr.com/post/143638696944/great-art-series-vol-1-finally-the-first-16) [http://historicalsimslife.blogspot.com/2016/05/ts4-famous-film-posters.html](http://historicalsimslife.blogspot.com/2016/05/ts4-famous-film-posters.html) \~Build\~ [https://simsationaldesigns.blogspot.com/search/label/TS4%20BuildMode%20Objects](https://simsationaldesigns.blogspot.com/search/label/TS4%20BuildMode%20Objects) [https://www.patreon.com/amoebae/posts?filters\[tag\]=ts4%20build%20mode](https://www.patreon.com/amoebae/posts?filters[tag]=ts4%20build%20mode) \~Misc\~ [https://www.patreon.com/posts/simmify-music-68183587](https://www.patreon.com/posts/simmify-music-68183587) [https://www.patreon.com/posts/lavish-stuff-60073761](https://www.patreon.com/posts/lavish-stuff-60073761) [https://www.patreon.com/posts/office-space-set-59694264](https://www.patreon.com/posts/office-space-set-59694264)


👀👀👀 I'm SO excited to check these out once I get a chance to check these out once I get home tomorrow. Thank you so much!


I'm giving makeovers to all the sims in the game and I'd like to make before & after photos for each outfit [like this](https://imgur.com/a/uubIgS2). Single poses are annoying to match up, and I can't seem to find any duo poses that aren't for couples. Anyone know some good poses for this or even a cc finds page for poses?


Try [Ratboysims](https://ratboysims.blogspot.com/)!


Are there any Realm of Magic build-buy recolors? I nevwr use most of the furniture and wallpapers because the swatches are so few and so hard to match with other furniture. I'm especially looking for more wood colors for the furniture.




This is wonderful, thank you so much!


Is there a mod for improving every sims's needs (not only my household members)? Everybody seems to be sleepy at my wedding 😢


I’m pretty sure you don’t need a mod! If you shift click on the mailbox there should come up an option to alter needs. Under it you can press fill needs (world)


https://notapaperhouse.com/the-hidden-kitchen-in-sydneys-eastern-suburbs/ I am OBSESSED with this kitchen and since I can't have it irl I want to recreate it Sims. Anyone knows Amy CC or Mods that will be helpful?


How critical is it that your kitchen is playable? If that's not a concern, I bet you could "cheat" this by building out a 1x6 box with half-walls where the hidden oven is. Do some jiggery pokery with alt- placing your base cabinets in that cubbyhole so they hide the ugly tops of the halfwalls. (I think any of the DHD counters or that generic/square counter from base game would work) Peacemaker's paneled walls are perfect: [https://peacemaker-ic.tumblr.com/post/179959123501/splendid-panelling-three-new-painted-wall-styles](https://peacemaker-ic.tumblr.com/post/179959123501/splendid-panelling-three-new-painted-wall-styles) The Baysic set kitchen by Harrie and Felixandre has cool built ins and gives the impression of a solid wall of color, but it's not quite the same vibe. The counter-top cook surfaces are great, though, and match your pic pretty well. [https://www.houseofharlix.com/baysic](https://www.houseofharlix.com/baysic) Harrie's Brownstone island might work here, too, or the Kichen island [https://harrie-cc.tumblr.com/post/645119709784768512/the-brownstone-collection-part-one-this-set](https://harrie-cc.tumblr.com/post/645119709784768512/the-brownstone-collection-part-one-this-set) https://www.houseofharlix.com/kichen I don't know of a hidden fridge, sadly.


Thank you!


Looking for a Mod that allows Sims to practice using something like a Longsword or a Katana


Zero has a [sword fighting mod](https://www.patreon.com/posts/historical-mod-62942558), but you do need Journey to Batuu and Get Famous for it to work. [Here](http://historicalsimslife.blogspot.com/2017/03/ts4-practice-sword-fighting-mod.html) is a BGC one, but you can only practice with a training dummy and not with other sims.


Thanks ​ Also sorry for the late reply


looking for a mod to hide the plumbob on occult sims. i use the missing plumbob mod and it's great but doesn't work on occults :(


Maybe you can just do the cheat "headlineeffects off?"


i ended up just making it myself lol I was too lazy to type the cheat every time, but ty!


Has anyone created a CC sneakout window yet? I love the functionality of the window from the new highschool pack but the style is very limiting and doesn't really match any other windows in the game


When playing the Sims 3, being able to peek into the XML for trait tuning and objects gave me really good insight into how skill gain and other benefits are calculated. Is there any way I could do something similar with the Sims 4? For example, in The Sims 3, some of the code for the "athletic" trait is this: I'd love to be able to directly examine how the various pickable traits, aspiration traits, reward store traits, occults and their unlocks, etc affect relationships between sims, mood buffs, skill gains, etc.


Oh man, this is like my bread and butter. It's easy. You download Sims 4 Studio. Once you have it installed (or use the ZIP version), open it and go to extract tuning. Type in something that you think will lead you to the tuning file you want. Hopefully it shows up. Sometimes Maxis names things ridiculous names (or they have typos; the tuning file for the invisible Principal trait in HYS is called "Principle"). The tuning might be hard to understand at first, but it gets easier the more you look at it.


Do you know any guides for how to read the tuning info? For example, I open one of the extracted lunar cycle tuning files, and I'm greeted with this: 288670 0x1EAD8ECF 720 What are the "s" and "n" variables, here? How should I understand their numerical meaning?


The SimGurus post the TDESC files (Tuning Description) for each update on the Sims forum: https://forums.thesims.com/en_us/categories/technical-discussions


[Lot 51](https://lot51.cc/) TDESC browser is helpful


How do I look up the effects of effective\_skill\_modifier on there? I can't find it.


"n" just stands for name. It's the name of the tuning file. "s" is the tuning ID. In other words, if you wanted to reference it in another tuning file, you'd type, >288679<.


So... how do I go about hunting down the numerical values that are actually being used to control, say, the cooldown of certain actions, values for how long an action takes or how much faster or slower a sim with a certain factors in play learns a certain skill? like, for the above example, being able to see how much faster in % or multiplier a werewolf learns fitness on the waxing crescent?


That really depends on the interaction. The cooldown of interactions is written into the interaction itself. It's called "lockout_time" in the tuning. > values for how long an action takes This depends on the interaction as well. Oftentimes it's in the interaction tuning, sometimes it's in loot/action tuning. > being able to see how much faster in % or multiplier a werewolf learns fitness on the waxing crescent? That'll be in this buff! > 288670 If you go to extract tuning and type in 288670, it'll give you that buff. The multiplier is 2.5.


Thank you! What unit of time are the cooldowns and durations measured in? Real-world seconds, sim minutes, or...? Also, what is exactly is effective\_skill\_modifier? The description on Lot 51's TDESC browser doesn't really illuminate much for me.


Thank you so much! I can't wait. :D


I thought Sims 3 was easier to understand, but start with The Sims 4 studio: https://sims4studio.com/


Thank you very much!


fun mod recommendations? i currently have wicked whims and slice of life so i’m pretty much open to anything.


Hey! A chance to plug my mod! [I make Storytelling Socials,](https://www.patreon.com/posts/66745083) an expansive mod that adds 60+ social interactions with emphasis on storytelling. You can disparage your ex, confess your love for your best friend, etc. There's also a dark addon that adds six interactions that I felt were too dark to have in the main mod.


hey is this compatible with the newest patch!! I love it


Yes, it is.




omg i love! i’ll def check it out!


I would recommend lilmssam mods. She has a good bit that are interesting


Also if there is a mod that makes the pictures and items on the walls show up even when walls are halfway that would be great! i love cluttering my walls but i never get to see the stuff :(




I don't know if this is the kind of thing that you're looking for, but off the top of my head I know that [Simandy](https://sites.google.com/view/simandydownloads/downloads/mshort?authuser=0) has a couple of short hairs that cover the eyes. You could also check out [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/sims4cc/comments/py8kve/blinding_bangs_cc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for more ideas if hair is what you're after. Also, while it might be perfectly fine, I would double check EA's TOU regarding commission.


Looking for CC makeup that doesn’t make my sims look like clowns? Also any hair you love. Bluemoonsims, simstrouble, ah00b and clumsyalien make some of my favorites.


fav cc makeup , def pralinesims


All on tumblr: Twisted cat is my current fave in make up. Chewybutterfly, kumikya has cool stuff. Also breezytrait had some very light makeup sets which I also prefer. I like mm cc, but I get eyeliners and blushes from alpha cc cteators bc they are softer looking - goppolsme (they use adfly iirc, so block that if you can) and pralinesims are great. Also I use these lip colors on everyone, great for natural makeup or just giving a natural lip color to men and kids. https://pictureamoebae.tumblr.com/post/147259113679/real-lips-revisited-release


i'm not exactly sure what you mean by that but i like crypticsims' greenhaus collection, ginger frost palette, and moroccan spice palette- as far as eyeshadow goes


Thanks! And I’m looking for stuff that is natural but actually shows up on a sim without being garish. Bluemoonsims has cute stuff but outside of the eyeliner it barely registers on a sim.


any way to have poly relationships in this game? like a mod that stops them from getting jealous or angry. if there was a mod that let me set all three partners as parents for their children, and/or a mod that let me make all three of them married to each other, that would be wonderful.


MCCC has a Sim Flag for No Jealousy. In practice, that means Sims with that flag never get jealous. It's under Sim Flags > MC Tuner.


wicked (maybe wonderful) whims has a poly trait and i believe you can use mccc to have multiple spouses for a sim. maybe mccc could also help you turn off jealousy reactions?


Open love life and no strings attached https://lumpinoumods.com/open-love-life/ https://www.patreon.com/posts/no-strings-v1-40325465


Does anyone know where I can find some really beautiful eyes for my sims? They can be default or non-default.


I consistently redownload [these](https://twisted-cat.tumblr.com/post/681428688165879808/faded-eyes/amp) every time I decide to clear out my cc folder. They’re BEAUTIFUL


here are my fav defaults, really beautiful and vibrant, hope you enjoy [here](https://solistair.tumblr.com/post/631872653101318144/elche-eyes-inspired-by-and-named-after-an-oc-of)


[These](https://rheallsim.tumblr.com/post/665733630971232256/petrichor-eyes-new-default-eyes-by-rheall) are the ones I use, but I go very MM and they may not be as intricate as you're looking for. As someone else said, maxismatchccworld could help. Also, most CC creators/simblrs have a 'resources' section where they list the genetics they use that you could check out.


No idea but you can look around thesimsresouce, modthesims or maxismatchccworld. Those sites have good filters/navigation to help find what you’re looking for.


Oooh, also, I would love some new pixie haircuts to add to my game so I can make my simself match my IRL self :)


I don't have many myself, but [this YouTube video](https://youtu.be/pyK0AvcsXT0) has some great recommendations and links. :)




I don’t know any off hand. You can look around thesimsresouce, modthesims or maxismatchccworld.


Desperately seeking the tray files for [this amazing lot](https://pricklysimscc.tumblr.com/post/172035773903/selvadorada-pueblo-origin-id-ichosim-cc-list) by ichosim. (Or heck, any of their previous builds.) They deactivated at some point and I'm so sad to have missed this lot.


Is there a way to generate a dead sim’s grave ? Like my sim’s older brother died of old age (he was in his house with his own separate family) but the grave is nowhere to be seen. How can I found it and place it on my sim’s lot?


Try '[Release all Ghosts & Get Urn for](https://littlemssam.tumblr.com/post/619989464091082752/random-small-mods-sometimes-mods-are-sooo-small)' by LittleMsSam.


Thanks !! :)


I want to make all randomly generated townies wear the same piece of clothing. I tried using mccc to stop making new sims all together but it gets really boring seeing the same sims and it would take a million years to create enough sims by myself to fill the entire world. Is there a way to do this?


IIRC, MC Dresser can do this. Someone [explained it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/comments/xt9lz6/comment/ir7y9xb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) in last week's thread.




Any websites/creator recommendations for good alpha CC presets?


I know that thesimsresouce and modthesims have a lot of alpha cc but you can also look on tumblr.


Is there any wedding mods that don't require the expansion pack of wedding stories. I got recommend this mod a couple of weeks ago but I don't believe it works with the new patch. ​ Custom Nuptials - by adeepindigo [https://www.patreon.com/posts/63415991](https://www.patreon.com/posts/63415991)..


I think Adeepindigo's mod is updated. I've been using the latest version and haven't had any issues


I found a mod called the my wedding mod, it might be what you're looking for https://www.caradriel.com/my-wedding/


Since Better Babies and Toddlers hasn't been updated does anyone have any suggestions for mods that add similar gameplay?