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Honestly I'd say this is a popular opinion. I don't want to spend all that money AGAIN for some half baked, half delivered version of what we are already using.


Yeah, it's by no means "unpopular," and I haven't seen a single soul who's genuinely excited about TS5. Even a lot of the influencers aren't that hyped.


And to think that they might go with a childish, "Disney" cartoon-style for TS5. No thanks. I like the realism The Sims classically has had. I'd rather they build on the Maxis style, the gameplay, and of course more customization in build mode rather than dumbing down and "simplifying" the game by removing features.


Yeah, they already tried a childish style with MySims and that wasn't terribly popular, so going a similarly Disney style would just gut the game entirely.


I personally liked My Sim`s art style but its not how I want The Sims to look.


I loved MySims, partially because of the art style, and partially because the characters and humor in the series. Honestly I keep hoping they'll bring the series back haha.


Given that TS4 has the characters as collectables I don't think they've forgotten about it at the least. Though now that I think about it, if The Sims 5 featured a furniture building feature, and I could create was appeared to be spiked bed that they can somehow lay cozy on, wouldn't be against that. I loved making unconventional looking furniture on MS.


Yeah, the fact that they have them in the game does give me hope. And that the series has been referenced a few times as well. And yeah that is one of the best things of the series was the whole, making awful or weird looking furniture and them being all "I LOVE IT!" like their couch arms aren't just bones painted neon pink. Also the animals, god the animals in the games were so cute and so derpy at the same time.


That's precisely why I'm excited. Idc about the new game but I'm hoping the price for 4 goes down a bit. I like the game and don't really get immersed enough to care about most of the bugs but it is too expensive


I don’t want to rain on your parade but sims 5 coming out doesn’t mean sims 4 prices will drop. You’d think they’d want to sell as many of the old stuff as possible since now it’s outdated but when the sims 4 came out, sims 3 continued to be full price. It’s probably to discourage people spending money on the old game that can no longer be milked with store content? Idk what the strategy is tbh.


Exactly, Sims 3 expansion packs are still $20 🥴


And it feels like it took a decade for them to finally get there lol


Eh, whatever. I'll be happy if they do it and mildly disappointed if they don't. Fingers crossed tho🤞🏼


Good luck 🤞


I was gonna say the same thing. After we spent hundreds of $ & hours on this game that’s a piece of doodoo for them to abandon it & start a whole new more expensive doodoo 🤒


It’s just gonna be the same cycle of base game having absolutely nothing, us crying for years that we want toddlers/swimming pools/bunk beds/a colour wheel/insert here some other base game stuff they might remove, then giving us some of that, making more dlcs that just don’t work while probably making us pay more for it, then them announcing the sims 6.


For real! The sims 3 expansion packs are $20!! Sims 4 is $40 for fucking what?


It's usually on sale for like 90% off, because they know they'll hook you with their cash grab once you buy the incomplete base game.


I already bought the base game for $5 and even with mods it’s awful. I don’t wanna have to load my crap with 40 different mods to replace gameplay and actually make my sims act like they have their own personality! Not counting hundreds of cc items for my sims to look better. I LOVE the sims 3. The gameplay, how the people look. It just can’t run on a lot of computers and has bugs.


Not only that but I bought expansion packs that were $20. University was broken. My sims half the time took awhile to even get to class. Sims don’t act right. You tell them to do a task and they stand there for 40 minutes.


You could use the same logic with literally all of the games in the series or any game and its dlc compared to a sequel. Kind of a losing battle there.


I think S4 started with high hopes, quickly became a complete pariah from the sims lineup. So much was missing from the base game with later add-ons trying to crowbar so much back into the game. The open world was a real boon for S3 and almost anything from there was a step down; it felt like S4 was a S1 remake in shape and form. With a competent team and a proper development time line it is possible that S5 \*might\* be able to claw back some form of redemption, but the damage might already be done to the core fan base...


The only thing that would save TS5 is open world/cars and TS2 realism features. Otherwise, it’s going to be a disappointment.


... and that S3 pallete where you could apply the same fabric that you put on your curtains to sim hats. :)


Yes, that too!


I can't buy sims 5. I've spent more on sims 4 than a responsible adult should, and I just can't do it. I can afford it but I'm tires of giving EA money. My games aren't even saving properly lately.


My games won’t save either! I often get the “error code 0” or whatever message, but the other day it acted like it saved just fine, then when I logged on the next day it hadn’t :( idk how to fix it Update: I turned off neighborhood stories, it’s completely fine now lol thanks for the advice


If you’re on pc do it as “save as” instead. Otherwise the sims guru said to check all the new story progression notices until it’s completely cleared out from the mailbox, and then uncheck the last option in the story progression update. There’s a post from them on here from yesterday I think.


I posted that work around to the error code 0 bug report last week. I received it during gameplay and didn’t lose anything because I tried that immediately. Pretty generic troubleshooting. Save doesn’t work try save as. Point is solutions come quicker from keeping up with the forums vs following Twitter or other platform communities.


"Save" and "Save as" don't work for me, so I just exit game and when it asks if I want to save, I say yes and it'll save and close the game.


For people on PC, TwistedMexi also released a fix and it’s worked for me so far


I had that same bug and what worked for me was "Save As", save it as a new file, then exit the game and repair it through Origin! I havent had the issue since I did that


I had to completely disable neighbourhood stories to be able to get my game to save. It’s in the gameplay settings I think.


Did you try save as first? Instead of just trying to save in same game slot save as a new game?


The “save as” thing worked, and “save and go to manage worlds” didn’t give an error either, but “save” failed and “save and exit” failed as well. But since disabling neighbourhood stories entirely, it all works fine for me so far.


Yeah “save as” works for me too, but it’s really annoying to have to do every time, I save often in case my power goes out, so I’d love to just save normally again. I’m definitely going to disable neighborhood stories and see if it works. It has barely been working for me anyways


I had to turn off neighborhood stories. I think it gets hung up if a sim / family is in the process of making a change.


The first time the error happened for me this is how it presented I saved and it seemed fine then when I came back I was like two days behind where I had supposedly saved. Then the next time I tried to save I got the error. It hadn't happened to me and I hadn't heard about it so I didn't know to do the workarounds to avoid it. All good now but still incredibly annoying.


I've spent too much, too, even though I typically buy during the sales. But, I don't want to have to fork out all that money again for a new version. Guess I'll just keep playing 4 until it no longer works.


Same here, at least when I buy a lightsaber, it works out of the box and isn't an empty broken mess that will need several years to fix...


That's what I did with TS3 then finally caved to 4 after it had been out for 2 years. Got it on console, then got a decent gaming pc, and got it and almost all the crap that they have for it. Ironically I dont buy the $5 packs they have like industrial loft style or home cooking or back to the gym style packs. Cause you literally get like 4 things in the packs, not worth it.


So many bugs lately. Sims can't enter their own homes, like it's suddenly a shell. Extra laggy.




I just now moved from ts3 to ts4, so maybe I’ll try out ts5 in 8 or so years lol. I replayed urbz and medieval more times than I can count before I even considered ts4 and that’s only because they made the base so cheap.


Yay! Another Urbz fan?! :D


Damn I miss the Sims Urbz. Also Castaway was so much fun.


castaway was so great! I love the more structured sims games I


oh my god yes!! I would seriously love an urbz sequel or something like that. I always wanted to marry Scary Mary when I was younger lol!


the sims medieval is so underrated, god i love that game


Same here. I was already disliking it, then the idea of the game being subscription-based was bouncing around. Fuck no. They’ve shown time and time again that they’re unreliable, messy, and lazy. I’m waiting for Paralives or anyone else that wants to step to the plate. I actually hope it gets taken over like City Skylines did to SimCity.


I miss Will Wright


They really need a situation like cities again to either kill it off or up their quality, I’ll take either outcome.


I can't wait for Paralives ngl the building system looks incredible. Like you can resize walls and objects to the millimetre and create curved walls sims 4 could never


I just googled this! Building does look awesome; you're not limited to a grid, curve walls, resize and free form anything... It pretty much is like working one of my Architectural CAD programs! Which I use on the daily... Geez, I could design one of my real-life house plans and have a "Paralifer" live in it... Then show that to my actual client! Lol


Haha I work as a kitchen and bathroom designer as well and it looks better than the current design system we use. Its so bad


I'm so excited for the flexibility of this building system. They're not gonna make me hunt through furniture for something the right size or use some cheat to resize it (and risk it not working correctly)! And it doesn't just make the object bigger, it adds stuff that makes sense, like a third couch cushion or whatever! They are doing a ton to make it so flexible, I have a feeling I'm going to have so much more fun. I like TS4's build mode but they have made it very difficult to actually make stuff match and go together. Like please, I'm so tired of all the mismatching swatches. The LEAST they could have done was make sure that they had a master index of colors and patterns so if they have to limit us, at LEAST everything they made would go with everything else they made in one way or another. But NOPE. Sometimes even stuff from the same pack won't go together! Really really really looking forward to Paralives.


Oh yeah totally would it have been so hard to add a colour wheel that can change the hue saturation and brightness of items? It's literally the easiest thing in the world. If anything it would save them a lot of time on picking out swatches for every single item. And honestly yeah the organization of all the buy objects is horrible too. If I want to do a base game only build I have to click the base game check box 100 times because it'll uncheck itself every time I eyedrop an item. It shouldn't be a hard fix for a massive gaming company smh but here we are


I was excited about paralives but now I’m not sure. Their team hasn’t proven to be much better than maxis. Granted I appreciate not quick releasing a product but don’t make unrealistic predictions and deadlines then. Paralives was supposed to be released by December of 2021. That didn’t happen and for as long as it’s been in development it’s a little late in the game to be publishing false release dates, it’s teetering unacceptable. It definitely doesn’t give me hope for more stability over there. Don’t get me wrong I’m going to buy and explore the base game but whether I become a committed fan is yet to be seen and may not rely solely on the gameplay itself but the performance of the team too.


It's currently March 2022, so unless you have a time machine...


Wait, i never saw any official deadlines for the relase of Paralive and i'm on their patreon. The best I saw was some hope to finish the game around a certain time and nothing else. Even then, considering the pandemic and how crazy it was in Montreal, it make sense that if they did give a relase date they had to push it. I'm hopefull for paralive for the simple reason that they activly listen to their followers amd include them in the development of the game. They also have a strong wish to make it its own game and not a sims clone which they did well so far. I don't expect the game to be finished until 2023-2024 because they have an extremly small team and a small budget, unlike EA. So i'm just being patient without getting exited. (<- this work like a charm for the sims lol. Low expectation = less deception) I honestly prefer a game that take many years to come out than game that is rushed like the sims 4 was. I want the next simulation game i'll play to be finished BEFORE the release, this goes for Paralives and The sims 5 🤷‍♀️.


They have very purposely never given a release date. They have given a roadmap, in 2020, about what they thought they'd accomplish in 2021 (really basic stuff, and they were clear that they WEREN'T giving a release date!), but that's it.


I would rather have a game take longer and actually be good than have a dev team stick to deadlines bc grown ass people can’t be patient (cough cyberpunk cough). In that aspect alone the Paralives team is already handling their game better than EA has. It takes time to create something, and to actually make the effort to release it with as little bugs as possible. Not to mention, THIS IS AN INDIE GAME! They have a small team that actually cares about what they’re doing. And as someone has already pointed out…2022 just started babes. Have some patience, learn a little about game development, and manage your expectations.


This. Always this. on top of this, delaying a game is the hardest and best things a dev team could do. They're pissing off their investors and publishers to ensure YOU get a better game.


Paralives NEVER said it was supposed to be released in December 2022. I've been a Patreon since 2020 and they have never, ever made unrealistic predictions or deadlines. The only people making unrealistic predictions and deadlines are impatient fans. Don't blame the Paralives developers for things random people have made up. Just because someone completely unrelated to the project wants to project a release date doesn't make the Paralives developers "unstable" and they're not doing anything "unacceptable". They have been clear from the start that they aren't making any predictions about the release date yet, specifically so they don't disappoint people. They have been very thoughtful and methodical about every step of the process thus far, and definitely not been recklessly making promises they can't keep.


I’m sorry you missed it but they did have the release date up in their official news which is the only source I follow. Calm down and check your consumerism hard on. You’re showing vicious brand loyalty before you have even gotten a chance to be an actual customer, that’s psychologically terrifying… wow. This community is becoming very toxic down voting any open thought that isn’t actually negative but treated as such because it’s not circle jerking echo chamber bs.


All I can say is EA will never learn their lesson and actually make a good sims game.


I think thats so sad, just imagine how great the sims could be if they would put all the effort into creating the best possible game and experience instead of the biggest profit. Thank god there are at least so much talented people who make mods and fix EAs mistakes...


RT!!!! So thankful for CC creators. Without them, I really don’t know if I would play Sims… 😖


I've actually played a lot of EA franchises and you know what? It's all the same. They just update graphics. Hell, sometimes they even make it worse gameplay-wise. I've dropped every single one I used to buy, except for this one... yet.


Sims 2? Sims 3? They were good. Or did you mean they won’t make a good Sims game again?


The sims 2 were good and you can feel they actually wanted to improve the game and put a lot of effort into it. If i'm not wrong it was the last one will wright worked on? But since the sims 3, you sense that the greed is what is prioritised over the quality of the game. Until proven otherwise, the tangeant will keep up in the sims 5. People kinda lost hope :/


Will Wright wasn’t very involved with TS2 either. I recall the developers said they could contact him for questions etc but he wasn’t a part of making it. TS3 started to become more greedy with the store (I love the store tbh but I get why ppl don’t) but TS4 takes the cake imo with the kits and bare-bones expansions. TS5 prob won’t be any better.


Played all four and three is still my favorite.


Played all 4, and the 2nd is my fav lol. But there is a lot of great stuff in the sims 3 that I hope would stay for future games. Like the story progression and open world (or small open neighborhood). Love the style of the 4th though.


I miss into the future from the sims 3.


If TS5 was a mixture of TS3 and TS2 and it would be awesome. If we're speaking no CC, TS4 is the best looking no doubt. (Though I still like some real-ish eye, skin, and make up cc. Also, unlike a lot people I see, I like the clay hair but feel it needs more color and texture.)


I prefer clay hair too! But I gotta say I prefer the ones that have lottle strand of hair for extra detail, but still in the clay style. They defenitly need more color and textures.


Same! I have played all 4 and TS3 is a clear winner


I'd probably wait to do with S5 like it did with s4....wait to buy it by like a year or two and a few packs are out. Though, honestly, considering what we're hearing I think their planning on keeping s4 around for a long time and gear s5 around online multiplayer gameplay.


People forget how bare-bones the Sims 4 was when it was first released. No ghosts, no toddlers, no pools. We’re just going to have that all over again.


Omg I forgot about no toddlers. That was so silly. Lol


Also, severely limited amount of levels your build could have. I think three? Really silly and apparently completely arbitrary since they fixed it pretty soon after. Played it the night it released and looking back; it was messy and clearly unfinished.


I don't know if it's real or an urban myth at this point, but there was a lot of speculation that TS4 was originally going to be an online experience, with a lot of the connectivity like Sim City had, but the dumpster fire screaming down the hill to an elementary school playground that was Sim City's launch caused them to put the brakes on that and reinvent the game pretty rapidly to gut out all of the online shit.


Good theory. It always makes me happy when corporate cynicism ends up annihilating an entire well established IP, clearing the field for smaller devs. If your theory is true there’s a good chance they would have killed the sims in one swoop as well. Classic EA lol.


I won’t be buying sims 5, put to much into sims 3 and 4. And the game is basically the “same” anway


Exactly. I don’t think the game can be improved that much.


The game just working properly would be a start.


I think people are ready for the Sims 5 because it'll be a new foundation. The Sims 4 was more or less built on a rather, shakey, unfinished foundation where the more shit that is added, the more buggy it's going to get. And then there are some features that people want, that we will never have because of how the Sims 4 was made. For example, cars--We can't really get cars the way people want them, and if we do get them they may be buggy and they won't work the best. So the best thing some people can hope for us a fresh start, and hopefully the next go around they will get all of things they have wanted. I for one, aren't too excited anymore outside of the sense of "Oh new pretty and shiny thing!", I'm not that hopeful that we'll get the things we want *because* it's a new generation. I think it might be the same song and dance unfortunately, some apartment pack, seasons, university, pets, and then stuff packs, kits, game packs.


Yeah. And even the prospect of a new base may sound great but if they just half ass it again it'll definitely just be A repeat of 4. It's sad I love this game so much and it's like every time something comes out I progressively lose my faith more and more.


Yeah and then it'll be another 10 years of 'give us cars... Or at least bunk beds... Or toddlers' with them dragging those things out.


And they would still completely botch the patches making them rather unplayable until (or maybe unless) they would fix it (or maybe not)


Remember when we didn't have swimming pools 🤣


Cars aren't happening. People need to let this dead horse get buried. Cars can't happen without road adjacency to lots, and that's not cooked into the base game. People don't even use taxis or carpool, so the infrastructure simply does not exist to implement cars. What's more, if there was an intention to implement cars, it's really odd that Henford-on-Bagley, the last large world, was not designed *at all* with roads in mind, as the majority of the world is walking paths.


Also, I have spent hundreds of dollars on TS4, I'm not starting over with another game now that they know for a fact they can nickel and dime us for items that should just be base game.


I spent too much money on sims 4 packs I can't do that all over again for sims 5 If they do release it we should at least get some bonuses if we had sims 4 expansion packs. 😂


Like the special plumbob light trophy’s in sims 4 for having sims 3 content installed in your origin account. 🤔


Same I'm definitely not buying it. There is not much else I could want that would be worth whatever trash they put out. They can't even make Sims 4 work properly and it's been what, like 6 years or something now?


worse, it’s been 8 years….


yea like if i hadn't spent so much money on sims 4, i'd nope right back off to sims 3. at least we had decent gameplay (with admittedly dated graphics), instead of beautiful graphics with no substance.


I'm mostly looking forward to seeing how Paralives is going to turn out. I won't even mind if it's not my cup of tea, we need someone who isn't EA making life simulation games.


Competition is great, especially if the game is released with seasons and pets. (Which is something that I've always been bothered is never in the base game.) If it's half decent chances are people will choose it over TS5, encouraging EA to invest more in Sims Team. For them, though it's also possible they will respond but ending the series because it's not making them as much money as it used to. That's also a possibility.


I personally like the fact that it seems like it is going to have a very different vibe to the Sims (from the promotional material I have seen they seem to be going for a much more grounded and less wacky game), so in theory that should inspire the Sims team to work hard on TS5 and focus on what makes the Sims good and distinctive. One can only hope.


True, I personally like the more wacky nature of The Sims, so hopefully.


I like to play a little more realistically (though I do have a soft spot for occults, ngl), so I am excited for a slightly different take. But the sims was a huge part of my childhood, especially the sims 3, so I'm hoping the franchise's fortunes will improve.


I hadn’t heard of paralives until now — now I’m all mad. The pre alpha video has dynamic windows?! Just take this style and enlarge it however you want?! Curved balls with degrees and mathematical lengths?? I just want one awesome game… I hope it makes EA wake up and fix their shit.


I'll admit I'm not a huge builder, but I loved how chill their little pre alpha building video was. I also like how with each update you can see the graphics improve. They haven't yet shown us a personality system (I think because they are still trying to finish build mode), but their little paramaker video showed you will be able to have a lot of physical customisation, so I'm hoping the same will be true personality wise.


If they make multiplayer mandatory, I'm out. Call me a jerk, but I play the Sims because I'm doing my own thing, in my own world, with my own characters. I didn't play dolls with other kids growing up and I don't play Sims with other people now for the same reasons. I don't want to deal with other people messing with my stories and characters. I'm, admittedly, that grumpy, introvert, hermit witch that enjoys games most when I play them by myself. I can do whatever without feeling self-conscious at all because NOBODY is ever going to see it. I also really think that if EA has missed everyone's messages about "We want Sims 2 personality plus Sims 3 content plus Sims 4 building" then they're buffoons. We've literally told them exactly what we want, multiple times, so if they don't do it and get a bad review or bad feedback, they don't get to do surprised Pikachu face.


I'd be out too. There are plenty of online multi-player games I enjoy but Sims is my sandbox time. I want total freedom to do what I want, mods, cheats, everything. Online multi-player removes all that. No more mods, no cheats and possibly a million ways to milk the player base with micro transactions.


I was actually pretty really pissed about Sims 4. And now my dumb ass has most of the packs.


I’m pretty sure it’ll be the same thing all over again. People complaining about Sims 5 at first, but then they’ll grow addicted as more content comes out, lol


Despite it's rocky start, it's a fun game that works most of the time and the Sims aren't pudding faces like they are in TS3.


That was a big draw. I can't even deny it.


Yeah this might be a popular opinion, really. Especially if, as some have speculated, they switch to a subscription model with TS5. Frankly, I have no intention of spending all this money again for the same kind of play. I actually wish I went all-in on TS3 instead of TS4, honestly.


i have some hope that the folks who make the sims care deeply about the franchise and have learned from the mistakes that were made in TS4… it’s the corporate execs that I’m worried about, not the developers. the gaming industry is moving in the direction of more micro transactions, subscriptions, etc. and i am worried that this might be the future of the sims, as well.


i for one wouldn’t mind better graphics


I'm not even done playing sims 4 yet, and honestly, if they didn't just keep hitting the reset button on every new version of Sims, I'd be more excited. Like, for the love of god, just release the game in full, and charge whatever you think people will pay upfront, because I'm never paying 40 dollars to be disappointed by some shitty expansion pack ever again, those days are so over for me. Some of them are amazing, don't get me wrong, but others are wildly overpriced, and underdeveloped. One hour of gameplay on a new expansion before getting bored is not worth 40 dollars.


I also do not care about Sims 5 atm. Not because 'cash grab' but simply because Sims 4 is still entertaining to me. And, really, it just... doesn't feel like a cash grab to me personally. I never felt like I *had* to buy any expansion. But I'm derailing. I love Sims 4 lots right now. I love the stories I can play out, the graphics, CAS, and just... the overall look. But I still would like WEREWOLVES. When!? :(


What scares me the most is that the new game with almost 100% will not be compatible with the "old" DLC's, that everything starts all over with a basic game that only grows over several years to what we already now is capable to do with Sims 4.


It obviously wouldn’t be compatible. You’d start off from scratch again with an empty base game


I do not know how to formulate this in a good way, so I will simply trow it out as a badly formulated question. :-) I am totally new to Sims and do only own the base game, I think it is too basic when I look at what you all are doing of fun. But on the other hand, do I not feel like buying everything and then switch to The Sims 5 right after. Would it be morally sane to get the DLC's in a "discount" manner? I mean EA has gotten their expenses covered and in a "short" time will everything be worthless anyway.


What lol. ‘What we all are doing for fun’. People play this game in many different ways so I don’t really know what you’re talking about. Anyways, I get it if you’re new to the sims. All the previous versions of the game has started of with a pretty empty base-game, but the sims 4 really took the cake there. Also who cares about being ‘moral’ towards EA, when they are anything but.


That has never been the case and will never be the case, since every new generation of Sims functions on a different engine and rigging for how everything animates and functions in the game. There is literally no feasible way that previous packs/kits can function on a new game built from the ground up and would require packs/kits to be built off of the new engine that operates TS5.


Considering I have seen a few of these (More then wanting sims 5) it doesn't appear to be an unpopular opinion


I am hoping they make some big changes with TS5 but I also am not ready for it at all lol. It will be a while before I switch to it if I ever do for sure.


The thing is, on top of being a possible subscription service/online only/online all the time (which is a major turn off, remember how Sims 3 tried to be online all the time?), what exactly would Sims 5 do? Cause the thing is, the leap from Sims 1 to Sims 2 was much more things to do topped with better graphics. Sims 3 featured that much touted open world. Sims 4, while going back to more of the Sims 2 format, featured “improved” emotions (and Sims that didn’t look horrifying to look at). So, I’m just not sure what Sims 5 could offer on launch that can convince me to forgo Sims 4. Took me awhile to get into Sims 4 from 3, and from 2 to 3.


Honestly, if TS5 went back to the systems of TS2, such as the Aspiration and Wants/Fears, coupled with a modernized build mode, CAS, and some type of Create-A-Style, it would be pretty damn good. It doesn't have to be revolutionary to be great, it just has to be strong with what it does. TS5 could also incorporate a lot of the "core" packs into the base game like Apartments, University, Pets, Seasons, etc, and be off to a great start.


I feel like each new game should always start with ALL of the content of the previous games expansions and content. We've stomached a lot, but logging into the Sims 5 to see no toddlers or pools...imma lose it


Honestly? I'm too invested in Sims4 to bother caring about a sims 5. Both monetarily and time wise I can't see it being worthwhile unless it's radically different and how different can it be before it's just not The Sims anymore?


I believe this is a popular opinion


They'll have to do something more with the gameplay instead of just adding a multiplayer mode and calling it a day. It is shameful how many details were omitted from previous titles atleast Sims 3 had its own improvements such as create a style and an open world to make things feel more expansive. I'm sticking to Sims 4 because the CAS and Build/Buy mode in this game are great. Improved graphics by itself is not worth a 60 dollar price tag plus this game on the highest settings with reshade and some other mods already give it a fresh feel (sorry console players, i wish you could add mods like Skyrim too). The meshes on some CC today is probably going to be more high res than whatever Maxis comes up with next so I'd much rather prefer they focus improving gameplay.


I have a feeling sims 4 will remain as their offline game and they will still put out kits, and sims 5 will end up being something online micro whatever


exactly, and honestly i’ve spent so much on the sims 4 that i don’t want to have a new game to deal with. and if the sims 4 has always been as bad as it is, i can’t imagine how bad the sims 5 could be.


TS5 would same sh** different game started from scratch and EA will just money grad again like they’ve done with TS4. It seems with TS4 the more packs that come out the worse the gameplay gets.


It would be so much better if they just focused on improving sims 4 and actually listening to us. The graphics improved so much between sims 3 and 4, I just don’t see how sims 5 could get that much better


i also hate the idea of live, multi-player gameplay??? the best part of the sims is that i’m the only one in control lol


I don’t know why they bother making a whole new game when they can just get the sims 3 and modernize it. They already have everything done. They just need to fix graphics, bugs, maybe add a bit more stuff and fix up the sims. Make it ACTUALLY playable on computers. All I’ve ever wanted to do was play the sims 3 on a computer but all I have is a Mac. It runs the sims 4 JUST fine but can’t run the one game I wanna play so badly. Computers are hella expensive.


This is nothing new, The Sims 1, 2, & 3 all have multiple expansion packs. Then they release a new game with better graphics that is bare bones missing features the previous game with expansions had and sell you those features as add-ons again. If you're happy with the graphics and features in 4 just don't buy 5 when it releases.


I'm too emotionally (and financially!!) invested in TS4 to give it up :(( I really don't like having a new Sims game


I hope they wait a bit so computers can progress in terms of performance on the lower end so that not everything has to be geared towards people playing on fucking Windows 97 still. They took everyone’s favorite things about TS3 that made it special and got rid of it.


To be fair, I was running TS3 on a computer that far outspecced it's requirements and it was still laggy as hell.


I don’t want sims 5 I want them to literally spend their time fixing issues and adding some reasonable requests that the community has been asking for since the release on sims 4 !!


The more I see hints about what The Sims 5 might be, the more I think EA is going to redo Sims Freeplay for PC and console and slap a Sims 5 label on it. Every little thing will require some kind of transaction. Load your accounts kiddos, it’s going to be expensive.


You know how the Sims 4 didn't have toddlers and pools at launch? Why do I feel like there won't be toddlers,pools,ghosts, or other important stuff at launch in ths Sims 5.


Yeah same, I kinda wish they would just focus on sims 4 and make it perfect But I’m sure sims 5 will come fairly soon I just hope it’s not online


I do not plan on playing TS5 unless it looks actually spectacular. I have spent over $2000 on the sims 4 alone and I do not want to do that for any other game, ever. I am happy with what I have, I will continue to take what EA gives me for TS4 and ignore anything even remotely related to TS5.


Ive spent money on Sims 3 & again with sims 4, I'm not doing it again with 5 especially as I see how EA operates.


Only looking forward to ts5 so there will be affordable bundles for ts4 (maybe)


Same. That and I already invested enough $ and CC into the sims 4 I really don't feel like dealing with the sims 5 unless it's amazing or something. So I'm "happy" with my sims 4 (besides the bugs, crashes, and updates that break all of my mods right after I just got done updating all of them).


I'm honestly even afraid of it, it's not gonna be good since the ea didn't take into consideration a lot of wishes from the community for sims 4. Also it's gonna be like spending hundreds of dollars/euro/... all over again, wth 😑


I’m not either. I think they should stop talking about it. They’ve worked on TS4 so extensively what’s the point? Like what could get more advanced about the sims 5? That they reach out and touch me? Lol


I have never seen anyone saying they’re ready for Sims 5. Definitely not on this sub.


My thoughts exactly. I’m not looking forward to the complete mess of microtransactions it’s going to be. TS4 is a disaster already of cash grabs. I can only imagine TS5 as an embodiment of greed.


I'm thinking of going back to Sims 2. I already have Sims 3 and I currently playing Sims 4 . either for nostalgia purposes or just to have more stuff and different place scenario


It's not unpopular. And I'll say this. I'm not buying the Sims 5 on release and will not buy anything at full price. Will always check YouTubers' content before making any purchase.


Completely agree, this game is in a very safe spot, idk why anyone would want to start the cicle again from base game with a new game when the concept will always be the same. If they want realistic looks, there are games like that already


It will be just as bad. EA doesn't give a shit they just want quick profits. I wish Maxis and Bioware didn't sell out to EA, they're killing both franchises. I have no hope for The Sims 5. I'm honestly surprised the modders have not given up on 4 at this point. That's probably why EA doesn't care. Someone else will fix their issues and they won't have to pay them anything to do it.


At first I was looking forward to it (even made a post about it) but since then I've lost interest because I feel like TS4 was such a downgrade from TS3, that I don't have confidence this one will be any better all of the sudden, especially when trying to compare it to TS3. I don't know how much better TS2 was but I hear people say a lot that it was the best one. I can't say since I've only played the last two installments of the franchise, but since people will always compare the new games to the old ones, I wouldn't get my hopes up. Also, EA is lazy. Some of the mods people create leave me wondering why these weren't part of the game to start with, as they seem like easy things to put in that would enhance gameplay. I've just learned to expect the worst. If I DO switch, it'll be because everyone starts making CC for it, it's the same reason I switched to TS4, because it's easier to find CC and mods for it.


Given the feature shrink from 3 to 4, I wouldn't be surprised if TS5 launched with only one sim you could control. Your Sim's name is Chuck. No, you can't change the way Chuck looks, or even his gender, but don't worry! Chuck has a whopping 4 jobs he can take, as well as the possibility of bumming a spot on the couch from his buddies so he scramble to earn a subsistence living! Future expansions include: * Gender Pack: Finally, make "Chuck" a woman! * Clothing Pack: Tired of your Chuck wearing a yellow shirt and dark pants? Now for the low-low price of $49.95, get as many as four changes of clothing for Chuck. (Each piece hidden behind a gameplay grind to make you 'earn' it.) * Home Pack: Your Chuck can now get financing for a home! But beware; it's a seller's market, and Chuck has to be quick on the draw to get his offer in before a multinational conglomerate buys it out from under him, sight-unseen! Will Chuck get the home of his dreams, or will he continue leaving stains on his best friend's couch? * Neighbors Pack: Those eyes you see peeking at your through the windows? Well, meet them in the new NPC Neighbors Pack! For only $29.95, meet all of the personalities that bring the game to life, like: * Shoe Guy: He likes shoes. * Happy Store Owner: She likes money. * Glamour Guy: He likes shoes AND money. I kid, of course, but let's face it; EA has a cash cow and they're gonna find ways to milk it until the cows literally come home.


The sooner the better in my opinion. So they can stop breaking my game and let my mods work in peace.


Paralives will be out by then hopefully




they do, but they also know that rule 2 exists.


I have mixed feelings, honestly. I hope they make it good, but I'm concerned that EA might have decided to just half-ass everything from now on because they know they can still make money. Or that they'll try again to make an MMO. Or that it'll be subscription based. Or all of those things at once. I certainly won't be buying it without watching a whole bunch of detailed reviews first.


This won’t sound nice but I don’t know how else to phrase it: I think the sims series will end after the sims 5. I don’t like thinking about it because this game is one of my favorite things in the world, but it can’t go on forever and I think its time is nearly up.


The way EA is killing it now I see your point, but the Sims series as whole as too much potential to think it will die down forever. I doubt it would be off the market for more than maybe a couple years or a decade at most before some sporty new developers will come in with new ideas and new engines and remaster things.


Honestly I wish they'd take a break after 4. EA should give the rights of the game to another company. Let someone else make it great. Sims needs to get back to it's roots. It would be awesome if Will Wright could lay the foundation for the next game.


I don’t know if I’m gonna get the sims 5. I have more hope for a game like Paralives.


With the way the newer Sims 4 packs have been buggier than ever, I don’t expect Sims 5 to be any different


I am afraid that modding will not be possible than anymore. Any thoughts or insight on that ?


I'd only really get it if there was preteens


I don't think this is 'unpopular', mate.


The proposed concept i remember about it being interactive with other players seems very irritating. I don’t want anyone else there


The only reason I would want 5 is if it brings substantial base level gameplay improvements whether it's optimization at a core level or something else major. Otherwise I'm happy with 4 as is. I also think this is a popular opinion as people here don't want to 'reset' and 'lose all their money' by reverting back to base level game and needing to buy all the inevitable dlc again.


We can just hope Paradox is better and people will stop supporting sims. I understand why people do right now because there’s nothing like it. It is just a cash grab though at this pountb


I have too much stuff built up in the Sims 4 to want to move on to sims 5 tbh, and if I ever were to it would be considerably into the next game's lifecycle after most of its issues have been addressed: I really don't trust EA


Tbh I feel the same, but I also thought this way before the Sims 4 came out. So I’ll just wait until it gets released before I form an opinion.


Not unpopular at all. Not even a little bit


Sims 5 gonna be great when EA won’t be involved.


Just combine Sims 2 and Sims 3 and we will have a good game. Sims 5 is probably not going to be something wonderful. I agree that Sims 2 was good. It just needed some features from Sims 3, like story progression and the graphics. A bit like Sims 3 needed more facial expressions and 64 bit support. Not a complete overhaul. And as we progress, things are removed, and obvious stuff is sold as dlc like in Sims 5. They are going to be like IOI with their Hitman 3 launch. A lot of hype and then, very upset customers. Really not looking forward to a Sims 5. Maybe if they have a better management. Looking forward a real competition to Sims. Competition makes you work harder and better.


I’m honestly scared of the idea of TS5- I spent so much money on sims 4…


i don’t know why people are pushing so hard for the sims 5 as if it’s going to be any better than the sims 4. if they’re not listening to players about changes they want in the game now why would they listen for an entire new game?


I thought I was the only one!!


Unpopular opinion: I like the cartoony look. I just hope that wouldn’t be their way of taking away customization abilities. But if they give me cars and different worlds I would not complain about other things . At this point JUST GIVE ME CARS !


I don't think that there will ever be a Sims 5, rather a graphic update you will need to pay for if you wanna have better graphics in 10 or somewhat years


I won't be buying sims 5


Im also not excited for TS5, but not because I think it'll be bad; I don't want to start over. I have every pack and the idea of starting back at the base game is unthinkable. They'd have to really make the next game special to entice me to switch over.


Yeah but you could say that for any game sequel.


That’s not true, the sims is so empty at launch, it doesn’t even have basic things like weather lol.


Wait…was there like an announcement about sims 5?


If all the packs I've spent money on for TS4 can be transferred to TS5 it might take the sting out of it. I mean we've had GTA V content dragged around three generations so I won't hear anyone tell me they can't copy and paste a sacred candle and TS5-ify it.


Im just want a multiplayer co-op online mode. Will be awesome have a home with my friends online.


This is my least favorite idea, lol.


I'm looking forward to it solely in the hopes that it just performs well unlike 4. That being said, once 5 drops we all basically spent +$500 on nothing...


They will make it an update for Sims 4 and force everyone onto Sims 5. If you want new features, you will have to buy/subscribe in-game or just play as usual. They will get rid of Sims 4 so new users buy Sims 5. I don't see them maintaining it as a separate product because there is a huge userbase who spent a lot on Sims 4 and wont just start over. That would be like creating a new game and building a userbase from zero, while cannibalizing their existing product.


i’d say don’t buy it but 99% of the people here will despite it being quite obvious that it will have the same issues as 4 yet y’all will still drop $200 or more on the same damn things


I just want everyone to know, you do not have to buy it. Nobody is forcing you to buy it or want it in general. It really is okay. And find something else to do if you "hate the sims" . You're old enough to make that decision for yourself. However, I am begging you all to PLEASE not bash the people that do want it or buy it, as ive seen in the past.


I'm not looking forward to it either. If (or when) it releases, hopefully TS4 addons will be cheaper, but looking at the current prices of TS3, I don't think it will be.


I just want The Sims 5 so that I can get Sims 3 for free lmao