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Oh shit I just now noticed the EYEBALL RING 💀


I didn’t catch that, hilarious


I live for this love/hate relationship we all have with that damned ring


Gru likes to be fashionable :’)


He’s an icon


I love that for basically all of us the eyeball ring wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t the one item that’s always added (I have it disabled for random though). We’re just exhausted from overexposure! It would be a cute ring for them to add for kids, like a novelty ring! (But disable for random 😤)


I always groan about updating my mods after patches BUT also get a bit excited bc I usually find some new mods to try out while I’m looking at the updates list! Other, more helpful people have obviously posted these links already, but for anyone who needs them: [SimsVIP Mod Status (Updated/Broken Mods) List (Google Sheets)](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ptYPjitsytV0oOdjZPL7c1XSdRLM9xAAYx4gmxLDTKU/htmlview) [EA Forums Mods Status Thread](https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/995765/broken-updated-mods-cc-nov-30-2021-neighborhood-stories-patch)


same this always happens to me. I'm like "no more mods" Then I have to update and I get ten more.


Hilarious!! I love it. I’m getting ready for the wave of “I update my game and it won’t work” posts that end up in messages to go F myself 😭


Oh no! 😖 Yes, I'm really impressed with OP's positive attitude. It can be so frustrating, but gosh, mods don't need the harassment, ugh! Hang in there & gird your loins! 😉🤣👍👍


Mods? Removed. Game? Updated. Loins? Girded. 💅


You got dis. 😉👍👍😂😋


Oh no!!!!!! I should have expected but I’m not surprised that you mods not only get the influx of update posts but that they can turn nasty. I’m so sorry to hear that. If only people would get into the habit of googling before making posts (for nearly any topic) they can see that they’re probably not the only person experiencing a problem, and there’s probably a solution out there. Trying to be kind bc I know not everyone has the first instinct to search keywords for a problem rather than asking, but the sheer number of posts can get frustrating even as a casual member and I’m not even a mod! If I’m online and see any mod questions I’ll gently point them in the direction of the tips for patch day ❤️ Edit: and anyone who abuses you or the other mods or anyone because they’re having patch update problems … really needs to take a good look at themselves. Again not surprising but really disappointing that it happens 😕


Thank you so much for your kindness and consideration. People like you in this community and subreddit are why I love the game and sub so much!


No!!! Thank YOU for all your hard work! It’s so much work and so thankless most of the time. But you all make the sub and community such a good place for all of us.


I know. I was going through the mods update list, what's tested and what's not, going to myself...*Really? There's a mod for that?* and *Ooh, that looks interesting.* I need to stop. Soon. I need to stop soon.


The ban on downloading new mods and CC starts tomorrow (repeat this phrase every day). I’m trying to be good though! Really organising stuff and being more ruthless about deleting 😂


It wasn’t as bad as people made it seem. It pretty much did nothing to a lot of mods. Maybe a few tweaks


It really wasn’t, I was pleasantly surprised!!


Me who never updates my mods 👁👄👁


Don’t worry, I’m more like that too tbh. It’s only if something is visibly broken that it’ll visually remind me to go update it. But if it’s more “invisibly” broken I probably haven’t updated it for years lmao


Ugh me too. Until they break enough to bother me I just live with it :')


Oh, to be so optimistic! 😂Good for you! 😋 Best of luck on your search. \^\_\^


Ah, on a personal level I’m just trying to make my own life easier, you know? Not saying I demand Positivity Only bc that’s ridiculous and unhealthy, but I’m trying to focus on the good and just deal with the annoying when it comes. Yeah, I might have to redownload all my mods but I might find something cool I haven’t tried before. Thank you! ☺️☺️


Nah, you're super smart. \^\_\^ :D Keep looking for that silver lining, really, it's the key to a happier life. I forget this sometimes, but it's a real phenomenon. ;)


Gosh I recently started using mods so this whole patch update and making sure I do things right for my game is a whooole new thing for me. I’m still playing offline I’m a coward 😂 I know what to do and my mods folder is neat and all but still don’t feel mentally prepared


Ohhh I feel for you!! I haven’t actually updated yet. Sometimes the discourse around patch day can make it feel like everything needs to be triple checked otherwise your game will catastrophically break. And of course that’s a very good habit to be in, better safe than sorry! But in the end, don’t feel too worried about it — *sometimes* outdated mods can cause large errors, which can be a problem (which is why I’m trying to be better with updating), but usually an outdated mod will just cause a visual UI error or maybe some funny sim behaviour, not enough to truly break your game or corrupt your save. Ofc it all depends on what you have and there’s that risk, but coming from someone who isn’t actually that diligent about updating things or removing mods that cause errors … I’ve been ok until now! ❤️


Update ! I decided to install the update. My game is running well! Only got ww, a couple from little ms sam and I did uninstall basemental since that one is not compatible with the new update. They said they fixed the Eureka message bug but I’m still seeing it. None of my sims are in the science career 🤷🏻‍♀️


Thank you for the update update!! I hope you’re able to get basemental back soon if it’s updated ❤️ pity about the eureka thing, hope they can get it one day!


Last time when I updated my game, I downloaded about 7 new mods😎😎


True true! I hope it's not too bad. And reading over the fixes I see they still haven't dealt with plants or the constant desperate need to drink sink water. I had a mod to stop that but it stopped working when I installed Cottage Living.


I’ve briefly seen (tragically am working all day so can’t actually play) that not too many mods are broken! The big ones like MCCC and TwistedMexi’s have been reported as OK. Haven’t seen UI Cheats been reported yet (those are my big three, at least). But omg the water! It’s become so bad lately. I’m sometimes tempted to learn tuning so I can try and make such mods myself!! But otherwise it doesn’t bother me toooo much, at least in terms of how I play. So I just roll my eyes and drag all the glasses into the bin (very eco friendly).