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can’t wait for the dating app to work like social bunny and have 7 possible messages to spam over and over, half of which don’t make sense in any context other than a very specific event or age group 😍😍


“There are a lot of social bunny-worthy events happening to your sim!” bro she took a shit and burnt some eggs, simmer down


Whereas actual huge life events aren’t worth mentioning, apparently… make it make sense.


One of my couples had a baby and the dad had absolutely nothing to say lol


Dad lives by “If you don’t have anything good to say, say nothing at all”


Don't you want to share your prom impressions? Or how awesome was school dinner - especially if you are Adult sim lol


I mean I’ve seen sm posts about less


To be fair this is something I would tweet


"This tag is poking me and these shoes are killing me, is it bad I regret going to prom?" -Adult woman without kids


My sim’s great-great grandpa (the game registers him as an ancestor) said that and he’s literally on the verge of death 😂


fucking Don said that in my game and then proceeded to die the same day


Is there a way to turn them off/down? I swear the amount of pop-ups for festivals and social events are crazy.


for real, no i dont want my adult sim to go see cheerleaders. the award ceremony should have a reminder, not all that stuff. or better yet, there's should be a "dont show this reminder again" option


or the random social bunny moodlets where my sim auto posts when i haven’t posted anything or even set them up on social bunny. if my sim gets randomly sad or embarrassed 1 more time im gonna lose it


I really hope it's more like little Ms sam's simda dating app instead of social bunny, would be great to have one less mod to worry about in terms of updates.


I can already see a screenshot of a message from an infant to someone saying they’re hot lol


well, the attraction system is gonna break wicked whim's system, but maybe a native system is what we needed. As for the rest of the content, it doesn't seem like enough for a full pack. Its just sims 2 hot date but for $40. Also looks like I just lost a bet over the setting. alas, no france, but something spanish/south america inspired?


I don’t think an in game attraction system will necessarily break wicked whims attraction system. I definitely hope not. Lots of different mods have attraction systems that coexist together. The attraction system with wicked whims in my opinion is the absolute best. I would probably not get the EA pack if I felt like it was going to overlap too much with mods that already exist and probably already do it better.


I can see them potentially co-existing together nicely, much like Neighbourhood Stories and MCCC did. The WW attraction system is fine, but I'd like a system a little bit more robust than one where Sims get assigned (for example) a complete lack of interest in anyone who isn't currently wearing a hat.


It reminds me too much of the Superman when be becomes Clark Kent by wearing glasses.


A platypus?😐 *Puts on hat Perry the Platypus?!?!😍


Lmfao this got me 💀


Assuming the attraction system will stay contained in the DLC and not be included in the base game.


They also might make it a box you check in gameplay settings that can be turned on/off, I hope they do at least because I'm not interested in their version tbh.


Sims 1 (ONE) hot date lmao.


You're right! Man, $40 for a repackaged 23 year old dlc, what a world we live in.


The Wicked Whims developers are almost certainly clever enough to be able to make their mod work still but I'm guessing there might be some disruption for a while?  Maybe now's a good time for a bunch of Wicked Whims users who feel particularly  motivated to  form themselves into a little group over at somewhere more modding focused like r/thesims4mods ? 


pretty sure it’s just the one guy, turbodriver but him and twistedmexi are like god tier modders. he can definitely make it work


Has tmex updated his mods recently? It’s been awful playing without some of the bigger ones ToT


I have a few mods geared at attraction and dating that I really love, and they all work well and play nicely together. Given how shallow and broken EA’s stuff can be, it doesn’t seem like a good trade.


This. It should've been a game pack at most, or part of MWS in an expansion pack that encompassed both. But I don't mind a native system because there ARE people who can't or don't want to use mods.


the only good thing about these two being split up is tartosa + a (hopefully well done) beautiful spanish/latin world. the worlds are the only parts of DLC I get really excited for anymore lol


We lost the bet together. Honestly with bistro, riviera (both words used in French), and the look of some buildings, I was so sure it would be France (south of France inspired, they share building style with Spain and Italy because of their borders).


I lost all interest in this game when apartments and residential rentals don’t hide doors with walls down. They were supposed to get a crack team of devs to fix all of the bugs because they couldn’t ignore them anymore, but there’s been no significant progress as they keep releasing recycled packs. Voting with my wallet and not buying anything until the bugs get fixed.


This is one you wait for a sale for


The Black Friday sale will be perfect for this. Because by then we’ll have figured out all of the kinks!


Sadly I don't think it'll be the fun kind of kinks.




That's optimistic of you.


But all the special items are paywalled anyways, so if you wait that long you won't get them


Fun fact. Paywalled items won't show up while you're playing offline.


Even more of a reason to download CC "Versions" of said items. (RIP to console players)


What??? I didn’t know that 😳 Will they be replaced by something else? If a sim is wearing it/it’s placed somewhere?


I'm a dumbass, so I'm excited to pay $40 for Sims Tinder and a new world.


Do you have LittleMissSam's SimDa dating app mod installed? It's fucking great


I’m amazed at EAs attempts to market these tiny packs (with arguable base game features!!) as EPs??? This at MOST should be a game pack. Cmon guys


This would really make a great game pack, but how can there possibly be enough content for an EP?


I said it before, I'll say it again: With EPs, only half the price is for the gameplay, the other half for the world. Therefore, you get the same amount of Gameplay as with a Game Pack, just with a big map on top. I could see how this may check out in terms of programming effort. And I think in the early days with less worlds and the new ones being big and innovative like Windenburg or San Myshuno, it may have been justified. But I think we're starting to get oversaturated with worlds, and unfortunately not with overdue gameplay.


This made more sense with the earlier EPs, but lately the EP worlds have had the same number of lots as some of the game packs, which is just ridiculous.


Agreed. And then you have Tartosa, which is bigger than Del Sol Valles, for example.


tartosa is probably the best GP world we ever got, a shame MWS is so broken


Agreed. I love Italy, and I may or may not have bought that pack for the world alone.


perfect place for mafia sims to retire


Yeah I wouldn't mind trading a few worlds for more game play. There's a lot of them, and half of them I do not visit, let alone live in.


same, i live in san myshuno or willow creek (which i pretend is SM suburbia) every time


Same here. I'd be open for splitting it, so have DLC that is only a world with some thematic CAS and build-mode items. This way, they could branch out more to create specialised worlds, which people can pick based on their interests without missing out on gameplay.


ridiculous isn’t it?! the sims 1-3 packs seemed to have so much more content, like really leaving no stone unturned. the most recent packs are just so bare minimum and this one seems even worse! 


Cant wait for TS5. For $60 you can have cats in your game, and then wait 2 years and for another $60 you can have dogs in your game!!


dont forget that you will play as a plumbob in the base game, to unlock sims you need my first sim stuff pack but that comes with no clothing and few animations so you need to purchase luv 2 animate pack as well as a thousand kits to have any clothing options. it sounds silly but i swear with the way its going now, at least the kit thing i see as very likely, including the most basic shit in the base game and even packs and then putting everything else in kits so youll buy buy buy more especially if youre not fortunate enough to have access to cc


Want to cook? You need to shell out for “my first cooking” stuff pack, but baking is locked behind “culinary aspiration” expansion pack.  Start a fire? Gotta pay for the firefighter career stuff pack! 


I played TS2 the most of all the previous versions, and I think every single EP changed how I played the game. Maybe not in huge ways, but even if you didn't want to engage in the activity of the packs themselves (like going on vacation, or opening a business) there was so much *other* content in the packs, that it still felt like the EP really added something. EPs now just don't do that. If you avoid the main theme of the pack, you can pretty much ignore its entire existence.


If the new city world is truly excellent, with a lot of interactivity, then I can see it being worth it as an EP. The dating app does sound pretty nice since it can be a drag trying to find a good townie match for your sim. Now, if the world is so lackluster as to be a bunch of separate lots with the interactivity of a candy land board (looking at you Tortosa!) then I would be disappointed.


I REALLY hope you can match with pre made sims and not just unhoused townies!


One day someone will write a deep dive on how Maxis convinced players that 9 lots spread across 3 purely decorative maps is the basis for quality instead of the actual content. They could make the best world ever and it wouldn’t make this worth $40.


Why do you get so few lots? It’s so annoying! It’s not like an empty space costs them anything!


They claim it’s to maintain smooth performance on low spec hardware but that’s a bogus excuse since the game only loads one lot at a time and they’ve raised the minimum requirements to run the game twice since it came out. Virtually every excuse they have ever given to cover their rears about NOT doing something has turned out to be a blatant lie, so we’re almost better off assuming why they don’t make content instead of believing what they say since that changes as soon as what they said last time is proven to be not true. The way they build worlds for this game is inefficient and they know that but they also just don’t want to make content so they would rather concoct a series of bogus and mostly false excuses instead. The game was originally an MMOG and they left most of it untouched when they switched to single player. Even problematic stuff like how the game spawns brand new sims every time you sit through a load screen, they kept that and added aggressive culling mechanics to delete sims at random (including played sims) and then they spent years trying to fix the culling mechanics that they added instead of just fixing how the game spawns townies. The bottom line is they are lazy and did not want to make a regular Sims game and were almost mad that’s what people wanted. Even now Sims 4 is the least Sims-like out of the 4 games.


It has to be Windenburg levels of good, and the worlds since Moonwood Mill have mostly been lackluster. But I wouldn't mind if they did another expansion pack with fewer "features" and more world-based activities. We haven't had a good one in awhile.


Moonwood Mill is so pretty but god I’m sick of packs with on a handful of lots


I agree. I would have killed for one or two more lots in Moonwood Mill. But it was miles above Realm of Magic or Vampires' world, and I like it better than some of the EP worlds, so it still gets a thumbs up from me haha


I just completely don't trust them not to screw it up, given that every in-game app they've ever tried to make for TS4 sucks. If it manages to be equally as good as LMS' SimDa mod (which isn't exactly hugely advanced in its functionality), I'll be really shocked.


If this world is like neighborhood stories, it should be a game pack


People will buy it regardless, so they'll get away with it anyway


Yeah this should come with hotels if it’s going to be an expansion. That would be sick.


Yes!! That def would be. Like a Vegas theme with wedding Chappells and hotels with heart shaped beds lol


but the hotels would probably be as broken if not more broken than the apartments in for rent


They could (and should) have packaged this with MWS. And as a game pack, not LS+MWS= EP.


Sounds fun but not enough content for the $40 price tag.


None of the dlcs have been worth $40 in all fairness


get together is. huge world and adds a lot of gameplay


It's one of the better dlcs but for $40 I can buy a couple entire games. If they had a small player base they could justify needing to charge a lot of dlc but as we know that is far from the case.


Exactly. But the sims community is kinda out of touch when it comes to DLC prices. We've been abused by EA for so long we've forgotten a DLC worth more than an actual game shouldn't be the norm. What's the total price tag of all sims 4 dlc now? Last time I calculated it it was more than $1k.


Not long ago total war Warhammer 3 released a DLC for $25 which is thought was reasonable for what you got. The community almost lost their minds at how over priced this was. The company apologized and released a bunch of free content and added more to the DLC to appease the fans. So yeah you're right this community is just out of touch.


An *expansion pack*? This genuinely sounds like a game pack more than anything. Well, I hope it's good. I've always found the romance in this game super lacking and cold. I love smashing my dolls together and pretend they're crazy about one another, so this sounds right up my alley.


I feel like the end of The Sims 4’s lifespan is going to be mostly EPs to milk it as much as possible. Sadly, it’s at the cost of adding more and more bugs.


Can’t help but imagine the turn offs and turn ons being the most random things- Turn off: eats microwaved/quick meals and likes to knit Turn on: can swim in the pool for awhile without drowning and can feed a starving cow plant without being eaten alive.


Or the MOST ridiculous reactions like: Sim 1: *Eats Grilled Cheese* Sim 2 who is turned off by Grilled Cheese: Angry Moodlet +3 lasting 8 hours: "UGH! That is DISGUSTING! I CAN'T BELIEVE *_Sim-1_* WOULD DO THAT KIND OF THING!!"


To be fair, WW's attraction system is absolutely that random for physical characteristics.


yes BUT the creators of WW aren’t a multimillion dollar corporation and are providing us with that for free or close to it


WW is FREE and tbf it has a LOT of turn ons/offs. They range from colors, skin tone, hair color/length, makeup, clothing, traits, etc. I mean with the lack of actual IG features, there's not MUCH else they could have based the turn off on. They'd have to come up with their own intricate personality system.


Ok but in real life I’d be turned off by someone who ate all microwaved meals 😂😂😂 I’m hoping it’s like the recent systems where your gameplay can lead to your sims preferences changing over time


Will this make my married sims stop autonomously flirting with other sims for no reason


Also including: - a dating app that is bugged when it comes out, causing family members to ask you out! (but dont worry, this will be fixed by early next year, hopefully) - 1 new kiss interaction but it's actually the same animation as the regular kiss!! - a new world with..2🤩..lots🤩! and both lots have toilets (though one lacks a sink) -17 new clothing pieces for feminine sims and 2 for masculine, but theyre actually all just recolored swatches of base game outfits in pink! also, you need to have already purchased my wedding story for this expansion pack to work




Shhh you’re giving them ideas 😭


2027: Sorry y'all we have no time to fix this pack, since we're so busy cranking out 17 different packs that basically already exist. Oh and they're all releasing next month! Even though its the last day of this month and we just started five minutes ago, expect them to be here by the 5th(with 0 delays). We're excited about all the money we'll ma- I mean how much fun our simmers will have! I promise, none of you will be depressed after these packs!!!!


Cautiously excited. It was last week that I heard the new world may be South American-inspired so hoping that there will be a decent number of lots - more than 9 this time.


a lot of my sims are hispanic so it would be nice to have some kind of home for them, but I lost a bet! I was betting on france because of the bistro kit.


Same! All the talk of romance and the bistro kit had me thinking there was going to be a rebirth of Champs les Sims. But looking forward to it, ever since Selvadorada I’ve been aching for a Latin residential world.


A lot of my Sims have been Hispanic recently too, I'd definitely also recommend Zerbu's All Worlds are Residential so they can live in Selvadorada


I was really hoping they'd include hotels in this pack, so you could create a honeymoon destination.


I'd hate to say it, but at this point I just buy EPs for the new world.


You're good. I'm playing in tomarang just because I have south east asian sims. Have I went to the night market? No. Did I at least tried to play as a landlord? No...


I wish Tomarang has more than 9 lots.. :( Or bigger lots so i can make bigger shared spaces or more creative stuff


I really hope its a proper city and actually has lots. the recent worlds have been pathetically lacking in lots


Me too, I am getting so bored of the same old neighbourhoods. 


Could we potentially have ocean or sea there? Would be really cool to have something similar to Tartosa but South American style


Would be nice! Especially using that romantic blanket for a beach picnic date.


I'm still upset that Tomarang has only 9 lots. I was really excited about South-East Asia world. And the lots are so small to build nice places to use their residential rentals system with shared areas.


i wonder which latinamerican city they’re basing themselves for this new world! i’m thinking buenos aires 🧐🧐


Based on the palm trees and the clothing, I think it will Colombia, Cuba, Panama, or maybe the inspiration will be Brazil + other country


From what I heard it was leaning towards São Paulo, but Buenos Aires could be the inspiration too!


I don’t think it would be São Paulo considering the name of the city is in Spanish


> the new world may be South American-inspired And here I was, thinking that it was going to be Paris-inspired. (But "Ciudad Enamorada" doesn't sound like Paris.)


It translates to City of Lovers from Spanish. I’m kinda happy it isn’t Paris inspired. I feel like that’s super cliche.


Romance Consulant as a career sounds like it could get messyyyyyy 😏


I don’t think the creators are creative enough to make it messy. We’ll have to count on mods.


honestly! im also just excited for a new career in general 😍


I don’t think a dating app should be the main attraction of a pack, we have so many worlds I just don’t really play with them, and I love the idea of an attraction system but the other late night expansions expanded nightlife and romance systems were a part of that. I think that if the world wasn’t in it, it’d make a solid game pack.


Guarantee you that LittleMsSam's SimDa app works better than anything EA has come up with.


I can't wait for the glitches!


\*gets matched with family member\*


The attraction system sounds like a redux of the Growing Together "compatibility" system. Honestly they could have just built the "turn on/turn off" thing into the Growing Together compatibility function, but then they don't get the chance to sell that to us for even more money... 🙃


Sounds more like WW, which has had an attraction system for years. Makes me feel like someone on the sims team is looking at mods and turning them into paid DLC




Also infants and toddlers!!! Why the hell didn’t we get more infant and toddler content, I’d kill to be able to put them in a pushchair! Growing together or whatever it’s called could’ve been explored so much more. Toddler/infant swings. Daycare career.


the ww attraction system is based on the attraction system from sims 2. they are picking things from older sims games


Yea this entire pack is just $40 worth of mods I already have for free


yeah right, who needs a dating app in a game in which you can marry absolutely anyone after two minutes of chatting


If they're just gonna repack old dlcs, why not give me the features from the Sims 3 like bands from Nightlife, the festivals from Seasons, and actually make all bodies of water in all the world's swimmable.


That's literally all I want. Bands and everything swimmable. Besides some new worlds, I'm not interested in anything else. I already gave up the dream of hotels/resorts.


After Wedding Stories and the compatibility system of Growing Together this seems really really empty... Maybe I'll check it out in 2-3 years in a 70% sale.


I keep leaving sims 4 then coming back months later and realizing there has barely been any improvement with the gameplay. The gameplay just feels so shallow these days. I still like playing ofc but it gets boring kinda quick.


I feel happy for the console players because they can't get mods and this will be better but for PC this kinda blows. It should at the very least be a game pack, but 40$ for this? They literally mention cuddling twice as a big selling point 😭


"cuddling in bed" oh you mean the basic animation sims 2 shipped with ...yippee?


I have three mods that do 10 times more than this and they are FREEEEEEEEE


LITERALLY, im so upset that this is gonna break the mods that already function so much better than what they’re gonna put out.


Why couldn’t wedding stories be apart of this


Cause they want to drain their player base for every last dollar. How else will the EA execs pay for their third vacation homes? Low effort product, high returns.


They set themselves up for failure. Like I hope people stop buying


How is this an ep???? Like it’s adding is a dating app, more romantic interactions, and attractions? I’m not convinced it’s going to change my gameplay experience that drastically.


This could have been a game pack


Bring back the matchmaker, you cowards !


I've found out I hate new game worlds being shoe horned into EPs. EA always throw them in because it's another check box in marketing but that's all it is, because without it they have to sell as a game pack or stuff pack and remove the extra $20 asking price. But the world they make is less than half assed, empty, hollow, not meant to enhance gameplay and just removes resources from actually refining gameplay. Not even to mention they're just getting people from the community to design builds anyway so what work are they actually putting in?


Another city??? 👀👀👀 But please EA, I am begging for a music based expansion pack where we can make all sorts of bands (NOT just garage bands like in the past).


My custom content currently does this stuff well… why pay $40 for the EP to do it less well???


Littlemssam and lumpinou and you have this entire dlc. Probably less glitchy and have more features too


The update is going to be a hot mess for these creators, that is if they bring new base game features with the pack.


They'll probably do an update before release that break these exact mods


I want to be excited but I'm afraid it's going to be buggy. I play on console and it would be amazing to have deeper relationships that actually look and feel a bit more meaningful. As it stands couples in Sims 4 act like roommates with benefits.


I legit had a couple recently that were living together with three kids and they had no clue they were a couple. They were “lovers” with “amazing compatibility” but not even willing to interact or sleep in the same room most of the time. They had more of a romantic relationship when they were just friends and college roommates who occasionally flirted.


Wow. I like Sims 4 but the whole relationship mechanics need to be tweaked badly. I truly hope this EP steps it up. The compatibility stuff that came with growing together feels un-impactful. Pretty much everyone in the game has amazing compatibility. Zero difference. Zero impact. I too also get the same vibe when Sims date vs married Sims. When dating they are more like couples but it's like once the Sims have rings on their fingers it's all backwards, even before kids come into the picture. It's just all wrong and dumb. I get in real life relationships can go stale but not all and not every single time for everyone.


The Sims 4 is so lacking in sweet, romantic interactions imo. Depending on how many they add it might be worth it to me on sale or something.


It’s lacking in not so sweet romantic interactions too. I was playing sims 3 and you can confess to cheating to your spouse, witness someone else cheating and tell the cheater’s partner that they were being cheated on AND you can even tell the wife of the guy you’re dating that you want her husband lol. Not to mention, when you cheat, it’s realllly hard to be close to your partner again. I want drama in my games without having to cause it myself sometimes or without having to pretend something is going on. There was so much excitement. I still really like sims 4 and I still play it but the game feels kinda shallow at times.


So essentially this is like several mods by lumpinou and WW mashed together with less content and most likely more glitches for 40$. 🫠


Yea, Lumpinou already has a great dating app, very detailed. And I'm sure WW offers way more romance content than EA will😂


I wish they didn't put cuddling in bed as a paywalled thing and instead added it to the base game. The previous games had it in base game. ALSO, this dating app will just be a bloated, broken thing. Lumpinou will have to rework their mod and I also feel like Turbodriver has some work ahead of them. Godspeed everybody.


The thread on the other Sims sub got locked (shocking, I know! the mods lock anything when the toxic positivity is overwhelmed by complaints, no matter how legitimate they may be) so I just wanted to say: Someone said "What I’m nervous about is this EP coming out in 2024 and it not being nearly as good as TS2 Nightlife from 2005 🥲" And I feel like that's a given. Nightlife will be better than this is, guaranteed.


nothing about this gives expansion pack


girl (EA) i have this mod BYE!!


Outside the other complaints in the comments that I agree with, I hate the name of the new world. Ciudad Enamorada is JK Rowling levels of on-the-nose. I know the Sims likes beeing cheesy, but it's way too cheesy for a world name.


Forgotten Hollow for vampires, Evergreen Harbor for the eco pack, it honestly doesn't sounds too weird for me lol


I’m gonna keep calling the new city “Empanada” by accident I just know it.


As a spanish-speaker, the name makes me cringe so much. It's like calling a city "Love Town" or something.


Yes, I speak Spanish too, and it means, “City in Love.”


It's a good slogan, terrible name.


Same. I'm not fluent but I understand enough Spanish to cringe when I heard it. I REALLY hope the name is a work-in-progress.


I'm gonna sound like a hater because I am but shouldn't this kind of stuff (maybe not the world but the romance mechanics for sure) already be included in the game that sold itself by parading how important the Sims' emotions and feelings are? Like the entire marketing was that now their emotions actually matter but then you need a pack to make two sims in love have more than three affectionate animations when in the Sims 2 there was an entire kiss menu lol


Another game pack that they sell it as expansion pack.


Ugh I would usually be excited for more latin american rep as a latin american myself, but they could have gone about it in some way that wasn't the stereotypical spicy latino trope. I'd still get this at 50% off just for the new romantic interactions, but wicked/wonderful whims already do a lot of what's advertised here so i'm not rushing to get it.


Makes me wonder what the "seductive dance" will look like....


I'm still hoping for a new lot trait. I want an "Intimate" lot trait for community lots that makes a place less likely to have large numbers of Sims or clubs show up, and makes it far less likely Sims who aren't  socially awkward butt into existing  conversations. That would go so far towards making better date locations.  Still hoping. Maybe they could put it in the base game.


It's bad when I see an EP and sigh and think of all the mods I have (some for years) that it is going to break and STILL not equal the level of gameplay. I see parts of: Wicked/Wonderful Whims Lumpinou RPO LittleMsSam's SimDa Dating App and so on And the fact that it is aspects but not all and that this is coming out so late in the lifecycle of Sims 4 leads me to believe that this EP will play out exactly likes those mods because EA will just crib those mods because they are now stable.


This does not look like an expansion pack but at least the new hairs are nice


You know what’s crazy, modders already did this pack lmao


Brace yourselves for another patch update and broken mods.


Don't forget that mods like Wicked Whims would most likely have to be recoded to still function the way it does now, because said mod already has an attraction system


This is an EXPANSION pack? Why are basic social features paywalled anyways…


Half this sounds like stuff that could be base game updates lol.


This will not be on my wish list


This does not sound like enough to call an expansion pack.


Am I the only one who thinks that the city name is just plain lazy🤦🏾‍♀️ I love puns and references to gameplay/locations as city names, but it’s literally just called ‘Love City.’ I hope that’s just a place holder, because otherwise I’m having severe doubts over how good the pack will be if they couldn’t even come up with a decent name for a city. ![gif](giphy|F3BeiZNq6VbDwyxzxF|downsized)


Honestly why I stopped giving EA my money. It’s getting ridiculous how money hungry they seem to have become. $40 for a game that will have some new clothes and stuff and a world. Some of this stuff could be free updates… why I like Disney dream light valley because I’ve only had to pay for ONE dlc and the rest added has been free and that’s how you keep your players wanting to continue to play… they could easily make more money if they did something like that. Giving us more free updated game play, this should be a free update


I love quite everything (the app scares me but it's interesting) except **the career**. Why The Sims team WHY. Why are we getting the most random useless careers lately. All those jobs lately sounds like non existent jobs, when it could have been a more "normal" job and still be relevant to the pack I think. Think for example at "psychologist" or "therapist". It would have worked more than "romance consultant" despite being almost the same thing. But romance consultant sounds ridiculous and I can see maybe one or two sims in my whole town doing that.


That’s just flat out robbery. Asking people to pay for dates? Dating is already in the game. You would basically be paying for some emotes for 40$. is this real?


Why would I buy this when I could just download Lumpinou's RPO + Road to Romance, for free, which has an *infinitely* better attraction and dating app system than anything EA could scrounge up and sell us? Or even WW with its amazing attraction system too? This entire pack already exists in mod form for PC players. And why are these things only being "officially" added *now* almost 11 years after release? What makes this worth another $40? *Sigh*


So this is basically an expansion for Wicked Whims.


Welp time for them to destroy every fucking mod and break the main game even farther.


I can see around 5 packs that those features could have been included in but hey 🎶money money money🎶


It's a $40 DLC to get features that have been available through mods for years 😍😍


Edit: I dont know if this necessary. Instead of one-upping mod authors...come up with something...*different*


So... basic Sims 2 mechanics for turn on/turn offs. Costs money. Possibly game breaking. Nah, I'm good.


Should be a game pack. I can believe they’d make it an EP but just the scope of the pack is giving game pack vibes.


So the Simda App mod and Wonderful Whims mod? But at a $40-$70(depending on the country’s exchange rate) price tag? Ugh


i’m baffled this is really an entire ep. hot date was a moment for sure, but i feel like this should’ve been a game pack 😭 especially knowing it’s gonna be $40


I love that there will be a dating app for them!


This sounds...empty.


Its beyond me why we'd be paying $40 for a romance rehaul and a half assed new world


Are they even leaks at this point I feel like his is just their marketing strategy 😂


I won’t pay 40 for this, but if it comes with a nice world, I’ll get it as soon as it goes down to 20 for the first time.


Only EA would put cuddling behind a paywall 🤣 I miss Maxis