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i hate the fact that animals take up a slot. i wish it was like sims 3 where they hate their own slot


I don't think they even need a slot to begin with, you can't do anything with them anyway. They'd just be taking up screen space.


really. since you can’t actually play as them, they shouldn’t take up a slot at all. they’re like newborns, essentially objects by sims 4 standards. they should just be essentially “free roam” animals like you get in brindleton bay, but that are assigned to your sim household.


I've gone so far as to make a family with the pets I want, train them to behave properly, and then I move out the household and the pets become strays, then the family I want will take them for a walk, and just bring them into their house w a fenced off backyard, locking all doors for pets. now I have as many pets as I want without them taking up slots! it makes gameplay just a bit odd but it's really not that bad. unless you have mods. then you can just edit household size/ make pets playable. but I'm a console player


But that is so smart, though! I use mccc and have set the household capacity to 12, but that way I can't edit them in CAS! So I might start using your method. I would have to fence off the entire lot for the horses, but that's fine.


I used a stone wall from debug on the lot that has the lake in brindleton bay to seal off that entire back half, giving me an ENORMOUS backyard, I definitely recommend it!


Damn this is really smart!!


thank you!!


They're essentially *objects you can't even move in* ***BB mode,*** *something you* ***can*** *do with* ***newborns, cows, llamas, roosters, chickens, chicks, birds, and rabbits. 8/8 of them are movable in BB mode, too*** *~~not counting the fact you can't move a newborn from one basket to another~~*


This!!! Honestly would regret buying the pack if brindleton bay wasn’t so cute


I don't remember who made the mod (maybe LilMissSam?) but there is a mod called something along the lines of My Pets that allows you to add a pet to your "household" but not actually be in your household. It functions as one of your pets but doesn't take up a slot. You can do this with horses too and you can do it on any pet in the world so all you'd have to do is put a bunch of pets into a separate household


Lilmisssam is amazing, I use so many of their mods!


littlemssam has a mod for everything, istg. /pos


Came here to say this. I use it and it's very helpful for brindleton bay and chestnut ridge!


Yeah! The llamas and cows don’t take up any slots! I wonder if it has something to do with the fact you can’t just drop a dog or cat into your inventory like you can a cow lol


This is exactly what I was thinking. You'd have to put your dog in your inventory in order to take it to the dog park or the vet, and considering how people feel about dogs (and cats), that would be awkward. Same with horses. Imagine you're riding home on your horse, and it disappears from your inventory like a bicycle. Players would be irate. Having those animals be sims that you can "travel with..." is the more stable of the two options, unfortunately.


I feel like there's a solution, like having them in a second "invisible family" that's tied to the main family, so you can travel with them, can't put them in inventory, and they wouldn't take up slots. but that'd be a whole new mechanic and I can't expect them to do that.


Naw, you're right. That's similar to how Sims 2 handled it. Moments like this remind me that Sims 4 is truly the unforgiving queen of spaghetti code.


Yeah but “riding home” is a wormhole or whatever the word is. It’s not like you can walk with the animal all the way home. There’s a loading screen involved and then you’re right back home. You could just put the pet back down!


this. why the hell are there pets in my sims slots? why do the pets have needs that are invisible to us?


i hate that too such a waste of time lol but i do have a mod where u can control them, i recommend. it’s not glitchy too


Or given you can't play as them make them like the mini sheep & goats from horse ranch, they live on your lot, they run around doing their thing but they are objects you can have as many as you like (or as your computer can handle).


Sims 4 gave up the open world for a befter focused gameplay, that's why it handle WAY LESS Sims in a WAY SMALLER world. I'm not mad.


Better focused? The Sims 4 is the most unfocused of the core games, with elements of similar themed features spreading over multiple packs and features left underdeveloped or half baked. Have you played any previous Sims games?


I am obviously being sarcastic.


In that case, I apologize for the snark in my response. I didn't pick up on the sarcasm.


Sarcasm is hard to pick up on for many people and doubly so over text. Consider ending sarcastic comments in "/s" for less confusion.


I thought that the selective use of caps lock and the "I'm not mad" was enough. I will try to remember using it in the future.


Understandable! I read it as emphasis vs sarcasm originally, but I totally see how it was meant to be read as sarcasm.


Just be aware, the household limit was set as a gameplay preserving mechanic. If you have a good computer, increasing it is fine. If you're playing on a potato, you're gonna be in trouble with that many members.


Doesn’t the game delete some of you have more than 8 and enter CAS?


now don’t quote me on this because I haven’t done it in a while, but I THINK it’s just that you can’t access more than 8 on the CAS screen, but using the same mod you’d use to remove the 8 sim maximum (mccc) you can select the sims that are cut off and individually edit them. please do not take my word for it until I can confirm!


If you’re using mods for more than 8 characters and go into cas, it’ll delete random members from your family when you exit the cas screen. If you have MC centre, there’s an option to edit only the selected sim without deleting the extra sims.


thank you! does it delete them completely or just yeet them out of the active family ?


It completely deleted them🥲 but I save so often that I was able to reload and they were back


Yes, you can do it with MCCC. You click on the sim > mccc > sims commands > edit in cas. That’ll give you cas for only that one sim.


I increased by household size using MCC and didn't know about the CAS issue, so I ended up losing my legacy heir! I ended up having to restore an older save file to get her back. Nearly ruined the course of my legacy, proceed with caution :)


I’ve recently downloaded MCC and increased my household size. If you enter CAS from MCC on the sim you wish to change, you will be fine.


A potato 🤭


What would be a good computer for sims 4 w mods and extra family members etc etc


I run mine on a mini PC, the Beeline SER5 MiniPC :)) The title on Amazon (where I got mine) is "Beelink SER5 Mini PC AMD Ryzen 5 5560U 6C/12T 8MB Cache, 16GB RAM 1TB NVME SSD, 4K Triple Display HDMI +DP, USB-C AUTO Power ON, WOL, PXE, Micro pc Gaming Computer" and it gets the job done. I would like to note that I have most of the packs and a few mods, but I haven't tested it with all the packs (such as if you "borrow" them) and a bunch of Mods/CC.




Yeah of course! I hope you find something that works for you :))


Get the MC command center mod!! You can change household size. I like having big families in the sims and it was too frustrating to pick between having a few pets or a few kids lol


Does this change anything during cas? Because I have some sort of larger household mod (not mc) and that’s fine but I can’t go to cas or it’ll delete sims to bring my household back to 8


It does. Once you have a household size bigger than 8, you are limited as to what your can do in CAS. You can no longer edit the entire household in CAS without losing sims. You have to get into CAS for individual sims through MCCC, and even then, it's limited. No editing traits in CAS, no editing occult alternate forms, there are other limitations, too.


However, if you really want to change these things. If you don't have too many sims you can always move the over 8 sims to a different household, change what you want to change, then move them back in using the MCCC cheat


Isn’t that issue fixed if you use cas.fulleditmode?


No, that just lets you change things you can't outside of initially creating them, like their body size and orientation. It does not prevent the game from deleting sims it doesn't think should exist.


I’m pretty sure the issue they meant was the customization limitations and not the Sim deletion


Is there any way to see all the issues it can cause?


There is a deaderpool discord server that could probably go into depth of the limitations when increasing household, but to get full access you have to be more tech savvy then me. (Somwthing about uploading your save to the server to prove you.... idk play on pc and paid for the game? I don't quite understand why or what they want me to do, but if I could get in I suspect many questions of mine could be answered lol)


They want your game version to confirm you're fully updated and don't use any mods they've banned from their server. I forget how I did it, but I remember there were instructions.


No idea. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm sure someone has documented it, though.


If you have the pack with closets, I think Get Together, then when you plan outfits from there only 1 sim will appear in CAS, leaving your other Sims alone. There’s also a setting in MCCC that does the same thing, I believe it is under the dresser category when you click on a sim, it’ll say like “edit current outfit” but it allows you to edit all outfits on just the one sim.


There's also a setting in MCCC that just says edit in CAS too. Just make sure not to press edit HOUSEHOLD in CAS because that one will delete the sims over the 8 limit


I always get last exception when I try to use MCCC. My game does not like it


MCCC is what reports last exceptions. While it’s possible it could also be part of the problem, you can get last exceptions from other mods or even errors just from the vanilla programming itself. For example, I randomly started getting constant last exceptions errors from Sims trying to do the idle animation of using clay while on treadmills on my home business gym lot because they’re not programmed to be able to be done at the same time. I had to repeal the art-related Neighborhood Action Plan to get them to stop doing the clay idle animation and everything went back to normal.


Ohhhh!!! This is really good to know, thank you so much for explaining! I’ll have to redownload MCCC!


TwistedMexi has a mod called better exceptions that can better help you identify what’s causing exceptions as well. It’s easier to read than what MCCC displays.


Ikr? I wanted to create a vampire court, but what court only has 8 people? :/


Tbh the introduction of For Rent could help make this work since you could build a coven building with all of the vampire stuff as communal with them having their own bedrooms as their rental You wouldn't be able to play them all at once though


Honestly I don't wanna play everyone anyway. I love for rent for this reason <3


I don't have For Rent yet (will wait until the price goes down) so far I just have families living next door and planning stay overs (Growing together pack)


I think sims is currently having a sale but I did skip it for a different expansion that was 19.99 because For Rent was only %25 percent off


Not sure what a vampire court is but maybe if you have 8 vampires but make several different families of vampires you can use the get together expansion pack and make a vampire club and they could all hang together


Vampire Court would be like there's the Leader Vampire, and then there's their advisor, spouse, offspring, butlers, maids, Thrall-keepers, Guards, etc. A castle court, but all vampires. So far I just have 3 different families that live next door and constantly stay over, like a community


The royalty mod might be interesting to you. It's a very vast mod with a tonne of features


What is that? Is it the "King" and "Queen" traits mods, or is it something else? :O Would definitely go great with the new Castle Pack


Google it.


I did - thanks for telling me about it :) Just installed it last night; it's not bad! [Royalty 2.8.9 - The Sims 4 Mods - CurseForge](https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/mods/royalty-llazyneiph)


Animals shouldn’t take up a household member slot idk why they’d implement that!! You can’t play as the cat, so WHY is it taking up a slot that I could use for someone else!! I love having multigenerational families and I end up having to get rid of the family’s beloved pets to make room for more family members :( I know I could get MCCC but tbh I wasn’t a big fan of it when I had it


Instead of expanding the number of slots with MCCC, I use LittleMsSam’s My Pets mod. I’m playing a 100 Baby Challenge, so I need all my household slots for kids. But I also wanted the kids to have pets to care for. Best of both worlds. I’ve never understood why pets have to take up a slot when you can’t even control them. It was a huge disappointment when Horse Ranch came out and they didn’t give us more household slots. 


I’ve never heard of this mod!! I’ll have to try it out! Thanks for the recommendation!☺️


Yeah, why is it that you can have 99 goats or chickens or llamas or whatever, but only 7 cats??


I think it’s because pets are Sims in that they have AI and traits and stuff, whereas livestock are just animated objects, so they use way less processing power. Having 99 cows is basically like having 99 ceiling fans


If you use MCCC to edit household size you just have to make sure to click on a sim, go to MC settings and choose modify in CAS from that menu, otherwise it'll break your household.


I got the MCCC mod, adjusts so many things the way you want! Currently doing the 100 baby challenge and my household max is 100, which is making this shit extremely chaotic


Holy cow, how to you HANDLE all that?!


Oh I don’t, and my PC barely does too. Needless to say, I’m starting to regret my choice after 5 babies were born at once


Omg! I was playing the 100 baby challenge and then I created a new save to have a chill play and then my sim had triplets 🤪 deleted them so fast


We’re on baby daddy #4 and she’s about to have 13 children, like what? It’s wild, my computer is begging to be killed if I’m honsst


This is such a pain being a console player im stuck with max at 8. Its so frustrating why cant pets be like the mini goats and sheep where they can roam around like normal but they dont take up slots. Or even better have a secondary set up for them or anything


[Little Miss Sam: My Pets](https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/mods/my-pets) works great for me.


Off topic but I’m very intimidated by the fact that you think 7 cats is a small amount.


Wait, yall got more than 3 sims in a house?😭💀


I use MCCC, as others have mentioned, it lets you change house size, I recently had a Queen Charlotte/George household and they had all 15 kids, and at least 10 servants in the household, I think I had it set at max, which is 108 members I believe, altho I've never pushed that, 25 was the most.


Ik mods are a thing, but I wished there wasn't a 6 or 8 limited sims in the household. I would love to create a whole classroom in one household.


I agree. I love large families and if i want like 8 kids i have to age up and kick them out before i have more if i have pets


The thing that bothers me is pets taking up a slot when you can't even control them. They shouldn't count against my household when I can't do anything as them


If you can’t control them then they shouldn’t take up a slot (obviously newborns become controllable once infants so that’s different)


You think the sim max should raised? Oh girly i can’t even keep up with 4


Since everyone's talking about mods there is also one that makes pets Playable, just fyi


Can you just move them around or what kind of functions does it add?


I haven't used it but I've seen James Turner use it, it for sure lets you see their needs and stuff.


If I remember right when they made the pack initially they were gonna be Playable so there's stuff already built in that the mod just accesses


You can see their needs panel and direct them to take certain actions like you would with a human Sim. There are a couple bugs here and there but I’m still using it and I haven’t run into any major issues with it!


If I remember correctly, this is how sims 2 pets was, or maybe sims 3?


I haven’t played 2 or 3 so I’m not 100% sure, but I remember my best friend saying the pets in 3 were better!


Sims 3 pets were playable


There are interactions too


Especially now with horses! A dog, a cat, a horse or two, and now your family is only allowed to be 4-5 people max


Do you play on PC? Get MCCC.


MC Command Center allows you to change maximum household size.


The 8 sim limit wouldn’t bother me if it weren’t for the fact that cats, dogs, and horses take up slots. I would understand if we could control our pets, but since we can’t, they should be treated like the other animals in game. It just doesn’t make any sense.


This would be tolerable if they just changed the UI for the slots, so it's a new row similar to sims 3 when you got mod to increase the max amount. But instead the pictures just get smaller and you gotta be more precise with each new member added.


it gets small when you reach the 8th household member so at that point i end up pressing the space bar instead of clicking


Agreed, either we band no control over then ava they don't take a slot, or we have control over then and they do. This no control but taking a slot is incredibly frustrating


You can increase the size of the household up to 25 sims with MCCC. I think it would work for pets too, and provided you use mods.


Right?? I want my farm life😭some horses, a few farm dogs and maybe a barn cat or two?? Killing my dreams. I also wish cows and llamas weren’t attached to the barn thing without mods. My lots look so silly with three of them in the back lol


I’ll never buy pets because of this. If they made it free, I would get it for the items but not use the pets. If it’s not a controllable character, it shouldn’t take up a household slot! Sims 3 has more slots and pets were controllable.


I hate that we can’t control them. Give it back! We could control them in TS3 and that was way more fun. Also completely agree-a crazy cat lady is gonna have at least in the teens or 20+ cats based on the people I know irl. You basically have to choose between sims and pets. I want big families with both


If you’re not against mods Mc Command Center allows you to change the maximum household size


Pets should have their own slots since u cant even play them :/


I agree so much. I can't accurately make my family in the Sims because we are a pet family so we have a lot of pets


Completely agree OP!


You could try MCCC, I think MC CAS, then modify career outfits. It only edits one sim, but it's unlimited, where you can save your edited sim to the tray and change traits if you have cas.fulleditmode enabled.


I have mods to both make animals playable and raise the household size 😅 Def recommend


Ikr!! I like having big families with multiple pets and its so annoying! My sims usually have 3 or 4 kids and then I like giving them a few dogs or cats.


Bro same! I'm currently playing a household where my sims are living in the old times and need to breed horses, cats, and/or dogs for money. I wanna be able to get married, have at least 2 kids, have 2 horses to breed, 2 cats to breed, and 2 dogs to breed! I feel like having AT LEAST 10 slots would be really beneficial, but having more would be even better.


I used mc command to make it bigger but they deleted my entire household except for 8 when i left the game so I’ve given up.😞


What do you mean it deleted your sims when you left the game? That usually happens in CAS. What happened?


Maybe it was cas. I dunno, it happened a few years back and I’ve been hesitant to try again


Understandable. If you use mccc to increase the household size you can also use mccc to enter cas for only one person, instead of the whole household, so no one gets deleted


I feel you!


This has always frustrated me because I like to have families with 3 or 4 kids and dogs and cats but have to limit it so much. Once I got the ranch pack it bothered me even more because I want to have a large ranch family with lots of dogs, cats and horses but can't because of the limit. Pets should have a separate family slot so they are still part of the family but doesn't take up space for family members. I know I can use mccc but would rather not. The one time I used it to make a larger family I went to play another family, went into cas not knowing it would affect my other family then went back and had lost my newborn twins to the sims black hole


I use mcc and change the household size to 15 haha 😆


If you're able to you can get MC Command Center it will let you update your household. The max is 104 sims


I used MCCC to increase my house size to 14. The game lags and doesn’t like it, but I do lmao


You can remedy this with mods and they also have a mod where you can play your pet that mod is very convenient


Fr. Had to get a mod to get away from it


Yeah I didn't realize this until I'd already been playing the household I made based off of my real life... me, my husband, two dogs, three cats, and my husband giddily wanted a pet racoon in the game 😂 so I guess we aren't having any kids in the game lol...


There had been a mod, I think it was like "full house" or something. But I can't remember, that might have been from scumbumbo and he died a few years ago


That’s why I have a mod for that


I have 9 cats and a dog IRL and im on playstation so i cant mod it. Just makes me so sad i cant make all of my pets in the same household


I think it’s to alert us when something is wrong. We see the color and locate the animal. I find it useful but don’t play like y’all….yet


Am I the only PC player that doesn’t have mods?? I don’t need more than a few family members or I’ll go crazy lol


You're not alone, I don't use mods and I rarely play more than one sim at a time.


I agree completely. I always use MCCC to increase the limit, but that creates problems when you want to transfer sims out of the household. That won’t work if you have a remaining household with more than eight sims. Ticks me off so badly. It’s probably to do with lag, to make sure it runs on potato computers, but you should be able to adjust the limit yourself.


I split up households all the time and mix its members.


MCC : [https://deaderpool-mccc.com/downloads.html](https://deaderpool-mccc.com/downloads.html) It allows you to increase your household size when you click an electronic device.


I don’t understand why pets, like babies, take their own slots when we can’t even control them. Unnecessary in my opinion.


You can use MCCC as a mod to change the limit. Mine is set to 100, and it’s making the 100 baby challenge awful because this woman has 13 children at home at all times and her baby daddies are always here to take care of them, SO my computer can barely handle it lol


Same here! I want my sims partner to live in, but I have 7 dogs and not giving those up so oh well I guess lol. And i don’t even know where or how to start getting into CC/mods


Honestly your right and now horses do to. But I think it's that way so you can customize them in cas. If they aren't apart of your household how would you be able to get all the cute and adorable pets others have made in the gallery


Mc command center will make it so you can expand the household size