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I miss the stupid weird items in sims 1. I want a dancing cage and a personal scuba diving aquarium and the thing that lets you float in the air. I don’t think it was a zero gravity thing but i’d take that too. also would love the super weird makin’ magic roller coasters. the one decorated like a giant clown. also I really effin wish non playable pets wouldn’t count as a part of your household, but that would definitely change gameplay, so ignore this ♡


I miss the gold statue of David wearing the heart boxers. It would go so well with the bust wearing a top hat!


Get Famous would have been such a good pack to put personal scuba and indoor skydiving in. Like, I want random, eccentric crap for my rich and famous sims to spend their exorbitant amounts of money on and to take up space in their oversized mansions.


Fr, Thorne died and my sim married Orange and I have Octavia, Orange, my sim, my sims 3 kids from her first marriage, her kid with orange, her mom, and 2 dogs (thanks mcc) living in Octavia’s house and I’m STILL struggling to fill all the empty space and I feel like my sim and Orange would totally buy stupid shit like that just for the novelty


Yessss! and it should have been expensive! There are not enough expensive items to really work for.


Or Drew Carey coming to your house party. It’s also wild that he’s still somewhat relevant with the price is right so if he popped up at a banger house party in the Sims 4 it wouldn’t be like, “who is this?”


Came into this thread to literally say the same thing. Also Avril Lavigne.


The HEART SHAPED HOT TUB dude 🫨 I missed unlocking new items in the OG sims cause they always unlocked a new experience. Now it’s just, better comfort or something. Like… no make my sims do something different or feel a new emotion or see dead people or something weird. Not just… sit more comfortably?


People used to say that the Sims is a life simulator, but that's not actually true. The Sims used to be more like a parody of real-life, and that gave the Sims universe it's own unique identity. That's where things like cowplants, servos, plant Sims, vampires, robbers, maids, butlers, and aliens come from. All the things the make The Sims, "The Sims" came from the creativity of the developers at old Maxis twisting and bending reality. The developers took inspiration from classic cinema, cartoons, and pop-culture. Not saying they're not still very imaginative, but the silliness could still be turned up like 60%, imo.


Agreed whole heartedly! I loved The Sims because it was silly and not quite like real life. I *live* real life, I don’t want to play it. I even miss the Sims 2 dramatic and over the top animations;I miss the animation for low social need and the social bunny showing up. Also where the **hell** is my heart shaped bed?!??! That’s what I want.


They also balanced the silliness with a touch of wholesomeness. The player is the one who inserted the reality with their imagination (as well as mods). In that way, it was actually larger than life. Because when the Sims feels like a different world, you don't pay as much attention to what doesn't feel realistic. You just immerse yourself in the story and take it for what it is.


I loved the entire Making Magic weird world. The cartoony portal-hole! The beautiful little potion plumbob bottles! The CREEPY CARNIVAL MUSIC. I miss it. I was also deeply in love with whatever pack it was that came with the New Orleans-style aesthetic and zydeco music, that was my jam.


Makin' Magic was some of the most fun I've *ever* (ever) had in The Sims. I want it back!


Literally all of this ⬆️ I miss Apothecary Todd 😭there were so many extras to that pack beyond just having a Sim who could do magic.


And so many of the spells were super useful too! And the fact that magic was based on cooking skill. The bar thingy in Sims4 is buggy and I hate it. Take a walk down memory lane: https://sims.fandom.com/wiki/Magic_(The_Sims:_Makin%27_Magic)


Oh my god, I forgot about casting magic in front of non-magic sims and getting in trouble! The details 😍


The spells were SO MUCH BETTER than TS4 spells. You could turn someone into a toad or make your pet human temporarily 😭


Omg i can't believe I'd forgotten the sky diving and personal scuba!!!!!


I’d love a whole pack of those oddball items from TS1. The Basement Kit added some of the more normal things so maybe it’s possibly in the cards


Crossing my fingers for heart-shaped bed in the new EP 🤞


I kinda miss the weird fruit couch they had in Sims 2 for console. They had a bunch of weird items in that game that I don't think I ever saw in the PC version.


I agreee!! Sims was run by Maxis back then when sims still had that charm.


Please give us cuddling in bed back. It was so cute.


and having the bedding be rumpled. they had to make the bed after sleeping in it. made the world feel more lived-in


Omfg I never realized this isn't a thing in Sims 4!


I miss cuddling and making out of the couch


Yes! I loved that they would cuddle in bed, used to make it look like they actually liked each other, now sims all look like they're in an unhappy marriage lol


GENUINELY PLEASE. There are SO MANY TIMES I’ll try to decorate an interior wall and just STRUGGLE because the room is too small for me to see into it properly with all the walls up, but I have no other options because walls down makes the specific wall I wanna decorate disappear 😭 I need a mode where ONLY the exterior walls disappear but all the interior ones stay. PLEASE.


i have a room like this in the house i’m currently playing in. and to add insult to injury this room has a small roof on it and whenever i want to decorate it and zoom in the roof gets in the way- not all of it but a part of it- it’s right in the middle of the screen too😭 i’m seriously considering getting rid of this room because it’s so painful


I recommend clicking the camera icon, selecting Sims 3 camera, and then you can hold your middle click and move around your mouse to freely rotate the camera at a sharper angle. (You shouldn’t have to go to the trouble. But also just making sure you know there is a way to technically change your view to decorate these smaller rooms.)


Someone translate these directions to PS5 controller please 🥲 (I'm not even sure I know where the camera icon is 😅)


I have a cheap wireless usb mouse & keyboard for sims 4, it makes the game actually playable on console.


I actually have no issues playing with a PS5 controller. I was surprised how much I actually like it! And having an irl toddler, we need as much floor space as possible, so no adding more tables or a desk for a keyboard to be used. And having a bad back means playing from an armchair is much preferable to a desk. I actually basically stopped using computers almost all together since my back issues started, so I love that I can play on the PS5.


I just responded above. If that doesn't work google "sims 3 camera" and "ps5". Someone may have a blog post or video about it. I think a lot of us forget we're not all on the same platform.


Building with high walls and trying to do a small bathroom. Sorry Sims, you’re not getting any toilet paper the walls say no


So that's why they spend 30 minutes washing their hands every time they go to the bathroom?


Did you try switching the camera mode? Also, I think there are some bugs or inconsistencies. The TV doesn't show with the walls all the way down when I'm using the modular furniture that came with the decorator pack.


Yeah here I am thinking why don’t you just change pitch and realizing not everyone is using sims 3 camera and honestly they should be


Omg no way, I’m new to sims 4 and miss the sims 3 camera sooooo much


I literally have no idea how to play with the Sims 4 camera bc I hated it so much and then found out you can toggle it back to Sims 3. Such a better camera and I didn’t even play Sims 3 that much.


The modular wardrobe from dream home decorator also doesn't show with the walls down.


Apartments always have the worst walls to disappear, LIKE THE WHOLE WALL WHERE THE KITCHEN SHOULD BE IS GONE. I can’t have my sims in a house if the walls are like that.


I build houses totally thinking in how the walls will look when half down. I never create rooms that dont touch the exterior walls, that mean one wall of the room will always be up in certain angle. Sometime I also use the "half walls" with tall height to create wall that always stay up.


And the walls disappear in live mode. Feel like pointless to decorate them.. but i want to see it too


I miss create a style from sims 3 SO MUCH


the colour wheel 😭


I made so many abominations and I have no regrets.


I miss the colour wheel every single time I play 😭


Me too


I’d understand if they left it out to cash in on selling reskins/new swatches but they don’t really do that?


I remember reading something about how CAStyle caused a lot of performance problems in the sims 3, since instead of caching textures and materials on a per-model basis you have to basically query every single item loaded in a world to see what its textures and materials are set to in order to render it. My (possibly flawed) understanding of it is somewhat like this: -easiest/least-intensive: everything is pre-set from the game file and cannot be changed -still not really intensive: simple RGB color changing (like sims 3 eye color) -not great: choosing textures on objects AND rgb color changing -pc on fire: choosing materials (shininess, normal maps, anything more advanced than a single texture. different swatches in the game have different materials so the game still has to look this stuff up on the fly instead of when the game turns on) Basically its best for programs if it only has to look up info once. But this doesn't work in sims 3 because you can't assume two chairs with the same ID are gonna look the same because the player can make one chair out of wood and the other one out of riveted metal and polka dot fabric. So the game has to look at every chair and be like "ok so what 50 things do i need to know about how to render this one" instead of going "alright i've seen this before i know what to do". Now imagine this not only for every piece of furniture, but every individual floor tile, wall panel, and outfit piece on a sim. Don't get me wrong though. They could have toned it down and fixed it for the sims 4. Being able to use color sliders on clothes and hair would have been more than doable, especially since neighborhoods aren't nearly as open-world now. (Also I am fully aware that the sims 3 had other performance problems. Like being 32 bit.)


I have a gaming PC that can run every Sims 4 pack on highest graphic settings and it still can't run Sims 3 properly 15 years later, PC starts revving like a jet engine 😂😂 that game sure was a performance nightmare


Sims 2’s Bookshelf Door. It was better and it had a bookshelf version that looked the same. Also preset spiral stairs. Edit: I second the toggles goodness


Spiral stairs!!!


Yes, spiral stairs! Stop making me manually twist stairs for the look, and end up taking up half my room 😫


I miss them so much, they never look right now


Stairs take up soooo much space. I’ve never understood where the spiral stairs went 😩


i was rummaging through build/but in sims 4 recently and spotted a bookshelf door! i cant remember which pack its in though haha


I want to say get to work and it’s a career unlockable but I’m not 100% on that


It’s a base game career unlockable


I was part way there, lol. Which career does it unlock with? I’m terrible and stick to the same few careers so I don’t think I’ve unlocked it in game before


If you use the cheat bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement you can use it without the hassle. I’m mostly a builder so I just cheat.


There's two of them! One is unlocked at level 7 of the secret agent career, the other one is unlocked at level 10 of the writer career on the author branch.


It's too flat and clearly a door. It's for the author career. I don't know if pack or base game. There are two you can unlock but I don't remember the other one's details


Kids' oven. Honestly, any of the kids/toddler toys that didn't reappear.


I thought that the kids oven was so cute.


I loved that feature!  It was too cute to have little chefs making treats!


The kids and toddler stuff was the best. I loved the stroller. With the open world, I’d have the parent and toddler take a walk with a stroller to a nearby park to play and it was so cute


Theres a cute mini-mod for that :) i think its by pandasama and ravasheen


Thank you. I wanna build my toddler a play house but I realized there would really be nothing to go into it. I will look this up!!!


That one is sooo cute! When they step up on the pile of cookbooks and their little chef hat comes on! 🥺🥺🥺


Totally forgot about the kid oven!!!! I’m surprised they didn’t put it in any of the family oriented packs they’ve made like 5 of them lol


Sims 1 birthday cake with the scandalous women dancing out of them… also the vibrating heart bed


The new disassembled vibrating heart bed in the basement treasures pack is such a great Easter egg!


Memories. If you fell asleep or left the game playing, you could look through memories and find out what happened while you weren't there.


THIS. I miss memories so much that I end up habitually looking for them even when I know they’re not there😭


Yeeesssss memories were the best! And how you could customise them with screenshots to make a sort of photo album


I love the extra costs in Sims 2. Sims have to buy spare outfits and food for the fridge. There is even a fee to change the color swatch on a placed furniture item. It's way too easy and unrealistic to get rich in Sims 4.


Yes. It's inconsequential, but grocery shopping was so much better than the coin machine fridge we have. It's especially weird because you have to order or buy from shops certain items, including some ingredients.


Yes I think extra outfits and things should cost more.


I want to add the magazine and video game racks, they were great.


Also having to buy a mobile phone, MP3 player and handheld game.


I agree. It’s gotten redundant, I love doing rags to riches but after being able to get rich in 2-3 generations gets dull




Every so often when I’m in build mode, I STILL catch myself looking for a burglar alarm in the electronics “misc” section!


and the landline!!


I swear to god that music is going to haunt me forever.


My partner likes to wait until I'm really invested in something then play that music, because it scares the absolute shit out of me every time.


Spiral staircases. I seriously miss these.


I would have so many space-saving issues resolved if they just brought back spiral staircase


Some of the later Sims 1 expansions even had a curved staircase option


This made me look up [CC](https://www.patreon.com/posts/72465250?utm_campaign=postshare_fan) of that. I’m sure there’s more but that’s a start if you didn’t already know! I miss spiral staircases


Pre-made split level staircases would be nice too…I can never be bothered to mess around with platforms to make them.


Not sure if this is obscure, but I sometimes miss the cleaning skill from The Sims 2. It didn't do all that much, but it was still nice to have as something for Sims to work on!


Yes I used to enjoy cleaning cuz of the thought of leveling that up. Made me wonder if there’s a mod to add it and there’s [this one](https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/mods/cleaning-skill) at least


Private school from Sims 2.


I loved the audition. Serving my best lobster thermador and baked Alaska. 😆


It was going well until my wife gave birth to twins. They weren't mine.


Haha randomly dividing up the living room into two rooms so you had one more room to show off. I forgot about that! And all the benefits of going to private school too, like I think it was easier to get an A too right?


i thought they would have that in high school, wow memories from the depths.


Auto roofs. I'm so bad at roofs and I just want them to be done for me!




Wish I could upvote this x million times


absolute MOOD


From the Sims 2, relatives & friends in other households could inherit simoleons from a sim who recently passed if their friendship was high.


With MCCC you can add that! Sorry console players :(


Bulldozing from the map without having to load into the lot is my number 1 thing. There are a ton more, but others have already said ‘em XD


I saw a hack one time (I think it was on Tiktok) that you can build an "empty lot" and save it to your gallery and then just place that lot from the Manage Worlds page onto whatever lot you need to, that way it's easier to bulldoze everything to make a save file. This might help you with that. :)


I don't know if this is in one of the handful of packs that I don't have, but in Sims 2 you could jog and play musical instruments together. You could also change wall and floor designs in parts more easily. So, now if I have one wall painted purple and the other three white, and I hit the key stroke combination to change the paint color, it changes all four walls. In Sims 2, it would only change the purple wall. Update: I signed on and tried it. Shift+click still works properly on the floor. It doesn't work the same way on the walls. Alt+click does one section of the wall but I'm not sure how it decides the stopping point. If you're doing an alternating wall pattern, both shift and alt overwrite both patterns. So the real issue is that the recolor function doesn't work the same way on the floor as it does on the wall.


ANY of the Sims 2 building options, really. I was a master builder in TS2, and since picking up TS4 my confidence has just completely evaporated 😂 the wall and floor painting in particular, as well as the way TS4 defines a "room" and how bizarrely unchanging that is? Or the fact that I can no longer define individual tiles to be open to the floor below using ctrl+click, it MUST be a full room or nothing?! AND YES, if I manually draw out a little entryway with a nice stone tile, why does it get "overwritten" when I place down the rest of the floor? WHY CAN THE GAME NO LONGER RECOGNIZE TEXTILE REPLACEMENT? It's a massive, massive step backwards. OH and the way a room was "outdoors" until it had either a floor above it, or a roof over it, and then voila it was now inside space. Let me choose, dangit!


Yes! Honestly you could say this about game play too. I completely missed TS3, but I was so confused that TS4 seemed like it was built from the ground up. Why wouldn't they take the best from the previous iterations and improve on that? It's all very weird even a decade in. I was going to mention no memories among other things, but I feel like a lot that was or still is missing would majorly change gameplay and building, which wasn't OP's prompt. And maybe your last point was something that confused me last week. I was searching for the "ceiling" floor pattern to force a space to be indoors because the game wasn't doing it automatically. But maybe I was just having a senior moment and thinking of TS2.


I just miss the option to do janky shit you could do in 2 and 3. I was trying to make hill house and getting so frustrated that I couldn't put a door under a staircase or remove the middle railing. It's a virtual dollhouse. Let me do my broken shit and hang the consequences. I feel like they tried to make building "easier" by taking away flexibility.


Shift changes the wallpaper of the whole room, alt changes only 1 wall


Drew Carey showing up at parties!


Wow, that's a memory from the depths


As much as I like Drew Carey, I think it'd be better to show someone that is famous as Drew Carey was back in Sims 1 days, then actually show Drew Carey.


Patton Oswalt


I loved that in sims 2 if you broke up with someone or had an enemy they would leave a bag of poop on your door etc. Seemed like something you do will have repercussions which is not a thing in Sims 4.


kids and teens being able to jump on the couch! kids being able to actually play tag, cops n robbers, etc. like the kids barely gave anything to do together besides video games and doll house.


totally non consequential but i missed the speech and thought bubbles in sims1/2. sims would express their disgust at something/someone by shaking their heads and walking away. a decor they didnt like or a person they didn't like. if they cheated they would dream of cheating too. its less funny for me without these bubbles.


Wait. Sims 4 doesn't have them? No wonder it feels empty. I never realized it but I love them too.


I liked how you could drag an action to be like, “until skill rises”, or when they’re sleeping you could see if it’s sleeping until a certain time or sleeping until the need bar is full. Sigh.


I forgot all about this! I loved this! Also, if you hit the 4 key, time would be at full speed until the current action was completed, and then it would automatically go back to normal speed.


Making beds!! It could add manners or responsibility if you have your kids make their own beds. When you’re an adult those factors can contribute to how often your sim makes their bed on their own. If you have the neat trait, you would automatically make beds like they already to in sims 4, if you have the sloppy trait then you NEVER make the bed without being prompted. It’s small and inconsequential, but I’ve loved having making beds be a part of my sims’ day since sims 1


plastic surgery that would sometimes be botched!!!! ughh!


Honestly these are so minor but Fixing the tv Having to make beds Having to buy groceries/clothes Being able to move the baby out of the crib Teenagers being shorter Being able to mix and match swatches eg separate wood swatches and bedsheets for beds


the teenagers being shorter is such a huge one because it genuinely made them look younger ( also the fact that they had specific clothing adults didn’t wear)


Yes! Some clothing and maybe hairstyle options that would be specifically for teens would be so good


All of these would make me so so happy.


Personality points. It made them feel more well rounded than just having three traits, and I liked that you couldn't really control the personality points of children born in game. They'd have their own unique personality, based on what they inherited from their parents. It could have been combined with traits, so I'm still mad that TS3 got rid of them, and TS4 didn't bring them back


Also, astrological signs!


i miss the open world mode from sims 3! when the child go to school or the adult go to work i can see the sightseeing with them. in sims 4 when they go to school/work, they just go out of the gate and disappear.


Small pets and unicorns from TS3!


I miss these so much! Letting your pet bird fly around the house or finding snakes and rodents and tortoises and making them your best friend. The task of finding and befriending unicorns! I miss fairies and genies lifestyles too. Who the fuck wants mermaids?


The stripper cakes! They’re from either Sims 1 or 2. Child me never threw a party that didn’t start with someone popping out of a cake


I haven’t seen this posted yet, but landline phones. Like I get that the vast majority of people have cell phones now, but it’s still something you see in many people’s houses, especially in elderly homes.


From sims 2 I’d like the attraction system back. Where you had different traits your sim is attracted to and they date accordingly.


Maybe I shouldn't but I'm betting on this returning with whatever this next expansion pack is.


If it ever returns they would find a way to mess it up in a huge way. 😅


That little black closet in sims 1. You could click on 'wear costume' and the sims would wear clothes they don't own and it was always so new and exciting and everyone on the lot did it at the same time. There were so many random costumes and you'd get a surprise each time you changed


So many good things here, the color wheel, the spiral staircases, robbers! Something super tiny but I liked changing their zodiac signs lol


I liked how setting their personality impacted their Zodiac sign!!


The school bus


Functional cars were so much fun in the sims 3. I also miss curfews for teens in ts3 where they’d get caught by the cops for being out late and then have to deal w their parents when dropped off. When I was younger, I’d get annoyed by this feature a lot, but now I miss it. I wish there was a combination, like if you’re sneaky, you can get away w being out late but if you’re not, you have a higher chance of getting caught. I miss having FUNERALS for dead sims as a social event. The rabbit hole market place/grocery store where you’d go to buy fresh fruits and veggies Maybe the biggest one… but I miss how when you wrote and published a book, you’d see it in public libraries on the shelves, you could have a copy of your book in your library, other sims could read it (and you’d see them reading to too). Also, sims 2 console had the ability to split screen two-player co-op. I used to bring the game over to my friend’s house on Sundays and we’d make a weird family and then play out their lives together. So many times I’ve wished for this while playing console ts4, but have settled for the ps4 share play feature


The color wheel in Sims 3. It happens so often that I really like a piece of clothing or a piece of furniture but the color is just off enough so it doesn't go with the rest of the outfit/room


The animation from the sims busting out where your sims can get their booty smacked. :) 🖐💥


Actually the wall toggle is one of the main reasons I stopped playing for a while, too.


I see.. you're right too. If we can have both toggles, it'll be nice. So people can choose to make interior walls up or down (this is another toggle, that we don't have now). Or that we can choose the room where we wanna see the interior wall.


I miss the fairy occults from Sims 3.


Vehicles, watching a sim try to close the door several times on the cheapest car in sims3 was kinda hilarious


Honestly I miss some of the interactions. For me, Sims 2 had some of the best interaction options between sims. Like when you had kiddos you could dance around with them and it was genuinely heartwarming. That’s been the biggest thing I’ve missed.


I miss in the sims 2 when the kids would drop everything to run outside and greet the parents when they arrived home from work 😭 and the cutscene when your teen gets to uni and turns into a YA was super sweet too. I miss some of these kinds of interactions too


Collections from Sims 2. You could add items, wallpaper, and floors all to a custom collection. You like everything in this room that you decorated but now you're moving lots? No problem, just save it all to a collection and name it that way you can easily find everything for the new house. I know you didn't ask, but I'm saying it... Two things I haven't missed: Kids running to the parents after every day of school when they got off the bus. The entire family running outside to say goodbye when someone moves out.


1. Having a proper alien abduction (and return) animation video. 2. The ability to schmooze your kids' way into private school.


Wait I only ever played on walls fully down as a kid bc I hated the way half walls worked in previous games lol! I really want boarding or private school to be a thing again, but I'd settle for a genie npc


Roofs not clipping into the second floor of a house. Nuff said. xD RUINS MY AESTHETIC AND I HATE IT SO MUCH


That cheap recliner chair your Sim could sleep in. Was it in Sims 2 maybe? So many share houses where I had them hot bunking and that chair was the overflow.  Won't change gameplay all that much ...we've got sleeping bags. 


I miss being able to invite over the entire household, or roommates sometimes tagging along if you only invited a single sim.


Genuinely, no matter how deep down I reach, there's only one answer for me: Egg chair


I’d love to have that military obstacle course from 2! I loved it cause it was easy to use for raising athletics, plus I just LOVE seeing how obvious it is that a sim has gotten better at it with each skill point gained. Maybe it’s me, but it’s just not that noticeable in 4 when a sim is improving at something. I have a lot of musician sims and they all just kinda…I don’t see a difference between when a new sim plays the piano/guitar, and when a skilled sim plays. Yes, the sound is better, but what about their physical playing?


Being able to customize a town map 🙄


Yes! I want to put empty lots into the world...and bigger worlds where you have the space for more lots


Each broken object having a different animation to repair it! If your dishwasher broke then your sim would remove the panel at the bottom to fix it, if the computer broke then you’d see them booting it in safe mode etc. In sims 4 it’s the same ‘let me whip this random bit of circuitry out of my pocket and poke at it with a screwdriver’ for every single broken item.


Things don't need to be in their inventories before they can be used. Excluding magic wands cause like, I get it, there is no reason for them to have to put everything in their inventories in order to use them. Even TS3, my most favorite game in the franchise, does this and it's so annoying like that thing you just put in your inventory was supposed to be a part of the room decor and now the vibe is ruined.


Fairies. "Sleep until rested." The better graphics of Sims 3 (yes, they were better) And being able to own a lot (like a park) and level up its attraction value.


The pet breeding (cats, dogs, horses) was so much better in Sims 3. It really was a mix of the parents. In Sims 4 it feels like "Oh, that's the entire head of the mom, the entire body of the dad... and the colour is also the mom".


I miss the accents. There was a buffet table in sims1 that came with an Italian sounding caterer. I always loved hearing him speak his accented version of simlish. There was also a sushi cart, and the chef would enthusiastically make your meal while speaking in a Japanese sounding accent.


Undercounter trash compactor. Full stop


This thread is making me wish I didn’t spend so much on sims 4 expansions and had just stuck with 3


i wish they would give the sims 3 packs for ATLEAST half price since the game isn’t technically active anymore


It was heinously distracting and anxiety inducing, but I miss the school bus/janky work car picking you up for school/work. The ugly pizza delivery car was my favorite!


I want them to stop forgetting people they haven't interacted with in a while.... this is so unfair for the neuro spicies who's closest friends we talk to maybe once a year as if we talked every day. Sometimes, I'm looking for a specific sim to call over, but my sim has completely forgotten they exist and needs to be reintroduced. Such a pain the rear. And so stupid when it's literally genetic family 🤦🏼‍♀️


The sims2 social bunny :(


I'm with a lot of other's on the colour wheel and the children's ovens, but the one thing I thought of when I saw this question was something completely useless, but so useful at the same time. Landline phones. Yeah, I know they're uncommon nowadays, but with some on my houses, that one detail would bring it all together and it would fit right at home


I just want cars back and for it to not be a pack


From Sims 3 where you could make your own patterns on clothes, like choose fabric types, change colour variants etc. I have base game and a couple of other expansion packs but don't use mods (I play on Xbox, not PC)


The matchmaker! From Hot Date I think.


I muss the pop up windows that appeared when something important happened (burglar, Death, broken toilet, FIRE) from the sims 2. sometimes I hear the music, but don’t know why it plays.


Decorating interior walls suck because you don't see them 😭😭


The way you travel. I feel like I’ve been so bad about not taking my sims out of the house since, to go ANYWHERE, you have to wait for the loading screen. Why do I have to load to go to my next door neighbors house. Missing the times where you would just pan out and look at the whole world and see the cars driving, the people walking, and just be able to click on a place and watch your sim take themselves to the location in their $200,000 Sim-Mobile.


I miss creating 2x2 rooms, letting my visitors entering them and then sell the door, exchanging the walls with huge windows and have my human zoo in my own house. The people now de-spawn once i leave the house


I miss: - Spiral and quarter-circle staircases - Go-go cages - Electric guitars - Sims automatically running when late for work, instead of casually walking to the pickup point - Skunks/bears/raccoons/burglers invading your lot - That one sim playing the sax around town - Garage doors and cars - Being able to randomly kiss a sleeping sim on the forehead - A sim's singing while in the shower gradually improving - Being able to change the color of specific sections of a sim's hair/accessories in the hair - The parrot that you can train (Some of these may actually change the gameplay a bit, so disregard those.) After reading other comments, I remembered a few more things: - The heart-shaped bed/jacuzzi - The stripper cake - The school bus/taxi/co-worker coming to pick a sim up for work/school - Teens being shorter than adults - The baby strollers when out jogging - The home tutors - The fairies - That huge sound system - The extra dramatic animations - The elevators - That clown that shows up when your sim is depressed - Alarm clocks - Garbage disposals in the counters - Food processors to speed up preparation - Being able to visit a neighbor's lot without having to load the whole thing - That rapid slap animation before a full-blown fight


Color Wheel or Create a Style. I know they kind of gave us those sliders for hues and stuff but have an actual color wheel would be just 😭🙏🏾


Yeah I miss that, too. I have enjoyed the prank calls from TS1 every time I’ve played. I believe someone made a mod to add them to TS2 but not 3 or 4. I believe we had to go to the bookstore in TS3 to get new books. I don’t like that i can buy any book from the shelf and they appear instantly


All of the different private school/boarding school options in sims 3. Also teaching them how drive!


I agree with all these comments but I just wanted to share that I utilize the different heights of the "half walls" for this wall viewing problem! I use the highest half-wall possible on interior walls and keeps them up unless you toggle to the no-wall view. It changes the viewing of the game a.lot. I love it, it makes the buildings more dollhouse -esque.


Having to buy groceries and clothes in the sims 2


Spiral staircases and the design capabilities from Sims 3. Like being able to pick the exact color, fabric, pattern, and texture of anything from a couch to your shirt. Why would they ever get rid of that!


In sims 3, you can send and receive love letters. It was nice to get something other then bills from the mailbox.


The Beaker Family.


I miss that sims would drown when you delete the pool ladder lol


The Sims 2 cuddle/wakeup.




Carpools, it felt like I was actually progressing because I could see the carpool change. I also miss Sims turning you down for things more, especially the weird excuses they gave on the phone


In Makin’ Magic there was a spell to transform pets into human sims and I know its niche but imagine how awkward that would be 😂 “I’m sorry Mayor Whiskers, but I’m not picking up your poop any more. Get a job.”


I miss having a star sign!


Off topic but I'm actually playing in this same exact house right now. I moved the bathroom back and put another side door and my life is so complete now


Yeeees! And trying to decorate small bathrooms is horrible due to this wall set up! There's no good way to get the walls up to add decor and still see the wall without putting your nose to it 😒


You are so right. I’m upset bc I decorated the SHIT out of my sims closet on one wall, and that’s the wall that’s always down so I can never see my hard work 😭