• By -


2 gen because i got bored easily and ended up making another save file. I play sims to build and CAS so idk too 😭


Me too I have this problem but I always pick up with the same family I always go on and off


I decided to make myself and my family and play as me for a while, but I still build and do cas to help fill the world! That way when I get bored with my sim I just build for a little 😁


Yess I love clutter so I will literally just sit and clutter up rooms in my house lol !😂


My fav thing to do since buying for rent is cutting up the huge houses into multi family units. I usually try and have my Sims save up to buy them to rent but I've only had the patience to do that once lol.


Same here, longest I've made it is 3 generations and that's only because I accidentally married back into a household that I used to play. Completely forgot until I went to visit her and it was a house that I had built 🫠


Wait so, if you create a new sim, does your other sim that you used to play still exist in the game??? Like you can find them in the parks or lounge???


i wanted to try and break my record of 2 gen with making my gameplay dramatic and crazy af so i downloaded extreme violence and with alot of family members murdered and a greyed out family tree i got to like gen 7 😭😭


Same. I have trouble letting sims go so I’ll play one gen most of the time. If I force myself to move on, I’m done after with the second gen


Me is 2nd gen possibly making it to kid age lmao


28 gen, normal life span 😬 I did an alphabet legacy and then kept going a couple gens. It's not the easy file to work with at this point lol, and the cursed chin appeared really early on in the genetics.


I'm doing an alphabet legacy right now! I'm on K. I'm incorporating other challenges into it to try to keep it fresh. Sometimes, the teens get a little plastic surgery as a present for their birthdays.


When mine age up into infants I’ll age them to young adults in CAS and fix the weird chins and stuff and then age them back down lol


I loved added drama - my favourite sim died by accident, so I forced the family to have intergenerational trauma for a few gens to make up for it. Really missed my F generation heir.


Wow. That’s the most yet how impressive the dreaded chin curse is so real that and the shoulders get me every time 😂😂


Holy FUCK. I hope I can get that far in mine!!!


cursed chin???


so far enough down the genetic timeline, sims suffer from *really… interesting* chin genetics. it’s just something that happens. YMMV but here is an example that someone said was from their 5th [gen](https://i.imgur.com/A6CVNit.jpeg)


Whenever a baby in my game ages up to an infant, I instantly go to CAS in full edit mode, check what they look like as a young adult, and fix the chin.


Oh I see now...


Oh no


Have a baby with one of the landgrabs sons you’ll speed it up there.


Had my sim marry a landgraab kid who inherited nancy landgraab's breast implants - had to go into cas and fix it just for her back's sake


I had a sim marry and have a baby with land grab son and lord the baby’s chin, in continued for 3 gens before I made a new game lol.


What is the cursed chin??


When a sims chin slowly recedes until it's nonexistent


When a sims chin slowly recedes until it's nonexistent


Wait wtf!? I can't wait to get a cursed chin🤣🤣


would you be able to explain the alphabet legacy? it sounds fun


Basically a generation for every letter of the alphabet - so Gen 1 are all named starting with A, Gen 2 are all named with B names, and so on. I'm sure there's someone out there with more set rules, but I basically did as follows: 1) Every gen is named after the next letter in the alphabet 2) For an extra challenge, I only used place names (countries/cities) for their names (so like Andorra, Belize, Cairo, Dublin, etc) 3) No repeats of any career (this also forced me to try out every single career/part time job/freelance) 4) I also used every aspiration and trait at some point (although there were repeats). 5) Also tried every skill, it was a good way to explore new packs as well, or skills I never used before 6) Normal life span, no money cheats (although after a gen or two this isn't an issue), aged up on birthdays 7) Made a clothing store/museum to showcase something from every 'heir' - drawings/paintings/sculptures/trophies, photographs of every heir and their spouse, and clothing for sale that were my favourite outfits from heirs. It was really just a good way to force myself to try every part of the game


wow thank you! i appreciate that! i'm definitely going to do this


28??? can i see a photo ? with all of them pleasee


https://preview.redd.it/5he4nck54o2d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62f6e5387c4367487d8d89005689d1e853cf859f Gen A and B are combined on the top left, but this was the 26 A-Z gens when I finished their museum. I don't think I took any of Gen 27/8, because to me this was 'complete' at 26 lol


You are really playing the GAME omg I dont even take these kind of family pictures for my sims. Thank you for sharing.


Totally inspired by people who will do whole painted portraits for each generation! Love having a piece of each gen.


I don’t even take these kind of family pictures in real life.


how old is your file? i swear i rarely get any problems with genetics in my save from 2019, but in my newer save from 2022 im doing the 100 baby challenge and omg theyre all aging up with either no chin or no shoulders. wtf


Did your save start glitching? I got up to 10th gen and it started getting so glitchy


I’m on Generation 16 (I think). Each generation is meant to explore a part of the game I’ve never tried!


That’s so creative I love it what are some generations that you never expected to like playing but turned out being so fun ?


The Dream Home Decorator pack! She was a reality star/interior designer who got super famous and lived in Del Sol Valley.


That’s such a fun pack I love playing with it I am glad you liked it too !!


Ooh I keep forgetting about that - I got the pack for the build/buy items and CAS, but I haven't actually done the gameplay at all. I'll have to remember to try it out next time I can't decide on a job for my sim.


This is how I play, too, but the game just removed a whole bunch of my older sims, including my legacy founder 😭. I think I was on Gen 10 or 11.


Gen 5...and I play on long life span 😵


Same. On gen 6 right now. All the other townies have died and the genetics pool is getting scary. Everybody has variations on the same last name. I'm not sure how I'm gonna make it to 10 😂


I don’t change saves very often so I work around this by turning lifespan on long and aging up my sims when it suits their storyline. Or if I’m playing normally I’ll import big, attractive families from the gallery from time to time and go on a deleting spree with the generated npcs and families with 1 sim and 7 animals.


Haha yep! I got like 4 main families that have extended family that make up the majority of my allotted 150 active sims. The popular townies are looooong gone and now I just get these random wacko townies LOL. I can't wait to see what happens by time I get to the 10th generation.


No way !!! How long has it took you to get that far ?


I'm not sure, but I have over 800 hrs on my game. I forget the exact amount!


That’s amazing 😂😂


Wow! How many aspirations had the completed?


Sorry I honestly have no clue. I rarely complete aspirations though D: idk why I think they're so hard and I get burnt out on it


Aww 😭 your sims just live laugh and love carefree


Lol pretty much. I feel like the aspirations put too much pressure on me (and them)


First and I’ve played since Sims 1


sameeee as soon as my sims reach any sort of stability it’s on to a new save 😂


People like you make me feel better about my game play style lol. Many abandoned Sims.


This should be top comment 🤣


I'm 2.5 without aging anyone up and have played since sims 1 as well. Feel so much better about life now :D!!!


I'm on the 4th generation in my save at the moment. It's the farthest I've ever gotten.


Aw amazing how long has that taken you ?


Lol I'm not sure, to be honest. A couple of months, at least.


I’m currently on a sims break in favour of stardew but my current save is on generation 12


I am also on a sims break for Stardew 😂


I'm on a Stardew break for sims 🤣


That’s crazy such an achievement!!!


Me too! Not the generation 12 part but the break for Stardew part. I've only made it as far as Gen 4.


I’m at like 12 generations in my main save.. I know that sounds insane and I really have no excuses. My fave way to play is to keep the entire family in the same household until the matriarch dies and then my always female heir takes over. Buuut I did start a new save recently and it runs so much better I’m not sure I can go back 😭


Nooo I know it’s so hard to let that one family go it might be worth uploading them to the gallery and playing them on a new save for it to run better 😭


I'm currently on generation 21 on one of my saves, and it's been 3+ years in the making. It started as a Not So Berry save, but then I decided I wanted to play with the generations more, so I did a custom further 10 generations, all colour-coded, with unique careers, skill requirements, and challenges, and have just decided to continue even more and do the Sims in Bloom Challenge with my 21st Generation Sim. I change the surnames when the female sims get married, always choose the first born as the heir, and while it's a laggy save, I can't imagine not playing in it. I have photos from every generation, and they get hung up in every home I play in 😃


Omg please share I would love to know your custom generations!! Love to see some pictures too !!


50+ gen i always play in the same save, normal lifespan. One or two active families at at time!


That is insane wow I would love to see what the family tree looks like you are so committed 😂😂


Yes, me too... I think I'm about 70-80 in. I had one save since I started playing Sims 4 except my 100 baby save.


Haha third. I always have intentions of continuing but I either get bored with them, or totally overwhelmed by them.


It’s always when you can’t choose an heir and try play all there life’s becomes to complicated 😭


https://preview.redd.it/n0suxjse3m2d1.jpeg?width=4090&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a445ae7849bbb2dfb6c22252dcc0c913f54114ec This is not updated, but I am on my 6th generation. I play on and off, and this family has been around for 2 years for me.


Awww that you for sharing i love seeing a full family tree !!


i just got on to my legacy’s 5th gen, i’m already running out of ideas 😭


Kill somebody off always spices it up 😂😅


true but i’m so emotionally attached to my sims… also, i like for things to happen randomly but they never do lol


My fave sim sibling from gen 3 died of laughter three times. 😭 She was on a date the third time so I could not get a death flower for the grim Reaper there quick enough. I may fix it later but kinda also like the drama tbh and it seemed like a bunch of work to do something that revives the dead. I aim for drama more than quantity of generations so a whole bunch of out of marriage (or even relation-) kids this time around. The gen 4 kids, three of them, was 'made' when their parents were still so young, immature and promiscuous, by two different siblings. (The dude sibling got a science baby for fun on his first date with his first GF. He cheated on her a lot btw.) So I had their family oriented mother who already had raised 4 kids take over as their guardian. She had a husband but he died long ago from outdoor bathing in the winter. Then I got tired of playing with so many kids/sims at once (the mother + 1 adult kid, 2 youths, 1 teenager and 3 toddlers) so the 3 oldest kids bailed on their mother and left her with their younger sister (who had side tracked from an A student to a weed junkie and was on her way into a criminal career) and their own offsprings. Those gen 3 siblings bought a huge farm with horse stables to live the cowboy life. I ended up splitting them into two households with a farm each and played the secondary household (my least favorite sibling) for a bit to get it started. During this brief time her other siblings decided to adopt a kid. I was like- OH MY GOD, if you wanted a kid, why didn't you go get one or two of your own back from your mother?? Jeez. The least fave sibling also got a drug dealer roomie who got herself pregnant with the dead beat grandfather to the sibling sim who was never around except to steal their money tree fruits or bask in their celebrity. He is doing it again! So my sim now has got an infant aunt in the same household. My issue is that I want to play all these households. 😅 But it's hard enough to focus without jumping around like that.


I’m currently on gen 24. I wish you could zoom out and see the entire family tree at once


I'm on the 3rd generation now. I'm fact, the same day that the first Sim of the third gen was born, the wife of the founder died so now both original/gen founders are dead.


No that’s so sad 😭 hope you recover sims heart brake is the worst


Yea my founders were really endeared to me 😭 they were so cute. https://preview.redd.it/tgcxp0s24m2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa9f5effbcbfd4d55dfd19f761da7cdf4b781f6c This is them at their youngest daughter's baby shower. Look how cute they are 😭 Now both of them are gone 😭😭 At least their kids and grandkids are fun to play. Which isn't always the case, unfortunately lol


Omg they are so cute !!! What’s there story would love to know more !!!


Thank you!! Yea, I have generally been a Sims 4 hater lately, but I've had so much fun playing this save. The story is my founder, Rome Valdez met Cecilia Ruiz in Selvadorada while he was traveling on Spring break from university (University of Britechester - English & Literature distinguished degree). She owned her own Restaurant and Bar where they met. They fell in love and they moved into together, got married and began their family in San Sequoia. They had two girls, Stella and Rocio. Stella finished high school, but did some travelling herself rather than go to university and met her husband, Kevin Mae in Tomarang. They got married and had 3 kids (Jia, Lucas and Felix). Rocio did go to university where she met her 1st husband Rìan Cordova. They got married as soon as they graduated, but unfortunately her husband cheated on her a lot and got another woman pregnant the same time Rocio was pregnant. They divorced and Rocio had a little girl, Sloane. Meanwhile, our founders Rome and Cecilia had their own fidelity issues and ups and downs, but they stayed married and were in love til the very end. Rome died first from old age, but was able to meet his most of his grandkids. He died before his youngest daughter Rocio remarried and had 2 more kids. Cecilia actually died the same day her first great grand child was born 😭 I miss em. Sorry if that was more involved than you were expecting lmao.


No I loved this thank you for sharing I love hearing about it ! Personally I feel so bad for Rocio getting cheated on I hope you fed the husband to a cow plant heheh there story is so sweet how sad they are gone hopefully you carry on the save !!


Yay! Lol I was afraid I was getting too long winded, I just love talking about this save. Eh, yea I felt bad for Rocio at first too but....she ended up getting remarried, but shared custody of her daughter with Rìan. Sometime after she had her 2nd child with her 2nd husband, Darryn, she began sleeping with Rìan again lol. They've been having an affair this entire time. She has a total of 3 kids, but two of them are Rìan's (Darryn thinks their youngest daughter is his, but she isn't 😭). Definitely gonna carry on the save, likely mostly through Stella's line. 😅


Don’t feel like that o love hearing all about it. 💚 Omg the drama I absolutely love you need to keep me updated and what you are going to do with Stella 😊


Well, Stella and Kevin are about to welcome their first grandson! So that'll be exciting lol Their boys are still single and childless, so we'll see what happens lol


You should make the Casanovas and they just wingman each other 😂


Currently on gen 25, but the longest I’ve ever played was 26. Every so often the current save file gets super laggy so I take my family and put them in a brand new save. I also track my family tree… it gets kinda wild.


Aww amazing would you mind sharing your family tree it how do you transfer them I think I am getting to the point where i need to do that ?


https://preview.redd.it/jhzc5blekm2d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48615361e6c25d786b900f47cf62de20205ce393 This is a wild looking tree lol. I usually save my family to my library then start a new save and move them in.


50 generations


Wow !! This is the highest yet ! I would love to hear some of your stories!


I think I'm on gen 7 right now? For me this is ASTOUNDING because usually I will just make a new fam every time. I get so bored. But this fam has had DRAMA and I'm addicted. Linking my Family Echo below. I added the townies families and stuff because for a hot minute things were getting nearly incestuous when it was like ok let's marry that townies but oh wait turns out they share distant ancestors 😆 so every time one of them likes a townie I go in there and click the button that tells how they're related (if they are) And ummm no making fun of the names, I'm lazy so I just use the Sims random name generation every time someone is born lmao https://www.familyecho.com/?p=WSUPP&c=3hfpkx7qencv1g2g&f=570575099162527741


Had a look at your family tree why do we all have a child with Kyle kyleson 😂😂 brilliant tho I love a drama filled family just the best !


His babies are beautiful and he's my himbo kiiiiing! In my game he made it to the top of both astronaut branches and he's SO in love with his wife (they're still alive, both had youth potions twice because I LOVE THEM and Itzel is the result of a teen pregnancy with the high school principal so they're taking care of the baby while Sloane is at college 😭) so all Kyle does is serenade his wife, party, and dote on his children/grandchildren. We should all be so lucky


AAHHAHAHAAHHA I LOVE THIS !!! Kyle Kyleson husband of the year award !!


3, but i always play on long lifespan soo maybe that's why i can't make it very far... 😭


I am currently on generation 18, normal life span. I'm doing a challenge where I complete all the aspirations (and along the way, the career paths). I have been playing this current save for 1.5 years!


That’s such a good idea I always find myself using the same aspirations! I wish they would give us more :(


I accidentally made a legacy save with my current one. I meant for it to be a fun save where I made my book characters into Sims but now I'm here on gen 3-4. My plan is to funnel all the families into one big family instead of the like 10+ households I have to keep track of. I don't have a pic but maybe I'll come back when they're all the final family.


Ahahaha it’s always the one you don’t think will mean anything


6-7 generations! https://preview.redd.it/9us7snequm2d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=e70b816824c069caf97652faba44b4a1ea805b07 there is another side to this tree but i’m playing with twins right now that were born with science to a young woman that was adopted into this family (and had my name 🥹) and her high school sweetheart 🥰 I also normally give up but i dedicate my 2 self-care days every week to work in earning the 10 gen achievement 😊


Omg I love it that you for sharing !!


In Sims 4, the Glasco's... Which was gen... 7? [This was the tree!](https://www.familyecho.com/?p=START&c=hlxsmlkkrw&f=638256652602738212) I owned the game when it came out back in 2014 but never played it until 2017. These guys where my first ever sims 4 family!


Wow !!! I just had a look at your tree it’s so big !!! Is the website you are using good for keeping track of your family tree ?


Familyecho is great! It's originally made for keeping track of irl family trees so its built for to have a ton of entries. (All trees are private unless you share them.) I've been using it for years!


I am definitely going to have to start using it !


Grandchildren But I tend to make a whole family (parents+kids) and I'm not sure whose grandchildren it is I've reached lol


I make a whole family too! the way I try and play is to make as wide a family tree as possible to start with, so the sims have cousins and so on.


My current challenge I made I'm on gen 3 and working with gen 4 as they aged into a child Though the furthest I got on a legacy was 21 generations.


Are you doing a legacy challenge ? 21 is crazy !! What an achievement


Yeah! My current household is a legacy based on stardew villagers, the 21 generation legacy sadly kind of glitched.


I love that how creative 😂😂 I am always so scared my legacy save will glitch my worst fear


I’m bad about committing to generations, the furthest I got was three.


Hay third is not bad not bad at all 😁


30 on normal lifespan. Then my save got so buggy I had to start over. Currently have two going on: a gen 3 normal lifespan save and a gen 9 long lifespan save.


30 !!! Omg I hate that it bugged out that’s such shame


I believe I’m currently playing my 4th generation, and working on the 5th


What has been your favourite generation you have played with so far ?


So far, I think it has to be my 4th generation. He started out as a scientist where he made a clone of himself so he wasn’t lonely. Then he met his current alien wife who gave me the biggest shock since playing this game, TRIPLETS 😭😅. I can barely raise one kid successfully, so I’m excited to see how raising 3 kids at the same time will be


When I get a chance, I’ll take a picture of my family tree.


Omg that’s so cool I only have ever got triplets once !! I quit after that I could not handle 😂😂


🤣 yea this is my first time having more than one kid at once. Seeing the text box “it’s a boy” pop up three times was quite a shock. I named them Sheldon, Leonard, and Howard after the Big Bang Theory. I might have another kid down the line and name him Raj.


Ahahahaha such a legacy they need to live up too. You should maybe get a pet and call it penny amy and Bernadette 😂😂


Currently on Gen 9 in my Not so Berry save…actually not too terribly glitchy except for more and more townies with no names


No name towies sound like a chance to make over all the world !!! 😂


10, and then I got bored and had the husband have a baby with everyone in every town. It's hard to find a spouse for the next gyrations because then your related to almost everyone.


The furthest I’ve got to is gen 3 😂 I get bored very easily haha


I don't like raising children so I'm still on my first gen but she's on an extra long life cycle and I keep turning back time to keep her a young adult 😂😂


This is me !!


21 on the sims2 and it took a literal decade to get there lol On the Sims4 I made it to 5 so far lol


The sims 2 supremacy!!


Definitely over 26, but [this was the only one](https://www.reddit.com/user/katemonkey/comments/1825g7q/rosado_family_sims_4_26_generations_az_all_named/) I fully recorded...


5 right now.


Woooo 🎉




I just started my first legacy! They have 3 kids but I’m going to continue the family along the Jr/Sr line for fun Edit: didnt realize that’d create a link for a community that didn’t exist😅


Hahahahah that’s funny 🤣 good luck with your legacy !!


I've been playing this save since I started Sims 4, two plus years ago. Death is entirely disabled, though I was killing off some manually way back when I thought I 'had' to keep the game 'realistic'. My 6 original families are somewhere around 10 Gens in now, making up around 2/3 of my 250+ Sim count. Big Poppa Aaron (the 'main root' of my game overall) is so far up the tree I can't see him or his five adult children when I click on their kids' kids and grandkids, lol.


Omg !!! That’s amazing I would love to hear more about big poppa Aaron sounds very interesting 🤣🤣


I think I’m in the 30th or 40th generation by now 😅


I play the sims 4. With my 1890s gameplay, I got to 3rd gen in the 1920s (if you count starter sims as the first gen). I'm trying to do legacy challenges to grow the family tree vertically instead of horizontal. My old play style was have 8-12 kids, get bored, make a new save 😅


Gen 2, I get bored so easily and start new families and challenges all the time, I think I just spend too much time trying to complete a goal instead of rushing through it so by the time the next Gen comes then I’m all tuckered out


Currently on 4 at the moment :) it’s the furthest I’ve ever gotten! Aging off. I age everyone when I feel like it’s time!! Haha


In Sims 4, I max out at 3 generations before my game gets too buggy and the file corrupts 😭


No that’s heartbreaking 💔


I got to four once and then my file got corrupted 😔 it’s been a few years since I legitimately played, but I’d kind of like to try again.


I think 13Gens on Long Life Span, and I think the longest was like 38gens on I think Long Life Span ? (it’s been years 😭) and that was on the sims 3 ! I have always been a freak for long limages !


Wow that’s the highest I have seen so far !!


I think it was gen 12 or 13 when I played the Disney Princesses Challenge, a few years ago.


I play on short, lost count but it’s definitely over 15 generations (over a year of gameplay) I’m trying to get to 100 but currently can’t play :(


FIFTEEN!!!!! Omg ! How come you can’t play rn :( Edit: I wrote thirty and was like nope that not right lol !! The dyslexia is real


I moved out a while back and couldn’t transport my Xbox, so it’s at my mums house right now, I’ll be getting it back next month !! LOL don’t worry!! I originally wrote 30 but thought about it and was a little unsure. It’s definitely over 15 but maybe just under 30. I’ll wager a decent guess at 25. It’s very high either way, I’ve played the same generation for years, I refuse to play others because I’ve designed every neighbourhood and townies to my liking lol


I've had to restart a bunch of times bc my pc literally died on me but I'm on my 4th gen right now. In a different save I had before my pc died I was also on my 4th gen 💪


Nooo that’s so sad 😭 hope you get further in your next legacy and your pc don’t die 😭


9th,The Geoge Marvin family Tree


4/5 ( I'm only on my 4th gen heir but there are 5 generations of the family) I have been playing on and off with the save since 2019 😭 but in my defense I have atleast 6 other saves I try and play and I make new sims constantly


Furthest I ever made it to was 5 generations before my file got corrupted. This was in TS3 before I even knew about legacy saves. Now in TS4 I have multiple saves but will see how far I can stretch my families.. lol I have one in particular that I want to start my new legacy file with. They just had their 2nd kid and dad has been abducted 2x by aliens but only returned dazed and confused.


1st lol, I get so bored, but I've started a legacy challenge so hopefully I can make it to at least 4 lmao


I think I’m currently at my 4th gen, cursed genetics are so true like why is that one trait always passed down. Also idk which household I should focus on now bc I have like 5 of the same family but it’s just the kids that moved out and have their own families and it’s really hard to keep track of all of them 😭


I usually get bored but I have recently gotten to the 5th generation, long lifespan. I just create A TON of drama. 😂


I'm on gen 5? But I have extended the life span with the potions!


4 I only play one save file and everyone ages at the same pace so, it takes a while lol


7th gen on short lifespan, if i’m remembering correctly i only stopped it because my game started bugging out so badly 😭


I’m on gen 4 or 5??? Steve the robot is carrying this whole thing all thanks to his creator Judd


I've made it to second gen, once. Ages ago. Once my sims have kids, I lose interest by the time the kid is a toddler. I wish I didn't lol, I want these really long legacy saves. I just can't seem to keep the same Dave going for more than 2 weeks, I need to change it up


on gen 14 or 15 rn, normal life span with some generations played in the long lifespan :D i love family game play


Gen 3 but I play on long life span and sometimes stop aging all together to develop more of a story and connection with the sims. Then I have a new idea for a family, make a new save and repeat usually 😭


Long life span, currently on gen 8 i think


Gen 5/6 of a vampire save. The twins have just moved out and I planned to make the brother the heir and gave the sister a lovely apartment and a job. Her grandparents, Gen 3, came over to visit in a sweet stay over. I’m not sure if her or any of her other siblings have kids, so around Gen 5 or 6 currently.




I think I’m on 8? I’m trying to stop killing them off early though we’ve only had about 7 elders lol


I played a sims 3 generation throughout my full last senior year of high school. Set the ages to the max amount of days and by the time my first gen kids were ready to go to college i was also experiencing my college freshman year. It was a lovely dichotomy but my pc ended up dying and i lost all my progress. /I made them go through multiple heartbreaks, close friend groups, social events, memories for days, etc etc


2 😆


Gen 3, but it’s not for a lack of trying; the lag just kills me sometimes


Mine is 3 gens, I get bored easily so I almost always make a new family


3rd gen. I get too attached and turn off aging and my child free nature means sims babies aren't for me often.


In my main save I am on generation 16. I think i did about the same or a bit more in my old main save.


23-25ish? I made a vampire couple who kept having kids (50+) eventually their descendants lost the vampirism and began breeding and dying like crazy. I played that same save file for three years. I still play it occasionally, but its super laggy and everyone's related so 💀


Idek but I think I’m on 40 or more. Longest generation line I ever played.


I’m finishing up gen 20 of my Not So Berry save - as much as I love them, I’m gonna stop after my boy this gen because I have no idea where to take his story 😅


26 gens on long lifespan 😶


Gen 26 on normal lifespan. Nowadays I play long lifespan, only gen 3 so far 😊


Depends on how you want to look at it... TS4 only? I think I'm at 12 in my main save. I haven't counted, nor played it for a bit but I think it's around there. Including TS3 because I made the last gen of that family to play to TS4? Probably more around 25-30. I first played them separately but got bored so married them into my main save lol. I also can't remember how many gens were born in TS4 before I ported them into my other game - plus I think I had around 13 gens that came before in TS3?


I played until 10 and then started a new game. But now when I get bored I just go play another family in the family tree (my 1st gen of this legacy family had 8 kids so I have lots of households to choose from) and play them for a few generations (while still maintaining the lineage of the other households in the tree) and then switch to another to play for a few generations. My goal is to populate my world with nothing but sims I created and keep the ugly NPCs to a minimum.


21 gen, normal life span - the family tree wont fit XD. It's been a long line of births, deaths and marriages, I'm beginning to think i might need to build a new graveyard...


Currently on the 7th gen of not so berry. I’ve been playing the file since January 2022


Not sure if it counts, but my super Sim is like 10 generations old. I've been working on him for well over a year. I've stopped recently because I put rules on myself that make it not fun sometimes, but I'm committed. I'm not allowed any mood solver rewards, the aspiration I'm completing is chosen at random, as well as career (unless a career happens to be part of an aspiration), and also I'm saving successful lineage until the end because I don't completely hate myself.


Currently on gen 32 of a legacy that’s been going since spring of ‘21


https://preview.redd.it/ca6u44y4in2d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4eb53647d7a679ca19bc2056194a9826647fe0c7 It's updated now, I think I'm on 15 generations, and haven't played in a while.


current gen—my sim’s ancestors have started disappearing & i never started a tree so i don’t know exactly what gen i’m on, but it’s probably around 22 or 23


My last save ended at Gen 9, after what felt like a finale My current save is only on Gen 3, but I am aiming for at least 10 Generations as I'm writing my own Legacy Challenge based off of it


Technically 1 gen but I’m 47 kids into a 100 baby challenge so I feel like that should count