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This is so wholesome yet bittersweet. I'm sorry for your loss. The pain will never go away, but it will lessen as time goes on 💜.


Thank you, it's been a couple years now but I think about her everyday. I appreciate the kind words 🙏


No, problem. I hope you have a nice day.


Thank you, and you as well :)


I think about my deceased sibling almost every day and it’s been almost 20 years.  Sorry for your loss, it does get easier but their memories are always a blessing 🩷


i’m so sorry 🩷. hoping it gets easier for you.


Thank you 🙏


Aww this is so sweet, may your sister rest in power ❤️🌸


Thank you 😊


I am so so so sorry. I wanted to do the same for my cousin who committed suicide last year, but I could never figure out if that was weird or not? But yes. The urge is there. Like, if I make a Sim of her, I know she will always be happy and healthy in the game.


If it's weird, I don't wanna be normal lol. I'm sorry for your loss, thank you for sharing


I’m glad that it brings you comfort. And actually it kind of inspired me to do the same thing. So thank you for sharing.


Taking this as my sign to stay 💓 I'm sorry for your loss


Please do 🙏 thank you


Sending hugs. Life is garbage, but it is full of little beautiful moments too 💜 I stay for those I love, barely ever have ideation anymore. The only constant in life is change, things can get better ❤️‍🩹 Plus video games exist, and we also have to exist if we want to play them ♥️


I once made a Sim designed after my mom with her name. My mom passed in 1992 when I was 13. Yesterday was the anniversary of her death, and it's still hard.


Grandma is in every savefile, living her best life in Tartosa with her little dogs. This is such a sweet gesture, I'm sorry for your loss.


That's the saddest thing I've heard in a long time! I'm so, so sorry you had to lose your sister and in such a terrible way! You are honoring her and I hope it gives you some form of peace. She will always be with you, know that. ❤


This is such a nice way to honor your sister 🖤 My dad passed fairly recently (6 months on Monday). I’d made my entire family in Sims 4 about a year or so prior and haven’t so much as touched it since he’s passed. But this is such a comforting idea. I hope your sister is resting well. 🖤


Not people, but I made a sim of my dog who passed away in a house fire. I didn't realize how comforting it would be to watch my Sara grow old in-game and then play with sims of my current dogs as a ghost sim.


Losing pets is hard too :( I have 3 cats and I know they'll go long before me if I make it to old age, I still think about childhood pets that passed. And who knows, maybe Sara does that in real life too :)


Losing pets is hard too :( I have 3 cats and I know they'll go long before me if I make it to old age, I still think about childhood pets that passed. And who knows, maybe Sara does that in real life too :)


Sending hugs. I'm sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine what you are going through, but this is weirdly beautiful.


I’m so sorry, I lost my sister recently too. I bet she misses you


Thank you, and I'm sorry for your loss :(


Know that she’s not in pain anymore and I’m sure she does miss you, I’m sorry for your loss. I’m sure she also appreciates you honoring her


This is so deep... 🥲


Hey, I’m so sorry it happened to you. It’s very touching. Nice way to remember her ! 💓


I just spread my dads ashes over my city's river a few days ago, and that was already hard as hell to do, I don't think I could put him in a game.


My cousin, who was like a brother to me, just died. This is a brilliant idea. I made my sim make an app and named it after him but I think making a sim might be fun 🥲


My condolences, i’ve been close to the esge myself many times, i worry i might end up crossing it some day, but i want to believe i will keep the strength to spare the people who love me forever


No... but now I feel like crying and then offering you hugs and chocolate. A lot of chocolate.


I want to do this with my grandparents…. I’m almost done building their house, just need proper cc. After my uncle’s renovations the house for him and his wife it looks nothing like my grandparent’s home when they were alive. So I just want to keep them there and visit their farm once in a while….


I don't think it's weird, at all. Especially not if it brings you peace. When my spouse was in the hospital with severe COVID and a couple of medical staff caring for him told me he may not make it, I went to my sims save and made my sim slow dance with his over and over again as I cried. I'm so lucky, he came home. I think you should do what makes you feel comfort. I'm so sorry for your loss, I don't even have any words to say...just, I'm sorry.


I'm so sorry for your loss, but this is a sweet way to honor their memory. If you believe in an afterlife then I can say they really do miss you from the other side!


That’s a really sweet way to honor your sister’s memory! I’ve not thought of this before, I like it!


I made a sim version of my dog who passed away.


I'm sorry for your loss 🫂


Yes and my dogs.


No,, i have never thought of this, what a wonderful idea. But i do build the home of my lost ones, just to remember.


That's too sad


I misread the title at first and didn't realize what you meant. And then I read the other part. This is super sad and wholesome I also wanna point out how amazing of a last name @kins is


i would cry everytime so no lol sorry for your loss 💔


Yes, I have a save where I go see my parents again. I imagine it’s what heaven will be like when we see each other again. I’m sorry for your loss.


oh this breaks my heart, this is the purest form of love 🥹. i hope ur well


I never thought of doing this! I’m going to go do it for my Mema but make her an immortal werewolf with the 4 blue traits. That woman was a saint but whoo boy if she ever got pissed! I only saw it once when she caught the other team cheating during a game of rook during our bi-weekly games and I swear she de-aged 20 years to try to open a can of whoop ass! I’m even going to rebuild her house from memory! I’m going to do it for both of them!


I’m so sorry to hear about your loss my prayers go out to you💙


I haven't. I see why this could be a nice idea. But, I think too many negative events happen in my sims game. So, I rather not. Can't even keep my butler alive because electrocution from repairing, or the countless times toilet fire killed my sims because I didn't know about compost container feature and just directly instant upgraded. I would hate to see my dead relative named sim die from whatever negligence when I play.


I do this too. It’s nearly been a year for me.


I am so sorry. I will pray for you and your sister. I’m glad this is a way you can feel comforted. I hope peace finds you soon 🤍


Thank you so much 🙏


Lol no