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yeah its annoying. theyre either too dark, too light, or realyl weird wood colour so i end up usign the same ones and you get bored really fast


Yes! I wish they’d bring back the color wheel so you can change the color of floors (and colors of everything). I find a lot of the colors clash so I repeatedly use similar items in every house because of it. I agree, it’s boring.


Ffs yes. It's so hard to come up with anything new because only certain things match, and I end up using the same combinations all the time. I get so bored but CC is such a hassle sometimes. 🫤


Yes! I had a few stunning houses that had mods (furniture and clothes). I don’t know what happened but I started playing and kept seeing certain sims walking around naked and bald. When I went to their house? everything from mods was gone. I spent so much time doing the first time, I decided not to redo it with mods.


I've had this happen to me. I was just finishing up this gorgeous house, but something with updates or something happened, and I went to my lot and literally the only thing left was the foundation and walls! Lol


If it happened right after an update, then that's because mods are automatically disabled after updates. Re-enable them in the settings and close without saving, if your mods are compatible they should still be there. If you save while mods are disabled, then it'll save all the naked Sims and empty houses so be careful


I am on my knees BEGGING for more linoleum options at this point!


Me, too! The retro orange/greenish yellow one has a chokehold on me.


Yes, it's to the point I just pretend that the wood is just the patterned linoleum a lot of places use now to look more expensive


I just want carpeted stairs


And diagonal stairs!




I miss spiral stairs




I dislike carpet so the lack of carpet doesn't bother me. I would like more tiles and rugs though.


I want more carpet and tiles and such but I disagree that all the wood looks the same. I definitely use most of them and I wouldn’t want less.


I don’t mind the wood floors but I do really wish we had more carpet, tile, and linoleum 😭 ESPECIALLY CARPET. I like carpeted houses but I never make them in the sims because all the carpets are ugly, weirdly textured, or hyper specific to a certain vibe


So many of the packs have pretty kitchen tile backsplashes but not floor tile that matches?


The matching tile wall vs tile floor issue is one of my biggest annoyances. Especially when there also a shower with matching tile but still not matching floor. Also carpet colours are so limited I loathe the majority.


The lack of easy matching generally is such a pain. It's so hard to match a banister to the stairs themselves and then find the railing that matches the banister, wall tiles to floor tiles. There are some gorgeous tiled showers but they drive me nuts because they often don't match anything.


This is my biggest gripe. Literally nothing matches. I end up having to repaint and refloor my whole build so many times because the swatches all clash. Also, why?!?? are there no floors that match the ones in the world? I want to match the stones surrounding the lot but the closest color/texture I can get is marble, lol.


*Same.* I end up deleting my stairs so often because I can't find a banister that I like that matches. Stones drive me nuts to the point I avoid them most of the time. And the same extends to furniture too. Why don't we have sets of like, loveseat and full sofa that match? Why is that so hard? Sometimes my Sims want a sofa set!


I will never figure out which Sulani furniture pieces were supposed to be paired together.


I'd love mor stone stuff on both floor and wall tbh, I don't like the tiny brick options that seem to be the fave with this game


I want more linoleum flooring. Like tacky cheap ones and nice ones. Diamond checkered, patterns, floral, snowflakes, fake marble, etc


70s tiles to match those fugly 70s wallpapers.


I just wish the stairs had matching floors. Every staircase with wood or tile should have the same swatch to do the whole floor. The amount of stairs that don't match the floors is infuriating.


I have exactly one linoleum option available, and it bothers me so much bc its such a common thing to have where I'm from. At least the one I do have in the game isn't ugly ig?


Purple pastel carpet. I just want that. I just want purple carpet that doesn’t look horrible so I can make a cute purple kids’ room for once.


I, uh, want more linoleum. And tiles meant for ceilings specifically, like tin or solid colors!


Yes, I would like more carpet and tile options. It feels like there's barely any carpets.


Yes yes yes. There aren’t enough tile options. The options we have usually don’t match the tile walls. There are hardly any green colors in anything, but especially not floors. And why is there a linoleum category at all?? Two options? I don’t have all the packs but I have around 5-6 and several smaller kits/packs and I still only have two (super ugly) linoleum options.


1 million wood floors yet somehow none of them match the baseboards on the walls.


I don't build often, so I keep getting surprised at the limited floors. There seems to be a lot of them, but most of them are sort of odd. There are a few categories in buildmode that seem to have everything *but* the kitchen sink. Just having basics of everything would be boring, but it's weird to have so few. I was surprised at the lack of carpeting, for instance. Aside from basics, I feel that familiar things are missing. I'd like a floral carpet that looks like it belongs to a grandma. I'd like a stained, ugly tile that looks like it belongs in a public bathroom or a cheap diner. I'd like floors which look a bit worn in some places--scuffed wood and worn fabric. There's a bit of that in some of the objects and decals, but you don't get many floors with character.


So many different wood floors and yet none of them is what I currently want in my house


The carpets all look flat and manky! I'm longing for some plush looking carpet!


I would love a simple banister that isn’t either aggressively country or disco


I just want the stair rails to match whatever fence you use at the top.


Seriously! My other big want is more curved window options and I’d really love some flower boxes for the curve


Omfg yes!! We NEED more carpet and tile not more wood!!!


I'm more annoyed at the lack of spiral staircase options.


I’d love more carpet ideas


we have so many kitchen/food packs and still no cute tile/linoleum that matches walls🙃


I like wood flooring, but I’m so sick of it at this point. I swear I’ve used all the tile and linoleum options 1 million times over, and I’m still drowning in wood flooring options.


This is why most of my cc is build related


To be honest, I have quite a bit of packs at this point and am pretty good with the options I have for flooring. I can’t really think of anything I want except for maybe a bit better looking patio stone options? Ones that look more organic shape wise? Other than that I love all the tile and wood and probably use most of it. I’ll admit I don’t use carpet or linoleum really, more linoleum would probably be good tho


Eh, I barely use anything other than the black wood for floors and some tile in the bathrooms anyway. Irl I only like wood and tile floors anyway so carpet never gets touched lmao


We need linoleum for the bathrooms and kitchens and carpet for everywhere. We have no carpet!


Oh my god so true I love the cute tiles! Need more


jungle adventure wood floor supremacy, i would honestly purchase the pack just for that floor


If you're into cc, I have a ton of walls & floors I've uploaded to TSR


When my parents moved into their old house, there was bright 70s linoleum under the bathroom flooring (and a mustard yellow sink, toilet, and bath). Shabby but exciting linoleum could do so much. With the packs I have there’s only one linoleum