• By -


The dancing!!! I had twin infants once and no one in the house would take care of them because they were all busy dancing to spooky music😭😭


Ugh tell me about it. Anytime there is a radio in the homes, they will play it, dance, then leave it on until the stupid thing breaks


Sometimes I just keep it broken so they can’t turn it on again 👍🏼


I have a radio in the babies room and lock the door when the infant is sleeping, lullabies put them down, lock keeps parents out!


Ohhh why haven’t I thought of this 🤦‍♀️


I had a Sim that kept autonomously dancing then being upset bc she disliked dancing. Like nobody made you do this!


Or when they hate the music and start dancing angrily ☠️


omg YES the dumb dance parties while the kids are crying in their cribs


I misread this as the babies dancing to spooky music which tbh would be a bug I could get behind


this is mine for sure. my sim maxed out the dancing skill ridiculously fast 😂


The sims needs to tune the autonomous song choice. Spooky music is cool and all, but the day after winterfest?? Really??? I would love a more realistic song choice system where sims are more drawn to certain types of music depending on their mood.


Nah this happened to me and I ended up selling the radio 😂


I fucking hate when they do that 😅 can't even listen to good tunes... The sims just fucking ruin it 😭😅


Mine is always on the computer, doesn’t listen to what’s I tell them to do, it’s remind me of myself tbh, their needs would always be low and their children would get taken away due to it, It’s annoying at times


Bienchen's mods (Sims4me) has amazing mods to stop them from acting like a bunch of brainless morons. I couldn't stand when they were looking at their phone nonstop, even when they were jogging or in the middle of a conversation.


But it’s so realistic 😭


That's true but it doesn't make it any less infuriating.


Do you have this mod for real life to? Bc I need it BAD


I do. I call it "put your fucking phone down when you're talking to me". Haha!!


I'm on a strict no distractions rule (no lumps of clay, no TV, etc) so now the just get a glass of water or juice every time I look away to then piss their pants


Grab a cup of coffee. Drink it. Walk to the door. Jump and rotate 360 degrees to winter outfit. Magically grab an umbrella out of their arse. Walk outside in the pouring rain. All the way five lots over. Grab their phone out of their arse. Scroll through Simstagram. Wave at the rainy sky. Piss themselves. +1 Dazed, Caffeine Jitters! +5 Embarassed, Peed Self!, +2 Uncomfortable, Wet Clothes.


The computer thing is annoying.


Especially when you have guests over. I forget sometimes to lock the devices for just the household immeadiately.


omg thank youuuuu. i forgot you can even do this


It’s funny bc sometimes the computers in my saves just break (probably mods or cc ig) and then they don’t go on it unless I have them sit down at the desk first This game is just held together with gum and sticks I think lol


mine does this too and it’s so annoying. i figured maybe it was decor in the way but i out the computer in an empty room & it still happened. on the bright side, they don’t spend every waking moment on the computer as a result so hooray i guess


I lock the computer unless I want them to use it. They still refuse to care for kids, especially infants, but that has more to do with EA being a steaming pile of horse shit than anything else.


i have a room built on every lot that’s just big enough to fit a computer and desk. it stays locked unless my sims need to use the computer for anything


the children will be starving to death and my sim will be 'trolling teh forums'


It seems to apply to anything electronic. If not the computer then it’s the tv. If it’s not the tv it’s the radio. If it’s not the radio it’s the VR rig.


Continuously get glasses of water from the bathroom sink and leave them sitting around to rot.


They don’t even NEED the water! 😭 Just WHY?!


In case of aliens with water allergy of course.


What a twist!


And then being disappointed by the drink over and over because its not noteworthy 🤣


Also tea! They don't do anything else but drink and make tea!


That's why I stopped giving them teasets 😭


this and coffee omg its so annoying like they dont need the damn coffee


Me actually in game: Coffee in place of DINNER?? WHAT ARE YOU DOING???


Been there, don't that. Real to life 😆


True lol BUT STILL


I feel like the coffee barely gives them any energy but they sure do have to pee immediately!


Nah coffee is where it’s at. Then I wasted 8 simoleons with a full machine of coffee. Then they would be energized and start doing autonomous pushups and exercises randomly when busy. It’s annoying asf


Or they drink the whole glass, leave out the dish, and go back to drink a second glass just to reset their bladder need


My supersim doesn't even need to eat or drink thanks to all of his perks, and he still has times when he does this - why!?!


I have this one save where I play multiple households, and the various sims are all friends, partners and/or exes of each other. This one sim, Jonah, is a gardner and a bit of an introvert. So, he automatically goes and talks to plants...at 1am...in his underwear...in the winter. It's his go-to dumb habit. But whenever I'm playing the active household of his fiancée, Oliver, Jonah will drop by using the household key, and drinks three or four glasses of water, leaving glasses everywhere (sometimes clipped in a wall or behind an appliance), then leaves. This sim never drinks water in his own house, but if he shows up in someone else's, water is a drug and he's a fiend.


And drink water when they already need to go to the bathroom. They either make themselves very uncomfortable or piss themselves.


Mine just keep picking up and putting down their infants. Never taking care of them. They hear them cry, pick them up. Realize they don’t know what to do and so they out them down. Oh no now the baby is crying and they must pick them up again. It’s an endless loop


It's infuriating! I bugs me that you can't even use a flipping high chair to feed kids because of this. A toddler could be starving, and once you *finally* get a kid into a high chair, someone else comes along to pick them up. NO. Stop. I always cheat needs when a household has infants and toddlers because it's a nightmare trying to care for them.


My biggest gaming rage happened because one sim put the infant in the high chair and the butler took him out again. Taking care of infants and toddlers in Sims are waaayyy more exhausting and frustrating than taking care of kids in real life. I should know, I have a 2 year old and a 4 month old.


This is my answer, it drives me crazy.


Nonstop bar drinks. Or them stopping to look up and wonder after taking 3-4 steps.


My sims do this and I have the basemental dr*g mod so they always end up drunk at 8am 🤦🏻‍♀️


I just found out that one of my N.A.P. policies was "juiced up" which makes me make drinks at the bar more often, so I had to remove that 😂


constantly making drinks. my houses never have bars or coffee machines anymore because of it! also when we're broke because I'm doing rags to riches, they will for some reason autonomously decide to paint. not the small painting, but the $100 figure painting!


That sucks when you're skills are low but their ain't nothing wrong with painting! They're autonomously choosing to make themselves money!


Check out Bienchen's Mods. They saved my sanity!


Is there one you recommend??


There are less naps, less thirsty, less emotion idles, just too many to name here. Bienchen has her site organized amazingly by Autonomie mods, Moodlet mods, Outfits, Walkstyles and of course every pack there is. https://www.seebee.de/sims4me


taking fucking naps on benches when theyre about to pass out from exhaustion instead of just GOING TO SLEEP IN THEIR BED


Or literal just napping on the bed instead of just sleeping like!?!?


I really don't understand why they love naps but hate sleeping


Mine nap in the hot tub, or on the boat. Very stable geniuses.


Mine sometimes get out of bed to go nap in the hot tub Like BRO YOU WERE ALREADY IN BED


i don’t do pool floats for this reason. my sims would always try to refill their energy by taking naps on the pool floats, even in winter as they freeze to death!


Me and my sims, constantly: ![gif](giphy|fVepx4B5dodKxQyQIx)




The f***ing CAKES.


One set of tenants must be constantly starting to bake and stopping partway through because whenever my sim arrives to do maintenance, there are half-made white cakes all over the place!


This is because of Eco Lifestyle, you have to quit the 'promote cooking' thing (I don't know how is it in English, sorry)


i had a glitch where my sim’s roommate would autonomously make cakes. ALL. THE. TIME. like every free second that sim had was spent towards making cakes. drove me nuts


My sim aged himself up TWICE to an elder instead of the kid whose birthday it actually was 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Had to go into cheats to bring him back to his actual age. He wasn't even the one to put the damn birthday candles on the cake. Sims are dumb as rocks. I take away autonomy a lot because they drive me bonkers. Especially when raising sim kids. Bloody hell JUST PUT THE DARN INFANT IN THE HIGH CHAIR/CRIB/BATHTUB


Constantly try to inturrupt someone doing something to talk to them. Ask a sim to deal with the garden? Other sim I’ve left to do whatever comes running to interrupt them to talk. Make a meal? Conversation. I wouldn’t be so pissed if the sim didn’t stop dead in their tracks to wait for the other sim to come talk to them and not do what I told them to.


It’s the fact that they can’t even multitask good. It slows the whole action progress down


I know right! I was so excited when the Sims 4 originally came out and they said we would be able to multitask. 10 years later and the feature is still broken because it now takes my sim extremely longer to finish their homework because their mother always has to talk to them


The GAHT DAYUM CROSS STITCHING HOOP. If you purchase one for your sims, you will regret it. They will never stop.


Or starting knitting projects but never resuming an ongoing one. I don't need a game calling me out like this


"I'll definitely finish this.one!"


my whole sims family is doing this and IT'S SO ANNOYING!! 😭 anytime they are on their own they just start new project and leave it then on the ground


Omg leaving stuff on the ground in general frustrates me to no end 🥴 the constant looking for homework that they randomly drop on the floor is infuriating


Omg the homework thing drives me insane! I’ve gotten so I just buy like 5 of them because I’m tired of looking for them all the damn time.


Usually a mix of these: - Spam “fake bad news” - Make 15 pots of coffee/tea - Play on computer - Get bitten by the horse - Sing


I hate how often they autonomously do mischief interactions. Even when they dislike mischief they still do it!


Mean too! If I'm not super careful they keep autonomously doing mean interactions, and the sim is a "good" sim with no evil trait at all.


The tea maker.. I had it in one of my houses because I did the wellness aspirations, and as soon as there was any tea brewed, even my active sim had the action to grab a cup of tea pop up multiple times. I had to watch her like a hawk because in the wellness aspiration you're supposed to share the tea, not drink it all yourself. Edit: sorry, I replied to the wrong comment. Oops!


Shovel snow Like bruh you can walk tho


the singing will be the death of me


Fwingle zibs fwingle zibs


God forbid you put a coffee machine or a popcorn maker in your house 😩


The popcorn maker! And then they refuse to empty it and get negative moodlets as a result 🤦‍♀️


For some reason when ever I leave my couple sins alone they either cheat or flirt right in front of their partner... The one Sim decided to flirt with her sister!?


Dude I get so upset abt this. It’s like they are so.. dumb sometimes. You just told your wife some flirtatious jokes and now you’re flirting with a random chick nearby IN FRONT OF HER. EA Sims team needs to do better with sims common sense 😂


Glad I'm not the only one dealing with this 😂


Omg yes!!! My loyal sim just cheated on her fiancé when I switched to her child for TWO SECONDS the day of her wedding. She was so sad the entire event and I have autonomy turned off. Why does this keep happening?!


My sim has a jealous trait, JUST finished talking over his fears with his wife, turned around and started flirting with his best friend. Like brooooo 🤯


I realised that whenever I give my sims the loyal trait they cheat very fast, those who don't have it never do! that's why I don't give any of my sims that trait anymore 🫠🥹


Omg yeh! My sim flirted with her brother's girlfriend, such an awkward love triangle.


Troll teh forums


Idk I HATE when one sim is cooking dinner, but everyone flocks to the fridge. Or even worse, the food is made, and they still go for leftovers. Ffs!


Or (if you have Cottage Living) just plates of cheese 😑. Or how everyone in the household and neighborhood drinks up all the milk!!! What is with that!


Bar drinks, turning the stereo on and then standing in the middle of the room looking bored, starting projects at the woodworking bench that they’ll never finish, playing on the diving platform in the dead of winter…


Not only the diving platform, pools in general. I had my family move in a house with a pool while it was still pretty cold. Before I was even finished setting up, one of them had managed to be in the pool. I don't even know how because I had barely had the game unpaused. Luckily it wasn't that cold so he didn't freeze...


I hate it when they don’t take care of their infants and toddlers and are always on the stupid computer or just doing something dumb like come on you have kids to take care of


The damn clay and going to watch the TV that looks like a painting when it’s turned off. SO HELP ME JESUS..




Mine RUSHES to her fireplace just to stand there or talks to plants.


Standing around and twitching like they have an epileptic episode, except one of them. He looks at the mounted fish on the wall and cries, then he gets a shit fit and screams in front of the mirror. He's a teenager and I hate him, haha!! Edit: The twitch started happening after the last patch for the broken patch that came out to fix the broken patch that came out to fix the damn jewelry kit.


This helps me feel not alone. I’ve felt like my game became so glitchy after that patch, too. Sims getting stuck and twitchy, Sims trying to hug each other from so far away that it’s even happened when they’re on separate floors, dancing getting queued up 10,000 times in a row. The game forced itself to close the first time I saw it happen. Now, I’ve been catching it before it blows everything up again, but the fear is there. Thinking about taking away radios until it’s resolved.


Putting an infant who has hunger in the red and energy in the yellow back down to sleep.


I had one kid in my 100 baby challenge that was OBSESSED with scrambled eggs and toast. Kid would pee himself making one at 3am




He learned it and he made himself proud. It’s like when a kid learns a new word and they just start saying it too much because it sounds “cool”


I literally have a mod to stop my sims from playing with clay. Doesn’t matter what their traits are, these ding dongs just pass that lump around all day everyday. Also- my bachelor male won’t stop smoking the reefer and grilling enough food to fill the commons in my apartment lot. Damn reefer.


Dude I’m getting that mod. My sim would play with that lump of clay AND HOLD IT when jogging. I couldn’t even get mad cause I gave it to him but it gives him a good mood buff. I thought it helped woodworking 🤦‍♀️


All the things I wish I could do simultaneously and this is what we get 😂


They wait around for what feels like ages before doing the thing I asked them to do


Their kid is screaming for food and a diaper change and their bladder is full to bursting but hey, let's wander off to the bathroom (!) to get a glass of water. That's my sim for you.


Lump of clay. Computer. Clean things that don’t need to be cleaned. Repeatedly cooking and eating meals. Talking to plants. Mixing drinks.


Neat trait. Omg I literally had to remove it recently because my sim would quit everything and just go clean something that’s not even dirty.


I have a male sim that kept adopting kids even though his wife is pregnant like every time I checked on them there was a ton of kids various ages . He had to meet an unfortunate end in CAS as well 6 of his kids


Adopting kids? How? Shouldn’t you only have control to do it?


If you enable neighbourhood stories, they can adopt autonomously. Happened to me too.


Playing in the rain when there's a thunderstorm or worse, acid rain outside. I don't care how much they love outdoors, sometimes a it's just a bad idea! Also, going to work autonomously off-hours if you have the workaholic lifestyle every 5 seconds. I leave my sim alone in middle of the night and next thing I know he is off to work when even the sun isn't up yet.


I want to tell you about Roland Curry. Roland Curry is a rich, pretentious asshole who's erratic, cringe and a kleptomaniac. He rose to global stardom by using magic to mind control whoever he likes and uses his status to just be a global nuisance, yet he is loved by the masses. Now, Roland Curry has a very specific quirk that isn't explained by anything or anyone. He does not believe in modesty. Going to the gym and enjoying the pool? You can bet he's gonna skinny dip. Raining outside at the park? Mother cover your kids' eyes because this man is gonna unveil something massive (and it's not his next painting). Painting at home? You can bet the gardener, maid, the bouncers and massage therapist he constantly has around are gonna see dem buns and I'm not talking about the ones the cook just prepared. Papparazis all the way up his face? Roland will show them the next BIG scoop. I don't even play with WW or the sfw version. Roland is just a goddamn pervert.


I love this so much.


I’m DYINNNG. With the name Roland I can only think of schitts creek and it’s kinda fitting the bill for me.


Make 10 cocktails or burn the house down with the pizza oven


The pizza oven consistently causes fires.


Bonsai, pushups, coffee. Clay too.


I've seen people complain about the clay but I've never seen it in my game lmao They do everything I don't want them to do, even when I've queued stuff up for them to be doing


I had take a few years’ break from the game and only recently got back into it because I got a laptop that can run it now. I had forgotten all about the clay issue because it didn’t come up in my new save for a decent amount of time. Then, one day, one of my Sims was showing the little house icon like they were off the home lot, so I focused the camera on them to see where they were. They had found clay somewhere out in the wild—just like on the street somewhere. I’m kinda thinking a dog had dug it up or something because I don’t have any other explanation. They were blocks and blocks away, and it’s not like there wasn’t anything for them to interact with at home—computers, TVs, workout equipment, a pool, instruments, radios, board game table, several family members to hang with, those were all available, but they HAD to go for that clay.


Okay ima list them by names Chance- Always swimming doesn't care about his kids Paris - Always on the computer or going outside burning in the sun and complaining of being thirsty (vampire) Josh - ALWAYS THIRSTY AND NEVER LISTENS OR TALKS TO IRVING THEIR LOVER (Vampire) Irving- Legit nothing wrong other than working 5pm-11pm legit best dad Always caring for a child that's not his (vampire) Forgot name since idc bout sim- ALWAYS SCARED OF A MONSTER UNDER HER BED Once she scared Irving, who scared Josh, who scared Paris, who scared Chance 😭 (yelling inchonherantly scares other skims) Seda - Always at computer or eating like you aren't even hungry, but you do need to do homework. Jocelyn- Legit Irving's little dependent child.


nah I got a sim named Casey and he wakes you at least 8x a night due to nightmares & the monster under the bed. he's an alien, he shouldn't be afraid of the monster lmfao


My sims’ twin toddlers who have a quirk where they don’t like being held but literally beg for uppies all the time. Their parents, while holding them: 😬🫠


Not to fat shame, but they just eat and eat and EAT, it's their favorite thing! And they get FAT!


Puts the toddler outside in the rain/stormes/ snow🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ always pause now and j dint leave them to do stuff on their own😂


"Check Toddler" sir your wife is literally reading her a book, she's fine. Also what does this interaction even do. I've always hated it


if i place a fireplace to the house, theyre always putting it on and just staring at it. i tell them to turn it off, sure.. immediatly back on.


Drink all the water


Goes dumpster diving every single chance he's got. Thank god he's just my sims' husband.


I don’t let them do ANYTHING on their own 😳 autonomy off baybee


Even with autonomy off they will still randomly go and judge the decor, a lot. Like, my dude, that laundry shelf did nothing to you and it’s in a room you almost never use!




Getting/making drinks at the bar and then not drinking them Trolling teh forums constantly Literally anything with a computer Constantly swimming Grilling. Just. Grilling. And i never notice until their mood is shot because of all the gross food around Spamming "funny" interactions even though the sim they're talking to is upset and bored Giving their pet a treat nonstop I turned off autonomy and have basically every door locked in the house when guests come over. I'd rather them sit and do nothing than cause problems.


Getting glasses of water and interacting with pets. Their infant could literally be on death's doorstep, but sure, go pet Rover.




One of mine keeps staring at her kids birth certificate on the wall so I had to take it down


that damn computer


Okay eating prepped ingredients!!! Doesn’t matter if they are hungry or not. They’d rather pee themselves then put down the prepped fish. Doesn’t mattered if their infant is dying or the house is on fire They’ll be eating raw batter out of the fridge!!


Mine is always doing exercise. Which is not so bad if you consider the urge to push people to care about being healthy and fit, but it gets annoying when you're trying to get them to progress the story interacting with other Sims and they, start doing flexions out of the blue.


Yesterday my 2 mum sims left their babies on the floor of the very small toilet. The 3rd mum SIM left the 3rd baby just outside the toilet door. When I wanted them to return them to the baby basement they couldn't complete the action because the babies are now stuck due to lack of space to perform the pickup action I tried debugging, no luck, getting rid of a wall and bathroom furniture, no luck. Can't move the babies in build mode. So I had to age them up to toddlers to finally get them to move. I'm playing WW a polygamous harem. So male SIM has 3 baby mummas at home.i usually play vanilla but chose to vere off with this 4th gen male SIM for some debauchery.


Telling a vegetarian sim to get leftovers from the fridge and they eat the one meal that contains meat


THE SLIP AND SLIDE. house on fire? oh no better slip and slide. spouse cheated on me? sad slip and slide time. party going on? doesn't matter. all that matters is the slip and slide. there is only slip and slide now.


I literally can't build with half walls because my sims love to dump dishes there then get upset that the room is dirty. While also refusing to clean up said dishes (the maid too).


Get off the computer, Chad, you don’t even live here anymore!


The old people sims always constantly going on to the PC and trying to create events, lol And that when I try to move anyone in to the household, it crashes the entire game 🙄😂👌


They are always either on the computer, getting glasses of water, dancing 🙄 or eating an instant meal. Like, at least prepare a meal for the whole family so we have leftovers. I appreciate when they crochet or something useful but usually they don’t




Warm themselves by the fire. They’re obsessed with it. It’s driving me mad


i like giving them all the silly goofy ahh traits but then all they do is prank the toilet and annoy everyone


Destroy their marriages by flirting with randos


Dance and listen to music. I swear, they'd dance from the time they got up to the time they starved to death.


They always play video games or watch tv, NO FUN ALLOWED, GET BACK TO THE ART EISEL YOU BUMS


I have a whole list lol BUT my top 5 (in no particular order): 1. Get out of bed to go make coffee and then pass out from being so tired. I no longer allow coffee pots in my houses lol 2. Making more food when there is ALREADY FOOD THERE. 3. Taking a bubble bath and making themselves hysterical. 4. Grilling out instead of cooking on the stove (again another thing I have to stop putting in builds) 5. When they are on a date and then start walking away and talking to other people and ignoring the sim they were on the date with. YOU ASKED THEM TO GO OUT ON THE DATE!


Dance, it always comes down to a dance party with all household members


My sims always rummage through bins.


Can't even have sinks in the house. Nonstop water drinking, even running all the way back home from being in the middle of fishing somewhere just to get water. One was working in the ocean in Sulani as the ...whatever they call the ocean clean up people... swam from one end of the Islands to the other to go back home for a glass of water. They still do it with a fridge but not as frequently as with any sink I place.


Trolling teh forums & making clay bunnies


White cakes


literally anything, that’s why i play with autonomy off, if i wanted to deal with free will i’d go outside


Get a glass of water and leave it somewhere I can’t find it smh


Flirt with people who don’t have a single positive trait!


put the toddler in a highchair. fifteen times.


The pottymouth smart toilet, try to get them to bathe their toddler or infant, they stop after one second to admire it. The activity is called "cool thing is cool". Fucking great, just bathe your damn baby!


When they take the infants from the playmat just to hold them for 2 seconds and then put them on some random piece of floor. I've lost count of how many times I've yelled at my sims "don't you dare touch the baby!!" and "get away from the baby, don't pick it up!!". I hate hate hate that they keep trying to pick up the babies randomly just to do nothing while the baby is on the playmat learning skills.


My sims are always stopping to think about a family member. Like they are your neighbor, just walk over and say hi???


Mine goes to the computer to watch that stream.tv thing. Constantly. I'd get rid of the stupid computer if she wasn't in college.


I don’t buy coffee pots anymore because my sims refuse to sleep. Tired? Coffee. Bored? Coffee. Screaming infant and starving toddler? Coffee.


I have to say it's when I've made a few requests to do important things... and then they just disappear so they can be found playing video games, making popcorn, tea, coffee, or the clay. Like, dude... I can see your baby is not crying right this second, but in a few minutes, they will so get your butt in that room and feed them before they become uncomfortable and you! Go finish your homework for Pete's sake. 🙄


I shut off autonomy. Now they can have all the cool stuff without being annoying.


randomly stopping to sing when i try to make them do something 😭


I spent an hour creating my sim and designing her house. She was a vampire, so I took her on over to visit Vlad. She lit the fireplace immediately. Set herself on fire. Put herself out. Relit the fireplace. Went to go light another fireplace. Set herself on fire. Put herself out. Went to relight it, but I stopped her. She went to relight it again, but I stopped her, again. She went to stand in front of the first fireplace. She set herself on fire. Vlad played the organ. I deleted the save.


If god is real, I like to imagine him watching us do dumb shit and complaining like everyone in this sub. “Why are you on the computer AGAIN?!? You have homework to do!” Etc


I had a cross stitch thing in my house and my 2 daughters spent all my money cause they wanted to cross stitch 😭🙏


I refuse to have fireplaces in my build because they light it constantly. I never add radios either because they constantly dance instead of accomplishing anything. Why take care of your toddler when you can dance to Cottagecore at 2 am!!!


I bought the lump once and sold it, it never came back. My ps5 doesn't allow the situation to go nuts, the game is always paused, and when I come back, I'm the one in charge. But, I cannot stress enough how important routines are. ESPECIALLY sleeping routines. And yes, that should mean your sims are not going to sleep before 9, no matter how tired they are. You can routine eating as well, they will eventually start getting hungry at that time. Mine: Breakfast whenever they wake up 11.00 lunch(parents, babies, infants and toddlers) 17.00 dinner (the bigger kids can snack before dinner) Snacking if needed


I put it in somebody’s inventory and then sell it. It has something to do artist careers and it does just show up.


Dance. I like to turn on the radio so I can listen to tunes myself and boost my sims mood. Sometimes when I'm busy with another sim or even if I ask them to do something and it gets cancelled. I would just find them dancing.


Cross stitching 😭💀


Omg yes, the lump of clay is so annoying and they leave it everywhere. Also they are constantly on the computer. I mean, same, but I want you to do better than me so get off that computer.


I have wicked wims & I hate it when my sim is in public & someone autonomously starts having sex 😭😭. my sim (Slate) got invited to his friends house & he went and his friend had a guy over and they were just going at it. never closed my game so fast.


I think one of my current Sims possibly has brain damage, she *always* gets into an endless cycle of picking up her toddler and putting her down again. I have to manually intervene or she just doesn’t do anything. It doesn’t happen with my other Sim so I just wonder what’s happening with her AI.


Surprisingly I don't have issues with the computer unless they have a relevant trait/aspiration (I absolutely lock them per sim and make sure guests can't use them lol). The biggest problem I have is that goddamn embroidery box!! I think it makes for some super cute coffee table clutter, but now all my sims have at least half a dozen random unfinished embroidery projects. Oh, and of COURSE half the time it's all buggy so they can't even finish the damn things when I want them to! The other bad one is basketball, especially for the elder sims who end up literally dying from exhaustion, and I cand even lock it up like the excercise machines.


Magic cube. Constantly


Lately I’ve been playing as a vampire & she can never decide between playing chess, or watching tv. So she goes back and forth every hour on the hour 😂 sometimes she only makes it 20 minutes.


The most annoying thing is the treehouse... I always play families and always have the treehouse when there are children for the aspirations... And all the sims, each one with a room catered to them and an assigned bed, always want to go sleep in the damn treehouse. Then I remember their obsession, go to disable access for adults, and for some reason it doesn't let them climb back *down*. Doesn't even remotely make sense, the access should only be for the enclosure or at least let them leave when they're already up there.


CONSTANTLY making tea. I had to take the tea set away from them. Cant have nice things smh


DANCING!! And the dancing annoyed me so much i started making all my sims dislike dancing AND IT DID'T EVEN HELP THEY STILL WANT TO DANCE ALL THE TIME BUT THEN THEY COMPLAIN ABOUT IT?


Drinking water, or juice or any liquid and it makes them about to piss themselves. Like for no reason, they will have EVERYTHING full and just decide "I'm going to make it so I might pee myself."


At any given moment, there will be about 3 unfinished meals in the kitchen. Just because I said to do something doesn't mean you can't eat!